Chuckling Goat News - Issue 1

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Siop 3 on Cornel Pendre, Cardigan

Welcome to the very first issue of the chuckling goat news. Each month we’ll be bringing you the latest news from the farm along with competitions, offers and news about new products to help heal both your skin and your stomach...


Greetings from the Blue Barn. I am Teasel, Head Milking Goat in the Big Pen on the Left.

Here on the farm we live in a joyous natural ecosystem. And mostly, we goats are in charge! Because the humans are very busy at the moment opening our brand new shop in Cardigan, we goats have taken over the correspondence side of things. Once a month we’ll be sending you our best picks of the latest natural healing news and tips for health and beauty. This month’s focus: 21 days to happy skin, using our natural healing skincare toolkits. Be sure to make the most of the special discount offer below! Regards from the barn,

Teasel, Head Milker, (Big Pen on the Left)

special discount offer


off all skincare kits bought online up until December 21st 2014 CLICK HERE to get your discount or quote code #CHUCKLE at the checkout...


cklingGoat /ChucklingGoa t


Ever heard of the microbiome? Well, it has heard of you! In fact, it’s controlling the way you feel and function, right this minute. The microbiome is 2 kg of invisible bacteria that live in your gut. These are the little critters that help you digest your food. But they do more than that – they also control your nervous system, hormonal system and immune system. Damage the microbiome, and you damage your body’s ability to grow, heal and cope with everyday tasks. What damages the microbiome? Antibiotics, sugar, stress and environmental toxins. Experienced any of those lately? Yeah, me too. How bad is it when the microbiome is damaged? Well – think obesity. Diabetes. Eczema. Asthma. Psoriasis. Arthritis. Many of the systemic problems that doctors struggle to help with these days result from a damaged microbiome. And it’s not just the physical body – the microbiome also determines how you feel in yourself. Impressive new research is emerging every day regarding the role of the microbiome in affecting your mood. And probiotics – like the ones found in kefir – can help. The helpful yeasts and bacteria found in kefir can help boost mood in two important ways: they generate a particular neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and also enhance the brain receptors for GABA as well. Like a warm and gentle blanket for the brain, GABA is known to calm areas of the brain that are over active in anxiety and panic and in some forms of anxious depression. Animal studies working with mice show that mice who ingested probiotics had lower levels of corticosterone in response to stress. Corticosterone is the mouse version of the human stress hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol are common in anxiety as well as depression. Human studies have also corroborated similar findings. A French team learned via a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized parallel group study that giving humans specific strains ofLactobacillus and Bifidobacterium for 30 days yielded beneficial psychological effects including lowered depression, less anger and hostility, anxiety, and better problem solving, compared with the placebogroup (Messaoudi et al., 2011).

Yeast and the Microbiome While a healthy microbiome will contribute to good mood, an unhealthy one full of Candida albicans (yeast), and all the toxins associated with it, may also contribute to mood disorder. Presence of yeast will alter the ability to absorb nutrients and push hypersensitivity reactions of toxin by-products which translates to inflammation in the body. Inflammation will greatly contribute to depression, anxiety and poor mental function (Rucklidge, 2013). What You Can Do To Keep Your Microbiome Healthy? 1 – Avoid excess sugary foods: to avoid yeast build up. 2 – Good Quality Sleep: good sleep is key for the intestinal lining to repair and create a healthy microbiome. 3 – Meditation and Relaxation: Meditation and quality down time is important to keep the body in the ‘rest and digest’ mode instead of stress mode. Stress mode shuts circulation to the gut, which doesn’t allow a healthy microbiome. 4 – Eat Foods with Fiber: Good fiber helps feed the good bacteria and keeps them healthy. Vegetables, fruits, psyllium, flax, inulin and other fibers also help keep good flora and proper balance of short chain fatty acids in the intestines. 5 – Drink kefir. Kefir is a natural healing medical food, containing over 47 different strains of beneficial yeasts and bacteria, that permanently repopulate the gut with the good bugs you need to restore your microbiome.

If you’re struggling with a stubborn skin problem like acne, eczema, psoriasis or rosacea, it’s probably caused you a lot of stress, anxiety and worry. Skin is what we show to the world – and the world wants us to be perfect. You may blame yourself. You may feel guilty. You may think that you’ve done something wrong. You may hate your skin for letting you down, and getting in the way of looking the way you want to look. But let’s just get one thing clear here: Your skin problem is NOT YOUR FAULT. It’s not a bad diet. It’s not a lack of hygiene. It’s not poor skin care. It’s not your lifestyle. Your skin is having problems because your skin is a map of your microbiome. What happens in your gut, is manifested on your skin. The microbiome is your wonderful, complex, living internal eco-system, your own little private Amazon

Kefir restores and re-populates your microbiome, with all of the living micro-organisms that your body needs to heal your skin Rainforest that lives inside your gut. When your microbiome is savaged by antibiotics, sugar, stress or environmental toxins, it’s like pouring bleach into a river. The little Whos living in Who-ville down there get wiped out. What grows back is distorted and out of balance. And it never heals properly – not without some help. Luckily, we have that help, in the form of kefir. Kefir restores and re-populates your microbiome, with all of the living micro-organisms that your body needs to heal your skin, deal with stress and allergic triggers. We also put kefir into our soaps and our skin creams, so that you can rebalance the teeming bacteria that live on the surface of your skin, as well as inside your gut.

Heal from the inside – and from the outside. We can reverse the vicious spiral that you’ve been on – get an infection, take an antibiotic, which wipes out your body’s ability to heal, which leaves you open to infection – more antibiotics – and so on. We need to turn that around, and make it into a happy, up-wards spiral. A healing spiral. So that’s the way it works. Pick the right skincare toolkit for you, and start on your 21-day regimen. Drink the kefir every day. Every third day, soak in a tub using our soothing coconut oil bath melt. Use the cleansing bars and skin cream. And as your gut heals – watch your skin heal as well. 21 days to happy skin – your journey is waiting for you to begin!

Chuckling Goat - a family, a farm, a way of life... Our story began when our little boy, Benji, kept getting terrible bronchial infections. Rich, a Welsh farmer, knew that goatsmilk is good for asthma and bronchial conditions. So we got our first goat, a lovely black and white Anglo Nubian named Buddug... Watch our full farm story here...

WHICH SKIN TOOLKIT IS RIGHT FOR ME? In order to give you the tools you need to clear up stubborn skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea and dermatitis, we have created three types of natural healing “toolkits.”

who you looking at..

Each toolkit, packaged with a lovely nostalgic farm game and farm paper dolls designed by local artist Helen Elliot, contains the three tools that you need to heal your skin from the outside: healing bath melts, a cleansing bar and a lotion. To use your toolkit: Soak in a tub with the bath melt once every 3 days Use the cleansing bar to wash and Apply the magic lotion twice daily. Combine this with a 21-day course of drinking probiotic kefir to heal from the inside, and after 21 days you should see a real difference!

soothing s


The toolkits come in three varieties, you’ll need to choose the one that is right for you:

1 down on the farm...

Sensitive Skin Magic

This one contains only goatsmilk and kefir. No essential oils, no fragrance. Suitable for young children, pregnant women and those who are extremely allergic to all scent.

If you have any questions about which formulation to choose, or how to start your 21-day regimen, feel free to phone us for a chat on Tel: 01239 654 072.

healing skin


Chances are we’ll be near the phone. After all, we’ve got goats – we’re not going anywhere! ; )


Sooth-itch magic

This set cont ains rosem ary essential o il, which is lo vely for soothing itc hing, and al so for age spot, wrinkl es and sun damage. Good for m ature skin, d ermatitis and skin alle rgies.


breakout magic

formulation, and This is our strongest mend for severe the one that I recom bborn rosacea and and wet eczema, stu spots. It works psoriasis, acne and t of any of our the most quickly ou is quite strong; you formulations, but it e choosing this need to ensure befor do not react badly formulation that you to tea tree oil.

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– EAT TO HEAL FROM THE INSIDE the microbiome e good bugs inside th es sh bli sta -e re ergic triggers kefir, which aling dealing with all he A 21-day course of in dy bo e th t sis rmones, and as to help regulate ho , scaly skin. that may cause itchy mouth daily. conut oil, taken by potato, 1 spoonful of raw co lour orange: sweet co e th t ou ab ink amin A. Th ppers, tuna steaks, Eat foods high in Vit ots, orange bell pe ric ap , sh ua sq ut rn carrots, kale, butte . cantaloupe, mango OLKIT IDE: SKINCARE TO FROM THE OUTS for your skin – kling Goat bath melt uc Ch of ty rie va ht Choose the rig , soak once a day. drop in a warm bath r your skin, use in at cleansing bar fo Go ng kli uc Ch ct rre E ANY SORT OF Use the co body. DO NOT US e fac s, nd ha on k shower, bath, sin THIS TIME! ICAL SOAP DURING ER M M CO RD DA STAN twice daily on ng Goat magic lotion kli uc Ch te ria op pr Use the ap all affected areas.

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