The Rice Thresher | Wednesday, November 18, 2015

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SB#4 passes, moves to Faculty Senate Drew Keller News Editor

Stay woke, stay conscious Stand up to daily injustices, for some it’s not a choice

see Ops p. 5 truly altruistic altruism?

The Student Association Senate passed Senate Bill #4, creating a task force charged with developing a mandatory Critical Thinking in Sexuality course for new students, by a 19-7 margin at the Nov. 11 Senate meeting. Before voting on the bill, the Senate approved an amendment requiring Senate approval of additional members of the task force, whose first five members were named in the legislation. SA President Jazz Silva, who proposed the course to combat campus sexual misconduct, will chair the task force. “I’m very excited,” Silva, a Sid Richardson College senior, said after the

vote. “That was awesome — we have a lot of work to do.” The course proposal will be presented to Faculty Senate, who will make the ultimate decision of whether the course is implemented and made mandatory. The course’s details will be developed by the task force with Faculty Senate, the Provost’s Office and the faculty and students of the Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum, according to the bill. Silva said she hopes the course will be approved in time for it to be ready for next fall’s new students. After its original presentation to the SA Senate on Oct. 28, Brown College President Tom Carroll introduced an amendment to the bill calling for Senate approval of the course once it is

developed in addition to the initial vote creating the task force. In its final form, Carroll’s amendment states that the task force must “present details of the course for Senate support through voting procedure” once the curriculum has been outlined. However, the outcome of this vote would not have legal effect on Faculty Senate’s final decision. At the Nov. 11 meeting, immediately before voting on SB#4, the Senate voted on an amendment proposed by Duncan College Senator Reagan Kapp. After revision, the amendment changed the wording of the section of the bill describing more task force members from “additional members to be appointed by the Student Association presi0see SB#4, page 3

WHAT COMES NEXT? 1. The SA Senate will approve additional task force members. 2. The task force, Faculty Senate, Provost’s Office and Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum will develop the details of the course. 3. The SA Senate will vote to show support or opposition for the curriculum outline. The Faculty Senate will vote to make the final decision on implementation of the course.

Rice Players’ comedy offers seriousness and reflection

see A&E p. 6 Heartbreaking Reunion Football experiences first homecoming defeat in years

RTV rebranding reveals excess in rollover funding Anita Alem

see Sports p. 9

Decision nears on campus carry Abigail Panitz Thresher Staff

President Leebron will decide by Thanksgiving whether to allow licensed handgun owners to carry concealed weapons on Rice University campus based on feedback from Rice community members, according to Rebecca Sanchez, a member of the Staff Advisory Committee. Earlier this semester, a student task force was founded by the Student Association to address the Texas Senate’s campus carry bill, Senate Bill 11. S.B. 11, which was passed last June, will allow campus carry with the exception of colleges that legally opt out after consulting their students and staff.

We want to make sure people feel like they have the opportunity to be heard. Nikolas Liebster

Task Force Representative

The student task force collected feedback through an online survey where Rice students were able to vote “for” or “against” allowing concealed carry on campus. The student survey closed Sunday evening. Lovett College President Griffin Thomas explained that the constituent groups will report their feedback to the campuswide working group. The group will then communicate the input to President Leebron, who will make a decision. The closure of the survey representing undergraduates, in ad0see CARRY, page 2

News Editor

Rice Television is currently rebranding itself as Rice Video Productions. RTV must also adapt to the new blanket tax process implemented last year, as the current 201516 budget shows an unauthorized rollover of $5,334 left unaccounted for by the Student Association Blanket Tax Committee. At its Nov. 18 Senate meeting, the Student Association will vote upon the renaming of RTV to RVP, as well as a change in station manager from Lovett College senior Rachel Gray, who was elected in last year’s general election, to Baker College senior Patrick Huang. The organization has already been functioning as RVP, with Huang as station manager since August. According to SA Treasurer and BTC member Sai Chilakapati, the BTC will meet and discuss the unauthorized rollover with RTV. Chilakapati, a Hanszen College junior, said an approval of this renaming may be followed by a closer look into the organization’s mission and budget.

RTV Under the New Blanket Tax Process According to Chilakapati, under the new blanket tax review process introduced in the spring of last year, the amount of money allocated to blanket tax organizations each year is more flexible. The BTC discusses annual projected budgets with blanket tax organizations in the spring and designates funds for the following year depending on this budget. In previous years, organizations were awarded a set amount of funds per student, which would result in the accumulation of surplus. “[In the new system], we don’t care about your budgets from two years ago,” Chilakapati said. “We want to look at have you spent [funds] this year, and how do you intend to spend them the following year?” According to the SA Constitution, the BTC may instruct an organization to return all or part of the surplus in excess of 125 percent of the budgeted surplus. A two-thirds vote by the SA may require complete or partial return of unapproved surplus. By its blanket tax review process in 0see RTV, page 4


APRIL 2015




RTV has remaining budget of $14,506 from 2014-15 funds, guarantees $0 rollover to next school year

RTV decides on rebranding to Rice Video Productions

RTV does not spend all of $14K, creates restructured internal budget with $5,334 rollover from 2014-2015

Voting in Senate to take place on Nov. 18 on renaming to RVP, changing station manager

Blanket Tax Committee allocates $15,668 to RTV assuming $0 rollover from 2014-15

Fiscal year ends on June 30, BTC does not verify that $14K was spent

Budget was not shared with BTC

Fondren south to reopen by Thanksgiving Sydney Garrett Thresher Staff

Minor setbacks during renovations to Fondren Library’s south reading room pushed its expected completion date to Nov. 23, according to Vice Provost and university librarian Sara Lowman. The renovations were originally expected to be completed over midterm recess. The south reading room has been closed since May for renovations aimed at creating a study space that is more representative of what students want, Lowman said. According to Lowman, the completion was postponed due to delays in carpet and furniture delivery.

“[Students] wanted more comfortable furniture, better lighting, better window coverings, not necessarily just technology and different types of seating,” Lowman said. “A lot of time has been spent trying to figure out how to best use our resources to support how students want the library to function.” The GIS/Data Center began studying where students prefer to study in Fondren Library in response to feedback that students were having difficulties locating places to study. It counted the number of students every hour and mapped the usage of almost every study space, according to Lowman. 0see FONDREN, page 2

photo courtesy fondren library & jessica kelly/thresher

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