THRIVE Local Magazine - Northern Colorado Edition - June 2020

Page 21

Heal thy Living

Why? Trying to be healthy can feel like pushing a boulder up hill. While your worth and value is not tied to your health, you know you could do better. How is it that you can be successful in so many areas in life and yet in this area fall short? Being successful always involves having a strong reason or ?why?to achieve your goal. My guess is that you?re considering making some health changes, what is your "why??

by Jolie Dek leva

stake. The biggest indicator of your success is your strong ?why?. The state of your health is under your control more than perhaps you?ve realized. You can make lasting health changes when your reason for doing so is stronger than any obstacle that challenges you. When you?ve been successful before you had a very strong reason for taking all the needed effort to get there. You also likely had a mentor or guide.

I used to love running through the forest jumping over fallen trees and diving into the murky pond at my grandmother ?s home. You may long for those times that you could do anything you wanted without fear of injury or without needing special consideration and medication. Perhaps you fear losing more mobility, flexibility, and eventually your life if you don?t get your act together in regards to your health. Your reason for being successful this time is strong. You want to be here for them. You want to live out your days with passion and opportunity. Nothing should hold you back.

Ready to make small important healthy changes over time to make a big impact on your health? Follow Health Educator and Coach, Jolie Dekleva, Masters in Public Health, on facebook/Instagram Living Well Intentionally, website to subscribe to her emails Living Well with Jolie.

Making lasting lifestyle changes takes time, effort, and can be downright hard at times, especially if you?re doing it alone. Yet, taking more medications, having less mobility, needing more procedures, experiencing more pain, and having less ability to do things you love is unacceptable. You?ve attempted to navigate the maze of health advice with conflicting and confusing health claims. They?ve failed you. I invite you to take a journey with me over the next six months to move you towards your health goals. To start, keep a journal of what your ideal life looks like. What does the healthier you do daily? Second, keep a food journal for 3 days. Compare what you?re eating now to what your healthier self knows how to eat. Slowly, one small step at a time start moving towards your healthier life. It will be different now because you understand what is at 21 June 2020


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