Thrive Magazine Spring 2016

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Issue 9 - Spring 2016


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Your quarterly natural health, nutrition & lifestyle magazine

gluten - why all the fuss? six twisty spriralized recipes

raw chocolate cheesecake split red lentil dhal

put a spring in your step snact = tasty fruit jerky ney

polenta treacle tart Issue 9 Spring 2016

jour new - readers food

lebanese pomegranate salad

We use ugly & wonky fruit to make our snacks so with every snack, you make a positive act towards a better food system! NEW FLAVOUR

✓ 100% fruit ✓ Vegan ✓ Gluten free Get 15% OFF* with the code “THRIVE” on our online shop at *Valid until the end of May

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Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Spring 2016 Susan Hay Founder & Editor in Chief Cover image courtesy of Amber @rawveganblonde

As I write this it’s officially the first day of Spring 2016. It’s not looking particularly Spring like outside and there was another fine frost this morning. But Spring it is and we’re already seeing an abundance of Spring recipes and colourful foods. We’ve been busy working on this ‘detox and refresh’ issue and it’s packed full of new healthy products, features and interviews. Our ‘What’s Hot’ section has grown to cover all of the new healthy brands we’re finding for you. (pg 6-7) On (pg 8-9) We take a closer look at a hot topic just now - Gluten and why all the fuss? In his usual feature Neil Martin Natural Juice Junkie, looks at the benefit of juicing and the vitamins and nutrients it offers. (pg10-11). We meet the team at SNACT. They are a brilliant company making the most from food waste by creating healthy fruit jerkie. (pg 16-17).

Put a Spring in your step with registered nutritionist Melani Dupuis. (pg 20-21) as she looks at the benefits of cleansing. A ‘Readers Food Journey’ on (pg 28-29) In this brand new feature we bring you a real life food journey from one of our readers. Meet Georgina and follow her battle with ME. ‘7 Days of Healthy Dinners’ on (pg 30) brings you some simple dinner ideas. Keep it healthy and simple for those mid-week meals. And of course we have some delicious healthy recipes for you to try; including an amazing Raw chocolate cheesecake, (pg 40-41). and a Spring Herb Salad (pg 44-45). Plus more amazing, healthy, simple, clean eating recipes... Enjoy Spring...

Sue@thrive x Thrive is about telling healthy stories... so if you’d like to feature your natural, organic foodie product or story in some way then


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DISCLAIMER: The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only. They are not intended to replace medical care. Check with your GP before trying any of the remedies in this magazine. Always seek medical advice if you are pregnant or taking medication before following any of the advice given in articles or advertisements in this magazine. Please read full disclaimer at

Next Issue - Summer Available June/July 2016

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Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Contents thrive [ issue 9 - Spring 2016 ] NEWS 5



Thrive experts

We introduce you to our expert writers and contributors for this Spring issue.

30-31 7 Days of healthy dinners Some healthy, clean eating recipes ideas to get you through

the cooking week.


Hot products

The latest products, trends and companies offering natural, ethical and authentic products across food and health.

32-33 Promotion: Have you tried matcha tea? OMGTEA is an organic, premium grade matcha green tea.


Gluten - why all the fuss?

34-35 Split red lentil dhal A healthy mid-week meal to try. Made with red split lentils.

What’s fuelling the uprise of gluten free foods just now? Naturopath - Allison Sheppard helps us understand why.

10-11 Boost your vitamin intake with jucing

Neil Martin, Natural Juice Junkie looks at the benefits of juicing from a vitamin and nutrient point of view.


True superfoods

The term superfood has become popular but which foods truly deserve the label of ‘Superfood’?

14-15 Going spiral Spiralized recipes have become the latest trend in healthy

food. We’ve got six of the best twisty recipes to try.

16-17 SNACT We meet the team from Snact. A brilliant company making

the most out of food waste.

18-19 Snacking for gut health

Finding healthy snacks just got a whole lot easier. Some simple snack ideas to keep your energy levels up and to keep your gut healthy!

20-21 Put a Spring in your step. A Spring cleanse of your body is a good way to boost energy

levels, refresh and come out of that Winter hibernation.

22-23 What’s it called? - Kombucha Kombucha is a living health drink made by fermenting tea


Mexican hot kale chips


Protein boosted falafel

The perfect healthy snack and full of iron too.

A simple, healthy recipe packed full of protein and turmeric.

38-39 Cherry, lavender, acai bowl An amazing breakfast bowl recipe that packs a punch.

Packed with cherries, acai and edible lavender oil.

colourful salad is a great find. From

40-41 Raw, lucious, chocolate cheescake From Brandi over at This one is delicious. 42-43 Lebanese pomegranate salad Up for trying new food from around the world? Then this 44-45 The perfect Spring salad From Raw Vegan Blonde. This mixed herb salad is perfect for

a Spring/Summers day. Full of vitamins.

Thanks to Punch Foods for delicious recipe.


Subscribe and join Thrive

46-47 Treacle tart made with polenta @thrivefeelalive

and sugar with the kombucha culture - find out how.

24-25 Food changed my life - CNM Life-changing events made Catherine Arnold give up her

career in television to train as a Nutritional Therapist.


Janey Loves

All of the latest natural health finds from Janey Lee Grace.

28-29 New Feature: Real Food Journey In this brand new feature we tell you the food journey of our

readers. Meet Georgina and follow her battle with ME.


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Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Thrive’s experts on health, nutrition and wellness Set the table and meet our experts and contributors for our winter issue of thrive magazine. Bringing you clarity on the latest health and nutrition news and expert advice and knowledge. Big thumbs up for our writers and contributors - they’re the experts.

Neil Martin - Natural Juice Junkie Neil is recognised as a leading authority on juicing and personal transformation.

Janey Lee Grace An expert in media relations but also an advocate in natural health & well being. Janey runs

Allison Sheppard She focuses on personalised nutrition, not dietary labels, and identifies barriers to health.

Therese Bourne Runs the online blog The Urban Nest. She is passionate about trying to make a smaller eco-footprint.

Melani Dupuis Is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who passionately believes that delicious food can also be nutritious! Instagram (@freshnew_me)

Cameron Hooper Cameron is a passionate natural wellness advocate and health coach.

Recipes for this issue supplied from: / @ohsonutritious / / / / / /


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016


HOT products Each issue we find you the latest hot products in natural health and natural food. We’ve got some great finds here. Healthy & nutritious options for you to try...



1. PAK’D

2. Pure Earth Kefir

Energy boost - packed full of Vit C, K fiber and manganese this smoothie pack is packed full and ready to go! 6

‘Kefir me close to your heart’ – fermented probiotic ‘non dairy’drink. Enzyme-rich and filled with friendly


3. Snact Fruit Jerky Tasty Apple & Mango fruit jerky made of dried blended fruit that’s bursting with natural flavours.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016


4. Bounce Ball

A new flavour from Bounce spirulina and ginseng. 100% of your daily requirement for the antioxidant vitamin E and high in B12.

5. Finnberry Powder

100% bilberries (vaccinium myrtillus) – no sugar, no additives, no badness. Bilberry superfood powder from Finnberry. An antioxidant powerhouse.

6. Husk & Honey



Oat & Barley granola. Full of wildflower honey, coconut oil, omega-3 seed mixes and a healthy dose of nuts.

7. Life Food

Crispy bread based on almonds and buckwheat, made with exquisite dried Peruvian olives. Extraordinary delicacy for extraordinary gourmets.

8. Concious Raw Choc A delicious free from bar, sweetened with rice syrup giving it a low GI and no fructose. 60% cacao solids.

9. The Herb Garden

Massage candles made with soy wax which is safe to use on the skin. Combined with organic almond oil and organic shea butter. Smells amazing.



Each issue we highlight the newest healthy foods and products being launched. More in Summer issue.





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GLUTEN why all the fuss?

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

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Biography Allison Sheppard is a registered naturopath providing individualised wellness programmes. She focuses on personalised nutrition, not dietary labels, and identifies barriers to health including poor digestion, dysfunctional breathing and the impact of stress in your life. Face-face consultation in London and Devon or via Skype. Allison owns an on-line natural health store.

You itter @Naturopathy4 Follow Allison on Tw g ivin /Natforl


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Considering we’ve been enjoying wheat since the agricultural revolution some 10,000 years ago the sudden explosion in gluten-sensitivity may be a little confusing. Gluten-free products are everywhere; restaurateurs are modifying menus; and the wave of ‘clean eating’ cookery books, blogs and baking is showing little sign of waning. So what actually is gluten?

Gluten is a protein present in most grains, including wheat, barley, rye, spelt, couscous and bulger. It has a ‘glue like’ consistency which is difficult to digest. Since the agricultural revolution more than 25,000 strains of wheat have been developed and over the last 500 years the gluten content of foods containing wheat has increased.

Key takeaways

A recent study found that everyone had intestinal permeability when eating gluten, whereby undigested gluten damages the lining of the intestine. Thankfully, the cells inside our intestines regenerate every three-five days meaning for many, damage can be repaired and gluten doesn’t pose a problem. The prevalence of none-coeliac-glutensensitivity is estimated to be six-ten times higher than coeliac disease and for every one person that develops a digestive complaint following gluten there are eight who are affected elsewhere in the body, including the brain, thyroid and musculoskeletal system. However, like with most things, we all have our individual tipping points and may go on to develop sensitivity. We especially become vulnerable when we’ve been under any form of stress. If you’re curious to find out if you’d benefit from going gluten-free, eliminating all gluten from your diet for 30 days should see an improvement in any symptoms, in those with true sensitivity, and improve general well-being.

The timeline

The end of the 19th Century saw the invention of commercial yeast. Rather than relying on a multi-strain bacteria, lactic acid and Co2 to make bread rise a single strain of yeast was developed accelerating the fermentation process and masking the beneficial effects of lactic acid. Lactic acid helped break down gluten making it less ‘sticky’ and easier to digest. The 1960’s saw wheat production on a mass scale. To ensure wheat was commercial it needed to be robust so a crop was engineered containing higher levels of gluten. More recently the food industry has changed the solubility of gluten so that it can be added to foods without impairing the flavour. The downside is that this franken-gluten can be more problematic.

If giving up gluten is a toughie just now, try replacing your normal loaf with more traditional grains such as spelt, emmer or sprouted grains. The current tests examine a single gluten protein, when in reality wheat is made up of around a 100 different components that might pose a problem, meaning people are falling through the cracks.

The real controversy

In clinical practice, the real controversy is approaching the G-word. People just don’t want to give it up and will cherry pick dietary advice to suit their lifestyle. I get it. I grew up in Cornwall and was never far away from a cream tea and a pasty. But thankfully the gluten-free market is improving and there are some more than palatable alternatives out there. If giving up the grain completely is too tough just now, try replacing your normal loaf with more traditional grains such as spelt, emmer or sprouted grains. If you do have true gluten sensitivity these won’t be tolerated but may protect against any tipping point in those that don’t. Finally, give your digestive system some time out by following a few wheat free days a week. Be prepared to get savvy with scanning ingredient lists – the stuff is everywhere! References Article by Allison Sheppard - a registered naturopath. To find out more about Gluten sensitivity head over to:


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

boost your

vitamin intake through


Choose a wide variety of fruits and vegetables as they all have different proportions of vitamins and minerals that will help to keep you healthy. Article supplied by Neil Martin, Natural Juice Junkie.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

CONSUME MORE VEGGIES Consuming more vegetables and fruit can prolong life, with fresh vegetables having the strongest protective effect, followed by salad and then fruit according to researchers at University College London, yet most people fail to consume the recommended 5 portions per day.

Just 10 % of bo ys and 7 meet th % of gir e “5-a-d ls ay” reco mmend ation


Despite the evidence that people who eat at least five portions a day have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers, the National Diet and Nutrition Survey shows that just 30% of adults and 41% of older adults meet the “5-a-day” recommendation. The situation for children is even worse. Just 10% of boys and 7% of girls meet the “5-a-day” recommendation. Juicing is a great way to close that gap and pack more nutrients into your day, flooding your body with a high dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to give you an amazing boost of life.

“Juicing is not a silver bullet though and when drinking your veggies (just like eating them) it is important to use a broad range of ingredients”. One of the keys to health is absorbing a wide variety of nutrients. Eating from too narrow a range of foods, or excessive intake of a single food or drink can cause toxicity (even water can be considered a poison when overconsumed). Toxicity is one of the underlying causes of lifestyle disease. Just as being intoxicated by alcohol or drugs can effect you physically and mentally, an excess of any toxin in the body can develop into dis-ease. Toxicity is not the only risk of consuming a limited range of nutrients. Having too much of something can be problematic, and so can not having enough.


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OVERFED AND UNDERNOURISHED Strange as it may sound, research has shown a correlation between obesity and malnutrition. In other words, even when people overeat they can still be deficient of the nutrients their body needs. In order to be maintain optimum health, you need to supply your body with a wide variety of different foods to ensure it can extract the nutrients it needs. Marketing from the food and fitness industries typically focuses on calories and macro nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but the reality is that our bodies also need a broad range of phytonutrients. When juicing it is important to know that some vitamins, such as vitamin C and B vitamins are water soluble making them easier to absorb in juice, where as vitamins like A, E, K are fat soluble and hence require the addition of a health fat source, such as avocado or cold pressed oils. Choose a wide variety of fruits and vegetables as they all have different proportions of vitamins and minerals that will help to keep you healthy.

A VARIETY OF GREENS Almost all leafy greens contain alkaloids, such as oxalic acid. Moderate amounts of these alkaloids included in green juices can help to strengthen the immune system. However, if you keep using the same leafy green for many weeks eventually the same type of alkaloids may accumulate in your body and in some cases cause unwanted symptoms of poisoning. The key is to use a good variety of ingredients in your juices. Focusing to local, seasonal produce will help to achieve this.

“You don’t have to ‘cleanse’ to benefit from juicing” Many media articles on juicing focus on juice ‘cleansing’, sometimes called a ‘juice fast’ or ‘juice reboot’. However, you do not have to cleanse to experience the benefits of juicing. Supplementing your existing diet with freshly extracted vegetable juice is a great way to boost your nutrient intake.

Follow Neil on Twitter @TheJuiceJunkie





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Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016


Bilberries contain anthocyanosides which are potent antioxidants that could help strengthen blood vessels and capillary walls. Anthocyanosides have also been shown to help production of red blood cells, stabilize collagen tissues such as tendons, ligaments and cartilage and has cholesterol lowering effects. Bilberries have a long medicinal history in Europe and have previously been used to treat anything from kidney stones to Typhoid fever.

black beans

Black beans are full of fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin B6 and phytonutrient and coupled with the low cholesterol, it all supports heart health. The fiber in black beans helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and could decrease the risk of heart disease.


what’s next in

We showcase the newest superfoods and herbal remedies available and look at the health benefits they may offer.

yacon powder teff

Teff is a powerful grain grown in Ethiopia and used to make injera (a sourdough flatbread). Teff is high in iron and gluten-free, it’s also a great source of protein too. it has a nutty, grainy taste, not too dissimilar to quinoa and is often used in foods such as pancakes and breads. Touted as being ‘the smallest grain in the world’ teff comes in colors ranging from white to dark red, which determines its flavor; light colored teff has a chestnut-like flavor, the darker variety has an earth like, hazelnut flavor.

Yacon powder is farmed in Peru - in the lush mountain valleys. It’s a potato-like root, similar to a sweet potato to look at and is often called the “Apple of the Earth”. Yacon is often used as a natural sugar or syrup alternative as it’s complex sugars break down slowly so they have little effect on blood glucose levels. It has a wonderful sweet taste and a naturally high inulin content too.

avocado oil

The majority of essential fatty acids found in avocado oil are amonounsaturated oleic acid, the same omega-9. Avocado oil has an unusually high concentration of beta-sitosterol, a type of cholesterol which our bodies can use to convert less healthy fats into forms which are more usable and less damaging to cells. Due to its stability, avocado oil can also be used for cooking at higher temperatures.


Please note, all information about herbs included on these pages are purely for information only, it does not constitute advice or recommendations. Please always check with your GP before trying any new herbal remedy or food.




Avocado Kale Pesto Zucchini

Raw Apple Strudel Bo wl


Rosemary Zucchini

Getting twisty for Spring serves 2 4 medium zucchini 1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 3-4 cloves garlic 2 avocados 1/4 cup cold pressed olive oil 1/4 cup nutritional yeast (optional) 1/2 cup pine nuts plus some for garnish 1 small bunch kale, de-stemmed and torn into small pieces (about 1 big handful) 1 tablespoon lemon juice pinch Himalayan salt and fresh cracked pepper


Spiralize the zucchini. Set aside in a colander to drain excess liquid). Start food processor running. Drop cloves of garlic in, one at a time. Add avocado, olive oil, nutritional yeast, pine nuts and lemon juice. Pulse until blended. Add kale and pulse until kale is well chopped and incorporated. Season to taste with salt and pepper, then toss with the zucchini noodles and tomatoes.

Avocados contain a an amazing array of carotenoids. They are also anti-inflammatory. They help digestion, are high in vitamin K, fiber, folate and vitamin C. @pancake_land

16 14

serves 2 25g/1 oz raisins 25g/1 oz sultanas 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground nutmeg 1 large eating apple 1 banana, peeled and frozen 1 tbsp smooth peanut butter 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds 1 tsp cacao nibs (slightly milled if possible)


Place the dried fruit in a medium serving bowl and pour over 300ml/ 1/2 pint/ generous 1 cup water. Sift over the spices and stir to combine, ensuring that the spices are well incorporated and not floating on the surface. Peel and spiralize the apple with your Spiralizer. Transfer the apple noodles to the bowl and stir to combine. The noodles should sit below the surface of the water, so add more water if needed. Cover the bowl and transfer to the fridge overnight. Peel the banana and place in a blender. Add 150ml/1⁄4 pint/scant 2⁄3 cup water and the peanut butter. Blend until the mixture is smooth, lump-free and resembles milk, adding more water if necessary. Remove the bowl of apple noodles from the fridge – the dried fruit will have bloated and the water will be brown and syrupy.

Avocados are also high in fat but it is @breakfastdramaqueen considered to be the good fat that helps you absorb nutrients and protect from inflammation.

Pour the banana milk over the mixture and stir to combine. Scatter over the pumpkin seeds and cacao nibs, and serve.

serves 4 1 medium butternut squash 3 tablespoons coconut oil, divided 1 medium yellow onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 teaspoons dried rosemary, crushed 1 cup full-fat canned coconut milk ½ cup vegetable broth ½ teaspoon sea salt 1 pound shiitake mushrooms, sliced 3 pounds zucchini, spiralized Freshly-ground black pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Slice butternut squash in half lengthwise. Grease a baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and then lay butternut squash (cut side down) on sheet pan. Roast for 30 - 45 minutes, until squash is tender and flesh can easily be pierced with a fork. Once cooked and cooled, scoop out the flesh. Add the flesh to a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to a pan over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic and saute for 3 - 5 minutes, until onion is translucent and garlic is fragrant. Add the sauteed garlic & onions, rosemary, coconut milk, broth, and salt to a blender with the butternut squash flesh. Blend until smooth. Add the remaining coconut oil to a large pan. Add the mushrooms and saute for about 2 minutes. Then add the zucchini fettuccine and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the sauce to the pan, cook until sauce is hot and zucchini is tender.



Red Pepper Alfredo Zoodles


Vegan Zoodle Salad



Beetroot & Goats Cheese Salad

6 healthy spiralized recipes serves 2 1 red bell pepper 1 cup walnuts 1 cup water 1 cup veggie broth 1 teaspoon white balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon fresh basil leaves (diced) 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon coconut sugar 4 zucchinis (spiralized or julienned) 1 teaspoon olive oil 1⁄2 cup diced organic tomatoes 3 cups greens (spinach, chard or bok choy)


Soak the walnuts in 1 cup of water for 3 - 4 hours. Preheat oven to 180C. Remove stem and seeds from bell pepper, then chop it into chunks. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, then place the peppers with the outside skin facing down. Roast for 25 minutes. Drain the walnuts from the water they were soaking in, and combine the walnuts, roasted peppers, tomatoes, and veggie broth in a blender. In a small pot over medium-low heat, combine the pepper puree and the white balsamic vinegar, basil, oregano, garlic, and sugar. Stir frequently until it is warmed@pancake_land through. Spiralize your zucchini. In a large skillet, saute the zucchini with @breakfastdramaqueen the olive oil for approximately 4 minutes. Then add in the warmed red pepper alfredo, stirring to coat each noodle.

serves 2 Salad leaves (rockett, spinach) 2 zucchinis ½ onion 1 cup carrots ½ cup cherries, pitted 1 block tofu, cooked to your preference (grilled if you like) Dressing 2 tbsp rice wine 1 tbsp tamari 1 tbsp sesame oil 1½ tsp garlic 1 tsp ginger 1 tbsp peanut butter


Spiralize your zucchinis and drain excess water by pressing zoodles with paper towels. Put onions and carrots in a food processor and process until diced (or dice them if you don’t have a food processor). Add cherries and dice again. Cut up cooked tofu (or raw tofu to make this raw) into cubes. Put zoodles in a large bowl and mix in onion, carrot and cherry mixture. Mix in tofu.

serves 1-h2 For the salad 2 medium raw beets 1 medium carrot 4-5 slices of goat’s cheese or shaved Pecorino cheese For the dressing ¼ cup walnuts ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 small garlic clove, finely diced or grated ½ tsp maple syrup or raw honey ¼ tsp sea salt Pinch of pepper


Peel and slice beetroots and carrots very thinly or use a spiralizer to make noodles strips. Place dressing ingredients in a food processor, blender or a mortar and pestle and grind until fairly smooth. It’s OK to have a few crunchy bits in there. Toss beetroot and carrot noodles with 2-3 tablespoons of the dressing (more if you like) and top with goat’s cheese.

Mix together all dressing ingredients in a small jar. Pour dressing over salad mixture and serve.

Serve and enjoy. 17 15


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

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end of M

We really want to encourage people to put their purchasing power behind ideas they believe in, so that what’s good for you is also good for the planet.

Thrive Magazine /

First of all huge thumbs up from us. You were fighting the food waste challenge way before it actually made mainstream press. What first prompted you to look at the fruit and veg waste issue and see it as potential for a product? Thank you! We both studied Environmental Technology at Imperial College and had been interested in food and sustainability for a while. Then one day we got talking about this, and both our desires to start a business. We put the two together and started brainstorming. When we realized how big the issue of food waste was, we decided that that’s where we had to start! We researched what types of food got wasted on what scale and found out that apples were one of the biggest ones to be discarded here in the UK, the home of more than 3000 types of apples. That’s what sparked our initial interest!

Once you have the surplus fruit and veggies – what happens next to turn it into the delicious packets of Snact fruit jerky? At the moment we only make 100% fruit snacks but we’ll be adding veg soon. Once we’ve collected the surplus, we sort it, clean it, blend it into our different flavours and then dry them in an industrial dehydrator. After that, they’re sent off to be packed and from there, dispatched to our distributors and retailers!

Food waste is so high on the agenda just now, with various celebs such as Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall championing change. How do you see this movement changing the way our food is produced? There’s definitely a lot of activity to tackle food waste happening in the UK and Europe just now. Hopefully that leads to a massive

become a snactivist and help create change How did you create a network of farmers and producers and convince them to hand over their waste produce? At the very beginning we would go to London wholesale markets and collect surplus fruit – taking produce that sellers weren’t able to sell. We would then turn it into our first prototype snacks made by hand in a kitchen. But that soon became impractical, especially if we wanted to increase volumes. So we found a farm in Kent which does the processing – they also have good relationships with local farmers. We’ve also met a lot of different people working on food waste like Feedback, The Food Surplus Entrepreneurs Network, TakeStock. Just last week we went to Kent to pick up hundreds of kilos of bananas that were going to be thrown away! We hired a van and drove them to our processing plant and they will soon be made into fruit jerky.

reduction of food waste at different levels. In the supply chain, we’ll probably start seeing more of a secondary market for all the stuff that would usually get discarded. France is quite advanced in that respect compared to the UK. The growing awareness of the issue should also hopefully lead to individual households wasting less. If you look at food and sustainability more broadly, there’s a movement to create a better food system – one that is environmentally responsible and socially just. We really believe that small changes can collectively have an enormous impact. People clearly care a lot more about provenance and sustainability when it comes to food, and that can only be a good thing! It also means that anyone can be a Snactivist. We really want to encourage people to put their purchasing power behind ideas they believe in, so that what’s good for you is also good for the planet. But of course we’re not

Follow Snact @SnactNow instagram @snact


alone in this - there are lots of other brilliant brands founded on the idea of sustainability. As the popular hashtag says, it’s the #futureoffood!

We absolutely love your new, bright packaging and your team of Snactivists, how do they help to spread the word about your fruit Jerky? Thank you! The packaging was inspired by the idea of a helping hand, which holds the saved fruit, and was designed by a brilliant designer called Hannah Meur. Snactivism is what our brand is all about. It’s a simple idea one snack equals one act, and so every time you have a little fruit jerky, you are making a positive step towards a better food system. We often encourage Snactivists to share their finds with us on social media - photos of wonky fruit and veg, or to share other ways in which they act on food waste - it’s always an inspiration!

Any new flavours or products up your sleeve for 2016 and beyond? Yes! glad you asked! We are very excited to launch a new flavour as early as April. We worked on developing it with some of our most loyal customers, so it’s been tried and tested. We’re confident people will like it! We’re also in the process of developing fruit & veg flavours and we are looking into completely new products from other kinds of surplus, but can’t say much more about that yet - watch this space!

Where can our readers buy SNACT from? Our online shop ( delivers worldwide, so it’s really the best bet regardless of location. But if you happen to be in London, there’s a wealth of independent outlets that stock fruit jerky and increasingly we’re spreading out across the UK as well. We usually share those on our social media channels so that’s the best place for updates!


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Coconut Chips

Nuts, seeds, and berries can all provide some pretty awesome health benefits. But it’s important to practice moderation with them. Dried fruit can contain quite a bit of sugar and you can easily go overboard with nuts.

Coconuts have been given a bad rap because they contain a lot of saturated fat. Some have even claimed that they are not good for you because of their high fat content. But that’s not exactly the truth.

In other words, just snack responsibly. I wouldn’t suggest sitting down with the whole container in front of you. Instead, limit your snacking to a big handful.

Coconut chips are without a doubt one of my favorites. Not only are they delicious & easy, they satisfy me when I am craving a crunchy snack. Plus, they’re really healthy.

Our body needs some fat to absorb vitamins & minerals, for energy, to preserve your nerves, and to build healthy cells. And for some reason, saturated fat has been attacked by negative publicity for the past 60 years. But there is no evidence that suggests naturally occurring saturated fats has any harmful effect.

Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are another great savory snack option that will keep your body radiating with wellness. What makes them even better is that you can spice them however you want. The possibilities are endless. You could even try making curried chickpeas with turmeric to fight off inflammation.

snacking for gut health As a health conscious person, I know how difficult it can be to find healthy and easy snacks that actually taste good.

Notice how I said “naturally occurring.” Man-made fats, called trans fats or hydrogenated oils, are the true unhealthy saturated fats. Trans fats like hydrogenated vegetable oil or margarine are what you should be avoiding.

Roasted chickpeas are a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

I have spent years experimenting with different snack ideas trying to find things that would both be healthy and delicious. Unfortunately, many healthy snacks out there take a considerable amount of time to prepare.

The point is, coconut chips are a truly healthy snack that can provide you with sustained energy, a full stomach, and a happy body thanks to its healthy fats.

Garlic & Parmesan Zucchini Chips

And for those who live a busy lifestyle, time is a huge obstacle. That is why I thought I would share my top 7 go-to healthy snacks that don’t take tons of time to make. In hopes to save your time and frustration, here is my list:


You should be able to find coconut chips at most natural food stores.

Goji Berry Trail Mix

Trail mixes are another one of my top favorite snacks partly because you can do almost anything with them. Just take a dried fruit of your choice, 2-3 types of nuts, 1 type of seed and you’re golden. You can even add some cacao nibs for a twist!

Give it a try with some spices and ovenroasted chickpeas, experiment and make your own.

Craving chips? Look no further. Baked zucchini chips are a delicious way to satisfy your chip cravings without feeding your body unhealthy trans fats that are found in potato chips. My suggestion would be to make a big batch of these on a Sunday so you will have them ready to go for your work week lunches.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a superbly healthy snack option that take little-to-no effort on your part. Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium (which

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

many people are deficient in), zinc, and omega-3s. They are also anti-inflammatory and can even help you get better sleep at night. You can easily find pumpkin seeds in the store to roast on your own or you can just buy them already roasted. I would recommended, however, that you buy organic pumpkin seeds as they won’t contain pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

This article was written by Cameron Hooper from Cameron is a passionate natural wellness advocate. As health coach and aspiring naturopath, it is his dream to teach about natural health. He personally coaches people about nutrition, natural remedies, healthy living, fitness, and much more.

Hummus Dippers

There are so many different types of hummus that you can buy or make, there is bound to be one that appeals to your palate. Hummus dippers are simple really. You take a mason jar, fill it ¼ of the way with hummus, and throw your favorite organic vegetables in there. It’s a great portable healthy snack that you can make ahead of time. Depending on what you use to make it, hummus can also pack quite the health punch: It provides your body with vitamins A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B-6. It contains minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium. Hummus also contains protein and fiber which will help you feel full longer— which is a huge plus! You will also get the benefits of the vegetables you choose to eat with it.

Almond Butter Banana Dipper

Peanut butter and bananas used to be one of my favorite snacks. An alternative to peanuts is almond butter, which is equally as delicious in my opinion. This snack is as simple as it gets: you just bring in a banana and a jar of almond butter to work and you’re good to go. Slice up your banana (the more brown spots the better), and top each slice off with a small dollop of almond butter. The combination is delightful. @naturalifetips 19

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

As we slowly come out of our self induced hibernation, wanting to feel renewed and energetic for the upcoming Summer months. A great way to achieve that is with a spring cleanse! A cleanse can help to clear out toxins, wake up the digestive system and renew our physical and mental energy.

put a

spring step in your

Melani Dupuis is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who passionately believes that delicious food can also be nutritious! She works closely with her clients to implement healthy eating patterns in a way that is easy and fits seamlessly into their lifestyle. Find out more about Melani on her website, or see what she’s been cooking on instagram (@freshnew_me)

Follow Melani on Instagram 20

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

What is a toxin?

A toxin is any substance that creates irritating and or harmful effects in the body. They come from normal metabolic processes as well as the obvious suspects like alcohol or chemicals. They may even come from the environmental pollution around us. Our body has specific organs responsible for clearing out these toxins (liver, kidneys, and colon) and are plenty efficient and capable of keeping these elimination processes running smoothly. But why not give them a little help once in awhile?

How do I know I need a cleanse?

There are mixed reviews on the validity and efficacy of cleanses and whether they really do help to eliminate extra toxins from the body at all. What it will come down to is how you feel. Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy? These should guide how a cleanse is measured.

A few questions to ask yourself are:

1. Are you sleeping, uninterrupted for 7-8 hours a night? 2. Do you wake up in the morning feeling rested? 3. Do you feel energetic throughout the day? 4. Is your energy level consistent throughout the day? If your answer is ‘no’ to some of these questions, you might want to try something different from your regular routine. Then, gauge any differences you notice in general health and wellbeing.

What benefits can I expect from a cleanse?

There are many ways a cleanse can be helpful within the body. Common candidates include: • Increased energy levels • Weight loss • Improved sleep • Reduced inflammation • Optimized digestion • Decreased bloating • Boosted immune system • Clearing of skin blemishes

How to choose the right cleanse? There are so many different cleanses out there that it can be overwhelming to pick one. Choosing a cleanse that is right for you and your lifestyle is important. Your individual state of health, symptoms, and overall goals should be taken into account before deciding which cleanse to commit to. It should be sustainable, nutritionally adequate, and leave you feeling like you've just rebooted your system.

Helpful tips for a successful cleanse

1. Meal planning 2. Food preparation 3. Extra sleep/rest 4. Stress reducing activities (yoga, meditation, light walks) On an emotional level, a cleanse can be great for jump starting your mental awareness and leaving you feeling more focused. It can change that relationship with food that so many of us have - connecting food to sustenance and nourishment instead of emotions. This renewed mental clarity is just another way a cleanse can leave you feeling refreshed.Being physically and mentally prepared for a cleanse is a great way to set yourself up for success. Of course, it is always a good idea to consult with your healthcare practitioner before beginning a cleanse or for added support throughout the process.

What’s commonly included in a cleanse? Utilising a cleanse to feel healthier should include the following:

• Nutritionally balanced meals that include an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. • Increased water intake. • Eating organic, lean meats. • Avoiding sugar, caffeine, gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, artificial sweeteners, and alcohol. • Eating good quality fats such as raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil, and avocados.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 4 - Spring Winter 2016 2015

All about


What is kombucha

If you’ve not heard about kombucha yet, then you’re in for a treat. Kombucha is a living health drink made by fermenting tea and sugar with the kombucha culture - a scoby! It is thought to have originated in the Far East, probably China, and has been consumed for at least two thousand years. This powerful probiotic drink can be brewed at home and is an amazing source of culture based probiotics. It’s packed with loads of vitamins, and has detoxification properties to cleanse the body and support a healthy immune system.

Let’s talk about that scoby!

• • • • •

Rubber band or piece of elastic to secure the tea towel. A teapot or saucepan to make the tea in Measuring jug. A strainer. Some bottles for storing the finished drink.

Important note:

Make sure everything is very clean when handling kombucha. It’s a living culture, a complex system of bacteria and yeasts and you don’t want risk contaminating it. Use freshly cleaned hands, clean jars and clean non metallic implements.

The kombucha culture is often called a ‘scoby’ which stands for ‘symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts’. The culture (scoby) is steeped in tea and turns a bowl full of sweet tea into the bowl full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and beneficial organic acids. You can order a scoby online, make sure it’s from a reputable source.

Is kombucha alcoholic?

It’s important to remember that, while kombucha probably won’t get you drunk, it does have a little bit of naturally-occuring alcohol that develops during the fermentation process.

How to prepare kombucha

the basics • 1 kombucha culture (or scoby) • 2 litres of filtered water • 3 or 4 tea bags (green, white, or black tea) • 160 grams of white sugar • 200 ml of kombucha from a previous batch as a starter or 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar if you don’t have any kombucha the equipment • A 3 litre glass bowl. • A tea towel for covering the bowl.


Credit to for the helpful terms.

Making Kombucha to making s p e t s le p 5 sim l drink: this magica

lm or lemon ba reen, black (g a gar, te su ep te 1. S ater with in boiling w l) el w k or w tea then cool. a container. ea 2. Sterilize and feels lik OBY (looks of le tt bo 3. Add a SC h, fres s disc) or a slimy, mucou s. lture with live cu kombucha 7-30 days. r fo t si t d le 4. Cover an 5. Enjoy.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016



The ingredients are simple. It’s tea + water + sugar + SCOBY (a fermenting culture that is made from previous batches that stands for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast).

FERMENTATION scientifically means “the anaerobic conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast.” To make it simple, the tea sits on the counter, grows healthy bacteria by feeding off of sugar, and develops a sour, bubbly taste.

Our ‘what is it called’ feature introduces some of the more unfamiliar fruits, veggies and ingredients. Tweet us to suggest which unusual ingredient we focus on next time.

#whatisitcalled Follow Thrive on twitter @thrivefeelalive Facebook ThriveFeelAlive

EFFERVESCENCE means to emit small bubbles of gas. To make it simple, the fermentation process creates gas that feels similar to carbonated soda. PROBIOTICS are live and “good for you” bacteria that help create a healthy balance of organisms in your intestines. ANTIOXIDANTS an organic substance that helps to counteract with damaging effects and free radicals.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

FOOD CHANGED MY LIFE Life-changing events made Catherine Arnold give up her career in television to train as a Nutritional Therapist with CNM (College of Naturopathic Medicine).

I had a successful career in television as a director and producer of documentaries, before life changing events set me on a new path working in holistic health. In 2007 my partner, Paul, was rushed to hospital after blood tests revealed he had leukaemia, he was 34. He faced 4 months of chemotherapy and 2 years of maintenance medication. I wanted to do something to help to complement the conventional treatment, which I knew would knock out his immune system and being so toxic would cause long term side effects. So I sought advice from a Nutritional Therapist, and with her help, I changed Paul’s diet, removing sugar and dairy, reducing his meat intake and increasing plant-based foods.

I discovered that cancer cells have more receptors for glucose (sugar) than any other cell, they thrive on it, they also thrive in a body that is fuelled with acidic foods such as dairy, meat and junk food. I became completely fascinated by this new knowledge and spent all my time reading and finding out more. I embarked on a cooking marathon, preparing Paul’s food at home and delivering it to his hospital bed every day, for 24

the duration of his treatment. Thankfully, Paul sailed through his chemotherapy, and is celebrating 9 years in remission. In 2009 I became pregnant with our daughter, through IVF treatment. At the time, we were told IVF was the only option as Paul was still taking chemotherapy medication which would make his sperm toxic and which was likely to leave him infertile. I have since gone on to have a second child, but this time we didn’t use IVF, it was a natural conception. We used nutritional therapy to turn Paul’s sperm from poor quality to completely normal in a few months, and also to get myself, as a statistically past my prime 41 year old, into the best of fertile health. We achieved this through functional testing, which meant using a private laboratory to conduct tests which established a picture of our nutritional health and applying a nutritional protocol to address the deficiencies and issues that were uncovered. After I had my first child, I knew that I needed to move into the field of nutrition to share what had now become my absolute passion. So I spent 3 years studying part time at the College of Naturopathic Medicine for a Diploma in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy. It was the best thing I ever did.

I now use my knowledge and my love of healthy cooking to develop and share recipes on my website. As a qualified Nutritional Therapist, I am constantly amazed at the results that my clients see when they take charge of their health.

Nutritional therapy works, especially when it is applied with understanding, a commitment to change and a belief that optimum health is ours for the taking.

CNM (College of Naturopathic Medicine) is the UK’s leading training provider in a range of natural therapies, including Diploma Courses in Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and Natural Chef Training, all based on the naturopathic approach. Colleges across the UK, Ireland, Finland, South Africa and the USA. For further information visit or call 01342 410 505.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

I had a successful career in television as a director and producer of documentaries, before life changing events set me on a new path working in holistic health.


UK Colleges in: London / Belfast / Brighton Birmingham / Bristol / Edinburgh / Manchester Follow CNM on Twitter @collegenatmed

Visit the CNM website for a prospectus:


100% Organic 1 LITRE FAMILY SIZE Made from young green Philippine coconuts the locals call Buko. Grown without pesticides or fertilizers in GMO free farms, Organic Buko is a great tasting, 100% Pure, not from concentrate, refreshing coconut water. Every bottle of Organic Buko purchased saves one square metre of rainforest.


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l ra Im perfectly Natu

Spring is here and we need our hair looking luscious and lovely. Often after the Winter our hair can feel dull and lifeless so it’s a great time to revitalise and rejuvenate.

ee Janey L


I’m a huge fan of oils, they are great for adding shine to lacklustre hair and just as you wouldn’t put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t eat, the same applies to hair, it must be nourished and properly fed! The scented hair oil from Tabitha James Kraan is brilliant both for deep intensive hair conditioning and for applying just a tiny amount to add sheen. Tabitha is an award winning organic hairdresser and her products are all high performance and totally natural. There’s a hair cleanser and conditioner and even a unique organic hair perfume.


Coconut oil is brilliant as a deep intensive hair conditioner too, try the coconut oil with Argan from

Who thought superfoods were only for eating? If quinoa and artichoke are usually only to be found in a gourmet salad in a raw food café, you’ll be delighted to know one of my favourite natural yet affordable companies, Green People have bought out a great travel hair care duo. There’s the Quinoa & Artichoke Shampoo and Quinoa & Artichoke conditioner (in 100 ml sizes so great If you’re planning a spring break).


Quinoa protein is great for nourishing hair strands for sleek shine and artichoke smoothes the hairs surface to reduce the frizz.

Be kind to your belly


Talking of feeding from within, make sure you eat lots of good fats, (its hard to beat the humble avocado) and some supplements are especially good for boosting the hair and skin. I’m a big fan of wheatgrass juice and consider a daily wheatgrass shot from Live Wheatgrass my health insurance! You can just pop one into a juice or smoothie, remember wheatgrass juice is exceptionally rich in vitamins A, B12, B5 and E so in addition to its many benefits for immunity and energy it supports healthy skin, nails and hair too.

Want to go DIY ? Try this invigorating Lemon & Thyme body rub: • 1 cup kosher salt • 1/2 cup pure organic almond oil the zest of one lemon • 2 teaspoons fresh thyme, leaves stripped from the stems. Pour the salt into a clean, sterilised container with a tight-fitting lid. Add the lemon zest and thyme. Pour the almond oil over top and screw the lid on tightly. To use, just give the jar a stir to mix the oil and salt together, and scrub away in the shower! The scrub will keep for up to 6 months stored in an airtight container at room temperature.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Myself & M.E.

Georgina Atkinson – Real Life Food Journey Sitting cosily in my every day outfit of a dressing gown and slippers I decided to take it upon myself to embark on my own journey of self recovery, with the end goal being to return to my pre – ME self.

I was 27 years old. Living and working in the buzz that is London. I had my dream job, my own flat, an amazing group of friends and loved nothing more than an extra large glass of pinot on a Thursday night. I had just returned from a once in a lifetime American road trip with my fiancé and was, in simple terms, in love with my London life.

I was busy pottering along, blissfully unaware of the bombshell that was coming for me around the corner. A date that will stay in my mind forever, 21st May 2015, the day I was diagnosed with Glandular Fever, also known as the Epsein Barr Virus. ‘I have Glandular Fever’ I said down the phone to my boss. ‘It’s fine, its very common, the doctor said I should be back on my feet within 2 – 3 weeks. How wrong I was. After three drastically failed attempts to man up, push through and return back to work plus a 28

two week stint in the top floor of St Thomas Hospital. I was still completely bed bound by September. Feeling rather depressed, witnessing summer holidays and social events online instead of in person. I was repeatedly asking myself ‘Why am I not getting any better?’ I was desperate to understand why, throughout the duration of five months, I had not seen any radical signs of improvement in my health. The very small things felt like I was about to embark on an ascent of Mount Everest. Unable to climb but instead having to crawl up my stairs and slide down again on my bottom I had lost all faith in my body.

Every ounce of muscular strength I used to be proud of had gone. How your body can completely ‘give up’ on you in such a way is something that will always astound me.

The end of October came and I was due for my consultation with the virology consultant who informed me that yes indeed I was right, the Epsein Barr Virus had left my body a while ago. There was no sign of it in my blood. So why I questioned am I unable to walk outside of my own house? Chronic fatigue, he said. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (also known as ME) is a controversial illness that is commonly misunderstood. Affecting approximately 250,000 men and women in the UK, it is both a debilitating and disabling illness. It can be triggered by many things, a viral infection such as glandular fever, a bacterial infection such as phenomena, problems with the immune system or through a tragic event occurring in someone’s life. After trawling internet discussions and ordering self help books on Amazon I was disappointed to discover the sheer amount of negativity surrounding the topic. Comments and online posts spoke of people never fully recovering from the illness or not being able to work again due to the disabling effects it has on the body and mind. This is not what I was looking to hear.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Sitting cosily in my every day outfit of a dressing gown and slippers I decided to take it upon myself to embark on my own journey of self recovery, with the end goal being to

The ME Association provide a list of local support groups for anyone suffering with ME. Go to and click on support.

return to my pre – ME self. Some may say this is impossible to achieve however I am still optimistic that I will be able to crack this. I have therefore over the past three months been slowly working on the project of me, and I will continue to work on this project until I am better. I am learning many lessons as I go along my way, one of the most important (as many fellow ME sufferers will know all too well) is the wonderful art of pacing.

Some days I will feel full of strength and able to conquer anything, other days my body will crash. Aside from trying to improve my muscular strength, I am learning to adopt a much more positive attitude to life and to this illness. Yoga has played a big part in helping to achieve this. There is no doubt about it I am missing my life in London terribly, however I am now challenging myself to fight this illness with everything I have through working on the biggest assignment of them all, myself. My days are now filled with me myself and I, peppermint tea, sleep and small progressive attempts at very minor muscular movements recommended to me by my physiotherapist, all supplemented by restorative yoga. I am due to get married exactly a year to the day I was diagnosed with glandular fever, 21st May 2016 and have always refused to delay the date of my wedding. The biggest achievement of them all will be walking down that isle on my wedding day. And I am 100% determined to get there. For more information about ME and to find helpful online communities go to: 29

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Between you and me, I’m finding it hard going in the kitchen since my family’s eating habits have become so diverse. It seems that I’m mostly flying by the seat of my pants. 30

I’ll buy a load of fresh veggies at the beginning of the week, with all sorts of plans in my head. But, when dinnertime comes around I forget the plan, cook something else, and then am confused by what’s left to cook with the next day. By mid-week there are all sorts of sorry, wilted oddments in the fridge. When the kids were small, organisation was the key to survival. I had a blackboard up on the kitchen wall and I’d religiously plan the weekly menu and shop accordingly. Everything had a purpose, and I always knew exactly what I was cooking and

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

when. That all changed when we knocked a door through the wall and there was no place left for the blackboard. Meal planning went out of the window (or door in this case). Things are beyond a joke now that there are so many different diets to accommodate, and the mental gymnastics are leaving me exhausted. Time for a serious plan. I’m implementing The Standardised Meal System.

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

If you have not read The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion, I strongly encourage you to do so straight away. It’s a great read and a bit of an international phenomenon. The Standardised Meal System makes perfect sense to me, with its “eight major advantages”: No need to accumulate recipe books. (Ok, I’m not joining him on this one.)

Monday: Haloumi, Tuna and Bean Salad. Low Carb, Gluten Free, ‘Vegaquarian’. Recipe – Donna Hay Magazine. Mr.B’s fasting day.

Saturday: Roast Cauliflower and Rice Salad with Yogurt Saffron Dressing. Gluten Free, Vegetarian. Recipe – The Hungry Australian. More time for proper meals on the weekend. This is a show-stopper if you’re having people round for dinner. I sometimes add pomegranate kernels when they’re in season. A meal in itself or serve with simply cooked meat or fish.

Tuesday: Roast Pumpkin and Feta Quiche. Gluten Free, Vegetarian. Prepared and cooked during the day as there’s a late pick-up from ukulele class tonight.

Sunday: Vietnamese Noodle Salad. Gluten Free, ‘Vegaquarian’. Fabulous and fresh when the weather’s really hot. Great by itself or delicious with barbequed salmon or prawns.

Wednesday: Asparagus, Green Bean, Avocado and Broccolini Salad. Low Carb, Gluten Free, Vegetarian. Mr.B’s fasting day.

Therese Bourne runs the online blog The Urban Nest.

Standard shopping list – hence very efficient shopping. (I’m in.)

repertoire. Nothing too fancy, but just fancy enough.

Almost zero waste – nothing in the refrigerator or pantry unless required for one of the recipes. (I can work towards this.)

Do you have a weekly meal plan or do you free-style?

Diet planned and nutritionally balanced in advance. (Definite advantage for multiple dietary requirements.) No time wasted wondering what to cook. (My biggest problem.) No mistakes, no unpleasant surprises. (Too familiar.) Excellent food at a much lower price. Minimal cognitive load required. (A definite plus at the end of a busy day.) So here’s a version of The Standardised Meal System for you to try. The idea is to make two seasonal planners for Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter, which should at least help me to be a bit more organised.

The brief - 7 meals / 7 days = easy!

I’m making a start with seven meals that are a mix of my own recipes, favourite recipes from cookbooks and around the web – links to recipes on the pictures. These are dinners my family like to eat and are part of my weekly

Thursday: Smoked Trout, Edamame, Avocado Rice Bowl. Gluten Free, ‘Vegaquarian’. Recipe – The Design Files – Tasty Tuesdays. Super quick preparation and on the table in 10 minutes. Late pick-up from Taekwondo. Dinner needs to be ready more or less instantly when we get home. Friday: Yakitori Salmon Noodles. ‘Vegaquarian’, can be made Gluten Free using rice noodles and gluten free soy sauce and mirin. Recipe – The Tasmanian Salmon Board – Simple as Salmon. Super quick and tasty. I add snow peas too.

She is passionate about trying to make a smaller eco-footprint, and inspired by creativity and kindness. For all of the recipes mentioned please go to:

w @theurbannest 31

Thrive Magazine / Promotion


Thrive Magazine / Promotion


An easy recipe for an indulgent split red lentils dhal, topped with crispy onions and soft cheese.

You can make your dhal as thick as you like – scoop up thick dhal with a naan bread, or add extra stock for a soup and eat with a spoon.

delicious split red lentil dhal


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

delicious split red lentil dhal with turmeric, mustard seeds, flaked chilli and garlic

ingredients (makes for 2) 1 tbs butter 1 tbs olive oil 2 onions - sliced 1 tsp mustard seeds 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp turmeric powder ½ tsp flaked chilli 210g | 1 cup split red lentils 1 fat clove garlic - minced ½cm ginger root - peeled and grated 3 cups vegetable stock 50g cheddar or other strong cheese - grated red chilli & fresh herbs to serve

how to make it... 1. Place the butter and olive oil in to a large frying pan, and heat on a medium heat, once the butter is melted add the onions and a generous pinch of salt then fry, stirring frequently for about 20 minutes until the onions are sticky, reduced and golden. 2. A little oil to the saucepan, and heat, add the spices and cook for a few minutes until fragrant. Add the lentils and cook for another minute. 3. Add the lentils, ginger, garlic and 2 cups of the stock, adjusting the heat so the mixture is gently simmering. Put a lid on the saucepan and cook for 20 - 25 minutes stirring occasionally, and adding more stock if needed until the lentils are mushy and you have your desired consistency. 4. Stir in half the cheese. 5. Serve topped with the onions, remains of the cheese and sprinkled with slices of red chilli and fresh herbs. Notes: For a twist on the recipe try frying the onions in coconut oil instead.

easy @FussFreeHelen fussfreeflavours

Recipe, styling and photography Helen Best-Shaw. Fussfreeflavours

More Recipes from Helen at: 35

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Thanks to Karla for this recipe @ohsonutritious

Kale is high in vitamins K, A and C. Vitamin K is important for heart health, blot clotting, bone health, and has been shown to help prevent diabetes.

Mexican Style Hot Kale Chips Kale chips are in! There are many versions of this simple to make and nutritious guilt-free snack, but my recipe - inspired by Mexican flavors will blow you away! Eating healthily has never been so delicious. Enjoy.

ingredients A bag of fresh kale Cooking spray or coconut oil 1 tsp round coriander 1 tsp paprika powder 1 tsp hot chili flakes Juice of half a lime


how to make it Preheat an oven at 160C fan/180C conventional/ Gas Mark 4 Wash, dry (pat dry with a paper towel) and remove leaves from their hard stems. Add some coconut oil or spray to a baking tray. Spread the leaves on the baking tray and spray some cooking oil on top of these. Squeeze some lime juice and sprinkle with salt, ground coriander, paprika and hot chilli flakes. Place inside the oven and check the leaves every 5 minutes until they reach the desired texture (depending on how crispy you like them). These were ready in exactly 20 minutes.

quick & easy

For more recipes visit

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

Protein Boosted Falafel packed with chickpeas, carrots and turmeric

(makes for 2)

ingredients 150g chickpeas 100g raw carrot 1/2 tsp organic turmeric powder 1 tsp cumin 1 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped

2 tbsp raw hemp protein 2 tbsp linwoods milled flax seed 1/4 tsp himalayan salt ground finely 2tbsp coconut oil melted

the perfect spring salad how to make it...

Drain your chickpeas and rinse with some cold water to get rid of excess starch. Add to your food processor along with your carrots, and blend together until well combined but not overly smooth. Add the remaining dry ingredients (everything minus the coconut oil) and blend again until well combined. Roll the mixture into 12 balls and leave to set in the fridge for an hour. Pre-heat the oven to 180C / 350F / Gas Mark 5. Transfer your falafel onto a baking tray and lightly brush with the melted coconut oil. Cook for 10 – 12 minutes, turning once to ensure an even bake. Leave to cool slightly and ENJOY!

Recipe created by Personal Trainer Nicola Rowe: @inspiredbynic

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

cherry, lavender acai bowl with organic, medicinal and edible lavender oil

ingredients 2 frozen bananas Cup of frozen cherries small can of coconut cream tbsp acai powder 1 drop of doTerra lavender oil (Only use edible lavender oil only use 1 drop) Drop of water

how to make it...

(makes 1) Smoothie bowls have really taken the limelight recently with loads of different combinations making an appearance on instagram We love this delicious breakfast smoothie bowl from Put your frozen bananas, frozen cherries coconut cream into your blender and just blend it all up until smooth. Add the acai powder, edible lavender oil (make sure you use only edible lavender oil here). You can buy this from DoTerra Essential Oils. Top with fruit of choice, nuts, seeds and shreads of coconut. Delicious.

Recipe from Tanyas Health Living @tanyashealthyliving @tanya_smith83

Find more delicious snack recipes, including these amazing matcha, maca balls over at: Ingredients: half a cup of almonds / 15 medjool dates / tbsp matcha green tea powder / handful goji berries / tbsp maca powder (great hormone balancer) half teaspoon vanilla powder / desiccated coconut for dusting


In your food processor blitz up the almonds in to smaller pieces. Make sure you’ve taken the stones out of the dates and then add all ingredients, apart from the coconut to your processor and whizz up until its all sticking together nicely. Then roll into balls. Dust in the coconut and freeze for 25 minutes. Snack and enjoy!

We love this simple breakfast idea from Tanya’s Healthy Living. Visit her website for more recipes.

Packed full of berries, and with an added boost of acai powder. Acai is packed with natural goodness for healthy teeth, vision & digestion.

cherry, lavender acai bowl 39

This cake has a wonderful, rich velvety chocolate texture and flavor. There is only one tablespoon lemon juice, a very slight tang, to really allow the chocolate flavor to be the star.

raw luscious chocolate cheesecake


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

raw luscious chocolate cheesecake a decandant raw chocolate cake for any special occasion


(makes x1 6” cake)

how to make it...

You’ll need a high speed blender for this one!

Crust 150g cup raw whole almonds 2 tbspn raw cacao powder 1 tspn coconut sugar pinch fine sea salt 2 tbspn pure maple syrup (30 mL) ¼ tspn vanilla extract Filling 1½ cups raw cashews ¼ cup + 2 tbspn water 1 tbspn fresh lemon juice 75ml tbspn pure maple syrup ½ tbspn vanilla extract ¼ tspn fine sea salt 2 tbspn coconut sugar (20 g) ¼ cup raw cacao powder 90g raw cocoa butter ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons melted cocoa butter)

Soak your cashews overnight or at least for an hour. After soaking, drain and rinse and set aside. You will need a 6 inch round springform pan for this cake. Add a piece of parchment paper on the bottom of the cake tin.

Optional: Dark chocolate for topping.

It will be very thick like a pudding. Do your best to stir with a spoon to loosen and blend again, just to make sure it is all mixed and smooth. Add 1-2 tablespoons of coconut sugar to sweeten.

Prepare the crust by adding the almonds, cocoa, sugar and salt to a food processor and process until it is a fine meal texture, about 30 seconds. Add the syrup and process again just until it comes together in a chunky ball. Press the mixture into the prepared springform pan, making sure it’s flat and even around the edges. Set aside. For the filling, make sure to go in this order. Add the cashews, water, lemon juice, syrup and vanilla to your high speed blender or food processor. Process, starting on slow at first and work your way up to high speed until it’s completely smooth. It will be very thick and you may need to scrape the sides, but make sure it’s totally smooth before adding the dry ingredients! Once totally smooth, add the salt, sugar and cocoa powder and slightly stir it into the mix. Don’t blend yet, it will be too thick. Melt your cocoa butter in a pan on a low heat. Once it’s almost all melted, remove and stir until it’s 100% dissolved. Pour into the blender and process until completely smooth.

Pour over your crust and smooth the top with a spoon. Place in the freezer for several hours until set. Remove it around 20 minutes before serving and it is the perfect firm, smooth texture. Keep it stored in the fridge. Note: This cake has a wonderful, rich velvety chocolate texture and flavor. There is only 1 tablespoon lemon juice, a very slight tang, to really allow the chocolate flavor to be the star. If you taste the batter after blending and want it sweeter, add 1-2 tablespoons more of the coconut sugar, not the syrup, as you don’t want to add extra liquid or it will affect the texture. Vegan 8 @thevegan8 TheVegan8

Where to find more... Recipe provided by The Vegan 8

This recipe is by Brandi Doming from The Vegan 8 is a fabulous vegan blog on which Brandi showcases her latest recipes - all gluten free, oil free, dairy free and made with just eight ingredients or less - amazing recipes for everyone to try.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

halloumi and pomegranate lebanese salad ingredients

how to make it... (serves 1)

For the salad 120g halloumi cheese Handful of green salad leaves ¼ cucumber 1 tomato ½ a red onion 3 radishes Handful chopped mint 1 tablespoon pomegranate seeds A handful of sumac spice

Assemble your salad - cut cucumber into cubes and tomatoes into small pieces; slice the red onion thinly; slice the radish. Place in a large bowl of chosen green salad leaves and toss.

For the dressing 2 tbsp pomegranate molasses 1/2 teaspoon mustard of your choice 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon sumac spice ½ lemon, squeezed Pinch of salt and pepper

Arrange the salad onto plates, top with the halloumi pieces and sprinkle on some chopped mint, pomegranate seeds, and a little sumac.

Make your dressing – Mix together the pomegranate molasses, mustard, oil, salt and spices with a whisk or tbsp. Squeeze in the lemon. Combine and check for taste. Gently mix the dressing into your assembled salad bowl. Cut the halloumi into four pieces and preferably grill, or lightly pan-fry if you prefer. In the meantime, chop up some fresh mint.

Serve and enjoy.

the bakchich panache

Otto and Amine – Founders of Bakchich Bakchich is a Lebanese restaurant based in Liverpool and Manchester serving up fresh, delicious, healthy street food-inspired eats in a quirky setting.

made with fresh fruit and juice

Ingredients ½ Banana ¼ Apple 6 Strawberries 150ml freshly sq ueezed

orange juice

How to make it Place all ingredie nts into a blender along with two ice cube s. Blend until sm ooth (approximately 45 seconds). Serve immediately and enjoy!


Sumac comes from the berries of a wild bush that grows wild in all Mediterranean areas, especially in Sicily and southern Italy, and parts of the Middle East.

Be careful when buying haloumi as some brands are so salty they’re inedible. Look for a genuine 100% sheeps milk import from Cyprus.

halloumi & pomegranate lebanese salad 43

Simply dress your salad with a little olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice and seasoning.

This salad provides lots of healthy lycopene (from the tomatoes) and the olive oil will help this fat-soluble antioxidant to be better absorbed.

mixed tomato and herb salad


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

mixed tomato and herb salad made with a variety of fresh chopped herbs ingredients (makes for 2) 400–500g (14oz–1lb 2oz) ripe tomatoes 200g (7oz) baby green leaf salad 1 large handful of chopped mixed herbs, such parsley, dill and chives 1 tablespoon cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil 1 lemon or lime salt and pepper

how to make it... Roughly chop the tomatoes and tear any larger salad leaves into bite-sized pieces. Layer the tomatoes, salad leaves and herbs in a serving bowl, drizzling a little olive oil and adding a squeeze of lemon or lime juice between each layer as you go. Season to taste. Protein boost. Serve this salad with poached white fish, or sun-dried tomatoes, roasted peppers, ricotta cheese, mozzarella or burrata also make lovely additions. This salad provides lots of healthy lycopene (from the tomatoes) and the olive oil will help this fat-soluble antioxidant to be better absorbed. To make the salad more substantial and boost its nutritional content, you could add a few handfuls of chopped young kale leaves and slices of cucumber. I like to cut grooves into the skin of the cucumber to give it a pretty frilly edge when sliced.

easy This salad is lovely to mak e in the Sprin Summer, whe g or n there’s an abundance of tomatoes an ripe d garden he rbs. I like to simply with dress it a little olive oil and a sque eze of lemon juice and seasonin g. As the ingred ients are all qu ite delicate yo can drizzle ov u er the simple dressing as yo assemble the u salad: first ad d a layer of chopped tom atoes to your bowl with a fe leaves, then ad w green d a drizzle of olive oil, a little squeeze of lemon or lim e juice and so me seasoning, th en repeat with some more tomatoes, leav es, dressing.

Thanks to Amber at Raw Vegan Blonde for this recipe: Find Amber on instagram where she creates beautiful artwork from fruit & veggies.

WIN @rawveganblonde rawveganblonde

Amber’s first cook book is due out March 2016 and you could WIN a copy over on our website Nourish by Amber Locke, published by Mitchell Beazley, £14.99


Delicious served with coconut ice-cream...

The tasty treacle filling is made with dates and polenta. Polenta is usually made from yellow cornmeal

clean eating treacle tart with orange 46

Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

clean eating treacle tart with orange made with coconut flour, wild honey and polenta


(1 delicious tart - serves 10) Pastry 1 cup of coconut flour ½ cup good quality butter or coconut oil 3 tablespoons local or wild honey pinch of salt 2 large organic eggs (the fresher the better) Treacle filling 1 ½ cup of dates zest and juice of one orange zest and juice of one lemon about ¾ cup of water ½ cup of polenta You will also need a 9 inch, lightly greased, loose bottomed tart dish.

how to make it... First, set the oven to 180°C and let it warm whilst you make the pastry. With a fork, whisk the melted butter or coconut oil, eggs, honey and salt in a medium sized bowl until they are well combined. Next, add the coconut flour and combine to form a dough. Using your fingers, press the dough into the tart dish, making sure to leave no holes and ensuring that the pastry reaches the sides. Prick the base of the pastry lightly with a fork to release any trapped air. Place in the oven for 8-10 minutes. The pastry should be firm to touch and dried out. If the edges are browning too much, place a piece of tin foil over the top and continue to bake. Once ready remove from the oven and allow it to cool. Whilst your pastry is cooling make the filling. Place the dates into a saucepan and cover them with water (you may need to use less than suggested or more depending on the softness of your dates). Keeping the heat at a medium temperature keep the dates moving and help them to soften with a wooden spoon. Next, add the zest and juice of both your orange and your lemon. Once the dates have broken down you should have a thick gloopy caramel like consistency. If you like more sweetness you might want to add a tablespoon of maple syrup or honey. @PunchFoods @punchfoods Thanks to Punch Foods for this recipe:

Baking with coconut flour is a good gluten-free, and healthy alternative to other flours. It’s high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats and is free from wheat and other grains.


Thrive Magazine / Issue 9 - Spring 2016

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Sending a big thanks to the guys @finnberrytweet for this parcel that arrived at Thrive HQ. #FridayFeeling #healthy


The perfect strawberry #quinoa porridge breakfast bowl. Simple & quick. Thanks @RLNutrition1


Mmmm, my favorite: 6 Delicious Overnight Oats Recipes Via @ThriveFeelAlive

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Credits / References / Where to buy... Natural Juice Junkie - Snact - Allison Shepard - Cameron Hooper from CNM College - Melani Dupuis -

Tanya’s Healthy living Check more recipes over at Therese Bourne - Janey Lee Grace -

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