hj prospectus
MILLENNIAL CITIES hj prospectus A portfolio of ten panoramic gravures preserving historic cities of the East as captured by camera pioneers ( 1 8 5 6 - 1 8 8 8 ) and selected from the Archives for Historical Documentation.
t hor n w i l l ow pr e s s 2014
These ten unique and beautiful images, hand-printed from negatives produced between 1 8 5 6 and 1 8 8 8 , are presented for the first time as a collection and are accompanied by a letterpress printed book annotating each image and introducing the photogravure process by celebrated historian and archeologist Dr. Carney Gavin and his team of scholars at the Archives for Historical Documentation.
( 1 8 5 6 ) by Francis Frith
( 1 8 5 7 / 8 ) by M.J. Diness
( c a . 1 8 7 0 ) by Félix Bonfils
( c a . 1 8 7 0 ) by Félix Bonfils
( c a . 1 8 7 0 ) by Félix Bonfils
medina mecca
( c a . 1 8 8 0 ) by Sadiq Bey
( 1 8 8 6 ) by Al-Sayyid Abd al-Ghaffar
c o n s ta n t i n o p l e
( c a . 1 8 8 4 ) by Adrien Bonfils
c o n s ta n t i n o p l e
( c a . 1 8 8 4 ) by Adrien Bonfils
( p r e - 1 8 8 8 ) by Cecil V. Shadbolt
For almost two decades, Thornwillow Press has been working with Dr. Gavin to present Millennial Cities, featuring images of Cairo, Jerusalem, Beirut, Medina, Mecca, Constantinople, and Bethlehem originally captured by extraordinary archeologists and photographers: Francis Firth, M.J. Diness, FĂŠlix and Adrien Bonfils, Muhammad Sadiq Bey, Al-Sayyid Abd al-Ghaffar, and Cecil V. Shadbolt.
Bound in leather and pastepaper, the text and prints are housed together in a cloth case with a tooled leather spine label. The edition is limited to 200 copies. All of the printing and binding has been done at Thornwillow Press in Newburgh, New York.
The journey from wet plate collodion negative to albumen print to the modern photogravure renderings offered in this collection has crossed the boundaries of three centuries. elizabeth carella,
from her essay
‘Photogravure and the Quest for Permanence’ in Millennial Cities
t hor n w i l l ow pr e s s, lt d. 25 s p r i n g s t r e e t n e w b u r g h , n e w y o r k 1 255 0 (8 45) 5 6 9 - 8 8 83 t h o r n w i l l o w. c o m
thornwillow ma k e rs ne w yor k