Year 3
Greetings in French; 4 Paris landmarks; classroom instructions.
Greetings used around school and to answer the register from KS1.
What is your name? How are you?
Countries & capitals of the UK in French; numbers in French up to 6.
UK countries and capitals (Geography Y1)
Greetings; find France & Paris; 4 Paris landmarks; classroom instructions.
Happy New Year; 3 imperatives; numbers 7 to 10 in French
Countries & capitals of the UK in French; numbers up to 6.
Further Paris landmarks; first fronted adverbial (à Paris) and an invariable verb (il y a); numbers 11 and 12.
Happy New Year; 3 imperatives; numbers 7 to 10 in French.
Exploring landmarks in Cardiff, Belfast & Edinburgh; asking how old you are & where do you live.
Further Paris landmarks; first fronted adverbial (à Paris) and an invariable verb (il y a); numbers 11 and 12
Exploring London landmarks; describing yourself and a location; using the definite article.
London landmarks (Geography Y2)
Exploring landmarks in Cardiff, Belfast & Edinburgh; asking how old you are & where do you live.
Throckley Primary School French Overview
Year 4
Answering the question “What is it?”; using the conjunction “or”; 8 animals/ masculine nouns in French.
Living Things and their Habitats (Science Y4)
Classroom instructions; numbers to 12 in French; find France & Paris.
4 masculine nouns (vowels opening); new fronted adverbial- dans le jardin; 4 colours; Paris communal gardens.
Primary colours (Art Y1)
Find UK countries (French names); 8 animals/ masculine nouns in French.
Year 5
Numbers 13 to 21; time- seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks; telling time to the hour; 5 masculine shops in Joliville.
Classroom instructions; find UK countries (French names); numbers to 12 in French
Numbers 22 to 39 in French; using petit & grand before the noun; telling time to the half & quarter hour; 5 further masculine shops.
Numbers 13 to 21; time- seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks; telling time to the hour; 5 masculine shops in Joliville.
Year 6
Months of the year in French; revise asking how someone is.
Greeting/ classroom instructions; asking where something is; asking how many there are; nominating a favourite
Colours; time to the quarter hour.
Spelling your name & the alphabet in French; introducing masculine & feminine classroom objects; asking to be passed something.
Months of the year in French; revise asking how someone is.
6 new colours; 8 animals/ feminine nouns; Paris communal parks.
4 masculine nouns (vowels opening); new fronted adverbial- dans le jardin; 4 colours; Paris communal gardens.
Learning about arrondissements of Paris; telling the time to quarter to the hour; 5 feminine shops; using petit & grand- adjectival agreement.
Describing events of the school day in French; school subjects in French; how you get to school; activities at break time.
Paris and London (Geography Y5)
Numbers 22 to 39 in French; using petit & grand before the noun; telling time to the half & quarter hour; 5 further masculine shops.
Spelling your name & the alphabet in French; introducing masculine & feminine classroom objects; asking to be passed something.
2 new adverbials of place- dans la mer & dans les bois ; explaining the feminine & plural definite articles.
6 new colours. 8 feminine nouns. 5 parks in Paris.
How to introduce a letter to a friend; expressing different levels of enthusiasm; number 40; 5 further feminine shops; ordinal numbers.
Learning about arrondissements of Paris; telling the time to quarter to the hour; 5 feminine shops; using petit & grand- adjectival agreement.
Introducing family members; the number 60; describing parents & siblings; pets.
Describing events of the school day in French; school subjects in French; how you get to school; activities at break time.
Asking where something is; asking how many there are; nominating a favourite; using masculine & feminine pronouns (il & elle).
2 new adverbials of place- dans la mer & dans les bois ; explaining the feminine & plural definite articles.
Describing your house (how many bedrooms), what it has & doesn’t have using the negative adverb; features of a garden furniture.
Asking where something is; asking how many there are; nominating a favourite; using masculine & feminine pronouns (il & elle).
Days of the week in French; the number 50; saying at what time; saying where you are going.
How to introduce a letter to a friend; expressing different levels of enthusiasm; number 40.
Time to the quarter hour; conjunctions of place; house/ flat & bedroom.
Focussing on the 7th, 8th and 16th Arrondissements; using verbs for hobbies.
Days of the week in French; the number 50; saying at what time; saying where you are going.
In my garden.
Describing the clothes you like to wear; asking what the weather is like and describing it.
Introducing family members; the number 60; describing parents & siblings; pets.
Bastille Day (14th July); common regular & irregular verbs; hobbies.
Describing the clothes you like to wear; asking what the weather is like and describing it.