This old-fashioned quick and delicious coffeebread has be by Finnish bakers for generations! The "pizza" part is my own idea because that's just how this coffeecake is made. The yeast dough is rolled out on a baking sheet, the toppings go on, it rises a bit and is baked. Saturday is usually baking day in a Finnish household. Often, a Finnish homemaker will take a portion of the Pulla dough and roll it out, spread it with toppings, and bake it for morning coffee. This recipe is perfect for a large crowd or coffee open house. It freezes well cut into squares and stacked in plastic containers ready to reheat and serve. * Makes 2, coffeecakes, 16 x n inches
2 packages active dry yeast 1\2 cup warm water, 105°F to 115°F 1 egg 1\2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt