THRIVE Loveland Magazine (Feburary 2019)

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February 2019

Photo by: Elizabeth Jane Photogr aphy, LLC

Seventy Years of Love!

Upcoming Events Love Letters Written by A.R. Gurney Performed by Sharon Sheets & Nofle McClanahan At t h e Rialt o Th eat er , Lovelan d, CO. Febr u ar y 15 &16, 2019 Tickets for Love Letters can be purchased at the Rialto Theater, at 228 E 4th St., Loveland.

Nofle McClanahan & Sharon Sheets M on . 2/ 4

THRIVE Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Older Adu lt s (50+) 4:00 pm -5:30 pm 325 E 5th St, 1st floor Community Room (Use residence entrance), Loveland Topic: We ar e goin g t o play Bin go t h is m on t h ! Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

Tu es. 2/ 5

Lovelan d?s Talk in g - Past , Pr esen t , Fu t u r e 1:30 pm -3:00 pm Chilson Center, 700 E 4th St, Oak Room, Loveland Topic: Wh at 's t h e M ost Im pact f u l Relat ion sh ip You 've Ever Had? Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP at: 720-252-6880

Tu es. 2/ 12

TLC - Th e Lovelan d Con n ect ion 9:00 am -10:30 am All Saints Episcopal Church, 3448 N Taft Ave, Loveland Topic: Dr . Har vey Hir n in g, " A Lit t le Ligh t in t h e Deser t ."

Weds. 2/ 20

Savvy Sen ior s - 2:00 pm -3:00 pm Perkins, 2222 W Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland Topic: Th e Healt h Ben ef it s of Usin g CBDs Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

M on . 3/ 4

THRIVE Fr ee M on t h ly Pizza Din n er f or Older Adu lt s (50+) 4:00 pm -5:30 pm 325 E 5th St, 1st floor Community Room (Use residence entrance), Loveland Topic: Explor in g Sen ior Livin g Opt ion s Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

Tu es. 3/ 5

Lovelan d?s Talk in g - Past , Pr esen t , Fu t u r e 1:30 pm -3:00 pm Chilson Center, 700 E 4th St, Oak Room, Loveland Topic: " Oh t h e places you 've been !" Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP at: 720-252-6880

Tu es. 3/ 12

TLC - Th e Lovelan d Con n ect ion 9:00 am -10:30 am All Saints Episcopal Church, 3448 N Taft Ave, Loveland Topic: Hist or y of t h e Rialt o Th eat er

Weds. 3/ 20

Savvy Sen ior s - 2:00 pm -3:00 pm Perkins, 2222 W Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland Topic: Real Est at e M ar k et Pr oject ion s Space is limited, please RSVP at 720-252-6880

In This Issue..... Even t s......................................2 In dex of Spon sor s...................5 Legal View s............................11 Local Ar t ist ............................12 Local Bu sin ess........................7 Local Resou r ce .....................15

Impor tant Phone Number s4. Bus Schedule


Chilson Rec Center (main)


Chilson Senior Center


Crime Report Submission


Drivers License




Fire and Rescue (non-emergency) 970-962-2537 Golf Tee Times


Love & M ar r iage...................14



Love Is......................................6

Loveland Water and Power


M ar k et Place.........................18

Meals on Wheels


Ou t & Abou t ..........................16

Para-transit System


Residen t Spot ligh t .................8

Rialto Theater


Sen ior Livin g...........................4

Sheriff (non-emergency)


Spon sor Spot ligh t .................17

Utility Bill Payments


Tr avel Tales...........................10

Vehicle Licensing


VOA Lunch Program


Publishers Mark & Danit a Nixon at t he 2018 Alzheimers' w alk w it h Slacolo Communit y Liaison Faye Kirk Cont act us w it h your ideas, feedback or cont ribut ions at 970-852-4900 Danit Š 2019 THRIVE Loveland, 1635 Foxtrail Ct., Loveland CO 80538 970-852-4900 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Advertisements contained within this publication do not represent endorsement by the publisher. Publisher may not be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies.

THRIVE Loveland


Senior Living Is it Time t o Right size int o Senior Living? There comes a time in some older adults?lives, when they realize that their current living situation no longer serves them. They find that: - Th ey w an t t o be f r ee of t h e bu r den of m ain t ain in g t h eir cu r r en t h om e (yard work, shoveling snow, routine maintenance, etc.), they would rather spend their time on activities they enjoy. - Th eir h om e n o lon ger accom m odat es t h eir ph ysical n eeds (too many steps, a bathtub, etc). Senior communities are built to accommodate the physical needs of older adults. - Th ey w an t t o be m or e act ive an d spen d t im e w it h ot h er s t h eir age. For some, being home alone leaves them feeling lonely and isolated. Senior communities offer many activities and services that can make a huge difference in the quality of life for an older adult.

Five St eps t o Explor e if Right sizing is Right for You: 1. Contact Senior Living Advisors of Colorado to help you explore your options; we offer our services free of charge, and we help take the stress out of the process. 2. Determine your best options. Based on your specific needs, desires, and budget we will help you sort out which communities make sense for you to look at.

or ....

3. Tour communities. We will set up the tours and attend them with you, so that you can see what your options really look like. We will make sure all your questions are answered.

- Th ey ar e st r u gglin g w it h Act ivit ies of Daily Livin g (Cooking, Cleaning, bathing, medication management) and could use assistance.

4. Decide if you are ready to rightsize into senior living based on the new information you have.

- Th ey h ave a m edical con dit ion or diagn osis t h at is goin g t o get w or se over t im e.

5. If you are ready to make the move, we will assist you in taking the next steps necessary to move forward. If you are not yet ready, you now have a better understanding of what options are available for you.

The best time for most people to rightsize into senior living is when they realize that their current living situation no longer suits them! Making this decision earlier rather than later gives them more control, more choices, and more time to make the transition.


THRIVE Loveland

For m or e in f or m at ion on Sen ior Livin g Opt ion s, con t act Dan it a (Sen ior Livin g Advisor s of Color ado) at 970-541-4592 or em ail Dan it

Index of Sponsor s Our Sponsors make it possible to provide this monthly publication to the community. When you have a need for our sponsors' products or services, we ask that you give them a chance to earn your business. Please tell them you found them in the THRIVE Loveland magazine!

At t or ney Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. 800-598-4348

Financial Advisor

In Home Car e Medical & Non-Medical Phoenix Home Care 970-667-2273

Edward Jones, Art Aldrich 970-663-0554

I nsur ance -

Fr anchise Consult ant

Secure American Insurance 970-663-9791

Cindy Rayfield, Frannet Mountain West 720-261-4391

Hear ing Aid Bat t er ies Hearo Club 833-547-8362

Aut o, Home, Medical & Busi ness

Loveland Senior Magazine THRIVE Loveland 970-852-4900

Phot ogr apher Elizabeth Jane Photography, LLC Elizabeth Fehringer, 720-250-6067

Real Est at e Re/Max Alliance Eve McCormack, 970-430-0722

Senior Living Advisor Senior Living Advisors of Colorado Danita Nixon, 970-541-4592

THRIVE Loveland


Love Is...

Lor a an d Jim Du r r "Love is a commitment that provides rewards for a lifetime."

Bet t y an d Car l Hall Betty: "Love is forever." Carl: "Love isn?t love ?til you give it away."

Bon n ie & Nor m Colem an "Love is being there through thick and thin!"

Hazel an d M ich ael Rot h sch ild Hazel: ?Worth everything you put into it ? and more.? Michael: ?A loving partnership, not a fairy tale.?

Lou ise an d Her b Cr ede Louise: "Love is a feeling of comfort and trust in the beloved?s presence.? Herb: ?Love is a sense of exclusivity and comfort.?

Kar en an d David Dan bom Karen: ?Love is whimsical.? David: ?Love is kaleidoscopic.?


THRIVE Loveland

213 E 4t h St r eet

Loca l Rea l Est a t Duane & Muriel

Duane & Muriel with their great grandchildren

Duane & Mur iel McInt ir e By: Amber Mason

Photos by Elizabeth Jane Photography, LLC

Most of us like to imagine ourselves happily growing older with that special someone, a dream that Duane and Muriel McIntire have achieved with seventy years of marriage. They have known each other since they were one year old, with their parents meeting at a Well Baby Clinic. Although they didn?t have much in common in their younger years, they came to realize their spark for each other when he came back from the Navy and she was still in high school. Two years later he proposed, and she said yes.

Today they enjoy spending time together talking with one another, which is the core of their strong relationship. When asked what their favorite memory as a couple was, they unanimously responded with parenting. They have seven children together and enjoyed going camping or traveling with them. They spent most of their lives in California but chose to move to Loveland nine years ago.

As I sit with them talking, they express their love for one another with amazing confidence, holding hands throughout the interview and showing how genuinely happy and comfortable they are with each other. When I asked what their secret is, they said unconditional love is the foundation of their marriage. They don?t focus on the faults in each other, don?t complain about the little things, and want the absolute best for each other. They both help each other out with tasks such as reading or remembering things for the day. When times get hard their advice is to ?catch it and deal with it before it turns into a divorce, be honest about the issue, and if you need


THRIVE Loveland

Duane & Muriel's daughter Lyndy with her family

Duane & Muriel's granddaughter Noel with her family

Duane & Muriel's grandson Art with his family

Duane & Muriel's son Christophe with his girlfriend

outside help then that is something you should go get.? They say getting through the rough patches is a matter of knowing and accepting the differences and not picking each other apart, while also realizing that good things can come from different perspectives. With a good sense of humor, Muriel stated, ?I used to tell my husband, it?s you and me against the world baby, and we are going to get creamed?. They consider each other best friends, or in other words ?knowing the absolute depths of your partner ?. The love they share is one that many of us long for, and they are proof that it can happen with patience, work, and unconditional love. Du an e & M u r iel's f avor it e r est au r an t s: El Cielo and Origins Wh at Du an e & M u r iel love abou t Lovelan d: - Friendly people - The artistry and artists - The diversity of people Edit or s n ot e: ph ot os in clu de local f am ily m em ber s t h at w er e available f or t h e ph ot o sh oot .

THRIVE Loveland


Tr avel Tal es By: Dan it a Nixon

Cr uising t o Ber muda

Cruising, it is one of those polarizing adventures that you either love, hate, or you've never tried. Very few people have a "neutral" opinion about boarding a floating city with 6,000 strangers. My husband and I could easily live out the rest of our lives on a cruise ship! What's not to love about being fed, pampered, entertained, and seeing the world all at the same time? One of our favorite cruises was to Bermuda, leaving the United States from New York City. Getting to the cruise port was an adventure in itself and leaving the port and floating past the Statute of Liberty was one of our most memorable moments. We spent a couple of days at sea - enjoying all that the ship had to offer including a Cirque du Soleil dinner show - talk about wow!

Leaving New York

Bermuda is everything we had hoped for and more. The Island is a spotless paradise, almost too beautiful to be real. We were extremely fortunate to be on the island when the America's Cup was being held there. It gave Mark several more photo opportunities. We had two overnights in port, which really gave us time to explore. We took a full island van tour, so we got to see a majority of the island. Highlights for us were the Crystal Caves (and the guy taking a selfie who dropped his iPhone in the water and went diving for it), the combined Aquarium, Museum and Zoo, and going on a wave runner tour to explore the shores of Bermuda. On a scale of 1-10 - we would give our entire trip to Bermuda a 10. If it is on your bucket list - we would encourage you to..DO IT!


THRIVE Loveland

Crystal Cave, Bermuda

Legal View s Legal View s Using LLCs t o Pur chase or Hold Real Est at e Using LLCs to purchase and hold real estate is on the rise. It is particularly common for rental properties. LLC is short for ?Limited Liability Company.? Individuals with an ownership interest in a LLC are called Members. Colorado?s LLC Act is memorialized at C.R.S. 7-80-101, et seq., and spells out the rules for LLCs and their Members. Pursuant to the statutes, an LLC is formed by filing Articles of Organization with Colorado?s secretary of state. However, there are many other formalities which Members should follow to run their Real Estate LLC effectively.

The attorneys at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C. are available to meet and discuss whether a real estate LLC is right for you. From drafting your LLC?s Operating Agreement and filing documents with the secretary of state, to holding your initial meeting and teaching you how to keep minutes, our business and real estate attorneys are here to help.

There are many reasons to form a LLC to purchase and hold real estate. A general rule is when a company owns real estate, only the company can be liable for injuries which have occurred on the property. The exception is when an individual operates the LLC as though the company is an alter ego of themselves, which is called piercing the corporate veil. The most common example is when a Member comingles personal and company funds. Also, a LLC (as opposed to other business entities) also provides pass-through taxation for income generated by the real estate. Lastly, the Members can (and should) enter into an Operating Agreement which clearly identifies responsibilities of the Members. This ensures all investors are on the same page and prevents conflicts common when individuals own real estate together.

THRIVE Loveland


Local Artists

Jane DeDecker & Kyle Dallabet t a What do you get when you combine a Loveland sculptor with a Loveland coffee artisan? You get a special partnership between two gifted people, Jane DeDecker and Kyle Dallabetta, who are committed to working and moving through life together. Jane is a nationally recognized sculptor, creating over 600 sculptures and placing 190 life and monument sized public sculptures in more than thirty-three states. Jane moved to Loveland when she was ten. Her father moved the family to Loveland because he felt there was more opportunity in this area. She had been living on a small farm in Iowa with her parents and nine siblings. Jane?s mother was artistic and Jane remembers drawing and painting as a small child. When asked what she loves about Loveland, Jane replies, ?the


THRIVE Loveland

By: Dan it a Nixon

sunshine and the people who live and work here, who want to make Loveland a great place to live.? Both Jane and Kyle agree that Loveland is a wonderful place to raise children. Kyle is a native Lovelander. He went to college in Seattle. Upon graduating from school, he decided to buy a coffee cart so that he could, ?make his millions?. Eventually he brought the coffee cart back to Loveland, and operated it outside of the King Soopers during a frigid winter season. Because they were creating their own interior coffee shop, the store eventually asked Kyle to leave (which he was thrilled about). Kyle now owns his own coffee house ?Muse Coffee & Tea? at 8th and Taft, which is well-known to Lovelanders who are drawn to the inviting environment, amazing coffee and great food.

Jane's sculpture is part of "Loveland: A City with a Heart" series. It is located at 360 South Lincoln Ave.

Kyle and Jane have been married for twenty-five years and have four children ages 12 to 23 years old. When they aren?t working in their respective businesses, they have been raising their family, and cheering their kids on at sporting events. They spend a great deal of time together. When asked, ?What is the key to a happy marriage?? Kyle quickly responds, ?a happy wife.? Jane smiles and adds, ?listening, working together, and communicating.? If you ever have a chance to spend time with Jane and Kyle, you might agree, they have found the recipe to a happy life: family, passion and community. Now that?s art!

Jane's Nephew Luke was set to model for her contribution to Loveland: A City with a Heart - which would feature a western theme. Luke dressed up for the occasion, wearing his cowboy garb and boots and was carrying his cowboy ropes. Jane had parked her vehicle near a hitching post. When she got ready to leave, her nephew Luke said to her, ?I tied your truck up.? He had intricately wrapped his rope around the front of her truck tying it up to the hitching post, which took her quite some time to undo. Jane went on to fittingly call this piece, ?I tied your heart up.?

THRIVE Loveland


Love & Mar r iage

The Candy Man St ole My Hear t By: St elle Bar n et t

Astrologically, we weren?t meant to cross paths. Fred, a Capricorn, earthy and grounded, could be counted on and set a clock to. Propelled by air-sign Aquarius, I was subject to the whims of a breeze. Somehow, we fell into alignment, as he charted our course and I added waves.

Me at my bridal shower

Fred and I on our honeymoon

Love came unexpectedly. I had just closed my business, EntrĂŠes, a dinner club for singles which I created and ran for eight years, and through which 40 members married. Still single, 19 years after the end of a 20-year marriage, I spent the previous eight years pressing my nose against restaurant windows wishing I could join the fun, although I was not anxious to marry. I was happy with my life and much preferred the term acapella - ?although unaccompanied, I sing? - to single. Matchmaking is in my DNA and I still receive joy from facilitating love matches. We met January 2, 1994 and married close to three years later. It was a blind date, arranged by a colleague of mine. Fred, a.k.a. ?The Candy Man?, was as sweet as Smarties and worked in every facet of the confectionary industry, earning a prized spot in the Candy Hall of Fame. He was widowed the year before. At 58 years young, we blended our families, totaling six grown children and five grandchildren. He was everything I was looking for, though I wasn?t looking.


THRIVE Loveland

Marrying late in life required some adjustments. Instead of the traditional young bride and groom on top of the wedding cake, a craftsman replicated our wedding attire and fashioned two aged people sporting gray hair and canes. Also, the ladies?room at the restaurant where the reception was held did not have the usual amenity baskets filled with hand cream, fragrances and hairspray; instead, ours were amusingly stocked with hemorrhoid cream, Polident and wrinkle smoother. Fast forward twenty-four years, we share unconditional love. The Candy Man keeps me steady while I venture off-track, kisses the top of my head each time he passes me, and never fails to bring me candy. Life is sweet.

Cutting the cake at our reception

Our "age appropriate" cake topper

Color ado Agr Abilit y

Local Resour ce

Candiss Leathers, M.A., VRT - Colorado AgrAbility, Program Manager

The Colorado AgrAbility Project (CAP) is a partnership between Colorado State University Extension and Goodwill Industries of Denver. It is part of a nationwide network of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs that began through the 1990 Farm Bill. The goal of the Colorado AgrAbility Project is to inform, educate, and assist farmers, ranchers, and farm workers with disabilities and functional limitations? and their families? so they can continue to maintain their independence and have successful careers in agriculture.

For m or e in f or m at ion Con t act Can diss at : 720-539-4435 Or email her at:

Ch eck ou t t h eir u pcom in g w or k sh ops at : h t t ps:/ / agr abilit y.agsci.colost at

Farming and ranching are physically demanding and hazardous professions. As workers age, they are faced with increasing rates of arthritis, back pain, decreased strength/endurance, hearing impairments and other medical conditions. These conditions increase the likelihood of slips and falls, being pushed by fast-moving livestock, accidents with machinery, and other dangers. Assistive technology can help mitigate the impact of aging conditions and help older farmers work with more safety. The cost of assistive technology and safety is significantly less than the expense of injury on the farm.

Agr Abilit y can h elp by: - Assessing agricultural work sites and tasks. - Recommending farm equipment adaptation, home modifications, and adaptive equipment. - Referring families to local service providers.

THRIVE Loveland


Out & About

Loveland's Talk ing

Loveland's Talking held a vision board session to encourage attendees to set intentions for the new year and to work towards achieving them. The session was guided by Maria Thomas, Parks & Recreation Marketing Coordinator.

The Loveland Connect ion (TLC) The Loveland Connection kicked off the new year with the Executive Directors of SAINT Transportation and Meals on Wheels, as they both shared about how to use their services and also volunteer opportunities.

L to R: Connie Nelson-Cleverley (SAINT) Bonnie Coleman - President TLC Jeffrey Pomranka, (MOW)


THRIVE Loveland

Sponsor Spotl ight Local Color ado Company Look ing t o Put an End t o ?Hear ing Emer gencies? It?s a scenario all too common for hearing aid wearers: you?re enjoying life, out with friends or relaxing at home, when suddenly BOOM. Your hearing aid battery dies and worse, you?re out of replacements. It?s what hearOclub calls a ?hearing emergency?. Unfortunately, it?s not always easy to run to the store for a replacement. Whether the obstacle is a remote location, lack of mobility, or even a sudden snow storm, for many Americans the only solution is to wait until a loved one can drop off more batteries, oftentimes days or weeks after the fact. ?We originally learned about this problem at a senior living facility,? said hearOclub co-founder RJPole. ?We met a resident named Ruth who would go two weeks without hearing when her batteries ran out. Ruth didn?t drive, and had to wait for her family?s monthly visits to replenish her supply. We?ve found Coloradoans experience this problem and are helping to solve it for them.? ?hearOclub is dedicated to giving people a piece of their life back, providing seamless access to the auditory world around them,? says fellow hearOclub co-founder Benjamin Norman. ?We remove stress from the equation, allowing our members to focus on what is truly important to them ? living life to the fullest.? Several recent articles have linked hearing

loss to depression, dementia, and a litany of serious health problems. It degrades quality of life, but if hearOclub has anything to say about it hearing emergencies will soon be a thing of the past. ?In addition to individuals, we can have a major impact on senior living communities, where hearing emergencies occur on a much larger scale,? says RJ. ?Forward-thinking facilities are reaching out, and we?re getting great feedback as we lessen the burden on staff, residents and their families. It?s really a win-win-win for everyone.? hearOclub offers affordable, name-brand DieHard batteries delivered directly to members? doors. Signing up is easy either online at or over the phone at (833) LISTEN-2.

THRIVE Loveland


The Mar ket place THRIVE Lovelan d is look in g f or w r it er s! You don't have to be a professional, you just have to be willing! We are looking for those who want to write once in a while, or those who want to write on a monthly basis. Types of articles we are looking for are: Volunteer Spotlight, Active Life Style, Nature Views, Travel Tales, Local Artists, etc. We do pay for articles that are published. Contact Danita at danita@thriveloveland for more information!

For Sale:

For sale: M in t con dit ion 10 in ch Cr af t sm an Ban dsaw , less than 2 hours use. Half price of new, plus extra accessories included. (970) 800-3959 Regist er ed M er in o f u ll r am s. Ages 6 months to 8 years old, prices ranging from $400-$600 each. Text Joan at 970-232-8394 Aw ar d Win n in g M er in o f leeces, raw and batted, many colors. Text Joan at 970-232-8394

Ser vices Of fer ed: Hou seh old goods an d f u r n it u r e r em oved an d given t o t h ose in n eed. Contact Cal at: 303-898-7597 Seam st r ess - M obile & af f or dable. Nom ad's Needle Contact Melanie Hutchinson at 970-691-496

Plan n in g t o pu r ch ase or lease a car ? As the purchaser of 52 vehicles, I can help you: 路 Determine the best car to fit your needs 路 Shop for best pricing and assist with negotiation 路 Navigate finance 路 Stand by you until everything is signed, sealed and delivered Reasonable rate. References available. Con t act Fr ed at 720-841-8684 or f r edebar n et t @gm To submit a classified listing send it to or call 970-852-4900


THRIVE Loveland

Legal View s

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