2 minute read
UM Did You Know?
"UM" Did you KNOW? Tennessee is ranked 5th in the Nation for uninsured motorists. 20% of Tennesseans are on the roads with NO insurance. It is estimated that 1-6 drivers in this country are riding DIRTY- (no insurance) or riding DUSTY- (underinsured) YEAH, WE COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER! THIS COULD BE CATASTROPHIC FOR MOTORCYCLISTS! UM, SO LET’S TALK! See what we did there? Uninsured Motorists (UM) and Underinsured Motorists (UIM) Insurance is an ABSOLUTE necessity for riders. You don’t think so?? Read that first paragraph AGAIN! If you want to play the odds, do it in Vegas and not on your bike! Seriously, have you ever known a motorcyclist that was hit by a driver and walked away with just whiplash? Didn’t think so. It is almost a given, that injuries sustained as a rider are going to surpass the state-mandated minimum policy of $25,000. And before you go thinking, well I’ll just sue them for my medical expenses. NEWSFLASH… If Mr. Johnny no-insurance is driving around, not paying to be properly insured, putting all of us at risk. Chances are, he isn’t living in a mansion on the beach with an outrageous stock portfolio! GET WHAT WE ARE SAYING?
If you get hit on your bike by a driver riding dirty, or even dusty, your UM and UIM coverage will help cover medical and property expenses. SHALL WE SAY IT LOUDER FOR THOSE IN THE BACK? In Tennessee, you are required to opt-out in writing if you wish to decline UM and/or UIM coverage. DON’T SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE. So, do all of you motorcyclists reading this #understandtheassignment? CALL YOUR INSURANCE AGENT, OR A FRIEND’S AGENT, OR YOUR COUSIN’S BEST FRIEND’S WIFE’S AGENT! OR JUST CALL HER. Whoever you are calling…. DO IT NOW! OH, AND ONE MORE THING…
Be sure to get the MAX possible of UM and UIM coverage. Then ask them to stack them. That’s right. You can have your uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage stacked, effectively doubling your coverage in the event of an accident. DO WE NEED TO RECAP? NO? WONDERFUL…. because at this point you should be busy making a phone call! In all seriousness. We are extremely passionate about being sure all Motorcyclists are fully aware of the importance of UM and UIM Insurance. If you ride motorcycles, do it not only for your protection but for your loved ones as well. Information courtesy of Insurance-Research.org