Thunder Roads TN and KY March 2022

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2017 Recipient of the NCOM

Thunder Roads® Tennessee & Kentucky P.O. Box 2504, Knoxville TN 37901

Silver Spoke Award for Media





April Violet

Marcos Garza

2016 Recipient of the Thunder Roads® National Network Publisher of the Year Award

(National Coalition of Motorcyclists)



Bill Hall

Glenn Morin

Cooper Chilton

Ron Baptiste aka “Pastor Ron”

“View From the Stage”

National Photojournalist “America the Beautiful”

“Chaplain’s Corner”


Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon

1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 Ron Giddis

Merry Hancock

“Will Ride to Eat”

Layout & Design Art Director/Thunder Publishing


2 Thunder Roads® TN|KY Staff

arch, when days are getting long, let thy growing hours be strong to set right some wintry wrong.” Caroline May

early days, and this is how our March issue evolved into our “Throw Back” issue. We hope you will enjoy reading about times past as much as our team enjoyed sharing with you.

Well, Miss Caroline, the Thunder Roads® TN and KY team could not agree more.

In other exciting news, we continue to expand our footprint throughout the Tennessee and Kentucky area. Building quality relationships with new advertisers. Securing solid partnerships for the upcoming riding season along with learning more from our readers about the sort of things you want to see as we continuously seek out stories, and news for ALL motorcyclists.

Seeing as March is upon us. Most motorcyclists relate this month to Daytona Bike Week. Our team is no different. As we came together over the last several weeks to brainstorm on what the March issue would look like, we knew the famous 10 days in Florida, filled with thousands of motorcyclists, vendors, and live music had to be included. But instead of featuring the current activities of Daytona Bike Week, we wanted to take this issue back a few years. Way back. To how it all began in 1937. As our team pulled the content together, we realized that there were so many other stories we could share of the

4 On The Cover – By April Violet 7 Bullet Points – By Bill Hall 8 Kentucky’s New Black Gold – By Bill Hall

Photography Joe Scherschel

10 America the Beautiful – By Cooper Chilton

See Cover Story, pages 4 & 5


12 Chaplain’s Corner – By Pastor Ron Baptiste 16 Patches With A Purpose 18 Centerfold Calendar


Tennessee’s oldest and best-known Motorcycle Magazine can be delivered right to your door. Now through February 28th you can treat a friend or family member to a free 12-month subscription with the purchase of your own. Just fill out the information below for yourself and for whom you are gifting it to and you both can keep up with all that is going on in our local motorcycle community.


20 From The Desk of April Violet … Mz. Heelz on Wheelz 21 "UM" Did You Know? 22 Let’s Do The Time Warp 26 Namil News 28 From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way 30 Jokers Wild 32 Events 34 Biker Friendly Directory 32 Sinan The Motorcycle Squirrel

2 thunderroadsmagazinetn


MARCH 2022

Send us your thoughts to GetMoreInfo@ Thunder Roads® TN and KY Team


Design: Lone Mountain Graphic Design

3 A Message From Our Team

After all, just as the cover states, this is YOUR Motorcycle Magazine. So, we invite you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and definitely let us know if you have a story you’d like us to share.

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads® Tennessee & Kentucky P.O. Box 2504 Knoxville TN 37901

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If you would like to pay by credit card, please contact us directly at 865-381-3707 or email us at




*Please note: Thunder Roads® Tennessee and Kentucky is a free magazine and can be picked up at one of our local partner locations. Subscription costs are for the convenience of direct mail.

MARCH 2022


On the




s thousands of motorcyclists prepare to head to one of the largest motorcycle gatherings in the United States this month, we were curious…..Do you know how it all began?

Photo by Jeff Decker

Photo by Jeff Decker

prevail. Ed Kretz, better known as, Iron Man, would secure the first-ever Daytona 200 title on his Indian Scout Racer. For all you math lovers who may have noticed, this pause is why this year is the 81st Annual Bike Week and not the 85th. After the brief time out, The Daytona 200 would begin again in 1947 with a record 184 entries. The city’s hotels and campgrounds could not accommodate the increase in visitors, so the locals began renting out their homes. The early version of Airbnb you could say.

Photo by Jeff Decker

Let’s take a trip back to 1937. No, not because of the premiere of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, or the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge, but because that was the year a group of two-wheel enthusiasts would collaborate to introduce a Motorcycle Race in Daytona Florida to take place on the beach. That’s correct, ON THE BEACH! The start of The Daytona 200. Fun fact – Amid the group was a man by the name of Bill France. Name sound familiar? If you are a lover of things that go fast, it should. Turns out, Bill would go on to become the founder of Nascar. It all makes sense now. Over 15,000 fans would come together that first year, to cheer on upwards of a hundred fearless competitors’, battling to finish first on the 3.2-mile course on packed beach sand. The only asphalt was a small public road that ran alongside the beach. A variety of bikes and racers would courageously test themselves and their trusty steeds of steel as they repeated this route, 200 Photo by Jeff Decker times. Alas, only one would 4

Harley-Davidson® was not to be left out of the winner’s circle at this newly formed race, also known as, The Handlebar Derby. In both 1938 and 1939, Ben Campanole would be victorious on his HarleyDavidson® WLDR.

Over the years, the racers continued to come and so did the fans. As events taking place during the week of the race evolved, so did the race. In 1961, Bill France Sr moved the race to the Daytona International Speedway. Some believe this changed the appeal many attendees had for the race, some say it opened the door for many more racers to participate.

Daytona Bike Week continues to be one of the largest events for motorcycle enthusiasts of all genre’s. It brings an estimated 500,000 visitors over its 10 days and roughly 75 million dollars to the city’s economy. So, whether you have gone multiple times, or planning your very first trip. We hope you will take the time to stand on the beach, close your eyes, feel the rumble of the hundreds of bikes that have passed over those sands. Let the same adrenaline wash over you that the racers must have felt as they tested their strength and endurance for the 200 laps required to claim victory. We hope you will look at Daytona Bike Week a little differently now that you know, How It All Began.

April Violet

It goes without saying that you can’t have a victor emerge from such a heart-pounding race without celebrations. And celebrations there were. Dayton 200, 1937 was a success. Over the next several years, the race grew and so did the crowds. It is said that in 1939, the local fire department dowsed the wild partiers with water, in hopes to keep order. In 1942 due to World War II, the race was suspended until 1947. However, during that time, motorcycle lovers would not be kept away. They came to Daytona Beach from all over to celebrate unofficially. Which would suggest, this was how Bike Week began.

MARCH 2022

MARCH 2022




SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Sept. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), one of the nation’s oldest firearms manufacturers, announced today that it is moving its headquarters and significant elements of its operations to Maryville, Tennessee in 2023. Smith & Wesson has been based in Springfield, Massachusetts since the company was incorporated in 1852. Mark Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, said “This has been an extremely difficult and emotional decision for us, but after an exhaustive and thorough analysis, for the continued health and strength of our iconic company, we feel that we have been left with no other alternative.” He specifically cited legislation recently proposed in Massachusetts that, if enacted, would prohibit the company from manufacturing certain firearms in the state. “These bills would prevent Smith & Wesson from manufacturing firearms that are legal in almost every state in America and that are safely used by tens of millions of law-abiding citizens every day exercising their Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights, protecting themselves and their families, and enjoying the shooting sports. While we are hopeful that this arbitrary and damaging legislation will be defeated in this session, these products made up over 60% of our revenue last year, and the unfortunate likelihood that such restrictions would be raised again led to a review of the best path

forward for Smith & Wesson.” Smith indicated that the company vetted a number of cities and states and, after careful consideration, made the decision to relocate 750 jobs and its headquarters to Maryville, Tennessee. The key factors in the decision included the following: • Support for the 2nd Amendment • Business friendly environment • Quality of life for employees • Cost of living and affordability • Access to higher education institutions • Availability of qualified labor for its operations and headquarter functions • Favorable location for efficiency of distribution Smith continued, “The strong support we have received from the State of Tennessee and the entire leadership of Blount County throughout this process, combined with the quality of life, outdoor lifestyle, and low cost of living in the Greater Knoxville area has left no doubt that Tennessee is the ideal location for Smith & Wesson’s new headquarters. We would like to specifically thank Governor Lee for his decisive contributions and the entire state legislature for their unwavering support of the 2nd Amendment and for creating a welcoming, business friendly environment.”

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Thunder Roads® Magazine Owners/Publishers. Any content provided by our authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to malign any religion, ethic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.

MARCH 2022




f you have spent any amount of time riding in Tennessee, particularly east Tennessee, you know what I am about to tell you is true-we have some of the best riding roads in the country and riders from afar plan trips to our backyard. You will also agree that some of our favorite rides can get packed with both riders and drivers. A dichotomy of success, really.

electricity and the development of technology that created the means necessary for communities to thrive that otherwise would not have been possible. And that was all due to mining coal. From 2008 to 2019, the coal industry in Eastern Kentucky shed 11,787 jobs equating to a drastic 79% decrease in generational employment. For decades, the mining industry was alive and well and then slowly one by one, the shanty towns turned holler Oasis’ closed. Leaving behind dreams, lives, and a stagnant economy. Those that could fled.

Our region has enjoyed a significant motorsports economic boom without much organization. I say that because there is no governing organization that promotes the boom. No concerted effort from the State or communities on a regional scale. A kind of build it and they will come, but in this case, it’s here already so ride and drive it. Aside from county Chambers of Commerce and their isolated advertising, our region really has developed its motorsport tourism industry organically. After spending a few days in Kentucky last month, I can tell you what’s going on there is just the opposite. Kentucky is what East Tennessee was twenty years ago. Thousands of miles of some of the best back road riding you’ll ever experience. And in most cases, you’ll be able to count the number of other riders without using a calculator. It’s fresh, new and has State agencies and local communities joining forces to promote their new black gold-pavement. A quick historical snapshot of the greater Appalachian region (Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia) reflects that it was Americas first Silicone Valley. There is a lot of truth to that. Part of the Industrial Revolution in this country, a large part mind you, was energy production. Energy meant 8

Kentucky Congressman, Hal Rogers, a noted political icon, recognized the opportunity to put Kentucky’s part of Appalachia back on the map. And in a way that has never been done before. In 2013, a working group spearheaded by Congressman Rogers office, gathered community representatives, economic development leaders, media coordinators, small business investors, educators and representatives from the Governor’s office and convened to develop a strategic recovery plan. As a result, a single organization, coordinating a unified effort in 54 counties covering an area of

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fourteen thousand square miles - Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) was born. Its mission promote, deliver, and secure economic sustainability to Kentucky’s forgotten coal mining communities. With over 60 billion dollars of tourism money at stake, SOAR realized that they needed to first, create an attractive tourism industry. And Secondly, make the region viable again by implementing programs to transform the region; broad band expansion so that people have access to high-speed internet for business building and educational requirements, fostering a 21st Century Workforce (job programs and developmental training for trade skills as well as nursing and high-tech industry applications), and my favorite, developing a second to none tourism and downtown revitalization blueprint that includes a robust motorsports tourism component. This year, according to SOAR’s Executive Director, Colby Hall, their initiative is well on its way to achieving critical mass-sustainability. In addition to the community building SOAR has undertaken, in 2019, a subsidiary of SOAR, Backroads Of Appalachia, went to work on developing and promoting the motorsports tourism portion of the revitalization program. What Mr. Peabody’s coal train didn’t take away is exactly what is creating the current boom. The rusting hulks of towering coal elevators, MARCH 2022

train tracks leading into a mountainside abyss, rail cars left to weather, an occasional piece of horse drawn equipment and most importantly, the relics of civilizationhomes, machine shops and the company store that had a life of their own is the picker style, sweaty, rugged and virtually untouched slice of Americana that Eastern Kentucky offers. To attract new riders, Backroads has established several hundred miles of dedicated routes, trails they’re called locally. The Slingshot, Farmers Fury, To The Holler, Freedom Ridge, Revenue Runner and The Appalachian Autobahn from Cumberland City, over to Lynch, up to Louisa and Ashland, KY are now a Holy Grail of sorts for those who are looking for that road less traveled. To be clear, this incredible riding is as equally accessible from the Nashville area as it is from East TN. In fact, in the same amount of time it takes to get to The Dragon from Knoxville, a rider can find themselves in Williamsburg, KY at the start of Copperhead Trail. And from Nashville, roughly two hours northeast, puts one smack on The Rattlesnake and at the doorstep of the rest of the BOA system. For more information on the fantastic riding and to learn more about this exciting on-going process Eastern Kentucky, visit: soar-ky-org and




he Nav-A-Gator is a biker-friendly bar and grill located at 9700 SW Riverview Circle, Arcadia FL (out Kings Hwy from Port Charlotte). There are games to play and bands to enjoy, plus good food, including gator bites, conch fritters, shrimp, fish, steaks, and sandwiches, plus an array of cold adult beverages. There is also, a full-service marina. It is located in the Peace River Reserve. After a great meal, it is a good time to enjoy nature on the river. Airboats and kayak tours are available, as well as my favorite, a quiet and leisurely cruise on the Calusa Queen, with Captain Trey. This pontoon boat cruises along the Peace River, exploring the wildlife and history of the area. Long after a hurricane in the area, you will usually find the wrecks of boats, which sought sanctuary in this quiet area, only to have the storm follow them. There are the remnants of a prior settlement related to phosphate mining, and some rather huge modern homes along the way. Captain Trey knows the area very well and besides telling historical facts, he can maneuver close to the abundant wildlife. The Peace River is a freshwater river flowing 106 miles into the Charlotte Harbor, in southwest Florida. As it is a shallow, slow-flowing river, it attracted wildlife in the distant past, as it does today. Therefore, fossils are abundant, especially sharks teeth, including the much-coveted (and HUGE) Megalodon teeth. Nav-A-Gator has a fossil museum and can tell you where it is best to search. In addition, fossils of Mammoths, Dire Wolves, Glyptodonts, Horses, and Giant Ground Sloths, are found. Bear in mind, sharks’ teeth are fair game, but searching for animal fossils requires a $5 fossil permit, from the state. The nearby Venice Beach is known as the “Shark Tooth Capital of the World” and I can vouch for the teeth just lying on the surface of the sand. Besides, the ladies will love shopping in this beautiful little town.


Back to the Calusa Queen, if you see me onboard, watch out! This is one of my nearly blind, 103year old, mother-in-law’s favorite activities when we come down. Captain Trey occasionally lets her drive! Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper

MARCH 2022

MARCH 2022


CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. & affiliates.

Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Covenant Confirmers Ministries; a “Certified Recovery Congregation” Founder of TN. Biker Medical Clinic Inc. Messages Available on Podbean Live You Tube


Christians today find themselves in the same “Transition” that the Prophet Samuel was in. Samuel was torn between the past and the future, between what was and what will be, between the past king Saul and the future king David. Christians have had some really hard times since 2020 when the pandemic hit, there has been over 25,000 churches close their doors, the economy has fallen and the cost of living has skyrocketed, crime is out of control, and covid has killed too many of our loved ones and close friends. In my prayer time; God told me recently concerning the New Year; “don’t drag 2021 past into the 2022 future.” King Saul had disobeyed God several times and God was through him as king, so God told the Prophet Samuel to deliver this message to Saul; “You’re fired!” When God revealed this message to Samuel; “he cried all night unto God.” Then God ask Samuel; “How long will thou mourn for Saul seeing that I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? God gets upset with us when we try to maintain something that He wants us to get rid of. God keeps getting rid of things that harm us, but we keep bringing them back. God is asking us the same question today; “How long” will you hurt, be bitter, be depressed, and be stuck in the past? God said; “I have rejected him from reigning over you.” What use to control you last year will control you no more? God has “rejected” your past addictions and fears from reigning over you!” God has done His part, but we also have our part in this. 1 Sam.16: 4 “And Samuel did that which the Lord spoke.’ Like Samuel, we must do what God has ask us to do, not what we want to do. What is it that “God has rejected in your life that you still mourn over?” That you still try to maintain? God sent the Prophet Samuel to Jesse’ house to anoint the new king but Samuel replies; “If Saul hears it, he will kill me.” Here is the big question; if God has rejected Saul as king, what is Saul doing still on the throne? We may be asking God for healing, deliverance or prosperity, and not see a thing, but know that God’s 12

Word is true, you may not see the manifestation of it today, but stick around, you will. In the prison system, if a man is on death-row, he is often called “Deadman Walking.” He is sentence to die at a later time, but is alive for the time being. God told Adam & Eve; Gen. 2:17 “The day you eat of this tree, thou shall surely die.” They both ate of that tree but didn’t die instantly. Mark 11:14 “Jesus cursed a fig tree to die,” nothing happened until the next day when the disciples noticed it had died from the roots up. The day you cut a rose from its bush, it is dead, it may blossom for a few days, it may look and smell alive, but it is dead. God told Samuel to “fill your horn with oil and go.” If you are filled with the Word of God, you’ll be filled with the Spirit of God and there will be no room for the outside world to lead you astray, then you should “GO!” Now you’re ready to handle “what will be 2022 in the face of what was 2021. Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up.

Go wherever the road takes you. Whether you were born half-man, half-motorcycle or just born to ride, there’s America’s #1 motorcycle insurer.

To be found faithful, Pastor Ron

MARCH 2022




Fire and Iron Firefighter’s M.C. is made up of Firefighters and others associated with fire service. Each member is either an Active Full-Time/ Career, Paid-On-Call, or Volunteer member of the Fire Service community. In addition to Firefighters, we welcome Dispatchers, Inspectors and Mechanics, who work in direct relation to fire service. Members of our club not only share a passion for protecting the lives of the citizens in their communities, but we share a love for each other and the open road. Fire and Iron Firefighter’s M.C. is a Neutral Club, that claims no territory, and who rides in respect of all other clubs and expects the same in return. The Club has numerous “stations” not chapters, throughout the United States and Germany.


Chapter 18-12

Who We Are

We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Based in Morristown, TN, we are a growing Chapter serving Veterans throughout the region.

Why We Do What We Do

As a registered 501(c) (3) veterans’ charity, our mission is to support and protect those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to provide assistance and help to individual veterans, veteran care facilities, other veteran organizations, and registered charities.

Our Community Service

We sponsor and participate in many veteran-related motorcycle (and other) charity events each year, and as a non-profit organization, donate to various veteran causes. Through a community assessment, we established a broad-based outreach program that focused on delivering physical needs (wheelchair accessibility at homes and scooters), mental heatlh support and sustenance all the while ensuring we serve our community with dignity and respect. Realizing that some of our Veterans needed supplemental food, we partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank® to host a mobile pantry for Veterans and have proudly served over 1,000 Veterans and their families. These events are held in various counties in East TN and help veterans who are immobile or otherwise unable to attend food distribution sites and proved invaluable during the pandemic. Partnering with other Veteran organizations (VFW and Patriot Guard Riders), we support and staff Flag Lines and funeral escorts for Veterans, Law Enforcement and First Responders. Our Chapter is continually active in supporting children's benefit rides and donated thousands of dollars to charities such as Smokey Mountain Children’s Home. We work closely with the organizer of Smoky Mountain Thunder and offer logistical support for its Annual Memorial Day Ride. Fostering, nurturing patriotism, and promoting service to Country, we support civic youth organizations such as Cub/Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Our Chapter is further committed to National remembrance events such as Wreaths Across America and mobilized to be a force multiplier for wreath placement at our Veterans Cemetery. For more information, please visit our website and Fb page. Salute 14

Why We Do What We Do?

We take great pride in our efforts to support various charitable organizations as well as other clubs and rides. We love to combine riding and helping our communities. As a club nationwide, we log thousands of miles yearly.

Our Community Service.

In Tennessee, we have four different Stations. Each Station chooses its own charity to support. Our station in Halls Crossroads has chosen to support the local Alzheimer’s Association. We host an Annual Benefit Ride to assist in raising much-needed funds. This year, we will hold a “Cannonball Run” style ride. The object is to stop at as many locations provided on a list, as possible in an allotted amount of time. At the end of the ride, we come together in camaraderie, enjoy a great meal and enjoy learning from one another. For more information, please visit

MARCH 2022

MARCH 2022




sn’t it about time that someone made a TV show about motorcyclists? One that is ALL about the riders in your community and their stories. Well, Biker Dad did just that. Biker Dad TV currently airs in numerous cities around the country. We are excited to include Knoxville TN and Lexington Kentucky to that list. You can catch Biker Dad TV in Knoxville, on The Knox, every Friday at 11 pm. Our Kentucky readers can catch Biker Dad TV in Lexington KY, Sunday nights on Fox 56 at 11:30 pm. This 30-minute show is full of, not only what riders are doing in neighboring cities, but will include YOU and what is happening in Tennessee and Kentucky in your motorcycle community. Be sure to tune in weekly or set your DVR! You may just end up seeing yourself or friends working to make our biker community even stronger.


Friday Nights @ 11pm

Sunday Nights@ 11:30pm MARCH 2022



"UM UM""


I have always

At the age of 16, Bessie received her first bike and taught herself not only to ride it but the ability to outride the male riders amongst her.

considered myself a brave female rider. In the past ten years, I have taken pride in that I mainly ride solo. Throttling sometimes for over 3000 miles in one trip. I found great joy in packing up my bike with the necessary camping gear, throwing my leg over my custom seat, and tuning out the woes of the everyday life of an independent woman. I looked forward to pulling off into a secluded area whenever riding fatigue set in and or my curiosity of the area won me over. Handling my camp set up on my own, setting ablaze a comforting fire, then kicking off my riding boots, settling in, and being filled with a sense of accomplishment. In my own way, I thought I was setting an example for other female riders who were looking for their independence upon two wheels. Then I stumbled across the story of a ‘True’ trailblazer, Bessie Stringfield, and was quickly humbled, realizing I was not even an eighth of what this courageous female rider was.

She became the first black woman to ride a motorcycle in every one of the lower 48 States. During her travels, she would find fellow African American families to stay with or slept on her bike in gas stations. Remember, African Americans were not permitted to stay in hotels during that time. Although her first bike was an Indian Scout, Bessie fell in love with Harley-Davidson. She is said to have owned 27 of them over her lifetime. Bessie made a living during her travels, impressing crowds at stunt shows, carnivals, and even the Wall of Death. She competed in Flat Track races and usually won. However only to be denied the prize money due to the fact she would enter the races disguised as a man. Once revealed, you can imagine the egos she demolished. As if all of this was not impressive enough, Bessie also became an essential asset to the United States government during World War II as a Motorcycle Dispatcher. Amid all the adventure, she managed three children and six husbands, all of which ended in divorce. While learning about this legend, I thought I could not be more impressed, and then I discovered that Bessie was known for ALWAYS doing her hair and makeup before riding, citing that it gave her confidence not just in herself but also in her riding. After discovering this, I will no longer try and explain to those who criticize me for doing the same thing.

By now, I am sure you have noticed the throwback theme to this issue. I can’t think of a more perfect legend in motorcycling to round it all out. Bessie Stringfield, born, Betsy Ellis in 1911, was orphaned at five years old, then adopted and raised by a wealthy Irish woman in Boston. Even though her adopted mother was never named, we must imagine she had no idea of the incredible accomplishments her little Bessie would grow up to achieve. This young girl grew up when just being a woman with an independent soul would prove challenging in itself. Add to it, being African American, topped off with her relentless determination to ride motorcycles. Just typing that paragraph has given me the strength never to stop breaking the glass ceiling. 20

Thank you, Bessie Stringfield, not only for proving nothing is impossible but for setting the bar for all of us women who strive to break barriers and teach our younger female generation that it truly is possible to be whatever you want no matter the obstacles. Remember….Two Wheelz * One Vizion

u KNOW? o y d i D

ennessee is ranked 6th in the Nation for uninsured motorists. 20% of Tennesseans are on the roads with NO insurance. It is estimated that 1-6 drivers in this country are riding DIRTY- (no insurance) or riding DUSTY(underinsured) YEAH, WE COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER! THIS COULD BE CATASTROPHIC FOR MOTORCYCLISTS! UM, SO LET’S TALK! See what we did there?

Uninsured Motorists (UM) and Underinsured Motorists (UIM) Insurance is an ABSOLUTE necessity for riders. You don’t think so?? Read that first paragraph AGAIN! If you want to play the odds, do it in Vegas and not on your bike! Seriously, have you ever known a motorcyclist that was hit by a driver and walked away with just whiplash? Didn’t think so. It is almost a given, that injuries sustained as a rider are going to surpass the state-mandated minimum policy of $25,000. And before you go thinking, well I’ll just sue them for my medical expenses. NEWSFLASH… If Mr. Johnny no-insurance is driving around not paying to be properly insured, putting all of us at risk. Chances are, he isn’t living in a mansion on the beach with an outrageous stock portfolio! GET WHAT WE ARE SAYING? IT’S QUITE SIMPLE! If you get hit on your bike by a driver riding dirty, or even dusty, your UM and UIM coverage will help cover medical and property expenses. SHALL WE SAY IT LOUDER FOR THOSE IN THE BACK?

In Tennessee, you are required to opt out in writing if you wish to decline UM and/or UIM coverage. DON’T SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE. So, do all of you motorcyclists reading this #understandtheassignment? CALL YOUR INSURANCE AGENT, OR A FRIEND’S AGENT, OR YOUR COUSIN’S BEST FRIENDS WIFE’S AGENT! OR GIVE INGRID A CALL. Whoever you are calling…. DO IT NOW! OH, AND ONE MORE THING… ASK EM’ TO STACK EM’ AND MAX EM’

Be sure to get the MAX possible of UM and UIM coverage. Then ask them to stack them. That’s right. You can have your uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage stacked, effectively doubling your coverage in the event of an accident. DO WE NEED TO RECAP? NO? WONDERFUL…. because at this point you should be busy making a phone call! In all seriousness. We are extremely passionate about being sure all Motorcyclists are fully aware of the importance of UM and UIM Insurance. If you ride motorcycles, do it not only for your protection but for your loved ones as well. Information courtesy of

Great Rates for the Road Ahead

Ingrid Waters ®

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April Violet

Photos Courtesy of The AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame.

MARCH 2022

MARCH 2022



s part of our March Throwback edition. It only seems fitting to include the most well-known Vintage Club in our area. The Time Warp Vintage Motorcycle Club. It all started around 2003 when a group of vintage motorcycle enthusiasts were hanging out as they normally did when a gentleman by the name of Hudson Henderson spoke up to suggest they start a club. They wanted to do more than meet up chatting about the old bikes they’ve been wrenching on. One of the attendees, Butch Sprain was elected their fearless leader. He quickly organized the group and gave them a proper name. It wasn’t difficult to come up with one, considering most of these gentlemen hung out at the iconic Time Warp Tea Room in Knoxville Tennessee. Easy enough, The Time Warp Vintage Motorcycle Club was born. The group has met regularly on Tuesday Nights for many years, sitting at their round table, discussing Club Business, counting what’s in the kitty jar, organizing vintage-themed events, rides, and just a good “Ole Fashioned’ passion for the bikes long forgotten by the new generation. At one point the group proudly had 200 members on the books, of course over the years, numbers dwindled, and attendance lessened.


However, the core group has remained strong, with a current membership roster hovering around the 70 mark. The most impressive fact is that amongst those members, it is said they have a combined total of close to 800 motorcycles and climbing. Their members are made up of a variety of riders, fabricators, builders, and painters. In fact, one member, known as Bones, had the honor of painting one of non-other than Jay Leno’s motorcycles. (He is extremely humble about it) The club holds more than a local presence. The Time Warp Vintage Motorcycle Club has been invited to bring their impressive bike collection to numerous International Bike Shows, always leaving attendees in awe. I think we can all agree that the old adage, “Some things get better with age” could not be truer in this case.

MARCH 2022

MARCH 2022






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Good Samaritan LawsSpring andis here— Bystander Assistance Spring Road Trips-

Let’s RIDE wheels/accessories/best1) Wheels Through Time Motorcycle Museum: motorcycle-saddlebags/

If you want to Maggie Valley, NC. If you have never been to this quaint see incredible mountain area of the NC Mountains, the road trip and scenic vibe is worth the trip… but here’s an added bonus for the history buffs collections of in the group. This museum offers the world’s premiere collection 1) Nelson-Rigg Sierra Dry–Great Waterproof Performance of rare American Motorcycles and memorabilia. Located just 5 classic motorcycles, miles off the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway, and housing over 300 and 2) Milwaukee Leather memorabilia Dual Pocket–Top Cruiser rare bikes, it’s no wonder Trip Advisor gives this little gem a 5.0 with 1,416 Reviews and counting! the like,Hardcase then 3) GIVI Trekker Dolomiti–Best Check out 2) National Motorcycle Museum: If you find yourself in Iowa, these three Biker 4) Kenimoto 50 Liter: Top Budget Option or just want to go there, then this little gem may be just the these Awesome Museums are just excuse you need. Sitting quietly in the little town of Anamosa, 5) Chase Harper Phoenix: Great Universal Option Iowa , this historical gem was put together by motorcycle the ticket: Biker Museums builders, racers and riders, and offers a chance to see vintage Bikes from 1903.

and Rumors continue to exist today where someone will tell you that youit’s Time to RIDE! can be held liable for a person’s injuries simply because you tried to help Here are five them. They suggest that the fact you have touched a person suddenly transfers blame for their injury to you. Road Trip Rallies:

3) Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame:

Of Course the town of Sturgis, South Dakota would offer a historic look-back opportunity, given the town’s claim to fame of The Garza Firm, PLLC hosting oneLaw of the country’s biggest Bike Rallies. As you’d expect fromW.the folksStreet, in Sturgiss, this South Dakota museum boasts 550 Main vintage and rare bikes, memorabilia, and all kinds of exhibits Suite 340, Knoxville, TN 37902 telling the story of the Strugiss Bike Rally.

Don’t let people scare you by telling you that you can be held liable for another person’s injuries by trying to help them. There are Good 1) Daytona But, of course… Thewho infamous Daytona Rally is this month!!! Samaritan laws thatBike offerWeek: legal protection to people give reasonable If you’ve always wanted to be a part of the party, here is your chance: Daytona, Florida: assistance to those who are injured, ill, in peril, or otherwise incapacitated. 10 days of Rides, Rock-n-roll, and glorious Florida sunsets! March 4-13, 2022. In general, if you were acting as a Good Samaritan and not being paid or 2) Arizona Bike Week:forAyour roadtrip Scotsdale, accepting any compensation help,toyou cannotArizona be heldmight liable be for the theperfect way to yourunless Springyou riding ! April 6-10,2022. sure to beinjury a rider’s paradise, person’sstart injuries were the person whoIt’s caused the to start with.exploring However, you Sonoran Desert and nearby mountain roads! could bethe held liable for a person’s injuries if, through gross negligence, you caused more injuries. Good3)Samaritan lawsSprint vary from state to state. TheIfinformation volunteer protection Angel City Motorcycle Rally: a trip down regarding south is what you have in mind, acts are often part of amark state’s statutes on courts or6-10, judicial remedies. Every state organizes then your calendars for April 2022 and head to Unadilla, Georgia.its statutes differently and some have a number of different codes not just one state code, which can complicate the matter. 4) Gator Harley-Davidson Bike Rally: If you’re hungry for some Florida sunshine, Our attorneys are available meet with you or organization to provide insight and specific or if Daytona’s Rally to is too wild or long foryour you,motorcycle then a trip to Leesburg, Florida, knowledge regarding the Good Samaritan laws that apply in our state. April 21-24,2022 for this Spring rally might be just what you need.

For more Rallies, go to

If you5)areRoute a road66 captain, or Fever are planning rally, contact our for office. Weonly, wantMarch you to17have Spring Rally:aIt’s an Oakie party adults 20, correct 2022, ininformation regarding your rights and responsibilities when witnessing a motorcycle accident or providing life-saving assistance to injured riders. Call our office to learn more. Depew, OK. This old school style event is a rain or shine destination but you have to be 21. Lookup Motorcycle Laws By State: If you would like more details about motorcycle laws in our state, or in an area you will be traveling to, you can go to this website:

© Copyright 2022. Premier Print Marketing. Printed in the U.S.A. The information included in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional legal advice. For your specific situation, please call the appropriate legal professional.

Did you Know?

Feeling 2022 Motorcycle Giveaway Sweepstakes LWIN ucky?A HARLEY


Enter to Win the

Feeling Lucky?

Win The Bike of Your Choice, Up To $20,000!

2019 FXDR114

Maybe you’ve got your eye on a custom-built motorcycle or a 2022 Harley; Maybe an Indian Scout. Perhaps an all-new electric bike. It’s winners’ choice, up to $20,000.00 value. You could be the WINNNER!

The National Academy of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers is giving away a sleek new 2019 Harley Davidson FXDR 114! Click Here For Your Chance To Win: Go online to register and you could be the winner of this beautiful bike. Fast on the straights. Agile on the corners. The 2022 Motorcycle It Giveaway is sponsored by will blow your senses away!!!

Here’s a little Bike Trivia… 1) Honda’s are hotter than Harleys! Insurance statistics show that in inner cities 1 in 5 bikes are stolen, and Honda is the most popular bike of choice. Apparently thieves are less likely to steel a Harley than a Honda!

ere Scan hister to reg

2) Motorcycles are about twice as fuel efficient as cars. 3) It started with a can: The first Harley motorcycle was built in 1903 and had a tomato soup can as the carburetor!

Go to to register to win! One grand prize winner will receive a 2019 Harley FXDR 114 Motorcycle, valued at over $21,000. * must be 18 or older to win, of course.

4) Most Broken Bones: Evel Knieval still holds the world record for breaking the most bones and surviving. Evel, a/k/a Robert Craig Knieval spent a total of 3 years in the hospital during his illustrious career. 5) When rounding corners, 75% of a bike’s grip comes from the front tires!

the National Academy of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers. 24 PPM_PILMMA_Mar2022News.indd 1

For more Biker trivia, go to Happiness isn't motorcycle-fun-facts.asp around the corner, Happiness IS the corner.

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Tips for Your Next Road Trip: Here are a few ways to save time and stress in your next adventure: 1) Avoid the rush hour crowds at restaurants by planning to make your meal stops before or after 8 am, 12 noon and 6 pm. 2) Attach a spare bike key to your bike using a zip tie or duct tape. 3) Avoid time lost in Urban traffic by riding to the far side of the next city before calling it a day. That way you’ll have a quicker and easier exit as you head to your next location. 4) Backpack Hydration: Carry a backpack water system. It will save time stopping for water, and keep you hydrated while you ride. 5) Call ahead or go online to book rooms, since the rates are often cheaper than walk-in rates. 6) Rain happens—Choose hard-case saddlebags over cloth for water protection . If you must use fabric, then wrap delicate essentials in sealed plastic bags.

Your Legal Guide To

Motorcycle Injury Compensation This insider’s guide explains how motorcyclists can maximize claims after an accident and avoid expensive mistakes, that could devalue their case and cost them tens of thousands of dollars or more. Readers will learn the answers to 11 questions that injured bikers need to ask before they sign any settlement documents with an insurance company. Read this important legal guide BEFORE you are involved in an accident!





MARCH 2022

3:45 PM

MARCH 2022



elcome to our first combined column. In it you’ll find a few important and timely resources presented in bullet fashion with links. All meant to provide you with information that you might not be aware of otherwise.

 Taxes. Yes, it’s that time of year again. Through AARP, Tax Aide is a free tax service for taxpayers 50 and over. No, one doesn’t have to be an AARP member and a few restrictions apply. Visit them at:  Extended New Presumptive conditions related to exposure to hazardous materials. This is an on-going VA claim process that addresses potential exposure to Agent Orange, Asbestos, Gulf War Illness Burn Pits and so forth. For more info go to: Exposure To Hazardous Chemicals And Materials | Veterans Affairs (va. gov)  For Kentucky and Tennessee specific Veterans Resources visit them at: and veteran/

Mountain Man Memorial March Honor Through Action The 15th Annual Mountain Man Memorial March is back on for this year, 22-23 April 2022. The event is to honor the memory of 1LT Frank Walkup, a 2005 University of Tennessee graduate and ROTC alum. Walkup was killed in action in Iraq when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. Friends of Walkup, after learning about his death, wanted to honor his sacrifice and that of his family and the Mountain Man Memorial March was born. Now the march is a joint memorial including Gold Star Families. Gatlinburg, TN has hosted the event for more than a dozen years now and at one point had 800 marchers/ runners from civilian members to military units from across the country.


After a virtual march last year due to Covid, the inperson march is back on and registrations so far are promising that this year’s event could be a record setter. The march has four disciplines. Each segment consists of a 26.2 full marathon, a 13.1 half marathon a 10Km and a 5Km run. The march portion has a full 26.2 marathon and a 13.1 half marathon. There is also a military category that further divides the field into two subsetsheavy and light. In the military category, participants must wear a current approved uniform of their branch of service. If you are interested in participating, or your riders group wants to provide motorcycle route escort, visit Top

MARCH 2022

WEBB PROPERTIES 865-922-5500 (O) | 865-591-7128 (C)

MARCH 2022


I got chatting it up to a stunning girl in a club, There are three types of sex in a marriage. “May I buy you a drink?” I asked. The first one is Kitchen Sex. This is when you are “Have you not got a girlfriend?” she replied. newlyweds and you’re still having fun sex, so you do it any“Smooth operators like you always have girlfriends.” where, anytime - but mostly in the kitchen. “No, sadly we broke up just over a month ago,” I assured her. The second type is Bedroom Sex. This is when you have GearHead returns home a day early from Sturgis as A passenger in a taxi heading for Tampa Airport “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Breakups are tough. settled down a bit and probably have kids, so you can’t do it his bike broke down and he caught a lift just inside when he leaned over to ask the driver a question Go on then, I’ll have a white wine....” anywhere except in the bedroom and always with the door of town, and then grabbed a cab. and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his A few drinks in, after a kiss and a cuddle, we headed off locked. The third type of sex is Hallway Sex. This is when you It’s after midnight. attention. back to her place and made some of the most passionate sex pass each other in the hall and say, “Screw you.” But there’s While on his way home, he asks the cabby if he The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly imaginable! also a fourth kind called Courtroom Sex. This is when you are would be a witness. The man suspects his wife is hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just While I was putting my clothes back on, she made the getting a divorce and you try to screw each other in public. having an affair, and he wants to catch her in the inches from a large plate-glass window. remark, “So, you’re very good looking, a really nice guy, and act. For a few moments everything was silent in the cab. amazing in bed....why on earth you split with your girlfriend?” A very tall man walks into a bar and a lady recognizes him as For $100 bucks, the cabby agrees. Then, the shaking driver so eventually I answered her honestly, “My wife found out!!” a prosaid, Rugby“Are Theyo.k.? start toI’m talk and go back Quietly arriving home, the husband and cabby tip sorry, but you scared the living daylights out of me.” to his place. They start to kiss, and the man takes off his shirt. toe into the bedroom. The badly shaken passenger apologized to the Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter, ten On his arm, he has a tat that says Reebok. “What’s that for?” GearHead driver and said, “I didn’t realizequestions. that a “Oh, mere tapthis onso what men and one woman. the woman I have when I’m onswitches on the lights, yanks the blanket back and there is his wife, in bed with another man, the shoulder would startle someone so badly.” The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they TV, people will see my tattoo and then Reebok pays me.” just as heasuspected! The driver replied, “No, no, I’m the one who should decided that one had to drop off, otherwise they were all goThen the man takes off his trousers, and on his leg he has GearHead apologize, it’s entirely my fault. Today is my very ing to fall and die. tat that says Nike. “What’s that then?” she again questions. puts his gun to the naked man’s head. wife shouts, first day driving a cab. I’veit’sbeen hearse forwhenThe They were not able to choose that person, but then the “Oh, just likedriving the otheratat. I get paid this tat is seen ‘Don’t do it! I lied when I told you I inherited the past 25 years.” woman made a very touching speech. on TV.” money from She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because Then the man drops his underwear and on his penis he has a my Aunt Sarah. Mildred, the small town gossip and self-appointed HE paid for the Audi I gave you on our Anniversary. as a woman, she ws used to giving up everything for her hus- tat that reads Aids. monitor of church morals, was always one to stick paid for our new cabin cruiser. The woman screams, “Don’t tell me you haveHE Aids!” band and kids, and for men in general, without ever getting her nose into other people’s business. Most memHE The athlete replies, “No, no....! Calm willpaid for your season tickets. anything in return or pursuing her own dreams. bers of the congregation did not approve of her HE paid for our house at the lake. As soon as she finished her heart wrenching speech, all the say Adidas in just a few seconds.” intrusions, but she was feared due to her lethal HE paid for your African tour with your biker men started clapping their hands. forked tongue, so everyone buddies My buddymaintained and I were outtheir havingsia brew and talking aboutand your new ATV. lence. paid for the custom rims for your Ultra-Glide. Man walks into a market with his zipper down. A female women in general and how some were really HE on fire in bed. She barracks took that step too day,with when HE inpaid for our Family WaterWorld membership checker walks up to him and says, “Your door fatal is I told himfar thatone I’d been SOOOshe many women my life “Lightning”, awho biker, new member of like demons And, HE even pays the monthly dues on the kid’s open.” He looked puzzled and wentaccused about shopping. A man wereand wildcats in bed and screamed being Church, an alcoholic after Private schooling. approached, “Hey buddy, your fly isthe open.” He got inof linebeing to released. He said, “Yes! she I wantsaw to behis able to experience that Chevy parked front of the small histo head from side-to-side, GearHead lowcheck out w/ that same cashier andold thought he’d pickup have a little on a in regular basis.” We got in mytown’s truck and I Shaking took him over only bar all morning and late into the night. Sheward. ers his gun. He looks totally confused over at the fun with her about her “barracks door” remark. the hospital and up to the maternity emphatically Lightning in front of the entire cabby and says, When it was his turn in line he asked, “When you sawtold my barcongregation that seeing pickup hell would you do? racks door open, did you see a soldier in there at attention?” “Everyone Everyone was seatedthat around the table as the ‘What food wasthe being there he was doing”. Fact was, The cabby never skips a beat and replies, ‘I’d cover The girl thought for just a second and then would replied, know what served. volunteered toJoey help Gus, the bar assaway. with that blanket before he catches a damn “No sir, no I did not....but I did see Lightning a soldier that had may have When Lil’ received his plate, he started eatinghis straight owner, repair a leaky ceiling in the kitchen. But his Gus cold.’ been wounded, sitting on a couple of old duffel bags.” “Joey, wait until we’ve said our prayer”, momma reminded him. was not a member of “Ithe congregation nothing don’t have to”, Lil’ Joeyso replied. was brought to light. and all his golfing buddies are standing on Happy 23 Years Anniversary To: Joker’s Wild and all you wild “Of course you do.” momma insisted. “We say“Putter” a prayer before a man of few words plenty of action, the green while he’s got a very important shot to and crazy Bikers who love to laugh!Lightning, Life is eating at our but house.” at T. her for a solid minute, then justexplained. got up “but thiswin just better with laughter in it. Love stared y’all. MaMa That’s our house,” Lil Joey is the game that’s not over 15 feet to the hole; and left the church. He said nothing. straight in. Grandma’s house and she knows how to cook!”. 30

Later that early morning; around 1:00 a.m., ning parked his pickup directly in front of Mildred’s house, walked home, and left it there all night long

“Handicap” yells out, “come on, already, Putter, we MARCH 2022 allMARCH want2022 to finish up and grab a drink”. Putter replies back, although in a hushed tone,



The H.U.T Bike Night Date: 03/03/2022, 03/10/2022, 03/17/2022, 03/24/2022, 03/31/2022 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: The H.U.T, 815 Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862 Join The H.U.T every Thursday for Bike Night! Free entry, free parking, live music, raffles, door prizes, $10 32oz beer with select shot and half price appetizers!


Riverside Saloon Bike Night Date: 03/04/2022, 03/11/2022, 03/18/2022, 03/25/2022 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Riverside Saloon, 1945 US25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727 Join us at Riverside Saloon every Friday night-all year round! Looking for a good place to ride out for a Bike Night in the Newport area, then Riverside Saloon is it. $2 beer all day every day, Jell-O shots, pool, bonfire, lots of paved parking, free camping when you ride in on your bike, scenic river access, fishing, music and good hospitality.

The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint Presents Them Dirty Roses Date: 03/26/2022 Time: 7-10PM Location: 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pky, Maryville, TN 3780. Them Dirty Roses take over The Smokin Monkey Lounge one last time before our outdoor concert series opens. Born and raised in the Bama clay, these boys are as southern as they come. Tix $15 at

The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint Presents Cutthroat Shamrock Date: 03/17/2022 Time: 7-10PM Location: 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pky, Maryville, TN 3780. Join us for our St. Patrick’s Day Party at The Shed. Cutthroat Shamrock combines the speed of Bluegrass with the drive and energy of Punk Rock and tops it off with a little Celtic influence. Dylan Walshe opens this outdoor show. Tix, $15 at



Pre-Patty Party Date: 03/12/2022 Time: 2-5PM Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson, 2501 Ashland City Rd. US41A, Clarksville, TN 37043 It’s time for our Annual Rock the Shamrock Party!! Stop by our store to register for a free MSF Basic Riders Safety Course, free green beer and Pot O Gold in-store discounts! More info at:

The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint Presents The Dallas Moore Band Date: 03/19/2022 Time: 7-10PM Location: 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pky, Maryville, TN 3780. After making a splash during our last outdoor season while opening for Ray Wylie Hubbard, Dallas returns to take on The Smokin Monkey Lounge. Dallas is an outlaw country singer who is influenced by Elvis and Hank Jr. His band plays a hard rocking brand of country that’s topped off by gruff vocals that shows equal reverence to Waylon Jennings and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Tix $15 at

She Rides Moto 2022 Date: 05/12/2022 – 05/15/2022 Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Join lots of other female riders for an action-packed weekend of Riding, Music, Ride-In Bike Show, Biker Games, Motorcycle Drags and Lots of Fun! $70 per Person Early Bird Registration Fee. FMI:

The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint Presents Monet Maddux Date: 03/25/2022 Time: 7-10PM Location: 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pky, Maryville, TN 3780. Monet Maddux, with her full band, will create an unforgettable musical experience for us in The Smokin Monkey Lounge. Free show.

Tennessee GWRRA District Spring Fling Date: 04/28/2022 – 04/30/2022 Location: Ramsey Hotel and Convention Center, 3230 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 Join fellow Gold Wind Riders for a weekend of Motorcycles, Games, Rides, Food and Fun! FMI: training-events Whitley County Motorcycle Group/ Backroads Of Appalachia Block Party 05/06/2022 Time: 6:00PM Location: The Butchers Pub-401 Main St. Williamsburg, KY 40769 Kick off our first block party of the year with us in downtown Williamsburg, KY. Live music by Paint Creek, 50/50 raffle, drink specials, food and more. Meet Mr. Johnny Miller, A.K.A. The Colonel, yepTHE KFC Colonel himself and the Staff from Thunder Roads Magazine TN/KY. This is a true block party with North 4th St. blocked off for bike access/parking. For more info visit our Fb-Whitely County Motorcycle Group.

MARCH 2022

Wild River Boogie Bike Rally Date: 05/26/2022 – 05/30/2022 Location: 3846 Wildwood Rd., Maryville, TN 37804 Bringing Bike Week to East Tennessee with the 2nd Annual Wild River Boogie featuring Live Music, Bike Games, Burnout Contest, Bikini & Pin-Up Contests, Bike Show, Vendors and Lots More! And you can also enjoy some of the country’s greatest riding in Eastern TN, like The Dragon and Devils Triangle. First Come, First Serve Camping is Free with Rally Registration. Reserved camping is available for a small fee. $40 per Person - Adults Only 21 and Up. FMI:

Whitley County Motorcycle Group/ Backroads Of Appalachia Spring Run on The Rattlesnake-192 Date: 05/07/2022 Time: 1:00PM Location: Wildcat Harley-Davidson, 575 E. Hal Rogers Parkway, London, KY 40741 WCMG/BOA Spring Run on The Rattlesnake-150 curves in 12 miles. Event hosted by Wildcat HD. KSU at 1:00PM. Fore more info visit FbWhitely County Motorcycle Group &

Tennessee Motorcycles and Music Revival Date: 05/19/2022 – 05/22/2022 Location: Loretta Lynn’s Ranch & Campground, 8000 TN-13 S, Hurricane Mills, TN 37078 Tennessee’s Ultimate Motorcycle and Music Event! A kick-ass, 4-day party on Loretta Lynn’s Ranch that will change the way you think about motorcycles, music, and people. FMI, visit CVMA TN 18-2 Poker Run Date: 05/21/2022 Time: 0900-1100 Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson, 2501 Ashland City Rd. US41A, Clarksville, TN 37043 Join us for our 7th Annual Armed Forces Day Poker Run. Start and registration at Appleton HD. $10 per hand. First bike out at 1030, last bike in at 1430. Ride ends at Mr. Billy’s Bar & Grill. Raffles start at 1500-50/50, liquor raffles & more. Proceeds go to military Vets in our local community. More info:


Cycle One Bike Night Date: 03/03/2022, 03/10/2022, 03/17/2022, 03/24/2022, 03/31/2022 Time: 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM Location: Cycle One, 6009 Chapman Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37920 Come on out to Cycle One bike night. We’ve been in operation since 1998 and loving every minute of it! Every Thursday, 5-8:30pm, food trucks, beer pong, and lots of bikes – small bores, café racers, baggers, dual sport and everything in between. Best overall bike mix around KVegas.

The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint Presents Connor Kelly & The Time Warp Date: 03/11/2022 Time: 7-10PM Location: 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pky, Maryville, TN 3780. The Time Warp will light up the Smokin Monkey Lounge. Free show.

Dragon City Resort Sunsets on The Dragon Date: 03/24/2022 Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Dragon City Resort, 4407 Calderwood Highway, Maryville, TN 37801 It’s finally here! Sunsets on the Worlds famous Tail of The Dragon. Join us every fourth Tuesday of the month for cars, cycles and cruising! Restaurants, patch purchase/sewing on-site, Dragon City merch, Bonfire, lodging and lots more!


The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint Presents Short Term Memory Date: 03/04/2022 Time: 7-10PM Location: 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pky, Maryville, TN 3780. Our very own Maryville natives, Short Term Memory, will be live at The Smokin Monkey Lounge covering all the classic Rock n Roll hits. Free show.

Biker Rags Motorcycle Swap Meet Date: 03/06/2022 Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Location: Biker Rags, 800 Clinch Ave., South, Clinton, TN 37716 1st Sunday of every month. Buy, Sell, Trade New and Used Motorcycle Parts and Accessories. No Setup Fee Everyone Welcome. Lunch provided by Garza Law Firm!!


Chopper’s Grill Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 All month, every month Choppers has a complete line up of Karaoke, Football, NASCAR, food specials, pool, bike nights (every Wednesday) and other events in Old Hickory, TN. Come sing your favorite songs, have some awesome drinks, enjoy our handcrafted food, sit back and take in the game at The Lil Shack On The Corner! Always a great time! (615) 894-7020 for updated info!!



Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride XXll Date: 05/29/2022 Location: 125 Court Ave, Sevierville, TN 37862 Arrive early to line up. Set up by 8 a.m. to sell SMT Shirts, Patches and Chevrons. Graze Burgers open at 8 a.m. Selling breakfast sandwiches. 10 a.m. Sevierville Police Honor Gurad, Patriotic music, National Anthem, guest speaker, TAPS and placing of the wreath. Kick-stands up 11 a.m. for a 65-mile Police escorted ride across 5 counties to Clinch Mountain Veteran’s Outlook. Closing ceremony approximately 12:3045, Patriotic Music, TAPS, 21 Gun Salute, placing of the wreath. For more info: Ron Giddis 865-453-6532 June Bug Boogie Spring Motorcycle Rally Date: 06/16/2022 – 06/19/2022 Location: 115 Waterloo Rd., Cookeville, TN 38506 The Famous June Bug Boogie Spring Rally is the Wildest Biker Party in Tennessee featuring Bike Games & Field Events, Wild Contests Every Day, Live Bands All Weekend Long and a Whole Lot More!!! Located on private property with free camping, free hot showers, vendors, ice sold on location. Biker Bar on location. Adults Only, 21 or older to enter! Check the June Bug Boogie website (www.junebugboogieranch. com) often for updates on the schedule and entertainment!

Indian Motorcycle Riders Group 5th Annual The Gathering Date: 06/23/2022 – 06/25/2022 Location: Bristol, VA Welcome!!! We are excited to announce our 5th Annual The Gathering on 23-25th of June 2022. This event keeps getting bigger and better every year thanks to all the support and great feedback we get each year from riders. Proceeds from this ride will go to help Fallen Heroes Family Camp, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children. We will be riding thru some of the most beautiful scenic back roads of Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. We will leave Thursday morning from Murfreesboro TN, heading to Bristol Virginia, Thursday night meet/greet in Hospitality room with registration, Friday meet in hospitality room between 6-8am for registration with coffee and donuts, we will line bikes up between 8:15-9am. Door prizes, 50/50 and live auction… So tell all your friends to come join us, we look forward to seeing you soon! All makes and models welcome. Registration opens Jan. 5th at the-gathering Smoky Mountain Small Bore Rally Date: 06/09/2022 – 06/11/2022 Time: 9:00AM Location: 7321 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Townsend, TN 37882 Looking for the biggest small-bore rally in the region, this is it! Join us for our annual rally and get your f ill of everything small bore in Townsend, TN June 9-11. This is a regional event with riders coming in f rom New England, locations in the Mid-West as well as f rom west of The Mississippi River! Group rides, games, stunt shows, giveaways, food, bike shows and dozens of vendors. If you want to see Groms, The Monkey, Ruckus, Ice Bears, Ohvales and more this is the place, all nestled in the valley of Townsend, TN. More info At: smokymountainsmallborerally. com and Fb-Smoky Mountain Small Bore Rally.


Want them included up above? Contact us at to learn how. MARCH 2022



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Appleton Harley-Davidson® 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 648-1607 Boswell’s H-D Country Roads 1424 Interstate Dr. Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-3139 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 242-6067 Boswell’s Ring of Fire H-D 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 (615) 855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr. Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 422-5508 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd. Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 849-8025 Colboch Harley-Davidson® 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343 Crockett Powersports 4113 S Access Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37406 (423) 760-3670 Harley-Davidson® of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd. Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 540-0099 Indian Motorcycle of Lexington 1973 Bryant Rd. Lexington, KY 40509 Indian Triumph Of Knoxville 5820 Clinton Hwy Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 689-4321 Interstate 69 Motorsports 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 (731) 885-1792 Moonshine Harley-Davidson® 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 (866) 667-8836 Music City Indian Motorcycle 1003 8th Ave S Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 401-9341

MARCH 2022

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hold or touch him. Not to mention getting him to sit on his motorcycle when needed. Very impressive. Saed decided to take Sinan to a University of Tennessee game to try out all that he had taught him, wearing his tiny UT game jersey, of course. Sinan was an instant sensation, receiving more attention than anticipated. Of course, not all was good attention. Someone decided to report Saed to the TWRA. If you didn’t know, it is illegal to keep a squirrel as a pet. One afternoon, Saed received a knock on his door. There stood the TWRA, they had come to take Sinan away. However, Sinan wasn’t just any ordinary pet squirrel. Saed told them the story of how he ended up with Sinan. After spending time with him and seeing the true love Saed has for Sinan and his devotion to squirrels in general, considering his backyard set up. They agreed not to take Sinan away but informed him he would need to get licensed and permitted as soon as possible to keep Sinan. So Saed completed the required 200 hours in Wildlife Preservation and legally gained his permit to keep his beloved friend.

The Motorcycle Squirrel


“How are these so-called bad people riding motorcycles to help someone in need?”

hen we purchased Thunder Roads® TN and KY, we committed to our readers to diversify the magazine to include all riders and motorcycle enthusiasts. If the following story doesn’t prove that commitment, we’re not sure what will.

The more he got to know his friends, the more Saed’s view began to change. The more he witnessed it, the more he wanted to be a part of it. Saed shared with me a time he was invited to The Warehouse Bar and Grill in Oakridge, TN, to play pool. (Now Ridge Runners) A friend of his quickly tried to discourage him from going. He warned, “You cannot go out there. It is a biker bar. They will not accept you, and it could be dangerous for you.” Saed decided he would not live in the same fear he grew up in. So, he went.

Introducing Sinan The Motorcycle Squirrel I met Sinan a few years ago at a local car show and immediately fell in love with this furry little ball of personality. His owner, Saed Awad, and I quickly became friends and have stayed in contact regularly. I was excited to write this article on Sinan’s rise to fame finally. I didn’t expect to discover that the real story was not Sinan; it was Saed and his journey and how his love for the motorcycle community began. When I sat down with Saed, I started the interview with, “How did Sinan come to be?” He responded, “April, to explain that I have to tell you a little about my childhood.” And so he did.

and saed sinan

Saed Awad was born and raised in Jerusalem. He shared all the generalities of growing up. However, one topic stuck out to me. He recalled that while growing up, motorcycle riders were thought of as criminals, gang members, generally bad people. He learned to fear them and, of course, stay as far away from them as possible. Fast forward to 2005, when Saed moved to Knoxville TN Imagine growing up, taught to fear bikers, and then moving to East Tennessee. He spoke of working at a restaurant where it turned out, two of his co-workers were bikers. One day, they told him of an event they were participating in to raise money for a charity. “I could not wrap my head around it,” he stated. 36

At this point, I was intensely listening to find out what had happened. A huge smile came across his face. “April, they loved me.” He went on to share that he was welcomed completely. No judgment. Never made to feel inferior or treated as an outcast. He recalled the incredible feeling of family and brotherhood. He was even asked to come back and substitute on a team during pool league. He did very well, by the way. It turns out Saed is one heck of a pool player. Ok, I know you are wondering how Sinan fits into all of this? In 2018 a married couple discovered a baby squirrel in their back yard that must have fallen from the tree. They brought it to Saed because they knew he was the best choice to raise it. “Wait,” I said. “Why would they think that?” He began laughing and revealed that he had an odd love for squirrels. Saed proceeded to tell me that he built an oasis in his backyard for wild squirrels that has tables, chairs, and camping spaces. He would leave food on the tiny tables to invite the squirrels to enjoy.

MARCH 2022

Saed noticed the strange look on my face and further explained where his love of squirrels came from. As a young child, there was a cartoon in his country about a Squirrel. Saed told me, “Nothing would keep me from watching it. It was my escape from day-to-day life. I loved it. And if you were wondering, the Squirrel’s name in the cartoon was Sinan.

with n a n i S ock R d i K

So now Saed finds himself with a baby squirrel to raise and care for. “I knew immediately what I wanted to do,” he said. I wanted to be a part of this incredible biker community, but I didn’t have the passion for riding like so many. However, I did desire to be a part of their community, and Sinan would be that connection. So Saed went out and found a tiny motorcycle for Sinan, along with a small helmet and made him his very own biker vest. Why stop there? Saed went even further and hand-made Sinan an entire wardrobe, furniture, everything a squirrel would need. Now keep in mind having a wild squirrel is no easy task. Keeping him alive was priority. Even bottle feeding him. Saed spent countless hours training Sinan to be calm around crowds, loud noises, and people wanting to MARCH 2022

All the hard work has paid off. Sinan is a local celebrity now. He loves being out in public. He even has his own Facebook and Instagram. (Be sure to follow him) Besides UT games, spending time rubbing elbows with the likes of Kid Rock or enjoying the camping and incredible outdoor activities East Tennessee has to offer. Sinan also is a Smokies Baseball fan. Jersey and all. However, Sinan’s main focus is his fellow biking community. Saed makes sure that Sinan attends as many motorcycle events as possible to show unity, love, and support. Just as the Motorcycle community showed Saed.

Do us a favor. If you are ever out and about and have the pleasure of running into Sinan, be sure to pose for a quick picture with him, get a pawtograph, but more importantly, thank Saed for sharing his story, his precious Sinan, and being an inspiration to us all.


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