Thrive - Spring 2014

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Issue 1 - Spring 2014










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Your quarterly natural health, food & lifestyle magazine.

An Apple a Day

Can eating just one apple a day keep stress at bay?

Here Comes the Sun Are you getting enough Vitamin D3 ?

Dangers of Dairy

Can consuming too much dairy put pressure on our digestion?

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Welcome Welcome to a brand new issue of Thrive Magazine. We’ll be here quarterley, throughout the year, to bring you the latest news on eating for maximum health. We’ll also be bringing you wellbeing tips, holistic living ideas and advice on staying fit and healthy. This Spring issue is bursting with articles and advice, including ‘How to Deal with Stress in the Workplace’ (pg 32) a topic that is so overlooked in our busy ‘Always On’ world. We also have a great feature on ‘Juicing’. (pg 26) If you haven’t heard about the juicing craze yet then you must have been hiding under the nearest gooseberry bush! We’ll also introduce you to some of the new, exciting health brands that are creating amazing snacks and products to help keep us healthy.

We’ve a great article for you on the ‘Benefits of Wheatgrass’ (pg 23) - a super food which can provide incredible benefits to health and boost energy levels. There’s also a chance to WIN a fresh veggie box courtesy of TasteWales (pg 47) and on (pg 38) as part of our ‘Bee-ing Better’ article we’re giving away some amazing bee friendly seeds, kindly provided by All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning these fab seeds and do your bit to help to sustain the bee population, is send us your best poetry which celebrates the flight of the bumble bee. So, sit back, relax, grab that glass of freshly squeezed juice and join us on our mission to make the world Thrive.

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Thrive Magazine is designed and published in house by Thrive Publishing. The magazine is printed by Parc Print Shop.

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DISCLAIMER: The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only. They are not intended to replace medical care. Check with your GP before trying any of the remedies in this magazine. Always seek medical advice if you are pregnant or taking medication before following any of the advice given in articles or advertisements in this magazine.

Next Issue - Summer Available July 2014

COPYRIGHT: All content of this magazine is copyright protected by Thrive Publishing and no content can be re-published without prior consent of the publishers, but Thrive is here to be shared and shouted about so shout away.




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Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Contents thrive [ issue 1 - Spring 2014 ] NEWS




What’s On


Here Comes The Sun

8-9 10 12 15

Get yourself along to some of the health events and wellbeing shows on during Spring 2014.

With more and more of us working indoors all day, are we all getting enough Vitamin D?

26 29

An Apple A Day

Keeps the Doctor away, so the saying goes. But what other health benefits can we gain from this rosy fruit.

Artful Nutrition

Alexandra Dudley founder of Punch Foods tells us why we should all be eating more seeds.

True Superfoods

The term superfood has become mainstream lately but what foods truly deserve the label of ‘Superfood’.

Another Stressful Day


One, Two, Three, Four, Five...


Back to our Roots


‘Bee’ing Better


Recipes - Try Something New How Home Economics Has Changed


The Diet of Earth



The Dangers of Dairy



Subscribe to Thrive

If planet earth could speak, would she be asking to go on a detox?

How much of the white stuff do you drink? And is it really good for our health?

In The Pantry

Seasonal fruit and veg to cook with, this Spring.


Eating Out

Looking for a 5 star place to grab some top notch grub? Then check out these 3 fabulous local eateries.

Ty Siriol - Home Grown with Care

Why happy pigs make for great tasting pork.


What causes stress? And why are more and more of us prone to being stressed.

Check out the ‘Good Fish Guide’.

Learn how to make powerful home remedies from plants in your garden.

Thrive interviews a local bee keeper to find out what’s happening to bees and how we can help.

Delicious new recipes for you to try.

Why we all need to be teaching the next generation, where food comes from and how to cook it.

Competition Time

Your chance to win a fresh mixed veggie box.

Great New Brands

We review the latest food & health products.

You could get Thrive magazine delivered to your door four times a year, to keep on top of the latest health news.


Where to buy - stockists


The Benefits of Wheatgrass


Foodie Horoscopes


It’s All in the Genes


A Healthy Squeeze

This super green grass is rising to fame, but find out the true benefits of taking a daily shot of green.

Does the future of optimum health lie in genetic profiling?

Juicing is becoming a popular trend, we look at the best way to get on the juicing train.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

what’s on By eating breakfast, you wake up your metabolism and start your engine.

Spring juice recipes to boost your immune system

28th June - 6th July The Natural Living Health and Well being

Pembrokeshire Fish Week Festival

show is on once more, on July 26th & 27th at National Botanical Gardens

Fish ‘n’ Frolics around Pembrokeshire Check the website for full listings

Wales. The event is free to attend and there are some fantastic stands including Living Atma , Sacred Earth Ltd, Sanctury Wales and of course us Thrive Magazine. Check out the website for more info

The allergy and free from show takes place at Olympia, Hammersmith Road, London, W14 8UX. The show runs; Friday 4th July 2014 Saturday 5th July 2014 Sunday 6th July

10-5pm 10-5pm 10-4pm

The show is completely free to go to and you can download your ticket by registering here: 5

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Here comes the sun Everything on this wonderful planet of ours needs sunlight, we need it for growth and for happiness. The challenge most of us have in our Western, technological based lives is that our daily working routine means we spend

It has also been discovered that

weight. So, as the moment of truth with

most of the day in-doors, meaning we

receptors in your brain need Vitamin D3

your bathing suit inches closer, don’t

miss out on all of the amazing bright rays

to keep hunger and cravings in check as

curse your sweet tooth for the belly bulge,

of sunlight that hit our planet.

well as to pump up those serotonin levels,

as it may well be what you’re not eating

which will elevate your mood. (Good thing,

enough of that’s actually responsible.

Sunlight delivers so many benefits to our bodies. Sunshine warms and reinvigorates each and every one of our cells; also aiding the secretion of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is responsible for the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus to maintain health bones. Vitamin D has other functions within our bodies including playing a pivotal role in the modulation of the immune system and may also aid in being protective against some cancers. There are various types of vitamin D that are important for the human body, these being vitamin D2 which is synthesized by the plants that we eat and vitamin D3 which is made by the skin when exposed to ultraviolet light. Both are beneficial for the human body however, just 10mins of sun exposure will provide us adequate daily amounts of vitamin D.

So why is Vitamin D3 important for us? Vitamin D3 is a very unique micronutrient that may have an affect on maintaining a healthy weight. It acts as a hormone and may play a sweeping role in the proper regulation of several body processes including regulating the immune system and also controlling our metabolism. 6

since dieting often comes with a side order of crankiness.)

By fueling your body with the D-rich nutrients it needs, to get out of a fat

Our bodies can only produce Vitamin D3 if

storage state and into a fat-burning one,

we are exposed to sunlight or by taking a

you could potentially speed weight loss by

supplement. If you’re mostly working

up to 70 percent.

and relaxing in doors you may need to take a supplement of Vitamin D3 to keep

Vitamin D rich foods

your serotonin levels up and help prevent

A great way to up your Vitamin D level is


to get more of the vitamin you need from

Vitamin D Deficiency

your diet. We can absorb Vitamin D from some food types, including Shitake and

Vitamin D deficiency is a returning

Button mushrooms, Mackerel and most

problem. People are visiting their local

oily fish, including Salmon. Apart

GPs daily with symptoms resulting from

from fabulous oily fish, you should also

Vitamin D deficiency. Researchers suggest

include shrimps and seafood in your diet

that approximately 50% of the UK adult

and to keep your levels topped up,

population are vitamin D deficient, with a

consider taking a supplement of fish oil,

further 15% experiencing sever deficiency

specifically cod liver oil or a Vitamin D3

during the Winter months. This has caused

supplement daily.

a rise in Seasonal Affective Disorder, more commonly known as SAD. However the

To boost your happiness and health, book

rise of vitamin D deficiencies has also led

yourself a holiday in the sun to start with,

to the increasing rate of rickets disease.

stick to using the sun screen though as

Rickets disease can be a result of an

this plays a vital part in protecting our skin

impaired metabolism lacking in Vitamin D,

from the damaging UV radiation that can

as well as the malabsorption of calcium

cause cancer. And think about taking a

and phosphorus.

vitamin D3 supplement to keep strong,

Heavy D, Slimmer You Numerous studies have shown Vitamin D’s crucial role in maintaining a healthy body

happy and healthy and when everyone around is suffering the sniffles, you’ll have a big sunny smile on your face.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

“Receptors in your brain need vitamin D3 to keep hunger and cravings in check.� Our bodies can only produce Vitamin D3 if we are exposed to sunlight, so consider taking a supplement.


Show c place asing thre e gre s in S o to gra uth W at b som ales If you e grub. ’ve go .. sec t

Feeling hungry? These great little eateries can help you out and satisfy that hunger...

a r shoul et eatery great litt le df yo hello@ eature, th u think we en thrive publi email us a shing t

Café Pure Lloyd George Avenue, CF10 4QH Cardiff. Cardiff has been waiting for this kind of eatery for over 10 years. A fresh, open and authentic atmosphere, focused purely around good clean food and healthy green supplements. Each and every ingredient is freshly prepared daily with on site nutritionists and personal trainers ready to advise you on how to stay fit. A superb and inspiring café with clean, green food at it’s heart.

Llanerch Vineyard

Llanerch Vineyard, Hensol, Vale of Glamorgan, CF72 8GG. The setting of the beautiful bistro matches the absolute beauty of the food. Set amongst a working Welsh vineyard, this laid back restaurant offers a carefully, crafted, home-cooked menu with locally sourced ingredients. Choose from either the Cariad Bistro menu or the full A La Carte, both of which offer superb authentic tasting dishes. And to top it off why not order a bottle of their Cariad medium dry wine.

40 Clifton Street, Cardiff, CF24 1LR The Canteen is a tucked away little café with a busy and vibrant atmosphere. Offering mostly vegetarian meals and catering for vegan, diabetics and coeliacs, this delightful little eatery is perfect for a catch up with friends. Their leek and Welsh mature cheddar risotto is to die for and with 2 course for only £15. This personal and professional little café is open from Thursday - Saturday 7pm til 10pm.

The Canteen

Eating Out

Each issue, we’ll be bringing you the low down on where to grab some great grub. This issue we feature three amazing venues that offer super fresh food. So, go check them out.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014



Apples contain pectin that can regulate inflammatory cytokines which binds to toxins to aid detoxing.

High stress can lead to an increase in damaging pathogenic organisms in the gut.

a day


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Apple power... Apples contain pectin that can regulate inflammatory cytokines, pectin is also an immunomodulation, which binds to toxins, providing greater immunity and greater recovery after exercise. Apples alter the probiotic mix of the bacteria within the intestine. Consuming apples also impacts the friendly bacteria in the stomach. Having increased amounts of certain bacteria may improve intestinal health. Reseach also suggests that consuming 2 apples a day for a period of 2 weeks will increase the bifidobacteria levels which may have been decreased as a result of antibacterial use. Adding a probiotic supplement to the apples, as additional

Apples are loaded with pectin, which may help keep blood cholesterol levels in check. When it dissolves in water, pectin creates a gel-like substance that binds bile acids and draws cholesterol out of the bloodstream. Pectins stickiness also slows the absorption of carbohydrates, keeping blood sugar levels on an even keel.

support can help prevent pathogenic bacterial growth.

Inflammation support... Stewed apples and probiotics for breakfast can aid the reduction inflammatory states. The flavonoid compounds in the apples can lead to reduced CRP levels and also protects intestinal tissue from inflammation

Our digestive system is more important

mindfulness have been proven to combat

damage. The probiotics and cinnamon

to our health than just breaking down our

stress. Try taking just 10 minutes each day

added to the stewed apples can

food, it has a key function in our immune

sitting in peace.

encourage the anti-inflammatory state.

and a number of other key health


Therefore the common saying of an apple

functions. Therefore maintaining this

Continual antibiotic use can also affect

a day keeps the doctor away may actually

delicate system is vital for good immune

the micro flora in the gut. Antibiotics can

be true in the long term.

health. In this article, we tackle some of

decrease the length of chain fatty acids

our everyday actions that can negatively

which causes an electrolyte imbalance in

influence our digestive system and a few

the colon and is a possible cause of

tips on how to combat them.


health, balancing inflammatory responses


Antibiotics are essential in some

The effect of continuous physiological and

cases, but try

psychological stress can also have a direct

boosting your

negative effect on the microflora of the gut.

immune system

High stress can lead to a decrease in

by drinking fresh

serum and can also lead to an increase in

green juices and

cortisol through its activation in response

getting yourself

to chronic stress. This response can have

outside to give your

a negative effect as it can lead to poor

body some sunlight.

immunity. The practice of meditation and 11

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

with Alexandra Dudley What was your inspiration to start Punch Foods?

that we create at Punch, but also in our

essential fats. What we have done is given

well thought out packaging. The design of

them a little bit more flair.

Ever since I can remember I have suffered

our handy and secure Superseed tubes

from food allergies and stomach issues.

means that you can snack on the go

Each flavour is chosen with the idea of

As a teenager I was diagnosed as having

without worrying about spills.

giving the seeds a super boost. Our ‘Meet

a severe wheat, gluten and dairy allergy.

Your Maca’ flavour contains raw Maca powder, an ancient Peruvian root used

forced to make my favourite goodies free

What future plans are there for Punch? What other ranges do you have in the seed bag?

from the ‘bad stuff’ but still full of flavour.

I have big plans for Punch Foods and

Heat’ gets it’s bonfire kick from organic

As my knowledge of nutrition improved

a stack of recipes and products that I

smoked paprika and hot cayenne pepper,

I became more and more experimental

want to bring out. There is still a need for

a winning combination to boost calorie

with my recipes and started making things

nourishing snacks that are convenient for

burn and rev up your metabolism.

that tasted delicious but that were also

people on the go. I have lived in London

nutritious. I couldn’t wait to set up Punch

nearly all of my life. The city is fast paced


and people are constantly rushing from

Always being artistic, a keen baker and a lover of experimenting in the kitchen I was

to increase energy and stamina. It is my personal favourite superfood. ‘Feel the

one place to the next. Being healthy on

If you could give 3 healthy eating tips to all Thrive readers what would they be?

Although the name went through a couple

the move is no easy task. Punch Foods

The first would have to be everything in

of changes, in the end it was the obvious

definitely has a focus on making healthy

moderation. I read more and more about

choice. Bored with the bland tasteless

eating as practical and delicious as

these crazy diets every day. Whether it

‘free from’ snacks that were available on

possible. Currently we are working on our

be starving two days a week or having

the market, I set out to make something

next snack, top secret for now but watch

a total binge on one, in my opinion it’s

that delivered nutrition and flavour with a

this space!

not healthy. My mantra is a little bit of

real Punch!

everything. I eat mainly a plant based diet

The slogan ‘Artful Nutrition’ also came

What are the power ingredients in Superseeds?

very naturally. Punch Foods is a brand

I would have to say the seeds themselves.

that pushes the health food market to

Seeds are hugely underrated, but they’re

I think that would be my second rule.

the next level. Not only is the artisan

a great source of fibre and protein and are

Don’t deny yourself anything. Try to

approach reflected in the unique recipes

full of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and

eat healthily most of the time but when

as well as lean proteins but I never deny myself anything.

you treat yourself enjoy it. Food is there to nourish our body and that means spiritually as well as emotionally. Denying yourself anything is pointless and only results on cravings and misery. My last rule would be to eat colourfully, and by that I mean naturally colourful. We are lucky enough to have a world full of the most wonderful fruits and vegetables that are artworks in themselves. Experiment with a purple cauliflower or roast a strange squash but most of all have fun! 12

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Buy Superseeds at the Retreat Café, London and at Lomax Bespoke Nutrition, London. As well as in selected boxes from ‘Crate of Nothing’. More information and a further list of stockists can be found at


artful nutrition

100% Organic • Gluten Free • 100% Natural • Dairy Free • High Fibre • High Protein • GMO Free • Vegan Certified

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

true super foods maca powder

Rich in vitamin B and vitamins, C, and E plus it provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids. Maca is sometimes known as ‘Peruvian ginseng’ and belongs to the radish family. It’s benefits have been long valued, and have now been rediscovered as a supplement. Maca comes in pill, liquid and powder form.

black garlic

This beautiful superfood offers nearly twice the amount of antioxidants as regular garlic and is low in fat, rich in natural sugars and amino acids. Black garlic is much easier for the body to digest than white garlic. White garlic contains allicine, which is only soluble in fat, whereas black garlic contains S-Allycysteine, which is water soluble.

acai berries

Grown in the Amazon rain forests in huge clusters, near the tops of palm trees. Acai berries are packed with antioxidants, amino acids, fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals making it a near perfect energising fruit.

kefir chia seeds

This magic, miracle milk is just

Chia seeds have become the superseed for dieters.

all the right reasons. It’s a

This is because they absorb 10 times their weight in

yoghurt like drink made from

water, forming a bulky gel and making you feel full.

fermenting kefir grains in milk

But these clever little seeds are also great for reducing

(rice, or nut milk can easily be

blood pressure and are high in Omega 3, which could

used). It has unbound health benefits including; alleviating

help combat arthritis and heart disease.

intestinal disorders, regulating blood pressure, eliminating

breaking onto the scene for

“bad” bacteria from the gut, flushing out pathogens and it Where to Buy Kefir can be bought from Buy Maca & Chia from

also boosts the immune system. An all round powerhouse. 15

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

The diet of planet


I’ve often wondered; what if the earth had a voice of her own? What would Mother Nature say to us? Would she plead with us for respect? or

consideration that we apply to our bodies,

resources, we need to be thinking about

would she scold us like a parent trying to

on times, to this wonderful planet we live

this question in a smarter way and now.

discipline a rebellious teenager.

on? Little by little - each of us can make a positive impact, if we consider each

‘Our Global Kitchen’ is an exhibition at

The developed nations of the world are on

and everything we buy and each and

the American Museum of Natural History

a treadmill of production and destruction

everything we eat. The biggest challenge

in New York. It’s focus is to look at what

and it’s now time for a change. With so

in this is changing our habits and let’s face

our food production system will look like

much focus on our own individual health,

it, that isn’t really a difficult challenge when

in the future and it serves up alternative

maybe it’s time to apply the same diet

you think that the future of our species on

suggestions to the hugely destructive

theories and healthy eating habits to our

earth is at stake.

meat industry we operate today. You

fabulous planet.

can view the video about the exhibition here

Only a select few spare a thought for

But, how do we change our food purchasing habits on a large scale?

earth’s eco-system; what we put in and

The 20th century saw the explosion


take out, the nutrients that we exploit, with

of crop yields through the spread of

no consideration for the by-products we

modern irrigation and chemical-intensive

One future solution that I’m sure we all

produce along the way and don’t forget

agriculture and it also gave rise to

agree on, is that we can’t keep doing

the waste that we try to hide underneath

processed food, which has increasingly

it like we are now and expect different

earth’s skin. If I were to hide something

replaced the whole-food staples that our

results, as Einstein said “That’s the

moderately nasty under your skin it

grandparents were growing and eating.

definition of insanity”.

wouldn’t be too long before your immune

Part of the solution to this much needed

system did everything it could to reject it;

change without doubt lies in the education

we’ve all had that unwanted splinter. Yet

of future generations. You’d be surprised

still we continue to bury our unwanted

how many of primary schools children

waste products in the ground.

don’t know where food comes from. With one third of kids thinking that

Imagine the atmosphere as the earth’s

cheese is made from plants, we

lungs or the great oceans as her kidneys.

have a need for re-educating our

Then think of the sheer amount of CO2

kids, not only where food comes

and harmful greenhouse gases we’re

from, but how to make fresh,

feeding into her system, only it’s not just

quality food from locally sourced

hers, it’s also critical to us. If the oceans


provide her filtration system, then over-


fishing and plastic pollutants are blocking

So, what will the 9 billion hungry

that system, with damaging effects.

humans be eating in 2050? With the

So, how do we apply the same careful

speed of soil destruction and depleting


ithink in terms of one year, plant a seed. if in terms of ten years plant trees, if Thrive in terms of one hundred years, help Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014 each other learn. ithink in terms of one year, plant a seed. if in terms of ten years plant trees, if in terms of one hundred years, help each other learn. ithink in terms of one year, plant a seed. if in terms of ten years plant trees, if in terms of one hundred years, help each other learn. ithink in terms of one year, plant a seed. if in terms of ten years plant trees, if in terms of one hundred years, help each other learn. ithink in terms of one year, plant a seed. 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Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Dangers of dairy Do we need to consume dairy or is it a food group that carries much more health dangers than health benefits? Milk, a symbol of living in abundance and

D and hence dairy agriculture was born.

rate of bone fractures and the worst bone

a blessing mentioned in the bible and in

Today dairy products creep into most of

health. Therefore if you are a dairy product

historical texts. But, have we really come

our daily meals, not to mention the 5 billion

consumer you could be far more at risk to

a long way as a human race, when we are

litres of milk consumed each year by UK

developing osteoporosis than someone

so dependent on cow’s milk? There is

residents. All in all, we buy enough dairy

who doesn’t eat dairy.

now one cow per person in the world

products every year to fill nearly 4,500

and the industry is booming. As a child

Olympic-size swimming pools.

I remember having milk at break times in

a study in 1992 to show the association

school and being told it will make me big

The benefits of dairy are far outweighed

between animal protein intake and bone

and strong, but how beneficial is cows

by the possible damage to our health.

fracture rates in women, they explained

milk to us humans?

How many of us would drink milk straight

that animal protein unlike plant protein

out of a beautiful Fresian Heifers Udder?

increases the acid load in the body, the

We can’t doubt the essential powerful

But, by the time the white stuff gets to

body does not like an acidic environment

properties of cow’s milk if given to a cow!

the end user in the UK, it has undergone

and it’s primary concern is protecting the

But isn’t it strange that humans are the

many processes and all we are left with

kidneys and urinary tracts, so it fights it

only speices that drink another mammals

is a concoction of carbohydrate, fat and

by neutralising the acid. It does this by


protein which we can easily obtain from

drawing calcium from the bones which

other foods. The benefits of avoiding dairy

can weaken them and put them at greater

The history of dairy production is hard to

products can far outweigh the benefits we

risk of fracture. But that’s not all; most of

pin down, some sources say it started in

receive from consuming them.

the general population do not drink raw

South East Asia but it is believed to


Researchers at Yale Universtiy carried out

milk, they drink pasteurised, homogenised

originate in Northern Europe, where the

The Facts

milk, all of which contain antibiotics and

lands are prone to less hours of sunlight,

The countries in the world that consume

genetically engineered forms of bovine

therefore people were starved of vitamin

the most dairy products have the highest

growth hormone to increase milk production.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

I wrote to one of the biggest organic dairy

example, 90 percent of Asians and 50

magnesium and manganese are present

producers in the UK and they wrote back;

percent of Hispanics are lactose intolerant,

together. Greens are also very alkaline,

confirming that when members of their

compared to only about 15 percent of

which means they don’t cause urinary

herd get sick or get mastitis (an irritation

people of Northern European descent.

calcium loss, the way acid-producing dairy

of the mammary glands) they are taken

products can.”

out of the milking herd and treated with

Kimberly Snyder, celebrity nutritionist and

antibiotics, they do not keep their herd

best selling author of The beauty Detox

Eating dairy products is not essential, but

on antibiotics full time, however all milk is

Solution stated, “Greens have calcium

eating a diet rich in variety and colour will

allowed to have a certain amount of puss

absorption rates of over 50%, compared

benefit anyone sick or healthy and

content. The milk puss refers to mastitis

with 32% in milk. You can get plenty of

sometimes as much as you love it and are

infection which gets treated in the

calcium from greens, by regularly

used to it, it’s about what we avoid rather

homogenisation process, you would

consuming green smoothies, green juices

than what we include which will make us

never know as your milk is white, but it is

and a multitude of various salads. Calcium

healthier and happier.

allowed to contain it.

is best assimilated by the body when both

Many people have some degree of lactose intolerance. For them, eating or drinking dairy products causes problems like cramping, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. These symptoms can range from mild to severe. Certain groups are much more likely to have lactose intolerance. For

Almond Milk

we can’t doubt the essential powerful properties of cow’s milk...if given to a cow. Coconut Milk

Rice Milk Almond milk is a great source of magnesium

by Tali Febland

Rice milk is the most hypoallergenic of all the milk substitutes

Coconut milk is a very creamy, dairy-free alternative for those who are lactose intolerant

Where to Buy Try making your own almond milk or buy some from


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

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Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

wheatgrass Who would think that something as simple as grass could have such a positive impact on our health? Wheatgrass has a long history... Tradition has it that the Essenes, the Jewish group who lived at the time of Jesus, would have had wheat seeds and wheat seed sprouts as part of their diet. They believed that a good diet and a positive attitude was the answer to perfect health. Which is still good advice today. Modern evidence suggests that much of the sickness that is around today is due to our poor diets. Food is either processed too much, or cooked to death – often destroying the life-giving enzymes, vitamins and minerals on the way. Wheatgrass is extremely cleansing and detoxifying

Benefits of Wheatgrass...  Wheatgrass juice helps your body to build red blood cells which carry oxygen to every cell.

 Increases energy levels  Potent Detoxifier  Slows down the anti-aging process  Restores alkalinity to the blood.  Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.  Chlorophyll helps purify the liver  Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems.

 Contains lutein which helps maintain healthy skin and eyes.

 Helps with weight loss  Wheatgrass calms the nervous system

and provides an incredible boost in energy levels and has also been known to cure many types

Wheatgrass comes in different forms; Frozen,

of blood disorders. Wheatgrass contains a large

powdered and as tablets. Frozen is best because

amount of chlorophyll and is full of enzymes,

wheatgrass is a living superfood, full of living

vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is an

enzymes and freezing just after cutting preserves

excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium,

the enzymes in the grass.

phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, and zinc. 2floz of Wheatgrass juice is known to contain the same nutritional value as 3lbs of

You can buy frozen wheatgrass juice and find out more information from

organic vegetables.

What is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is considered the “blood of plants”. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Incorporating wheatgrass into the diet will help build and renew blood cells in the body and increase the oxygen available in the bloodstream. Follow on Twitter @Wheatgrass_Uk 21

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

It’s all in the genes? Since the 1980s there has been a rise in the medical model termed Personalised Medicine.

in lifestyle medicine and consider incorporating influences of the patient’s lifestyle and environment into their care. This is something that the Functional

The idea of personalised medicine

Medical model has been providing since

suggests that we can follow a medical

the late 1980s.

model designed specifically for us and individualised to suit our daily needs. The

Functional Medicine assesses the impact

rise in personalised medicine, has allowed

of the environment (environment = diet,

the development of genetic testing for

lifestyle, exercise program, psychology

health. Personalised medicine means that

and climate) and how genetic influences

we can now base our diets/medical

impact the 7 systems that operate within

interventions on our genetic blueprint. Is

the human body. It looks at how potentially

this possible? If so, does this mean that

certain aspects of our family upbringing or

the key to our health is in our DNA?

lifestyle can impact on the detoxification, endocrine or immune and digestive health.

In this series of articles we’ll take a look at

You can find more information from

the use of genetic profiling and the impact

on our health, using current scientific research to elaborate on some of the

So where did it all begin?

genetic information that you can research

In 2000 the draft version of the Human

online. We will also examine the impact of

Genome was produced, with the full

genetics in sport and how best practices

version being presented in 2003, following

that are being used by some of our top

decades of research and approximately

athletes, can be used to help our everyday

$3billion investment. It was thought that

exercise trends.

the scientific community would have an understanding of the origin of disease and


Research states that personalised

that could pave the way towards a brand

medicine may provide a novel means of

new medical model, however in 2014 we

addressing health concerns of the patient,

are only starting to see the emergence of

by providing them information needed to

medical research with valid genetic data.

regain the control of their health. This

The most recent being the link between

element of control is crucial for the

the immune system and Alzheimer’s

implementation of the information. Having

disease with 11 new genetic parings being

the control to discuss and evaluate your

discovered, following a worldwide study

own health program based on your

and data being produced by Cardiff

genetics must be a great feeling.

University. So personailsed medicine is

Lianov and Johnson (2010) advocated

making some significant breakthroughs

that the medical industry should be trained

but is still very much in it’s infancy.

Is genetic profiling the future of discovery for optimum health?

Is the key to our health in our DNA?

There is new research emerging weekly on the impact of genetics on our health, with new tests being conducted to help inform intervention guidelines and programs by our health providers. As personalised medicine and functional medicine looks at all of our individual aspects of our body, knowing our genetic blue print can only enhance this personalised health program. For any further information on genetic profiling contact

About CISM...

The Centre for Integrated Sports Medicine (CISM) is a private company providing an experienced combination of sports performance specialists who provide a new concept and unique health model. Genetic Testing is now the most influencial testing system in sports performance. The genetic analysis is an integral aspect of CISM’s Elite Performance Plan.

Follow us @CISM_uk

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

A Healthy Squeeze Juicing is big news, just like fasting, juicing

• It gives you energy - You’ll be jumping

has recently become one of the most

out of bed in the mornings.

popular ways of detoxing your body and

• You could loose weight by juicing for a

it is a super way to loose those extra few

few consecutive days.

pounds too.

• Juicing boosts your immune system and keeps colds at bay.

Juicing can have huge health benefits,

• It cleanses your whole body and organs,

aside from weight loss, it gives you

allowing the body to enter recovery mode

healthier and more vibrant skin, it can help

and repair cells.

clear dermatological conditions such as

• Juicing helps detox the liver, allowing for

eczema and it’s a sure fire way of getting

increased liver function and quicker detox.

your five a day.

Things to remember:

But before you go head fast into juicing

• Make sure you add green veggies,

let’s just highlight a few ideas of how to

to your juices, like kale, spinach and

get the most out of your juicing:

chard. See the 80:20 rule below to get a good balance.

• Juicing is a fab way to get your daily

• Water down your juices and never clean

vitamins straight into your system.

your teeth straight after drinking them,

Try adding in some of the zesty fruits like lime or lemon to your green juices for that extra zing.

fruits are high in acids and can damage the enamel on your teeth. So if you need a health boost or are just lacking in energy then grab yourself a juicer and buy in those veggies and fruits and get juicing.

The 80/20 rule of juicing. Fruits are naturally high in sugars, such as fructose and sucrose, especially grapes, bananas, mangos, apples, pineapples and pears. And although they’re natural sugars they still have the same effect on your body - they make your blood sugar levels peak and dip. So, when it comes to juicing there’s a delicate balance to get the maximum benefit. Stick to 80% veggies and 20% fruit in all of your daily juices to keep the energy dips at bay. Get juicing and you’ll get the balance right for your body before you know it. Most of all experiment with colourful veggies, they can be sweet too. 24

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

super carrot zinger

beetroot boost

go green

2 oranges peeled 2 medium carrots, washed 1 cup of filtered water 1 teaspoon peeled, chopped ginger ice cubes Get it all in your juicer and whizz.

2 cooked beetroots 3 apples 1 teaspoon peeled, chopped ginger 3 kiwis peeled crushed ice for serving Whizz it all up and drink.

1 handful of spinach half a cucumber, washed 2 green apples 1 stick of celery half a lime crushed ice for serving Blend, whizz then drink.

Get more delicious juice recipes from


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

We are a family run smallholding near Pontarddulais, Swansea which rears pedigree Welsh pigs. Run by husband and wife team Martyn and Suzy Williams, we raise all our own pork on our farm. We started keeping pigs about three years ago and it all started out initially when we bought a joint of pork from the supermarket and the children said it tasted like cardboard so we decided to look into what foods we were actually eating and what we found wasn’t good! So, we decided we’d rear our own pigs. We initially started out with five pigs, just enough to fill the freezer with joints, chops and bacon to feed the family. Then we thought other people need to have access to such good quality meat products too. So, in January 2013 we decided to diversify and began selling our quality pork at farmers markets, local produce markets and food festivals across south Wales. We also sell through our online shop and we operate a free local delivery service.

We will be launching a UK wide mail order system in the Spring of 2014. Today we have over 50 pigs and we sell on average 3-4 pigs a week. The health and wellbeing of our pigs is our top priority as we firmly believe that a happy pig makes for great tasting pork. We are out with the pigs every day for about 3-4 hours in the morning feeding them and mucking out. They are checked through the day and evening too. It’s labour intensive, but it doesn’t actually feel like work as we enjoy it and know that the meat we are eating and selling is home reared and of great quality. We produce all our sausages, dry cured bacon, burgers, mince and cuts of pork by hand, on site at our smallholding, so that we can guarantee provenance and quality from start to finish.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

“People need to have access to good quality, home reared meat”

Marmalade Saus ages

“Check out our website for some delicious recipes”

to buy A chance

“We believe that a happy pig makes for great tasting pork” Order On line...

Order online at

Food Markets and Events May/June 2014.

Far mers Markets

MAY 3rd Farmers Local Produce Market 3rd Lunar Produce Market 4th Riverside, Cardiff 10th Caerphilly Food Festival 11th Riverside, Cardiff 17th Llansawel Farmers Market 18th Riverside, Cardiff 24th Porthcawl Farmers Market 25th Riverside, Cardiff 31st Uplands Market, Swansea

JUNE 7th Farmers Local Produce Market 10th Riverside, Cardiff 14th Caerphilly Farmers Market, The Twyn, Caerphilly. 21st Llansawel Farmers Market 22nd Riverside, Cardiff 28th Porthcawl Farmers Market 29th Uplands Market, Swansea 29th Riverside, Cardiff 27

Asparagus - full of antioxidant glutathione, which protects the skin from the effects of aging.

Artichokes - An essential source of vitamin K - great for bone health.



In the pantry


Arugula - a powerful herb with a with a peppery mustard flavor. Drizzle with lemon juice.

Apricots - full of beta-carotene fiber and vitamin C. Important fruit for a healthy heart.

Apricots Arugula

Avacados - an excellent source of monounsaturated fat that is easily burned off for energy.

Avacado 29

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014


stressful day How often do you hear the word stress? It’s a word we use when we have a lot to do, things on our mind...

Try Meditation to calm your mind. Scan the code or visit


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

So what is stress? It’s a normal physical reaction to a threat. When you sense danger (real or imagined), the body’s very

If you are

effective defence system

affected by stress

Common causes of work related stress:

and feel you need to talk

activates. This is an incredibly useful protection

about it or find a way to cope

tool designed to save you in

with it then contact Capital CBT

an emergency situation, it’s


an automatic process known

Or on Facebook

as ‘fight, flight or freeze’ which

@ Capital-CBT

Heavy workload Long hours Bullying Management changes Formal warnings

prepares our body to fight or escape threat. With the hassles of modern life it is hardly

In the workplace excessive stress can interfere with productivity,

surprising stress has become the norm.

efficiency and employee wellbeing.

In fact, work is the number one cause of stress, with approximately 40,000 people

Common symptoms include:

a year reporting work-related stress at a

Trouble concentrating


level they believed was making them ill.


Feeling low

Poor problem solving

Loss of motivation

Some level of stress can be beneficial,

Muscle tension

Increased sensitivity/ irritability

helping us perform tasks more efficiently.



However, under severe or long term stress

Social withdrawal

Low self esteem

we can suffer negative effects, including:

Tight chest

Increased drinking/ smoking

Sleep, appetite, weight changes


Raised blood pressure Suppressed immunity Heart attack/ heart disease/ stroke Anxiety Depression Digestive problems With the above in mind it is important that we learn to manage stress. Here are some tips: Get moving - Exercise is a powerful tool, lifting mood and increasing energy. Even a short walk can help reduce stress. Manage time - Make a to do list, prioritise items on it then tick things off when complete. Try not to take work home, have a healthy work life balance. Assertive communication - Say no to unreasonable demands (don’t feel guilty), delegate where possible. Relationships - Develop good relationships with colleagues to build up a network of support. Talk to someone you trust.

Ask for help - This is not a weakness.

Concentrate on the present - This is

Be realistic - You don’t have time to be

known as Mindfulness. Mindful tasks use


your five senses to pay attention to the

Relaxation techniques - Yoga,

present. When you have a shower, how

massage, reflexology are great ways to

often do you feel the water on your skin,

relax, so is Progressive Muscle Relaxation

smell the shower gel or shampoo? Our

(PMR). Targeting groups of muscles will

minds are normally busy in the past or

relax your body and help you to tune into

future, we can use our bodies to connect

tension. This will enable you to spot

us to the present.

tension and stress much earlier.

Therapy - Seek professional help if your

Look after your physical health - eat

stress levels are causing you concern.

healthily, get enough sleep, drink alcohol in moderation and avoid nicotine. 31

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

One, two, three, four, five... species Species

ok to eat - there’s plenty of us Eat

Alaska or Walleye Pollock Anchovy Arctic char Bream, Gilthead Brill Cockle Cod, Atlantic

Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands (MSC certified) Bay of Biscay Farmed (organic certified) Farmed (organic certified)

Coley or Saithe Crab, Brown Dab Eel Flounder Grey mullet Gurnard Haddock Hake Halibut Herring or Sild Mackerel Marlin Monkfish (Anglerfish) Mussel Pangasius Plaice Pollack or Lythe Pouting or Bib Prawn (coldwater/northern) Prawn (King and Tiger) Red Mullet Salmon Sardine or Pilchard Scampi or Langoustine Seabass Shark & Dogfish (rock salmon) Skate and Rays

NE Arctic, N Sea, Skagerrak, West of Scotland, Rockall IPA, Devon & Shetland (MSC certified) North Sea (otter trawled, seine netted)

Sole (Dover/Common) Sole (Lemon) Sturgeon, Caviar Swordfish Tilapia Trout Tuna (Albacore) Tuna (Bigeye) Tuna (Bluefin) Tuna (Skipjack)

N Sea & E Channel (gillnet), Celtic Sea (trawl) & W Channel Seine netted (North Sea) Farmed (closed production) Harpooned (SE Pacific) Farmed (ASC certified; closed production; Zimbabwe) Rainbow (farmed, organic certified or freshwater ponds) Trolled (South Pacific) Non-FAD Purse Seine (NFPS) (Indian Ocean) (IO)

Tuna (Yellowfin) Turbot Whitebait Whiting

Burry Inlet and Dee Estuary (MSC certified) NE Arctic, E Baltic, Iceland

in danger - please don’t eat us Avoid

Western Bering Sea, Okhotsk Sea Portugese coast Farmed North Sea Dredged Celtic Sea, E & W Baltic (gillnetted)

Norwegian coast, Greenland, Faroes, Kattegat, Skagerrak, N Sea, E Channel, W Scotland, Irish Sea, Rockall

Iceland, Faroes

NE Arctic, North Sea, Skaggerak & Kattegat Atlantic (farmed, onshore production) MSC certified, Bothnian Sea & Iceland

Commercial line fishery (Cornwall) Faroe Plateau, Rockall, Irish Sea Spanish & Portuguese waters (Southern stock) Atlantic (wild caught); Greenland (NE Arctic, Iceland ,E Greenland Celtic Seas (Vla (South), VIIb,c), Bothnian Bay All other sources

Farmed Farmed (ASC certified) N, Irish & Baltic Sea, Skagerrak (seine netted), E&W Channel, Iceland North Sea, Celtic Sea & W Scotland All sources NE Arctic Farmed (organic certified) Pacific (all species, Alaska); Atlantic (farmed, organic certified) Cornwall (MSC certified) Farmed (closed system)

Skagerrak & Norwegian Deep Farmed (certified or Madagascan) All sources Atlantic: farmed; wild-caught UK rivers above conservation limits Bay of Biscay, W Iberian Sea All other sources North, Celtic Sea, Bay of Biscay, E Channel; Farmed Lesser spotted dogfish, nursehound, starry smoothhound Cuckoo, spotted & thornback (Kattegat, Skagerrak, N Sea, E Channel, Celtic Sea & W Scotland) All other sources North Sea, Iceland All other sources

Line caught (South, North Pacific; North, South Atlantic) All other sources

Troll, pole & line, NFPS (W C & E Pacific, IO); pole & line (Maldives EEZ) Troll, pole & line, NFPS (E & WC Pacific, IO & Maldives EEZ) Farmed (onshore production)

All other sources

Celtic Sea

N Sea, E Channel, Skaggerak & Kattegat, W Scotland, Irish Sea,Rockall


...are or are speci


North Sea (beam trawled) All sources Gill or fixed netted (all areas) Red, grey and tub or yellow Iceland, Celtic Sea, W Scotland European (Northern stock) Greenland (W Greenland) All other sources NE Atlantic stock White Marlin (Atlantic) All sources



European (inc. farmed) & Conger

Skagerrak (other sources), Celtic Sea, SW Ireland, W Ireland

Wild caught; non certified farmed Atlantic, from any stock below conservation limits Portuguese coast, North Galicia, Cantabrian Sea Pelagic trawled Shark; nursehound (Bay of Biscay Iberian waters); Spurdog All skate. Blonde, sandy, shagreen, undulate & smalleyed rays. Also, thornback, cuckoo & starry rays from all other sources SW (beam trawled), W Ireland & Irish Sea All wild caught Mediterranean

Longline, pelagic trawled (Indian, N Atlantic); Mediterranean Longline, FAD Purse Seine (W Central Pacific Ocean) All sources (inc. ranched)

All other sources North Sea All sources |


think - not that many of us left Think

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Peel off fish to a sustain

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Alaskan, line caught, salmon is on the safe to eat list and contains bioactive peptides that provide special support for joint cartilage.

Get your own pocket guide which explains which fish are from sustainable sources...

...once I caught a fish alive.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Going back to our roots Fancy making your own herbal remedies? Or learning about natural medicine. Thanks to herbalist Laura Carpenter, you now can. Email: for more info or to book a course.

Medicinal Plants Weekend May 2nd - 5th Ravenshill Woods, Worcestershire book online with

Taff Trail Herb Walk - FREE Sunday 11th May, 2pm - 3pm Meet at Radyr Foot Bridge

Taff Trail Herb Walk - FREE Sunday June 8th 2pm - 3pm Meet at Radyr Foot Bridge Summer Remedies Workshop Saturday 17th May at Whitchurch clinic. Cost £45 (lunch inc.)

Herbal Medicine - Nature’s Pharmacy Talk Wed June 25th 7pm - 8pm Whitchurch Clinic Cost £2 Entry Free Herbal Tea and Homemade Cake. 34

Covering Hay Fever remedies, natural first aid and making an insect bite cream and natural after sun lotion.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Making Spring Tonics... Traditional Spring tonics were remedies that were used to cleanse the blood and replenish vital nutrients following a harsh Winter diet. They often consisted of whatever new green growth first came through, but the following plants were top of the list. Nettle – well known for containing iron, but also contains beta carotene, silica, selenium, magnesium, zinc and vitamins A, C, D, E, F, K, P and B6 & protein. Dandelion – well known for containing potassium, but it also contains calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C. Cleavers – contain vitamins B3 and C, silica and calcium. Watercress – contains beta carotene, Vitamins A, C and K, calcium, zinc, potassium, selenium and magnesium.

Nettles can stimulate the lymph system to boost immunity

Cleavers spring tonic water Take a bottle of spring water and insert a 40cm length of fresh cleavers (washed and with no roots or dead bits). Leave the bottle in a warm place for at least 30 minutes and then drink throughout the day (leaving the cleavers in the bottle). You can also add slices of lemon or orange.

to ura shows us how In the next issue La sto. pe ers av cle d an ttle make wild garlic, ne Follow Laura on twitter @he rbalist_laura Facebook @la uracarpenterm edicalherbalis t

green smoothie 100g fresh spinach 100g fresh dandelion leaves 100g kale 100g watercress 450ml water 2 cored and chopped green apples ½ avocado (flesh only) 1 banana (peeled) Blend together and sprinkle with crushed toasted pumpkin seeds.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014


We’ve got these fantastic bee friendly seeds to giveaway thanks to Just email us your poem about the beauty of bees for a chance to win. 36

How skilfully she builds her cell! How neat she spreads the wax! And labours hard to store it well With the sweet food she makes.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Bee-ing better Thrive visited local bee keeper Geraint Mason from Cefn Cribwr, to find out what the buzz is about when it comes to beekeeping. So, what made you get into bee keeping?

to be fed using a water / sugar solution

I started getting interested in keeping

stores. I personally always try to leave at

If people want to help what one thing could they do to sustain the bee population?

bees around six years ago, just as the

least some collected honey in the hive and

Plant bee friendly flowers, consider a

big publicity regarding the plight of the

only supplement this with sugared water,

meadow flower area in the garden, buy

honeybee in the UK and worldwide

as honey made from sugar does not

local honey and honey products and

started making the news. Once I had read

provide good quality honey for the bees

encourage all types of bees into your

as much as I could find on the internet

and does not contain any of the complex

garden not just honeybees.

regarding keeping honeybees, I joined the

trace compounds like the honey created

local beekeepers association - Bridgend

from collected nectar.

How do you get from bee to honey pot? What is the process?

How fundamental do you think the bee population is to our food system?

Briefly, the frames of honey containing

What’s the most rewarding aspect of bee keeping?

Along with wild pollinators (bumble bees,

are spun in a centrifugal extractor which

wasps and other insects) honey bees

sends the honey flying out of the cells at

It’s either getting a honey crop at the

pollinate some crops that can only be

high speed. The extracted honey is then

end of the season or seeing all of your

pollinated by insects, these crops include

filtered and poured into sterilised jars, no

bee colonies making it through winter

apple, cherry & raspberry to name but a

preservatives or anything else is added!


few. Without insect pollination these crops

which the bees will convert into honey

Beekeepers, and attended their beginners course, which is held over the winter months.

sealed cells of honey are scraped to remove the wax caps and the frames

How many bees are in your hives? Roughly?

production. Some parts of China have

How many times do you get stung when harvesting?

completely lost their bee populations due

Sometimes not at all, sometimes lots of

Over 35 thousand at the Summer peak

to over use of insecticides and crops such

times, depending on many factors like the

reducing to just a few thousand during the

as apple now need to be pollinated by

temperature, the time of day or the colour

Winter, when the queen’s egg laying slows

hand using small paintbrushes. Globally

of your gloves (bees don’t seem to like

right down or stops completely.

it is estimated that honeybees are

black gloves for some reason!)

would suffer varying degrees of reduced

responsible for pollinating crops valued at

How do you prepare your hives for Winter?

two hundred billion dollars each year.

Where can we buy your honey?

There’s lots to do in the build up to Winter,

year, but I do normally sell honey at the

the most important thing is making sure

What is causing the British bee population to be in decline?

that each colony has sufficient stores of

No conclusive cause has been attributed

& South Wales. You can contact Thrive

honey to see it through until the Spring.

to the high rate of bee colonies failing in

Magazine to buy honey from me.

Honey which the bees have collected

the UK but evidence suggests that one

through the Summer can be left on the

or all of the following factors may be

hive and not collected by the beekeeper

contributing to bee deaths: varroa mite,

or, if the majority of the honey stores have

electromagnetic radiation, pesticides,

been removed, the colonies will need

various pathogens, loss of habitat and

Demand has outstripped supply for this

genetic factors.

door and in local fairs across Bridgend

Watch - Dance of the Honey Bee Scan the code or visit 37

Kohlrabi tops are super nutritious, they are abundant in carotenes, vitamin A, vitamin K, minerals, and B-complex group of vitamins.

Kohlrabi contains health-promoting phytochemicals such as isothiocyanates and sulforaphane, both help to protect against prostate and colon cancers.

Mizo glazed roast kohlrabi with a ‘Mega Omega’ boost

Introducing kohlrabi Miso glazed roast kohlrabi with a ‘Mega Omega’ boost

ingredients 4 Whole Kohlrabi

how to cook...

Trim the leafy bits off the kohlrabi, reserving for later and continue to chop the outer tough green skin of the kohlrabi. Discard the tough skin and

Miso Glaze

chop the kohlrabi into about 1inch pieces. Mix all of the glaze ingredients

2 heaped tbsp. Organic Miso Paste

together in a bowl, add the kohlrabi and coat in the mixture using your

4 tbsp. Organic rapeseed oil

hands. Spread evenly over a baking tray and roast in a preheated oven

2 tbsp. Organic Tamari

at 180 for 30 minutes checking and turning after 20 minutes.

2 tsp. Organic Sesame oil 2 tsp. coconut oil or 1 tbsp rapeseed oil

During the last ten minutes of the kohlrabi’s roasting time quickly steamfry

Sprinkling of Punch Foods -

the kohlrabi leaves in a saucepan using your oil of choice adding a touch

Superseeds Mega Omega

of water to aid the process. Remove the Kohlrabi from the oven, transfer to a bowl and combine with the leaves. Sprinkle with ‘Mega Omega’

(serves 4-6)

Superseeds and serve.

rsatile vegetable, A wonderfully ve low carb t for those on a kohlrabi is perfec ts as riac this recipe ac le ce to r ila m Si . diet ent for dish or replacem a beautiful side potatoes. ain as well as the m Using the leaves adding waste, as well as body avoids all f with dish. Finish it of greenery to the ega licious Mega Om a sprinkling of de teed dish is a guaran Superseeds, this crowd pleaser.

Thanks to Punch Foods for this fab kohlrabi recipe. Where to Buy Kholrabi is a great versitile veggie, and can by bought from Ocado or your local veg box scheme.

Kohlrabi is rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, with only 27 calories per 100g, a tiny amount of fat, and zero cholesterol - it’s super!


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

beetroot falafel

beetroot & bean salad

Thrive - Feel Alive / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

The Beauty of Beetroot

Betacyanin, the pigment that gives beetroot its colour, is an antioxidant.


t & bea

how to cook it...

Shell the beans and cook them in water for about 10 minutes, then drain and refresh them in cold water. Peel the skins off the beans with your fingers. Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a frying pan. Add the chopped shallots and sliced garlic and fry for a minute or two over a medium heat. Stir in the chopped rosemary, then tip in quartered beetroot and stir gently for 3-4 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave to cool. Lift out the beetroot quarters and put them into a bowl together with the salad leaves. Heat the lentils in a pan for 5 minutes. Stir the vinegar and the remaining olive oil into the pan juices, then pour over the beetroot and salad leaves. Toss gently to mix through. Load the lentils on top and finally, toss in the broad beans and cubes of feta and season.

falafel t o o r t e e b

in nd cum live oil tsp grou 1 tbsp o 2 / d e p ed s, chop as, drain 2 onion ted chickpe s n a ed & gra c m g 2 x 400 eled, trim e p t, o o w beetr s 500g ra dcrumb sh brea te a 100g fre hini p s g 1 tbsp ta g or fryin in 1 egg / h for brus il, o le b ogurt vegeta natural y ml pots 2 x 150 s flatbread d leaves la a s fresh

n salad

175g s helled broad 4 tbsp beans quality olive oil 1 garlic clove, finely s 2 shallo liced ts, fine ly chopp 2 sprig ed s fresh rosema 8 small ry leaves, cooked chopp beetro 4 tbsp ed ot, qua red win rtered e v in 140g b egar ag rock ett or s 2x 150 alad le g block aves s feta ch 1 x pre eese, c cooked ubed brown lentils

Drinking beetroot juice increases blood flow to the brain. This may help to fight the progression of dementia.

how to cook it...

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onions until softened but not coloured. Add the cumin and cook for 1 min, then scrape the mixture into a food processor along with the chickpeas, two-thirds of the grated beetroot, the breadcrumbs, egg and tahini. Whizz to a rough paste, then scrape into a bowl and stir in the remaining grated beetroot with plenty of seasoning.With damp hands, shape into about 20 balls and space on baking parchment-lined baking sheets. Chill until ready to serve. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Brush the falafels with a little vegetable oil and bake for 20-25 mins until crisp and hot through. Alternatively, heat 2.5cm oil in a deep wok and fry in batches, turning, until crisp and hot. To serve, mix the tahini with the yogurt, sugar and some seasoning, then dollop onto the flatbreads with the warm or room-temperature falafels, diced beetroot and beet leaves or salad.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

A medium-size carrot has 25 calories, 6 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fiber. This veggie is an excellent source of vitamin A.

the perfect spring salad

Carrots, lentils & feta - a perfect combination


The spoon of honey makes it deliciously sticky...

Thrive - Feel Alive / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Carrot, lentil and feta salad A delicious and light salad for Spring lunchtimes. ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil 500g carrots, peeled, halved and cut into thin batons 1 tbsp cumin seeds 1 tbsp clear honey 250g pouch cooked Puy lentils 1 red onion, finely sliced ½ lemon, juiced large handful mint leaves, roughly chopped. 100g lamb’s lettuces

how to make it...

Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. In a shallow roasting tin, toss together half the oil, the cumin seeds, carrot batons and some seasoning. Roast for 25 mins, turning halfway through cooking. Drizzle over the honey, stir and roast for 5 mins more. Meanwhile, gently heat the lentils with the onion, lemon juice, remaining oil and some salt and pepper. Allow to cool slightly while the carrots finish cooking. Toss the dressed lentils with mint and lamb’s lettuce. Lay warm spiced carrots on top and scatter with feta.

85g feta cheese, crumbled.

carrot, ginger & lime juice 2 cups peeled and chopped carrots, about 6 medium carrots 2 cups cold water 1 teaspoon grated ginger 2 Tablespoons lime juice crushed ice for serving DIRECTIONS: Combine the carrots, water, ginger and lime juice in a blender and process until smooth. Strain, if necessary. Pour over crushed ice.

Carrot and ginger juice has a beneficial effect on your immune system thanks to it’s supply of vitamins A and C.

Vitamin A helps the stem cells in your bone marrow develop into white blood cells -the family of cells tasked with finding and destroying disease-causing pathogens.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Home Economics

but not as you know it

ely involved in the Welsh Shamaine Robinson is activ . s to educate kids on business help that eme Sch ent Governm

When did Home Economics stop being a science? Is there a link between the growth of food banks and the lack of cookery knowledge? Have we failed our children by not giving them this basic survival skill? As a mother I know that my son can’t boil an egg. He knows how to work the

I have always loved cooking and back in

about life as an entrepreneur. Just before

my school days I was a natural at cooking

Christmas I was booked in to speak at a

and baking. I couldn’t understand why

new school in my area. I was really

girls in our class would follow the same

excited as £24m had been spent on the

recipe and end up with either something

school and I am rather nosy, so I wanted

that looked alien or completely burnt.

to see what a modern school looked like.

So cooking became my thing at school.

At first I was very impressed. It was more

Then I left and got what people call a

like a headquarters building then a school

“proper job”!

and my talk was taking place in the Home Economics classroom, so I was doubly

Lately I was sorting out some old boxes

excited and felt like a kid back at school

and came across pictures taken at school,

myself. The only thing that was missing

– no I am not sharing. Some of them were

was my cookery basket.

taken in our Home Economics classroom and for a split second I was right back

My excitement turned to dismay when I

there in that room with my apron tied

entered the room. Gone were the

neatly round my waist, wooden spoon in

cookers and equipment, what was left

hand. We all had our own workspace,

was just workstations, no equipment or

cupboards, equipment and cookers.

cookers. The teacher had a long desk with a built in cooker. So I enquired how

Everything was itemised and we were

the cookery lessons took place. The

responsible to ensure that before we

teacher replied “I demonstrate how

started, all equipment was there and

to cook the dish and the children

before we left the room, everything


wasback in it’s rightful place! I didn’t realise until later in life that I had

Does this happen in other schools?

learned more than cookery skills in my

Cooking is a basic hand’s on skill.

Home Economics classes. I had learned

It’s like driving - you have to learn

to do the following important life tasks;

the process otherwise you won’t do

cook a delicious meal with leftovers, use

it right. You can’t short cut a recipe,

staple cupboard items to create meals

if you don’t learn the basic skills how

and budget for a meal.

can you possible use leftovers to create an evening meal? Or


Skip forward to today and things are quite different...

how do you know what stable

I am very lucky to be on a Welsh

your local supermarket or

Government scheme which enables me to

more importantly budget for

go in to schools and speak to the children

a meal! This got me really

cupboard items to buy from


microwave oven and can heat food up, but during his time at school he hasn’t learned to even cook beans on toast and would probably set fire to the kitchen if he did try to make toast. He hasn’t shown any interest in cooking at home either. Every day we hear local stories of families struggling with food bills and requests from food banks for more supplies. It’s time we went back to basics and started to teach the next generations how to cook a family of four a meal for less than £5? Do we need food banks or do we need cookery classes for all?

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Picture Perfect Competition

Send us your...

best foodie photos...

for a chance...

to WIN...

Send in your best foodie photos for the chance to win a mixed fruit & veg box from Tastewales. We’re looking for the tastiest looking recipe shots, so think delicious looking suppers or healthy treats... Email your photos to for your chance to win. We’ll post the winning shot online and in the next issue of Thrive. @ThriveFeelAlive



Conservatory Woodland Walk Garden Centre, Efail Isaf, CF38 1BG Opening Hours Mon: 12 - 4, Tues - Sat: 10 - 4, Sun 11-2

Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Doing good things... Each issue we will be giving a big shout out to new brands, products and Apps that are doing great things... We’ll be focusing on the companies that are springing up across natural beauty, food & drink and technology, to highlight the latest and greatest things out there in the world of healthy living.

Artful Nutrition It’s not often that you find a healthy snack that really is both healthy and super tasty, but Punch Foods Superseeds are exactly that. Everything about these punchy snacks is great. The tubes are a simple but slick design that can easily be loaded into your gym bag for that post workout snack. The seeds themselves, apart from being healthy are super tasty. ‘Raw Cocoa Boost’ with it’s coating of raw chocolate and coconut is great sprinkled on yoghurt and fruit, whilst ‘Meet Your Maca’ is perfect for topping off your morning porridge. There’s also a fiery little number called ‘Feel the Heat’, which certainly wakes up the taste buds and is brilliant sprinkled over salads along with a ‘Mega Omega’ option, which is seasoned with Japanese tamari. This range of super seeds are also both Gluten free and Certified Organic, all in all a super choice for convenient, healthy snacking. PunchFoods

Introducing SteamCream a brand new, fabulous moisturiser that uses a unique STEAM process, making a naturally lightweight cream that your skin can instantly absorb. STEAMCREAMUK @STEAMCREAM

Fresh Start is an online company Intro-juicing offering juice cleanses delivered to Fresh Start, the juice cleanse! your door. We have designed five unique At some point we may feel like we need cleanses to suit different needs, which a Fresh Start, and here it is! Fresh Start the hard work is antake online company offering juice out of juicing. cleanses delivered to your door. We have designed five unique cleanses to suit different needs, which take the hard work out of juicing.


We are really excited to announce our launch with you. Fresh Start was established at the beginning of 2014. Our aim is to bring convenient detox packages to anyone that feels like hitting the refresh button. A cleanse is perfect if you need: An energy boost, a beauty boost, or to simply feel good inside and out. If you have recently indulged in naughty foods, alcohol and sugars etc and want to try and get back on track with healthier eating then detoxing with our juice is ideal for you.

Freshstartjuice @FreshStartJuice

The difference between eating the produce whole and extracting the juice, is that when the juice is extracted there is no digestive process involved and the nutrients are easily absorbed. This gives our whole system a break and a chance to work on detoxing the body.

Fresh Start is still in it’s infancy. Therefore, at the present moment we are only offering our services to Cardiff and the surrounding areas. But we hope to branch out and deliver to the rest of the UK very soon. Our Fresh Start juices are packed full of tasty goodness and nutrient-dense ingredients. All of our juices are 100% natural, with no added sugars, and we source all of our produce locally, aiming to support the local community as much as possible.

Eve, the founder of Fresh Start says “I have been passionate about health and juicing myself for a long time now, being able to share this knowledge with my community and the rest of South Wales is great. After experiencing a cleanse you realise how good your body should really feel, and there is no going back for me!”

A big shot of goodness...

Fresh Start are hoping to partake in local events, holding juice demonstrations and tasters. Our cleanse packages are available on our website. We offer a few different programmes, as well as offering a bespoke package in which consumers can customise their own cleanse.

There in are many benefits topackages the juice cleanse. Theand There these are truly no limits to what you can achieve They say all good things come small are enzymes, antioxidants and micronutrients captured on your journey through life, as long as it’s aided in fresh fruit and vegetables increase your intake by a healthy, nurtured body that functions at of Motherscrummy Nature’s perfect nourishment. This,shots its optimal So cleanse with us today and no exception. These deliciously little of level. greatness along with cutting out processed foods and meats flush your toxins away! When it’s all over, you put you on a path to wellness. can expect to feel clearer, more optimistic and rejuvenated on the inside and radiant on the out! are available from Bigshotz.willThe perfectly formed 120ml bottle delivers all 11 of your daily vitamins at the full 100% RDA along with 70% of the recommended daily amount of Omega 3. How do they pack so much goodness into such a small bottle. Go on, give them a shotz! - @freshstartjuice - For further information, images or to arrange an interview please contact Eve. Email: Mobile: 07585324101




Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Thank you’s / References / Where to buy

Where to buy... stockists Artful Nutrition - Punch Foods -

Bee Freindly Seeds -

Fresh Start Juices - BigShotz Mineral shotz -

Back to our roots - Herb Courses - Laura Carpenter Facebook @lauracarpentermedicalherbalist

Ty Siriol - Home grown meat -

All in the genes - CISM -

Capital CBT -

Power of Wheatgrass -

TasteWales Veg Boxes -

True Superfoods - &

Ocado - Credit to for all stock images used throughout and to each and every supplier to Thank you to: Alexandra at Punchfoods for launching a fabulous product / to Nic at Tastewales for supplying the Veg box Prize / to Paul at Meadow in my Garden for the Seeds prize / Eifion @CISM for the genetic articles / to everyone else who has kindly supplied brilliant content for me to make Thrive Magazine possible.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 1 - Spring 2014

Spring Horoscopes Aries


Foods high in folic acid such as asparagus and nuts are useful to you just now and will keep your energy levels high and your mind clearly focused. Recipe to try: Roasted Asparagus with Nuts

Venus will sweep through the home sector of your chart to help you with all the right finishing touches and new additions. Bring root vegetables into your diet—sunchoke, turnip and burdock. Recipe to try: Sunchoke Soup with Pumpkin Seeds

Taurus Venus is your ruling planet and you are a natural-born connoisseur of gourmet delicacies, wine, music, and perfume. Stimulate your sensual side (and digestive tract) with foods such as ginger and cayenne. Recipe to try: Vietnamese Chicken Salad

Gemini It will be essential to stay down-to-earth, and root vegetables, especially those high in vitamins A and C, like carrots and parsnips— will help you stay grounded. Recipe to try: Caramelized Spiced Carrots

You’ve garnered a few vital lessons on organisation and authority, now it’s about how to yield power wisely. Eating fibrous foods such as kale, lentils, and sweet potatoes, drinking plenty of fresh water, and taking long walks will help you process all of life’s monumental changes. Recipe to try: Red Lentils and Kale with Miso

Sagittarius Strengthening minerals found in sea veggies, kombu, kelp, wakame, arame—will help you power up for take-off just now. You will now hold the power to transform a hobby into a small business or step up a position at work. Recipe to try: Seaweed Salad



Cleansing, diuretic foods like parsley and celery will be a good complement to your current life station as you move forward. You are more emotionally prepared than ever before. Recipe to try: Apple and Celery Salad with Peanuts

Your sun sign, Capricorn, rules the bones and teeth. Indulge in calcium-rich foods such as fish, bok choy, and turnip greens to strengthen your body as well as reinforce your inner purpose. Dinner with an old pal or mentor will bring sound insight to your ears. Recipe to try: Salmon Bulgogi with Bok Choy and Mushrooms



Health and body will come first at this time. Begin a new nutritional regime with healthy servings of seeds and citrus fruits to provide a fresh burst of energy. Recipe to try: Orange Citrus Salad

Lucidity can be yours with a clean diet rich in manganese, it supports the brain and nervous system. Hazelnuts, pecans, and pine nuts are great sources. Relationship changes to an already-strong partnership will make it much more trusting. Recipe to try: Butternut Squash and pinenut salad



Play up your youthfulness with foods high in monounsaturated fats and iron, such as Marcona almonds and avocados. A romantic weekend getaway looks divine. Recipe to try: Kale, Avacado & Almonds



You sometimes find yourself running on empty. Keep your body’s immune system functioning with zinc-rich foods such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and salmon. Take advantage of the good vibes just now with cheer, candles, and good company. Recipe to try: Pan-Seared Salmon with Pumpkin Seed-Cilantro Pesto

Home Delivered Market Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Conservatory Woodland Walk Garden Centre, Efail Isaf, CF38 1BG Opening Hours Mon: 12 - 4, Tues - Sat: 10 - 4, Sun 11-2

Email: Tel: 07746 705556





Centre for integrated sports medicine The Centre for Integrated Sports Medicine (CISM) provides an experienced combination of sports performance advice and unique health plans to help you get on top of your game. The Old Mill, Ewenny, Bridgend CF35 5BN Tel: 01656 856322 / Mobile: 07712 089824



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