Threatening Society -- Issue 6 (1988)

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Sean llaguire, caleo BenJain, Scott Helig, Oiuck "ill.,. and X-Claia, Nathan "i,.,., lan l!ad<aye, llark and PA6IW :rflBlES, "ichael Jacl<son and !IEAl) JIUSC»IS, Toa lyltt and 6. l,, Jolin and RC, TRlP 6, King and DECERSED, BIDIIIAX, NllPIVI, Paul and SllNTA ll.llJS, Pat and lotllTE FUl6, Pei• and VE� ASSllT I sorry l oouldn' t catch ya in IIJ, Pete "ick), Randy and l!ASSIIPPEfl., BUITflNT YCflS,. DEFIU.T, lStlCRACY, AI.PTIIJUI 9'lffl., Erica FreNan lyes, w r'f!9Nbered!), Rib Finley and 0066Y iTYLE, lllllD, Alex fro,, SchiY, Rocci and Nasal Sex, llaxi... Rock II Roll, Kirk and 5FT6, Bill and Var Tufa, Sl!eri, Ji■ Tnta and JIW'llt)' Beit, 0,ris and i.R'ban Dec.y, Var and No ldN, Alltoinette, Patrick Cronberg, Lesa Avalos, Rttnnie and lmdttrground Offensive, PIDIG, Ul8T OPTllJI and Step Forward ll«'ords, l)angerous Rhytllll Records, llarc Fi!lller, llandy Clarke, Jolin Harbin, lngrid Sieving, Taay and Ti■e To L'-ite, Oiaos records, Ed Russino and the TS Posse, Peripugillia BroNn, all of our friends, .,.,...yone "'1o ha& suP!IOf'ted us or contributed, and Ylll for buying it, TIINIS!


1HIEJl7BilN6 SOCIETY Now f This first itN is WI")' ilJll(Jl"tanh """" Miling anything to us, !l!l !!QI put 'Threatening Society• on u, so this way we can receiVlt our aail unopened and on u•. • Dur first C<IOlpilation tape, 'New tDe)lleneration', is still available. It's 60 ■inutes of hardcore, punk, and thrash with JI North lllerican bands, and «.s with a 16 pagtt booklet. It's only t2.50 ppd, in the U.S. 1$4 for airaail), lt is also available at Oiaos Records. • llt are currently working on a second coapilation tape. This one will feature local, national, and international ■usk. Bands are fully encouraged to send ■aterial It.ape, pix, l)'!'i£!, bio, etc.. ,) • People are •koae to send us flyers pro■oting taPH, zinn, l't!C<W'ds, etc. so that w will send that along with our usual corrnpondence, and help you spread your -.I. • W. IOOUld like to start a 'Cla11ifieds' section, So, if you're looking for people to write or trade with, or if you haVII so■ething to buy or sell, send ti per JS !i.e. tl for J-:lll .-ds, t2 for 36-70 .-ds, etc... )

• 1/4 page .. X (4 1/4 • 1/2 page X (,8 1/2 u Please add tl extra if you 110Uld like a t'OflY of the with your ad. Trades !for other ads or iss"" ■erchandise) are wlC<!a, but please writ• first,

• ill always, we want people to Wl"ite to us with their O"itici- and a-nts on our ■ag, You can Wl"ite to us personally and/or to be included in a 'letters• page,

• •

Threatening Society t7 - l Year • Next issue, AnniVltrsary l11ue with IJIDER006, OOVEIHIEl/7 ISSIJ:, PIOl6, IIIRZl»E, so■e local band coverage, a look back at our first year and ■ore, ■ore, IIOl"tl!

Featuring PS\'OUC Vllllll7S, Bl.000 UIKE, TIE IJll!ISE, aJISl.lllliER, CORRIIP7JIJI, IRiS W/lliUPTllJI, E. A. B., DJRSE, DEllD Vl!iUI. DlFFERea, JACKSl»IS, and 611) CllllJI,

111-ia, breakdo,011

60 ainut• 01ssette•••••••• SJ

000,Cl.t•••••••••• ,, •••••••• tJ

•2.50 ppd. <caah>

This lollYiouslyl is a non­ profit venture ailled at proaoting thew young bands.

' •

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