english majors have it tough too Pursue your passions, don’t judge others’
see Ops p. 5
More than 300 students attended the Student Association’s “It’s Up to Us” meeting on Oct. 14 to discuss the results of the Survey on Unwanted Sexual Experiences. Students considered the possibility of creating a mandatory sexual education course, improving Orientation Week programming and encouraging casual, everyday discussions on preventing sexual violence.
confessions of a shopaholic How to have a killer closet on a college student’s budget
see A&E p. 6 head coach’s halftime talk Football head coach reflects on ups and downs of season
jennifer wang/thresher
Silva proposes mandatory sex-ed course Rice shows for first year students, seeks SA approval see Sports p. 8
support at HERO rally Elana Margosis Thresher Staff
Rice University students were among the dozens of volunteers campaigning in support of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, a broad anti-discrimination law, on Saturday at the Rally for HERO. Early voting began on Monday, Oct. 19 and Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3. HERO is a measure to protect individuals from discrimination in employment, housing and public spaces based on several characteristics, including race, marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity. Saturday’s rally was organized by Houston Unites as part of a grassroots effort to pass Proposition 1, or HERO. Volunteers canvassed door to door and called voters, asking them to commit to voting in favor of HERO, as well as helping them plan when they would vote and secure free transportation to the polls. Martel College senior Kathryn Hokamp said she became heavily involved with the campaign after experiencing hostile reactions from HERO opponents while volunteering as a canvasser. On Saturday, Hokamp, a former president of Rice Queers and Allies, led a group of canvassers. “We definitely made some impact [by] educating people about the issues and helping people to remember to vote,” Hokamp said. “The impact may seem small, but we get votes one person at a time, so every little thing we can do matters.” According to Caroline Duble, Campus Outreach Coordinator for Houston Unites, volunteers spoke with over one thousand voters citywide on Saturday, exceeding the campaign’s goals for the day. Rice is part of the Greater Houston Partnership, an economic development organization comprised of over 1,200 companies and organizations that has supported HERO since 2014. Rice President David Leebron is among the 44 signatories of a series of full-page advertisements run in the Houston Chronicle paid for by the Business Coalition for Prop 1. “Rice supports equal rights for all Houstonians,” Rice spokesperson David Ruth said. 0see HERO, page 2
Drew Keller News Editor
Rice University Student Association President Jazz Silva has proposed a mandatory sexual education class for first year students starting next year as a measure to reduce the prevalence of sexual assault on campus. “There’s a huge, huge lack of sexual education,” Silva, a Sid Richardson College senior, said. “It’s like, ‘How are we not all on the same page?’ Well, we’ve never talked about it.” According to Silva, the idea grew out of campus dialogue regarding sexual misconduct following the release of the Survey of Unwanted Sexual Experiences results. 24.2 percent of female and 7.4 percent of male undergraduates responding to that survey indicated they have had at least one nonconsensual sexual experience at Rice. Silva said her proposal will provide continuing education for first year students and help develop community values regarding sexuality. She said the proposal is a starting point for further discussion, and she expects revisions to incorporate student feedback. “What I want students to be talking about is the spirit of the program,”
Silva said. “Not to get weighed down by the details and the particulars and the numbers. We can’t risk doing nothing.” Silva’s current proposal calls for new students to be required to attend a weekly discussion during their first semester at Rice. Each section of the class, tentatively entitled “Critical Thinking in Sexuality,” would be capped at 25 students and taught by a graduate student from the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality department. Silva said each week’s discussion would focus on a different relevant topic in an effort to actively engage students in establishing common values and norms pertaining to sexuality. She said the course would also play an educational role, reducing the differences in high school sexual education students have experienced. According to Silva, the scope of the course would be far beyond simply anatomy. The class would focus on three guiding questions: how students view sexuality through their partner’s experience, when consent is needed and how it is given and how Rice’s community can prevent sexual assault. Under Silva’s original proposal, students would be given letter grades 0see SEX-ED, page 2
How do I think about sexuality through the experience of my partner? How do I know when consent is needed and when it has been given? How can the Rice community work to prevent sexual assault? BY THE NUMBERS 1 credit hour 15 weeks 1 hr/week
25 students/section 40 sections 20 grad student instructors
$2,500 per instructor $50,000 per semester
Farmer’s market food sourcing, weekly menus promote sustainability in serveries Hannah Che
Thresher Staff
As Real Food Week kicks off, students may find themselves wondering about the food sourcing process behind the food prepared in the serveries. A closer look reveals the steps Housing and Dining is taking toward sustainability, including creating weekly menus based on availability of seasonal ingredients and sourcing regularly from the Farmers Market. Each of the head chefs at the six serveries are responsible for food sourcing, weekly menu determination and independently purchasing food. According to Senior Business Director of H&D David McDonald, menus are often based on a rotational system at other universities, where the food served for each meal is determined months in advance.
McDonald said he was critical of a cycled menu, since problems such as a blight in produce or a recall on a certain item could occur. “Just look at the current situation: The market is experiencing a massive shortage of eggs that’s severely affected our egg supply,” McDonald said. “So imagine if you had an egg-heavy menu published three months ago, and you didn’t know this was going to happen — you’d have a serious problem on your hands.” Head chefs research prices, look into reports from seafood and produce companies, talk to local farmers, and based on that information, determine the menus for the next week at their respective serveries. “Because we know exactly what’s available to us, we don’t have to guess — we can plan and cook based on real time informa-
tion,” Campus Dining Director Chef Johnny Curet said. “The flexibility allows for menu modifications to be made in case of unanticipated food source changes.” Richard Johnson, director of the Rice Administrative Center for Sustainability and Energy Management, said the system minimizes food waste and maximizes cost efficiency. “If you have a better sense, in the moment, of what’s going to be available, and where you can get it and what the prices are going to look like, you’re going to make decisions that will be less wasteful,” Johnson said. The serveries’ primary food supplier is Houston-based Sysco, according to McDonald. Around 20 to 25 percent of ingredients are sourced locally within a 200-250 mile-radius including seafood,
poultry and Blue Bell ice cream. Due to the limited range of in-season produce in Texas, however, it is difficult to increase the percentage of locally-sourced foods. “If we were in Salinas, California, I could easily purchase 80 percent of my product from nearby farms,” McDonald explained. “Here in Houston, a 250-mile radius doesn’t leave us with many options, besides lots of okra and oranges.” Another food source is the Farmer’s Market, which currently accounts for less than 10 percent of the food purchased by the serveries. The market is owned and operated by Rice, and the chefs began directly purchasing from the market around two years ago. Hardwick said that H&D has worked hard to streamline the process of ordering and delivery, and 0see FOOD, page 3