THP since 2003 has pooled together different experts who had been cooperating for over twenty years and faces large scale complex projects through design management procedures. Interaction (environment, landscape, architecture, eco-sustainability, energy, systems, structures, technologies, infrastructures, transports, planning) strongly characterize THP activities, which combine professional skills, specific expertise and organization, far beyond the usual engineering companies or any possible occasional pool. THP operates in ISO 9001:2000 quality control; it pools together more than 120 professional people; projects or works in progress by some 5 bill.₏; volume of invoice in the last five years some 35 mill.₏. Integrated designing - where architecture, systems and environment merge - is thoroughly applied to projects, stressing innovative technological features. The most significant systems applications already implemented or in progress include: hospital buildings, service buildings, restorations, hydraulic infrastructures, urban facilities. Large scale projects in the fields of building and of road and railway facilities are currently in progress. The performance analysis is carried out by WBS methods (Work Breakdown Structure) which take into account the three specific data groups of each project. The monitoring criterion is also followed during the work progress through the accounting control based on the permanent comparison between estimates and implementation. Due to their environmental and sustainable features the Group’s projects have been awarded prizes and recognitions.
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THP architecture / urban design PICA CIAMARRA ASSOCIATI - PCAint landscape / environment / energy PROGETTO VERDE technologies / industrial design GNOSIS ARCHITETTURA hospitals and service building STUDIO CARRARA INTERNATIONAL geotechnics / structures / infrastructures INTERPROGETTI technological facilities / management / maintenance ITACA transportation systems IN.CO.SE.T. planning, technologies and building costs BC-BUILDING CONSULTING maritime works ALPHATECH Italy - 80123 - Napoli, via Posillipo 176 e-mail tel - pbx: +39 081 5752223 fax +39 081 5755952 CF / IVA 04383491216 CCIAA NA 690876
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THP THP since 2003 has pooled together different experts who had been cooperating for over twenty years and faces large scale complex projects through design management procedures. The co-working of experts from many different sectors, who can simultaneously express their different viewpoints since the concept design stage, enhances synergy. Interaction (environment, landscape, architecture, eco-sustainability, energy, systems, structures, technologies, infrastructures, transports, planning) characterizes THP activities, which combine professional skills, specific expertise and organization, far beyond the usual engineering companies or any possible occasional pool. THP operates in ISO 9001:2000 quality; it pools together more than 120 professional people; projects or works in progress by some 5 bill.€; volume of invoice in the last five years some 35 mill.€.
architecture, landscape, environment Integrating landscape and man-made works; image and functional requirements and flexibility; environment and technology are the professional ground where significant experiences have gathered together (university structures, museums, libraries, hospitals, high rise buildings, monuments restoration, urban re-designing, parks, etc.), where the buildings merge with landscape aspects, town-planning criteria, bioclimatic and environmental features, innovative technologies. The design process, from general planning to urban projects, from parks to monuments restoration, has developed by integrating multidisciplinary analyses and a strict care of architectural details. Some of the most significant works where the above mentioned standards and integrated design criteria have been applied are: the complex of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery General Hospital, University of Caserta; Sangiorgio Public Library in Pistoia; the “Science City ”, the Human Body Museum and the Sports Park in Naples-Bagnoli; the Secondary School Complex in Camerino; the Enel Towers at the Office District in Naples; the Archaeological Route and the restoration of the Temple/Cathedral in Pozzuoli; the landscape and environment layout of Borgo dei Posseri in Ala, the analysis of environmental feasibility and rehabilitation of the Selva di Chiaiano.
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THP energy, facilities, eco-sustainability The availability of new technologies enables systems to meet functional needs (comfort and safety) as well as stimulate other requirements (energy and environment) continuously improving human living conditions. Integrated designing - where architecture, systems and environment merge - is thoroughly applied to projects, stressing the innovative features of systems technologies. The most significant systems applications already implemented or in progress include: hospital buildings (Faculty of Medicine – General Hospital, Caserta; Medical Centre at Lumezzane, Maugeri Foundation, Brescia); service buildings (Grand Hotel Palazzo Caracciolo - ACCOR - Naples; Trade Centre Torre Ingastone (Coop)-Palermo); restorations (Petruzzelli Theatre - Bari; Carignano Theatre - Torino; Venaria Reale Royal Palace - Torino; Egyptian Museum - Torino); hydraulic infrastructures (Maghnia Aqueduct in Algeria; Skikda Aqueduct in Algeria); urban facilities (Sporting Park in Naples; the big Solar Farm in Monreale where energy, agriculture, environment and landscape combine together). Due to their environmental and sustainable features the Group’s projects have been awarded prizes and recognitions (Prize Architettura/Tecnologia/Ambiente of Teuco-Guzzini, Recanati; Mention special au “Trophée de la Terre et du Bâtiment” for the Science City - Bagnoli, etc...).
structures, transportation, infrastructures The projects of structural and infrastructural works include a wide range of applications: complex building systems, bridge and tunnels. The strategy of stimulation as well as of satisfaction of the demand for large scale works is supported by the most sophisticated calculation methods, continuous theoretical updating and a research-oriented sector. Large scale projects in the fields of building, road and railway facilities are currently in progress, among which: the completion of the Business District of Naples, the underground connection between the harbour of Pozzuoli and the centre of the city, and Naples Ring Road (included in the
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THP National Interest Works Act), viaducts and tunnels of the road system between the SA-RC highway and the harbour of Salerno, the Pompei-Scavi Railway Station and the high speed Naples Railway Station (with AKT London); geo-technical consulting activities for infrastructural works, among which the Messina-Palermo and Siracusa-Gela highways of Consorzio Autostrade Siciliane (1999-2008).
technologies, planning, costs The technological features are defined by the project’s performance standards combining all the involved technical skills in view of a strict compliance with the required specifications. The performance analysis is carried out by WBS methods (Work Breakdown Structure) which take into account the three specific data groups of each project (Performances-Spaces-Technologies). The WBS based operational planning is implemented also in the integrated management of the project documents including the detailed technical specifications, descriptions and performance features of each individual part of the work. The economic estimates, also WBS based, are developed since the concept design stage and are constantly updated following increasingly detailed definition in order to effectively monitor costs. The monitoring criterion is also followed during the work progress through the accounting control based on the permanent comparison between estimates and implementation. The following works have been completed or are in progress: Caserta General Hospital; the “Science City” and the Human Body Museum in Naples; Sangiorgio Library in Pistoia; the Sporting Park in Naples; the Naples Trade Centres; the Ingastone Tower, in Palermo; the facility plants in Salerno – West Gate; the high-speed Naples-Afragola Railway Station.
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mercoledĂŹ 19 febbraio 2014 20:00 Magenta Ciano Giallo Nero
MONDRAGONE MASTERPLAN The environmental quality is the primary objective of the urban project. The creation of new green areas and parks in Mondragone gives value to natural areas (dunes, natural oasis,‌) and interesting landscapes (agricultural areas of the margin) by linking them to collective use and pursuing implementation feasibility criteria. The masterplan encourages mixitè with settlement of manufacture and industries in urban areas: thanks to the idea of an exhibition-wall that separates activities, they are also visible to the outside and take part in urban surroundings.
SAINT GOBAIN AREA A derelict land returned to the city for mixed activities, tertiary and industrials, management and accommodation: roads and parking lots occupy the basement, above the pedestrian plate as a is divided into a system of squares, a park road equipped with cycle lanes linking the new area to the surrounding urban system.
PORTE DE HOLLERICH The project proposes the reinforcement of the TGV railway network and the system of railway and modal interchanges. The Hollerich gate (Luxembourg) will be served by rail services at national and European scale (high speed train) and with the features of train-tramways, included into a broader interconnected network system: bus, road network with interchange parking, escalators, elevators, tapis roulants, greenways (for pedestrian, bicycle, or along waterways, by horse, ...). The train-tram stations belong to this network system acting at the same time as strong functional urban attractors of the entire requalification urban process.
The new site of the Parodi bridge (in Genoa), dynamic and highly diversified, when seen from the inside offers the impression of a plurality of values and functions, with strongly contrasting elements. Fragmentary and polymorphous if seen close to, from the sea it takes on an imposing unity thanks to the Mediterranean materials used. Greenery prevail over the built-up environment: recurs higher up as an icon in the gigantic flying olive trees and then merges into the air and the hi-tech superstructures. The Aeolian harp is a homage to the winds that govern the sea in this corner of the Mediterranean.
The new Piazza in the Fuorigrotta quarter (Naples) is marked by the immaterial relationships between three 40-meter obelisks, urban symbols recalling the 18th century festival machines. The Tower of Time and Fluids, in laminated timber, symbolizes ecological concerns; the Tower of Information, in aluminum, represents the evolution of information systems; the Tower of Memory, in stone and steel, is a sort of periscope which allows views beyond to the sea and the city centre. So symbolically defined, the new piazza is a pedestrian area "fenced" by the wooden paving and crossed by rivulets of water which flow from a large stepped fountain.
The project for the seaside walk in Crotone aims at the rehabilitation of 1.5 km of coastal road to enhance the pedestrian use and reduce vehicular traffic in a single lane for one direction. It gets a new image at the scale of the pedestrian, in terms of paving, furniture, green, at the urban scale reinterpreting the relationship with the environment in terms of accessibility and mobility, but also in terms of landscape image. The use of the green areas is a priority: new trees in local essences have been studied for both the effect at the pedestrian scale and at the landscape image.
URBAN NEIGHBOURHOOD The marginalised neighbourhood of Rione Libertà in Benevento, close to the old centre, gives opportunity to transform a part of the city according to principles of order and minute qualities. The process involves the system of infrastructures and of re-use of the “un-built” cancelling streets and asphalt. A green belt links the stops of two different lines of the Regional Metropolitan Railway with an hydrogen-fed shuttle-tramways. Three pedestrian bridges as "buildingspath" override the Sabato river and link the neighbourhood to the urban center.
An urban densification at the edge of the historic city of Cremona, where the voids prevail and the design of pedestrian paths have greater emphasis than the road system. The quality of the perceptual and emotional parts of the historic fabric are enhanced by technological and typological innovation: the new settlement is characterized by the continuity of the urban fabric and introduces progressions of public spaces. This new context facilitates the presence of assets representing the excellence of the territory as a real hub: for sound research, agri-food production, information, technology.
URBAN REGENERATION Integrated project of urban regeneration in Terlizzi (Bari). A completely abandoned former industrial area gives the opportunity to realize a sustainable village with: urban spaces connecting the existing fabric with the new development by overcoming the railway curtain with pedestrian and cycle path, equipment, services; high density areas, reduction of land use and demand for mobility, functional mixing; architecture and technologies for rainwater gathering and recycling, recyclable materials, home automation, light and natural ventilation from the perspective of well-being and energy savings.
FAIR SITE AND STADIUM Re-design of the Fair site and the Stadio della Vittoria in Bari. An edge-area of 145 he to provide space for a Convention center, museum of Apulians traditions, recreations centers, new central places and spaces for parking, sport and sailing, cycle path. The redesign of the infrastructure system is functional for intensive use of the area, full of urban and territorial facilities, and for the location of suitable parking spaces. The image of the whole area is based on continuity of greenery branching out from the “Mediterranean Park� towards the sea, the pine forest and areas designed for sport, facilities, and the redesign of the north coast.
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POZZUOLI-HARBOR TUNNEL LINK Tunnel link between the Pozzuoli harbor and the Tangenziale of Napoli. The project includes the design for the motorway connector, laying in a tunnel, linking the harbor area to the orbital road of Naples. The natural tunnel is 1160 mts long, with an upstream artificial segment and a downstream entrance, realized through the “Essen� system, by the pipe jacking methodology, and connected to the existing road by two traffic circles. The renewal area lies in the residential zone of Pozzuoli, between the Naples orbital road (north), Artiaco street (east), the harbor (south) and Fascione street (west).
SALERNO WEST GATE The project involves the redesign of landscape through the arrangement of functional and road system. The redesign makes use of new stretches of road and tunnels, provides specific urban fluidization, also inserting three new Metro stations to connect urban focal points. The landscape redesign of Cernicchiara - with truck parking and support, sports equipment - configures a node at urban scale and an attractive and pleasant landscape. The new flows system allows the demolition of the most invasive stretch of the existing viaduct, reopening important perspectives.
DRAINAGE TUNNEL “CASANOVA” The project includes the functionality maintainance check and the safety procedures for the drainage of Casanova dam on the Chiascio river. In particular, the retaining structures aimed to the enlargement of the artificial drainage tunnel have been analyzed. The artificial tunnel is contained between two bulkheads of piers (φ1200) and concrete beams on the top, with a 3.90 m pitch, while they are clamped in the bedrock on the bottom.
NEW TOURIN-LYON RAILWAY The project includes the setting up of both the input and output ramps for the construction of the new Chiomonte interchange on the A32 highway Torino-Bardonecchia. The ramps lye on a viaduct and are connected to the highway at the Viadotto Clarea, a P/C viaduct on continuous beam with variable inertia, pre-stressed by post-tensioned cables, made with precast ashlars. The decks, on a curvilinear layout, are in a steel-concrete mixed structure with the static scheme of a continuous beam on multiple supports and spans from 40 up to 50 meters long. The standing piers are up to 47 meters high. In addition to the two ramps, the project also includes two mixed-structure decks, the first one with three spans of 35 mts and the other one with a 41 mts long single span. For the design of the entrance and exit ramps of the A32 at the Susa Terminal Interchange viaducts have been used. The first segment of the deck is developed on four spans whose maximum length is 24m and composed of a double steel beam and composite concrete slab. The study of the design slopes highlighted the need for a very shallow structure overpass at the crossing with the highway lane required in order to allow a sufficient free height on the highway lane. This need lead to the idea to introduce a cablestayed bridge over passing the whole lanes on both drive sides. The bridge is composed of two spans, each 45.36m long, with two end piers and a central mast supporting seven suspension cables for each of the two spans of the deck. Seven cables are provided along each span. Proceeding in the northern direction, the viaduct will be characterised by an additional two or three span deck, whose maximum length is 24m, composed of a double-beam structure and composite concrete slab.
S.S.106 JONICA MAXI PLOT The so-called “Maxi plot� is a mass of works concerning with the fulfillment of the SS106 motorway, from Squillace interchange to Simeri Crichi interchange (more than 17 km), including the extension of the S.S. 280 motorway, from S. Sinato interchange to Germaneto interchange (more than 5 km), in Corace valley. The project at hand concerns with the works for the entrances of eleven double-barreled tunnels, developing along an underground path of 13,265 km.
INTERCONNECTION ITALY-FRANCE Design aimed to the preparatory and structural works for the cables crossing of the interconnection Italy-France-HVDC link 1000MW, along the viaducts of the A32 torino-Bardonecchia highway route.
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SALERNO COASTAL PROTECTION WORKS The project concerns the coastal protection of Salerno littoral; it is divided in four ambits according to the location: ambit 1, in the northern part of Salerno coast (L ≈ 1000 m), isn’t included in the project; ambit 2, included between the Irno mouth and Marina of Pastena (L ≈ 1700 m); ambit 3, included between the Marina of Pastena and Marina of Arechi (L ≈ 2100 m); ambit 4, included between the Marina of Arechi and the Picentino mouth (L ≈ 2200 m). As concerns the ambits 2 and 3, the protection system consists in a series of submerged breakwater in natural stones interspaced by gaps, parallel to the coastline at a distance of 150-200 m from it. At the beginning and at the end, the breakwaters system is connected to the coast by semisubmerged groins. Behind the breakwaters it will be realized an artificial sand nourishment of 40-50 m width; the sand will be provided by the dredging works of the Salerno commercial harbour area. As what concerns ambit 4, the protection will be realized with a mixed system, both by submerged breakwater interspaced by gaps, both by semi-submerged groins The works have been completed for a first part of ambit 3 (L ≈ 1000 m) and now they are in progress for the second part of this ambit. In the next years the ambit 2 and 4 will be realized.
Located in the Manfredonia Gulf in Puglia Region, Marina del Gargano is the new Marina of South Adriatic Sea. The boats until 30 m are moored on n. 10 floated piers (each of 170 m) provided with fingers, while the maxi yachts until 50 m are moored along the “sopraflutto� quay. The internal bottom of the Marina is variable between 3.0 m and 6.5 m. The main Marina facilities are the boat yard with a covered storage boats area (0.82 ha), shops, yacht club, restaurants, bars and a petrol station of 180 m3 capacity; nearby the Marina entrance it is located the control tower. The parking spaces for 850 units, are uniformely distributed in the Marina ground areas. As concerns the services, in the Marina is provided of a pump-out station, water and electrical columns for every berth, video-security for all the internal areas and piers, sewage and rainwater disposal net. The Marina works have been completed in July of 2013.
PINETAMARE MARINA Located in South Tirreno Sea, a few miles north west of Naples in Campania Region, Marina di Pinetamare will form the centrepiece of one of Italy’s largest leisure developments; with Capri, Amalfi and Positano all within 60 nm, the Marina is set to become one of southern Italy’s key yachting centres. It has a 50 ha protected basin, for 1200 berths, 17 fixed piers (of variable lenghts) and more sopraflutto quays. The internal bottom of the Marina is variable between 3.5 m and 8.0 m. There will be also n. 20 berths for fishing boats, n. 20 berths for racing sailboats, n. 120 berths for transit units; besides, it will be realized a protected basin area (1.8 ha) for mooring of maritime transport regional lines. The infrastructures on the ground areas are organized with two “islands” (East and West), where services are located. The Eastern island is provided with the sailing club, sporting facilities (even competitive) and support services, while the western island will host any other facility (bars, restaurants, shops, yachting club, green areas, parking). There will be a multi-purpose center (Nautic court) for leisure, cultural, directional and commercial activities. The 2500 parking units are distributed in the Marina ground areas as well as many parking box. As for the services, the Marina provides a pump-out station, water and electrical columns for every berth, video-security for all the internal areas and piers, sewage and rainwater disposal net. The Marina works are now in progress.
FIUMICINO MARINA Located in Central Tirreno Sea, few miles south of Roma in Lazio Region and close to International airport of Fiumicino, after his construction, Marina di Fiumicino will be the biggest marina of central Italy. It has a 60 ha protected basin, for 1445 berths. The boats until 30 m of length are moored on n. 31 fixed piers (of variable lengths), while the maxi yachts until 60 m of length are moored along the two “sopraflutto� quay. The internal bottom of the Marina is variable between 3.0 m and 7.0 m. As what concerns the ground areas (25 ha), the infrastructure will be provided of a boat yard with a covered storage boats area (4.5 ha), shops, yacht club, restaurants, bars and two petrol station of 150 m3 capacity; nearby the Marina entrance it is located the control tower. There will be a large public green area (8.0 ha). The parking spaces for 3400 units, are uniformly distributed in the Marina ground areas; there will be also many parking boxes. As concerns the services, the Marina is provided of a pump-out station, water and electrical columns for every berth, videosecurity for all the internal areas and piers, sewage and rainwater disposal net. The Marina works are now in progress.
CAPDJINET PIPELINE The desalination plant of Cap Djinet is designed for a 100000 cm/day flow of and feeds about 60 km length (DN1200-700500-400) safe eding water-plant of drinking water with several reservoirs (total capacity over 64000 cm). CUSTOMER: Società Italiana Condotte d’Acqua SPA–(Italy)
AQUEDUCT DOUAOUDA The desalination plant flow is transferred through pumping system to two tanks that respectively serve two separated trunks of the coastal cities, one to the eastern area and one to the western area of the city of Douaouda.
Located in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea in Lazio Region, a few miles north of Roma, the Marina will be a response to the growth of regional competitiveness in terms of quality in the field of services to yachting, as provided for by the plan for the development of marinas in the Lazio Region. It has a 15 ha protected basin, for n. 800 berths. The smallest boats are moored on n. the 15 floated piers (of variable lengths) or on the semi circular profile quay, located on the coast side; the other boats, until 25 m, are moored along the internal side of South-West breakwater. The internal bottom of the Marina is variable between 3.0 m and 7.0 m. To reduce the landscape impact, the Marina structure is separated from the coastline by a green area; it is also connected to the littoral line, on the South side, by an artificial nourishment, protected by a breakwater. The main Marina facilities are the boat yard with a covered storage boats area (1.2 ha), an hotel, a big central square, a residence tower, bungalows, shops, yacht club, restaurants, bars and a petrol station of 150 m3 capacity; nearby the Marina entrance it is located the control tower. The parking spaces for 1200 units, are uniformly distributed in the Marina ground areas. As concerns the services, in the Marina is provided of a pump-out station, water and electrical columns for every berth, video-security for all the internal areas and piers, sewage and rainwater disposal net. The Marina works have not begun yet.
SKIKDA DESALINATION PLANT Project and executive direction for the building of a drinking water feeding system starting from the Skikda desalination plant, Algeria. The new feeding water system consists of a new pipeline more than 60km length (DN1000DN700 – DN600 – DN400, steel and ductile iron, 100000cm/d), linking several new reservoirs (67000cm total capacity) and two main pumping stations. CUSTOMER: Società Italiana Condotte d’Acqua SPA – (Italy)
Project and executive direction for the building of a feeding pipeline of the hammam Boughrara Dam towards the city of Maghnia, Algeria. The new feeding water system consists of a new pipeline (12km - DN700 ductile iron – 50000cm/d), starting from Hammam Boughrara Dam, towards Maghnia. The system is composed by two main reservoirs (20000 cm total capacity) and two pumping station with balancing reservoirs (4000 cm). CUSTOMER: Società Italiana Condotte d’Acqua SPA – (Italy)
PORTICI COASTSIDE Coastal protection works and nourishment in Portici (NA); The design of the works mentioned above covered the part of coastline falling in the City of Portici (NA), between the Museum of Pietrarsa and the Port Granatello, for a total length of about 1.8 km. The works have been provided to protect the coastal waste water main pipe of Portici; they consist of a series of parallel reefs in natural rocks of volcanic origin, partly emerged and partially submerged obtained by an advancement of the pre-existing breakwaters adjacent to the railway line. Some of the emerged reefs were provided in continuity with the existing ones, while the others are detached from the coastline; in particular the last ones have been constructed to protect the ancient buildings of “Villa Lancillotti” and “Villa d’Elbeouf” close to the Bath Aurora lido. Almost in the middle of the protected coastline, it has been provided an artificial beach nourishment sand of about 25-30 m width, suitably protected by a submerged detached breakwater (length of about 350 m), and two little semi-submerged groins placed at a distance of about 200 m between them. An additional artificial nourishment has been provided in the area adjacent to the port Granatello; even in such case, the nourishment was adequately protected by an emerged groin connected to the ground and a detached breakwater obtained by the extension of the existing northern breakwater of the port of Granatello. The works have been completed in 2004-2005.
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Preliminary and final design, with building supervision, of a sporting park settlement -fully compatible with the natural environment and landscape- and a camping area totally respectful of the local hydro-geological features and its context The park is spread over an ex-industrial area west of Naples, located in a particularly landscape and ecological environment valuable area. Located next to the seaside and the new urban park, it consists in a large area between the Posillipo hill and the town. The project draws inspiration from the morphology of the surrounding area, "Campi Flegrei", with strong volcanic features that have shaped the overall design: the main activities are distributed into three units: the "craters". The purpose is to promote a new landscape, highly integrated with the existing, able to perform both ecological and recreational functions. Solids and voids alternate (trees and meadows, sport fields and equipment) so to create a landscape gradient according to multiple shades, ranging from the natural to the artificial, from a free and natural green to an urban and designed one. The green heritage of the Park consists in more than 150,000 plants (of which 235 represented by existing trees), belonging to 158 different species selected among plants mainly belonging to the potential vegetation of the place, a high-rate Biodiversity Park. .
Environment recycling project for the Suarez quarry. The project is part of a wider system of re-naturalization of the quarries around Naples. The design philosophy is twofold: on the one hand it aims to the restoration of significant morphological, functional and eco-friendly issues of the places as they appeared before mining began in the 60s of the ‘900. In doing so, we aim to save the tracks of the extractive activity, since it represents an important aspect of the complex history of the area, conditioning the shaping of specific landscapes - the imposing amphitheater that open in the landscape rural, with their majestic vertical sides - well characterized by their sheer ability of suggestion.
CONTESSA QUARRY Project of environment ricomposition of the historical quarry called “Contessa”. The goal of the project is to restore a natural ecosystem where now is set a void in the centre of the city in order to create a multifunctional agricultural farm that will be used by the population. Moreover, the project aims to create inside the agricultural farm a green area where there is a high natural ecosystem which has the function of “green pillow”, a green biological corridor for animal and plants. We wanted to create a new landscape that will be a sort of link between the city and the natural system.
VALENTANO PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Photovoltaic system in the Lazio region. This project in Valentano is part of a bigger system of mitigation works around Lazio region. Every mitigation project has its own identity: this project in Valentano combines the productive feature with the re-creative feature because of its public use. The intervention aims to hide the photovoltaic field, and at the same time enforce the “green corridors� to stitch the landscape and to provide links among contiguous environments. The accomplishment of this kind of green layout aims to create a spread plant-covering of shrubby and arboreal type, so establishing a connection with the external vegetal component and strengthening the contact among the various systems in the area: the water path, the agricultural land and the natural brush.
MONTE SANT’ANGELO UNIVERSITY The high density compact fabric, lying on the hill north of the Mostra d’Oltremare, is crossed by a continuous pedestrian path connecting all the levels of the university building and reaching its equipped roof. A long reticular beam is the major element of the design of the south front and of the departments’ spaces: the iron beam can be seen from several different points of the city.
THE CITY OF SCIENCE Opposite to the island of Nisida, the site includes a 19th century industrial zone, exposition areas, an auditorium, laboratories, library, mediatheque and snack bar, with ecocompatibility given top priority throughout. The project includes works of land art: the "pathway of science" by Dani Karavan and, next to the chimney-periscope, the "world hole", from an idea by Fred Forest. In the internal spaces continuous itineraries can be created, shaping the ground like a Moebius strip and creating continuity and discontinuity between the built and non-built elements. CORPOREA the human body museum shows a trapezoidal plan going thinner at each level; the sloping roof opens the perspective towards the Coroglio Mountain ant the Virgilian Park; the IMAX cinema has a circular plan and a dome closure. A pedestrian bridge connects the Museum of Sciences, the Congress Centre and the appointment for the arrival from the sea. The design follows the principles of sustainable architecture.
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SALERNO UNIVERSITY In the university complex of the Irno Valley, the Library, the Chancellor’s offices and the Main Hall define a place with architectural features opposite to those of the large buildings traditionally designed for teaching and research. Open on one side, the pedestrian square is characterized by the sound of water and a sundial. The entrance to the library is from a corner of the square, by way of a pedestrian walkway. Entering one has the sensation of being in the centre of the space; everything is focused around an area marked by four tall white pillars that gather the light from above. The central atrium is at an intermediate level, with spaces above and below it. Different technologies and materials define small areas, islands and light wells for reading.
MOLISE UNIVERSITY Located at Vazzieri, a site accessible from the city centre, the university scheme is based on: integration to the city both for its location in the urban fabric and for the compactness of the built elements: a coincidence between the university and the city; accessibility through the morphology of the site; pedestrian ways from the city centre to the higher part of the site; car accessibility in the lower part of the site; continuity of the university fabric though organized in parts, different the one from the other; general organization of the site with sport and leisure time facilities on the north-west side. The architectural image is unitary and strictly connected to the main concept principles: maximum compactness of the buildings; constant attention to sustainability problems.
SANNIO UNIVERSITY The project concerns and takes into account the continuity of pedestrian paths as a structuring element in the topological and morphological articulation of the university premises now in programme. In this case it proposes a pedestrian connection – with no interferences with car traffic and sustained by elevators for overcoming the high existing differences of levels – between Piazza IV November and the Rocca dei Rettori, the via delle Puglie, the university area ex Enel and via Francesco De Sanctis. This pedestrian path crosses the other orthogonal path following the south boundary of the Faculty of Economic and Operational Sciences.
FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY The competition design of the School of Medicine and Surgery in Caserta (currently under construction) hosts areas for research, teaching and assistance, along with various urban functions brought into the university complex. These will be developed by project financing and allow for close links with the surrounding area. A system of orthogonal paths links the different types of spaces, creating a continuous weave on three levels arranged around patios. Pitched roofs and vertical gardens protecting the facades characterize the areas for assistance. The primary gallery for the students coincides with the site of the Roman “centuriatio”, and the complex is linked with the park by shelters designed as stepped platforms for sunbathing. The “wall of water” and the configuration of the trees are strong elements in the re-design of the landscape and protect from “micro-pollution.”
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INGASTONE TOWER SHOPPING CENTER The project site is located at the edge of the urban fabric of Palermo, at Borgo Nuovo. The natural shape of the land, gently sloping, oppose the rock dominating the northern side. The project, in its conception and in its morphology resumes the themes that characterize the activity of our practice, with the following goals: - privilege to the landscape and attention to context; - attention to the eco- environmental issues (greenery, natural and hybrid ventilation, healthy materials, etc.); - presence of signs readable at different scales.
AUCHAN SHOPPING CENTER Located on the east side of Naples in a strategic position between the exit of the Autostrada del Sole and the one toward Salerno, the complex has an important relevance not only on a functional but also on a morphologic urban scale and landscape point of view. Its total surface is 55.400 square metres, served on its four sites by public roads. At a great distance it shows an unified image, a large chiaroscuro grid topped by a continuous greenery over which the system of advertising signs rises with different effects on day and night time. The internal spaces include two transversal galleries opening their terminals with views to the outdoor scenery towards articulated and accessible outdoor spaces under the trees.
SAN PAOLO SHOPPING CENTER The first project for a multy-storey car park for 1,000 vehicles and a 10.00 square metres shopping mall at the Fuorigrotta turn-off along the urban highway in the metropolitan area of Naples dates back to 1068. As usual, Italian bureaucracy has resulted in this design despite lacking the key pedestrian flyover to connect it to the neighbourhood on the other side of via Cintia and the large Canvas chimney serving advertising purposes that is supposed to play down the negative nearby presence of a whirlpool� and despite being scarred by some strange works – still looking brand new and quite striking in September 2000.
PAIR OF TALL BUILDINGS The two buildings are characterized by a strong contrast between the central void and its framing volumes, which, though different, are joined by elements of strong continuity. On a large scale the prevailing image is that of a central open space where the mechanical systems are located, a focal point for the combination of the different patterns marking the facades. Closer in, the groups of lifts along the facades are visible and the connections with the ground show up: the undulating surface of the pedestrian area at the base, the large pools with fountains (also used as storage tanks for the fire extinguishing system), the trees, the contrasts and the materials associating facades and pavement. The floors underneath the pedestrian level and the ones just above are joined by an atrium in a single complex which includes areas for specific uses: an auditorium with cafeteria in one tower, commercial spaces in the other.
ENEL HEADQUARTERS Entranceway to the new Business Centre towards the city, the two buildings over a hundred meters tall, oblique with respect to the main axis, are made of steel with 33 floors, suspended from a rooftop beam containing mechanical equipment. The floors were built on the ground in blocks of three and raised with winches. The atrium, wholly free of structural elements, has three levels including the foyer areas and a suspended conference room. Large windows in the outside paving facilitate the lighting and ventilation of the floors underlying the pedestrian level. External panoramic lifts move in the folds of the facades. Radio antennas and the lift machine rooms and protections are outlined against the sky.
CONSORTIUM CIAO The project involves a major complex for the processing of agricultural products, which is located in the municipality of Castellaneta (Taranto) and provides primary and secondary urbanization works. The scheme consists of four distinct warehouses, organized so as to determine a courtyard open towards the north. The cover of the parking areas is shaded by "vertical gardens". The organization of green spaces respects the existing rows of olive trees, appropriately integrating them to determine a pleasant working environment and perfectly placed on its site.
TEUCO / GUZZINI OFFICE BLOCKS Landscaping, water and sunshine characterize a building, compact over by the road where a sloping lawn absorbs noise and a system of vertical chimneys connected by the gutter channel which projects its image at high speed, contrasting it with striking structural forms that pedestrians can see on the inside front featuring an apse and “place/square". he north front is cooled down by a film of water running along the "cold" chimneys; natural ventilation is enhanced by the gap with the south front (large glass-clad walls with black absorbing/radiating cavities). The east and west fronts are protected by "vertical gardens" providing shelter against the summer sun but letting the winter sun in. The "green curtain" creates a distinctive image, lets in air and allows the windows to be opened and cleaned.
SANGIORGIO LIBRARY The intervention expresses the principles always present in the conceptions of the practice: the need of a dialogue with present and future contexts. The project (in Sangiorgio, Pistoia) follows a two-level competition and deals with the refurbishment of a hangar on the site of ex-Breda, east part, strictly connected to the historic centre of the town. The basic structure involves three vaulted aisles covering approximately 4,000 square meters with a minimum thickness of 40 m. to be converted into a library containing about 350,000 books, 100 multimedia stations, a children library, a wide conference room and offices covering about 8,000 square meters. The project redevelops the old vertical structures, introducing wide horizontal floors, redesigns the vaulted roofs with laminated wooden arches, sets a compact figure on the longitudinal fronts, is stripped down at the sides creating an overall image of a skeleton, drawing out the old features and breaking them down.
UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Renewal of the “Umberto I� Teaching Hospital in Rome. The proposed requalification is based on the work of great architectural and environmental impacts that derive their reasons and characterization of the objectives required by the client. The organizational models proposed based on the assumption that the project will ensure the smooth unfolding of the assistance functions, teaching and research within the constraints, hygienic and economical management. The distribution of functions has followed a logic of redevelopment and reorganization of the areas with the highest technological impact, and the centralization of activities homogeneous currently distributed across multiple locations. The reorganization of the clinic area is based on the aggregation policy for "progressive care" in physical terms that results in development of functional areas characterized by: a "technological core" in the center of the clinical band, home to the Operating theater and ICUs (Intensive Care); an area dedicated to emergency and Inpatient high degree of assistance (High Care); an area intended Inpatient medium degree of assistance (Medium Care); an area for day services.
HOSPITAL ADDITION Architectural design (concept design, overall design, detailed design) for a general hospital addition building to an existing hospital in Fiorenzuola (Piacenza). The new pavilion represents an original connection of a pretty heterogeneous healthcare structure to an almost degraded urban context. The architectural solution aims both at enhancing the functional recognition of the main entrance and to point out the relationship with the existing building. This was made possible by means of the creation of a completely glazed elevated pathway over the street, dedicated to the public. In order to avoid interference with service flows (including materials, personnel and patients) a second pathway has been built below ground. From the layout and functional point of view, the new structure is characterized by the complementarities of the activities included in contrast with those inside the existing pavilions: in line with the trends of the most recent layout models – distinguished by a limited number of beds and by the present of services available to the overall population – the new volume houses all the services to the public and the healthcare facilities such as surgeries, day hospital, dialysis, blood tests, etc. This project is a perfect example of what can be realized in case of new needs of the hospital and in case it would be necessary to expand the building for new beds or new healthcare functions.
NEW GENERAL HOSPITAL The project aimed at creating a new model of general hospital, where form and function constantly tend to combine so as to fulfill general and detailed goals. Main goals were to provide the highest level of flexibility and a through integration with the environment. The building develops over six levels: four floors above ground, a partially underground floor and a basement. Its typology consists in a mono-block horizontally developed so as to satisfy well-defined functional criteria. The building is based on two parallel strips, in quintuple, interconnected by five short bodies defining four internal patios. Such a choice proved to be the ideal solution for meeting the required health-care needs in accordance with the sound and delicate environment. The project is recognized to be fully environment-conscious, exploiting in its context a pinewood and century old holm-oak wood, part of the wonderful landscape of the Versilia region.
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mercoledĂŹ 19 febbraio 2014 20:00 Magenta Ciano Giallo Nero
PALAZZO CORIGLIANO In Piazza S. Domenico, the heart of Naples’ historical centre, this 18th century building now houses university activity. The previous layout with its intensive, fine decoration has been entirely restored on the central floors to host compatible activities. It has been enriched by the profound transformation of the lower part and the attic. Openings in the inner courtyard paving provide views of the 18th century facades from underground passageways while also illuminating areas marked by archaeological remains. A new space under the courtyard arranges greek extant walls and 16th century remains. New and ancient forms thus show the history of the site and the building. There is a strong visual link between the amphitheatre in the basement and the courtyard - the meeting place and spatial centre of the complex.
PALAZZO MASCABRUNO The 18th century stables of one of the villas lined on the “Golden Mile� and associated with the Portici Royal Palace have been converted to areas for university use. Penetrating the ancient vaults, the new spiral stairways shift their axis at the mezzanine level, dynamically making the preexisting space match with a strong contemporary vision of space. In their lower part the suspended stairways house projection booths for the classrooms with sloping floors of the ground floor. The principle of depth motivates the images introduced: new links between levels, use of large rooms subdivided for present-day needs, preserving the full reading of the roof and the great trusses in wood of the Polonceau type. Here research pursues contrasts of materials and geometry.
THEATRE “QUATTRO CAVALIERI� Commissioned to architect Bibbiena on 1771, the theatre was open on 1773, the work including the demolition of the urban fabric around the Castle. The refurbishment project dates 1985; it has to preserve original elements and overhaul the added parts, integrating them with elements as the eighteenth-century courtyard with the aim of a new relationship with the city. The garden, a connection with the Castle, is redesigned subverting the use of a small auditorium whose stage uses the existing services. The restoration of the 18th century structure includes a total revision of the tones and colours reflecting the lightness of the original structure, with direct colouring, without plaster, deducible from the original incision which shows the architectural game of the structures.
TEMPLE DOME IN RIONE TERRA Final design and art direction for the restoration of the greek temple-based dome at the Rione Terra (Pozzuoli) as a result of the international competition (group leader Prof. Ing Arch Marco Dezzi Bardeschi), won in July 2004, sponsored by the Region Campania.
Final design for the complete renewal of the infrastructures and technical facilities of the auditorium at the Naples television production center.
FORMER PRISON S. FRANCESCO Assignment of the executive planning and execution of the works of redevelopment, functional recovery and static stateowned property called "Ex Prison San Francesco", once the seat of the District Court of Naples, located at the Piazza Giovanni Leone, to be used as home to the offices of the Commissions Regional and Provincial tax. Promoter: Interregional Public Works Campania - Molise.
HOTEL PALAZZO CARACCIOLO Restoration and functional adaptation of the building used as a hotel "Palazzo Caracciolo di Santobuono" in Naples, Italy. Preliminary and final design, and site supervision. CUSTOMER: PALAZZO CARACCIOLO S.p.A., Naples, Italy
HOTEL VILLA CAROLINA Settled halfway between the beach and the tuff cliff of Forio d’Ischia, this long-time neglected, scenically charming building has finally found his ideal destination through a complete architectural and functional re-design. An historic Tower, next to the hotel, plunges its foundations in the courtyard of the building so affecting the basic choices of the project: to leave the maximum visibility to the tower itself (by not re-building the collapsed walls) and use the whole building as a distinctive element of ascent to the tower and the centre of the village of Forio. A wide self-supporting glass replaces the collapsed parts closing the court yard; slender elements cross the bridge between the different levels while the long central staircase in transparent glass turns to be almost carved into the tuff rock at the end. On the seafront, the ground floor hosts a lounge bar-area and a lobby furnished with custom-designed furniture in ebony wood and curved gold leaf-covered surfaces.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL ROUTE Design, construction management for the accommodation of some islets subject of extensive archaeological excavations below the Rione Terra. The project, involving the insulae 3, 6 and 7 of the greek-roman Rione Terra, started only after the restoration of archaeological sites and artifacts, and aimed to draw a path which, while allowing the passage of the visitors on new structures, could leave the ancient traces unaltered as well. The solutions had to meet also the need to expose small manufacts and host an adequate illumination system. The restorations have affected a wide area (the entire area east of the Temple of Augustus, between the Via Ripa and modern street Cathedral on the north axis that follows one of decumani). The pedestrian route was designed as a transparent walkway suspended on the ancient cobbled decuman paving so to allow visitors to enjoy the original walking surface and the underlying tank-rooms. The suspended structure is a flexible element, suited to the variety of environments and crossovers: the boardwalk and the vertical connections - made up with modular elements completed with a safety railing combines stainless steel and glass walking surface covered by an additional sheet of laminated glass with satin border (easily replaceable) in order to better display the archaeological area below. A careful lighting project has featured beams of light aimed at maintaining a constant lighting level along any of the route areas. Continuous wires and purposely designed copper pipes have been suitably insulated to give the out-of-track system a very limited visual impact.
A BLOCK RESTAURATION Survey, design and construction management for the restoration and re-use of a property in piazza Nicola Amore (Naples) bound pursuant to Law 1089/39 seat of Solid spa. Before proposing a restoration of a historic building, in this case ruled by the former law 1089, a series of preliminary investigations were necessary in order to better manage the structure as well as to avoid distortions and pass this historical heritage to future generations, respectful of types and original building techniques. The main steps were: a careful examination of the status quo in order to detect the state of degradation of the building; the choice of the right type of intervention, matching the needs of security with those of conservation (cleaning, consolidation, restoration, protection and painting). The intervention area, limited by Piazza Nicola Amore, via Duomo, Via Carlo Tramontana, via the Sedile di Porto and Corso Umberto, is part of the residential quarter built by the SocietĂ del Risanamento in the late century XIX, an extensive redevelopment of the harbor area which led to the creation of the Corso Umberto (better known as Rettifilo). Overall, the building is divided into six levels above ground, a basement and an attic. From a static point of view, the building consists of a load-bearing masonry perimeter and compartmental blocks of tuff stone; the horizontal structures (floors) are mainly iron-framed plans with tuff vaults, mostly in fair condition from both a static and a functional point of view. The main purpose of the intervention was then to enhance the historic building through a re-use of the common parts of the building: attics and the entire third floor (for offices).
The building is founded on the ruins of a Roman villa whose traces today (some rooms and an underground water tank) still evoke the ancient splendor of a rich and elegant house developed on a hill overlooking the sea and the Neapolitan islands of Ischia and Procida at sunset. The intervention and the modern building have been consequently aimed to a balanced approach to the ancient preexistence: the old tuff walls, now enhanced by the contrast with the modern plaster, match with wide glass surfaces and the coexistence of old and contemporary is utterly stressed by the effects of artificial lighting merging with the natural one so featuring a pleasant atmosphere. As for the outdoor setting, it has been strongly influenced by the morphology of the soil: the height gaps were exalted in the project and made functional to the design of different areas connoted for special events. The green areas were geometrically shaped by pre-painted metal fences, at different heights and with different plant species, thus creating a pleasing architectural and botanical design. The ancient water tank located below the building, have inspired the theme of water, always evocative and fascinating: so, a wide source of clear water in the garden, with its sound and its movement, accompanies the path going down through the stairway to a large bathtub that brightens up the space and offers unique visual effects of colored light at night. A portion of the outer area is covered by a tensile structure anchored on piles of white metal and wooden cheeks.
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mercoledĂŹ 19 febbraio 2014 20:00 Magenta Ciano Giallo Nero
NAPLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Competition winning project. Preliminary design, executive and safety coordination in the design phase for: the architectural and urban design of the front of the Arrivals Terminal at the Naples International Airport; the multi-brand store with changing in the layout of the commercial space on the first floor of Terminal 1. Final design and safety coordination in the design phase for: the building of the shopping area at the Terminal 1 first level; the renewal of the ALISUD Ticket board; the building of the new passenger way in non-Schengen area (with offices and a new toilet block); the renewal of Terminal 1 and signage operational Forecourt; the building of Gaterooms Departure Hall at the Terminal 1 and in the Sala Amica at the passenger terminal; the renewal of Wires 23-26 smoking lounge.
Close to the mall and the waiting area, this lounge area is designed to make the idea of a unified space even if divided into two rooms with inclined glass walls. The halls are characterized in terms of surface treatment and design, finishes and furnishings, lighting and microclimate. They are marked to the traveler by a system of colored baffle-walls in which are realized the two entrances. Two skylights as parallel light blades bring natural light for the whole length and allow the vision of the overlying air space. They are joined by two half vaults that draw the ceiling giving it a strong connotation in terms of spatial articulation.
Born as a pied à terre in the center of Milan for a couple from Naples, this "small attic" in Corso Como (a central point for design and shopping, close to Brera and not far from the fashionable Quadrilateral) has become an attractive apartment conceived in a distinctly contemporary approach. Gnosis Architecture has tried to grasp the true essence, unexpressed, of those rooms: instead of dark and cramped attics, through a painstaking restoration, the house has been thought anew, proposing strong brightness features, typical of Naples’ sunny days. T he real theme of the intervention, indeed, is the light as well as the color that spreads all around: total white. Once all partitions have been deleted, the wooden structure of the roof (made of four dormer windows along the pitch of the roof) was brought to light and it was decided to delete any other distraction to the basic simplicity of the whole. The target of the intervention was to achieve two units, separable and independently managed.
An attractive apartment conceived in a distinctly contemporary approach: Gnosis Architecture has tried to grasp the true essence, unexpressed, of these rooms in the centre of Naples: instead of a dark and cramped penthouse, through a painstaking restoration this house has been totally reshaped in a light and functional way, giving a focus scenic role to the art pictures, the bookshelves and, above all, to the glass staircase which takes to the belvedere-terrace on the top.
The goal of the project deals with giving a strong image to a food, the first of its kind, branded FERRARELLE. The idea of the product must necessarily come out in a clear way through the architecture of its bar. Hence the basic idea to draw the bright red color and the wave-shaped lines, distinctive elements of the product image. The color returns on most vertical surfaces of the bar and waves, simplified, draw the bottom part of the container. The shiny mirror were intended to give the whole image brightness and light. The bar is part of a large shopping center in Marcianise (Caserta), situated in a last generation shopping mall, addressed to ĂŠlite customers searching for a good quality product and a well-known brand. The two rooms, together with the reinforced concrete structure, have suggested the distribution of local, bisected by a septum dividing the two main functions: bar and fast refreshment. The dynamic image is obtained through the shiny materials, a mirror-type stoneware polished floor and light, neutral wall colors to emphasize the basic idea. The back counter vertical panels, shiny as well, glow in stainless steel sheet porcelain and are lacquered in red, while the shelves come off in frosted backlit glass to emphasize their lightness. The bench is made with opaline backlit methacrylate panels, with stainless steel finishes. The ceiling compact surfaces edit semi-transparent volumes in PVC backlit sheet satin, escaping from matt surface, and help to create a dynamic game of light. A distinctive feature is the sitting bench (in plate red backlit porcelain) that ideally divides the two environments and the two functions.
HOTEL RESORT LE AXIDIE Preliminary, final, executive and artistic direction of works for the complete restoration-renewal of an old furnace chimney for lime burning, its originary tanks and the outdoor areas in order to build a leisure and entertainment centre called "Relaxidie"; renewal and refurbishment of two homes and the overall services of the lido Axidie of Mary Aequa, located in Sejanus (on the Sorrento coast).
HOTEL RESORT VILLA SABELLA The restoration-renewal of an ancient property, located at Via del Fusaro and called "Villa Sabella", was intended to eventually host multi-purpose ceremony activities. The complex consists of a four levels building: the ground floor destined to executive offices, dressing room and staff bathroom; the first floor hosting a 120 seats, 142.00 square meters room for ceremonies, with DJs and live music corner; the second floor there for a 104.00 square meters lounge bar with a terrace, a bar counter, an area (office) for the storage of products and a lift for goods; finally, the third floor with a 42.00 square meters privĂŠ and a relax area. The kitchens are equipped with fume hoods and connected to a chimney rising to the roof of the building. All rooms are air conditioned facility with heating / cooling and ventilation.
The project, designed for McDonald's Italy inside the St. Paul mall, features a fluid, virtual space in order to avoid rigid walls - that would fragment the room – or, at the opposite, an excessively spread, ordinary space. Hence the invention of higher tables able to make the organization of the sessions easier and to articulate the large size of the room giving the chance to embrace the entire space just sitting or standing. These items were pursued through a steel frame covered by plywood panels finished with Alpikord laminate which shows, at the top, a set to arrange flowers and plants. As for the bench, a key element in the organization of McDonald's settings all over the world, it has been designed to meet functional needs together with a clean and bright public appearance. The outer face was made with a back-lit, transparent, resin-decorated panel, with polychrome vivid colors; the back is instead finished with a glass paste-tiles wall, always back-lit, which draws the attention of even the most casual customer. The same treatment was repeated in the polychrome bench also to mask the bearing structure and make it visually lighter. Finally, to homogenize the space the ceiling reproduces the same pattern of the floor: bundles of straight intersected lines departing from the outstanding points of the structure which also become luminous signs stuck in the ceiling, responsible for the illumination of the whole (galvanized metal casing fixed to the floor has been used for the housing of the lighting fixtures, closed down by glass paste elements with ceramic diffuser film in dark and light blue).
MEPHISTO NIGHT CLUB This project offers a total solution of continuity between the club and the structural context in which it is set: the container body is, in fact, completely canceled and, together with it, the material consistency of the walls and vaults that characterize it. The use of sharp lights of bluish colors and shiny metals such as aluminum and steel gives life to a cold and alienating atmosphere: the result changes the very physical size of the rooms with real illusionistic effects (the backlit marble makes the entrance area look wider than real). An unreal atmosphere, then, for a kind of modern ‘descent into hell’: a bridge made of aluminum allows you to "ferry" the public entrance to the central hall, lifting it up from the floor (with its red inserts evoking the magma flowing into the bowels of the earth). This is the focal point of the entire room, featured by sinuous line of the central railing, so large that it can be used as a shelf for glasses. The space is thus divided into two parts: the bridge aluminum walkway and a path passing from the steel floor to the imposing six meter long bar counter, made of aluminum and flamed steel. Powerful sign of style, the bar area is a prelude to the dance floor and becomes the key to the entire room. The visitors flow is in fact divided over the railing, and then gathers near the stage area, next to the dance floor, entirely occupied by tables and chairs. A sort of underground manages to create an architectural metaphoric space that goes beyond the stereotype.
Lamp made of sheet metal oxidized wax, shaped and colored glass paste with ceramic diffuser; •
• “Maleas”: rectangular table Steel frame in curved plywood ribs and hot. The four feet are born from the intersection of the ribs. The rectangular top is made of clear glass that leaves visible exalting the structure. a) laminated rosewood 6-ply 6mm curved cold on a preset template, glued with epoxy type glue b) the central structure of distribution loads in stainless steel 30/10; •
outdoor bench in impregnated and curved wood
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mercoledĂŹ 19 febbraio 2014 20:00 Magenta Ciano Giallo Nero
CIRCUMVESUVIANA RAILWAY STATION architecture: peter eisenmann The project includes the undergrounding of the light railroad line and the construction of the new station named “Pompei Santuario� following the design idea of Peter Eisenman Architects - New York. The functional elements composing the project are: the terminal building, the underground car park, and the restyling of the surrounding exterior area. In particular, the terminal building is composed by two floors: the first one is underground, at the same level of the access platform to the trains while the other one is at the same level of the existing square where the volumes of the entrance hall, the shopping mall and the cafe-restaurant are organized. The undergrounding of the railroad line had to ensure the use of the terminal during the construction phase so constructive specifications have been developed during the different construction stages.
TAV HIGH SPEED TRAIN STATION architecture: zaha hadid The project concerns with the foundations structures for the projecting roofs covering the railway platforms within the main project (signed by Zaha Hadid) for the construction of the High-Speed Train Station “Campania- Afragola” along the railroad connecting Rome to Naples. The projecting roofs covering the rail platforms develop along them for a variable length between 410m and 220m. The structures of the piles (φ800) foundations have a variable length in order to be clamped in the bedrock for a depth of 4m at least.
NAPLES BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN architecture: francesco cellini The implementing city plan concerning with the completion of Naples business district includes the fulfillment of a new road system and its related works, within the buildings compound and connected with both the main and secondary arterial roads. A park, about 10 hectares wide including playgrounds for children and open air restaurants aimed at hosting events and exhibitions, represents the focal point and the linking element to the existing part of the business district.
AUDITORIUM OSCAR NIEMEYER architecture: oscar niemeyer
Executive planning and assistance to the execution of the building works of the auditorium "Oscar Niemeyer", designed by Oscar Niemeyer. The executive designs of the Ravello Auditorium have been based on the sketches by Oscar Niemeyer himself. The principles set out by Niemeyer in the preparatory project have been carefully respected particularly in regard of the acoustics optimization. Within sixty days the contracting group has been working on integrating and developing in parallel all the inputs from different actors. A coordination nucleus responsible for the architecture, plants and structural engineering has been working in synergy with the editors of the final project: during the weekly meetings various issues have been discussed and resolved allowing the building process to be completed in a very short time. The building was divided into three blocks, accordingly to the related expansion joints: the auditorium, the parking lot and the so-called building support. Executive enhancements have concerned the furnishings and facilities to meet the work-in-progress needs. A new structural solution has replaced the extrados beams system with a set of beams with thick slab floor: this allows to avoid a volume in coverage as well as dangerous smoke in case of fire. In the auditorium room an advanced acoustic analysis of the environment was made, both for the geometry and the materials of the inner lining: after testing some hypothesis it has been produced a mobile system of reflective methacrylate corrugated panels positioned on the deck and the sides of the stalls. The panels are able to be moved to adapt to different orchestral hall configurations. In the executive final design for the large glass wall that separates the square from the room, the expected 20 cm air chamber has turned to 60 cm panes with air circulation inside to adapt the project to the new regulations on heat loss. To support this double glass skin a metal frame with double pillar has been inserted to support the overhang through a steel strand system. Opposite to the large window, in line with what proposed in the first stage, a movable paneling system has been designed with different refractive factors so to "tune" the room on various orchestral needs.
PLAN FOR BOTTEGHELLE’S AREA Adaptability is the quality of a space that can be easily modified in harmony with the changes to which its use is subject or may be subject. It’s what occurred in Botteghelle Area. Here, after the dismission of an ancient railway, nature took possession again of the spaces. This area needs urgently to reduce its ecological footprint to help resolving the energy crisis, combat the greenhouse effect and preserve nonrenewable resources. The goal was to save resources through proper use of the soil, water and vegetation, leaving large green areas to their natural state so they could become a link between the preextent nature and the future green area. The project consists in three different landscape layers: 1) Primary Natural Matrix l for the natural areas to be protected; 2) Ordered Matrix for the "urban green" or, with an Anglo-Saxon term, "urban forestry"; 3) Matrix Technology, components and plant systems aimed at the management of storm water and wetlands of the same for irrigation, which is useful to increase the biotic potential in support of ecological continuity and promote the principles of energy conservation.
THP MARINELLA PARK architecture: UAP The main objectives in our enhanced proposal are: balance and energy self-sufficiency of the park, both for production and consumption of electricity for supply and consumption of water for irrigation; structural adjustments and improvements of interior building forniture to the Park; improvement of building components with particular attention to the logic of durability and strength; improvement of the vegetation in terms of environmental, scenic, agronomic, maintenance. The park and the choices we made contribute to create a Smart City that the city of Naples has already begun to undertake. In particular, this choice is the most suitable for the vegetation because allows better durability and then maintained over time their beneficial effects; lighting, thanks to the inclusion of photovoltaics and LEDs, generates a selfsufficient energy; the sub irrigation with moisture sensors allows to reduce water consumption and to avoid waste of no reproducible resource.
INDEX location and amount of works
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giovedĂŹ 6 marzo 2014 07:20 Magenta Ciano Giallo Nero
planning and urban design Mondragone Masterplan; Mondragone Saint Gobain Area; Caserta; € 130.000.000,00 Porte de Hollerich; Lussemburgo Parodi Bridge; Genova; € 130.000.000,00 New Piazza; Napoli; € 21.700.000,00 Seaside Walk; Crotone; € 5.600.000,00 Urban Neighbourhood; Benevento City Hub; Cremona Urban regeneration; Terlizzi; € 39.000.000,00 Fair site and stadium; Bari; € 170.400.000,00
infrastructures, tunnels & bridges Pozzuoli - Harbor Tunnel Link; Pozzuoli; € 125.000.000,00 Salerno West Gate; Salerno; € 188.000.000,00 Drainage Tunnel Casanova; Viterbo; € 9.500.000,00 New Torino-Lyon railway; Torino-Bardonecchia; € 140.000.000,00 A32 Highway Torino-Bardonecchia; Torino; € 13.000.000,00 Interconnection Italy-France; Piossaco-Grand’Ile; € 40.000.000,00 S. S. 106 Ionica Maxi Plot; € 35.000.000,00
maritime & hydraulic works Salerno Coastal protection Works; Salerno; € 72.300.000,00 Gargano Marina; Manfredonia; € 21.900.000,00 Pinetamare Marina; Marina di Pinetamare; € 92.000.000,00 Fiumicino Marina; Roma; € 141.000.000,00 Capdjinet Pipeline; Algeria; € 80.000.000,00 Acqueduct Douaouda; Douaouda; € 45.000.000,00 Ladispoli Marina; Roma; € 518.400.000,00 Skikda Desalination Plant; Algeria; € 71.000.000,00 Maghinia pipeline; Algeria; € 23.800.000,00 Portici Coastside; Portici
landscape & environment Sporting Park; Napoli; € 33.000.000,00 Suarez Quarry; Napoli; € 3.000.000,00 Contessa Quarry; Napoli; € 1.200.000,00 Valentano Photovoltaic System; Lazio; € 249.000.000,00
building systems Monte Sant’Angelo University; Napoli; € 103.000.000,00 The City of Science; Napoli; € 50.000.000,00 Salerno University; Salerno; € 28.500.000,00 Molise University; Campobasso; € 62.000.000,00 Sannio University; Benevento; € 15.000.000,00 Faculty of Medicine and Surgery; Caserta; € 155.000.000,00
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giovedì 6 marzo 2014 07:20 Magenta Ciano Giallo Nero
buildings Ingastone Tower Shopping Centre; Palermo; € 31.000.000,00 Auchan Shopping Center; Napoli; € 53.000.000,00 San Paolo Shopping Center; Napoli; € 25.800.000,00 Pair of tall buildings; Napoli; € 43.900.000,00 Enel Headquarters; Napoli; € 57.900.000,00 Consortium CIAO; Castellaneta; € 101.000.000,00 Teuco / Guzzini office block; Recanati; € 5.600.000,00 Sangiorgio new Library; Pistoia; € 10.000.000,00 University Hospital; Roma; € 18.000.000,00 Hospital addition; Fiorenzuola; € 75.000.000,00 New general hospital; Viareggio; € 73.500.000,00
archaeology and restoration Palazzo Corigliano; Napoli; € 8.000.000,00 Palazzo Mascabruno; Portici; € 5.500.000,00 Theatre Quattro Cavalieri; Pavia; € 4.600.000,00 Temple Dome in Rione Terra; Pozzuoli; € 1.780.000,00 Auditorium Rai; Napoli; € 1.000.000,00 Former Prison S. Francesco; Napoli; € 7.500.000,00 Hotel Palazzo Caracciolo; Napoli; € 15.000.000,00 Hotel Villa Carolina; Forio d'ischia; € 2.000.000,00 Archaeological Route; Pozzuoli; € 2.000.000,00 A block Restoration; Napoli; € 800.000,00 Villa Taurinus; Pozzuoli; € 900.000,00
design and interior design Naples International Airport; Napoli; € 1.500.000,00 Apartment; Milano; € 500.000,00 Apartment; Napoli; € 500.000,00 bar ferrarelle; Marcianise; € 1.500.000,00 Hotel Resort Le Axidie; Seiano; € 900.000,00 Hotel Resort Villa Sabella; Baia; € 160.000,00 Mc Donald's; Napoli; € 1.190.000,00 Mephisto Night Club; Napoli; € 800.000,00 Furnitures
total amount € 3.955.240.000,00
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Circumvesuviana rail Station; Pompei; € 25.000.000,00 Tav High Speed train Station; Afragola; € 70.000.000,00 Naples Business District Plan; Napoli; € 30.000.000,00 Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer; Ravello; € 3.700.000,00 Plan for Botteghelle's area; Napoli; € 249.000.000,00 Marinella Park; Napoli; € 249.000.000,00
giovedì 6 marzo 2014 07:20 Magenta Ciano Giallo Nero
architecture / urban design PICA CIAMARRA ASSOCIATI - PCAint
landscape / environment / energy PROGETTO VERDE
technologies / industrial design GNOSIS ARCHITETTURA
hospitals and service building STUDIO CARRARA INTERNATIONAL
geotechnics / structures / infrastructures INTERPROGETTI
technological facilities / management / maintenance ITACA
transportation systems IN.CO.SE.T.
planning, technologies and building costs BC-BUILDING CONSULTING
maritime works ALPHATECH Italia - 80123 Napoli, Posillipo 176 e-mail pbx +39 081 5752223 fax +39 081 5755452 CF / IVA 04383491216 CCIAA NA 690876