aT*%IT*%Is & ^ T H E WOR LD Y U O N LY E X I S T S ^ & I N YOU R EY E S U Y hj & ^ s o m e o b s e rvat i o n s Y U F. Scott Fitzgerald ^ & U Y & ^ thor n w illow Y U Broadside Library ^ & U Y z%IT*%IT*x
“Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.” “You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.” “Often people display a curious respect for a man drunk. There is something awe-inspiring in one who has lost all inhibitions.” “Riches have never fascinated me, unless combined with the greatest charm or distinction.” “The world only exists in your eyes. You can make it as big or as small as you want.” “That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated anymore. You belong.”
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“First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” “Writers aren’t exactly people… they’re a whole lot of people trying to be one person.” “Men get to be a mixture of the charming mannerisms of the women they have known.” “When people are taken out of their depths they lose their heads, no matter how charming a bluff they may put up.” “Too much of anything is bad, but too much Champagne is just right.” “The world, as a rule, does not live on beaches and in country clubs.”
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