The Rice Thresher | Wednesday, September 20, 2017

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DON’T FORGET D1 For humanities, neglect by Rice too common


CAN’T MISS ‘IT’ ‘It’ a nail-biter with dynamic cast and writing

SEE A&E P. 8

FÚTBOL PHENOM Stallings picking up where she left off in senior year SEE SPORTS P. 11


Wi-Fi complaints double this year WILL LEDIG FOR THE THRESHER / WPL1@RICE.EDU

Undergraduate students have submitted twice as many complaints about Wi-Fi issues as this time last academic year, according to Misha Bruno, Senior Consultant for IT Transformation and Strategic Initiatives.


Students packed into Tudor Fieldhouse to speak to over a hundred employers on Tuesday as part of the Fall Career & Internship Expo. Almost 50 percent of the 149 companies selected the computer, information technology, and math cluster.

Students perceive inequality in career fair EMILY ABDOW NEWS EDITOR / ESA2@RICE.EDU

The Fall Career & Internship Expo filled Tudor Fieldhouse with rows of possible employers on Tuesday, but some students and alumni said the annual expo offered them few career opportunities. English major Kelsie Utz, who attended the career fair, said she wants to work in publishing or for a literary magazine. “None of [the options] are anything remotely close to what I want to go on to do with the rest of my life and my Rice degree,” Utz, a McMurtry College junior, said. The Center for Career Development invited over 20,000 companies across the country to attend the expo according to Jessica Campbell, associate director of employer relations for the CCD.

“What I worry about is students tuning out companies or opportunities without really taking the time to explore it,” Campbell said. “Hardly any opportunity is going to check every single box that you’re looking for, but if it’s just checking a couple of boxes of interest, then I think you should explore it.” The CCD developed six six career clusters to encourage students to think outside their major, Campbell said. Each of the 149 companies self-selected one or more clusters. “We’re always trying to educate and encourage employers to think broadly about major, especially at Rice,” Campbell said. “But just like we are encouraging employers to do that, we’re also wanting students to think broadly about the kinds of opportunities they’re looking for.” In the arts, communication and entertainment cluster there are

18 companies including the Drug Enforcement Administration and Walmart. Both organizations were listed under all six career clusters.

It’s absurd to ask students to change their outlook on life. Kelsie Utz McMurtry College Junior AlEn USA, a household cleaning and laundry care product company, was the only company in the arts, communication and entertainment cluster not cross-listed with any other career cluster. “It’s kind of ironic that [the CCD] would ask students to think

more broadly if they’re not going to attempt to broaden their own horizons with the people they’re asking to come to the expo,” Utz said. The largest career cluster is computer, information technology, and math with 72 companies followed by 71 companies in the engineering and architecture cluster. Computer science major Spencer Chang said that despite large amount of companies recruiting computer science students, there are also opportunities for social science or humanities majors, though some are less advertised. “Every company has a business side or a client based side so it seems like there is a discrepancy but I don’t think the gap is as big as it’s perceived,” Chang, a Jones College junior, said.



Willy’s Pub remains closed as construction lags ELLIOT STAHR FOR THE THRESHER / ERS9@RICE.EDU

Willy’s Pub will remain closed for at least two weeks more after experiencing water damage from Hurricane Harvey. Water accumulated in the floor of Willy’s Pub during the hurricane, resulting in its closure beginning on Aug. 25. “Water managed to build up under the Rice Memorial Center and found a release from the pressure by going up through the floor,” Kat Iverson, Willy’s Pub operations manager, said. “At one point we were told that there was knee-high water.” Pub must undergo serious repairs before it can pass inspection by the city of

Houston. This includes tearing out and replacing sheetrock and the wall base as well as painting the space, according to Facilities Engineering and Planning Director of Project Management Ana Ramirez said.

It’s pretty frustrating for everyone involved. Kat Iverson Willy’s Pub Operations Manager Immediately after the storm, Rice hired a disaster response company, Blackmon Mooring, to

tear out the damaged sheetrock and wall base and install dehumidifiers, fans and air cleaners to dry out the space, according to Ramirez. Pub originally estimated in a Facebook post Sept. 4 that they would be closed for about two weeks following the storm. However, two weeks have passed and the rebuilding has not begun. “It’s pretty frustrating for everyone involved,” Iverson, a Martel College senior, said. According to Ramirez, FE&P has identified contractors and are currently finalizing the contract. Rodriguez said FE&P hopes to mobilize by the end of the week and expects a two week time frame for completion

of the construction once the contractors begin their work. Pub Marketing Manager Kari Brinkley said that she is frustrated because Pub employees are out of work until construction is finished. “We’re not getting paid at all,” Brinkley, a Duncan College junior, said. “It’s just rough because that’s all of our income.” This is not the first disaster that Pub has experienced. In 1995 Willy’s Pub was doused in lighter fluid by a disillusioned Will Rice junior and set aflame, and all of Pub was destroyed besides a few beer lines and the charred sign that now hangs above the RMC stairway. According to a


Someone at Brown started a cheer one time that was just ‘Rice has objectively the worst Wi-Fi.’ Sam Holloway Brown College Freshman Student complaints prompted the Office of Information Technology to begin an initiative to improve internet connection on campus by replacing outdated equipment and moving towards newer authentication methods, according to Bruno, the manager of OIT’s new wireless upgrade project. OIT will invite outside companies to submit proposals for improving Rice’s network and choose the most effective solution. OIT expects its Wi-Fi improvement initiative to result in improved login verification, consistent campuswide Wi-Fi access and faster internet speeds, according to Bruno. Jones College senior Alex Quam said internet connectivity problems prevented him from booking a study room in Fondren Library. “I was in the library on my laptop and the Wi-Fi kept acting up, so I was continually unsuccessful in booking [a study room] there,” he said. “I ended up giving up and deciding to work elsewhere because booking a study room was no longer as convenient as it used to be.” Most of the connection issues tend to be concentrated within the residential colleges, according to Bruno. Yifan Cao, a Hanszen College freshman, said he can never access the Wi-Fi from his room. “The Rice Wi-Fi is so unstable in my dorm,” he said. “I always have to use my cell phone to provide a hotspot for my laptop.”


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