Threatening Society -- Issue 4 (1987)

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inaffxs for �uyir1g !'"le fourtn issue of THREATENIMJ SOClE7Y. :it Makes all tne 01 fference. i,'l1s may oe our best issue so far for several reasor1s. F1rst of all, 1t nas more .oages ar,a SOH r� features. Riso, we've beer: iiarning fror11 our 11stal(es aric: we've oeer1 tryrng to ,e mc,re 1r,oovative in botn the mater1a! ano the for11at. Thm.1911 it's roc,re d1fflcult to Go tne ■ag aurir,g co...:lege. we ,7ooe to 1<eep outtrnc; c,ut ':S every 6 lfeel<s or sc,. Anyone 1nteresteCi rn rnritntiutrng w1tli letters, scer,e repc,rts, art, Pl'!Otos, ar,d ar;ytl'lrn� else wou�c oe greatly aoorec1ated. All oaoos can send Oe!IOS .:,:,r review, aria t:, arranqe fer a!"J rnterv1ew.

3rnce c:,:le=:_e arour,� �c:;r,; c-r-·, cn�ct:y tc- e:7- .. er �•:,5; ;,,e-- ;et ::, ::,,�i;

.1as stat·-::e-a ana !.'1ere�s a·•,,,,. 0•, .�iDVlri� ne asr: t:':at yc,u adGress ali cor-res:ic,nceriee :.-�/ -')t' ."1c1<ey. 7;•-.Js w111 r;c,t c,ri2y :r.a..:e su/'e wi:� c:�-:, '":e�o I.JS reo�y fa�-ter.

SPECJIL TlAl(S TO: Sean Maguire (l'l!o has made TS about 100 t1mes Detter t1an it snouio oeJ. Caleo Ben3a11in tari0tner great cover), Chuck ;'lfi ner and X-Cla11, U1r1s Foroes ar,a Metal-Core, Scott Helig ifor tons of nelp) and 1otai Thrasn. Var and No ldea, 7i� and Dagger, J1�

Testa (for the "destructive" cr1t1c1smJ arrG Jersey Best, Chuck Meenar1. Chaos Hecords, Jltarc ?irigltore lfor tne -tind wol"Os) 1 UNJFORM Cl<OICE, Matt and JIJSTJCE LEAGLE, Tony and B.5.�., PRONG, L'EliJIVlNJZERS, Dave ano Suocore !by tne •ay, Sui>ec,re nc, ior1ger coes Mall oraers) ! YWTH UNDER CONTROL. .Jaci< ant DESECRfrfWN� Dave ana LAS: OP11CrN, lNNER STRENG'TH, E�H.B"' lari ano l'li!LTHU STAB WOUNDS, A SUBTLE Pt.AGLE, Cnris and PEDlFILE, waae ar,c GlJNSL1NGE.RS, �enn1e artd Ur!!iergrouna Offens1ve, Jl'!ike E1a!e, �artrn Sprouse, Taka Hatori, Paul ana lARrf, Joe B11tct1er, Pn1l Rio1a, Jonn Crawfc,ra, Johnny froo Wi<EN ENTRY, ?AGAN BABIES, LE6lTlHATE REJlSON, THE UPRISE, SCAA�, and all tiose ., forgot {sorry!). 7ony aiso tnariks A.r,tornette for 1c,ve ana oroofreadir19, -'11lckey would like to thani( Je� ! Dave, ar,C A1ex for their suopc,rt ma11r,1 1'm goir,g to miss you ;uys!), Thanks a;;arn to everyone wno has neipea us.


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=er rJext issue, we cefn1teiy have interviews with TQ>i<EN E.11.V-rRY, =.c.D...-OY.G PICslC, -:'HC UPRlSE, CORRUPTIDN, anc !-0�.� :-JFHWi ;i FPCE. iile're a�so tryirrg to get ir!terviews w:t:, R:'<!VDS11C FRCJll:7, :i!r: .,,..a!:"'\ate, �·i;,:�N BA!c1:S, DHG' -�S'Y 1 ar-d �u�c·,;Y1 S !..Ai'i.

:f you saw T'--!R'EAiE•�I.\G S'ClClETY #1. yc,IJ krs0r1 tnat t:iere �s ar'. a,: .:c,r t.wc, s.':Oilis at :ity 1:arderrs wlncn were set uo by the Q�·i? ....s:de ,·r·:iC..;cL-.:,r;s, 7,'ils aa was cut out of a flyer picked uo "'' ::w:i ;•�zazz aria was -Jrinted for two reasorrs: J. to fill o: ,, ea f ces;i: te t�e '1. :;:n cc,c,-r :irice !$10-flc'J. After #1 ,:a11oe out, :,,.e Jecc:r�e a�are c,f t.1e :,oer"atirr; orocedures of the Ot,erside� afc ll'E re�-rettec acvert1s:r:g the sh�'S. i..:e apologize to Chuck "'ee.·-an ar:;; :•a,,-.c· "'"i11es Doeratioris, imic:, �uts c,r, great shows at very re·a�::,r-a!:,}e :-r�ces. Th:.n-H about it - where else could see �-...;: cJ�" ::..;s-:�E, .:rlGPN B�BIES, ...,E l.iPRlS:£ 1 '.,:!SWN aria l.ES11MATE ;,::;,3,:--x ':·r $7� o:"" r...:�PHY1S LAw, S"ERIAL KILLERS, arid j oore :,a':.s •�,. J&? ht-he iuture, iS wi21 c,nly supoort Cnuck's �'i::r'is aric .::;�e'-.;: 1y1 thc,se -St-:i s'1ows won-' t be arourid for 11uci1 � :,',;er.


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