Tiger times 2-14-13

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volume 52 no. 4 • feb. 14, 2013

What’s inside In the Know 2 VIewpoint 5-7 Sports 15-16 Entertainment 17-18

texas high school • 4001 summerhill rd • texarkana, tx 75503 • www.tigertimesonline.com

America’s Next Shoot-Out The Newtown, Conn., shooting sparked a fierce debate on gun control. Is letting teachers fire back the answer to school safety? >> 10

photo illustration by a. mccoy

in the know

2 2/15 Into The Woods


ist Pull out your calenders, sharpen your pencils, write down the dates you need for the upcoming month.

Texas High’s Tiger Theatre Company will be performing the musical on Feb. 14, 15, and 17. Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults.

3/2 Miss THS

Miss THS will be held in the PAC, or Performing Arts Center, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

2/16 Sadie Hawkins Dance

2/23 Black History Parade

The dance will be held in the cafeteria. Tickets will be sold during all lunches for $10. The dance will start at 7 p.m. and end at 10 p.m.

3/4 Drill Team Tryouts

Texas High will hold Drill Team tryouts in the cafeteria from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The parade will march downtown from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

3/6 Rosebuds Ballroom Dancing Practice

Rosebuds will practice ballroom dancing in the cafeteria from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

tiger times feb 14, 2013

2/23 Prom Fundraiser Drawdown

This is an opportunity for adults to come support the prom. It will be held at the Truman Arnold Center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

3/8 Cheer Tryouts


Stuco Dinner Theater

Stuco will hold their Dinner Theater in the Dan Haskins Center from noon to 10 p.m.

3/11-15 Spring Break

Cheer tryouts will be held in the multipurpose building from 4:15 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Texas High will release classes for spring break. Enjoy the sun and be ready to resume classes on March 18.

Tiger Theatre Company prepares for new show by amanda hackleman staff writer Learning lines. Practicing music. Building the sets. Costuming the cast. Preparing the make up. Lighting the stage. Welcome to Texas High Theatre Company. Operation: “Into The Woods.” Into The Woods, a Broadway play, is being performed by the theater department at 7 p.m. tonight in the John Thomas Theatre. The cast and crew have put in hours of hard work producing the show. “We work almost everyday,” said sophomore Alexis Savage, the makeup artist. “I usually put in about 16 hours

a week. We’ve been working really hard and everyone works together well. To me, makeup is just as hard as being up there on stage. It takes a lot of creativity.” The cast has been rehearsing since October to make sure they are ready when the curtains go up on opening night. “It’s the biggest show the company has ever done,” sophomore Camryn Parsons, who plays Sleeping Beauty, said. “I’m like majorly excited. The whole company is psyched.” Sophomore Caroline Parks, who plays Little Red Riding Hood in the show, is sure that the show will be a success. “I love the thrill of being on the

stage in front of everyone,” Parks said. “I’m not nervous at all because I’m confident in the show. I think it’s going to be awesome.” Tiger Theatre Company director Micah McBay is also looking forward to the opening. “I am very excited about the show,” McBay said. “I have been working on it since last May, and now that we have cast it and are rehearsing, we have lots of work left to do but it’s going to be an awesome show. Everyone needs to come and see it. Bring a date and come on Valentine’s Day.” In addition to tonight, other performances are Friday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Admission prices are $5 for students and $7 for adults.

PRACTICE Junior Adam Graves and sophomore Cara Fowler prepare for upcoming show, “Into the Woods.” The first performance will be at 7 p.m. tonight. Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults. photo by k. black

StuCo promotes Be Brave campaign in bid for state office by john david goins co-online editor in chief “Be B.R.A.V.E. against bullying” is the campaign platform being used by Student Council to run for the office of state vice president in April. The student representative who would represent the school if elected is junior Charlie Goins. “When the idea of running for a state office first came up, I began looking all over the Internet for a possible campaign platform,” Goins said. “I stumbled upon the United Federation of Teachers website one day, and that is when I discovered the Be B.R.A.V.E. against bullying campaign.” The word B.R.A.V.E. stands for Building Respect, Acceptance and Voice through

Education, and the reasons for choosing it were obvious. “Bullying is something that is seen at Texas High, and affects not only our school, but every school in the nation,” Goins said. “And, although I know the campaign idea of anti-bullying has been used before, I believe the importance can not be stressed enough. Too many times people ideally stand by and let bullying continue, the whole point is to teach kids to be brave and stand up for those who need help.” Besides the posters in the hallway, Student Council plans on doing more to promote the campaign idea, but as of right now, they are running unopposed. “Unopposed or not, our council will continue on with our campaign to end bul-

lying because it means more to us than a platform to win an office,” Goins said. “We will be getting ‘Be Brave’ bracelets to hand out, and it’s our goal to highlight on all the types of bullying in order to stop the problem entirely.” If the Student Council is successful in April, this will be their third time to hold a state office. The past offices held were state president and conference coordinator. “I am extremely excited about running. From what I have heard, Texas High made a name for itself when they won state presidency in 2010,” junior Ben Norton said. “So I think we have a great chance to win again this year. I really like our platform on bullying because I think that it is a very prevalent issue in our schools today.”


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tiger times feb 14, 2013



TEA guidelines prompt change in semester exam exemptions by shelby kelley news editor Sitting in bed watching episodes of “Judge Judy,” eating a bag of chips while classmates take their semester tests calls for a sense of bliss. However, changes in the Texas Education Agency’s attendance handbook may call for the end of semester test exemptions. In the past, exempt students were able to sign in during the attendance period to receive credit for a full day of attendance. “Due to recent changes in the TEA attendance handbook, students must be

present at least 4 hours in order for the district to receive Average Daily Attendance funding,” principal Brad Bailey said. “Schools in the past were able to have students sign-in and receive a 30-minute presentation in order to count ADA, but we can no longer do this.” School receive funding based on ADA figures. Continuing with the current semester exemption policies would create a significant drop in funding. According to ADA regulations, the school receives funding for each student counted present everyday. Bailey said that not only do students

have to be present, they have to receive at least four hours of instruction to be eligible for full-day attendance. Instruction may be anything from test preparation and project-based learning activities to club and extra/co-curricular meetings. “We are going to be creative and work to reward students for their effort in attendance, academics, appropriate behaviors, and achievement on state assessments,” Bailey said. Bailey said now that they have the new state regulations they are exploring various options for semester tests and should have

plan developed in the upcoming month. “We are still working on a schedule for the future,” Bailey said. “We will be gathering input from our CQIC team, teachers and the student advisory team on how we need to structure semester exams and exemptions.” Students have received information about the new regulations and believe exemptions are necessary for all students. “I think it is unfair for students who are not as well prepared as others,” sophomore Steven Jacobs said. “By taking exemptions away, it has the potential to hurt students GPA.”

UIL starts again by robert hoover staff writer UIL events have started again this year, everyone is warming up and getting ready for the season. The first meet, for several of the events, was held at Mt. Pleasant a few weeks ago. Those who competed last year are trying to get back in their rhythm while the new kids our trying to find theirs. Junior J.B Wells and freshman Olivia Corbit answer questions about this year’s UIL. Q. What events did you compete in? J.B. Informative speaking and L.D. Debate. Olivia. Feature writing and Headline writing. Q Were you nervous about the competition? J.B. No, because I had been doing it since last year and I was pretty confident in what I could do Olivia. Not really, it’s just a new thing. Q. How did you do in your events? J.B. I got first in L.D. and third in informative. Olivia. I ended up with first in headline and third in feature. Q. How do you plan to improve in future events? J.B. By taking all of the advice the judges give me and using that to improve. Olivia. I’d like to be more prepared. I’ve only had one semester of journalism, so I felt a little under prepared. Q. What would you say to someone considering joining UIL? Olivia. It’s a really good idea because it opens up a lot of opportunities and it looks good on a college resume so you definitely should give it a try.


4 “A high school diploma isn’t going to get you a good job, but having an Associate Degree is going to allow you to get a decent job to start out with, with a decent salary.” -Associate Principal Mark Schroeder

tiger times feb. 14, 2013

New courses offered The new courses added to the curriculum for next year include: • • • •


head on a start

college career

New program allows students to earn Associate Degree with high school diploma by taylor potter sports editor


eginning next year, incoming freshmen will have the opportunity to begin their college careers early. Through a new program with Texarkana College, students will be able to graduate with an Associate Degree in General Studies as well as the regular high school diploma. The program was instituted so more students would have the opportunity to receive a college-level education and to help reduce student fears about life after high school. “It came about because of the talk about having more access for more students to go to college,” Associate Principal Mark Schroeder said. “We have students that, even though we have the career-readiness center, still have that intimidation factor about going to college and that process.” In order to receive the Associate Degree, students would have to complete 62 college hours. Subject areas and required hours are: English/Speech (9); Visual and Performing Arts (3); History

(6); Government (6); Behavioral Sciences (3); Mathematics (3); Natural Sciences (8); Computer Technology (3); Humanities (3); Electives (18). Earning this degree in high school means that students would enter college as juniors with most of their basic requirements fulfilled and would now begin advanced classes for their majors. “Those are going to be more difficult,” Schroeder said. “You have to make sure you’re ready for that increase in work from high school to when they get to college.” If a student is aiming to get into a toptier school, this program should probably not be taken. Some of the credits may not be accepted at these universities. “Every student is going to have to look at it individually because if it’s a student that wants to go to an upper-tier college, they’re probably going to want to stick with a combination of AP and dual-credit classes,” Schroeder said. “But if it’s a student that already knows that they want to go to a Texas A&M-Texarkana or an Arkansas school that will accept all the credits, then it’s something they might want to do.”

It is imperative for students and parents to research college scholarships prior to starting the program. There may be issues regarding first-time student scholarships. “They need to check with every college for what is considered to be a first-time freshman because they could be counted as transfer students,” Schroeder said. “They just need to check with any college that they might be interested in attending. When you’re looking at the Merit scholarships for your ACT and SAT scores, those aren’t going to change because you’re going to be entering first time students.” Students who are not interested or able to be in the program will have new DC classes available. Statistics, Advanced Quantitative Reasoning, French IV, Sports Medicine, Career Prep, Principles of Architecture, Principles of Audio/ Visual, TigerVision and other classes will be added. More classes can be found in the new course guide. Freshman and sophomore DC classes are still limited. “Freshman will only be able to take three different dual-credit situations,” Schroeder said. “It’s Business Information Management DC, Principles of

• • • • • • •

Oral Interpretation (3 levels) Public Speaking (3 levels) Calculus BC AP Social Studies Advanced Studies Texas State and Local Government DC UIL Academic Preparation Orchestra I Art Design I DC Sports Medicine (3 levels plus DC) Emergency Medical Responder DC. Other courses added fall within the Career & Technology Program areas of Architecture & Construction, Arts, A/V Technology & Communications, Business and Finance

Architecture DC and Principles of AudioVisual DC. Their sophomore year they could go into the DC first year TigerVision class.” The program should also help students that are not interested in college find better jobs. These students may also want to look into taking this plan. “There’s a lot of jobs that all you need is an Associate Degree to get those particular jobs. So it opens up that door for students that really don’t want to continue their education,” Schroeder said. “A high school diploma isn’t going to get you a good job, but having an Associate Degree is going to allow you to get a decent job to start out with, with a decent salary.” If an interested student has any questions about the college credits or the program, they should see Schroeder. The plan could provide a good start for a career or momentum for college. “By us being able to offer this program, it allows the students to get a stackable credential,” Schroeder said. “It builds their confidence to know that they can get their college credit while in high school. Maybe it won’t be as intimidating in high school.”

tiger times





tiger times feb. 14, 2013

TING competition

In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook, many are reviewing security issues at their own schools and the possible corrections to prevent another disaster. Among the many options is the possibility of arming teachers to protect the students. The Deputy Governor of Texas has proposed a measure to allow school districts to arm their teachers. Already, a school district in Harrold, Texas, is allowing teachers to carry a concealed weapon. While this is a noble effort and the different statesmen mean well, arming teachers would be an unnecessary and potentially dangerous solution to this crisis. First and foremost, schools should be a safe zone. Bringing guns into the equation, even if by teachers, sends a contradictory message. This also brings to light a situation where a teacher loses control of his or her weapon. It is within the realm of possibility for a student to overpower a teacher and get the weapon if they know the teacher is carrying one. The bottom line is that giving teachers guns is just one more thing that could go wrong. Regardless of these things, teachers are human beings like the rest of us. This means they have the latent possibility to be mentally unstable. While all teachers are not lunatics, there are some out there, and the potential of equipping a deranged person is a real possibility. Even the possibility of arming a psychotic in a room full of vulnerable children is an asinine idea. However, the proponents of this measure believe that students are at risk even at school. If the district employs teachers already with their concealed weapons permits, why not let them carry at school? While we do need to respect the rights of legal guncarrying citizens, the solution to a gun problem should not be more guns. We should strive to reduce the possibility of gunfire in schools at all, not add another element to go awry.

out the

Texas High School 4001 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana TX, 75503 ( 903 ) 794 - 3891 F ( 903 ) 792 - 8971 The Tiger Times is a student-run publication. The contents and views are produced solely by the staff and do not represent the opinions of the faculty, administration or TISD board of trustees. editors in chief Brianna Sellers & Wynne Tidwell online editors in chief John David Goins & Autumn Sehy managing editor Jacob Hill advertising Adam Graves news editor Shelby Kelley viewpoint editor Josh Klein, Riley Rogers & Sydney Schoen feature editor Mary Claire Boudreaux & Mackenzie Phillips sports editor Taylor Potter entertainment editors Abigail O’Gorman & Davis Payne photo editor Amy McCoy staff writers Zac Baker Maggie Coleman Katherine Doan Ben Gladney Amanda Hackleman Casey Hitchcock Robert Hoover Madeline Hunley Dwight Mack Baylee McBride Caroline Purtle Ashley Tyson

All of this is beside the fact that the teachers will need additional training, which will cost the district money in the middle of budget cuts. We would be better off spending that money toward improving our teachers and helping our students progress. It is obvious that students need protection due to the world we live in; however, teachers are under enough stress as it is. The last thing that they need is the added responsibility of carrying a firearm in addition to teaching. The solution does not lie with giving educators a deadly weapon. There is a reason we have police officers and security guards on our campus. It is so that teachers do not have to worry about the safety and security of their students. The officers have gone through extensive training to handle the stress and pressure of an armed assault. They have training most teachers do not, or will not, have. Instead of spending much needed resources giving our teachers a Glock or a Smith and Wesson, let’s leave the security to the people trained to do it.

photographers Katie Black Carlie Clem Ndidi Duru Casey Hitchcock Sabrina Larson Riley Madlock Claire Norton Mackenzie Phillips Caroline Prieskorn Josh Rostek Haley Rushing Sydney Steed Hailey Woods Bailey Vaughan advisers Rebecca Potter & Clint Smith principal Brad Bailey members ILPC, NSPA, CSPA The Tiger Times is the official student publication of Texas High School. The primary purpose of the Tiger Times is to inform the students of the school, while practicing the ethical canons of journalism. Letters to the editor may be dropped off in Room 50. Each letter must be signed and include the student’s grade. Letters are subject to editing. The Tiger Times also accepts advertising. Advertising is sold for $5 a column inch. All ads must be received at least two weeks prior to publication.



tiger times feb. 14, 1013

Restaur-RANT A critique of local eateries for the urbane Texarkana’s selection of eating establishments is not exactly vast. We’re a habitual people, content to scarf down the same old chicken tender platter at the same decently-respectable-yet-still-casual joint of our choice every Friday evening. We all go to the same small group of local restaurants, regardless of their actual culinary merit. Well, my homies, this cycle ends now. As someone who loves food to the point of being obsessed with it, I feel that it is my solemn duty to guide Texarkana back to the path of righteousness. In order to correct our errant ways, we must first acknowledge that we have a problem. Let’s face it, quite a few of Texarkana’s most popular restaurants are dramatically overrated. They’re not necessarily bad, but they certainly curry a good deal more patronage than the quality of their fare merits. I realize that the subject of food is very close to most people’s hearts (or, rather, stomachs), and I’m prepared to make some enemies here. However, I would like to warn any potential revengemotivated assassins that I’m an orange belt in Krav Maga and X-treme horseshoetossing, so watch out. I’ll be ready. McAlister’s Deli Yeah, I get it. They have good sweet tea. But people, let’s be real here. Sweet tea is sweet tea. As long as you use a half-decent brand of tea leaves and avoid adding an entire fifty-pound bag of sugar to the pitcher, it’s pretty hard to mess up. McAlister’s soup and sandwiches are passable, but nothin’ special. This overall unimpressive-ness probably has something to do with the fact that McAlister’s is a chain deli, found in every Southern township of significant size. That’s CORPORATE sweet tea you’re drinking, you slaves of the plutocracy! Where To Go Instead Texarkana is home to several locallyowned delis, all of which treat sandwichmaking like the ancient and mystical art that it is. Of these, I would recommend

which adds up to $57.60 per gallon. I mean, COME ON. Where To Go Instead Stay home; eat Nutella from the jar while lying on your couch without pants on. Rock ‘n’ roll.

by abigail o’gorman entertainment editor

Julie’s Deli, which happens to be conveniently located a mere stone’s throw away from Texas High. In addition to the capital quality of their sandwiches, their soup of the day is always an exciting experience. Unfortunately for the after-church crowd, Julie’s is closed on Sundays, but hey, I’m not saying we should banish McAlister’s from our hearts completely. We should just give other delis a chance to shine. TCBY That’s right. I went there. Before my house is set ablaze by a mob of teenage yogurt-slaves, prepare your eyeballs for the following shocking truth: TCBY’s frozen yogurt tastes exactly like friggin’ soft serve ice cream. It’s indistinguishable. Why does everyone go there, then? Because it is a fad, my children. Look, dudes, buying overrated frozen confections is exactly what The Man wants you to do. It’s our duty as uninhibited beings in harmony with the universe to resist this insidious attempt at dairy monopoly. Besides, they charge $0.45 per ounce for that stuff,

Texas Roadhouse Never in my 18 years upon this planet have I seen another restaurant that is consistently able to draw a crowd at 4:30 p.m. on a Tuesday. I don’t know why (the peanuts, maybe?), but Texas Roadhouse is always bustling. Perhaps it is patriotic fervor that draws people to this steakhouse, for it does, after all, have the word “Texas” in its name. Mothers, cover your children’s eyes now, for I am about to disclose something truly abominable. Texas Roadhouse is about as Texan as the Great Wall of China. Not only is this eatery a chain, it also originates in Indiana of all places. Surely all the free peanuts in the world are not worth this treachery!

Where To Go Instead Sneak into a pasture in the dead of night, slaughter a cow with your bare hands, and consume the flesh raw. Or you could just, you know, go to one of the other numerous steakhouses that fair Texarkana has to offer. Ironwood, Cattleman’s, Pop’s Place, etc. The list goes on and on. Jason’s Deli Every since opening its Texarkana branch, this American-style bistro has become a favorite among local eaters of food. I take issue with this. Look, folks, your mom could make the exact same sandwiches that they sell there, and I’ll bet she would charge a good deal less. And don’t tell me you like them for their salads. Salads are the lowest form of sustenance; they’re on roughly the same level as uncooked spaghetti and Cheez-it crumbs. Let’s face it: Jason’s Deli ain’t no thang. Where To Go Instead Your fridge. The canned soup aisle of the grocery store if you feel daring.

WORDon theSTREET How do you feel about the possibility of losing semester exam exemptions?

“I don’t like the new plan. I think they should keep it how they’ve always had it.” Lincoln Davis, 11

“That is a wonderful idea! Students should even stay for the whole eight hours, get more work, and have our phones taken away.” Abigail Hill, 9

“I think they should leave it the way it is because exemptions wouldn’t matter if you had to stay that long at school.” Josh Bewley, 11

“I think it’s OK as long as we keep our exemptions. As long as we still miss our tests, it’s still fair.” David Sangalli, 9

“If we made the grade to pass the test, why would we need to study and come to school?” Jakoya Webb, 9

tiger times feb. 14, 2013



Chronicles of a bad luck babe Are you there God? It’s me, Sydney. It’s been a C- day. Fear consumed me; I got psyched out. That kid who always chewed his toenails with his mouth was there. I wasn’t trying to judge him. But, I was scared. Then, that other boy who liked that Schwarzenegger guy was there and trying to reenact Jingle All the Way. I just couldn’t do it, Lord. It’s such an awful movie. They took all their anger out on me, and I lost. P.S. Bless me with better luck. Amen. In homage to Judy Blume, I prayed like this for a solid two years. I had just finished the trifecta: Are You There God? It’s me, Margaret, Deenie, and It’s Not the End of the World. Times were getting tough, and who better to call on than the woman who created Superfudge and Double Fudge? This particular prayer followed the Sparring Incident of the Long Ago (aka Taekwondo days). To get my black belt, I had to fight two people. I was (am) an awkward, wimpy, unathletic girl in a class of preteen boys who just hit puberty. The ending to this time of Long Ago is obvious. This was the first time I can recall saying,

“P.S. Bless me with better luck.” It was the first time I made a mental note that I had bad luck, and the first time even my parents acknowledged it. Whether it be tradition or superstition, if I pray, I still say it–which is the only evidence truly needed to legitimate this column. But I represent only a portion of bad luck. We bad luck babes and broads are an alliance (BLBBA), and here are our most (in)famous members: Lizzie McGuire: She was a total klutz. Then, there’s the whole “falling in love with an Italian guy who lip syncs and is a liar” thing. Also, I’m going to say not realizing how awesome Gordo was until the last minutes of the last episode/movie was bad luck, too. Aquaman: He was left to die because of his hair color, abandoned by his adoptive guardian, his enemy is his half-brother, has a tumultuous relationship with his wife, his hand was eaten, he’s been thrown out of his city several times, both of his sons were

OOPS, I DID IT AGAIN murdered at different points in their lives, and he’s dead–killed by his resurrected son. Plus, he’s regarded as the lamest member of the Justice League. Red (from Pineapple Express): He gets beaten A LOT, shot multiple times, blown up, and buried under his own car. Let it be noted that this is all occurs in under a week. Charlie Brown: He can’t kick a football, and the biggest insult to him is saying he’s himself: “Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you’re the Charlie Browniest.” We’re the statistical anomaly; a minority in our own right. But if my bad luck leads to great stories, new relationships, and good columns (please, God!), maybe the chagrin is worth it. I may be a bad luck babe, but I sing hymns of thanksgiving that I am not Aquaman.


“If my bad luck leads to great stories, new relationships, and good columns (please, God!), maybe the chagrin is worth it. I may be a bad luck babe, but I sing hymns of thanksgiving that I am not Aquaman.”



Psychology AP class makes learning more personal by sydney schoen co-viewpoint editor

Weird. Creepy. Stalker-ish. But, “it works for the class.” In basic terms, psychology abides by those three characteristics. There must be a certain level of “weirdness” in a person willing to break down social stigmas and interpret people and events. Psychologists are the advocates for the “creepy”––the Lost Boys of society. They must be diagnostic. But, it all “works” because that is the human psyche: weird, creepy, analytical. These attributes also correspond to students’ reactions to Psychology AP’s first assignment: write a Stranger Report. Designed to mimic the process of naturalistic observation, the Stranger Report’s objective is simple–observe and report. For a month and a half, the students are to privately choose one other student (one they don’t know, hence “stranger”) and write what they see, dissecting what they inspect as they go. The allotted time is crucial, though, for it allows for students’ reactions to things to be organic. “Most people who come in here don’t have in their mind ‘Oh, somebody’s watching me today,’” Chad Evans, Psychology AP teacher, said. “Most people are coming into class like they normally would. If only today and tomorrow someone was supposed to ‘watch’ somebody, they’re not going to act themselves because they know they’re being watched in a specific frame of time.” This natural approach to observing differs from the more common case studies, which are more associable with psychologists. This uncontrolled analysis allows for the observers to truly see how their subject acts and reacts to interaction with others. “A lot of people are guarded about how they act around people–even if they know them,” Evans said. “So, if you did

a case study on someone, you’d get a different view than by doing a naturalistic observation. Instead of being a case study where somebody knows when someone else is watching them, you’re able to get the absolute, most natural observation [over a month and a half ].” But it’s this differentiation that causes many students to reflect on what they’ll be pegged as. Instead of an unfamiliar couch to sit on, desks and a familiar environment become the means of comfortability. Blunt, loud, welcoming Senior Evan Rogers pinpoints, what he assumes, will be the general consensus from his anonymous observer. “I have different values from the general public,” Rogers said. “I talk a lot. And, I’m more lenient when it comes to religion; I’m more accepting.” Loud, nonconformist, music lover Fellow classmate and senior Samantha Fincher also infers what will, most likely, be the subject of her Stranger Report. “I like to talk a lot; I’m really loud,” Fincher said. “I don’t like to be like everyone else; I’m not a girly-girl. [And, they’ll say] I like music since I talk about choir all the time.” Nerd, giggly, colorful Junior Lindsey Gore notes many reasons for what she perceives to be her characteristics. “I’m conscious about my grade,” Gore said. “I always calculate/write down all my grades in there and write too much for notes. I’m always cracking up in psychology. And, my pants [are really colorful] and my personality is too.” Aiming to be more than just students’ premonitions, Evans hopes the students understand and learn from this assignment. “I hope they have a better understanding of the type of research you do as a psychologist,” Evans said. “It shows a deeper meaning. Like, explaining why someone acts the way they do. Not what you hear, but what you actually see for yourself.”

tiger times feb. 14, 2013


CREEPER AP psychology student, senior Amber Audirsch, studies her subject, junior Austin Sewell, for her stranger report, which requires students to secretly observe a fellow classmate for a period of time. photo by k. black

tiger times feb. 14, 2013






a modern showdown


Up in Arms 54%

74% of teachers said they would take a course for concealed weapon training if available.

said they would not carry a concealed weapon with them to school if the school allowed them to.


believe arming staff, whether it be a teacher or a resource officer, is a viable solution to making the school safer

teacher responses “I think metal detectors in the entrance of schools would help make the campus safer. The students are always bringing bags to school and we have no idea what is in them. I would also love to take a concealed weapons course to be able to protect myself and my students if there is an intruder on campus.” “Not allowing people to bring lunches or bags of items to students during the day. They are never gone through and could hold any number of illegal items.” “I think that we should have random shakedowns. I have talked to teachers that do this at other schools, and it seems to curb a lot of their problems. Periodically, a hall is locked down and everyone is searched and their stuff is searched for drugs, weapons, etc. They said it made a huge difference in their schools.” “We as a country need to addressing mental illness, manners and kindness to others, as well as the violence openly displayed to youth through entertainment in our country.” “I do not feel unsafe now. I feel that the police on campus is sufficient.” “Placing enough weapons in concealed locations on trained personnel where the students are protected without feeling like they are in a war zone.” A survey was conducted with 101 teacher responses photo illustration by ndidi duru/design by brianna sellers

Following the recent Connecticut school shooting, President Obama tasked Vice President Joe Biden with formulating a proposal to combat gun violence, despite opposition from the fiercely proSecond Amendment National Rifle Association (NRA). The main points are as follows:

With polarizing opinions on each side, gun control has become America’s next shoot-out with schools in the crossfire by wynne tidwell co-editor in chief

A teacher doesn’t need much to start the day. A steady supply of sticky notes, Expo markers, red pens, and maybe a bottle of Tylenol, just in case of a headache. Loaded with lesson plans and a steaming cup of coffee, teachers of yesteryear were ready to release the firing pin of knowledge. Today, that might not be enough. Add a 9mm Glock, just in case of an armed madman. Times have changed, and Staples won’t cut it. Since the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., the nation has drawn a line in the sand on gun control, and lawmakers on both sides are taking aim. Some Texas lawmakers want to give teachers the right to carry concealed weapons. Already in Harrold, Texas, the school district allows armed faculty. Now, the school districts of Van and Union Grove will follow suite. With polarizing opinions on each side, gun control has become America’s next shoot-out with schools in the crossfire. Fighting Fire With Fire The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The ideology of fighting guns with guns is cemented in these words from Wayne LaPierre, NRA vice president. And it makes sense to some. The Newtown, Conn., shooting of six faculty members and 20 students left many with the harping question: If one of the teachers was armed, would it have made a difference? “This was a horrific tragedy and our hearts go out to all the families, students, staff members, and community of Newtown, Conn.,” principal Brad Bailey said. “To answer the question, would it make a difference if a teacher or principal was armed? I don’t know. Every school is different based on size, location, safety procedures and design of the building.” With proper training though, the idea of being armed against a shooter does seem to increase the likelihood of being able to protect students. “If a gunman comes in and I’m going to

protect all the students, how am I supposed to protect my students and myself? Jump in front of a bullet?” history teacher Danny Williams said. “That would stop one bullet from hitting a student, but what would stop the guy from walking over me and killing the other students?” But, some aren’t so certain. “Probably 95 percent of teachers are inexperienced with handguns,” senior economics teacher Angela Spence said. “What would that accomplish? Every teacher walking around with a gun in their pocket with a class full of kids? That’s not the solution to violence.” The lack of firearm experience is a valid concern. According to a Randy study published in TIME magazine, the New York City police department officers involved in gunfights typically hit their intended targets only 18 percent of the time. “I really think it’ll put kids in danger,” senior Chris Keith said. “And, any teacher that’ll have a gun will be prone to giving in to some bad tendencies. Really, it’s just putting kids in harms way. It’s the worst possible idea.” The Adrenaline Dump A real gun fight isn’t the simple aim, shoot, presto alluded to in Call of Duty. Seeing a gun or hearing shots acts as a stressor, causing massive amounts of adrenaline to be dumped in the body, preparing it for the the most primitive of actions: fight or flight. Adrenaline gives you energy, but basic skills are lost in the process. And while the body will sprint harder and lift more weight, fine motor skills will decay, making simple tasks like reloading a gun exacting. When this happens, years of experience and training kick in. “This is what police go through,” TISD Police Chief Tony Dollarhide said. “We turn into survival mode. It’s from our training.” The NRA sponsors basic firearm safety training in 15 states. But most officers will say it’s not enough.The demands of firearms training is more than hitting the target. “A firearms teacher can teach you gun handling skills and proper way of shooting,” Dollarhide said. “But, when there is somebody shooting back at you or someone pulling a gun on you, how are you going to react to that?”


Provide federal incentives to ensure that mentally ill or unstable individuals are prevented from acquiring firearms. NRA Approval: Yes Leave it to the Police WIth 23 years of law enforcement experience and a team of officers with at least 10 years, Dollarhide said the police are best equipped to handle these situations. “Who better to protect you than the police?” Dollarhide said. “I know I’m speaking from a slanted point of view, but that’s our job. The teacher’s job is to teach. To educate. The police’s job is to protect.” TISD has 12 armed guards, three in place at Texas High, all of whom have completed Active Shooter & Target Identification and Response training. Simulations with soap bullets are a primary part of the training, forcing officers to handle and respond to high levels of stress and adrenaline. “The simulation guns look like real guns and they act like real guns,” Dollarhide said. “But they’re not. It’s a method to get you ready for that situation.” From the police standpoint of determining who’s shooting back, arming teachers could create trouble. “One thing you have to look at, when the police are involved in a shooting situation, they are looking at everyone who has a gun,” Dollarhide said. “Now, [police officers] are going to be distinguished because we are in uniform. And the job of the officer is to neutralize the target, and so with that, how do you know that that is the teacher and not the shooter? Students look like teachers, teachers look like students and the shooter could look like anyone.” Bailey agrees that the police department is enough. “My opinion is that we don’t need to arm teachers or principals with guns in schools. That is why we have a police department.” More Bark, Less Bite Still, arming teacher could act as an extra layer of caution. “I would feel safer, knowing that their someone else other than our resource officers,” photography adviser Clint Smith said. “Not that they do a bad job, but if there’s an active shooter in my building, and all l I have between me and them are textbooks, then I’m at a very big disadvantage. And, I always believe in an unfair advantage, especially for the good


guys.” Arming teachers may be like a sheepdog protecting its herd, and it would take a bold shooter to step into a school armed with officers and gun-toting teachers. “I think it would make the shooter think twice before stepping into a school,” senior Victoria Knowles said. “I mean if the shooter didn’t even attempt to shoot anyone, it would prevent any kind of violence without anyone having to shoot back.”

Reinstate the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. NRA Approval: No

Beyond the Guns Bringing guns to the school would no doubt transform the school’s environment. Some say for the better, but others seriously doubt it. “I think anytime you get in a situation where you think you have to have guns on a school, there’s going to be a lot of apprehension,” counselor Ann Bishop said. “Everyone’s going to have a high anxiety level. And it’s really unfortunate that that’s where we are when trying to keep our kids safe. Some kids might feel safer, but I think overall it’s going to raise everybody’s anxiety levels.” Guns. It’s all anyone is talking about now. But, maybe the answer goes a little deeper. “I feel like it would be better put to focus on what caused somebody to react that way,” English teacher Ryan Murry said. “I wonder if it’s the video games kids are watching and weaned upon. Being saturated with violence, violent images at a young age and have become desensitized.”

Pass a $4 billion bill designed to keep 15,000 law enforcement officers on the streets, as well as to improve weapons tracing technology and ban the use of armor-piercing bullets. NRA Approval: Yes on the cops, no on the ban

In a Nutshell Guns or not, there’s no foolproof plan can make for perfect school safety. Even if schools where 100 percent safe, the epidemic of gunrelated deaths in America would continue. So, whether the problem should be solved with a 9mm Glock strapped to the hip or more stringent gun limitations, the two sides will no doubt continue to shoot it out. “This isn’t supposed to be a place where we are bringing weapons into combat other weapons,” history teacher Chuck Zach said. “This is a place where we are should be fostering the desire to want to learn, not becoming a shooting gallery.”


Ban any ammunition magazines carrying more than 10 rounds. NRA Approval: No



Facilitate expanded research by the Center for Disease Control to improve our knowledge of the psychological causes of mass shootings, as well as how to prevent them. NRA Approval: Yes


Obama turns to Congress to appoint a new director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. NRA Approval: No


Allocate $50 million to schools to hire more security officers, improve emergency response procedures, and provide more counseling services to troubled students. NRA Approval: Yes



Congratulations John David! Senior 2013 Love Mawmaw

Congratulations John David! Senior 2013 Love Mawmaw

tiger times feb. 14, 2013

Ode to the techies

MOO The technical theater student have built an animatronic cow for “Into the Woods.” photo by k. black

by autumn sehy staff writer




tiger times feb. 14, 2013

he show is Barney and the Magical Castle. The children in the audience wait restlessly. They’ve never been to a play before; they have no idea what to expect. The show is supposed to start in three minutes and senior Alex Walker turns off the house lights. “They freak out they get really excited,” Walker said. “They start gasping and clapping because they know the show is about to start and they’re so excited.” The children quiet down and the show starts. They might remember the princess or the big bad dragon or the fight scene with the fireworks at the end. What they won’t remember are the techies. They’re the ones running around in black with the microphones in their ears. They’re the ones who built the fancy set, the 10-story

gold-trimmed bookcases, and the smoke-covered enchanted forest. For “Into the Woods,” they’ve even built an animatronic cow. Here’s an ode to the people who make sure the play goes on, the people who built a cow. “You’ve got to make it move, you’ve got to make it work, you’ve got to make it look like a cow, of course,” Walker said. “You’ve got to build a frame, you’ve got to make it to where you can move the neck and control it up and down and open the mouth. It was a lot of work.” The cow’s name is Milky White. Unfortunately, it doesn’t moo. “Well, it’s more like a puppet. We have a girl controlling the cow who says the moo.” The techies aren’t the only ones who work backstage at the plays and musicals. There’s also sophomore Shayla Green, the stage manager. She makes sure everything is moving smoothly, the eyes and ears of theater, the one who does the mindless tasks. Green isn’t the one who’s talking. She’s the one who’s watching, taking in everything around her. Theater is unique, and she knows it, and she lives with it. Even though she isn’t one of the actors, she’s with them every step of the way. The theater is a family, no matter how strange people act or what role they take.

SWEET DREAMS Sophomore Kirsten Weber sleeps with a gun under her bed for protection. photo illustration by c. norton

Bullet to the Bed

by maggie coleman staff writer Sophomore Kirsten Weber tends to sleep well. It could be her princess night light. Perhaps it’s the moose Pillow Pet that she cradles. Maybe. But it probably has more to do with AR-15 under her bed. Weber made decided to sleep with such a machine two years ago when the Doss family murder occurred. “The murder happened within two minutes walking distance from my house,” Weber said. “The girl who did it went to my school, and I knew her. I figured that such a thing could happen to anyone.” The thought of that happening, gives Weber the chills. The threat of a home intruder is frightening, but having her gun is a precaution she finds necessary. “I sleep with it just incase some crazy man tries to break in our house and kill us,” Weber said. “It feels pretty normal that I sleep with a gun near me.” Weber doesn’t need to be worried about her aim. Shooting is something that she likes to do to be prepared for the worst. “I practice in my back pasture against a huge mound of dirt,” Weber said. “ I usually practice once a month just to make sure I don’t lose my touch.” Although some parents might be hesitant about letting a 16 year old have a weapon beside her bed, Weber’s parents gave her the AR-15 as a past Christmas present. “My parents don’t have a problem with it,” Weber said. “They even bought me bow and arrows which I didn’t ask for over the Christmas break. I guess they just want me to be prepared.”



tiger times feb. 14, 2013

Senior finds light in darkest of places by mary claire boudreaux feature editor

Anthony Owens

photo by n. duru

God on my Side “The doctors don’t know much right now. They just know something is messed up in my brain. It will be a process of tests before they can figure it out completely. But I know I’ll be okay. I have God on my side.”

It was said in biblical times that people who have seizures are spiritual people. For senior Anthony Owens, this reins true. “I started having seizures three months ago,” Owens said. “The first one was at my church, I fell down a flight of stairs when going to go get my stuff to head home.” Unfortunately, Owens was walking alone for his first seizure. He blacked out, and when he fell, there was such a crash that his pastor’s wife found him. He woke up in the hospital ten days later from a coma. “It’s happened at school too, in all I’ve have 22 seizures,” Owens said. “Nine of my seizures have happened at school, two of them have happened in the agricultural building, a few in the hallway and some in class.” Thankfully, the administration sent out an email to all teachers at the school informing them about Owens seizures. The problem isn’t the teachers, it’s the students who don’t understand. “I’m constantly worried I will I have one,” Owens said. “I’ll be walking with friends from class, and I won’t be able to breathe, that’s when I know it’s happening. I’ll sit down so I won’t hit my head.” Owens’ friends told him that he blacks

out, his eyes roll back and he falls back and shakes. Seizures have affected not only Owens’ school life, it has also affected his home life. Not just his life but the lives around him too. “My mom also had seizures but only one side of her body would shake. She died of breast cancer, so I live with my grandmother,” Owens said. “My seizures have caused her a lot of stress.” Every hour Owens digs through his bag to pull out three pills that are supposed to help stop the seizures. However, these pills don’t stop the seizures all together. He frequently wakes up from a coma in a Little Rock hospital, wondering how long he has been gone this time. “The doctors don’t know much right now,” Owens said. “They just know something is messed up in my brain. It will be a process of tests before they can figure it out completely. But I know I’ll be okay. I have God on my side.” Owens has faith in Christ so much that he hardly worries about his condition, putting all his trust in God. When thinking of his problems, he often thinks of the quote: “If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it, happy moments praise God, difficult moments seek God, quiet moments worship God, painful moments trust God, every moment thank God.”

BOYS SOCCER The boys will be traveling to face the Mount Pleasant Tigers in this district contest. Mount Pleasant has faced off against Texas High only twice and won both matches, further maintaining their rank as second in the state. Atlanta will also be competing against the boys soccer team on Feb. 19, but tend to be an easy win for Texas High. On Feb. 22, Pittsburgh, another easy win for Texas will also face off against boys soccer, followed by Pleasant Grove on March 1. Pleasant Grove has been defeated in the past so it is not a big concern for the boy’s soccer team. GIRLS SOCCER The girls soccer team tied Kilgore 1-1 on Feb. 5. They had their first home game in two weeks on Feb. 8, where they defeated Sulphur Springs 4-0. The Lady Tigers played Quilan Ford on Tuesday, before they began district run on Friday against Mt. Pleasant, hoping to go undefeated in district again. As long as the Lady Tigers don’t let their No. 3 rank give them too much confidence, they should reach their goal. TENNIS

Feb. 1 marked the first tennis tournament of the spring season. The tennis team was excited to get to step back out on the court. Overall the individual results were outstanding. In girls singles, sophomore Annie Tarwater got first in her division, while sophomore Baylee McBride got first in consolation only losing one match. In boys singles, junior Kyle Kennedy happily took second place. In girls doubles, sophomore Kirsten Weber and junior Hannah Wren took second place. Freshmen Anna Catherine Boudreaux and Aubree Cramer also took second in their division. In boys doubles, junior Ben Norton and sophomore Patrick Smith claimed first place starting off their spring season well.



tiger times feb. 14, 2013

First time champions Girls win district title

by taylor potter sports editor The Lady Tigers won their first ever district title on Feb. 6. The ladies clinched the title after defeating Mt. Pleasant 49-43 in the Tiger Center. The game was hotly contested down to the end. It wasn’t clear that the Tigers would be able to pull away until late in the game. “The beginning was back and forth, we were both equal at halftime,” junior KT Davis said. “Halftime is when we usually turn things up, but things didn’t go like we expected. So we had to work harder, and it wasn’t until the fourth quarter that we turned it up enough to win.” The ladies knew that this game would be big. Nerves were running high before the start of the contest. “We all knew how important this game was going to be,” junior Angel Crump said. “I was a little nervous, I knew it was going to be a hard game.” Before stepping out on the court, the team was bursting with energy. Some of the players tried to turn that into motivation. “Before the game I was really energetic and nervous. So I tried to use that to hype me up,” sophomore Jalissa Trotter said. “Our team got together, and gave speeches to hype us all up, get us ready. Once the game started we started to warm up and get serious, and it paid off in the end.” Once the game was over, the ladies were anything but serious. The girls were overjoyed to have done what no other Texas High team has. “It’s great. This is what we’ve trained for all year. We finally reached our goal,” junior Lamonica Morgan said. “No one really expected us to go as far as we did. We came out and did what we were supposed to do and got our title.” To celebrate their historic victory, the champions decided to dine at IHop. But before celebrating, the girls decided to take a little memento from the court. “On the Monday before the game, we decided that if we won then we would cut off the net, and everyone would get a piece,” Trotter said. “The seniors got to cut off pieces first, and then KT Davis wore the rest around her neck as we celebrated.”

ON THE BALL Taking command of the ball, junior K.T. Davis continues her fast break down the court toward the opposing team for a potential basket. The girls varsity basketball team won the school’s first district championship Feb. 5 at Tiger Center against the Mt. Pleasant Tigers. photo by c. norton

Local pro teams need big score in draft With the season over and draft talks beginning, sports fans everywhere are trying to figure out what direction their favorite teams are going in. Three of our area’s teams--the Cowboys, Texans and the Saints--will be looking to gain an edge to help them get to the Super Bowl. Start with the Cowboys. The unpopularity of quarterback Tony Romo has done nothing but increase this season, but this is not the most pressing issue. The defensive line for the Cowboys has been dangerously neglected over the past couple of years. Defensive tackle Jay Ratliff is starting to lose a step, and he’s not necessarily ideal for their new Tampa


2 defensive style. They should look at either drafting Sheldon Richardson from Missouri in the first round, but don’t be surprised if they decide to nab Arkansas quarterback Tyler Wilson. If they do, they definitely need to pick up LSU DT Bennie Logan in the second. Other needs that need to be addressed are at offensive line, defensive end and safety. The Houston Texans have one of the most talented teams in the NFL, but that doesn’t mean that they

couldn’t use some work. Receiver and defensive tackle are the biggest holes on the roster. After a less-than-stellar performance by quarterback Matt Schaub, it became apparent that he needs some more help. The Baylor wide receiver Terrence Williams is a big, physical receiver that would fit the Houston offense perfectly. But the defensive line certainly isn’t getting any younger. I wouldn’t be shocked if they decided to take Alabama defensive tackle Jesse Williams. He’s a 3-4 tackle and would flourish in Wade Phillips’ system. The New Orleans’ defense was atrocious last season. They allowed the most yards per game in the

league and fell short of the playoffs. To solve this issue, the Saints will be transitioning to a 3-4 defense. They must add a speed rusher in order for this switch to be successful. The best player for this role would be LSU DE Barkevious Mingo. He has the fastest step of any defensive lineman and could possibly move to the linebacker position. In later rounds, they may want to add LSU safety Eric Reid or his University of Texas counterpart Kenny Vaccaro. Every team has holes that they need to address in the draft. These teams just have to pay close attention in the combine and make sure that they make good calls.



tiger times feb. 14, 2013

Art of Kicking

RAZOR SHARP Nervous, but excited, freshman Conor Diggs watches as senior Zack Derrick shaves his head as part of the Tigersharks’ annual tradition. photo by h.

Buzz cuts

Kicking is a central component of both football and soccer, but the techniques vary. For some, kickoffs in football are much more difficult than free kicks in soccer. For others, the opposite may be true.

Soccer First you jump towards the ball and plant your foot on the non- kicking leg. By jumping into the kick, you get a lot of kinetic energy to put behind the power of the kick.

& Plant

Football Plant your non-kicking foot firmly, while twisting your hips to put weight into the kicking leg. Balance is important to keep the power behind your kicking. Hip action allows you to distribute your weight effectively.

You then cock your leg back as far as possible to maximizes the distance the leg has to travel. This adds potential energy to the equation.

Upper Limb Acceleration

Keep moving your hip moving forward, while swinging your leg outward and cocking it back. This is when the leg muscles start flexing and the lower leg begins to accelerate.

This is where you extend the leg, by swinging the calf area forward, the planted knee should be bent slightly and your hips should be twisting.

Lower Limb Acceleration

Start to extend your leg, by swinging the calf area forward, and begin to point your tow down and toward the ball. This is the last thing you do before impact.

Strike the ball with the inner side of your foot. Your leg will reach full extension and all of the energy will be used.


Strike the ball with the top portion of your foot where it is flat. This is where your leg reaches full extension. It is very important to kick it with the flat portion.

Keep you foot firmly planted and keep twisting your hips. You also have to keep moving your leg forward.

Follow Through

Continue to stretch the hip and keep your leg fully extended. The thigh is then accelerated very quickly again. The follow through is used to ensure all the momentum is kept in the kick.

Chocolate milk is best after workout drink by annie tarwater staff writer While playing sports, everyone wants the perfect sports drink for hydration and energy. Gatorade, Powerade, Propel are are the most popular drinks, great during sports activities with similar affects on performance. What many athletes don’t know is that what you

drink after long, tiring activity is important, and the best drink for this situation is chocolate milk. Studies show that, after a long workout, chocolate milk is excellent for your body. Chocolate milk also helps athletes’ endurance because it contains a protein called casein. Casein contains more amino acid leucine, which provides carbohydrate replenishment and helps your

muscles recover quicker. In addition to chocolate milk, water is sufficient to keep your body hydrated for short periods. However, if you’re exercising for a long period in hot weather, you will need to drink gatorade to replace glycogen. It’s best to use a combination of water and your favorite drink. This way you’re staying hydrated and refueling your body at the same time.

Swimmers shave heads before regional meet

by madeline hunley staff writer The sound of razors and scissors filled the air as the swimmers shaved the hair off their heads one by one in this annual tradition. Every year, a few days before regionals, the boys shave their heads as an act of team spirit and a way to make their runs even faster. Freshmen watched as the upperclassman shaved their heads, waiting for their turn under the razor. Nervous and excited are the only words described by freshman Conor Diggs before having his own head shaved. “Watching the long hair fall as the people in front of me were getting their head shaved was ridiculous,” Conor said. “I always kept my hair long, and I liked it that way.” Similar reactions were shared as freshman Tyler Snell got ready for his turn. “I was laughing at everyone else that had their head

shaved already,” Tyler said. “The experience was great, and I definitely could shave my head again.” The second time around was just as good, even a better experience for sophomore Zach Norton. Like the many other new swimmers, Zach felt the same way last year when he first shaved his head. “I was excited about shaving my head this year. I discovered that short hair is a good look for me,” Zach said. “I was looking forward to it all year, and I think it’s a fun tradition.” Teamwork has always been important to the swimmers, and this occasion shows Tigersharks stong bond. The thought of shaving their heads might be nerve wracking, but they were more than ready for the challenge. “Personally, the annual shaving of the head helps me build in the moment,” Zach said. “It helps with the confidence that I will swim well.”



POP CULTURE TRIVIAL PURSUIT Everybody loves bragging rights. So, here’s a quiz about pop culture to see how much you know. The answers are at the bottom, but don’t cheat. by jacob hill managing editor

1. In “Mean Girls,” Lindsey Lohan was originally from: A. Spain B. Africa C. America D. Ireland 2. Luigi was a playable character in the very first Mario Game: A. True B. False 3. What color was Luke Skywalker’s very first lightsaber? A. Blue B. Green C. Purple D. Red 4. How many times has 50 Cent been shot? A. 1 B. 7 C. 9 D. 0 5. What is the name of the scream found in most movies? A. Wilhelm Scream B. Screaming 2 C. David’s Scream D. Yelp

6. How many Rugrats were there in the very first episode? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Seven 7. What is Master Chief’s real name and dog tag number? A. David-343 B. John-117 C. James-007 D. Michael-88 8. Why is a movie called a “Spaghetti Western”? A. The movies are shot in Italy. B. The movie is directed and produced by an Italian. C. The blood is spaghetti sauce. 9. Finish this line. “Snapbacks and...” A. Fly chicks B. Stacks C. Tattoos D. Bibles 10. True or false, Sprite and Dr Pepper come from the same company. A. True B. False 1-3 Honestly this is embarrassing 4-7 Averagely boring 8-10 Too cool for school Answers: B, B, A, B, A, C, B, B, C, B.

tiger times feb. 14, 2013



tiger times feb. 14, 2013 Senior Mary Claire Boudreaux defends herself from zombies approaching her from behind. photo illustration by josh rostek

students & staff plan survival strategies to escape from the zombie plague

the walkin’ dead Dead” becoming a huge fad, the

by mary claire boudreaux zombie apocalypse has become the new panic. co-feature editor Stocking up on bottles of water and deodorant, residents of Texarkana plan and prepare. Not for the end of the world but for the zombie apocalypse. Our parents experienced Y2K, and our generation has experienced the “end of the world” countless times, but this is a new era. With the series of “The Walking

Senior Ben Adams is more than a fan of the hit show “The Walking Dead,” he has close ties with the show. Adams gets an inside look at the cast and upcoming events in the show. If you are looking for a spoiler, go to him. “Chandler, Carl in ‘The Walking Dead’ series, is my cousin,” Adams said. “He’s a

great actor and keeps getting better and better every episode. His role keeps getting bigger every season. At the beginning of the series, he didn’t have a big part. Even in season two he was still considered a child. Now, he is considered one of the ‘men’ and a big part of the group.” But Adams isn’t just a fan–he goes beyond that and is ready for an apocalypse of his own. “I’ve already talked to a few of my friends who watch the show,” Adams said. “We decided that we would get certain people to be in our group. All people would make different contributions to the group. People that can shoot, smart people, military people and fast people, like me. We decided we would go to Miller County Jail, just like the they did in the show.” The second biggest fan and zombie apocalypse ready student is junior Braden May. His plan differs from Adams, but the goal seems to be the same–survive. “When the zombie apocalypse happens, I’m going to go to Walmart,” May said, “Everything is at Walmart–tons of supplies. I would grab my friends that haven’t already been turned into zombies. Even if they can’t contribute, I would use them as bait.” It isn’t just students who appreciate the series, “The

Walking Dead,” teachers get involved too and have wellthought-out plans. history teacher Lance Kyles is ready for the “dark time.” “I base most of my survival instincts on the movie ‘Red Dawn,’ the original, not the remake,” Kyles said. “The key ingredients are: isolating yourself from the threat, building up your resources, and then going back and taking the threat out. I’ve noticed from the movies and ‘The Walking Dead’ series, that I would need a crow bar, maybe a shovel or a machete.” Kyles doesn’t just rely on personal survival instinct; he has a plan to protect his family. “I would take my family, lucky for me I have my own built-in army because I have six children,” Kyles said. “So, my wife and my six children and I would load up the minivan, stock it with supplies, go out deep, deep into the wilderness, like past DeKalb. We would set up shop, maybe grow some crops for a couple of years. Let the zombies weed themselves out, and then when we were ready to start taking over, we would come back. As long as you stay focused and in tight groups, you would be fine.” Everyone has a question to ask themselves: If the zombie apocalypse were tomorrow, would you be ready?

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tiger times feb. 14, 2013





tiger times feb. 14, 2013

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