A THORNBURY dad who is being treated for cancer is urging people not to delay checking out potential symptoms.
Stephen Hales is currently undergoing immunotherapy for stage 4 cancer, which was first found in his throat but has now spread.
The 46-year-old engineering manager, who had to give up his role as an on-call firefighter at the town's station, says anyone who has any “niggles” should get them checked out straight away.
Hundreds of people have
Please contact Rowena Moncrieffe for further
donated to an online fundraiser to help pay for home adaptations for Stephen, who is well known as a cub scout leader, TA reservist, volunteer fundraiser and former chairman of the town's Round Table.
Turn to page 3
Green and gold
A PRIMARY school has won an award for connecting children with the natural world.
Bank leaving town
THORNBURY'S last 'big four' high street bank is closing - but will be replaced by a new 'hub' for customers of multiple companies.
Museum must move
THORNBURY Museum needs to find a new home after "serious concerns" were raised about the condition of its current building.
PAGE 11 Council
A TYPICAL council tax bill in Thornbury will rise by just over £116 in April.
Stephen Hales with wife Helen, son Jacob and daughter Keelin
Our April edition deadline is March 19.
Thornbury to lose last bank, but gain hub
THORNBURY is set to lose its last bank, after Lloyds became the final 'big four' high street operator to announce it is quitting the town.
The company will leave its branch in the town's High Street on February 26 next year.
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A member of the
It is advising customers to use the town's post office, cash machines, online banking or its Yate branch after the closure.
However Lloyds' decision to leave means that Thornbury is in line to have a 'banking hub', a new a counter service operated by the Post Office which will give people access to services whoever they bank with.
Announcing the closure, a Lloyds spokesperson said: "As many customers now choose to bank through their app or online, visits to our Thornbury branch have fallen over recent years.
"Customers can use the local Post Office for everyday banking which is a short walk away, and access cash at the nearby free-to-use ATMs.
"Customers can also manage their money on our app, online, by calling us, or at the new Banking Hub once it is up and running."
The company says 84% of its personal customers already use other ways of banking, such as mobile, internet or phone banking, as well as other branches.
It says there are three free-to-use cash machines "within a mile" of the branch.
The decision to close the branch - following the loss of HSBC, TSB, Nat West and Barclays over the past six years - triggered an independent industry assessment by cash machine network operator LINK.
As a result a new Banking Hub has been recommended for Thornbury by LINK and Cash Access UK, a non-profit company funded by major high street banks, is now looking for a site for the hub with a view to opening next January, before Lloyds shuts.
The hub will have a traditional banking counter, run by the Post Office, where customers of main UK banks can deposit and withdraw cash, pay in cheques and check balances.
Open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, the hubs also have visits from "community bankers" from major banks, who take turns to visit and represent companies including Barclays, Halifax, HSBC, Lloyds, NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander, TSB and Virgin Money.
Thornbury Chamber of Commerce chair Alan Cole said the arrival of the hub was "great news".
He said: "We want to encourage people to keep coming to the town, and it gives us some reassurance that traditional banking services can be retained.
"We want to reassure people that Thornbury is still going to be a place they can come and shop, eat, take part in leisure activities and have access to cash and traditional banking services.
"There will also be access to business banking, which is important for businesses that deal with cash sales and need business services.
"It's a good thing that there's legislation that a bank can't leave town until one is set up and there shouldn't be any hiatus in banking services in the town."
MP Claire Young is running a petition against the closure of the bank.
MP writes: Page 14
Man dies on motorway
POLICE have referred themselves to the Independent Office of Police Conduct after a man who had previous contact with officers died on the M4.
The man, in his 40s, "fell from a height" onto the motorway at around 6.40pm on February 22 between the Almondsbury and Awkley junctions.
Police say the death is not being treated as suspicious and his next of kin are being offered support.
Community rallies as dad fights cancer
From page 1
Stephen said he thought he just had “a bit of a sore throat” when he first experienced symptoms over Christmas 2021.
A dentist at the town's Bank Cottage practice told him there was something wrong when he went for a routine check-up the following month.
Stephen said: "He did a thorough check-up on me and he advised me to go to the doctor.
“I left it too long. The back of my throat had been eaten away –something was not very right.”
Stephen was sent for scans and underwent a six-week proton beam therapy trail - a targeted form of radiotherapyin Manchester.
He has also undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy, brain surgery and immunotherapy.
Last December, Stephen was signed off from work to undergo a craniotomy - surgery involving removing part of his skull - to have two lesions removed from his head.
He then caught pneumonia, and said: "It wasn’t the best Christmas – everything goes on hold”.
Stephen is currently working from home in between treatments, but after five years at Thornbury fire station is no longer able to serve as a firefighter.
He said: "I stopped because of my cancer – I couldn’t see how I could be fit enough to be a firefighter. Every aspect of your life changes when you get cancer."
However, Stephen remains positive and has been supported by his wife Helen, 23-year-old daughter Keelin, who works in Bristol, and son Jacob, 21, who will return to Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge later this year to complete a course in ecology and conservation, having taken a year out to assist with his dad’s care.
Stephen said: “My family are really positive – we are living with it and coping with it, carrying on as best we can and cracking on with it.
"I am not sat around crying all day. We’ve been able to cope with what’s been thrown at us and got a lot of support from friends and family."
Stephen has also had support from St Peter’s Hospice, who are in regular contact, and the Fire Fighters Charity.
He said: "We know that there is support as and when we need it."
Stephen has been supported by members of the Round Table.
They include brother-in-law Mark Jones, who has set up an online donation page to raise funds to convert the family bathroom to make it more accessible for Stephen, and buy
Man is charged after armed burglary
POLICE have charged one man and arrested two others as they investigate three aggravated burglaries, including one in Thornbury.
Officers said the "targeted" attacks, in which one person was seriously injured, took place on January 22 and 23.
An aggravated burglary is one where offenders are armed and use or threaten violence.
Police said the victim of one attack, in Bradley Stoke, suffered a serious facial injury and spent several days in hospital.
The victims of the Thornbury raid and another in Stapleton, Bristol, were not seriously injured but were left "shaken".
Two men, aged 28 and 32, were arrested two days after the attacks, on suspicion of wounding with intent and aggravated burglary. One was bailed and the other released without charge.
Another man, 23-year-old Taylor Williams, of Conygre Road, Filton, was charged with aggravated burglary, causing actual bodily harm and threatening another person with an offensive weapon in relation to the incident in Thornbury.
He is due to appear at Bristol Crown Court in March.
him an orthopaedic chair. The donation page had raised more than £7,600 as the Voice went to print, with donations from more than 140 people.
Stephen said his current bathroom is difficult to access as his mobility "is not as it used to be", having recently had a hip operation because the cancer weakened his bone.
He said: "We are future proofing things for the inevitable – I’m only going to get weaker and less able – so we're thinking ahead, to make it as comfortable as can be."
Donations can be made online at bit.ly/3QxkboQ.
Writing on the Gofundme page, Mark said: "Stephen has always been someone who gives back - whether through his service as an on-call firefighter, TA reservist, or cub scout leader, or his countless hours volunteering for fundraisers.
"He has dedicated so much of his life to helping others, and now, we have an opportunity
to show him the same care and generosity.
"Stephen has always given so much of himself to others. Now, we have the chance to show him how much he is appreciated and supported by the people whose lives he has touched."
Stephen Hales appeared in a campaign to encourage others to sign up as an on-call firefighter in 2019. Picture: Avon Fire & Rescue Service.
A TYPICAL council tax bill in Thornbury will rise by just over £116 in April.
When increases in the charges levied by South Gloucestershire Council, the town council, the police and fire services are added up, a Band D householder living within the area covered by Thornbury Town Council is set to pay an extra £116.44 or 4.93% this year, with their total bill rising from £2,360.10 to £2,476.54.
Charges vary according to property values, with this year's overall charge in Thornbury ranging from £1,651.03 for Band A householders to £4,953.08 for people with homes in Band H.
South Gloucestershire Council agreed a 4.99% increase – the maximum allowed without calling a referendum – at its tax-setting meeting in February, to take its charge to residents with homes in the average Band D tax bracket up by £90.54, from £1,814.37 to £1,904.91.
The council also makes a separate 'special expenses' charge, which varies between areas, for neighbourhood services such as parks that it maintains.
The rest of the increase in overall bills comes from other public bodies.
Avon & Somerset police and crime commissioner Clare Moody is raising charges for a Band D tax payer by £14 (5.01%), from £279.20 to £293.20.
Avon Fire Authority is raising its annual charge by £5 or 5.85%, from £85.43 to £90.43 in Band D.
However the final amount paid by people living in different areas varies according to the services provided by their parish councils.
Town and parish councils are not subject to government restrictions on how much they can raise precept charges without calling a referendum.
Council tax bills rise by £116
In the Thornbury area most are raising their charges by a smaller percentage than South Gloucestershire's 4.99% this year - in contrast to last April - with some even reducing them.
Thornbury has the highest charges for both precept and special expenses, with the result that the overall council tax bill in the town is higher than in surrounding parishes, as it includes £165.69 in parish precept charges and £22.31 in special expenses.
The town council's precept budget has risen by 3.88%, from £931,436 to £967,612.
Its charge to Band D home owners is up by £5.21 or 3.24%, while special expenses paid to South Gloucestershire are up by £1.69 or 8.2%.
The lowest Band D charge in the area is for Hill - the £2,297.97 total bill (up 5%) includes a precept of just £9.43, unchanged from last year, to fund the parish meeting. Residents pay no special expenses.
In Alveston the Band D precept charge has risen by £2.88 (4.72%) and special expenses by 40p. The overall bill for residents is up by £112.82 or 5.02%, to £2,358.66.
In Olveston the Band D precept charge is up by £4.33 (5.01%) but special expenses have been cut from £6.48 to £2.78 (down by 57.1%). The overall Band D rise is £110.17 or 4.85%.
In Almondsbury the precept budget is unchanged on last year and an increase in households in the parish means the Band D charge has reduced by 12.1%, from £115.88 to £101.83, with special
Band D council tax bills 2025/26
expenses down by 53.4% from £3.63 to £1.69. The total bill for Band D taxpayers is up £93.55 or 4.07%.
In Tytherington the precept has risen by just 76p (0.74%) and special expenses are up by 83p. The total Band D bill is up by
Firefighter cuts
£111.13 or 4.85%.
Overall bills are up by 4.88% in Falfield and 4.9% in Rockhampton - where both parish councils have also reduced their precept charges - by 4.97% in Aust, and 4.98% in Oldbury-onSevern.
UNION members have criticised Avon Fire & Rescue Service chiefs for deciding to axe four full-time firefighter roles and change some others’ duties to help balance the books.
The job losses will not involve redundancies but nonreplacement of frontline staff leaving the service, an Avon Fire Authority meeting was told in February.
Councillors approved a £5 precept increase for Band D properties, the maximum allowed.
They were told £500,000 of savings were being made this year but £1.3 million will be needed next year, and there would be a £5.5m deficit in four years.
Fire Brigades Union Avon branch secretary Amanda Mills told councillors the loss of firefighter positions was "unacceptable".
The union successfully campaigned against proposals to cut the size of fire crews from five to four people per appliance last year, which would have seen 40 firefighters lose their jobs.
SOUTH Gloucestershire Council's leader has warned more cuts are likely in the future as the authority struggles to keep up with rising costs.
Councillors passed a 4.99% rise in the authority's share of the council tax at a meeting in February.
One Liberal Democrat member described the budget as "terrible" and said it offered the majority of residents "very little from their council tax".
The plans include charges for drivers in council-owned car parks, which were first agreed last year but have not yet been implemented, raising garden waste collection fees from £60 to £70, and less money for maintaining public toilets and playing fields.
They also include new support for young people who need help getting their lives back on track; for older people who want to live independently; and for South Gloucestershire's Armed Forces veterans' community.
But council leaders said that while demand is rising for social care, government funding hasn’t kept pace, which means both budget cuts and increased bills will be inevitable in future.
Council leader Maggie Tyrrell (Lib Dem, Thornbury) said: "People recognise we simply, sadly, cannot afford to keep doing everything we always have done in the same way, because our spending power has not kept up with rising costs.
"It is increasingly difficult to find the right balance in these very challenging financial times.
“We are pleased to have been able to present a budget that will balance the books over the next two years by making some
Cuts mean a 'terrible' budget for residents
prudent, if sometimes difficult, choices. However, further ahead, there are clear shortfalls in our projected funding.”
Co-leader Ian Boulton (Lab, Staple Hill & Mangotsfield) said: "We’ve managed to balance the budget for the next two years whilst also making investments such as support for survivors of domestic abuse, and recruiting an occupational therapist to help people live independently in their own homes.
"We know too well the financial black hole the last government left and the difficult financial situation the country finds itself in. This budget proves that you can be both fiscally responsible and still provide a high level of services for residents."
Members of the public raised concerns about the new parking charges, particularly due to the “devastating” impact on shops in Thornbury and a community centre in Patchway, which
Council leader Maggie Tyrrell
councillors were told could be forced to shut as users and volunteers would struggle to pay them.
The Tories called for more money to be spent on fixing potholes, installing acoustic cameras to catch excessively noisy drivers, and supporting a community farm in Kingswood which is under threat. They also would spend less money on council staff communicating with the public.
Group leader Sam Bromiley (Con, Parkwall and Warmley) said: "We tabled a potholebusting budget amendment that would have seen almost £2 million of new money directed towards getting our roads back into shape. It is deeply regrettable that the joint Lib Dem-Labour coalition failed to support us, refusing to take action to fix potholes and invest in our roads."
A debate on which political party was to blame for the
council's dire financial straits went on for an hour and a half, with petty insults and repetitive arguments.
Lib Dem backbench councillor Mike Drew (Yate North) said: "I think this is a terrible budget to be honest, because we have to make cuts as we’ve inherited a bad financial situation from [the former Conservative] government and we’re not getting much better from the Labour government. But we have to do what we can with the money we’ve got.
“Until we get proper reform of local government finance, we will be struggling on.
"We now have a system where the majority of council spending is spent on a small proportion of the people in our council area, the same as all the other councils. The majority of people get very little from their council tax.”
At an earlier cabinet meeting Cllr Tyrrell warned that the authority faces having to make about £12 million more savings by 2028/29 to break even, on top of £40.3m from previous budgets and £1.1m this year.
Cllr Tyrrell said the "vast majority" of spending was on adult care and children’s services, including "everincreasing demand" for education and healthcare plans for children with special needs.
By Alex Seabrook, Local Democracy Reporting Service
Police special sacked for 'shameful' conduct
A POLICE special sergeant who offered to have abusive sex with a vulnerable woman while in police uniform committed gross misconduct, a tribunal panel has ruled.
Neil Young sent the woman, who cannot be named, photos of himself at the Thornbury beat office in police uniform and also sent her a photo of a road accident he was attending while on duty.
An Avon & Somerset police misconduct hearing was told Young, a volunteer member of the Special Constabulary, told the woman in a series of WhatsApp messages that he would “cuff, choke and abuse her”.
Barrister Mark Ley-Morgan, representing the force, said the pair met online and exchanged texts between December 2022 and January 2023.
Mr Ley-Morgan said: "He identified himself as a police officer and indicated that he
was willing to meet her while on duty and have sex while wearing police uniform.
"He told Miss A he would cuff, choke and abuse her, fake arrest her and drag her into the bushes.
"He made frequent references to engaging in consensual rape.
"He told her he would enjoy sex while she was crying and that he would have sex with her and another police officer."
Mr Ley-Morgan said Young called the woman derogatory names.
In a police interview, the woman said she had mental health issues that caused her to engage in “extremely risky” sexual behaviour with strangers.
Mr Ley-Morgan said Young denied knowing about her issues, and the constabulary did not allege that he did.
He said the officer sent her three photos of himself in police uniform taken at Thornbury
beat office but insisted he had no intention of actually meeting Miss A and was just playing along with her fantasies.
Mr Ley-Morgan told the hearing on February 19: “He denied having a dim view of women.
“Any reasonable person reading those messages would believe he got sexual pleasure from that sort of behaviour and that he was a misogynist with a very worrying attitude to women.
“It is appalling behaviour that any right-minded person would find disgraceful.”
Young was suspended from duty and resigned in March 2023.
Panel chair and former Assistant Chief Constable Craig Holden ruled that Young would have been sacked had he still been serving.
In an impact statement, the woman said: “I found coming forward to report his behaviour
very, very hard. I did not trust that the police would listen to me.
“He abused his position of trust.”
The hearing was told there were no members of the public in the photo of the overturned car Young sent the woman.
He did not attend the hearing and was not represented.
Afterwards, Assistant Chief Constable Joanne Hall said: "This former Special Constabulary officer’s actions were horrific and shameful and he clearly expressed degrading and offensive views.
“He has severely let down his colleagues and the public, and as a result will no longer be able to work or volunteer in policing or other law enforcement agencies again."
By Adam Postans, Local Democracy Reporting Service
Post offices shut
VILLAGERS in Tytherington and Cromhall are losing their post offices.
Both the post office counter service in Tytherington Village Shop and the post office in Cromhall will close from February 28.
Regular customer James Garrett, who lives nearby in Bagstone, told the Voice he was “quite shocked” to learn of the closure of Post Office services when he was asked to sign a petition at the Tytherington shop.
Tytherington was a standard full-service or "core branch" for 12 years but is currently an outreach branch of Cromhall, where the postmaster has resigned.
Tytherington Village Shop Association chair Daphne Such said: "This means we have to get our supplies from Cromhall (or another core branch) and we do not have our mail collected.
"Postmaster Philip Coward has to take it himself to Cromhall at present.”
Mr Coward told the Voice he had asked the Post Office if the Tytherington counter could stay open by becoming a core post office but that this was rejected, and he has received no response to any alternatives suggested.
Mr Garrett said there is now “a lot of worry" about the future of the Tytherington shop.
He said: "Tytherington is too close to Thornbury to be able to get a rural payment for areas without a Post Office to support a service, which Cromhall did, so Tytherington can’t exist on its own due to a technicality.”
He said that the knock-on reduction in footfall at Tytherington threatens the overall future of the shop, adding: “This will have a huge impact on rural services.”
A Post Office spokesperson said: “We apologise for any inconvenience that these closures may cause.
"We have reviewed services in the area.
"We are not looking to replace Cromhall Post Office at this time. There are alternative offices at Charfield and Falfield.
"We are exploring how we can maintain an outreach service in Tytherington. In the interim, alternative branches include Thornbury and Alveston.”
Mrs Such said the alternative branches were less easy to use for elderly or disabled customers, adding: "Customers in wheelchairs or using mobility scooters are able to access the postal services, plus we have a free car park outside the shop."
Tytherington parish councillor Sally Gordon has set up a petition on the Change.org website to prevent the closure, which had been signed by more than 980 people as the Voice went to print.
It can be found at bit.ly/4k0Gscc.
The petition says: "Tytherington Post Office is more than just a provider of postal services; it is the lifeblood of our community and a crucial part for our village shop."
The campaign has the backing of Thornbury & Yate MP Claire Young, who said the closures are a "devastating blow" to residents.
She said: "For many people without a car, the closure of these facilities will have a huge impact due to a lack of public transport."
The Post Office counter at Tytherington
Last chance for a say on planning blueprint
PROTESTERS voiced their anger at the proposed “decimation of the Green Belt” as councillors approved a 15-year blueprint for the future of South Gloucestershire.
The Local Plan, which allocates land for 22,500 homes and thousands of jobs between 2026 and 2041, is going out to a final round of public consultation before being sent to a government planning inspector for a public examination next year.
The council's Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors voted in favour at council meeting on February 12.
The joint administration insisted that although some
decisions had been painful, it would provide new homes in places that could be supported by infrastructure such as schools, GP surgeries, employment, roads and public transport.
They said that if the plan was not published by March 12, new government housing targets would apply, and mean having to add an extra 5,000 homes.
Campaign group Save Our Green Spaces South Gloucestershire (SOGS-SG) criticised the authority for allocating huge swathes of the greenbelt for development, and opposition Conservatives voted against it and demanded changes.
Public speakers at the packed meeting also spoke out.
Siston Parish Council chair Andrew Stacey told councillors residents are "extremely angry" at the plans to "decimate a major part of the Green Belt within the parish".
Tory group leader Sam Bromiley said the administration had not listened to residents’ worries.
He said: “The anger is clear. We’ve heard the very real stories
of how this plan will affect people whose lives will be ruined."
Roger Hall, of Thornbury Residents Against Poorly Planned Development (TRAPP’D) said he largely welcomed the document but added: “Disappointed landowners and their developers are lawyering up, as I speak, to attack this plan, if and when it gets to examination stage.”
Lib Dem cabinet member for planning, regeneration and infrastructure Chris Willmore said: “Without a Local Plan we have been at the whim of developers putting in speculative planning applications and getting consent on appeal.
“That has to stop. The only way to do that is to get a plan in
place, otherwise we might as well go home and let the market rip."
She said proposals would reduce "unsustainable" commuting, include wind turbines delivering energy, make new homes cheaper to heat and more planet-friendly, and provide new affordable homes for rent in rural communities.
After the meeting TRAPP’D urged residents to get involved in the final stage of the consultation process, "because the alternative of not having a Plan would be so much worse in terms of attack from speculative development".
They said: "All in all, this result is the least bad scenario we could have hoped for."
By Adam Postans, Local Democracy Reporting Service
OPEN DAY - Friday 9 May
Protesters from SOGS-SG outside the council offices in Kingswood.
Plan sets out sites for thousands of homes
DETAILS of the places where new housing developments could be built across South Gloucestershire over the next 15 years are set out in detail in the final draft of the council's Local Plan.
The council has proposed 90 sites for about 12,000 homes that do not already have planning permission, making up more than half of its 22,573 target for new housing from 2026-2041.
The plan includes proposals to allow more than 200 new homes to be built in Thornbury, along with 250 in Alveston. Further afield, more than 2,000 homes would be built on Woodlands Golf Course near Almondsbury, just under 500 around Almondsbury and Hortham, and 775 at Charfield.
The old school building
THE biggest site proposed for development in Thornbury is the former Castle School Sixth form site in Gloucester Road, once home to Thornbury Grammar School, where 100 homes are earmarked.
Housing was suggested as the likely use for the site when the sixth form relocated to a new building on the main Castle School site, with developer Aequus engaged to convert the existing buildings and build new houses on the rest of the site.
The second biggest site is land behind the former Thornbury Hospital in Prowse Close, where 75 homes could be built. South Gloucestershire Council said it wanted to build assisted living homes there in 2022.
A third site west of Bristol Road, between Daggs allotments and the town's leisure centre, is earmarked for 40 homes.
A site west of Park Farm, off Oldbury Lane, is earmarked for 15 homes.
FOUR sites in Alveston are included in the plan: 130 homes would be built on land between Vattingstone Lane and Strode Common, with another 60 off Alveston Hill, north of Down road near the village cemetery.
Another 40 homes would be allowed on land next to Gloucester Road south of St Helen's Church, with another 2o on a site north of Berkeley Vale Motors, also alongside the A38.
New Woodlands
A TOTAL of 2,400 homes would be built on land east of the Almondsbury M4/M5 interchange, over the motorway from Bradley Stoke.
The new village will be across four sites, including Woodlands Golf Course, which will have 1,900 new homes, at least 250 of which will be “age-friendly” for older people. Some 30% will be classed as affordable, for social rent or non-market sales.
There will also be a shop, cafe/restaurant, indoor leisure, community meeting spaces, nursery, doctors’ surgery, primary schools, offices and small affordable workspaces.
The nearby bridge across the M4 will be widened for pedestrians, cyclists and buses, while an outdoor sports complex will be built east of Hortham Brook, next to the West Country Water Park.
About 330 homes will be built at two sites north of the new village and 170 to the south, off Trench Lane.
Almondsbury village extension
The expansion at Almondsbury village
ABOUT 350 new homes are earmarked for land south and east of Florence Park, providing money to expand the primary school and create new public open space.
Forty per cent will be classed as affordable and there will be at least 75 for older people.
There will also be small affordable
workspaces, a convenience store and cafe.
The development area, Cope Park and Florence Park, will be removed from the greenbelt.
Another site in the village, off Tockington Lane, is earmarked for 10 homes.
A further 120 homes would be built at nearby Hortham, with 250 planned further south at Easter Compton.
Charfield village extensions
CHARFIELD will undergo a “significant expansion” of 775 new homes.
They would be built east of New Street to the Little Avon River, and on land around the south west of the village, from Wotton Road to Little Bristol Lane.
The development will follow the opening of a new railway station in 2027 and kickstart a big extension of the primary school, along with new public open space.
One of the two development sites will provide up to 525 properties in two “distinct, well-designed character areas” with at least 75 homes for older people and 35% affordable homes, along with new outdoor sports facilities, a central park, community centre and shops.
The developers will have to fund repairs to the Grade I-listed St James church.
The other site, north of Wotton Road, will have 250 homes, of which 35% will be affordable, an improved green infrastructure corridor alongside the Little Avon River, tree-lined streets, facilities for youngsters, allotments and a pedestrian and cycle connection linking New Street to Wotton Road/Greenway.
The plan says development can take place subject to improvements to junction 14 of the M5 at Falfield.
Other sites
A SITE in Olveston next to Aust Road, near Olveston primary school, has been earmarked for 20 homes.
Another 30 are proposed for Longcross Farm, at Cromhall, with 19 proposed for Berrows Mead, Rangeworthy.
Proposals for 20 homes at Grey Gables on Vicarage Lane, Olveston, have been removed from the plan in favour of the Aust Road site.
Another four sites in Cromhall, where 106 homes were proposed, have been removed, as have four sites in Rangeworthy, where 178 homes had been proposed.
The final draft of the Local Plan is due to open for public comments on February 28.
Full details will be found on the plan website, sgcouncilplan.commonplace.is
Anyone who is not online can call 01454 868009 for help.
Includes reporting by Adam Postans, Local Democracy Reporting Service
The New Woodlands site
A NEW head teacher has taken over a village primary school near Thornbury that was put into special measures after regulator Ofsted said it was 'inadequate'.
Mike Riches took charge in January at Rangeworthy C of E Primary School, where he says there have been "many positive steps" to take the school forward since the regulator's criticisms, in a report published in late 2023.
Mr Riches remains in charge of two other village schools, in Iron Acton and Hawkesbury.
He said: "It is a pleasure to join such a dedicated team at the school; it has been wonderful to get to know the children and families.
"I come to this role with 10 years of experience as a head teacher and 18 years in education overall.
"I have worked as part of the team at local small schools Iron Acton and Hawkesbury, so I am very familiar with the area and with the way small schools operate.
"I also have a good understanding of the importance
New head hails 'positive steps' at village school
the church plays in the life of the school."
Ofsted's critical report said the school had undergone “significant staff turbulence” since a previous inspection rated it as 'good' in 2018.
The inspectors said it was "failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education"
They said leaders at the school, which had 53 pupils aged from five to 11 on its roll at the time, had been "slow to sort out the widespread weaknesses".
Pupil numbers at the school, which has a capacity of 70, had declined to 43 by last summer.
As part of the improvement plan the school became part of the Severn Federation Academy Trust, which runs six other primary schools, in the Forest of
Dean, in September last year.
Mr Riches said: "It has been fantastic to see just how far the school has come over the last year following its inspection – many positive steps have been taken to move the school forward.
"Since joining the Severn Federation Academy Trust, the school’s improvement journey has accelerated further still.
"I am excited to be a part of this journey as the school continues to move forward.
"At Rangeworthy, our vision is to ‘Let our lights shine’. This is something we as a school community are striving to do in all aspects of our work and something that permeates through all our decision making.
"Over the coming weeks and months I look forward to getting
to know the school and its community better and working together to build on the strengths that exist at the school."
Mike Riches
THORNBURY Museum needs to find a new home, after "significant concerns" were raised over the condition of its current building.
The museum is based in a house on the corner of the Armstrong Hall complex in Chapel Street.
Run by a team of 35 unpaid volunteers, it has been collecting and preserving artefacts and documents from the town's history since 1986.
However, concerns about the building have now come to a head, with the museum's trustees told they need to find a new home by the beginning of next year.
Talks are now underway between the museum trust committee, landlord the Armstrong Hall Trust (AHT), Thornbury Town Council and South Gloucestershire Council's heritage officer to keep the museum in the town.
The museum's trustees issued a statement on February 20 saying their current lease, which expires next January, would not be renewed.
The statement, which was
Memory Lane
Museum needs a new home
widely shared online, described this as an "unexpected turn of events", which had caused a shock, and said the museum's "long-term future is in doubt".
The AHT says volunteers have long been aware of the situation, and it has formed a working party to explore the options for the future.
After the publication of the museum statement, talks between the two groups took place, which were described as "constructive".
The museum trustees then issued a further statement, which said: "We are not out of the woods yet but between us we are exploring some viable options that might keep the museum open."
The Voice understands that the museum's current home has no damp course, and is considered not to be 'fit for purpose' as a site storing and exhibiting important historic items from the town.
AHT chair Gil Gilroy said talks had been "highly positive and productive".
He said: "We want to reassure the community that the Armstrong Hall Trust is fully committed to supporting the museum and ensuring that Thornbury remains home to this important cultural asset.
"The lease on the museum’s current building expired in November 2021, and while extensions were granted to allow time for planning, the condition of the building has raised significant concerns.
"Reports have highlighted the need for substantial financial investment to ensure its longterm safety, structural integrity, and compliance with modern regulations.
"Unfortunately, the Armstrong Hall Trust does not have access to the necessary funds for these extensive renovations.
"Our shared goal is to find
the best way forward that both preserves the museum’s invaluable artefacts and ensures a safe and suitable home for them.
"We are encouraged by the spirit of collaboration and remain optimistic that, by working together, we can secure a positive outcome for the museum and the wider community."
“ It’s hard losing someone. The pain doesn’t really ever go away. But the setting here is so lovely and green, calm and peaceful, it helps. We can’t bring them back but when we’re among those trees they feel less far away.
And knowing that we’re helping create a woodland for future generations... that’s solace”
Chris, Bristol
Thornbury Museum in Chapel Street
Landlady up for national award
THE landlady of the Swan pub in Thornbury has made it to the finals of a national award.
Sandra Davies was nominated by MP Claire Young in the community fundraising hero section of this year's Community Pub Heroes Awards.
Both Sandra and Claire will be at the awards ceremony at the House of Commons in March.
When Sandra took over the pub 14 years ago it was in a run down state and as Sandra puts it, with "a bit of a reputation", but is now a thriving business at the heart of the community.
The pub holds fundraising events and regularly hosts community events. Sandra also started the ‘Love Thornbury’ initiative, which hosts events on the high street.
Dating back to the 17th Century, The Swan is an original coach house and the oldest pub in Thornbury.
Sandra said: "I love doing community events because it’s putting back into the community.
"Obviously I earn a living, I’ve
got a home, I’ve got a business from the people in Thornbury, and I just love raising money for charity, just giving a bit back really.
"I can’t take credit for it all, because at the end of the day if it wasn’t for the people of Thornbury, who supported me and helped me get the pub up and running almost 14 years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to have been put forward.
"I just wanted to make it a home for everybody, so that
Davies and Claire Young at The Swan
everybody of all ages could come day or night."
Claire said: "I’m delighted that Sandra has been named as a finalist.
"The pub is a centre for community and fundraising events and it's wonderful that Sandra has been recognised.
"I look forward to seeing her at the awards ceremony at the House of Commons!”
Another venue recognised for its community work is the Almondsbury Creative.
The community hub on Gloucester Road in Almondsbury has won £1,000 as the runner-up in the community hero category at this year’s Great British Pub Awards.
The venue has donated its winnings to the Grand Appeal, supporting Bristol Children's Hospital.
The former social club was revived in 2019 when the community rallied together to prevent its closure.
It now supports more than 300 youth football players, 40 cricket players and a rapidly growing tennis programme, which has expanded from 40 to 250 members.
The connection to youth sports inspired landlord Garth Jackson and his team to donate their £1,000 prize to the Grand Appeal, to support the hospital's involvement in the British Transplant Games, where more than 1,000 people who have had organ, stem cell or bone marrow transplants compete.
The success stories behind new high street businesses
Thanks to South Gloucestershire Council’s Vacant Unit Grant Scheme, Thornbury Dental Wellness Clinic has transformed a previously empty shop on Thornbury High Street into a centre for advanced dentistry and dental wellness.
Offering a range of services from general, cosmetic, and biological dentistry to facial aesthetics and wellness treatments, owners Esme and Laurie explain, “The grant enabled us to invest in cutting edge technology that we use in our treatments daily, including 3D scanning technology and dental lasers.”
“We chose to open in Thornbury because we love the community, understand how important dental services are for the community and were able to find a unique space that worked for our business.”
Councillor Ian Boulton, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills, Employment, and Business, said, “It is fantastic to see new businesses opening on our high streets, in what were previously empty units. Having a range of services and shops available on residents’ doorsteps is hugely important in creating the sort of prosperous, bustling high streets South Gloucestershire needs.”
The Vacant Unit Grant Scheme, funded by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority through the UK Shared Prosperity
Fund, supports landlords in bringing vacant units back into use and helps new businesses move into these spaces.
To learn more about business support opportunities in SouthGloucestershire, visit: www.southglos.gov.uk/investsouthglos
Thornbury Dental Wellness Clinic
n LOCAL MP for Thornbury & Yate
Claire Young MP writes for Thornbury Voice
Tide of closures must be turned back
THE Post Office dates back to the 1600s.
It is an institution that by its very venerability is steeped in our life and experience. For generations, popping to the post office was a regular affair for anything from stamps to pension pick ups and travel money.
It is still a bedrock for many people’s lives. But with the digital age, the Post Office has struggled to stay relevant to modern lives. For many digital natives, visiting it is an alien experience.
However there are still many people who rely on the organisation. For those without their own transport, especially in rural areas, there’s a likelihood they will be unable to access key services. This is because the Post Office has announced a raft of closures, affecting both urban and rural communities.
The Post Office is considering closing all its directly-owned branches, including the main Post Office in Yate. At the same time, they’ve announced the closure of
several smaller post offices and outreach services locally.
Cromhall’s post office is to close, and with it the outreach service in Tytherington. Hard on the heels of this was news of the closure of Doynton's outreach post office, and also of the service provided in Badminton.
Sub-postmasters are supposed to underpin the service, and yet closures such as these are still happening, leaving many without a local post office branch.
It’s not just the Post Office that is in retreat from the high street. Banks have been closing dozens of branches over the last few years.
The latest casualty is Lloyds Bank in Thornbury. The closure is due to take place at the end of February next year, and will leave the town without a local bank branch.
In the last six years, Thornbury has lost branches of HSBC, TSB, Nat West and Barclays. The nearest
Lloyds after the closure will be in Yate, 10 miles away.
If Lloyds does close its Thornbury branch then the aim is to establish a new ‘banking hub’. The hub would, rather ironically, be run by the Post Office and host a number of high street bank outlets.
I am campaigning hard to halt the current slew of bank and post office closures, and I am meeting with those who are behind the plans.
You can have your say about the post office closures on their website, postofficeviews.co.uk.
I am also running petitions opposing the closures of Lloyds Bank in Thornbury and the main post office in Yate.
I would urge the Post Office to halt their plans to cut our local services, focus on supporting existing outreach services, and actually listen to the sub postmasters, who are working hard on the frontline and know how to make their services better.
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Your Executor is the person who is going to handle all your affairs after you pass away.
Typically, your Executor should possess two essential qualities: they know you very well, and they are good at managing paperwork. In addition, they should also be someone who is willing and able to give up some of their time to actually administer your estate and distribute your assets as indicated. Going through probate or the administration of an estate can be complex. Knowing this, it’s best to pick someone who has the capacity to take on such a responsibility and is good in these types of situations.
Many people pick a trustworthy family member or a close friend to be their Executor, but that isn’t the only option. I recommend that you choose someone who will get to know you well, earn your trust and whom is also a professional. A professional Executor can also be an excellent choice for those who are worried about putting the burden on a family member or friend during a time of grief. They are an excellent option whose only stake in the situation is to do their job.
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Jim Emsley
Jim Emsley is a professional will writer and the Founder of Bristol-based ELM Legal Services. Have a question related to wills and estates? Send it to Jim at hello@elm-online.co.uk and mention ‘Voice newspapers’ in the subject line for potential inclusion in a future column.
Claire Young outside Yate's main post office
Gold award for school
A PRIMARY school has won an award for connecting children with the natural world.
Olveston Primary School has been awarded the Woodland Trust Green Tree Gold Award, which celebrates outstanding commitment to outdoor learning, environmental education and sustainability.
Head teacher Lee Dunn said the school has recently invested in outdoor spaces for younger Key Stage 1 pupils and expanded its forest school programmes to enable pupils to "engage deeply with the natural world".
Working with providers Hilltops and Woodland Makery, children can take part in woodland experiences that help them develop skills including teamwork, resilience, and environmental awareness.
Mr Dunn said: "The positive impact of outdoor learning on mental health cannot be overstated.
"Our Forest School programme and outdoor spaces provide children with incredible opportunities to connect with nature, which has a lasting effect on their well-being."
"This achievement is a testament to our dedication to fostering a love for nature while enhancing children’s emotional and physical development, holding firm to our 'Rooted in Love' mission."
Thornbury Town Trust
Your opportunity to make a difference in Thornbury!
Thornbury Town Trust is seeking to appoint a
to join the board.
The Trust owns properties in Thornbury and uses rental and investment income to support those in need in Thornbury with grants and Christmas gifts. We also have four almshouses for local residents. Trustees should either live or work in Thornbury, or have a special knowledge of Thornbury in some other way.
The Trustees meet five times a year on a Friday morning at the Thornbury Town Hall for a meeting lasting up to two hours. At other times, Trustees are required to consider grant applications via email in order to come to an agreement about what help should be offered in each specific case.
The Trust welcomes applications from people of all backgrounds as we seek a diversity of views, knowing that challenge and difference are at the heart of effective governance.
There is no remuneration, but reasonable expenses may be paid. Applicants should email or write to the Trust Clerk for more information or to arrange an informal chat.
Applicants should submit a CV and supporting statement by 21st March 2025. Interviews will take place in the first week of April. The first meeting with the new Trustee will take place at 10am on Friday 25th April.
Email: sallytowntrust@gmail.com
Write: Thornbury Town Trust, c/o Thornbury Town Hall 35 High Street, Thornbury BS35 2AR
Developer launches appeal
A HOUSING developer has launched an appeal against South Gloucestershire Council's decision to refuse permission for up to 75 homes in Tytherington.
Richborough Estates Group, Reginald Pearce, Rachel Shiles and Judith Davis submitted plans for the homes, along with a community orchard and allotments, on land off Duck Street in November 2023.
Agents Alder King said the development, next to another recentlybuilt estate by Cotswold Homes, represents "a sustainable extension to the existing settlement, with a scheme that maintains the traditional architectural style which respects the character of the settlement of Tytherington".
They said the application was submitted "in the context of the Government’s objective to boost significantly the supply of homes".
A total of 46 objections were made to the plans, with no comments being made in favour.
They included a lengthy objection from Tytherington & Itchington Parish Council, which said the village had no scheduled bus service, the development was not within walking distance of either Primary or Secondary schools and a transport plan which said residents could cycle to Yate station to use railway services "lacks any real credibility".
The parish council also said the developers had "made little to no attempt to address our concerns" through the planning process.
Refusing the application in January, South Gloucestershire Council said: "The proposed development would not fall within any of the limited exceptions for residential development in the countryside and would be in a location that is remote from key services and facilities. This would lead to a reliance on the private car."
It also said the plans would have an adverse impact on the village conservation area and nearby Grade II-listed Mill House, and had not made "adequate provision" for necessary infrastructure including affordable housing, travel plan measures and education contributions.
The applicants lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate in February, asking for a public inquiry.
Re-Pointing of Ridges, Chimneys & Walls
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Forest school leader Alex Hill with Olveston Primary School pupils and the award
Next steps for health centre
SOUTH Gloucestershire
Council's cabinet has backed a business case for the new Thornbury Health Centre, prepared by the NHS body in charge of funding care in the region.
The council backed the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board's case to fund the agreed building programme, and expects to hear confirmation of the £14.4 million capital funding from the government by the end of March.
In January the council gave detailed planning permission for the health centre building off Eastbury Road.
As the construction delivery partner and future landlord, it appointed contractor Morgan Sindall to design and deliver the new replacement health care building, which would include two new GP practices, last summer.
Dog show is coming back
THORNBURY charity JIGSAW is bringing back its fundraising dog show to the town this year.
Last year's show at the St Mary Centre had more than 70 dog entries in 15 categories, from best dressed to best condition, puppies to veterans, and waggiest tail.
JIGSAW Thornbury has now announced plans to bring the show back, on May 3.
It will take place from 11am-4pm, with tickets for all categories on sale, for £2 per entry, from 10am.
Every dog that enters will receive a rosette, with the top dogs getting special ones for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
There will also be competitions, games and refreshments.
The show will be judged by young members of JIGSAW Thornbury with help from the charity's very own therapy dog, Albus.
Julie Watson, from the charity, said: "It will be a fun and relaxed day with something for everyone to enjoy."
Thornbury Mayor James Murray, who was a guest judge last year, said: "The entire day was brilliantly organised, with a great number of entrants throughout the day.
"I had some wonderful support from the JIGSAW
panel of judges who helped pick out the best dressed dog and judge the 'musical sits' competition!
"JIGSAW Thornbury do some wonderful work in our community, assisting children with additional needs, it is always an honour to be with their volunteers who are so passionate in their work."
A special award for JIGSAW members to enter with their dogs will also be held.
Julie added: "JIGSAW Thornbury have been a pillar of the community supporting local families for 12 years, having grown from one small group to providing 18 different services for the whole family.
"This event will raise vital funds to help meet the growing need for their work, changing the lives of young people with additional needs or disabilities, and their families."
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Armstrong Arts Group
The Bristol Society of Magic, founded in 1921 and one of the UK’s oldest and most revered magic societies, is bringing its wonderful annual stage show to Thornbury.
Starring The Great Baldini, one of the most talented magicians in the West Country and fresh from the central Bristol run with the Knights of Magic, they combine illusion, mentalism, manipulation, escapology and much, much more. Prepare to be amazed!
The show takes place on Saturday April 5 at the Methodist Church Hall in Thornbury High Street, at 7.30pm.
Tickets cost £15, or £5 for under-15s. There will be an interval, with tea and coffee. Jane Parfitt
Octopus Drama Group
READ-throughs for Octopus Drama Group’s next play The Village Hall will be held in Thornbury this month.
A comedy written by Ashley Burgoyne and directed by Sue Smith, The Village Hall is a well-observed and character-driven play, full of humour, with many amusing moments and a good plot. It is written for four males and five females from late teens/20s to 70s and tells the tale of two English villages vying with each other to win the coveted “Village Games” trophy, with all the amusing skulduggery that entails.
Performances will take place at the lovely 15th century Christ the King church hall in Castle Street, Thornbury from June 11 to 14, and rehearsals start on March 12 at the same venue.
Whether you have already caught the bug for acting, or you are someone with
aspirations of treading the boards who has been contemplating joining our am dram group here in Thornbury, now is a good time to take that leap.
You will be very welcome to attend and read through the script.
Both read-throughs take place at Christ the King church, in the church hall on Sunday March 2 and in the parlour on Wednesday March 5, starting at 7.30pm each evening.
Just turn up on either night or call 07824 644133 with any enquiries. Sue Smith
St Mary's Church concerts
THE next Sunday afternoon concert at St Mary's Church Thornbury will take place on March 16 at 4pm.
We shall be entertained by NotaBene, a Bristolbased a cappella group.
They sing a wide variety of musical styles, from medieval partsongs to modern jazz and pop settings.
I am sure this will be a really enjoyable afternoon concert, with something to suit all tastes, and we look forward to seeing you there.
The concert will last about an hour and will be followed by refreshments.
Admission is free and there will be a retiring collection, the proceeds of which go to St. Mary's Music Fund.
Angela Hughes
The Great Baldini
THE Armstrong Arts Group is delighted to present Knights of Magic: A Spectacular Evening of the Magical Arts.
March 1
n THORNBURY CHORAL SOCIETY WORKSHOP, Alveston Methodist Church, singing Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms and Brahms's Song of Destiny. More information and booking forms available from www.thornburychoralsociety.org.uk.
March 3
n ALVESTON GARDENS ASSOCIATION meets at the Jubilee Hall, Alveston, 7.30pm. Talk: Innovation, Automation, How Your Garden and Houseplants are Produced in the 21st Century, by Ian Sadler.
March 4
n CIRCLE DANCING to music from around the world. Thornbury Methodist Church Hall, Castle Court, 6.30-8.30pm. Also on 11th and 18th. New dancers welcome, no experience or partner required. More details from vickislade1@ outlook.com or 07516 999384.
March 7
n THORNBURY PICTURE HOUSE presents Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, with Annette Bening and Jamie Bell, Thornbury Methodist Church Upper Hall. Doors 7pm. Members free, guests £5. For more information visit www.thornburypicturehouse.org.
March 7
n WORLD DAY OF PRAYER at St Mary’s Church, Castle Street, Thornbury, 7.30pm, with prayers from women of the Cook Islands. Service followed by refreshments. All welcome. More information from wwdp.org.uk.
March 11
n EASTWOOD GARDENERS' CLUB meeting at Turnberrie's, Thornbury. Review of Scotland trip with George Hargreaves. Doors open at 7pm, meeting from 7.30pm. Visitors welcome.
March 16
n SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERT, St Mary's Church, Thornbury, 4pm. Bristol a cappella group NotaBene performs a variety of musical styles from medieval to modern jazz and pop. Refreshments. Free admission, with retiring collection for the St Mary's Music Fund.
March 19
n SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE MINES RESEARCH GROUP AGM at the Miners Institute, Badminton Road, Coalpit Heath, 7pm. Talk: The first 25 years and the next 25, by the three group chairmen. Nonmembers welcome - £3 each.
March 20
n ARTS APPRECIATION GROUP meets at the Greenfield Centre, Park Avenue, Winterbourne, 2pm. Illustrated talk by David Cuthbert on English artist Matthew Smith. More details from Sally on 07946
March 22
n THORNBURY SWING BAND plays at Marlwood School Drama Hall, Alveston, 7.30pm. Tickets £15 from AAGThornbury@gmail.com or 01454 850933.
March 25
monthly club night, St Mary’s Church Hall, Eastbury Road, 7.15pm. Portrait masterclass with printmaker, oil painter and art teacher Lee Wright on areas including skin tones and capturing likenesses. Members free, non-members £6 on the door. More details at www.thornburyartclub.co.uk.
March 29
n ST PETER'S HOSPICE SEVERNSIDE SUPPORT GROUP Spring Coffee Morning, Falfield Village Hall, 10am. Home-made cake stall, books, raffle. Entrance £3, includes tea/coffee and cake.
March 29
‘Meet Your Councillor’ sessions in the Town Hall, High Street, 10am12.30pm.
March 29
n JIGSAW Jaunt fundraising walk around Thornbury from the JIGSAW Thornbury office at the St Mary Centre. Starts from 11am, more details from www.jigsawthornbury. org.uk.
n SEVERN VALE FLOWER CLUB meets on the second Monday in the month at 2pm in St Mary's Hall in Eastbury Close, Thornbury, for classes, demonstrations and competitions. For more information contact Sally on ssjjtaylor@hotmail. co.uk or Hazel on 01454 885213.
n CITIZENS ADVICE South Gloucestershire sessions at Thornbury Town Hall Tuesday 10amnoon. No appointment needed.
n JUST SEW IT SEWING CLUB, every Tuesday 6.30-9.30pm at the Chantry Community and Arts Centre Castle Street, Thornbury. Come along and sew with others bring your sewing machine & materials/ pattern. Call Carrie 07753 236095.
n THORNBURY MEMORY CAFE is open on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month (except August) from 10.15-11.45am. Methodist Church Hall, High Street, Thornbury. More information from Sue Rowley on 01454 412941 or Louise Wright on 07800 776998.
Painting Studio Group meets at St Mary’s Church Hall, Eastbury Road,
every Tuesday 1.30-4.30pm. Also Thursday Painting Studio Group at same time and place on Thursdays. Call 01454 414433 or 0777 627 1010 for more details.
n SUNBEAMS TODDLER GROUP, 1.30-3pm every Tuesday in term time, Thornbury Methodist Church Hall (off Castle Court). All families welcome, no need to book, £2 per family includes snack and drink.
Friendly community brass band, rehearsals at Thornbury URC Tuesday evening's 7.30pm-9.30pm. New players very welcome. www.thornburytownband.com. email: info@ thornburytownband.co.uk. Turn up or call Anna for more information on 07960008843
n THORNBURY ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, Coffee and Chat, second Wednesday of the month, The Swan, Thornbury High Street, 1011.30am. All welcome
n THORNBURY GOOD AFTERNOON CHOIR, Thornbury URC, Chapel Street, 1-3pm. For info visit www.goodafternoonchoir.org, email gac@grenvillemusic.co.uk or call 01761 472468.
n HAVEN MEMORY CAFE, Thornbury United Reformed Church, Chapel Street, first and third Fridays of the month from 10.15-11.45am. More details from Stuart Hill on 07913 241437 or Sue Walton 07794 370903.
n THORNBURY PARKRUN, 9am, Mundy Playing Fields. Free. n THORNBURY ROYAL BRITISH LEGION VETERANS Breakfast, second Saturday of the month, 9am at The Swan, Thornbury High Street. All welcome.
n SATURDAY NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT WITH DANCING! Royal British Legion, Ryecroft Road, Frampton Cotterell - 1st Feb – Rocking Gerry; 8th Feb – Raindrops; 15th Feb – Ryan Mills; 22nd Feb – Dresdens Bingo 8pm. Music 8.30. New visitors welcome. £6 entry. Cash only. See Facebook for full details.
n THORNBURY ROYAL BRITISH LEGION branch meeting, last Sunday of the month at the Wheatsheaf pub, Chapel Street, 12.30pm. All welcome.
Loft Boarding & Insulation
Thornbury Rotary Swimarathon
GET Involved! Have fun and do some good!
Bristol-based home improvement company, The Window Hub, is aiming to plant 3,000 trees over the next three years as part of its commitment to being a climate conscious business.
The Thornbury Rotary Swimarathon, a hugely popular annual fundraiser, will take place on Friday and Saturday March 7 to 8 at Thornbury Leisure Centre
The trees will be planted at Boyd Valley Lake, which is located in Bitton. This is in addition to continuing its policy of recycling all old frames so they don’t end up in landfill.
The Friday sessions are now full, so we need teams to enter for the Saturday.
There are three sessions to choose from: 3pm, 4pm and 5pm.
All funds raised go to support numerous local charities, and this year our two main charities are Thornbury Stroke Support Group and Friends of Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre. If you want to swim, but haven’t got a team…just let us know and we’ll mix you in.
applications and grants; being a key stakeholder in the TCLA committee.
Be part of a fantastic team that brings joy to the community every year.
Bristol-based The Window Hub progresses on green goals
To find out more contact Mark at thornburyrotaryclub@gmail.com
Bernard Amos
Thornbury Christmas Lights
Interested - or know someone who might be? Drop us a message on our social media or email thornburychristmaslights@gmail. com.
Emma Higgins
Severn Vale Flower Club
further information, the numbers to call are 01453 811089 or 01454 885144. Jo Whiteman
Thornbury World Day of Prayer
WORD Day of Prayer is now celebrated in over 120 countries, and each year a different country organises the theme and materials for this worldwide wave.
The window installation company was launched during lockdown in 2020 by seasoned industry professional Danny, who wanted to create a business that was “built on quality rather than greed”.
WE'RE on the lookout for a new treasurer to help us keep the magic of Christmas alive in Thornbury. After years of dedicated service, our amazing treasurer is stepping down, and we need someone passionate to take their place.
You only need to find up to six people who will each swim in relay, ie every sixth length.
The target is to swim as many lengths as they can in 50 minutes. The emphasis is on fun!
From humble beginnings, The Window Hub now operates from a head office and showroom in Staple Hill in Bristol with offices, showrooms and installation depots across the South West.
The Panache Steel Band creates a fabulous Caribbean atmosphere, to make the swimming even more enjoyable.
In fact, a new showroom is scheduled to open this month.
If you’re good with numbers, organised, and want to make a real difference in bringing festive cheer to Thornbury, we’d love to hear from you!
Danny launched The Window Hub because he wanted to be much more than just a double glazing company.
“We know that choosing new windows and inviting someone
The job involves: paying in money and making payment of expenses; preparing monthly reports of incoming and outgoing funds; providing figures to support
OUR Spring Open Meeting is on Monday April 7.
Katherine Kear will be our demonstrator, with a presentation entitled 'Doofers'.
Katherine is British Master florist and has won Gold at Chelsea.
She is a national demonstrator speaker, and has helped to write several books on floristry, so this will be an exceptional evening.
into your home can be stressful, so we have introduced as many initiatives as possible to be fair and reasonable in our approach to give our customers the best experience possible,” he said.
The meeting will be held in the Olveston and Tockington Parish Hall. Doors open at 6.30, for 7.30pm.
“Sales begin and end with treating customers properly. And
Tickets are £12 for visitors and £10 for members. For tickets and
South Wales in the final of the industries Prestigious G24 Awards!
you know what? It is so easy to be amazing if you don’t cut corners.” And the Window Hub has the customer reviews to prove it –90% of reviews for The Window Hub on Trustpilot are for five stars, with customers celebrating the company’s professionalism, friendliness, tidiness, and attention to detail.
Why not come along to St Mary’s Church in Thornbury on March 7 and experience what the women of the Cook Islands have to share with us about their hopes, concerns and prayers?
This year’s reflection is on the theme “I made you wonderful” and is set against the rich backdrop of colourful Mãori heritage, with their deep connection to nature across these 15 islands of the beautiful South Pacific.
The hard work of Danny and his company was also recently recognised and commended, with The Window Hub being named the ‘Best in the South West’ at the G24 Awards last year.
In 2025, The Window Hub will grow to cover domestic homes between Cheltenham in Gloucestershire and Lands End in Cornwall.
We look forward to welcoming as many people as possible to the service at 7.30pm, which will be followed by refreshments. All are welcome.
For more information, please visit TheWindowHub.co.uk.
For more information visit wwdp.org.uk. Sue Emm
Join the big splash at Thornbury Rotary Swimarathon
Pilot takes her place in history
A PILOT based in Thornbury who flew aircraft during the Second World War is one of 250 significant women from the Bristol area's history featured in a new book.
Becky Sharpe flew with the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), a civilian organisation that ferried new, damaged or repaired military aircraft between factories, airfields and other places they were needed by the Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm.
Her story is told in Volume Three of ‘The Women Who Built Bristol’, which is published on March 3 ahead of International Women’s Day five days later.
The new book follows two previous volumes, each containing the life stories of 250 different women from Bristol’s past.
Author Jane Duffus said: "When I give talks about my work with ‘The Women Who Built Bristol’ project, I am guaranteed to be asked two questions.
"One is where I find the women about whom I write. The other is if I will ever run out of women to write about. The second question is easier to answer than the first.
"So, where do I find the women I write about? In short: from everywhere.
"I have ended up finding extraordinarily interesting women to research from street signs, building names, plaques on church walls, newspaper archives, or when somebody emails to suggest somebody to me.
"A quicker question to answer is will I ever run out of women to write about. And the short answer is no.
"If you think that the books cover roughly a 1,000 year period, then that’s not even one woman a year. There are still thousands of women out there just waiting to have their stories shared."
All books in ‘The Women Who Built Bristol’ series can be ordered at janeduffus. com.
Becky Sharpe
BORN in Bristol but living in India until 1928, First Officer Roy Mary Sharpe (known to all as Becky) served with the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) from September 1941 to September 1945.
Like Becky, about one in eight ATA pilots were women.
She had been based in Thornbury at the time of the 1939 Register, where she lived in squadron lodgings and her job title was listed as ‘Airwoman’.
Prior to this, motorcycles had been Becky’s passion and she had worked
Author Jane Duffus
as a Secretary and Saleswoman for a motorcycle company in Cheltenham and was described as “an accomplished and daring motorcyclist”.
Before joining the ATA, Becky had a mere 10 hours of flying experience with the Civil Air Guard, but in time she became an accomplished and respected wartime pilot, flying aircraft including Spitfire fighters and Wellington bombers.
After peace was declared, Becky received an MBE in the New Year’s Honours list of 1946 and continued to work in aviation as an aeroplane demonstrator and saleswoman, competing in many flying races.
Town pull clear of trouble
A RUN of four wins out of five during January and early February saw Thornbury Town top the Uhlsport Hellenic Premier Division form table - at the same time pulling well clear of the relegation zone.
The visit of promotion-chasing Fairford Town at the beginning of February saw the Thorns struggle to make any impression, but a Will Fowler strike from a corner saw Thornbury take the lead.
Things got even better when Fowler turned provider minutes later for Town’s second, setting up Sam Moseley to burst forward and fire past the visitors’ keeper and seal a 2-0 win.
Three days later Corsham Town were the visitors in the League Challenge Cup. With the game goalless as the final whistle approached, the visitors thought they had won the game on taking the lead in the 88th minute.
However Thorns struck back
immediately, with Callum Chalmers forcing the ball over the line for the equaliser.
However, it was the visitors who progressed into the next round, winning the penalty shoot-out 5-4.
Town’s winning run in the league was brought to an abrupt end at promotion seeking Highworth. With seven regulars missing through injury, a young side didn’t recover from conceding a goal in the very first minute of the game.
Making the most of the slope, the hosts doubled their lead before half time. An improved Thorns performance in the second half saw Cam Drew and Fraser Moss bring good saves from the home keeper, but the hosts were comfortable 3-0 winners.
Town put that defeat behind them with an excellent away win at Slimbridge, to make it ten League victories for the season.
Will Fowler came close to giving Thorns a first half lead, his shot rattling the crossbar with the keeper beaten. Cam Drew finally put them ahead in the second half, with a fine finish that gave the home keeper no chance. Deep into stoppage time Thornbury made the game safe when youngster Sam Moseley guided his shot past the home keeper.
Town couldn’t maintain that form when an experienced Cirencester Town side visited the Mundys. In front of a crowd of
185, the visitors scored three times without reply.
Thorns created few chances, with Luke Franklin’s free-kick producing a good save and a late Zak Kempster effort going over the bar.
The Reserves have only managed to play one game in the last month, with the visit of league leaders Winterbourne United. The visitors had won 11 of their 12 league fixtures and were comfortable 5-1 winners.
Similarly, the A team have only had one fixture, resulting in their fourth 3-3 draw of the season when they visited Greyfriars Athletic Reserves.
Meanwhile the U18s lost 3-0 at Wessex Wanderers and then suffered a heavy defeat at Portishead Town, after taking a first minute lead.
Despite results not always going the right way, a number of the youngsters have impressed enough to be taken along with the first team for valuable experience.
The Ladies team which was formed this season is still looking for a first win of the season. Their most recent fixtures have seen them suffer defeats away at Ashton Keynes and at home to Southmead CS Reserves.
The Veterans side has had one fixture so far this year, losing 4-2 at home to Yate Town Vets.
Malcolm Carr
2nds win three on the bounce
THORNBURY Hockey Club's 2nd team chalked up three consecutive victories to move them into mid-table.
Sarah Lally and her young side took the plaudits with a 4-1 victory against Wick 3rds, followed the following day with a 1-0 win against Bristol & West Jaspers.
Captain Lally had a great weekend, getting a hat trick against Wick and the decisive goal against Bristol & West.
Lauren Lever was the other scorer against Wick, a game in which Amy Long, Mati Evans and Rowan Bennett were prominent.
Goals from Evie Blackham (2), Erin Richards, Amelia Fitzgerald and a scorcher from Amy Bowman helped the team to a 5-1 victory against North Somerset Gryphons 3rds.
Their latest game was a 10-2 loss, however, against runaway leaders Bristol Bluebirds. Amelia Fitzgerald got both Thornbury goals.
Promising young keeper Amy Stott made her 1st team debut in
Thornbury 1sts
matches against Old Bristolians 4ths and Cirencester 2nds.
She acquitted herself well in both games, making a couple of fine saves.
Old Bristolians included Rachel Millett (nee Down), a former Thornbury junior before
going to university and moving away.
Goals for Thornbury in a 7-0 win were scored by Coz Deas (3), Vicky Ball (2), Sophie Vizard and Alice Atkinson.
A welcome 5-3 victory over Wotton under Edge 2nds saw
goals from Vicky Ball (2), Coz Deas, Esther Jenkinson and Liz Mc Ferron.
The team narrowly lost 4-3 at Lydney 2nds in their last match before the Voice went to print, with the prolific scorer Coz Deas scoring a brace and Vicky Ball scoring the other goal.
Special mention goes to Steph Staton, who donned the keeper's kit in the absence of the injured Hannah Kemp. Erin Richards was player of the match in this game.
Steve Wyres and Jeremy Tett scored for Thornbury men’s 2nds in a 2-2 draw against Yate 3rds.
William Tett was player of the match for the 1sts, who went down 2-0 against Yate 2nds.
Lewis Henderson and Ollie Bywater starred upfront but were unable to break a solid defence.
Nathan Ashfield, Jack Higginson, Charlie Ball and Tom Allison continue to combine effectively for the senior side, with Martin Rees and Martin Hopkins also prominent.
David Parry-Jones
Tough start to year for Thorns
THE start of 2025 has seen ups and downs at Thornbury RFC, not helped by poor weather and injuries.
The first two rugby weekends of the year were scratched by the weather, but the First XV started playing again on the third weekend, losing narrowly to Stow-on-theWold in a match which featured father and son Wayne and Liam Underwood playing in the same side.
The following weekend a weak and almost unrecognisable team travelled to then league leaders Chippenham, and returned with a heavy defeat.
They key game of the winter came the following Saturday, when Thorns travelled to Gloucester to play Old Centralians.
The match was switched to an artificial surface at Oxstalls Sports Arena. Thorns had a poor first half, then managed to take the lead, only to lose to two late scores.
Several players picked up cuts and grazes
which unfortunately became infected, forcing the postponement of the following match with Weston-super-Mare.
The team then picked up a vital maximum-points haul against Swindon, winning 41-5, before losing 38-5 away at Drybrook.
The Second XV had to wait until February to get underway but enjoyed a 64-0 win over North Bristol II, then a magnificent 25-17 win at Coombe Dingle over University of Bristol V, inflicting the students' first defeat of the season.
Thornbury Women played twice in January but their matches in early February didn’t take place due to opposition problems. They lost at home to Dursley but secured a ‘double’ with a fine win at Aretians.
The Colts have been the busiest team, with four matches in six weeks.
A 32-7 win over North Bristol was followed by an impressive 31-5 win over Clifton at Cribbs Causeway.
After narrowly losing at Dursley, they came back at the death to secure a memorable 33-29 win over Minchinhampton.
A busy March for the First XV starts with a very tough game at Trowbridge, followed by a first visit to Witney. Chippenham visit on the 22nd before the re-arranged match with Weston-super-Mare on the 29th.
The Seconds play league leaders Broad Plain II at home on March 1, followed by matches at St Mary’s Old Boys and Bristol
Thornbury Women have two games in early March, away to North Bristol on the 2nd and home to Gordano a week later. They also play Hereford side Greyhound at home on March 23.
The Colts are title contenders and are at home to St Brendan’s Old Boys on March 2, then travel to Hucclecote a week later. Their last scheduled fixture is home to Hucclecote on March 23; a match with Gordon League is still to be scheduled.
Dave Fox
Alfie Richardson breaks through the Stow defence to set up a try for Gez Asante (left). Picture: Dave Fox
Grace Care Centre in Thornbury
Located in the historic town of Thornbury, Grace Care Centre is a vibrant care home and takes pride in challenging preconceptions of the sector.
Whether it’s singing along at a festival, sipping drinks at cocktail evenings, or enjoying trips to local landmarks, we believe everyone should continue to live their best life when they move into a care home.
We’re part of The Orders of St John Care Trust
Grace Care Centre is proud to be part of The Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT), one of the leading not-for-profit care organisations in the UK. As a longstanding charitable organisation, dedicated to the care of others, we take pride in reinvesting back into our residents, team members, and care homes.