Art Overview

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Autumn Term

Art 2024 - 25

Spring Term

Art and Design – EYFS

Expressive Arts and Design

ELG 16

Creating with Materials

Children will…

Summer Term

‘Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.’

‘Share their creations, explaining the process they have used’.

How we achieve this at Throckley

Drawing self-portraits

Drawing and painting pictures of their family.

Art work inspired by books – The dot, Handa’s surprise.

Creating art inspired by famous Artist, e.g. Andy Goldsworthy / Vincent Van Gogh.

Designing and creating a house for an animal. Adapting work where necessary.

Stickman link – Creating their own stickmen.

Exploring a range of media throughout the year – pens, pencils, crayons, pastels, poster paint, watercolours, brush inks, wool, material etc… to name some.

Outdoor art using a range of mark making materials such as paint rollers and different sized brushes on a large scale.

Craft Area enables children to self-select resources that they need / want to test out including masking tape and glue to join.

Colour mixing

Repeating patterns

Art 2024 - 25

Drawing – line and texture

Explore materials and tools for mark making.


Science –Seasonal changes and weather

Drawing – line and texture

Evoke mood and represent movement through mark making.


Drawing and painting

Combine drawing and resist exploring colour, line and shape.

Painting – colour and value

Explore mark making with paint using primary colours.

EYFS – Colour mixing

Maths – 2d shapes and their properties

Painting – Colour and value

Explore line, colour and shape.

Make your own painting tools and develop colour-mixing skills using secondary colours.

Year 1 - primary colours

Print making – line and pattern

Create monoprints and explore mark making and pattern with printing tools.

Collage – texture

Explore the visual and tactile qualities of natural and manufactured objects.

Printmaking – line and pattern

Create repeated patterns with positive and negative space.

EYFS – Repeating patterns

Use natural objects as stimulus.

3d – form and shape

Create coil pots using clay.


Art 2024 - 25

Year 2 – line , colour and shape

Create tints and learn painting techniques of tonking and sgraffito.

History – Cave art – Palaeolithic and Neolithic


Create contour drawings using still life and natural forms.

Science - Rocks

Science – animals including humans (insects)



Drawing and painting

Learn about and use the technique of subtractive drawing.

Use organic lines to create landscapes.

Geography – Human and physical geography. Landscapes.

Painting – Colour and tone

Learn about abstract and develop colourmixing skills to include tertiary colours.

Year 2 – Secondary colours

Science – Plants


Create tissue paper bowls.

Create three colour prints and combine printing techniques.

Year 3 - Printmaking


and 3d

Create wire structures, focusing on line and form.

Combine 3d materials.

EYFS – Combining materials

Combine a range of techniques such as overlapping and layering.


Create slab pots and learn techniques to join and seal clay sections.


Art 2024 - 25

Painting and collage

Create still life compositions by combining different media and response to cubist work.

Year 4 - drawing (still life)

Adapt and refine ideas and techniques and respond to different styles of art and movements.

Maths – Geometric/3d shapes (Cubism)


Combine techniques to create an abstract image.

Learn about surrealism and portraiture.


Explore shape, form and colour and explore the effect of heat to create chihuly-style glass.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.