Through the Maze Winter Newsletter 2020

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Easy read information about accessible events and activities in Leeds for adults with learning disabilities

Winter Edition 2020

A service of Connect in the North registered charity number 1078829 registered in England and Wales. A non-profit company limited by guarantee, number 3127540



Welcome to Through the Maze


How to update information on Through the Maze Through the Maze WhatsApp Information Service What’s on

3 4 5  10

Through the Maze Ask Us Drop in on Zoom People Matters timetable for Spring 2021 People in Action timetable for Spring 2021

5 6 7

My Life My Way — Being Green Course


Purple Patch Arts Disco on Zoom




At home activities

11  16

Word Search

11  12

Colouring in

13  14

Spot the difference

15  16

Useful Information

17  20

Keeping Health and Well


Door step Crime


Digital Support


What the Pass it on People did when they could meet Pass it on People interview Beckie from LEEP1 Contact Us 1

18 19  20 21

Welcome to Through the Maze

Hello and welcome to the Through the Maze Winter newsletter.

The Through The Maze office will be closed for Christmas from 12:00PM on Friday 18th December  Monday 4th January 2021.

Since last our news letter we have been busy adding new pages to the Through the Maze website. These pages are about coronavirus and things to do at home. To see the new pages visit 



Through the Maze WhatApp information service

Each week Through the Maze send out a WhatsApp message telling people about accessible events and activities that are coming up in Leeds.

If you are having problems getting signed up let us know so we can help you.

How to get the WhatsApp Updates To get weekly updates from Through the Maze add our number  0776 052 8588 to your phonebook. Save the number as Through the Maze. Send a WhatsApp message saying Get Weekly Update to the number you just saved. Privacy We are using a WhatsApp broadcast list. In the broadcast lists you can’t see who else is a member of the list or anyone’s phone number. We will not share your contact details with anyone else. Important Information We will not reply to any messages sent to our mobile number. If you would like to ask a question you must either phone us on  0113 270 3233, email  or send us a message using the online form on the Through the Maze website. 4

Through the Maze Ask Us Drop In on Zoom

The Through the Maze Ask Us Drop In is running on Zoom. The drop in runs every Monday. First drop in of the new year is on Monday 11th January 2021. 12:30PM ➞ 3:00PM  wd=SHAzL1kwTmcyYm1PdkdzNVNLNUZ6dz09 Meeting ID 833 7947 3641 For the password to the meeting contact  0113 270 3233 or email  If you would like a private appointment contact us on  0113 270 3233


People Matters Timetable Story telling Have fun with sharing and telling stories in different ways. Group continues on a Tuesday in January. 11:00AM Mindfulness Explore ways to relax, stay active, be motivated and stay calm. Group continues on a Wednesday in January. 11:00AM Get creative Make a variety of items and decorations. Group continues on a Thursday in January. 11:00AM Relationships Take part in talks about about relationships. Friends, professional and romantic. Group continues on a Friday in January. 11:00AM These activities are online. You can join a group at any time, but you will need to have the Zoom app on your computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet. For the Zoom code and password or for more information contact  0113 234 6896 


People in Action Time Timeable



Purple Patch Arts Disco on Zoom Purple Patch Arts have an online disco every month that you can attend on Zoom.

DJ James and Superstar Sarah play songs you can dance along to from home. The disco is on the first Thursday of every month at 7:00PM  8:30PM The next ones are, Thursday 6th January 2021 Thursday 4th February 2021 To join the fun please get in touch for the Zoom codes.   0772 504 1801   0773 014 4934 The Purple Patch Arts website has different activities every week  There’s also a new colouring-in page to download and print out each week 


luv2meetU luv2meetU are hosting free online events for anyone over 18 with a learning disability or autism.

In December, there will be a range of Christmas themed events, so get ready to party.

Events include ·

Monday — Under 30s Social Group.


Tuesday — Afternoon Social Catch Up.


Tuesday — Quiz and games.


Wednesday — Karaoke and sing-a-long.


Thursday — Creative Hour- Christmas Crafts.


Friday — Zoom practice.


The BIG Luv2MeetU Christmas Party.


Disability History Month Quiz Masters with Bradford University.

To find out more contact   0777 183 6987   0792 530 336 10

Word Search


Word Search




Spot the Difference — Christmas tree on Leeds City Square


Spot the difference answers

1. Gold star on top of Christmas tree. 2. Present under Christmas tree. 3. Moon in the sky. 4. Santa’s sleigh and reindeer in the sky. 5. Person dressed in Christmas clothes on left hand side.

Additional images used under licenese CC0 Public Domain and CC BY-SA 4.0 CC BY-SA 4.0 – Mtaylor848,_Leeds_(21st_December_2015)_003.JPG CC0 Public Domain – prettysleepy - CC0 Public Domain – AnnaliseArt - CC0 Public Domain – OpenClipArt Vectors - CC0 Public Domain – OpenClipArt Vectors - CC0 Public Domain – SilviaP_Design -


Hi my name is doctor Alex Grove. I am a G.P. in Leeds. I have been working on a project to help people live healthier lives.

Lock down has made it difficult for everyone to be as active or as healthy as they would usually be. Think about some of the new habits you have picked up during the coronavirus pandemic. Have you been trying to keep active? Are you sleeping enough? Are you having a balanced diet? What even is a balanced diet? To help you keep healthy and well take a look at these leaflets  The leaflets have important information about looking after yourself and your loved ones.

We spoke to clients, supporters, clinical and non-clinical teams to help us make these leaflets. 17

Doorstep Crime Things you can do to stay safe at home if you are not expecting anyone to call at your home.

Check who is calling before you open the door. If you have a door chain put it on every time you go to answer the door.

If you have a spy hole look through it every time you go to answer the door.

Or look through a window to see who it is.

If you do not know the person and you are not expecting anyone then do not let them in. If you are expecting someone ask to see their I.D. Remember do not buy anything at the door. It is ok to say No. For more information or to report a crime contact  101 You can also report a crime to Action Fraud  0300 123 2040 CC by 4.0 – Santeri Viinamäki -


Digital Support for People with Learning Disabilities There is lots of digital support being provided for people with learning disabilities in Leeds at the moment.

People in Action are running a tablet lending scheme. If you would like to join the People in Action Zoom session but don’t have a device, or wifi, get in touch for more details of how you can get a 4g-enabled tablet. For more information contact  0113 244 3729  Purple Patch arts are running workshops for adults with learning disabilities. The workshops tell you what the internet can be used for and how to stay safe online and social media. For more information contact  0772 504 1801  LEEP1 – Digital Inclusion Tuesday 1:00PM LEEP1 Zoom room. For more information contact  or  O113 243 9477 19

What the Pass it on People did when they could meet What have the Pass it on People been doing since lockdown?  DJing for LEEP1.  Watching DJ sets on LEEP1 Facebook.  A relationship and sexuality course on Zoom by CHANGE.  My Life My Way Training by Connect in the North on Zoom.  Talk to other Get Me Better Champions using Microsoft Teams.  The Friday Quiz by Connect in the North on Zoom. Where do you find things to do?  Through the Maze.  LEEP1 Facebook page.  Open Events for People with Learning Difficulties Facebook Group.  Joining different Facebook Groups. What can you do if you can’t read what’s on?  The Through the Maze Website reads the text out to you.  You can phone Through the Maze.  You can use Alexa or Siri.  Lots of organisations use Easy Read. How did you learn how to use Zoom and Microsoft Teams?  Help from support workers.  People in Action’s video about Zoom.  Telephone support from organisations. 20

Pass it on People interview Beckie from LEEP1 What is LEEP1 doing at the moment? What aren’t we doing? We’ve online activities. There’s Food Safety, yoga, the friendship group and DJ sessions. We are doing a lot about healthy living and mental health. We are very excited to be making a Christmas advert for LEEP1. What has been different since lockdown? We were really quick to move activities online. Luckily, we had been working with people for the last 2 years doing Digital Inclusion. We’ve also been able to give out tablets for people to use. How do people find out what is happening at LEEP1? We have a new website that has the weekly timetable on it. Every Monday we upload the timetable for the week. We’ve also have a Facebook page with all the information on. Who can join the activities? Anyone with a learning disability can join. We’ve over 360 members. There’s someone from Hull and even someone in America who comes on.


Is there anything for people to do who are not online? We are running sessions Tuesdays  Fridays in small bubbles. We are working with people who haven’t been joining the zoom sessions. We are also working with people we’ve employed. We are very excited about starting a new clothing range soon. What has worked well through this time? Everyone working together and feeling really supported. What has been hard? Not being able to support someone if they are having a hard day like you usually would. We’ve had to find different ways to support each other. Is there anything online you will keep doing when things get back to normal? I think we will keep having People First Meetings on Zoom because people have found them more accessible and they’re really important. For more information contact  0113 243 9477   22

Contact Us  0113 270 3233

By phone

Office 42 Sugar Mill Oakhurst Road Leeds LS11 7HL

Write to

By email


Facebook throughthemazeleeds



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