Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee March 2019

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Thunder Roads® Tennessee P.O. Box 645, Greenbrier, TN 37073

Scott High Denise High 615-389-1149 615-389-1016 2017 Recipient of the NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists)

Silver Spoke Award for Media

Cooper Chilton National Photojournalist “America the Beautiful”

Bob “Bulldog” Ousley “From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way” “Will Ride to Eat”

Ron Baptiste aka “Pastor Ron” “Chaplain’s Corner”

Hank Bonecutter "Dodging The Roadkill"

Mike Noirot “Bullet Points”

Donna Farrell “For Your Safety”


2016 Recipient of the Thunder Roads® National Network Publisher of the Year Award

Merry Hancock Hancock Graphics

2 Thunder Roads® Tennessee Staff 3 Index of Advertisers 3 From the Editors – By Denise High 5 Chaplain’s Corner – By Pastor Ron Baptiste 7 Thunder Paws 9 Bullet Points – By Mike Noirot 11 Safe Riding – By Donna Farrell 12 Happy Birthday Thunder Roads® Tennessee – By Scott High 15 America the Beautiful – By Cooper Chilton 16 Featured Bike: 1946 Knucklehead – By Tom Bumpus 18 Thunder Cam 19 In the News 21 Centerfold Calendar 24 Who Reads Thunder Roads® Tennessee 25 Dodging the Roadkill – By Hank Bonecutter 26 News Bytes – By Bill Bish 29 From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way – By Bob “Bulldog” Ousley 30 Jokers Wild 32 Biker Friendly Directory 33 Sudoku 34 Events 37 Kiss in the Kitchen – By Toni McCoy Shearon 39 Clubs-Organizations-Associations


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Bill Hall

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 e-mail:

To receive Thunder Roads® Tennessee Magazine’s 2019 Media Kit and Advertising Rates, please email


Photographer: Allen Manus Bike: 1946 H-D Knucklehead Bike Owner: Tom Bumpus Model: Sydney Myers

March 2019

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Amsoil ....................................... 8 Appleton Harley-Davidson ....... 4 Avon ...................................... . 31 Black Dragon Breakdown...... 23 Black Dragon Breakdown Hooligan Races ..................... 22



Bobarosa Saloon.................... 33 Bobarosa Saloon Flood Relief Run...................... 33 Brotherhood Leathers ............ 33 Buckle and Hide Leathers .... 31 Buffalo Valley Hillclimb ......... IFC Bumpus Harley-Davidson....... 17

The oldest and best known free biker magazine can be delivered right to your door every month for ONLY $36 a year NAME:_________________________________________________________

Catalyst Cycles....................... 10


Chopper’s Grill ...................... . 10


Classic Leathers ….........…….. 31 Corn Pone Tavern …….. …….... 28 Double E Bar & Grill................. 6 Garza Law Firm ………….. …….. BC Law Offices of Richard M. Lester ................... 27

STATE:________________________________ ZIP:______________________

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads Tennessee P.O. Box 645 Greenbrier, TN 37073

Lewis Country Store ............... 10 Lisa Chambers Realtor .......... 31 Paint By Lemon ...................... . 6 S&G Custom Cycles............... 31 Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson ..................... 40 Smoky Mountain Thunder .... IBC Spring Thaw Bike Show & Swap Meet ............................... 8 Steelhorse Law ......................... 1 Stereo City …........................... 31 Tennessee Gun Country ......... 9 The Bent Wrench Roadhouse . 8 Thunder Roads 20th Anniversary .................... 14 Thunder Roads National Network .................. 38 TRTN Help Wanted ................. 10 TRTN Subscription ................... 3 TRTN Thunder Store ................ 3 Wash-Zilla ............................... . 6

Rain, rain, go away… Seems like that is all we have had lately, what the heck! Today we measured another 1.23” of rain, pushing the monthly total to over 10 inches, which makes this the 4th wettest February on record. Now we are looking at another multi-day rain event beginning tomorrow that may leave us with the wettest February on record. “Rain, rain, go away; come again another day! We can look forward to the First Day of Spring on the 20th, if you’re a motorcycle rider, there’s nothing like the first hint of warm spring weather to make you want to rev up your bike and hit the open road. With Spring motorcycle riding comes extra obstacles: watch for potholes, sand and drivers that are not expecting to see you on the road. It is important to start with a fully charged, good battery and fresh premium fuel. Your motorcycle has to be as ready for the riding season as you are – which means checking your motorcycle to ensure that it meets all the basic safety checks and requirements. Can you believe that Thunder Roads® Tennessee is 20 years old this month!? In March of 1999 Thunder Roads® Magazine started as a 40 page black and white newsprint magazine in Tennessee. Now, Thunder Roads® is a network of 11 individual state wide free magazines, distributed in 17 states. We are so proud to be a part of such an amazing network of publishers and you can read our story in this issue. We have some exciting news to announce! Kentucky! Now that we’ve made 20 years as Thunder Roads Tennessee, we are working on becoming Thunder Roads TN/KY. Every time we get up to Kentucky our neighbors to the north tell us they wish they had a magazine like ours in their state, so we’re going to try to give it to them. We aren’t going to take anything away from your Tennessee magazine, but we are going to add to it to incorporate Kentucky and everything should be in place with the April issue. Morning is going to come early on Sunday, March 10th, don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour. And, as always, please patronize our advertisers because they are what keep this magazine going and free to you every month. Happy St Patrick’s Day (on the 17th)… May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door. Ride Hard Live Free, Denise & Scott

March 2019


Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Covenant Confirmers Ministries; a “Certified Recovery Congregation” with free support group meetings every Monday night @ 7:00 pm


Founder of TN. Biker Medical Clinic Inc. Messages Available on Podbean Live You Tube covenantconfirmers1/live

“HATH GOD SAID” The first attack on the Church was when the devil whispered in Eve’s ear “hath God said.” Satan can’t force you to do anything, so he tries to trick you with words, to bring doubt and unbelief. We must learn the difference between A Truth and The Truth. In Gen. 2: 16 we see; A Truth; “…of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat,” In Gen. 2:17 we see; The Truth; “But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat thereof, thou shall surely die.” The devil tempted Eve with “A Truth,” Gen. 3:2 “Yea hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” But “The Truth” God said but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it.” Eve replied with “God said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” There are two things wrong with her statement; 1. God never said; you couldn’t touch it, He said “you can’t eat it.” 2. God never said; “lest ye die” meaning you might die, and you might not, God said “Thou shall surely die!” This is where all the trouble started with religion. Religion has been adding to and taken away from the word of God to fit with their own traditions. Mark 7:13 “Making the Word of God of none effect through your traditions.” I am amazed of all the self-proclaiming denominations, and religions that claim to be Christians, but their beliefs don’t line up with the written Word of God. The word of God warns us about the last days; 2 Thess.2:3 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first…” Matt.24:24 “For there shall arise false Christ and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders: insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” We ask ourselves, how is it possible for there to be a “falling away” and “deceive the very elect?” It can happen when we take away from or add to the Word of God Satan’s two big deceptions; March 2019

1. “Hath God said” 2. “Thou shall surely not die” Notice that after Adam & Eve sinned, they did not immediately physically die, but there was death to their happiness, healing, peace, and prosperity. Have you had a “Hath God said” moment in your life, has Satan told you “thou shall surely not die” but your life died to addictions? Did the devil get you to question the Word of God? God’s people must know God’s Word, if you know the Word you won’t follow a false Christ, a false prophet, you won’t fall away, and you can’t be deceived. When Satan comes at you with “hath God said,” then you reply the same way Jesus did. “It is written.” Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up. To be found faithful, Pastor Ron



March 2019

Boomer- 4.5 years old, Mn, Friendly, Heartworm Positive-Sponsored. I’m an energetic boy who wants a fur-ever family. I love people. I can be dog selective, so a meet and greet is recommended. I have loved every person I’ve met. A wonderful person has sponsored my heartworm treatments. I would be great in a home with older kids and plenty of play space.

Dancer- 11 months, Mn, Heartworm Negative. I am an active playful boy who wants to run with a buddy. I like kids, but can be a bit active for small children. I can be selective with dogs, so a meet and greet is required. I love stuffed animals and squeaky toys. Jewel- 1.5 years, Fs, Heartworm Negative. I’m an active girl that wants to play. I like kids and other dogs. I want space to run, but am a bit of a Houdini. I need a tall fence and a best friend.

Prissy- 6 years, Fs, Friendly, Heartworm Negative. I’m a sweet laid back girl who still gets excited about walks. I’d be great in a home with all ages. I am a bit dog selective, so a meet and greet is recommended. I love to cuddle and will gladly lay for pets. Rebel- 1 year, Mn, Heartworm Negative. I’m a loving boy, playful, but shy. I was so terrified when I first came in that I didn’t know who to trust. I like everyone I meet. Come meet me and bring a ball. Regina- 2 years, Fs, FeLV/FIV Negative. I’m a laid back. I like other cats and other kids. I can be very shy. I would love a quiet home with attention and window space. I’ve never met dogs, so I may need an adjustment period with them. Sadie- 3 years, Fs, Heartworm Negative. I’m an active girl that loves people and cuddles. I can be selective on the other dogs I like, so a meet-and-greet is required. I will play fetch and watch movies with you on the couch.

Mars- 2.5 years, Mn, Heartworm Negative. I am a shy sweet boy. I love to lie at your side and lovingly cuddle. I walk on a leash great. I can be selective with other dogs, so a meet-and-greet is required. Do you have space for a good boy?

Sunday- 2.5 years, Fs, FeLV/FIV Negative. I’m a playful, inquisitive girl that has had my kittens who all found homes and am ready for my own home. I love cat trees and toys. I want to chase and run. I like other cats, but not dogs. Nikki- 1.5 years, Fs, Friendly, Heartworm Negative. I’m a super awesome girl -active and happy. I love to play with everyone, but can be very dog selective. I would be best as an only dog. It’s ok, because I would totally fill your life with doggy kisses and attention.

March 2019

CHEATHAM COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL 2797 Sam's Creek Rd Pegram, TN 37143 (615) 792-3647 *All animals shown are available for adoption. Thunder Paws® is a legally registered Trademark under Thunder Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.



March 2019

Bullet Points



REETINGS AND SALUTATIONS fellow bikers! As you read this month’s Bullet Points article, we are on a sharp downhill slide to spring. Spring is definitely one of my favorite seasons, not only because the weather is warming up, but also because the trees, woods and flora are starting to awaken after their winter slumber. This inevitably results in more opportunities to ride – and more bikes on the roads. Make sure you leave your cave with your proverbial club and watch for the CAGERS – as they are definitely not used to watching for bikers. Speaking of not leaving your cave without your club, the choices for your concealed carry handgun have never been so diverse. While I very seldom leave home without a pistol somewhere on my person, I do tend to carry semiautomatic pistols more than revolvers. I have plenty of both, but I am more comfortable with a pistol than a wheel gun. And while I have written on this topic before, it merits another discussion. Whether you are new to concealed carry, or like me, a long-term participant of the practice, you may want to consider something new and different. Personally, I have had been quite smitten with the Kimber K6 revolver and may be adding one to my stable in the not too distant future. The K6 is chambered in .357 Magnum, which is one of the most effective bad-guy stoppers. It would be a great alternative to my everyday carry (EDC) SIG Sauer P226 Legion in .357 SIG. Revolver The revolver (AKA wheel gun) has been around since Samuel Colt submitted a patent in 1836. It became a staple of the U.S. Armed Forces before the Civil War and was very effective for horse cavalry as it could be fired single handed. The use of revolvers exploded in the American West after the Civil War when reliable integrated cartridges (primed metallic cartridge) became commonplace. Nearly 200 years later, the wheel gun is still popular and has a strong loyal base of devotees. Benefits Extremely reliable Comfortable for large and small hands Many sizes and calibers Easy to clean Drawbacks Less cartridge capacity Heavy trigger pull – especially in double-action Wider chassis can make it less concealable External hammer models can easily snag on your clothing when drawing Semi-Automatic Pistol Starting in the 1880s, self-loading pistols intrigued inventors across the globe. Some of the first semiautomatics were introduced by Paul Mauser in the 1890s and included a staggered column magazine

March 2019

which could hold up to 20 cartridges – a vast improvement over revolvers. The market exploded for this type of handgun when American, John Browning, and German, Georg Luger introduced pistols in 7.65 mm. Browning’s original design of the locked-breech semi-automatic pistol is the foundation for almost all pistols today. Two of the most common calibers were invented by these two men – with Luger inventing the 9X19mm Parabellum (9 mm), in 1902, and Browning inventing the .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), in 1905. Today, this type of handgun is the most popular used in concealed carry. And while the 9 mm and .45 ACP are still incredibly popular (and effective) over 100 years after their invention, there are many others available: .22LR, .25 ACP, 7.62 mm, .32 ACP, .35 S&W Auto, .380 ACP, 9 mm Makarov, 9X21 mm, .357 SIG, .38 Super, .40 S&W, 10 mm and .45 GAP, among others. Benefits High capacity Faster to shoot Reliable (if well maintained) More easily concealed Many sizes and calibers Lots of accessories Drawbacks Lower priced brands may be less reliable More difficult to clear malfunctions Require disassembly to properly clean and lubricate Require more practice - especially in defensive magazine swaps (both require practice) Can be very difficult to swap magazines if one arm become injured or immobilized We can all become creatures of habit. I nearly always carry a semiautomatic pistol with a spare magazine, but a revolver is also a great choice for personal protection. They are extremely reliable, and barring a rare mechanical failure or cartridge malfunction, will fire until you need to reload – which does take more time than swapping magazines on a semi-auto. The semi-automatic pistol has become a fixture in the concealed carry community – and rightfully so. They typically have more ammunition capacity and with an extra magazine can handle nearly any self-defense situation you find yourself in. Smaller statured people, and those with less strength, may find it difficult to charge a semi-auto or clear a jam. For those, a revolver is by far the best choice. Whether you choose a revolver or a semi-automatic pistol, practice regularly with it – including clearing malfunctions in a semi-auto pistol. Your life may depend on it. Until next month, get out and ride, enjoy the awakening which Spring brings us and never leave your cave without your club. Molon Labe, Mike Noirot



March 2019




eather jacket, aka the “King of Cool”, rode a 1947 Knucklehead Bobber (later switching to his 1949 Triumph Trophy TR5 Scrambler), gave a thumbs up and greeted everyone with “Aaaaaaaeeeeeyyyy”. Do you know who I’m talking about? Of course, Authur Fonzarelli, who everyone called the Fonz or Fonzie. I loved watching Happy Days. One of the things I remember most was Fonzie’s love to dance. Well, slow dance that is. He was calm, extremely cool and looked great dancing. We can all learn something from the Fonz. Because there will come a time when each of us will have to accomplish the slow dance on our own motorcycle. You’re looking for a parking spot and upon reaching the end of the line of cars you realize you’re going to have to make a U-turn because there is no exit, slow dance time. Traffic is backedup and not hardly moving fast enough to ride and not slow enough to stop, slow dance time. Boarding a ferry to take you across a body of water to a distant shore, slow dance time. Pulling onto a country road and staying in your lane, slow dance time. Why as motorcyclists do we tend to experience anxiety and discomfort at very slow speeds? Weight of the motorcycle, lack of confidence and riding conditions are some of the reasons. Riding a motorcycle requires you to balance it. Riding a motorcycle at a very low speed requires you to change direction by turning the handlebars in the direction you want to go and lean the motorcycle. This is where the anxiety and discomfort begin if you have not practiced your slow dance. Slow dancing is simply about becoming adept to motorcycle operation. How can you become more proficient operating your motorcycle? Practice, practice, practice. This is especially something to think about as we approach spring for those motorcyclists who have not been able to ride for a few months. Our riding skills are perishable. You have probably heard the phrase “if you don’t use it, you lose it”. This is true where your motorcycle riding skills are concerned. For slow speed turns and maneuvers, think about these things:

March 2019

• Speed - reduce your speed before entering a turn by rolling off the throttle and using the brakes as needed • Scan - evaluate surface conditions, the space you have, keep your head up and eyes moving through the turn • Handlebar movement - the slower the speed, the more you have to turn the handlebars • Throttle use - use the throttle to maintain or slightly increase speed, avoid sudden roll-on or roll-off that impact smoothness • Clutch use - finding the “sweet spot” in your friction zone (the area in your clutch lever that controls the connection between the rear wheel and the engine) and using it smoothly • Counterweighting (for more motorcycle lean in a tighter turn) The more you slow dance with your motorcycle, the more confident you will become. Find a space where you can make tight turns from a stop. Do some U-turns making each one a little tighter than the one before. Ride straight lines at very, very slow speeds. Ride in a circle and make it smaller and smaller with each rotation. When you are practicing, keep your head up and your eyes looking in the direction you want to go. Your motorcycle will follow where your eyes are looking and your nose is pointing. If you look down at the painted line on the parking lot with those handlebars turned a bit, that’s where the motorcycle will want to follow which can result in you and your motorcycle lying on the asphalt. Slow dancing skill is about being able to manipulate the motorcycle and put your motorcycle where you want it to be. As we saw over 10 years on Happy Days, Fonzie had his slow dance polished. I’m thinking because of all that practice he had! And, you can polish your slow dance with practice as well. When the time comes and you have to make the U-turn or operate at a very slow speed, you won’t have a second thought about it. Come back to a safety class or take the class for the first time to practice your skills and build your confidence. Remember, safe riding starts with you! Donna, along with being an avid riding enthusiast, is a MSF motorcycle safety coach for the state of Tennessee and a HarleyDavidson Riding Academy Coach. She is a member of the Motor Maids, H.O.G. and Ladies of Harley. Stop by her blog site at www.


Happy Birthday




TRTN magazine is 20 years old this month, to celebrate we look back at the magazine’s birth and growth into the magazine we know today


his train’s been a-rolling for more than two decades and is on track to keep on keepin’ on for years to come. For the past 20 years this magazine has taken many twists and turns and has seen every up and down the motorcycle industry has experienced, yet Thunder Roads® has stood the test of time. In 1999, the first issue of Thunder Roads Tennessee magazine was published. Two decades later, and we’re still going strong. During that time, we’ve evolved, we’ve also become more than just a magazine by bringing you the Thunder Roads Tennessee Magazine website, and a host of other things. The following 3 paragraphs are paraphrased from Toni’s upcoming book: [Before starting Thunder Roads Tennessee, Founders Brian and Toni Shearon knew they wanted to get their family under one roof, own a home for their blended Family, and be their own bosses. Both of them had worked so many different and random jobs, but with Brian living in Saint Petersburg Florida,


and Toni in Clearwater Beach, they both loved going to Bike Nights. This was back in the early 90’s and Bike Nights in the area could easily attract 1,000 bikes or more. One of their favorites started with a “bike convoy” that began at Biff Burger in Pinellas Park FL would ride to a massive parking lot for either Las Fontanas or 94th Aero Squadron (near the Clearwater private airport) then onto Quaker Steak & Lube (U.S. 19) only to end up at some night club for maxed volume music and dirty dancing fully clothed. Lying in bed one night after returning from a Bike Night Toni mentioned how apparent it was to her that the popular biker mag in the area was “all about the money because the ad to article ratio was so off kilter.” Then they talked about “if” they were to start their own magazine they would “keep it fair in order to get there, then keep it real when we were successful”. Brian mentioned that something like that would go over really well in the area around his little home town of Chapmansboro TN. That was November of 1998. They moved to Tennessee and the Premiere issue of Thunder Roads Tennessee hit the shelves in March 1999.

In the early days Brian and Toni rode their old ‘75 FLH shovel that Brian’s dad Super B. loaned them to deliver magazines and sell ads and talk to potential advertisers. They spoke with many of what became the biggest Bike Night establishments and told them bikers wanted to “kick the tires and talk bikes in a parking lot and not be corralled indoors” and to advertise in Thunder Roads. Super B. would later gift the 75 FLH to them on the magazine’s 1 year Anniversary and they later gifted it to their son Joey on the magazine’s 10 year Anniversary. Shortly after that in 2001 a woman from Alabama who was vacationing with her daughter in Nashville saw the magazine and approached Brian and Toni about licensing a Thunder Roads magazine in Alabama and the Thunder Roads Network was born. Soon after that there was a Thunder Roads in most of the Southern states, and several other states. They always say they wish the magazines could tell their stories because copies have ended up all around the world, places like Australia,

March 2019

Japan, and China to name a few, and they always mailed 100 to Iraq for the men and women serving our Country. ] In 2014 at the TN State HOG Rally we started talking to Brian and Toni about taking over the reins, Toni says after our first chat she knew that we were “the ones” and I guess she was right, we published our first issue in September of that year. We’re proud to carry on the legacy and to continue to be Tennessee’s Motorcycle Magazine! Brian and Toni tell us the magazine has been a major blessing for which they are eternally grateful and they believe it was most assuredly their destiny… and “what a fun & fabulous trip it’s been on Thunder Roads, AND… you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Toni, AKA MaMa Thunder, is currently in the process of writing an interesting,

March 2019

funny, and thoroughly entertaining book; Making The Right Turn...onto Thunder Roads about all the Publishers that have brought you Thunder Roads across the country, along with all the rallies they’ve attended, and “firsts” that they’ve incorporated into the biker community for TN and of course, every Publisher that joined the family and incorporated proven ideas into whatever state they were in across the Country. With the success that the individual Thunder Roads Magazines across the country continue to enjoy, whoever says print is dead is obviously not aware of what we are doing. We at Thunder Roads Tennessee Magazine continue to do what we do best, keep you up to speed on all of the events happening across the state. You can subscribe to Thunder Roads

Tennessee Magazine in print or digital delivery at www.thunderroadstennessee. com or you can pick up a free copy at hundreds of locations all over the great state of Tennessee. We want to thank all of the advertisers over the years with a special mention to Appleton HarleyDavidson in Clarksville, there has been an Appleton H-D ad in every single issue that Thunder Roads Tennessee has printed. It has taken 20 years and a ton of hard work from a lot of people to bring you what you are holding in your hands. We feel privileged to be a part of the motorcycle community, and we can’t thank you, our readers enough for your support. Thanks for reading and here’s to the next 20 years! Scott & Denise High Thunder Roads® Tennessee




rches National Park is located 5 miles north of Moab, Utah and is the home of over 2,000 red stone arches, plus hundreds of tall pinnacles and gigantic balanced rocks. These beautiful rock formations are eroded by the cutting action of the winds, not water. The Visitor’s Center, about a mile into the park, is where you can obtain maps, hiking information and visitor tips from the rangers. In addition, it’s a good idea to refill your water bottles here, as water is limited in this desert park. The most famous arch is the Delicate Arch. With an opening 46 feet high and 32 feet wide, it is the largest free-standing arch in the park and a symbol of Utah. It’s hard to see from the main road and a 1.5 mile uphill hike in, so most folks settle for a 300 foot level walk in to the Lower Delicate Arch Viewpoint. If you choose the hike, as we did, you will also see the John Wesley Wolfe Ranch, built in the early 1900’s and Ute petroglyphs. Balanced Rock is a 3,600 pound boulder standing 128 feet in the air. Caused when the mudstone rock, on which the sandstone rock is sitting eroded away, leaving it balanced on top. Someday it will collapse like its sister, Chip-Off-the- OldBlock, did in 1975. To visit up close and personal requires a short walk. Park Avenue consists of towering rock slabs, reminding

March 2019

visitors of city skyscrapers. These are easily seen from the road. The Windows Section covers about 2 square miles and is perfect for those with a limited time to visit. It contains numerous arches including: North Window, South Window, Turret Arch, Double Arch, and features including: Garden of Eden, Elephant Butte, and Parade of Elephants. Other areas of the park are beautiful, but many are on a hiking trail, requiring time and some difficult going over 6 miles. Most should stick to the main areas, as this is desert and hot and dusty in the summer and cold and icy in the winter. Lots of people chose to stay in Green River, Utah, which is within about 1-1/2 hours of Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Par and Capital Reef National Park. This is a beautiful part of the world, where God shows off his handiwork. This is what the true Wild West was like. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper






h where to begin, I got to ride this bike for the first time around 1995. Shortly after she was finished. My first foot clutch bike I’d ever ridden. Wow! I got to take her on several back country road excursions, and over to Dad’s house before heading towards town. Then the occasional ride to work, and a parade or two. I brought her with me to Murfreesboro when we moved here and got to ride her down broad street before it got quite as crowded as it is today. She doesn’t get out much these days, but still nothing quite like the sound of a Knuckle at idle. This 1946 EL61 was part of a larger collection that we at Bumpus HarleyDavidson discovered. The purchase of this group of bikes got us into the antique bike restoration and collection business. A customer and friend brought us an ad from one of those Thrifty Nickle type publications back around the very early 1990’s. The only description in the ad was “old motorcycle collection for sale. Call this number for information.” We got the representative to make and send a VHS tape of what was included. It was an all or nothing purchase. We knew from watching the tape that there was a 4 cylinder Indian (mostly assembled), an Indian chief, and a couple of late 20’s HD twins. Based mainly on the 4-Cylider Indian and the two older Harley-Davidson’s. We sent a couple thousand dollar “nonrefundable” deposit to hold collection for a few days. Rented a box truck, and Dad, Katie and I made the trip to Oklahoma. Knowing well that we may not leave with the collection. After seeing in person what was on the video, plus a couple of smaller bikes, we completed the purchase of the contents of the garage. Their terms, all or nothing. We then began to unload the garage and load up what we wanted and prepare to haul off the rest. What we didn’t expect to find was this Knucklehead (mostly disassembled). Some extra parts to complete one of the Indians, and lots of memorabilia. We had loaded up about 11 bikes in total and some cool stuff. But that was before we uncovered the jewel of the entire collection. I’m telling you that story because the restoration of this beautiful and very original Knucklehead was done by our friend Calvin. He did it in exchange for some really good spare parts, and in trade for the opportunity to also restore the jewel. At the very back of this crowded garage we also discovered her. She is still proudly on display at our Memphis store, leather drive belt and all. But that is the subject of another story. Tom Bumpus / Bumpus Harley-Davidson


Owner: Tom Bumpus City: Murfreesboro, TN GENERAL Fabrication/Restoration: Calvin Burnette - Memphis Year and make: 1946 Harley-Davidson Model: EL61 Year Built/Restored: originally HDMC 1946 / early 1990’s Restoration ENGINE Year and make: 1946 H-D Model: EL61 Displacement: 61 cubic inches ____________________________ Photos: Allen Manus Model: Sydney Myers

March 2019


March 2019


Harley-Davidson Electrifies The Future Of Two-Wheels With Debut Of New Concepts And Livewire™ Motorcycle Available For Us Dealer Pre-Order


arley-Davidson, the company that has defined the motorcycle industry for the past 116 years, today revealed two new concept electric twowheelers and announced pricing and pre-order availability for LiveWire, its first electric production motorcycle, at the biggest show in consumer electronics in Las Vegas. The 2020 LiveWire is now available for US dealer pre-order at with deliveries expected this fall and select global markets announced at a later date. The LiveWire represents the future of Harley-Davidson, bringing highperformance electric propulsion, evocative design, and cellular connectivity to today’s rider. The first of a new electric portfolio of motorcycles that provides an all new two-wheel experience, LiveWire delivers thrilling acceleration, agile handling, premium materials and finishes, and a full suite of electronic rider aids and interfaces for a completely connected experience. The performance of the LiveWire motorcycle will deliver an exhilarating ride for seasoned motorcyclists, while its clutch-free design also makes the experience for new riders easier than ever. Harley-Davidson also debuted two additional, electrified future concepts that further explore the potential of urban mobility. In keeping with LiveWire, both concepts bring HarleyDavidson’s expertise in expressive two-wheeled experiences and push boundaries in design and technology. These motorcycles are a significant part of the More Roads to Harley-Davidson plan to accelerate building the next generation of riders through new products in additional motorcycle segments, broader access and a commitment to strengthen dealers globally. “We’re at a historic juncture in the evolution of mobility, and HarleyDavidson is at the forefront,” said Matt Levatich, Harley-Davidson’s President and CEO. “Innovation that moves the body and soul has always been at the heart of our brand, and this next chapter in our history is about creating products and opportunities for existing and aspiring riders of all ages and walks of life.” Our vision for the future is all encompassing,” said Levatich. “For all ages, from urban professional to exurban retiree, and from commute-minded to thrill-seeking, we are creating the products and opportunities for existing and aspiring riders to feel the transformative power of the two-wheeled riding experience. These two concepts are further statements towards that our commitment to lead in the electric mobility space that begins this fall with the production 2020 LiveWire.” LiveWire Pre-Order Details For more information on the new Harley-Davidson LiveWire motorcycle (US MSRP $29,799), as well as updates on future additional bikes, visit or the brand’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram channels. To find a dealer for a LiveWire motorcycle pre-order placement, visit An all-New Riding Experience with Iconic Harley-Davidson Power Accessible to new motorcyclists and a thrill for accomplished riders, the LiveWire motorcycle is the perfect combination of power, performance and

March 2019

technology. Features include: Amazing acceleration: from 0 to 60 mph in under 3.5 seconds. The instant torque provided by the H-D Revelation™ electric powertrain can produce 100 percent of its rated torque the instant the throttle is twisted, and 100 percent of that torque is always available. Twist-and-go ease of use: Electric power requires no clutch and no gear shifting, greatly simplifying operation for new riders. All riders will appreciate the braking effect of the power regeneration mode as it adds charge to the battery, especially in stop-and-go urban traffic. H-D™ Connect Service: The LiveWire motorcycle is equipped with H-D™ Connect, which pairs motorcycle riders with their bikes through an LTEenabled Telematics Control Unit coupled with connectivity and cloud services using the latest version of the Harley-Davidson™ App. This technology makes the LiveWire motorcycle the first North American mass-market cellularconnected electric motorcycle. With H-D Connect, data is collected and transferred to the app to provide information to the rider’s smartphone about: Motorcycle status: Information available through H-D Connect includes battery charge status and available range from any location where a sufficient cellular signal is available. This allows the rider to remotely check the charge status including charge level and time to completion. Riders will be able to locate a charging station with ease thanks to an integrated location finder built into the H-D App. Tamper alerts and vehicle location: H-D Connect indicates the location of the parked LiveWire motorcycle and alerts can be sent to the rider’s smartphone if the bike is tampered with or moved. GPS-enabled stolenvehicle tracking provides peace of mind that the motorcycle’s location can be tracked.* Service reminders and notifications: Reminders about upcoming vehicle service requirements, automated service reminders and other vehicle care notifications. Performance and range optimized for the urban street-rider: Able to travel an estimated 110 miles of urban roads on a single charge. Handling and control: The LiveWire motorcycle chassis is designed to deliver agile handling for confident control on urban streets and a thrilling ride on curving backroads. The H-D Revelation™ powertrain sits low in the motorcycle to lower the center of gravity and help the motorcycle handle well at all speeds and make it easier to balance when stopped. The motorcycle also features advanced technology including standard cornering-enhanced Anti-lock Braking System and Traction Control. The systems are fully electronic and utilize the latest inertial measurement unit and ABS sensor technology. Distinctive Harley-Davidson sound, minimal vibration: The H-D Revelation electric powertrain produces minimal vibration, heat, and noise, all of which enhance rider comfort. The LiveWire model is designed to produce a new signature Harley-Davidson sound as it accelerates and gains speed. This new futuristic sound represents the smooth, electric power of the LiveWire motorcycle. Source: Harley-Davidson


Bike Day All Day Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday Corn Pone Tavern Live Music: Matthew Hickey

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day All Day Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday Corn Pone Tavern Live Music: Matthew Hickey

St. Patrick’s Day

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day All Day Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday & St. Patty’s Day Fun Corn Pone Tavern Live Music: Matthew Hickey

Daylight Saving Time Starts

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day All Day Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday Corn Pone Tavern Live Music: Matthew Hickey

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day All Day Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday Corn Pone Tavern Live Music: Matthew Hickey Corn Pone Tavern Ladies Night & Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Ladies Night & Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Ladies Night & Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Ladies Night & Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Ladies Night & Karaoke



Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament


Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament


Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament


Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament


Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament

Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament & Pool League

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Bike Night

Bobarosa Saloon Wing Night & Pool Tournament

Corn Pone Tavern Bike Night

Corn Pone Tavern Pool Tournaments & Live Music

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night

Veterans Day

National Tartan Day

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day & Bike Night & Pool Tournament

Bobarosa Saloon

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night Corn Pone Tavern Pool Tournaments & Live Music National Vietnam War Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament & Pool League

Corn Pone Tavern Benefit Ride for Danny Kiser Bikers Who Care MudBug Poker Run Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day & Bike Night & Pool Tournament Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Pool Tournaments & Live Music

Corn Pone Tavern Bike Night Bobarosa Saloon Wing Night & Pool Tournament

Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke

First Day of Spring

Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament & Pool League

Appleton H-D Pre-Paddy Party Bobarosa Saloon St. Patrick’s Party Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day & Bike Night & Pool Tournament Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke

Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke

Bobarosa Saloon Wing Night & Pool Tournament

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night

Corn Pone Tavern Pool Tournaments & Live Music

Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night

Corn Pone Tavern Pool Tournaments & Live Music

Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day & Bike Night & Pool Tournament

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day & Bike Night & Pool Tournament Indoor Flat Track Racing The Shed- Indoor Show Elizabeth Cook, Chris Siflett, & Kendell Marvel

Spring Thaw Bike Show & Swap Meet Bobarosa Saloon Flood Relief Run Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day & Bike Night & Pool Tournament Smoky Mountain H-D Ladies Garage Party Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Bike Night

Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament & Pool League Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke

Bobarosa Saloon Wing Night & Pool Tournament

Corn Pone Tavern Bike Night

Bobarosa Saloon Wing Night & Pool Tournament

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke

Corn Pone Tavern Dart Tournament & Pool League

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke

Indoor Flat Track Racing Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night Corn Pone Tavern Pool Tournaments & Live Music Read Across America Day Employee Appreciation Day Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night



March 2019



March 2019



n just the short time I’ve been riding, I’ve done some pretty stupid things. Things I’ve thought about when I got home. I didn’t do them on purpose, it was the nature of the beast as a rookie rider. I remember the time I was feeling pretty cocky while traveling through Texas. Speed limit is 75 and some good old boys in a pick up were acting like, well, two good old boys in a pick up. I took off around them in the right lane. As I was giving them the all too famous “look” I quickly realized that I was drifting onto the shoulder of the road. GRAVEL AND ALL! After steadying my bike and realizing how close I had come to the guardrail and death, I slowed down and pulled off the road. It was time for a cigarette and a quick chat with God. Good old boys 1, crazy old biker 0. I started riding when I was 63 years old, so I’ve outgrown all those stupid impulses we had as young punks, but for that brief lapse in sanity, I thought I had done myself in. The bottom line was, I wasn’t going to let those guys “outcool” the Harley guy. We’ve all done stupid stuff, but doing it on a motorcycle could be deadly. I got cocky when I goofed. Luckily it wasn’t serious and I’m still riding. Most of us learn the hard way that this is nothing to fool around with. It’s serious business handling a motorcycle. I recently posed the question on my Facebook page about the stupidest things you’ve done on a motorcycle that you got away with. Here are some of the responses I got: “Took off across a golf course at night, with no headlights and landed in a sand trap.” “Rode standing on the seat when I was about 25…once. Nobody told me how hard it was to get back down without falling off.” “Outrun the cops.” “Bounced off a guardrail” “Forgot to put my kickstand down at the gas pump and we just laid over against the pump and it pinned me.” “100 yard wheelies and jumping hills” You get the picture. Being a biker encompasses a lot of things, but by its very nature, it’s one of the COOLEST things you can do EVER! The whole world is drawn to us ala Easy Rider, Sons of Anarchy and Chips. Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, Norman Reedus and more. The freedom, the danger, the excitement, the open road and

yes, the biker chicks. The solitude of the open road. It’s all wrapped up in that motorcycle. Your own personal “cool” could be the color of your bike, the leathers you wear. It could be the accessories or lack thereof on your bike. It could be your woman, your tattoos, the company you keep. WHATEVER! The bottom line is you don’t have to do stupid stuff to prove anything to anybody. Being a biker is just too damn cool to begin with in my opinion. I NEVER thought I would meet so many incredible people at this time of my life, and I used to run with rock stars and politicians. None of them compare with the brothers and sisters I’ve met on this journey. Luckily we’ve all learned that being a fool, ain’t cool. That’s why we still have the shiny side up and the rubber on the road. Much love to you guys. Thanks for following my journey.



NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit ‘GREEN NEW DEAL’ SEEKS TO OUTLAW GAS-POWERED VEHICLES AND GASSY COWS In very broad strokes, the Green New Deal legislation laid out by Congressional Democrats sets goals for some drastic measures to cut carbon emissions across the economy, from electricity generation to transportation to agriculture. The nonbinding resolution calls for "10-year national mobilizations" toward accomplishing a series of objectives that the legislation lays out. Among the most prominent, the deal calls for "meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources." The ultimate goal is to eliminate fossil fuels, shifting away from oil, coal and nuclear power, in favor of eco-friendly energy such as wind and solar power. The Green New Deal calls for “replacing non-essential individual means of transport with high-quality and modern mass transit,” which is a flowery way of calling for a ban on gas-powered passenger cars, trucks and motorcycles, as well as airplanes. According to the legislation, within the decade; - Achieve a net-zero carbon economy with 100% clean renewable energy - Eliminate internal combustion engines and expand electric car manufacturing - Overhaul transportation systems and make air travel obsolete by expanding high-speed rail - Retrofit all existing buildings for energy efficiency - Work with farmers “to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions” such as cow farts - “Economic security” for all, including higher education, jobs, wages, housing and health care In short, the legislative framework combines climate-changerelated ideas with a “dream” list of progressive economic proposals that would affect every American and overhaul the U.S. economy, all at an initial estimated cost of up to $6.6 trillion a year over the decade. Importantly, the bill, introduced on Feb 7 by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), is a nonbinding resolution, so even if it were to pass it wouldn't itself create any new programs but would instead establish a lofty set of ideals the House should pursue in the coming years.



More U.S. households than ever before now own one or more motorcycles. A recent study conducted by the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) shows that the number of American households with at least one motorcycle in their garage has reached 8.02% in 2018. According to the MIC, in decades of surveying, this is the highest percentage ever reached, and represents a 15.6-percent increase over 2014 (when ownership was 6.94%); an increase of more than 1.5 million homes. “The household penetration numbers have always been among the most important figures to us,” said MIC President and CEO Tim Buche. “We’re certainly happy to see more homes that have a motorcycle. Riders who talk about motorcycling to friends and neighbors help to inspire people who don’t yet ride.” Out of an estimated 126,224,000 households in the United States, over 10 million now own (at least) one bike. In fact, the number of motorcycles per household has been calculated to average around 1.30, meaning some families own more than one bike. According to the MIC survey, the total number of motorcycles owned also reached record levels, jumping to 13,158,100 last year, an increase of more than 2.5 million motorcycles compared to 2014, the last time the MIC conducted the survey. It is even higher than the previous record from 2009 (11,704,500), which followed a long period of high-volume new-bike sales. The estimated number of motorcycles in use rose to 12,231,000 in 2018, an increase of more than 2 million since 2014. And that number was more than 1 million better than the record figure from 2009, when 11,015,105 motorcycles were in use. “Modern motorcycles are high-quality machines, enabling the preowned market to be a key part of the overall growth in the motorcycle and rider population,” said Jim Woodruff, secretary/treasurer of the MIC Board of Directors and COO of National Powersport Auctions. “The annual pre-owned market is actually three times larger than the new market. Used bikes appeal to many riders because there are so many options in terms of price and style.” The percentage of motorcycles in running order was down 3 percentage points, from 96.1% in 2014 to 93% in 2018. “As used units become a larger part of the overall motorcycle population, it’s not surprising to see a slight decrease in the percentage of operating units,” Woodruff said. “Our research shows that the average age of a pre-owned motorcycle sold in the U.S. is approximately eight years old. Plus, vintage bikes are on trend now and many riders are keeping non-runners as part of their collection.” FEDERAL JUDGE SEEKS EXPERT OPINIONS ON MONGOLS PATCH SEIZURE A federal judge presiding over the high-profile Mongols motorcycle club trial has put out a wide-ranging call for expert legal input on the implications of the government’s unprecedented efforts to gain control of the trademarked insignia worn by club members. After a Santa Ana, Calif. jury decided in December that the club must forfeit the trademark to its logo, U.S. District Judge David O. Carter’s decision to solicit briefs from a variety of experts,

March 2019

NEWS BYTES including trademark attorneys, law school professors, civil rights organizations and think tanks, highlights the new legal ground being broken in the first-of-its-kind Mongols racketeering and forfeiture case, which has drawn national attention and is virtually guaranteed to go before the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals and perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court. The judge has yet to rule on key legal issues regarding the government’s attempts to take the Mongols trademarks, including whether stripping the club of the rights to its patches or blocking riders from using them would constitute a violation of its members’ First Amendment rights. Unlike a typical racketeering case, in which specific members of an organization are charged with crimes, the sole defendant in the current legal battle is the Mongols organization itself. As a result, attorneys for the Mongols also requested the judge to ask legal experts to weigh in on whether an organization is capable of forming the intent to commit crimes. Judge Carter is scheduled to hear arguments on Feb. 28 over whether the verdicts in the Mongols case should be tossed out over legal technicalities or on constitutional grounds, according to the Orange County Register. MOTORSPORTS EXEMPTED FROM CONTROVERSIAL EU INSURANCE REQUIREMENT After extensive lobbying by numerous motorsport organizations, the European Parliament has agreed to exempt bike racing from the European Union’s Motor Insurance Directive (MID, also known as Vnuk) which would have required all motorcycles to have a form of road traffic insurance, even if they were specialist vehicles not meant for the road. As no insurance of this kind is commercially available, this could have seen the end of motorcycle racing as we know it across Europe. IMCO, the European Parliament committee responsible for the MID, voted overwhelmingly in favor of exempting motorsports by a vote tally of 32 to two. During the discussion, members of IMCO adopted a report recommending excluding “vehicles intended exclusively for motorsports” as “these vehicles are generally covered by other forms of liability insurance.” The report also made clear that it was necessary a line should be March 2019

drawn between 'in traffic' and 'non-traffic' situations. The MID was proposed after Damijan Vnuk, a Slovenian farm worker, was knocked off a ladder by a tractor reversing across a farmyard. After this incident, it was decided that all vehicles, even those not destined for road use, should be insured. The MCIA (Motorcycle Industry Association in Europe), together with U.K. bodies including the Auto Cycle Union, Motorsport Industry Association and Department for Transport lobbied against the European Parliament alongside the FIA, FIM and European Motorcycle Industry Association. "This is great news and a big relief for motorsport of all types," said Tony Campbell, CEO of the MCIA. "The potential impact would have been catastrophic and likely to result in the end of motorsport as we know it." There are still some legislative hurdles to overcome; including gaining the agreement of the EU Council, but a positive final verdict is expected later this year. MOTORCYCLES COULD COMPETE IN THE OLYMPICS Trials riding is an amazingly difficult sport requiring years of practice, peak athleticism, and incredible control, and it may soon be an Olympic-caliber sport if the International Motorcycling Federation has anything to say about it. The FIM is appealing to the International Olympic Committee to have Trial-E (trials riding on electric bikes) added as a sport to the 2024 Summer Olympics, which will be held in Paris, France. If it is successful, Trial-E will be the first officially-recognized Olympic motorsport. New sports are being added to the Olympics every year. In 2020, the Tokyo Olympics will be the first time we will see baseball and softball, surfing, sports climbing, karate, and even skateboard, all officially included as Olympic sports. The current policy for inclusion of a sport, according to IOC, is that it be: youth-focused, equally accessible for men and women, sustainable, spectacular, practiced on all continents and requires no new infrastructure, so trials riding measures up to all of these requisite metrics. QUOTABLE QUOTE: "A people unused to restraint must be led, they will not be drove." ~ George Washington (1732-99), American military and political leader, 1st U.S. President



March 2019

by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley

Well, things are getting weirder and heating up for the 2020 Presidential election. If you watch television you would think the world is upside down and the lunatics have taken control of the asylum. We are going into the third year of investigations into the possibility that President Trump colluded with Russia to skew the outcome of the last presidential election in his favor. To date not one shred of anything has been discovered that would link President Trump to any collusion. As I write this article the only collusion was by the Clinton Campaign and several government agencies to try to undermine the Trump campaign. Where is the investigation into that? Where are the indictments for false submissions to the FISA court? Who approved covert eavesdropping on the Trump campaign based on made up reports purchased by the Clinton campaign? How have we gotten to the point that one political party can mount a media and political attack on a duly elected President and, in essence, engineer a coup? Every day newscasters at the national and local level quote unnamed sources with more fantastic lies and unverified stories in an attempt to turn public favor away from the one politician who is actively trying to save our nation!!! Did you notice that since President Trump was elected the major networks took back an hour from the local morning newscasts so the national network attacks on Trump would get more time? Have you noticed how many more reports by the national correspondents are showing up during the local news hours? All of this to ensure the war on Trump goes unimpeded by local weather girls and lost dogs. Last night I watched the late news on FOX17 in Nashville do a long piece on the plight of illegal aliens and how sad it is that the mean Republicans are trying to build a wall and keep these poor people out of our country. Boo Hoo, all they want is a better life!! What a bunch of horse hockey!!! There is nothing keeping people from other countries from obeying American laws and making legal application for work visas or application for citizenship. If they want to live here then come here legally!!! The loon’s are now putting

forth a proposal to replace airplanes with trains and rebuild all buildings in the United States to be powered by solar and wind energy. You would think they might start pushing horse drawn buggy’s but horses and cows fart and the loons want to do away with them to save the Ozone. They have passed a law in New York to allow the killing of a baby after it’s birthed and call it an abortion. This same law is being considered by other states, including Virginia. To pay for all of this they want to undo the tax cuts Trump put into effect and raise our taxes. What do you think that will do to the economy? Tennessee is growing because people from high tax states are trying to get away from high taxes. Unfortunately, they come here and want the low cost living but lobby for all the free stuff that will bring us higher taxes and lower prosperity. They vote for liberal politicians who spend money they don’t have and want the government to just print more money. I guess they thinks it’s that easy to have everything they want. When will someone fix our failing schools and teach people that money doesn’t grow on trees and that my money is not their money. I thought debt had to be paid back!! The Congress under Pelosi’s leadership is launching several new investigations into the President that they know will not find any illegal acts but that is not the purpose. The purpose is to give the media something they can talk about and use to smear the President with criminal innuendos. All of this is a part of the Democrat plan to take back the White House so they can continue to subvert the American Constitution and move the nation closer to communism. Freedom of speech should not be a protection for the politicians and media to spread lies and subvert the country and political correctness should not be used to oppress our freedom of speech. MAGA! Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those who can’t. You can comment at — Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but, we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.

Bubba woke up to someone banging hard on his front door, louder than the jack-hammering that was going on in his skull. He’d been to a really good country wedding the night before and had just hit the sack about an hour ago. The clock now said 8 a.m. He yanked open the door ready to tear someone a new one and 2 cops stood there. Oh, chit, Bubba thought to himself, what the hell had he done last night....or this morning? The older officer, Earl, looked him over and said, ‘Bubba, where were you between 5 and 6?”. Without missing a split second, Bubba casually replied, “Kindergarten. Now get off my porch.” -------------------------------------------------------------One day a man decides to retire.....he booked himself on a Caribbean cruise and proceeded to have the time of his life, that is, until the ship sank. He soon found himself on an island with no other people, no supplies, nothing, only bananas and coconuts. After about (4) months, he is lying on the beach one day when the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen rows up to shore. In disbelief, he asks, “Where did you come from? How did you get here?”. She replies, “I rowed over from the other side of the island where I landed when my fishing boat sank. “Amazing”, he notes. “You were really lucky to have a row boat wash up with you.” “Oh, this ole thing?” she explains, “I made the boat out of some raw material I found on the island. The oars were whittled from gum tree branches. I wove the bottom from palm tree branchesa and the sides and stern came from an Eucalyptus tree.” “But, where did you get the tools?”. “Oh, that was no problem”, she replied. “On the south side of the island, a very unusual stratum of alluvial rock is exposed. i found that if I fired it to a certain temperature in a volcanic vent I found just down island, it melted into ductile iron and I used that to make tools and used the tools to make the hardware.” The guy is literally stunned. “Let’s row over to my place,” she says “and I’ll give you a tour.” So, after a short time of rowing, she soon docks the boat at a small hand built wharf. As the man looks to shore, he nearly falls off the boat. Before him is a long stone walk leading to a cabin and tree house. While the woman ties up the rowboat with an expertly woven hemp rope, the man can only stare ahead, dumb struck. As they walk into the house, she says casually, “It’s not much, but I call it Home.” 30

“Please sit down.” “Would you like a drink?”. “No, no thank you, “ the man blurts out, still dazed. “I can’t take another drop of coconut juice.” “Oh, it’s not coconut juice,” she winks, “I have a still. How would you like your Jack Daniels, neat would be the easiest for our situation, “ she laughs. Trying to hide his continued amazement, the man accepts, and they sit down on her handmade couch to exchange their individual survival stories. the woman announces, “I’m going to slip into something more comfortable. Would you like to take a shower and shave? There’s a razor in the bathroom cabinet upstairs.” No longer questioning anything, the man goes upstairs into the bathroom. There, in the cabinet is a razor made from a piece of tortoise bone. Two shells honed to a hollow ground edge are fastened on to its’ end inside a swivel mechanism. “This woman is amazing,” he muses. “What’s next?” When he goes back downstairs, she greets him wearing nothing but a bandana around her blonde locks and some small flowers on tiny vines, each strategically positioned over private parts and she smelled faintly of jasmine oil. She then beckons for him to sit down next to her. “Tell me,” she begins suggestively, sliding closer to him, “We’ve both been out here for many months. You must have been lonely also. “When was the last time you had a truly good ride?”. She stares solemnly into his eyes. He can literally not believe what he is hearing. “You mean....” he swallows excitedly as tears start to form in his eyes, “You’ve built a Motorcycle?”. --------------------------------------------------------------So this past Valentine’s Day was the exact same as last year. 1. Breakfast in bed 2. Chocolates 3. Watch movie 4. Dinner for two. 5. Regret eating two big dinners. --------------------------------------------------------------Mickey, a very drunk Irish man staggers into a Catholic Church. He enters a confessional booth, sits down, but says nothing. The Priest coughs a few times to get his attention, but Mickey continues to sit there. Finally, the Priest pounds three times on the wall. Mickey mumbles, “Aye now, no use knockin’, there’s no paper on this side either!” ---------------------------------------------------------------

HAPPY 20th YEAR ANNIVERSARY THUNDER ROADS® JOKER’S WILD! I’ve So Enjoyed Laughing With Y’All. MaMa Thunder

March 2019

March 2019



If You Are A BIKER FRIENDLY BUSINESS And Would Like To See Your BUSINESS LISTED And Receive Thunder Roads® Tennessee Magazines Each Month Call 615-389-1149 (BFD LISTING ONLY $300 PER YEAR) READERS Pick Up Your Copy Of TRTN Each Month At These Fine Locations

DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson® 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 866-452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson® 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 931-648-1607 Bootlegger Harley-Davidson® 605 Lovell Rd Knoxville, TN 37932 865-671-2454 Boswell’s H-D Country Roads 1424 Interstate Dr Cookeville, TN 38501 931-526-3139 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 615-242-6067 Boswell’s Ring of Fire H-D 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 615-855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-849-8025 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd Memphis, TN 38133 901-372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr Jackson, TN 38305 731-422-5508

Music City Indian Motorcycle 1003 8th Ave S Nashville, TN 37203 615-401-9341 Panhead Phil's Music City Motorcycle 208 17th Ave North Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 963-9508 Rocky Top Harley-Davidson® 105 Waldens Main St Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 865-774-3445 S&G Custom Cycles 1114 Galloway St Columbia, TN 38401 931-381-7282 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150 Smith Brothers Harley-Davidson® 3518 Bristol Hwy Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 283-0422 Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669 White Lightning Harley-Davidson® 7720 Lee Hwy Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 892-4888


Bumpus Harley-Davidson® Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-316-1121

Ashland City Pizza Depot 202 North Main Street Ashland City, TN 37015 (615) 246-8400

Colboch Harley-Davidson® 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343

Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Fredonia, TN 37146 931-362-4774 www.

Crockett Powersports 4113 S Access Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37406 423-760-3670 H-D of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd Columbia, TN 38401 931-540-0099 H-D of Cool Springs 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 866-667-8836 Indian Triumph Of Knoxville 5820 Clinton Hwy Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-4321


Knoxville Harley-Davidson® 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-2454

Bobarosa Saloon 2299 Highway 25/70 E Del Rio, TN 37727 (423) 613-9726 Chopper’s Grill & Bar 1200 Donelson Ave Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-894-7020 Corn Pone Tavern 7715 Clinton Hwy Powell, TN 37849 (865) 512-9158 Double E Bar/Grill 4957 Lebanon Pike Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-885-3400

The Shed 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669

Buckle and Hide Leather 197 Enon Spring Road West Smyrna, TN 37167 615-768-5041


Classic Leathers 2704 E Andrew Johnson Hwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-8944

Bobarosa Saloon & Campground 2299 Highway 25/70 E Del Rio, TN 37727 (423) 613-9726 Cacklebery Campground “Home of the Big Rooster” 560 Tomoka Farms Rd CR 415 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386-428-5459 WindRock Park 555 Windrock Park Lane Oliver Springs, TN 37840 (865) 435-1251

FINANCIAL Legacy Payroll Solutions 201 Molly Walton Dr., Suite B Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 826-1583

GROCERIES Lewis Country Store 5106 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN (615) 255-7755 Gas-Up, Unique Shop, Fresh Food

GUN SHOPS Tennessee Gun Country 1435 Fort Campbell Blvd Clarksville, TN 37042 (931) 552-2118

MINISTRIES Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families. (615) 384-9010

PAINT/PINSTRIPING Paint By Lemon 97 N James Campbell Blvd Columbia, TN 38401 615-939-0058

PARTS & ACCESSORIES Amsoil 615-389-1149 Reference #1569065 Catalyst Cycles 1074 Courier Place, Ste 402 Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 984-7969 Stereo City 5721 Ringgold Road Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-504-9874



AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424/1-800-on-a-bike

Avon the company for women & now men too! For Easy On-Line Ordering Visit:

Garza Law Firm PLLC 550 West Main Street 550 #340 Knoxville, TN 37902 Phone: 865-329-6982 Toll Free: 866-893-8413 Steelhorse Law 3715 Northside Pkwy NW Building 300, Suite 650 Atlanta, GA 30327 888-382-6878

LEATHER & REPAIR Brotherhood Leathers @ Bobarosa Saloon 2299 Highway 25/70 E Del Rio, TN 37727 3415 Hwy 66 S. Suite 2 Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 293-3777

Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172 Sold By Chambers Lisa Chambers Realtor 75 Industrial Drive Mount Juliet, TN 37122 M: (615) 474-0377 H: (615) 288-8292 Wash-Zilla 271 New Shackle Island Rd. Hendersonville, TN 37073 3855 Dickerson Pike Nashville, TN 37207

TRAVEL Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln, Ste 200, Brentwood Tn 37027 615-376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs.

March 2019

March 2019



Indoor Flat Track Racing Date: 03/01/2019 – 03/02/2019 Time: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Calsonic Arena, 721 Whitthorne St, Shelbyville, TN 37160 Motorcycle flat track racing indoors. All ages. Beginner to Pro. Speedway racing. No brakes, Methanol burning 500cc race bikes. HarleyDavidson Hooligan racing. Adults $15, Youth 7-12 $10, 6 & under free. $5 vehicle parking. Action packed up close racing. Family fun. New racers welcome. Bring your strider bikes for strider racing ages 2-5 years old. For Information call Lynchburg Outdoors at (931) 632-5007 Wed-Sun 10am - 5pm. Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night Date: 03/01/2019, 03/08/2019, 03/15/2019, 03/22/2019, 03/29/2019 Time: 9:00 PM – 1:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 It’s gonna be a great time every Friday Night at Chopper’s Grill Karaoke! Come on down for a great time! Nirvana Roadhouse Mardi Gras Masquerade Party Date: 03/01/2019 Time: 9:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Come masked and dressed like a Mardi Gras Party God for an evening of fun and mystery! Awesome food, cold beer and the nicest people around. Best burger in the land and camping with some RV hook ups so ya don’t have to drive home! The Shed: Elizabeth Cook, Chris Siflett, & Kendell Marvel- Indoor Show Date: 03/02/2019 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Three incredible acts, one stage! Don’t miss all three performing on the same night inside The Smokin’ Monkey Lounge at The Shed! Shed veteran and Sirius XM Outlaw Country DJ Elizabeth Cook finally returns to grace us with her presence! Foo Fighters guitarist and emerging standout Chris Shiflett will be making his Shed debut! And after a rousing Honky Tonk Experience inside the Lounge last year (as well as opening for Jamey Johnson), Kendell Marvel will bring his amazing catalog back to The Shed!



Nirvana Roadhouse Mardi Gras Ball Date: 03/02/2019 Time: 9:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Costumes galore while we dance and party to a great Live Music! Beads may just work here too! Come on out and feel like Naw-lens!! Great food, cold beer and camping. Nirvana Roadhouse Sunday Fundays Date: 03/03/2019, 03/10/2019, 03/17/2019, 03/24/2019, 03/31/2019 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 We are the perfect riding destination every Sunday so hop on that bike and cruse the beautiful rolling southern TN hills to an awesome lil backwoods bar with some of the best food and coldest beer around. Live music most Sundays, ax throwing, fun staff and the nicest people around to spend a beautiful afternoon with under the shade trees of our bar yard and relax! Nirvana Roadhouse Sunday Jam Date: 03/03/2019 Time: 1:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Do you play? Here’s where all the musicians will congregate and rock it out all afternoon. If you don’t play, this is a day drinkers dream, awesome live music with the best burgers in the land and cold beer specials. Shoot some pool, play our bowling game and hang with the nicest people around! What more could ya want for an early March Sunday afternoon? --- Nice!! Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sundays Date: 03/03/2019, 03/10/2019, 03/17/2019, 03/24/2019, 03/31/2019 Time: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Funtastic Sunday’s at Chopper’s are awesome. This is the place for all your sports and drink specials and a great way to end your weekend! Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke Date: 03/06/2019, 03/13/2019, 03/20/2019, 03/27/2019 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Every Wednesday Night at Chopper’s Grill it’s Bike Night with Crystal Karaoke! Join us on Wednesday for a Fun Filled Night with the Greatest People and Beer & Drink Specials! Always a great time at the Lil Shack On The Corner!

Nirvana Roadhouse Beer Pong Championship Date: 03/08/2019 Time: 10:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Come get your balls wet!! Beer Pong Championships - $5 per person, 2 person teams with payout to top 2 teams. Great food and the nicest people around. Come on out and play!! PTSD & Suicide Awareness Fundraiser Date: 03/09/2019 Time: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Bent Wrench Roadhouse, 4724 Ashland City Rd., Clarksville, TN 37043 PTSD & Suicide awareness fundraiser hosted by the Quigg & Callender Project. All proceeds will go to The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone, a local clinic in Clarksville. There will be live music by Peter Moon, $10 BBQ plates, auction items, a 50/50 raffle and much more. Come support a great cause benefiting the men and women of this country who protect each and every one of us and our way of life. This event is rain or shine. Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke Night Date: 03/09/2019, 03/16/2019, 03/23/2019, 03/30/2019 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Come sing your favorite songs and enjoy an awesome atmosphere or just relax and have a drink....always a good time at Chopper’s Grill! Nirvana Roadhouse Charity Chicken Drop Date: 03/09/2019 Time: 9:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Chicken Drop to benefit Giles Co Humane Association. Never seen one? Good gosh, redneck fun!! 50/50 winnings so come support a good cause and have a crazy night of good times and good people. Music by Christian Chapman and Tim Waters to keep us kicking with our chicken, great food, cold beer and the nicest people around!! Call for details 931-309-2581 E.B.G.B M/C 2nd Annual Spring Swap Meet Date: 03/16/2019 Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Location: EBGB M/C, 4018 Hwy. 43 N., Ethridge, TN 38456 E.B.G.B M/C 2nd Annual Spring Swap Meet Saturday, March 16th, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the E.B.G.B M/C Lawrenceburg clubhouse. Open to vendors with anything motorcycle related, and motorcycles for sale. Food concessions available. Vendor spaces are Free! $5 admission for all guests. For more info please call or text 931-477-0870.


March 2019

Get Lucky at Bumpus Harley-Davidson Collierville Date: 03/16/2019 Time: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: Bumpus H-D of Collierville, 325 S. Byhalia Rd., Collierville, TN 38017 Get lucky St. Patrick’s Day Weekend at Bumpus H-D Collierville! Enjoy Free Beer and Food, Live Music: AM Whiskey 11-3pm, Find a 4-Leaf Clover and Win a Prize! Test ride and enter to win a $250 Bumpus HD Gift card! West TN Veterans Home on site- Meet the staff, see what’s going on with the home, get information about the Gala! West TN Veterans Home Yeti Cooler Raffle- Tickets $5 Winner drawn @ Bumpus Collierville on 4/27/2019. Appleton H-D Pre-Paddy Party Date: 03/16/2019 Time: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Location: Appleton H-D, 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass, Clarksville, TN 37043 Join us for free brew & snacks, served by our Shamrock Girls as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Up to 50% off out-of-season MotorClothes that day, don’t miss out! Bobarosa Saloon St. Patrick’s Party Date: 03/16/2019 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E., Del Rio, TN 37727 Come ready to party and dance to some great music at everyone’s favorite party spot on the river. Live Music by High and Tight, $1 Mojos, Giveaways, Split Pot Raffle, Nightly Rentals are available. Nirvana Roadhouse St. Patrick’s Party Date: 03/16/2019 Time: 9:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Luck of the Irish, we gonna party!! Smiley Rick and his band will make ya jump like a leprechaun after that pot of gold… party!! We have Irish beer maids and the nicest people around to party with. Great food and cold beer too. Go Green!! Chopper’s Grill St. Patty’s Day Fun Date: 03/17/2019 Time: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Join us for some St. Patty’s Day fun Sunday, March 17th! Get your green on and enjoy some free food and drink specials at the Lil Shack On The Corner!


March 2019

Spring Thaw Bike Show & Swap Meet Date: 03/23/2019 Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Location: Wilson Co. Expo Center, 945 East Baddour Parkway, Lebanon, TN 37087 Join us for the 17th Annual Spring Thaw Bike Show & Swap Meet on March 23rd at the Wilson Co. Expo Center in Lebanon, featuring a Motorcycle Show open to All types of bikes with $1,000 for Best of Show, a huge Swap Meet with new and used accessories and parts for motorcycle and rider, bikes for sale, leathers, apparel, memorabilia, vintage stuff and much more! FMI: Tommy “Scooter” Williams (615) 364-1828 or Bobarosa Saloon Flood Relief Run Date: 03/23/2019 Location: 10 Departure Points Ends at: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E., Del Rio, TN 37727 Bobarosa Saloon suffered a devastating loss right before the new year as the French Broad River swelled, overcame the shoreline barricades and flooded the entire property causing significant damage inside the bar as well as structures outside the bar. Bobarosa needs our help with major repairs so please join us and the local riding community Saturday, March 23rd for a Flood Relief Ride. There will be a total of 10 departure points leaving at various times from noon to 1pm. $10 per Rider, lunch provided (Cash Only). Please see flyer inside this issue for more details as well as departure points and times. Rain Date: Saturday, March 30th. Note: Brotherhood Leathers is offering all Riders 10% Off your Entire Purchase and First Responders 15% Off. Dakota’s Pub of the South will be offering Breakfast Specials with all Proceeds going towards the Flood Relief Fund. Smoky Mountain H-D Ladies Garage Party Date: 03/23/2019 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Grab some girlfriends and join us from 6p-9p at The Shed for an evening of Fun, Food, and Bikes. Must RSVP by March 15th, please call (865) 977-1669 x1359 or Nirvana Roadhouse Game Night Date: 03/29/2019 Time: 9:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Nirvana’s Game night is filled with every


kind of adult game from Sexy Cards Against Humanity to Charades. Hosted by local bookstore owner renowned for hosting games at Nashville’s Anime Convention, it gets crazy out here!! Come on out and get in on this fun night filled with laughs, great food, cold beer, and the nicest people around. Corn Pone Tavern Benefit Ride for Danny Kiser Date: 03/30/2019 Time: 11:30 AM Location: Corn Pone Tavern, Let’s show Danny Kiser some love! Danny Kiser was in a real bad bike wreck on Nov. 18th, 2018. He can’t work and needs some help from his biker family, so let’s show Mr. Kiser some love. All donations will be sent to his wife Kellie Ray. KSU at 12:30 pm, be at the bar at 11:30 am.

B.W.C. MudBug Poker Run Date: 03/30/2019 Time: 1:00 PM Location: B.W.C. Clubhouse, 201 New Providence Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37042 Join us for the 2nd Annual B.W.C. MudBug Poker Run Saturday, Mar. 30th! Registration @ 1:00 PM at the B.W.C. Clubhouse. 1st bike out at 2pm and last bike in at 6pm. You get the stops with your Poker Hand. $15 per rider or $25 a couple for 1st hand, $5 per extra hand. $1 per extra card, up to 2 cards. After the Poker Run join us for a Cajun Feast and Live Music. Open to the Public. All proceeds go to B.W.C. Children Charities. Nirvana Roadhouse Womanless Beauty Pageant Date: 03/30/2019 Time: 9:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Crazy fun! See guys dressed like gals in this silliest fundraiser ever! Talent, Evening Gown and Swimsuit Competitions, just like the real pageants but beards and hairy legs prevail! Come on out and support this worthy cause for the Giles County Humane Society. Help us pick the loveliest lady in the land… Man lady that is!! Steel Witness Annual Bike Blessing Date: 04/06/2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: HDP Motorcycle Shop, 14346 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory, TN 37138 CMA Chapter Steel Witness Annual Bike Blessing is at HDP Motorcycle Consignment Shop in Old Hickory, TN. All riders and bikes are welcome. Please stop by and hang out with us and have your bike blessed!




Bristol Motor Speedway Spring Concert Date: 04/06/2019 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Holston River Brewing Company, 2623 Volunteer Pkwy, Bristol, TN 37620 Join the famous Holston River Brewing Company for our Spring Race Concert! See Vegas McGraw take the stage right next to Bristol Motorspeedway! Yes, this is THE venue where Thunder Mountain Bike Rally was held! Yes, THE same stage and campground where Michael Ballard and Jackyl performed last October! Enjoy our drink/food specials and our wide selection of home craft brews on tap. The campground will be open! Totally biker friendly access and accommodations!! Open House & Blessing of the Bikes Date: 04/13/2019 Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Location: Powell Community Center, 1708 W. Emory Rd., Powell TN 37849 Please join Rolling Thunder TN 3 for this year’s Open House and Blessing of the Bikes for the 2019 riding season. Refreshments and door prizes. All riders welcome! Bike Blessing to be conducted by Chaplain Ann Wolf. Stop in and say hello. We hope to see you there. B.W.C. Blessing of the Bikes Date: 04/14/2019 Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Location: B.W.C. Clubhouse, 201 New Providence Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37042 Join us Sunday, April 14th for a Great Message, Live Music and Bike/Rider Blessings will be available. Bike Nights on Beale Date: 04/17/2019 Time: 6:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Beale Street Historic District, 203 Beale St., Memphis, TN 38103 Thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts descend on Downtown every Wednesday night to be able to park on the most iconic street in America! It’s all about bragging rights and strutting your stuff with amazing motorcycles of every shape, size, brand and year. Come on down to this family friendly event and don’t forget your camera! High on the Hog Poker Run Date: 04/20/2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Citizens Pavilion, 1561 Phillip Fulmer Pkwy, Winchester, TN 37398 Best Hand/Worst Hand Poker Run followed with BBQ, 50/50, Door Prizes and More.


Cornerstone Riders 9th Annual Blessing Of The Bikes Date: 04/20/2019 Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: Barfield Cresent Park, 697 Veterans Parkway, Pavilion #7, Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Join the Cornerstone Riders Chapter of the Christian Motorcycle Association for our annual bike blessing. All bikes welcome! Mission Force Presents: Music, Moonshine and Motorcycle Build & Bike Giveaway Date: 04/20/2019 Time: 4:00 PM Location: Harley-Davidson of Cool Springs, 7128 South Springs Dr., Franklin, TN 37067 Win a custom 2018 Harley-Davidson Lowrider designed by Yelawolf, built by Harley-Davidson of Cool Springs! Your participation in the Harley-Davidson raffle will support Mission Force’s efforts to provide Transition Assistance, Emergency Crisis Support, and Marriage and Family Development to our service men and women. Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased on-line at and in person. For more info about Mission Force, visit 2019 Smoky Mountain Cannonball Run Date: 04/27/2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 We have an all new map layout this year. Zones to level the playing field, more ways to win, and more fun than ever before! 7 hours, 420 minutes, 90 incredible check points! Teams must be at least two motorcycles. Register just yourself or your whole team at once. T-Shirt Pre-orders available as well, please designate your size in the notes/comments field! This year, you Have To Pre-Register in order to be eligible for raffle items! Big G Express St. Jude Charity Ride Date: 05/11/2019 Time: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: Big G Express, 193 Aldi Blvd., Mt Juliet, TN 37122 Join the Big G Express St. Jude Charity Ride. Door prizes, auction and more. $20 per bike. Ride heads out to Jim Oliver’s Smoke House in Monteagle, TN. Lunch not provided. Thundering Indians Thru the Smoky’s Date: 05/19/2019 – 05/24/2019 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Pigeon Forge, TN Join the group for our annual Spring ride in the Great Smoky Mountains! Many great local rides (The Dragon, Blue Ridge Parkway, Foothills Parkway and others). Great shopping, food and nighttime entertainment. Fantastic overnight rates for the week! All rides/riders welcome.

Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride XIX Date: 05/26/2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Ave, Sevierville, TN 37862 May 26th motorcyclists will once again gather in downtown Sevierville at the Sevier County Courthouse. The reason is to pay Tribute to all Fallen Military. Opening ceremony begins at 10:00 AM at the Courthouse, Kickstands up at 11:00 AM. Police escorted 65 mile ride to Veteran’s Overlook on top of Clinch Mountain. Closing ceremony begins around 12:30 PM. This is a Free Ride, No Fees. No Side by Sides or ATV’S. FMI: Ron Giddis (865) 453-6532. 7th Annual Bad Habit Biker Bash Date: 05/31/2019 – 06/02/2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Barb’s Place, 1027 Rose Hill Rd, Pulaski, TN 38478 Tickets are $30 in advance or $40 @ gate for the weekend, includes entry and camping. No extra fees for trucks, trailers, campers etc. Day passes will be available at the gate for $20 per day. Limited electric and water hook ups available. Gates open 10 a.m. on May 31st. Live music Friday & Saturday. Vendors and Food concessions, plus full food menu in bar, Bike show, Bike games and more entertainment, Door prizes, raffles, giveaways and contests, burnout pit, stripper poles, horse shoe pits. Vendor fee is only $50, includes 2 weekend passes. For more info look us up on Facebook. American Rebel Bike Week 2019 Date: 06/28/2019 – 07/07/2019 Location: American Rebel Bike Park Park, 3301 Natural Bridge Rd, Waynesboro, TN 38485 A ten-day event in the hill country of middle Tennessee with Concerts, Biker Games, Contests, Great Camping, Vendors and Lots More, Plus the riding in this area to die for! EVENT LISTINGS ARE FREE!! Increase your attendance by posting your event in Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee! All Advertised Events in our Magazine will have their event posted on the Centerfold Calendar (when admissible) and your Event will be Highlighted on the Thunder Roads® Events page of the Magazine. Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee, Your Tennessee Biker Connection (Call about our Special Discounts for Charity Events). To get your event listed in Thunder Roads® Magazine and on our website, submit the information on the Event Form on our website. Event information must be submitted prior to the 10th of the month preceding the event month to be posted in the magazine. Remember to call ahead before planning to attend any event as the information/ dates may change. Thunder Roads® is NOT responsible for errors or omissions. March 2019



2 Pkgs. of your fave type of sausage; Kielbasa, Bratwurst, Andouille, Chorizo, Pepperoni.... cut into rounds and a medium thickness 1 Large head of Cabbage; cleaned, cored & cut into 2 inch square pieces 1 Medium Sweet Onion; large chop sized 1 Green Pepper; julienne cut (super thin slices, then cut longer ones in half 1 Yellow Pepper; julienne cut 1 Red Pepper; julienne cut 2 Cans of Sliced White Potatoes; drained Get a skillet that’s not only big, but has high sides. Melt a Tbls. of quality margarine in the skillet on medium-high heat, toss in all your veggies except sliced potatoes& cabbage, and get a decent sear on them. Remove to a paper plate and add a tad more margarine and brown your sausage up, use a slotted spoon and remove to a paper plate, add a tad more margarine and add your cabbage squares. Keep it moving around until you see the edges browned and some caramelization on the lettuce squares. Turn heat to low and add back in your peppers & onions & sausage. Very gently toss all to mix together; salt & pepper to taste and add a couple shakes of garlic powder and celery powder and smoked paprika if you like the taste (yum) Add a hefty dollop of butter, very gently add in the completely drained sliced potatoes (these just need to heat thru). Shake the handle of the skillet to just move the contents around a bit without using a utensil that might crush potatoes. Once heated thru, serve to plate and just eat by as is, or over top of egg noodles, mashed taters or flavored brown rice. I have made this so many times cause’ it’s so dang flavorful and super easy. Sticks to your bones, too.

1 Large Can or 2 regular size cans of your Fave Canned Fruit; Peaches, Apples, Cherries, Pineapple, Pears, Blackberries, Blueberries, Mandarin Oranges, Pink Grapefruit, Mango, you catch my drift... Preheat oven to 375 degrees, spray butter grease a glass or pyrex 8 x 8 baking dish. You’ll need handy: 1 Cup of Bisquick mix 1 Cup of Whole Milk 1/2 tsp. Nutmeg 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon 1/2 Cup of Melted Butter 1 Cup of Sugar (only use 1/2 cup if don’t want a case of the ‘too sweet-ass’). In your greased baking dish stir in your Bisquick mix, milk, nutmeg & cinnamon until thoroughly mixed. Stir in melted butter. In a medium mixing bowl stir up your choice of canned fruit & the sugar. Gently spoon all over the top of the cobbler crust mix; distribute evenly. Bake for 45 mins. or until crust is golden brown enough for your preference. Spoon into dessert bowls straight from the oven, top w/ quality vanilla ice-cream. Ewwweee! baby, dis is da’ bomb! Slurp Up.


March 2019

HAPPY 20th YEAR ANNIVERSARY THUNDER ROADS K.I.S.S. PAGE K.I.S.S. KOOKIE KOCKTAIL 1 Shot of Dark Rum in a Tall Glass 1 Shot of Coconut Water 1 Shot of Apple Juice 1/2 Shot of Pineapple Juice 1 Shot of Brandy Shake Shake Shake..... Serve over shaved ice, hold up high and yell out as loud as you can..... ‘HERE’S TO THUNDER ROADS & THE BIKERS THEY LOVE.’ Which, by the way, is every single one of you. Thank you for 20 years of cooking with y’all. MaMa Thunder


CLUBS Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs of the The Great State of Tennessee

Board of Directors

State Chairman: Tommy 1% AOA State Vice Chairman: Tanker 1% AOA State Secretary: Fixer New Attitudes MC State Treas.: Jodie Confedrate Drifters MC State Chaplin: Rick Sons of God MC State COC Website: Email

TENNESSEE COC TENNESSE ICOB Members Members 2017 2017 4-Way In MC

Secret City MC

Crossroad Riders MM


Soldiers For Jesus MC

Bikers Against Child Abuse

American Steel MC

Sons of God MC

Knights of Thunder

Bikers for Christ M/M

Southern Iron MC


Black Pistons MC

Southern Sons MC

Lost Legion

Bond Slaves MC

Southern Souls MC

His Laboring Few MM

Boozefighters MC

Styker MC

United Warriors

Brothers of the Wheel MC Tri-Cities MC

Jesus & Friends

Cohorts MC


True Sons MC

Confederate Drifters MC Twisted Sicles MC

Forbidden Shields

Confederates MC

U.S. Military Vets MC

Hardcore Discisples

Copperhead MC

Unforgotten MC

Rising Saints

Covenant Confirmers MC Vendettas MC

Good Fellas RC


Veterans of Vietman MC

Silent Order MC

Fire and Iron MC

Vietnam Vets/Legacy Vet MC Land of Brothers RC

Freedom Riders MC

Wind and Fire MC

Iron Eagle Disciples

Grim Reapers MC

Widowmakers MC

Keepers of the Gate

Highlanders MC

Zombie Machine Cult MC

Southern Breed

Iron Riders MC

Southern Ramblers

Keltics MC

Riders for Others Leathernecks

Confederation MC

Reboot Riders

Leathernecks MC

Spirit Hill RC

Lost Cause MC

Silent Creed RC

Marines MC

Cappy's Regulators

Misfilts MC

Confederate Warriors

Mountain Rebels MC

Blue & Gray Brotherhood

My Brother's Keeper MC

O.H. Choppers Brotherhood

New Attitudes MC

American Patriot Vanguard

Nightriders MC

Eternal Riders MM

Outlaws MC

Kindred Crusaders RC

Peaceful Few MC

Sons of Liberty Riders RC

Peacemakers MC

Brotherhood of Belivers

Road Warriors MC

Dixie Iron

Saints MC

Midnight Sin

The Priesthood MM

ORGANIZATIONS BACA Volunteer State Chapter-Lebanon, TN (865-951-4224) E Volunteer State Chapter-Vonore, TN (615-715-5039) BIKERS WHO CARE Bikers Who Care is a organization of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to supporting The Dream Factory of Clarksville, TN by sponsoring Camp Rainbow, a summer camp for seriously ill children BLUE KNIGHTS The BLUE KNIGHTS® is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men & women who enjoy riding motorcycles. CMT/ABATE CMT/ABATE, Inc. is not a •Biker Club”, but a nonprofit, political organization that was formed to preserve feedom and safety for all Tennesseans who enjoy motorcycling. Our major goals are to modify existing laws that are detrimental to motorcycle safety and enjoyment, and to enact new legislation in support of motorcyclists who ride in Tennessee. If you are concerned about preserving personal freedom and motorcycle safety, we urge you to join. Local charters play a major rote in making CMT/ABATE, Inc. an effective organization by contacting their area legislators to inform them of how the local membership feels about issues affecting motorcyclists. 242 West Main St. #195, Hendersonville, TN 37075 Ph: 615-566-9936 Email: MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS FOUNDATION OF TENNESSEE WWW.MAFT.US MAFT is a non-profit 501-C-3 tax-exempt organization. We believe that educating the public to have the proper respect for motorcyclists as well other highway users will reduce accidents and deaths on our highways. We hope to reduce motorcycle accidents caused by inattentive drivers resulting in avoidable right of way collisions. Our Campaign Save A Life program is teaching new drivers in our High Schools awareness and defensive techniques to avoid these accidents. MAFT honors the survivors, the lost and the families of these accident victims at a Vigil each autumn. = Awareness, Respect and Education MAFTINFO@AOL.COM 615-799-8600

March 2019

MOTOR MAIDS, INC. A diverse group of women motorcyclists united through a passion for riding while fostering a positive image and promoting safe riding skills. PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS If you have any questions, please feel free to contact PGR State Captain Annette (Dreamcatcher)  615-974-3046 ROAD WARRIORS RIDING CLUB, TICB ROLLING THUNDER TENNESSEE Rolling Thunder®, Inc.’s major function is to publicize the POW-MlA issue. To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars. To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action. We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars! ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 1 TN Pres. Jay Barnes, Murfreesboro 615-364-1029, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 2 TN Pres. Gerri Tramel , Soddy-Daisy 423-843-1061 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 3 TN Pres. Clay Tumlin, Knoxville 865-457-4507

Revelators Motorcycle Ministries Bristol TN Meeting and ride 1st Sat each month @ Burger king on west state st @ 830 am more info frank@ 423-963-5850 chaplin john @423-323-8812   Road Riders for Jesus Ministries Road Riders For Jesus is an independent, Christian faith based, motorcycle ministry that began in 1999 near St. Louis, MO. We now have over 4,000 members world-wide. To find a local chapter, call Mike at 615-828-6446 or go to the national website at Also check us out on Facebook! Confederate Sons Association Cookeville, Tennessee see our web site for more info or e-mail Mercy Hands Street Ministries P.O. Box 1515 Dickson, TN 37056 931-670-2351 Hog Heaven Ministries Harley Riders for Jesus Vic Richardson 931-729-1091 GOLD WING TOURING ASSN. CHAPTER HARPETH VALLEY RIDERS Contact Damy & Joyce Emter, Chapter Directors Phone: 615-244-1456 e:

ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 4 TN Pres. Alan Sipe, Johnson City 423-329-3152,

American Legion Riders (Post 95, Eastridge,TN) Open to American Legion Members and Associates. We participate in parades, ceremonies, and promote motorcycle safety. We also provide a social atmosphere for Legion members who share the same interests. Join us for Fun, friendship and interesting motorcycle rides.

ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. Rolling Thunder Chapter 6 Pres. Jim Phelps, Gleason 731-514-0733, Sons of Liberty Riders RC, TCIB Pres. Randy Elser Madisonville 423-536-8035

Black Sheep Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ is more than just a motorcycle club. It’s a motorcycle ministry of men and women that ride for Jesus: helping and serving H.O.G. members and chapters across the country. For more information contact Jeff Pierce 615.653.5065 or visit our web site:

T.H.R.C.A. The Tennessee Honda Riders Club Kerbela Motor Corps Donnie Anderson 865-806-2097

Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministries Chattanooga, TN. Meeting and ride 3rd Sat each month @ City Cafe on corner Lee Hwy and Bonny Oaks @ 11:00 AM more info Johnny @ 423 605 5026 ,

TN VALLEY RIDERS Fayettevilte,TN Web page: Doesn’t matter what you ride or who you are everyone welcome. No dues, Fun Riding Group helping those in need. For more info   GWRRA We are the world’s largest single-marque social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wing & Valkyrie motorcycles and, some would say, the world’s largest family. Dedicated to our motto, Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge, GWRRA members enjoy the freedom of belonging to a not-for-profit, non-reigious and non-political organization. MID SOUTH RIDERS Meetings held the 2nd Sunday of the month @ Shady Rest Biker Bar,Timbte,TN MUSIC CITY AMCA Music City Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America ​ ASSOCIATIONS VFW Post 5266 Morristown, TN Riders Association Open to all active duty, reservists, guards, and retired military members who are eligible to join the VFW. We meet at 11AM the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Morristown VFW Post 5266. We are a Veteran driven Association, that supports the surrounding areas Veterans. We also support locally “The Daily Bread and Food On Foot.” Contact Michael Jacobs, President VFW Riders Association @ 423312-6220 or on FaceBook @ VFW Riders Morristown, TN Christian Motorcyclists Association Organized in 1975 for the purpose of reaching the motorcycle world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The only requirement for becoming a member of CMA is that you be a Christian. For more info contact the TN State Coordinator, JW Allgood, 615-830-3183 or TENNESSEE CHAPTERS Athens/Trinity Warriors #994 Kingsport/Rays of the Son #199 Chattanooga/Choo-Choo Wheels Knoxville/Inspiration Riders #64 of Worship #204 McMinnville/Holy Spirit Clarksville/Prayerborne Reigns #887 Eagles #467 Memphis/Wheels of Grace #710 Cleveland/Gatekeeper #615 Morristown/Lakeway Warriors #999 Columbia/Knights for Christ #448 Murfreesboro/Cornerstone Cookeville/Blood Bought Riders #940 Bikers #614 Mt. Juliet/Steel Witness #1205 Covington/Ransomed Riders #898 Nashville/Lions of Judah #405 Crossville/Cumberland Cruisers Paris/West TN Cruisers for Christ #802 for Christ #1002 Cumberland Gap/Clinton Pulaski/Redemption Riders #1100 Forming Chapter #2508 Springfield/ Bikers of Grace Dover/Iron Horse Revelators #1210 Forming Chapter #2738 Dyersburg/Dyersburg Tullahoma/Outriders for Christ #616 Disciples #978 Union City/Reelfoot Light Jackson/Steelhorse Prophets #709 Riders #897 Jonesborough/Fellowship of the Unashamed #1208

The Biker Church Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club Contact: Grang Chapter Secretary @ e-mail: or Past President: Free Bird @ Southern Cruisers #435 Beech River #273 Bristol #034 Chatanooga #058 Clarksville #410 Copperhill #323 Covington #285 Crossroads #320 Cumberland Gap #423 Eagle Bluff

#211 Golden Circle #250 Greenville #282 Highland Rim #000 Memphis #006 Middle #059 Montgomery Bell #077 Northeast #483 Northwest #153 Shiloh

Wheels Of Faith Ministry A nondenominational organization with the purpose and goal of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through word & work, and to provide a Christian atmosphere where we gather and ride our motorcycles. www. W.O.W. Women on Wheels Cool Lady Cruisers Chattanooga, TN HOG CHAPTERS The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669 Eastern TNChapter 865-457-7893 Ghost River Chapter Collierville, TN

Mule Town Chapter 931--540-0099 Nashville Music City Chapter 615-242-6067 Northwestern 731-885-1792

Golden Circle Jackson Chapter 731-627-2288

Thunder Creek Chattanooga Chapter 423-892-4888

Middle Tennessee 615-771-7775

Tri City Chapter 423-283-0422

Murfreesboro Chapter 615-849-8025 615-242-6067

Tuckessee Clarksville Chapter (931)648-1607

The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669

Twin Lakes Morristown Chapter 423-586-5343

Memphis Chapter

Upper Cumberland Chapter 931-526-3139


#246 South Central #001 Tennessee Valley #130 Upper Cumberland #193 West Tennessee


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