Security Solutions

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Investigate Analyze Model Test Design

Security Solutions

Model of a test evaluating the response of a plate to the detonation of a buried improvised explosive device (IED), including the combined airblast and debris fields. Front cover: Computer simulation of a truck striking a bollard line.

Security Solutions

We analyze and develop solutions to engineering problems for the built environment and for military applications, which involve different but complementary security applications. Our work covers physical, operational and technical security, blast protection, underwater shock, ballistic effect on materials and on above- and below-ground structures (hard and deeply buried), lethality, and impact and vibration effects on systems and infrastructure. When considering physical security and weapons effects calculations, we bring best-of-breed analytical approaches, utilizing solid and fluid mechanics, and validating models in a unique assortment of testing facilities – both our own and other purpose-built centers. Our operational and technical security approach employs a variety of assessment methods to identify threats, vulnerabilities and risks. We then mitigate vulnerabilities and limit consequences by crafting holistic, layered and fully integrated approaches that maximize effectiveness and value. 3

O p e r a t i o n a l & Te c h n i c a l S e c u ri t y S e r v i c e s Our security solutions protect our clients’ critical assets and investments. We use a variety of assessment methods to identify threats, vulnerabilities, and risks and implement seamless security and technology road maps that mitigate risk without distracting from primary business functions. Our team of proven experts – in counterterrorism, countertheft, cybersecurity, electronic security and physical security – customizes solutions for any project, in any environment.

T h r e a t Vu l n e r a b i l i t y Risk Assessment (TVRA) A Thornton Tomasetti TVRA is a detailed analysis of threats that may result from natural causes, accidents or intentional acts. It includes physical, operational and technical analyses that underpin a multidisciplinary approach to mitigation. Our approach is holistic, layered and integrated.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Evaluate Impacts on Budget

Evaluate Impacts on Operations

Evaluate Impacts on Concept Design


Baseline Risk Analysis



Security Solutions

Security Operations Center

Metal Detectors


Ve n u e Ac c e s s


Thornton Tomasetti provides holistic, layered and integrated security.

Business Continuity Information Technology

Emergency Response

Threat Analysis

Baseline Risk Analysis

Blast Mitigation

Physical Security Building Systems

Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Mitigation


Disproportionate Collapse Prevention We prevent disproportionate collapse by engineering structural systems to provide redundancy and survivability, even with the loss of one or more key elements. We seek the most appropriate solutions for each project, meeting or exceeding security criteria, while remaining sensitive to the building’s program, materials, geometry, construction budget, site constraints and architecture.

Fa ç a d e Hardening We collaborate with design teams and façade contractors to develop customized systems that mitigate hazards from bomb blasts, firearms and unauthorized entry. We guide project stakeholders through an array of options to balance each project’s security requirements with its budgetary, environmental and aesthetic goals.


Security Solutions

Disproportionate collapse test validation of a multistory building.

Our highly detailed models capture even the most complex interactions, such as those occurring between glass and mullions in a curtain wall.


Pe r fo rm a n c e - B a s e d F i re E n g i n e e ri n g We evaluate the risk of fire to structures – alone or in combination with other hazards – to develop practical designs that reduce costs and improve the resiliency and safety of buildings and their occupants. Applying our deep technical expertise, we step beyond the limitations of prescriptive design to formulate performance-based designs that consider the unique features of each structure and fire hazard, resulting in customized solutions based on the state of the art in fire and material science. Our analyses include the modeling of fire dynamics, heat transfer, fire protection and structural response to fire effects.

Escape & E va c u a t i o n Our use of the latest modeling techniques to predict human responses to specific threats enables us to determine the safety of a structure, with regard to human life, and can support forensic analysis efforts to trace the root causes, course and consequences of past events. Each simulation accounts for every building occupant, using a sophisticated humanbehavior model that tracks interactions with other individuals and with the structure, fire, smoke, toxic products and other hazards. This approach allows us to craft performance-based design solutions to various hazard scenarios and deliver a structural design that prioritizes occupant safety.


Security Solutions

Left: Simulation of fire dynamics. Right: Finite-element thermal and structural analysis.

Modeling of egress allows the identification of optimal evacuation routes.


SAFETY Act Compliance We conduct comprehensive risk assessments for individual facilities or client portfolios, identifying critical assets, applicable threats and corresponding impacts. We then develop a menu of holistic solutions to mitigate identified risks, tailoring options to the project’s budget, schedule, facility type and location. Within the global project framework, the risk assessment is a tool for making informed design decisions that minimize risk. To assist clients with SAFETY Act certification/designation, we couple our risk assessment and engineering capabilities to develop compliant solutions. Thornton Tomasetti has helped numerous facility managers and operators obtain SAFETY Act venue coverage through the design and implementation of site-specific protective design measures that provide comprehensive security. SAFETY Act coverage can result in lower insurance premiums, but more importantly, it gives owners peace of mind by assuring them that occupant safety is optimized and that liability will be capped by the U.S. government in the event of a terrorist attack.


Security Solutions





SAFETY Act Awarded Technologies

Design Protection Schemes


(Holistic, Multilayered Protection)



Physical Security

Blast Mitigation

Operational Security

Anti-Ram Vehicle Barriers, Explosives Detection, Forced Entry and Ballistic Resistance (FEBR), CCTV, and Maintenance Programs

Threat and Vulnerability Assessments, Building Structure and Façade Hardening, Protection of Emergency Response and Evacuation Systems

Venue Security Plans, Screening, Access Controls, Guard Services, and First Responder/Explosive Safety Training and Certifications


PROOF OF EFFECTIVENESS Full-Scale Exercises – Tabletop Exercises Audit Maintenance – Record Keeping of Incidents Corrective Measures – Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis


DHS REVIEW Review/Feedback Questions/Site Visit





Liability in Terrorist Event Capped by U.S. Government

Government Contractor Defense


S e c u r i t y Tr a i n i n g f o r P u b l i c A s s e m b l y Ve n u e O p e r a t o r s Through our collaboration with the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) of New Mexico Tech, we provide venue operators and their subconsultants with training in a broad range of operational security services. EMRTC is a leader in offering training to qualified first responders from around the country, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and various state agencies. Our courses are available in the classroom, in the field and online. Our trainers are first responders themselves, with a history of consulting for organizations such as the Office of Domestic Preparedness, the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of State.

Security training provided by Thornton Tomasetti, in collaboration with EMRTC

For more information, contact us at


Security Solutions

Active Shooter. This course represents a collaborative effort to educate all members of an organization on the behavioral indicators of a potential active shooter, and strategies for protecting themselves.

Screening. Participants learn about technology and techniques for performing physical screenings of objects and people to detect threats and hazards.


We a p o n s E ffe c t s Our expertise in modeling and simulation of explosive detonations, airblast and structural blast response has been honed over decades of involvement in DoD research, development and testing programs. We model the effects of nuclear, conventional and improvised explosive devices against structures, buildings and equipment. Our experience, validated through extensive testing, includes generations of analyses of fragments and secondary debris and evaluation of their impacts on structures, equipment and personnel. We also evaluate structural breaching and collapses caused by explosive detonations.

Te s t D e s i g n & Integration We design tests to qualify the responses of structures to explosive effects. This includes pretest predictive calculations to ensure a relevant test environment and optimize instrumentation, as well as post-test investigations of specimens and models. Our blend of analytical expertise, relationships with testing facilities, and design and testing experience allows us to provide clients with support for all testing requirements.


Security Solutions

BakerRisk Image

Computed response of a hardened structure breached by a penetrating weapon.

Shock tube test simulating explosive loading of a steel stud wall.


H i g h - F i d e l i t y & E n g i n e e ri n g Software Development for Blast Blast-effects simulation often requires custom software or capabilities that are not readily available. To address these challenges, we develop computational fluid and structural dynamics software and code-coupling methodologies and validate them through field tests. We pioneered numerical methods and constitutive models – now widely used – that target both in-air and underwater applications, and we continue to innovate, building on our more than 60 years of work in this area. Military and disaster response organizations often need fast-running engineering tools to facilitate rapid assessment and mission planning. We develop these tools, including graphical user interfaces. Pe ri m e te r P ro te c t i o n & S i te S e c u ri t y Our engineers collaborate with building team partners to develop layers of protection that integrate seamlessly with a facility’s overall site planning, layout and architecture. We assist master planners with strategic site layout in accordance with CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) principles, design anti-ram site architecture and assist in site-circulation and parking planning to enhance asset protection. We serve as a technical adviser to the British Standards Institution’s PAS 69 and 69 Standards Committee. These standards – for vehiclesecurity barrier systems impact test specifications and selection, installation and use guidance – have become the British industry’s benchmark for hostilevehicle mitigation installations. 16

Security Solutions

Computed response of a bridge deck to a vehicle-borne IED.

Effective perimeter protection provides the guaranteed standoff required to protect a facility.


1949 Founded

Structural Engineering Protective Design Faรงade Engineering Weidlinger Transportation Construction Engineering Sustainability Weidlinger Applied Science Forensics Property Loss Consulting Renewal

Our Practices


Security Solutions

To be the global driver of change and innovation in our industry Long-Term Goal


Number of Employees

50 + Offices

Aviation Commercial Cultural & Institutional Defense Education (k–12) Energy Government Healthcare Higher Education Hospitality & Gaming Industrial Mission Critical Petrochemical Residential Sports Transportation (non-aviation)

Market Sectors 19

Thornton Tomasetti optimizes the design and performance of structures, materials and systems for projects of every size and level of complexity. An employee-owned organization of engineers, scientists, architects and other professionals collaborating from offices worldwide, we support clients by drawing on the diverse expertise of our integrated practices. We are committed to being a sustainable and enduring organization and the global driver of innovation in our industry.


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