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From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way
Music of the Military. Outside of operations in support of the defense of our country, some of my most vivid memories of my service involved the Navy band or various groups from the other services. Throughout this article, I have given you some key internet search phrases to find more in-depth information about this subject. Let us explore the music of the military together. Music is found in a myriad of places through society, and the military is no different. You may have heard some of the tunes without even realizing it. Some are very short musical melodies such as Revile or Charge (often heard at sporting events). Others are ceremonial in nature where a service band would be needed for the occasion.
Two hundred years ago, drummers drumming to cadence as the units marched towards their
U.S. Navy Band
objective would have been commonplace. Trumpeters would have sounded reveille, retreat, charge and others to give orders at specific points in a military operation.
Today, with modern technology and the evolution of warfare, the use of music in the military has evolved. The 20th century brought about the creation and adoption of service songs and music became more about entertaining the troops and morale. U.S. Army – “The Army Goes Rolling Along” U.S. Coast Guard – “Semper Paratus” U.S. Marine Corps – “The Marines’ Hymn” U.S. Navy – “Anchors Aweigh” U.S. Air Force – “The U.S. Air Force”
One of my personal favorites is any rendition of an Armed Forces Medley which plays all the services songs. It is not just about the music; it is also about the words – they tell a story. If
U.S. Army Band

you want to learn more about the words, take a moment to look them up online using “U.S. Military Song Lyrics” as your guide.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has a nice article which celebrates the service songs and gives you additional information. Search “VA guide to US Military Songs.”
The Military Band Experience: The U.S. Department of Defense has created a feature about U.S. Military Bands and Music. What is interesting is the vast array of options from traditional marching band to performances in any style. Search “Guide to U.S. Military Bands.”
I recall several occasions while serving on active duty where bands played (or sometimes even a recording in a pinch) in ceremonies and events ranging from Changes of Command, Retirements and ship commissionings. These are auspicious occasions filled with tradition. Typically, the band will play various service songs as the guests arrive and find their places. On the appointed hour, the march is played while the VIPs and officers proceed to their places on the dais. Speeches are given, orders are read, and various songs may be played. While each ceremony may have a different order of events or music selection, the musical sounds of the service will be all around.
If you get the opportunity to see a military band in person, seize the moment. The music of the military brings back fond memories of my time in the service. Next time you listen to music with military origins, take a moment to appreciate both the history and ceremony resonating in your ears.
Commander Breckenridge S. Morgan, U.S. Navy (Retired)

U.S. Coast Guard Band
U.S. Marine Corps Band