Athens Banner-Herald Memorial Day

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Today’s Daily Deal $45 for $100 off the Total Retail Value of an Underground Pet Containment System from Radio Fence Pet Containment Systems! Monday,May May25, 30,2015 2016 Monday, Price:$1$1n Price:

M E M OR I A L DAY The following soldiers from the Athens area were killed in combat in the past 100 years, from World War I to the present conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan: WORLD WAR I  Barrow County  Pvt. Dilmus Brown of Statham  Pvt. Ambus Camp of Winder  Clarke County  Pvt. Joe A. Carbon of Athens  Pvt. Robert G. Elrod of Athens  Pvt. Rube Glenn of Winterville  Sgt. Hal Benjamin McWhorter of Athens  Pvt. Clemon Richards of Athens  Capt. Jewett Williams of Athens  JaCkson County  Pvt. Jewell T. Hill of Jefferson  Pvt. Marselious Mayfield of Commerce  Sgt. Grocer C. O’Kelly of Commerce  Madison County  Seaman 2nd Class Virgil Starr Adams of Danielsville  Pvt. Early Edwards of Colbert  Pvt. George Griffith of Carlton  Pvt. Jones Hawks of Danielsville  Seaman Arch Hendrix of Colbert  oConee County  Pvt. Dilmus Brown of Watkinsville  Pvt. Fred Foster of Farmington  Pvt. Edgar Coots of Columbus  Pvt. Willie H. Davis of Upatoi  Pvt. Lewis S. Fields of Columbus  Pvt. Andrew Jacks of Watkinsville  Pvt. Lincoln Jackson of Farmington  Pvt. Manus Sanders of Farmington  Pvt. Pencila W. Thomas of Watkinsville  oglethorpe County  Corp. Eddie Hampton Bugg  Pvt. Leander Daniel of Palmetto  Pvt. Thomas C. Day Jr. of Maxeys  Pvt. Will Flemming of Lexington  Pvt. Harvey Jewell of Lexington  Pvt. Dock Noell of Crawford  Pvt. James T. Rayle of Point Peter  WORLD WAR II  Barrow County  Pfc. Willie W. Allen  Pvt. Loy J. Austin  Seaman 1st Class Ralph A. Austin of Winder  2nd Lt. James D. Burnette  Pfc. Daniel C. Craft  Sgt. Glenn F. Crawford Jr.  2nd Lt. Carson R. Dalton  Cpl. Charles A. Duncan of Winder  Maj. Damon J. Gause  Pfc. Hoyt E. Giles  Pfc. Samuel B. Giles  1st Lt. Emmett J. Hale  Pfc. Grady W. Hall  Pfc. Clifford W. Hardy  Pfc. Hugh Harris  Pvt. John R. Harris of Bethlehem  Pfc. Joseph T. Harris  Pfc. Joe W. Haynie  Tech. Sgt. James C. Healan  Cpl. Felix L. House  Tech. Sgt. George E. Hudson  Technician 5th Grade Grady A. Hughey  Pvt. Charlie T. Hunnicutt  Technician 4th Grade William C. Hunter  1st Lt. Howard W. Johnson of Winder  Sgt. Stonewall Jones  Pvt. William J. Kennedy  Pvt. Harold J. Martin  Pfc. James B. McDaniel  Pfc. Walter O. McDaniel  Cpl. Hubert McDonald  Pfc. Clarence R. Michael  Pfc. Horace E. Murray  Pvt. Charlie H. Paige  Pvt. Clyde M. Redding  Pvt. Donald E. Ross  2nd Lt. Curtis L. Sizemore  Pvt. Darah S. Sloan  Pvt. G.C. Sorrels  2nd Lt. Alfred C. Stepman  Staff Sgt. James E. Stroud  Pvt. William T. Tolbert  Pfc. William L. Vanderford  2nd Lt. Clifford E. Wages  Pvt. Lodis J. Wall  Clarke County  Maj. Mark S. Adams  Staff Sgt. William G. Allen  Technician 4th Grade Walter E. Beard  1st Lt. William C. Bisson  Pvt. Jack H. Branon  1st Lt. John C. Braswell  Pfc. Edward G. Breedlove  Pvt. Walter L. Bryant  Pfc. Addie S. Burgess  Sgt. George David Burkhalter Jr.  1st Lt. James R. Carter  1st Lt. Roland E. Carter Jr.  Sgt. Laymon L. Cash Jr.  Mess Attendant 2nd Class William H. Cheney of Athens  Pvt. Morris S. Coile of Athens  2nd Lt. Victor S. Crowe  Flight Officer Louis S. Davis III  Pfc. William B. Day  Tech. Sgt. Vernon L. Dockery  Pfc. Robert L. Dooley  Seaman 1st Class Roy L. Doster of Athens  Cpl. Harry E. Epting  Pfc. Ralph Ferguson of Athens  Technician 5th Grade Carroll D. Flanagan  Pvt. John A. Foster  Pfc. Heron M. Gunter  Pvt. Cyril B. Hammond  Staff Sgt. Edward M. Hardy  Technician 5th Grade Joseph C. Hardy  Pvt. James D. Harper  Pvt. Joe H. Hector  Pfc. James T. Hill of Athens  Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class Riley M. Hitt of Winterville  1st Lt. Robert F. Hodgson  2nd Lt. Winston E. Hodgson of Athens  Mess Attendant Arthur Huff Jr. of Athens  Pvt. James C. Johnson Jr.  Pfc. Johnnie P. Johnson  Staff Sgt. Charles J. Jones  Cpl. Jessy J. Lewis  Pvt. Lewis E. Mack  Capt. Ralph C. Maddox  Staff Sgt. Hiram N. Manus Jr.  2nd Lt. Charles L. Marsh  Pfc. David N. Maxwell of Athens  Pvt. Isaac J. McKee  2nd Lt. Simon Michael  Technician 5th Grade Ray More  Tech. Sgt. Herman R. Moseman  Seaman 1st Class John C. Moseman of Athens  Pvt. Leroy Neely  Cpl. Winfield R. Nisbet Jr. of Athens  1st Lt. Benjamin F. Parks  1st Lt. Harry F. Patat Jr.  Pvt. Andrew J. Peyton  Pfc. Harvey B. Pruitt  Ship’s Serviceman 3rd Class Howard L. Roberts of Athens  Tech. Sgt. Frank Robertson of Athens  Pvt. Carl D. Rodeheaver  Pfc. James H. Rogers  Staff Sgt. Henry W. Ruark  Pfc. Frank G. Smith  Tech. Sgt. James R. Smith  2nd Lt. Aubry H. St. John  Pvt. Alonzo G. Strickland  Sgt. Carl V. Tanksley  Pvt. Edward H. Taylor of Athens  Staff Sgt. George W. Thomas  2nd Lt. Milton H. Thompson of Athens  Pfc. George E. Tully  Capt. James D. Watson  1st Lt. William O. White Jr.  Pfc. James A. Williams  Pfc. Cleveland Wilson  1st Lt. Owen O. Woods  Lt. Robert F. Wright of Athens  JaCkson County  Pfc. Clarence Arnold  Pvt. Darrell E. Banks  Pfc. Merrel Baxter of Commerce  1st Lt. Wildon H. Berrong  Tech. Sgt. Regis A. Borders  Pvt. Sam L. Brock  Pfc. Almond Chandler  Pvt. Fred C. Cook  Pvt. Samuel R. Dailey  Pfc. Howard L. Daves  Pfc. Willard H.F. Doster  Pfc. Roy L. Dover  Pfc. Durward R. Edwards  Staff Sgt. Harem O. Evans  Sgt. William D. Freeman  Pfc. Thomas S. Garrison  Pfc. Lammoth J. Hanson  Pfc. Frank M. Hollis  Pfc. Bill Huntsinger  Pfc. Ostell F. Jarrett  Pvt. Clifford M. Kiley  Pvt. Willis J. Kittle  Pfc. John C. Lewallen  Pvt. Jesse M. Lord  Sgt. Stancil L. Maddox  Pfc. Joseph G. Martin  Sgt. R.T. Massey  Pfc. Roy L. McCoy  Pfc. George H. Moore  Technician 4th Grade Thomas D. Moore  Pvt. General L. Morgan Sr.  Pfc. Jack H. Moss  Pvt. Ray V. Patton  Technician 5th Grade Wallace T. Redd  Pvt. Charlie W. Sanders  Pvt. Ollie E. Seabolt  Pvt. Thomas A. Sellers  Sgt. William O. Sorrow  Pvt. Crawford A. Stephens  Tech. Sgt. James D. Stephens  Pfc. Judson Stephens  Pvt. Emory S. Stockton of Pendergrass  Pvt. Horace E. Stockton  Tech. Sgt. Eulis A. Taylor  Pvt. Frank O. Usher  Sgt. Cecil L. Vandiver  Staff Sgt. Okie Venable Jr. of Jefferson  Staff Sgt. Clifford D. Wardlaw  Pfc. Heyward L. White of Pendergrass  Sgt. J.P. Whitfield  Sgt. George L. Wills  Pfc. John C. Woody  Madison County  John Allen  2nd Lt. Charles H. Amason  Sgt. Willie B. Anderson  1st Lt. Harold E. Arrendale  Technician 5th Grade Clyde N. Berryman  Chief Charles Erastus Brewer  Pvt. Gordon G. Brown  Staff Sgt. Anthony Burroughs  Pvt. Millard C. Conner Jr.  Pfc. Ernest N. Courtney  Pfc. Robert A. Dover  2nd Lt. Raymond W. Eberhart  Pfc. Howard J. Faulkner  Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class Felton T. Fitts of Danielsville  Sgt. G.D. Freeman Jr.  Herbert Hawkins Hampton  Pfc. Andrew Harris  2nd Lt. Rufus T. Harwell  Cpl. Roy B. Holcomb  Pfc. John W. Hutcherson  Pvt. James W. Kidd  1st Lt. Robert B. Lowe  Torpedoman’s Mate 2nd Class Charles C. Mathews of Carlton  Pvt. Otha Maxwell  1st Lt. James E. McCay  Pfc. Clyde M. McClain  Pfc. Charlie H. Moon  Ensign Bond Murray of Danielsville  Pfc. Dennis P. Needham  Sgt. Walter A. Palmer  Aviation Radioman 1st Class Talmadge H. Power of Colbert  Technician 4th Grade Ederley Ramsey  Technician 4th Grade Frank S. Robertson  Pvt. Paul D. Rousey  Pfc. Billy R. Smith  1st Lt. Rufus B. Stephens  Pvt. Allen F. Stevens  Pvt. William B. Upton  Technician 5th Grade James T. Von  oConee County  1st Lt. Douglas M. Campbell  Staff Sgt. Roy V. Daniell  Pfc. Henry A. Huff of Farmington  Pfc. Charles H. Hanson  Technician 5th Grade James O. Hardigree Jr.  Pvt. John E. Jackson  Sgt. Erskine O. Marshall  Pvt. Raymond O. Marshall  Pvt. James W. McDaniel  Sgt. William H. Mobley  Seaman 1st Class Lee G. Nelms of Bishop  Pvt. Milton C. Newman  Technician 4th Grade John W. Parker  Pvt. Thomas L. Powell  Chief Gunner’s Mate Frederick C. Sherrer of Bogart  Pfc. Lemuel H. Verner  Pfc. William D. Walls  Pfc. Walter L. Wood  Pfc. Jewell Worley  oglethorpe County  Pfc. Guy M. Hansford  Sgt. Jarrell H. Hayes  Tech Sgt. Olin Emmett Jackson of Stephens  Pharmacist’s Mate 1st Class Jack A. Roland of Crawford  Apprentice Seaman Grady M. Smith of Point Peter  Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Jesse G. Smith of Lexington  Pvt. Robert W. Spivey  Sgt. William D. Thaxton  Sgt. Forrest E. Thomason  Pvt. John K. White  KOREAN WAR  Barrow County  1st Lt. Henry C. Camp Jr.  Cpl. Robert H. Day Jr.  Pfc. Lester R. Hardy of Winder  Master Sgt. Thomas C. Moon  Pvt. Bobby G. Scoggins  Pfc. Truman D. Sims  Clarke County  2nd Lt. Norman R. Carnes  Pfc. Horace Chambers of Athens  Pfc. Grover Coley of Athens  Pfc. John J. Culbertson of Athens  1st Lt. Robert A. Finney Jr.  Pvt. John Foot of Athens  Pvt. Bertra Hendrickson  Pfc. Albert D. Mills  Pfc. Jessie Odom of Athens  Pfc. Sherwood Spratlin  Pfc. Benny C. Taylor of Athens  Pvt. John H. Man  Pfc. Joseph J. Van Hook  Sgt. William L. Woodward of Athens  JaCkson County  A01 Paul Blackstock of Jefferson  Pfc. Billy C. Brown  Cpl. Hoyt B. Cash of Braselton  Sgt. 1st Class William A. Cooke Jr.  Sgt. William H. Ledford of Talmo  Fireman Apprentice Robert Jackson Potts of Commerce  Madison County  Guy Robert Booth of Comer  Sgt. Guy G. Hardman Jr.  oConee County  Pvt. Donald I. Bell of Farmington  Cpl. Thomas R. Hardy of Watkinsville  VIETNAM WAR  Barrow County  PFC Billy J. Hammond of Statham  Cpt. James R. Fowler of Auburn  Pfc. Gene W. Lay of Winder  Pfc. Weldon G. Lynn of Winder  Pfc. Jerry J. McDaniel of Winder  Pfc. Lorenzo Tuggle of Winder  Clarke County  Sgt. Charles B. Carey of Athens  Pfc. Joe D. Carroll of Athens  Pfc. Thomas Clark of Athens  Pfc. Michael England of Athens  SP4 Herman T. Fields of Winterville  SP6 Donald R. Fowler of Athens  Sgt. Dennis W. Gentry of Athens  SP4 Robert P. Gipson of Athens  Staff Sgt. Leroy Ireland of Athens  Cpt. Gordon T. Kimbrell Jr. of Athens  Pfc. Leroy Mitchell of Athens  Pfc. Edward C. Sims of Athens  Pfc. Fred L. Thomas of Athens  Cpt. James M. Turner of Athens  Lance Cpl. Jeff Whitehead of Athens  JaCkson County  AQF3 Jack M. Carlan of Commerce  Pfc. John G. Davis of Jefferson  Sgt. Mitchel A. Dowdy of Jefferson  SG James T. Hembree Jr. of Commerce  Sgt. Guy L. Stokes Jr. of Commerce  Madison County  Pfc. James M. Burroughs of Comer  Sgt. Arthur E. Scott of Hull  Cpt. John M. Wheeler of Comer  oConee County  Pfc. Lawrence A. Stalnaker of Watkinsville  SP4 William T. Pittman of Bogart  oglethorpe County  Pfc. John R. Mattox of Stephens  SP4 Leavy C. Solomon of Palmetto  WAR IN AFGHANISTAN  Barrow County  Lance Cpl. Ryan Giese of Winder  Clarke County  First Sgt. Luke Mercardante  Spc. Michael K. Spivey of Athens  Spc. Matthew D. Huston of Athens  WAR IN IRAQ  Barrow County  Sgt. 1st Class Dexter E. Wheelous  Clarke County  Cpl. Bradley Thomas Arms  Cpl. Brian L. Chevalier  Sgt. Shawn Dressler  Staff Sgt. Marion Flint Jr., formerly of Athens  Army Lt. Noah Harris  Army 1st Lt. Ashley Henderson Huff  Sgt. Michael Hullender  Army Sgt. Bryan Lewis  Cpl. Evan Marshall  JaCkson County  Army Staff Sgt. Shaun Whitehead of Commerce  oConee County  Army Spc. Benyahmin B. Yahudah of Bogart  Spc. Joshua H. Reeves 

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