sonnets william shakespeare neil l . rudenstine
aT*%IT*%Is & ^ Y U SONNETS ^ wi ll ia m sha k espear e & •• U Y ne il l. rudenst ine & ^ Y U – ^ & U Y & ^ Y U ^ & U Y zT*%IT*%Ix Foreword by
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th ornwil low press Ars Omnia Tuetur
sh a ke spe a r e i n h i s st udy by joh n faed
from the foreword by neil l. rudenstine
•• h a k e s pe a r e’s Sonnets are the greatest single work of lyric poetry in English, and many individ-
ual poems are as powerful as those in any language. Yet they are scarcely read, except for the few that are regularly anthologized. This is not necessarily surprising. To be confronted with 154 sonnets is a considerable challenge, especially if the poems are as complex as any work written by Shakespeare. The effort, however, is more than simply rewarding, because the sequence consists of love poetry that is as passionate, intimate, daring, searing and lyrical as any that we may ever encounter. Neil L. Rudenstine is an Elizabethan scholar and former Harvard University president. He currently teaches 20thcentury poetry at Princeton University.
about the edition
•• h i s vo lume commemorating the William Shakespeare quadricentennial presents The
Folger Shakespeare Library text. It is set in Jenson and printed letterpress in a limited edition of 400 copies in crimson half-leather bindings and 14 copies on special papers in full leather jeweled bindings: 1 copy on blue paper in a blue moroccan binding set with sapphires, 6 copies on purple paper in purple moroccan bindings set with amethysts, 1 copy on yellow paper in a yellow moroccan binding set with citrines, 6 copies on red paper in scarlet moroccan bindings set with carnelians. Numbered and signed by the author of the foreword and publisher. Comes in a black clamshell box with leather spine label.
aT*%IT*%Is & ^ Y U ^ & U Y & ^ Y U ^ & U Y & ^ Y U ^ & U Y zT*%IT*%Ix OTH ER POE T RY B O OKS
Let Me Count the Ways
eli zabet h & robe rt brownin g
Last Poems
jame s me r rill
The Walrus and the Carpenter
lewi s carroll, adam gop nik, john h u t ton
Le Bateau Ivre
a rth ur rimbaud, t hie r ry de sp on t
mar k st rand, we ndy mark
A Visit from St. Nicholas cle me nt mo ore
thornwillow press Ars Omnia Tuetur