Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee/Kentucky June 2019

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Thunder Roads® Tennessee P.O. Box 645, Greenbrier, TN 37073

Scott High Denise High 615-389-1149 615-389-1016 2017 Recipient of the NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists)

Silver Spoke Award for Media

Cooper Chilton National Photojournalist “America the Beautiful”

Bob “Bulldog” Ousley “From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way” “Will Ride to Eat”

2016 Recipient of the Thunder Roads® National Network Publisher of the Year Award

Merry Hancock Hancock Media

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Thunder Roads® Tennessee/Kentucky Staff Index of Advertisers From the Editors – By Denise High Chaplain’s Corner – By Pastor Ron Baptiste Thunder Paws Bullet Points – By Mike Noirot Safe Riding – By Donna Farrell America the Beautiful – By Cooper Chilton Thunder Cam Dodging the Roadkill – By Hank Bonecutter Who Reads Thunder Roads® From the Corner of Veteran’s Drive and Patriot’s Way – By Bob “Bulldog” Ousley Centerfold Calendar Thunder Cam Group Riding In the News Kiss in the Kitchen – By Toni McCoy Shearon News Bytes – By Bill Bish Jokers Wild Biker Friendly Directory Sudoku Events


Call Us With A Solid Lead, We’ll Close It Out And You Get 10% Immediately Upon Customer Payment. No Fuss, No Upkeep, We Handle It All! You Close It Out And You Get 20%! Big Supplemental Revenue $$$$ Potential!

VISIT US ON THE WEB Ron Baptiste aka “Pastor Ron” “Chaplain’s Corner”


Bill Hall

Hank Bonecutter "Dodging The Roadkill"

Mike Noirot “Bullet Points”

Donna Farrell “For Your Safety”


Scott Cudd thunderroadsmagazinetnky

To receive Thunder Roads® Tennessee/Kentucky Magazine’s 2019 Media Kit and Advertising Rates, please email


Tim Montana: Musician and Event Co-Host Jason Elam: Racing on his 76 XLCH Harley Kat: Bartender and Model Come see them at Tennessee Motorcycles & Music Revival 2019! Tickets On Sale Now at Photo Credit: Bryan Helm

June 2019

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Abate of Iowa Freedom Rally.....43 Amsoil.............................................8 Appalachian Trading & Leather Co........8 Appleton Harley-Davidson........... 4 Ashland City Pizza Depot............20 Avon .............................................35 Bettencourt Originals..................35 Bobarosa Saloon.........................12 Brotherhood Leathers................12 Brushy Mtn. Distillery..................15 Buckle and Hide Leathers..........35 Buffalo Valley Hillclimb..............IFC Bumpus Harley-Davidson...........19 Catalyst Cycles............................25 Cherokee NC Blue Ridge Run......7 Chopper’s Grill.............................20 Classic Leathers..........................35 Double E Bar & Grill....................11 Garza Law Firm.......................... BC Hidden Creek Resort................... 8 Highway 12 Motorsports............16 Keri Gilles Realtor.......................35 Law Offices of Richard M. Lester........................33 Lewis Country Store....................12 Lisa Chambers Realtor...............35 Miss Kay’s Country Store & The Nutcracker Shed..................20 Old Tennessee Distilling Co.......24 S&G Custom Cycles....................35 Screwball’s Bar and Grill............. 8 Smoky Mountain Harley- Davidson....................... IBC Steelhorse Law..............................1 Stereo City....................................35 Sturgis Buffalo Chip....................44 Sturgis Kentucky Bike Rally.......12 Tennessee Gun Country...............9 Tennessee Motorcycles and Music Revival...............................31 Tennessee Ridge Veterans Park Poker Run.....................................25 The Bent Wrench Roadhouse....25 TRTN/KY Help Wanted...............20 TRTN/KY Photo Contest.............37 TRTN/KY Subscription..................3 TRTN/KY Thunder Store...............3 Vette City Motorcycle Music Fest....................................29 Wash-Zilla.....................................11 West TN Valley Rally....................11 June 2019



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Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads® Tennessee P.O. Box 645 Greenbrier, TN 37073


e are rocking and rolling in Kentucky! Each month the magazine is being distributed to more and more places and reaching more and more riders. But, if your favorite biker friendly businesses doesn’t have Thunder Roads Tennessee/Kentucky let them know you’d like to pick up a copy from them each month or let us know and we’ll reach out to them. Also, we are now hiring Road Reps for all of Kentucky. Sell ads and attend events that you’re probably already attending, plus... have some FUN while doing it! Make easy money part time, commission based + bonuses, no experience necessary -just the right attitude. It’s a fun way to earn some supplemental revenue! If you think you have what it takes to be a part of Team Thunder call Scott at 615-389-1149 or email and we’ll be in touch. Did you know that June 15th is National Ride Your Motorcycle To Work Day? The objective of Ride to Work Day is to demonstrate to the public the value of the motorcycles and scooters as transportation. The event demonstrates the practical benefits of motorcycles. We already know how much fun it is to ride and how easy motorcycles and scooters are to maneuver in traffic and to park. Ride To Work Day helps call attention to our way of life and gives us a chance to share our enthusiasm with non-riders. The event also provides an opportunity for motorcyclists to highlight important issues, such as distracted drivers, unsafe fuels, motorcyclist profiling and motorcycle-only checkpoints, parking restrictions and the benefits of legal lane splitting. Commuting to work, especially on a designated day of rider unity, highlights the positive aspects of motorcycling and the motorcycle lifestyle. So lets ride! I know I say this a lot, but please patronize our advertisers because they are what keep this magazine going and free to you every month! Check out their ads because they have some great events, sales, rallies, rides, poker runs, bike nights, etc., for you. And, as always, be sure to like Thunder Roads Tennessee/Kentucky on Facebook to keep up with what’s going on. The beautiful days of riding season and bike nights are here and there are so many bikes on the road right now, so please everyone be safe rubber side down! Friday, June 21st is the First Day of Summer, what a way to start the weekend off! Wishing all the biker dads out there a Happy Father’s Day… we hope your day is as special as you are and you get to take a minute for yourself, relax and go for a long ride! Ride Hard Live Free, Denise & Scott 3

CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Covenant Confirmers Ministries; a “Certified Recovery Congregation” with free support group meetings every Monday night @ 7:00 pm Founder of TN. Biker Medical Clinic Inc. Messages Available on Podbean Live You Tube covenantconfirmers1/live

“SIN IS NOT THE ISSUE” I know that this is contradictory to all religious beliefs and if you were brought up in a “legalistic Church,” your panties are already in a wad! All I use to hear was “hellfire & brimstone” sermons and how everything we did was sinful, from going to the movies, men with long hair, girls with short skirts and make up would send you to hell. But one thing I have learned in twenty years of being a Pastor; the more you talk about sin, the more people sin because sinners sin! When you beat them up Sunday after Sunday, you know where to find them on Saturday night. PS. 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” If people are told their sinners, that’s what they will do. If their told they are the righteousness of God, they’ll be righteous. Christians have come to a crossroads in their life today, where they must decide if they’re going to believe the written Word of God or the written word of man? Religion’s main focus is sin, God’s main focus is a relationship. The New Testament is full of scripture that tells us that God has paid in full our sin debt! Col.2:14 “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.” But if we don’t receive this, then it’s like being in jail and someone pays your fine, but you won’t leave the jail cell even with the door wide open. PS.103:12 “As far as the east is from the west; He has removed our Transgressions from us.” Heb.9:12 “He has obtained eternal redemption” past, present, and future sins Heb.8:12 “Your sins I will remember no more” Heb. 9:26 “He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” Rom.4:8 “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” God doesn’t evaluate you based on your sins! Religion has always been in love with legalism, because man has always wanted to be God, even from the very beginning with Adam & June 2019

Eve in Gen.3:5 “…in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes will be opened, and ye shall be like gods.” God has always wanted a personal relationship with man, the same is true today, and religion and legalism makes man selfrighteous. Isa.64:6 “But we are all as an unclean thing, our righteousness is as filthy rags” Rom 3:20 “by the deeds of the law, no flesh can be justified Sin is not the issue with God, it’s your personal intimate relationship with Him that He is interested in. Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up. To be found faithful, Pastor Ron


Bella – is a 3 year old lab/shepherd. We acquired Bella when her owner surrendered two pets after falling on hard times financially. We placed Bella after six months in foster care to a wonderful home. After about a month there were issues with one of the resident dogs, a larger, 13 y.o. alpha dog. Bella has been around numerous other dogs but all were smaller than her. She was fostered for a while as an only dog. WE think she just needs to find a home with one other companion dog who is smaller than her. This girl is housebroken. Up to date on everything and spayed. Just a ready to go companion! Now, disclaimer, Bella will chase a cat. BUT, she will also keep your yard free of squirrels. Bella weighs 60 lbs. and her fee is waived to a qualified adopter. Franny – is a two year old terrier /dachshund mix. She is a timid girl but gets very attached to her foster. She weighs about 20 lbs. Franny is heartworm free and fully vetted. Montana – is a beautiful young female boxer mix. She weighs about 50 lbs. and is about one year old. Montana currently resides in a house full of cats! She is a friendly girl who has not met a stranger. She is spayed and has been treated for heartworms. Penny – is a 10 year old, 9 lb. Maltese female. She was surrendered to us because her owner could not afford vet care. Penny is heartworm negative but she had some tumor issues that required surgery. She successfully had a large tumor removed from her pelvic cavity and it was benign. Next we are going to do a dental and remove a mammary tumor. Penny is eating well and can go into another home. 6

Petra – is a five month old female lab mix. She was found at a gas station in Frayser. Petra had a lot of missing hair and was treated for demodex. Her hair is almost all grown back now. This is a friendly and playful young girl who loves other dogs and people. She is crate trained and doing great using a dog door to go outside. Petra is spayed, microchipped and on preventatives. Rennie – is a six month old female lab mix who was rescued from running loose on the street. She was pretty timid and defensive at first meeting but immediately attached herself to someone who gained her trust. Once comfortable she is quite charming. She weighed 31 lbs. at her spay appt. She is heartworm negative and microchipped. Spotty – Oh, I’m as friendly as all get-out. Spotty is 8 years old, 35 pounds terrier mix. He really is a special goofy soul. I get along really well with my foster dog brothers and sisters. Heck, I even like the cat! She’s really pretty and she is my friend. You see, for eight years, I lived in the same room, with three other dogs. I never even went outside of that room! It was all I knew. At first when I got rescued, I was really, really skeered! I thought I was surely going to die! I’ve learned about water, and hiking and sniffing and car rides and using the potty in the grass! So many great things in this world for dogs! I still get skeered sometimes, but everything is just so great, and people are just so great! Except rain, I ain’t a big fan of rain. I hate that rain, but I kinda like the water hose. And I really like balls. And treats! REAL GOOD DOG RESCUE PO Box 63014 Memphis, TN 38163 (901) 652-9781 Located in Memphis, TN, Real Good Dog Rescue primarily rescues canines from local animal shelters and provides foster homes until they are adopted into their FURever homes.

*All animals shown are available for adoption. Thunder Paws® is a legally registered Trademark under Thunder Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

June 2019






June 2019

Bullet Points



REETINGS fellow bikers! As you are reading this month’s Bullet Point’s article you may well be recovering from Memorial Day Weekend festivities – or in the midst of planning your big summer ride. Your old lovable grey beard biker and Miss Tracy spent Memorial Day Weekend in the mountains of East Tennessee with the editors of Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee/Kentucky! This is an annual pilgrimage for us to take part in Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride – a somber tribute to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our great country. Perhaps you will join us next year? Open carry is a hot topic in the Second Amendment community these days. There has been much written about it in online forums, Facebook and other social media. Fortunately, in Tennessee and Kentucky, we have a choice on how we carry. Having recently passed constitutional carry, Kentucky is one of the most Second Amendment friendly states in the country. You can legally open carry or concealed carry your firearm without fear of being arrested – as long as you can legally own said firearm. Tennessee is a bit unique. You have to possess a Handgun Carry Permit (HCP) to carry a firearm on your person when you are not in your home, vehicle or work. And while Tennessee does not specifically address open carry in its statutes, there is also no statute which prohibits open carry. What does this mean to you? You have to have a valid HCP to open carry and there is no specific protection for you to do so. It is feasible that a police officer could cite you for blandishment of a firearm, but it would be highly unlikely. Personally, I have never been a proponent of open carry and rarely do so. I appreciate that we can do so in our state, simply because it protects me in the event my pistol prints through my clothing or accidently becomes exposed. The choice is entirely ours whether we do so or not. In my opinion, open carry has the distinct disadvantage of “showing your hand.” I prefer to carry concealed as I want the element of surprise if I ever need to draw my pistol and use it to protect myself, my family, friends or innocent bystanders. A strong case can also be made that someone open carrying their firearm

June 2019

would become the first target for an armed robber because they are an imminent threat to them. This makes situational awareness even more important for the person open carrying. The counter-argument could very well be true too – that the bad guy is going to decide to pass by a target if someone is open carrying in their presence. The second reason I personally choose to conceal carry my firearm relates to opportunity. I do not use a retention holster so a dirt bag may view me as an easy target to score a pistol and commit a nasty crime in my presence. In a split second, that bad guy could come up behind me and remove my pistol, using it against me or someone else. This alone, makes it not worth the risk for me to open carry. But open carry does have the distinct benefit of making it quicker and easier to draw your firearm when the proverbial “shit hits the fan.” With no clothing to interfere with drawing your sidearm, you can definitely draw and be on target quicker than I can whisk my shirt out of the way, draw and come on target – and split seconds can make a difference between life and death – whether the bad guy is coming at you with a knife, baseball bat or firearm. If you decide to open carry your sidearm, I would highly suggest you use a quality retention holster. This will make it far more difficult for someone to disarm you while you are unaware of the potential threat. If you are new to using a retention holster, make sure you go to the range and practice drawing from the holster. It does take some getting used to. Make sure that your holster also grips tightly to your belt. A retention holster which can easily be pulled from your belt is a retention holster in name only. The retention holster pictured here is made by Alien Gear and has strong plastic loops your belt physically passes through. (the author is not endorsing any specific holster) Lastly, make sure the holster is comfortable for all day carry. Until next month, keep the shiny side up and ride, ride, ride! Molon Labe, Mike Noirot Note: The author is not an attorney. Check with your lawyer before open carrying a firearm.





oute 133 between Damascus, VA and Shady Valley, TN wonders side by side with mountain streams and passes through a very unique tunnel called Back Bone Rock. Offering turns and twists, this roadway is frequently visited by motorcyclists and enjoyed by motorists as well. A few weekends ago, I was enjoying this mountain ride when I came upon a farm truck pulling a small trailer loaded with sheep. Following the farm truck, I became completely distracted with the ordeal that was taking place in the small trailer. The larger, older sheep seemed to find their “hoofing” and could sway with the movement of the trailer as it wound its way through the curves. To my despair, the small lambs were having difficulty standing and would fall. They would struggle to get back up on their tiny legs. Several times a small leg would slip through the bars at the back of the trailer and I would become alarmed as I realized the smallest of the lambs could easily fit between the bars and possibly fall out. The mothers would try to position themselves to protect their little ones and to no avail the lambs would slip and be right back at the bars. The stressful ride for these sheep could be heard in their continued baaing and even the look of turmoil showing on their faces. I was distraught for them. Along with being agitated with what was going on in front of me, I was completely distracted by the sheep. For a motorcyclist, distraction and becoming fixated can be very dangerous. I was fully aware that I was being distracted from where my attention should be. I kept finding it more and more difficult to keep myself looking ahead of the truck and trailer. Along with being distracted comes the danger of experiencing target fixation. This occurs when we see something dangerous or unusual and we look directly


at the object excluding nearly everything else. Often called “tunnel vision” and resulting in following the object until crashing into it. When we first learn to ride, we quickly learn that the motorcycle goes where we look. As I tell my students, “the motorcycle goes where your nose is pointing”. With this in mind, try to use these guidelines for overcoming distractions and target fixation: When approaching curves/turns, always look as far through the curve/turn as you can. Practice using your peripheral vision so that you can look beyond objects on the roadway in front of you. If there is a vehicle in front of you (or trailer full of sheep), look past the vehicle. Look where you want to go. Increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Pull off the road for a short break. Target fixation is an actual phenomenon. An individual will become so interested (focused) on an object that their risk of colliding with the object greatly increases. This happens to motorists, race-car drivers and even fighter pilots. Take notice when your attention starts to waiver and you find yourself being distracted or even fixated on an object. Try using some of the guidelines mentioned and remember, safe riding starts with you! Donna, along with being an avid riding enthusiast, is a MSF motorcycle safety coach for the state of Tennessee and a HarleyDavidson Riding Academy Coach. She is a member of the Motor Maids, H.O.G. and Ladies of Harley. Stop by her blog site at www.

June 2019

June 2019



June 2019



miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway milepost 62, 15 miles south of Historic Lexington, VA, 35 minutes north of Roanoke, with the Bridge actually being crossed by Lee Highway, the Natural Bridge State Park is a beautiful place to take a break from riding and/or for lunch. The address of the park, for those using modern technology, is 6477 S Lee Highway, Natural Bridge, VA. Its namesake is a spectacular 215 feet tall with a span of 90 feet, carved by the small Cedar Creek tributary to the James River.(For reference, see the white dot in the right, lower corner of the bridge in the photo – that is a person!) It is both a Virginia Historic Landmark and a National Historic Landmark, and since 2016, a Commonwealth of Virginia State Park Besides being an awesome structure, the formation is full of U.S. history, with a direct contact to 2 early Presidents. It is alleged that George Washington came to the site in 1750 as a young surveyor. He supposedly carved “GW” 23 feet up the wall of the bridge (now boxed in white paint) and threw a stone over the bridge. A stone was found in 1927, with GW and a surveyors cross, used to substantiate the story. Then, in 1774, Thomas Jefferson purchased the Bridge and 157 acres from King George III of England. He built a two room log cabin which he used as a retreat, including while president. Many notables stayed there, including Sam Houston,

June 2019

Henry Clay, President James Monroe, and President Martin Van Buren. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans visited to take horseback or carriage rides in the now park area. To accommodate them, the Forest Inn was built in 1833. Herman Melville even referred to the bridge in “Moby- Dick”, “for an instant his whole marbleized body formed a high arch, like Virginia’s Natural Bridge.” In addition to the bridge, if you hike along the Cedar Creek, through the bridge, you will come to a recreated Monacan Indian Living History Exhibit. It has replicas of their way of life, with both Monacan and White guides, through the village. Further down the trail. You will see saltpeter mines and the 30 foot tall Lace Falls. Also, you will pass the Lost River, blasted open in 1822, as source of water, and all attempts to locate the final source and destination have failed. As the entrance to the bridge area has lots of stairs, a shuttle is available to the start of the trail, for those not able or who don’t want to climb. Restrooms, gift shop, and a snack bar are available in the main building. After the park closes, there is a Light Show, of the Creation, which we didn’t stay to see, but reviews say we made the right choice. A park entry fee of $8 for adults is charged, While in the area, you may be interested in visiting the Caverns at Natural Bridge and the Virginia Transportation Museum. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper 13

y Party

a Moonshine H-D Bike Giveaw


June 2019




By Hank Bonecutter

f you follow me on social media, you may remember that I asked your opinion about whether the “image” of bikers had gotten better or worse over the years. The responses were varied, but everybody weighed in. First of all, I DO NOT worry, nor care about what others think of me and the choices I’ve made in my life. Motorcycles are NOT for everyone, and bikers as a whole couldn’t care less what you think about this lifestyle. I spent my career in a business that depended on being “liked” or “popular.” That’s why I LOVE this lifestyle, because nobody gives a DAMN what you think about it. It’s so refreshing to finally get to be myself, and be with others who are genuine and don’t want ANYTHING from me. When you ask someone their definition of a biker, you’ll probably get a different opinion from each person you ask, but let’s face it, there WAS a time when that image was not good. And rightfully so. In the early days of the notoriety of bikers, riding clubs, gangs, or whatever you want to call them, most people feared them, didn’t respect them and probably felt like they were all criminals. The minority doesn’t speak for the majority, and the majority of bikers I’ve met are awesome. So just for discussion, I think the biker image has changed quite a bit. I know of MANY biker groups that spend their time not only riding, but contributing to their community and their country. What I like most about that is they don’t do it for recognition, they do it because they’re good people. For the short time I’ve been a biker, I’ve met some of the most incredible people that I would have never met had it not been for this motorcycle. The common theme is the bike and if bikers want to organize, then so be it. There are Christian biker clubs. Veteran biker clubs. Black

June 2019

biker clubs. Hispanic biker clubs. The list goes on and on. The bottom line is that they’re all bikers and since most of the viewing public would never have the “balls” to ride a motorcycle (which is ok) they tend to view them without any understanding of who they are as individuals, and why they ride. It must be all the leather. I’ve ridden now over 130,000 miles in just over three years, and I can honestly say, I’ve never felt uncomfortable around anyone or anywhere I’ve been. I’ve always been treated with respect. I’ve never felt uncomfortable because of my motorcycle. Now, out in traffic is another thing. From that Facebook post, some of the responses I got were, “who cares” and “who gives a damn.” But for others, there were stories of being asked to leave a restaurant, or, “you can’t park your bikes over there.” Let’s face it, that’s part of the appeal of being a biker, being a bit of an outlaw so to speak. Remember, this is NOT for everyone. I think that social media has helped improve the “perception” of bikers because so many of them are on there. Everybody gets a chance to see just what bikers are and what they do. Those charity “runs” and “rides” that benefit so many people. The old school guys keep the image alive and well, and they’re some of the coolest people I know. I wish I had started younger, and back in the day before all the “whistles and bells” came along. I mean, who doesn’t appreciate a few bugs in their teeth? A biker has his own journey and that journey doesn’t belong to anyone else. The miles we travel and the brothers and sisters we ride with are special. What we would REALLY appreciate is if you would get off your damn cell phone and pay attention. Bikers will take care of themselves. Ride safe my brothers, and thanks for following along. I’m on Facebook at




June 2019


June 2019

by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley

Dear Fellow Veterans and Patriots of Tennessee: When I joined the Army in 1967 the Army was still using M-14s in basic training and had only been wearing black boots for a short time. The Army was beginning to change its promotion system to a Department of the Army managed system. Soldiers who had been in for a while had served when promotions could be made by unit commanders within certain parameters. It was not unusual for a soldier who got in a fight on Friday night and got arrested to lose his rank on Monday morning. If the soldier was good, worked hard and showed he was sorry for what had happened it was not unusual for the company commander to give him his rank back after a short time. At that time there were soldiers who had entered service, learned a particular skill, made modest rank, liked what they did and turned down promotions to keep doing what they were good at and liked. These soldiers were a layer of experts who made the military work. Those who were aggressively seeking more responsibility could rise through the ranks quickly and not be held back by administrative check lists. Soldiers were expected to be fighters and it was not a career ender to fight. Those were the days of four wall counseling, two story wood barracks when soldiers lived in open bays and there was a barracks sergeant with his own room. The platoon rifles were in locked rifle racks that ran down the center of the barracks floor. If someone in the platoon was messing up the sergeant would counsel him by bouncing him off the four walls of the barracks sergeant room until the poor behavior or performance was improved. We were allowed to drink two beers at lunch if we weren’t doing field training and we got 10 minute smoke breaks during training. The field rations even contained small packs of cigarettes. If you didn’t smoke the cigarettes they made good trading material to get a can of peaches or other delight. The pay wasn’t great but your food and room were provided at no cost. Later, the Army standardized promotions and instituted the “up or out” policy. You got

promoted up the ranks or you got thrown out of service. We called this, “chopping off the head and dragging the tail.” Yes, everyone had to get promoted but you could only get promoted at a certain pace. If someone was really sharp and excelled at their job they got promoted at approximately the same pace as those who were just doing the minimums. The military basically was cutting off the head of the class (the best and brightest) and putting forth a lot of effort to insure the bottom of the class got promoted on time. As you can imagine this led to a lot of good people leaving the service and going into a line of work where their efforts would be better recognized. You weren’t allowed to stay at a level you were comfortable with. Well, fast forward 50 years and the military is now rolling out a new promotion program that allows the best and the brightest to get faster promotions. It’s new and there is still much to learn about the promotion plan but it sounds like the military is using some common sense from back in the day. Imagine putting the smart and capable in charge!! What a novel concept!! I guess it’s a little like what happened in the last election. After a couple of bottom of the class administrations that struggled and were more show than go we elected a best and brightest winner. The political parties like to cut off the head and drag the tail and control their candidates but when Trump got elected it threw them for a loop. They don’t know how to deal with someone who puts America first, won’t roll under to political games and is a winner. Trump is putting America first, fixing the economy, making better deals around the world and doing more for minorities than any President going back to Lincoln. It’s about time we had someone who knows how to make things work, has had a real job and been successful at something other than being a politician. We should be proud we have one tough American as our president. He really is making America Great Again!! Maybe the military is following his example. Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those who can’t. You can comment at bousle19@ - Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but, we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.

Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Biker Funday Sunday

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day & “The Rebuild Ride”

Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Biker Funday Sunday

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day


Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Biker Funday Sunday

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day

Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Biker Funday Sunday

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day


Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Biker Funday Sunday

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day


Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Brotherhood Leathers Bike Night


Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Brotherhood Leathers Bike Night


Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Brotherhood Leathers Bike Night


Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Brotherhood Leathers Bike Night


Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Brotherhood Leathers Bike Night

Bobarosa Saloon Thirsty Thursday & Karaoke

Smoky Mountain H-D Food Truck Thursday Bobarosa Saloon Thirsty Thursday & Karaoke Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Night D-Day

Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Night

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke Screwball’s Bar & Grill Bingo Night

Independence Day

Bobarosa Saloon Thirsty Thursday & Karaoke

Bobarosa Saloon Ladies Night

Screwball’s Bar & Grill

Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night

Bobarosa Saloon Thirsty Thursday & Karaoke

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke Screwball’s Bar & Grill Bingo Night

Smoky Mountain H-D Thirsty Thursday

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Night American Eagle Day

Bobarosa Saloon Thirsty Thursday & Karaoke Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night

The Shed Concert: Drop Dead Dangerous

Bobarosa Saloon Ladies Night


Screwball’s Bar & Grill Bingo Night

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke

Bobarosa Saloon Ladies Night

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Screwball’s Bar & Grill Bingo Night Karaoke Night

Bobarosa Saloon Ladies Night

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Bingo Night

Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke

Bobarosa Saloon Ladies Night

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day/Night & Big Gun in Concert The Shed Concert: Old Crow Medicine Show Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day/Night

Carrie-oke Night

Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night Tennessee Ridge Veterans Park - Poker Run Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day/Night The Shed Concert: Jamey Johnson Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

The Shed Concert: Hayes Carll

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day/Night

\National Ride Your Motorcycle To Work Day

The Shed Concert: Montgomery Gentry Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day/Night


Chopper’s Grill

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night

Karaoke Night Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night The Shed Concert: Jamey Johnson Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

First Day of Summer

Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night

Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment

Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night

Bobarosa Saloon Flag Day & Bike Night The Shed Concert: Brent Cobb Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night Army Birthday Flag Day


Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night The Shed Concert: Old Crow Medicine Show Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night


Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day/Night The Shed Concert: The Wildflowers - A Tribute to Tom Petty Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke Night Screwball’s Bar & Grill Live Entertainment & Pool Tournament Statehood Day


June 2019

June 2019


n u R r e k o P l il r G & r a B 1 4 6



otorcycling is primarily a solo activity, but for many, riding as a group – whether with friends on a Sunday morning ride or with an organized motorcycle rally – is the epitome of the motorcycling experience. Here are some tips to help ensure a fun and safe group ride:

Periodically check the riders following using your rear view mirrors. If you see a rider falling behind, slow down so they may catch up. If all the riders in the group use this procedure, the group should be able to maintain a fairly steady speed without pressure to ride too fast to catch up.

Arrive prepared. Arrive on time with a full gas tank.

If you’re separated from the group, don’t panic. Your group should have a pre-planned procedure in place to regroup. Don’t break the law or ride beyond your skills to catch up.

Hold a riders’ meeting. Discuss things like the route, rest and fuel stops, and hand signals (see diagrams below). Assign a lead and sweep (tail) rider. Both should be experienced riders who are well-versed in group riding procedures. The leader should be aware of each rider’s skill level before the ride and monitor the riders during the ride. Keep the group to a manageable size, ideally five to seven riders. If necessary, break the group into smaller sub-groups, separated by a few seconds, each with a lead and sweep rider.

For mechanical or medical problems, use a cell phone to call for assistance as the situation warrants. If a rider leaves during the ride, the rest of the group should re-form the staggered formation by criss-crossing into the next vacant position. Although it would seem more efficient for the column directly behind the missing rider to move up, we do not recommend it because passing another rider within a lane can be risky.

Ride prepared. At least one rider in each group should a first-aid kit and full tool kit, and all riders should carry a cell phone, so the group is prepared for any problem that they might encounter. Ride in formation. The staggered riding formation (see diagram below) allows a proper space cushion between motorcycles so that each rider has enough time and space to maneuver and to react to hazards. The leader rides in the left third of the lane, while the next rider stays at least one second behind in the right third of the lane; the rest of the group follows the same pattern. A single-file formation with a minimum 2-second following distance is preferred on a curvy road, under conditions of poor visibility or poor road surfaces, entering/leaving highways, or other situations where an increased space cushion or maneuvering room is needed.

Avoid side-by-side formations, as they reduce the space cushion. If you suddenly needed to swerve to avoid a hazard, you would not have room to do so. You don’t want handlebars to get entangled. June 2019

Source: MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation)






Photo Credit: Cooper Chilton

hen riders across the country think “motorcycle destination,” nowadays, the two-wheel, touring talk is all about Cookeville, Tenn. However, the hub city of the Upper Cumberland is rapidly ascending as more than a touring town, but a motorbike competition hotspot on the hill, as well. This was evident as the American Motorcyclist Association announced, this week, the AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship’s move to Tennessee in 2019. Set for July 26-28, the race for the top will take place in Buffalo Valley at Middle Tennessee Dragway, just outside of downtown Cookeville and only an hour east of Nashville. Adjacent to the popular IHRA-sanctioned drag strip is an incline to challenge even the most talented climbers. The new venue is no stranger to AMA-sanctioned success. The Buffalo Valley Hillclimb has become home to amateur, national and pro events, luring riders from across the U.S. in recent years. “We are looking forward to another year of intense competition,” said AMA Track Racing Manager Ken Saillant. “The facility’s location in central Tennessee will allow racers from across the country to more easily make it to the event. It is a newer track and should provide a challenge to all of the


event’s competitors.” Aside from the hill, prime location, and successful hosting history, Cookeville-Putnam County offers riders, their families and fans an overall experience that can’t be beat. Endless opportunities for outdoor recreation, countless dining options, live music venues and more pair well with the rider hospitality of the area. “We are very excited to host this prestigious amateur event in Tennessee,” said Buffalo Valley Hillclimb Coordinator Gary Bagwell. “Buffalo Valley welcomes the entire hillclimb family to come, and enjoy our southern hospitality, unique venue and challenging hill.” As the premier amateur hillclimb event in the United States, hundreds of the country’s best amateur racers are eager to converge on one of America’s most challenging hills to compete with the hope of clinching an AMA National Championship. Most recently hosted in Monson, Mass., the championship competition attracted riders from 15 states, with 136 competitors and 340 entries. For updates on this and other area hillclimb information, go to or call/text 615-9480992.

June 2019

BACKYARD GRILL TIPS: During Spring & Summer, we use our grill for almost every supper. Here’s some time proven tips that truly make a difference.

SIMPLE, MEAT MARINADE: AT LEAST 5 GENERATIONS STRONG! Always let your meat be room temperature. Cold meat does not absorb a marinade easily. But light your grill and let it get good & hot. I’ve used this marinade my entire life for steak and it’s literally been used for 5 generations back that my Mom could recall......and it’s so incredibly simple: Take room temp. steaks and squeeze mustard all on one side; rub it in good, making sure to get the sides Then, drizzle Worcestershire Sauce all over top of the mustard. This is when you add any spices you want; salt & pepper ( we add this again slightly when actually grilling too), garlic powder if you like it. Now, just let it sit for only 5 minutes. That’s it. That simple. There’s something in the ingredients of the mustard (which has been around over 100 years) & the Worcestershire Sauce (which has been around over 100 years) that when combined, make up for a perfect meat tenderizer. You do not taste the mustard one single bit after grilling but the flavor you do get is truly amazing. Make sure that you “let your meat rest” when you take it off the grill or anytime you cook meat. I add a sprinkle of parsley, just for freshness. Just give it a solid 5 minutes and those juices get sucked back into the meat. Don’t ever put your meat on a cardboard paper plate as those just absorb all your juices. Use an actual plate or the coated stock paper plates.

GET CREATIVE WITH GRILL BUNDLES! Anything you can cook on top of your stove, you can put in a grill bundle; Just use the high-quality heavy aluminum foil. Place on low heat on grill and let go long and slow. Gives you time for a few beers. Brown Rice, Shrimp & Snap Peas and a pat of butter Sear your Kielbasa off quick, slice in 1 inch pieces then place in a bundle of sliced thin onions & peppers, thin sliced potatoes & a pat of butter


Take Frozen X-Large Shrimp from any major grocery store and the quartered size of frozen corn on cob pieces, double up alum. foil, making a bowl shape with high siders, add ingredients and sprinkle McCormick’s Caribbean Seasoning, roll up your bundle nice and tight and let it go for about 15 minutes over medium heat. Phenomenal! Grill off Pork Chops really quick on high heat, turn heat down to low. Add your fave veggie; frozen peas or frozen squash. We like to add a can of sliced apples, a couple pinches of cinnamon and a pat of butter. Wrap tight, let it go for 15 mins. over med. heat. Delish! Then we do our veggie off to the side; (be sure and spray your grill with non-stick butter or olive oil before laying veggies down) big slices of squash; cut lengthwise, big thick slices of onion, long slices of eggplant, whole carrots cut in half and placed flat down, whole ears of corn on the cob still in the husk. Just pull down your husks gently, slather butter all over the ear of corn; salt & pepper and gently push the husks back up in place and grill over low heat. After about 10 minutes, pull down the husks again and let the corn get some good grill marks. Serve with husks back up. Crazy Good! The thing is t0 just think outside of your kitchen. If you can cook it inside, you can cook it on your grill. Even pasta bundles on the grill. I am a BIG lover of grilling fruit and then drizzling a sauce, honey or ice cream over top. Grilled fruit is amazing because when it’s caramelized on the grill, it enhances all its’ pure flavors: GRILLED BANANNAS: Cut bananas length-wise and on a low grill that’s been sprayed with butter, lay them down, sprinkle with a mixture of brown sugar & cinnamon, flip, remove and drizzle with either melted Hershey’s chocolate sauce or hot melted caramel sauce (both in the ice-cream aisle at any grocery). GRILLED PEACHES: I use whole, fresh peaches, cut down the middle, remove pit, leave on just enough to get grill marks, sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar mix, remove, drizzle with heated marshmallow sauce. GRILLED PINEAPPLE: Cut the pre-cut ones’ from your Deli in the tall plastic container. These are big, thick-cut pieces. Sprinkle w/ cinnamon & sugar mix; get good grill marks, remove and add a couple small scoops of quality Vanilla Bean ice-cream. JUST GET CREATIVE & HAVE FUN! LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE...& APPRECIATE FOOD.

June 2019


NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit NCOM CONVENTION IN ORLANDO STRESSES UNITY The underlying theme of the 34th annual NCOM Convention in Orlando, Florida, May 10-12, was “Unity” and welcomed back many past supporters and saw lots of new faces in the crowded conference rooms of the Doubletree by Hilton - Universal host hotel. During the General Session, Outsiders MC member David "Double D" Devereaux, founder of the Motorcycle Profiling Project and member of the NCOM Legislative Task Force, spoke convincingly of the need for Unity in attaining our common goals, particularly in regards to state and federal anti-profiling legislation, and NCOM Chairman James “Doc” Reichenbach echoed those sentiments to the assembled representatives of hundreds of clubs, organizations and NCOM Member Groups. One of the largest NCOM Conventions to date, this year’s gathering drew biker activists from motorcycle rights organizations (MROs) and Confederations of Clubs (COCs), as well as independents and other allied riders from across the country. Motorcycle Profiling and “Save the Patch” were hot topics considering the recently victorious Mongols MC court case as well as the eventual dismissal of charges in the Waco catastrophe, while other important issues of concern to our nation’s motorcycle community included various legal and legislative seminars regarding RICO And Its Effect on Your Organization, Restoring Your Rights, Leadership 101 and "Share the Road" Motorcycle Safety. Capping off a productive Convention weekend, the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet recognized outstanding freedom fighters; Congressman Tim Walberg of Michigan (GOVERNMENT), James "Hollywood" Macecari of Insane Throttle Motorcycle Magazine (ENTERTAINMENT), Jim Wear, founder of the Salute to American Veterans Rally (COMMERCE), with SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDS presented to David Duff of ABATE of Iowa, William Bird of ABATE of Florida and Mike Friend of Bikers For Christ. NCOM's highest honor, the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed upon "JR" Reed -1%er of Sons of Silence MC and Smitty 1%er of the Outlaws MC. Next year’s 2020 NCOM Convention is scheduled for Indianapolis, and for more information contact the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) ON-A-BIKE (662-2453) or visit SUPPORT FEDERAL ANTI-PROFILING RESOLUTION IN U.S. HOUSE All motorcyclists are encouraged to contact their Congressional Representatives to ask for their support of House Resolution 255, a bipartisan anti-profiling measure introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that is identical to Senate Resolution 154 passed 32

by unanimous consent in the U.S. Senate late last year. H.Res.255; “Promoting awareness of motorcycle profiling and encouraging collaboration and communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling,” was introduced March 26 by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) and currently has 22 co-sponsors. Both nonbinding resolutions, S.Res.154 & H.Res.255, call for cessation of law enforcement discriminatorily profiling motorcyclists by thwarting “the illegal use of the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle related apparel as a factor in deciding to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search a person or vehicle with or without legal basis under the Constitution of the United States,” as profiling is defined by each resolution. Concerned riders can contact their U.S. Rep. by calling the Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and request that they join their colleagues in cosponsoring H.Res.255 to put an end to law enforcement unfairly targeting motorcycle riders for traffic stops, questioning and citations. MOTORCYCLE SAFETY AWARENESS MONTH CONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTION On May 1, 2019 U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) submitted House Resolution 338 in the U.S. House of Representatives; “Expressing support for the designation of May 2019 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month,” which reads: “Whereas motorcycling is a great American tradition enjoyed by an estimated 27 million people annually, representing almost 9 percent of the population; Whereas motorcycles are a valuable component of the transportation mix; Whereas motorcycles are fuel-efficient and decrease congestion while having little impact on our Nation’s transportation infrastructure; Whereas the motorcycling community promotes rider education, licensing, and motorcycle awareness; Whereas the motorcycling community is committed to decreasing motorcycle crashes through training and education, personal responsibility, and increased public awareness; Whereas approximately 91 percent of motorcycles are operated on highways in conjunction with other vehicles; Whereas motorcyclist deaths occur more frequently than fatalities in passenger vehicles; Whereas motorcycle awareness is beneficial to all road users and will help decrease motorcycle accidents; and Whereas the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration promotes Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month to encourage riders to be properly licensed, receive training, and to remind all riders and motorists to always share the road: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives -(1) supports the designation of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month; (2) recognizes the contribution of motorcycles to the transportation mix;

June 2019


(3) encourages motorcycle awareness by all road users; (4) recognizes that motorcyclists have a right to the road and that all motorists should safely share the roadways; (5) encourages rider education and training for safe motorcycle operation; and (6) supports the goals of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.” H.Res. 338 has been referred to the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and currently has 7 cosponsors. MOTORCYCLISTS AMONG THOSE BENEFITING FROM PUBLIC LANDS ACCESS Recreation industry leaders and off-road vehicle enthusiasts applaud Congress for the passage of the Natural Resources Management Act, S.47, now Public Law No: 116-9 after being signed March 12, 2019 by President Donald Trump, affirming the existence and proper management of millions of acres of public lands and parks, including Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) areas, for years to come. The law permanently reauthorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Every Kid Outdoors Act for seven years. Collectively this legislation will benefit thousands of parks, public lands, and waters as well as providing access to the outdoors to millions of off road motorcycle and ATV riders across the country. The Land and Water Conservation Fund is America’s most important conservation program, responsible for protecting parks, wildlife refuges, and recreation areas at the federal, state, and local levels. Many of the lands that NPT has transferred to the National Park Service were purchased with funding from LWCF, including Rocky Mountain National Park, Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, Glacier National Park, Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, and Zion National Park. The sweeping Act reflects the bipartisan Senate-House agreement reached near the end of the last Congress to bundle together over 100 individual lands bills, striking a balance between creating new opportunities for natural resource and community development with limited, locally-supported conservation. It will improve public June 2019

lands management, protect treasured landscapes, and increase public access for recreation while protecting private property rights. Last year, the government released national data demonstrating the importance of an outdoor recreation economy that accounts for 2.2 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product and directly supports 4.5 million jobs. MONGOLS FINED $500,000 & GIVEN PROBATION, BUT RETAIN TRADEMARKED LOGO At a sentencing hearing on Friday, May 17 a federal judge in California fined the Mongols Motorcycle Club $500,000 and put the club on probation for five years following its racketeering and conspiracy convictions, but rebuffed yet another attempt by prosecutors to strip the group of its trademark protected back patch logos, citing constitutional protections against intrusions on free expression and excessive penalties. Last December, a jury found the Mongol Nation as a whole guilty of RICO charges in a decade-long case in which prosecutors said the group operated an organized criminal enterprise. That jury further decided at the time that the government could seize the Mongols intellectual property, but in February U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter intervened and refused to approve the asset forfeiture. Stephen “Bowtie” Stubbs, lead attorney for the Mongols, called the judge’s decision to not strip its identifying insignia a victory for all motorcycle clubs, but said that the $500,000 would be a "major burden" to bear for current members who had nothing to do with any of the alleged behavior of past members, and told NBC News that the club plans to appeal the entire case. "The Mongols Motorcycle Club is very pleased that Judge Carter shut down another attempt by the government to limit symbolic speech," said Stubbs, of Las Vegas, who is a member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists Legislative Task Force (NCOMLTF) and also serves as legal counsel for the Southern Nevada Confederation of Clubs (COC). Prior to the sentencing hearing, prosecutors tried again, requesting the Mongols be prohibited from preventing others from using their image, which Stubbs said the judge also denied.


GREAT SIGNS WITH MIXES MESSAGES ..... In A Laundromat Automatic Washing Machines: Please Remove All Your Clothes When The Light Goes Out In An Office Will The Person Who Took The Step Ladder Yesterday Please Bring It Back Or Further Steps Will Be Taken Outside A 2nd Hand Shop We Exchange Anything...Bicycles, Stoves, Skate Boards, Etc. Why Not Bring Your Wife Along & Get A Wonderful Bargain? Notice In Health Food Shop Window Closed Due To Entire Staff Being Sick Seen During A Conference For Anyone Who Has Children & Doesn’t Know It, There Is A Day Care On The 1st Floor Notice In A Farmer’s Field The Farmer Allows Walkers To Cross The Field For Free, But The Bull Charges Message On A Leaflet If You Can Not Read, This Leaflet Will Tell You How To Get Free Lessons On A Repair Shop Door We Can Repair Anything. (Please Knock Hard On The Door - The Bell Is Currently Broke) These Headlines Were In Various Local Papers Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife

Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead


Die for her Take her to dinner several times a week Buy her jewelry Actually listen to what she has to say

Show up naked

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges

Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over

Single black female seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I’m a very good looking girl that loves to paly and adores long walks in the woods, camping, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, fishing, and cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Also loves candlelight dinners and will have me eating out of your hand. I’ll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Call: xxx-xxx-xxxx and ask for Daisy. Over 15,000 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society about an 8 week old black Labrador Retriever. --------------------------------------------------------------I was visiting my daughter last night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper. ‘This is the 21st century, Mom....we don’t waste money on newspapers.’ ‘Here, use my iPad.’ I can tell you this....that dang fly never knew what him! --------------------------------------------------------------How to please a woman: Love Her

How to please a man:

Hospitals Are Sued By 7 Foot Doctors

Astronaut Takes Blame For Gas In Spacecraft

It would be cool to petition to have Barbara Walters on the New Year’s ball drop next year just so she can proclaim, ‘I’m Barbara Walters and this is 2020.’ --------------------------------------------------------------A Singles Ad that appeared in the Atlanta Journal:

Bring beer --------------------------------------------------------------So Lil’ Johnny comes home with a note from the teacher and gives it to his Mom to read. She reads it and looks at Lil’ Johnny in the most shocked way that he’d ever seen. He says, “Mom, I don’t know what that note says but honestly, the Teacher has been in 5th grade for 16 years so there’s gotta’ be some kinda’ issue going on there don’t you think?’

June 2019

June 2019



If You Are A BIKER FRIENDLY BUSINESS And Would Like To See Your BUSINESS LISTED And Receive Thunder Roads® Tennessee /Kentucky Magazines Each Month Call 615-389-1149 (BFD LISTING ONLY $300 PER YEAR) READERS Pick Up Your Copy Of TRTN /KY Each Month At These Fine Locations

DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson® 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 866-452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson® 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 931-648-1607 Bluegrass Harley-Davidson® 11701 Gateworth Way Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 244-8095 Bootlegger Harley-Davidson® 605 Lovell Rd Knoxville, TN 37932 865-671-2454 Boswell’s H-D Country Roads 1424 Interstate Dr Cookeville, TN 38501 931-526-3139 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 615-242-6067 Boswell’s Ring of Fire H-D 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 615-855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-849-8025 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd Memphis, TN 38133 901-372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr Jackson, TN 38305 731-422-5508 Bumpus Harley-Davidson® Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-316-1121 Colboch Harley-Davidson 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343


Crockett Powersports 4113 S Access Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37406 423-760-3670 Four Rivers Harley-Davidson® 3005 Old Husbands Rd. Paducah, KY 42003 (800) 790-5636 Harley-Davidson® Bowling Green 251 Cumberland Trace Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42103 (844) 247-3501


H-D of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd Columbia, TN 38401 931-540-0099

Thoroughbred Harley-Davidson® 8025 Action Blvd Florence, KY 41042 (859) 282-2111

Harley-Davidson® Louisville 1700 Arthur St. Louisville, KY 40208 (502) 634-1340

White Lightning Harley-Davidson® 7720 Lee Hwy Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 892-4888

Highway 12 Motorsports 5110 Ashland City Highway Nashville, TN 37218 (615) 891-7850

Wildcat Harley-Davidson® 575 Hal Rogers Pkwy London, KY 40741 (606) 862-5656

Cacklebery Campground “Home of the Big Rooster” 560 Tomoka Farms Rd CR 415 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386-428-5459



Indian Triumph Of Knoxville 5820 Clinton Hwy Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-4321 JPM Performance Powersports/Indian Motorcycles of Hopkinsville 5376 Fort Campbell Blvd Hopkinsville, KY 42240 (270) 885-5200 Knoxville Harley-Davidson® 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-2454 Man O'War Harley-Davidson® 2073 Bryant Rd. Lexington, KY 40509 (859) 253-2461 MineShaft Harley-Davidson® 114 Harley Dr. Pikeville, KY 41501 (606) 433-0911 Moonshine Harley-Davidson® 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 866-667-8836 Music City Indian Motorcycle 1003 8th Ave S Nashville, TN 37203 615-401-9341 Panhead Phil's Music City Motorcycle 208 17th Ave North Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 963-9508 Rocky Top Harley-Davidson® 105 Waldens Main St Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 865-774-3445 S&G Custom Cycles 1114 Galloway St Columbia, TN 38401 931-381-7282 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150 Smith Brothers Harley-Davidson® 3518 Bristol Hwy Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 283-0422 Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669

Ashland City Pizza Depot 202 North Main Street Ashland City, TN 37015 (615) 246-8400 Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Fredonia, TN 37146 931-362-4774 www. Bobarosa Saloon 2299 Highway 25/70 E Del Rio, TN 37727 (423) 613-9726 Chopper’s Grill & Bar 1200 Donelson Ave Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-894-7020 Corn Pone Tavern 7715 Clinton Hwy Powell, TN 37849 (865) 512-9158 Double E Bar/Grill 4957 Lebanon Pike Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-885-3400 Miss Kay’s Country Store & The Nutcracker Shed 960 Brownfield Rd. Dover, TN 37058 (931) 305-6064 Nirvana Roadhouse 704 Britton Hollow Rd. Pulaski, TN 38478 (931) 309-2581 Screwball’s Bar and Grill 3024 Newport Hwy Sevierville, TN 37876 (865) 429-4019 The Shed 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669 Warden's Table Restaurant @ Historic Brushy Mtn State Pen 9182 Hwy 116 Petros, TN 37845 (423) 324-8687

CAMPGROUNDS Bobarosa Saloon & Campground 2299 Highway 25/70 E Del Rio, TN 37727 (423) 613-9726

Historic Brushy Mtn State Pen 9182 Hwy 116 Petros, TN 37845 (423) 324-8687

GROCERIES Lewis Country Store 5106 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN (615) 255-7755 Gas-Up, Unique Shop, Fresh Food

GUN SHOPS Tennessee Gun Country 1435 Fort Campbell Blvd Clarksville, TN 37042 (931) 552-2118

LEGAL AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424/1-800-on-a-bike Garza Law Firm PLLC 550 West Main Street 550 #340 Knoxville, TN 37902 Phone: 865-329-6982 Toll Free: 866-893-8413 Steelhorse Law 3715 Northside Pkwy NW Building 300, Suite 650 Atlanta, GA 30327 888-382-6878

LEATHER & REPAIR Appalachian Trading and Leather Co. 3020 Newport Hwy Sevierville, TN 37876 (865) 469-0672 Brotherhood Leathers @ Bobarosa Saloon 2299 Highway 25/70 E Del Rio, TN 37727 3415 Hwy 66 S. Suite 2 Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 293-3777 Buckle and Hide Leather 197 Enon Spring Road West Smyrna, TN 37167 615-768-5041 Classic Leathers 2704 E Andrew Johnson Hwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-8944

June 2019

MINISTRIES Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families. (615) 384-9010

PAINT/PINSTRIPING 3D Head Custom Paint 5405 Cedar Heights Rd. Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 621-9836

PARTS & ACCESSORIES Amsoil 615-389-1149 Reference #1569065 Catalyst Cycles 1074 Courier Place, Ste 402 Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 984-7969 Stereo City 5721 Ringgold Road Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-504-9874 The Lad N Lass 134 Bearden Pl Knoxville, TN 37917 (865) 375-3025

June 2019

SERVICES Avon the company for women & now men too! For Easy On-Line Ordering Visit: Reliant Realty Keri Gilles Realtor 124 Dunbar Cave Rd. Clarksville, TN 37043 M: (931) 320-8028 O: (931) 245-8800 Sold By Chambers Lisa Chambers Realtor 75 Industrial Drive Mount Juliet, TN 37122 M: (615) 474-0377 H: (615) 288-8292 Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172 Wash-Zilla 271 New Shackle Island Rd. Hendersonville, TN 37073 3855 Dickerson Pike Nashville, TN 37207

TRAVEL Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln, Ste 200, Brentwood Tn 37027 615-376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs.



Bumpus H-D Tour of Duty 8 05/18/2019 – 07/06/2019 Location: All 6 Bumpus H-D Dealerships Every year the Bumpus Harley-Davidson Team, Customers, Family Members and Friends join together to raise money for our Military and Veterans in need. This is a grass roots movement to help out one Soldier at a time. To date, we raised well over $100,000. The funds are managed by an incredible team of Gold Star Moms. There are zero management fees, etc. The Bumpus H-D Family absorbs the cost of the Passport expenses as well. Your $25 donation will get you an event T-Shirt, a passport and the chance to win a Bumpus Harley-Davidson $2,500.00 gift card. All you have to do is visit all 6 Bumpus H-D locations over the course of a 7 week period. Smoky Mountain H-D Ride The Ridge Date: 05/31/2019 – 06/02/2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Ride will meet at SMH-D on Friday, May 31st at 9am. Kickstands up at 9:30am. We will ride to Little Switzerland, NC via the Blue Ridge Parkway on the 31st and spend the 1st exploring the surrounding area then returning home on the 2nd. Lodging: Please RSVP to SMH-D and call Little Switzerland Inn (828-765-2153) to book your lodging for Friday and Saturday night in NC. 7th Annual Bad Habit Biker Bash Date: 05/31/2019 – 06/02/2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Barb’s Place, 1027 Rose Hill Rd, Pulaski, TN 38478 Tickets are $30 in advance or $40 @ gate for the weekend, includes entry and camping. No extra fees for trucks, trailers, campers etc. Day passes will be available at the gate for $20 per day. Limited electric and water hook ups available. Gates open 10 a.m. on May 31st. Live music Friday & Saturday. Vendors and Food concessions, plus full food menu in bar, Bike show, Bike games and more entertainment, Door prizes, raffles, giveaways and contests, burnout pit, stripper poles, horse shoe pits. Vendor fee is only $50, includes 2 weekend passes. For more info look us up on Facebook. Man O’ War H-D at The American Flat Track Date: 06/01/2019 Time: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM



Location: Red Mile, 1200 Red Mile Rd, Lexington, KY 40504 The American Flat Track races are coming to the Red Mile in Lexington on Saturday, June 1st! Man O’ War H-D will have tents and the jumpstart out at the track! Be sure to come by and visit our booth! Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day/Night Date: 06/01/2019, 06/08/2019, 06/15/2019, 06/22/2019, 06/29/2019 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727 Join us every Saturday for Bike Day/Night! Beer & Food Specials, $1 Shots, Live Music 2-6pm & 8pm. Leather & Apparel On Site, Sewing Services, Bike Games, 50/50 Cash Drawing’s, Bikini Bike Washing, 8 Ball Pool Tournament Friday (Bar Adds $75). Ride In With a Tent & Camp For Free. 8th Annual TN Red, White, and Brewfest Date: 06/01/2019 Time: 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Downtown Commons, 215 Legion St., Clarksville, TN 37040 Join us June 1st for the 8th Annual TN Red, White & Brewfest at the Downtown Commons! Over 80 Microbrews & Craft Beers, Live Entertainment by Fever, Food Vendors. All proceeds to benefit Bikers Who Care children’s charities. Must be 21+ to attend. American Flat Track Red Mile Date: 06/01/2019 Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Red Mile, 1200 Red Mile Rd, Lexington, KY 40504 Round 8 of the American Flat Track series takes place in horse-country Kentucky at the famed Red Mile racing circuit located in Lexington, KY on June 1, 2019! The Red Mile facility, which has hosted horse racing for 140 years, is fast, wide and offers plenty of traction, which is sure to result in exciting, bar-bangin’ action. With lush accomodations, great views from the grandstands and plenty of food and entertainment available track-side, the American Flat Track event at the Red Mile is a no-miss event, so come out and check out our action! Kids under 12 get free admission, while Military personnel and first responders can buy tickets for just $20 with valid discount code! Purchase tickets at: https://tickets-dev.americanflattrack. com/2019-red-mile.html

The Shed Concert: The Wildflowers - A Tribute to Tom Petty Date: 06/01/2019 Time: 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 Whether rocking the Smokin’ Monkey Lounge or headlining a HOG Rally, The Wildflowers have always delivered at The Shed! In 2019, they plan to do it again! Breaking out of Tribute Month, The Wildflowers bring to life the classic music of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. This show has become a staple at The Shed! Tickets on sale now for $10! Tickets available at the gate on the day of show for $15. Chopper’s Grill Crystal Karaoke Night Date: 06/01/2019 & 06/08/2019 Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Come sing your favorite songs and enjoy an awesome atmosphere or just relax and have a drink....always a good time at Chopper’s Grill! Nirvana Roadhouse Live Music Date: 06/01/2019, 06/08/2019, 06/15/2019, 06/22/2019, 06/29/2019 Time: 9:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Rocking bands make our Saturday nights a blast! Awesome talent, great food, cold beer and bonfire nightly. Bobarosa Saloon Bike Day Date: 06/02/2019, 06/09/2019, 06/16/2019, 06/23/2019, 06/30/2019 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727 Join us every Sunday for Bike Day! Beer & Food Specials, $1 Shots, Live Music 2-6pm. Leather & Apparel On Site, Sewing Services, Bikini Bike Washing. Nirvana Roadhouse Sunday Funday Date: 06/02/2019, 06/09/2019, 06/16/2019, 06/23/2019, 06/30/2019 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Ride on out to our lil backwoods bar! We have food and beer specials, a great place for lunch, best hamburgers in the land!! And… wet t-shirt competitions at 5pm, ladies willing, bikini bike wash, ax throwing, cornhole, horseshoes and adult games to keep ya entertained, or just sit in the shade and watch! A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. C ya there!!


June 2019

Nirvana Roadhouse Jam Session Date: 06/02/2019 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Ride in for a great day of food, cold beer and awesome music as the surrounding area musicians come together to jam. Wet t shirt competition at 5 pm, ladies willing, bikini bike wash, ride on in! Chopper’s Grill Funtastic Sunday Date: 06/02/2019, 06/09/2019, 06/16/2019, 06/23/2019, 06/30/2019 Time: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Funtastic Sunday’s at Chopper’s are awesome with Live Bands & Free Cookout (until it’s gone). This is the place for all your sports and drink specials and a great way to end your weekend! June Bands: 2nd Justice Colt, 9th 4 on the Floor, 16th Rebel Rulez, 23rd Pancho Chino Train, 30th TBA. Brotherhood Leathers Bike Night Date: 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019, 06/18/2019, 06/25/2019 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Brotherhood Leathers, 3415 Hwy 66 S, Rogersville, TN 37857 Bike Nights every Tuesday from 6 pm to 9pm. Family friendly event with bike parking. Food and leather store specials, 50/50 drawings, and live entertainment the first Tuesday of the month. Holston River Brewing Company Bike Night Date: 06/04/2019, 06/11/2019, 06/18/2019, 06/25/2019 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Holston River Brewing Company, 2623 Volunteer Pkwy, Bristol, TN 37620 If you like big bike nights, great food, top notch music, exceptional beer and the sound of NASCAR you’ll love our bike nights! Can’t miss us, we’re right next to Bristol Speedway! Killer bike nights every Tuesday, June-September @6PM. East Coast Wings + Grill Bike Night Date: 06/05/2019 & 06/26/2019 Time: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Location: East Coast Wings + Grill, 2637 East Stone Drive, Ste. F-I, Kingsport, TN 37660 Join East Coast Wings in Kingsport for our bike nights. Come on out and enjoy music, giveaways, great food and more! Plenty of paved parking in back. We get triple digit bikes so don’t miss this! Every first and last Wednesday of the month, June to September.


June 2019

Nirvana Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 06/05/2019, 06/12/2019, 06/19/2019, 06/26/2019 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Ride on in for our FTW… Free Taco Wednesdays!! Beer specials and ax throwing too! Bobarosa Saloon Ladies Night Date: 06/05/2019, 06/12/2019, 06/19/2019, 06/26/2019 Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727 Join us on Wednesdays for Ladies Night! $1 Shots and $1 Off All Appetizers for The Ladies, Karaoke & Free Pool Play. Chopper’s Grill Bike Night & Crystal Karaoke Date: 06/05/2019, 06/12/2019, 06/19/2019, 06/26/2019 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 Every Wednesday Night at Chopper’s Grill it’s Bike Night with Crystal Karaoke and Free Food! Join us on Wednesday for a Fun Filled Night with the Greatest People and Beer & Drink Specials! Always a great time at the Lil Shack On The Corner! Smoky Mountain H-D Food Truck Thursday Date: 06/06/2019 Time: 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain H-D, 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37801 It’s the first Thursday of the month. You know what that means... Food Truck Thursday! Come out to The Shed at Smoky Mountain H-D for a night of family friendly fun and some of the best food trucks in town! Bobarosa Saloon Thirsty Thursday Date: 06/06/2019, 06/13/2019, 06/20/2019, 06/27/2019 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727 Join us on Thursday’s for Thirsty Thursday from 6-9pm, .50 Cent Chicken Wings, Karaoke 7-11pm, 9 Ball Pool Tournament (Bar Adds $40).


Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Date: 06/06/2019, 06/13/2019, 06/20/2019, 06/27/2019 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Hillbillys Wing Shack, 26280 Hwy 69, Adamsville, TN 38310 We have a lot of fun doing karaoke, we have our own system which we run loud enough for you to enjoy but tuned down enough you can still talk to your friends and family and still have fun. Kids are welcome to come sing with us and if they are a little shy, we will be glad to get behind a mic and help them try it out. Food and drink specials. Nirvana Roadhouse Pool Tournament Date: 06/06/2019, 06/13/2019, 06/20/2019, 06/27/2019 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 8 Ball Tournament every Thursday, Free Pool, Great Food and Cold Beer! Hillbilly’s Wing Shack June Jam Date: 06/07/2019 – 06/08/2019 Location: 805 Foster Road, Crump, TN 38327 8 Bands, 2 Days of Fun, Free Camping, Food & Merchandise Vendors! Only $30 for 2 Days, $20 for 1 Day, 12 & under Free. Rain or Shine. FMI: Call (731) 632-2222 or visit Nirvana Roadhouse Steak Night Date: 06/07/2019 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Serving up a great steak with adult games, trivia, cold beer and good times!! Bobarosa Saloon Bike Night Date: 06/07/2019, 06/14/2019, 06/21/2019, 06/28/2019 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727 Join us every Friday night for Bike Night! Beer & Food Specials, $1 Shots, Live Music 8pm. Leather & Apparel On Site, Bike Games, 50/50 Cash Drawing’s, Bikini Bike Washing, 8 Ball Pool Tournament Friday Bar Adds $100. Ride In With a Tent & Camp For Free.




Hillbillys Wing Shack Karaoke Night Date: 06/07/2019, 06/14/2019, 06/21/2019, 06/28/2019 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Hillbillys Wing Shack, 26280 Hwy 69, Adamsville, TN 38310 Friday Night karaoke is a lot of fun, we start at 7pm, you can come in early and eat so you have plenty of energy to get up and sing (Ha Ha) or just come in and watch as you eat and have good times with friends and family. Come see why we are the # 1 karaoke place around, we love to get out and talk to the crowd. Large groups, please call ahead and we will have a table ready for you.

Derby, and much more!! Sunset air balloon rides (weather permitting), inflatables, sweets & treats! Live music from Sixth Floor, Mick Blankenship, and the Classic Rock Experience. Did I mention we’re giving away a brand new Harley-Davidson® Iron 883??

Chopper’s Grill Carrie-oke Night Date: 06/07/2019, 06/14/2019, 06/21/2019, 06/28/2019 Time: 9:00 PM – 1:00 AM Location: Chopper’s Grill, 1200 Donelson Ave., Old Hickory, TN 37138 It’s gonna be a great time every Friday Night at Chopper’s Grill Karaoke! Come on down for a great time!

Cruising for Critters Date: 06/08/2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: The Back Door Café, 2221 Jacksboro Pike, La Follette, TN 37766 Cruise for Critters this June 8th and ride the spectacular roads around La Folette and Jacksboro, TN. Ride starts/ends at the Back Door Café behind Food City. Reg at 10am, KSU at 12 noon, $20 per bike. Vendors, food & door prizes!! Proceeds benefit Spay Campbell County TN Pets organization.

Cruise in Show n’ Shine Date: 06/08/2019 Time: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: 1111 N. North shore Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919 Join the Knoxville Rotary Club in their benefit for Shangri-La Therapeutic Academy & Habitat for Humanity. Pre 1973 cars, rods, bikes or trucks. $30 registration for awards. Free event for visitors. Food, vendors and more. Register on-line at: American Legion Riders Post 172 Veterans Breakfast Date: 06/08/2019 & 07/13/2019 Time: 8:30 AM Location: American Legion Post 172, 436 Spring St. Clinton, TN 37716 Veteran riders are invited to join our Post for a free breakfast on 8 June & 13 July. Ride in, enjoy the camaraderie and take a ride in our local area (Devils Triangle, Norris Loop). We also have rider’s gatherings on 13 June and 11 July @1800. Harley-Davidson of Bowling Green Birthday Bash Date: 06/08/2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Location: H-D of Bowling Green, 251 Cumberland Trace Rd, Bowling Green, KY 42103 All Out Dyno Drags, vendors galore, pinstriping from Perkins Artworks, RC Components, airbrushing from CrazyThing, Vette City Roller



2nd Annual Bark in The Park Benefit Ride Date: 06/08/2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 2610 S. Church St., Murfreesboro, TN 37127 Join us for our annual ride to benefit the Lewisburg Animal Shelter. Ride, bike show, vendors, fur baby adoptions, food trucks and more! $20 per bike. Registration 9-10am, KSU 10:30am.

Bobarosa Saloon Big Gun in Concert Date: 06/08/2019 Time: 4:00 PM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727 BIG GUN the #1 AC/DC Tribute Band in Concert @ 9pm. Brandon Fields Experience Opening at 4pm. Door Prizes, RV, Tent & Overnight Rentals, Drink, Food, & Apparel Specials, Leathers, MC Apparel & Jewelry by Brotherhood Leathers, Extreme Motorcycle Audio, Sewing Services by Momma Cat, Oil Boxing & Burn Out Contest with $$ To Winners. Man O’ War H-D Bike Night Date: 06/10/2019 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Man O’War Harley-Davidson of Lexington, 2073 Bryant Road, Lexington, KY 40509 It’s bike night time at Man O’ War HarleyDavidson! Join us on June 10th from 6-9pm for some bike night fun! We’ll have Mr. Gyros food truck, cold drinks, and live music from Retro Symphony. Be there! Bobarosa Saloon Flag Day Date: 06/14/2019 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Bobarosa Saloon, 2299 Highway 25/70 E, Del Rio, TN 37727

June 14th all Military Show ID for Discounts! American Legion G.I. Joe Post #244 “Run For The Vets” Date: 06/15/2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM Location: G.I. Joe Post 244 American Legion, 3408 College Dr., Jeffersontown, KY 40299 Poker run $15 per bike, includes poker hand, map and door prize ticket. Live music starts at 4:30-8pm River City Saints, 8-11pm Doug Pinson. Food and Drinks available. Raffles, Silent auction, 50/50, Pull tabs. 100% of the proceeds will benefit the American Legion 244 and its charities. Riding or not come join the fun and help support our veterans. Thank You for your support, The American Legion #244 S.A.L. MineShaft H-D 8th Annual Mountain Shrine Ride Father’s Day Event Date: 06/15/2019 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Mountain Shrine Club, 95 Maryland Dr., Whitesburg, KY 41858 Mountain Shrine Club Ride!! All proceeds will be donated to the Shriners Hospital in Lexington KY. $10 per rider, $5 additional of a passenger. Free Breakfast before the ride, free BBQ and drinks after the ride at MineShaft Harley-Davidson in Pikeville KY. Live music too. Registration begins at 9:00 am, kick stands up at 11:00 at the Mountain Shrine Club Whitesburg KY. The ride will go North on KY 15 to Hazard then East to Prestonsburg then south to Pikeville down US 23 Country Music Highway to MineShaft HarleyDavidson. Kick stands down at 1:30. KY Concerns of Police Survivors 16th Annual Ride Date: 06/15/2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Man O’War Harley-Davidson of Lexington, 2073 Bryant Road, Lexington, KY 40509 Saturday, June 15th is the Kentucky Concerns of Police Survivors 16th Annual Benefit Ride! Registration is from 10-11am at Man O’ War Harley-Davidson. The ride ends with a meal after a scenic countryside ride - the ride ends at Gall’s Warehouse (1340 Russell Cave Rd Lexington, KY). $20 per bike, $10 per passenger. Lunch, ride pin & door prizes provided. Proceeds go to support the Kentucky Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors. Email for info, or visit


June 2019

Man O’ War H-D Father’s Day Bash Date: 06/15/2019 Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Man O’War Harley-Davidson of Lexington, 2073 Bryant Road, Lexington, KY 40509 Celebrate Father’s Day weekend at Man O’ War Harley-Davidson on Saturday, June 15th! From 11am-3pm, we’ll have a free grill out, live music, and more! Stay tuned for more info! Nirvana Roadhouse Redneck Games Date: 06/15/2019 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Nirvana Roadhouse, 704 Britton Hollow Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 Redneck Games include winner takes all Cornhole and Horseshoe Tournaments. We have the largest slip and slide in the area, adult games, BBQ and a rocking band that night! 14 ft. pythons on site for pictures, primitive camping, RVs ok but no hook ups, hot showers. Junebug Boogie Motorcycle Rally Date: 06/20/2019 – 06/23/2019 Location: 115 Waterloo Rd., Cookeville, TN 38506 Must be 21 years old I.D. required. Primitive camping. Free hot showers. We have live entertainment, contest, bike games, and more all day long. D.O.T. is required in the state of Tennessee. Vendors on site with 2 Bars. Check out our website for more details or call (931) 239-8509 or (931) 260-9339. 4th Annual Sunny Day Craft Festival Date: 06/22/2019 Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: East Hickman High School, 7700 Highway 7, Lyles TN 37098 The East Hickman High School Soar & Score Club is hosting the 4th annual Sunny Day Craft Festival. More than 100 vendors participated last year and this year’s event is set to be record breaking. The Sunny Day Craft Festival takes place on Jun. 22nd from 9am-3pm at East Hickman High School. The Craft Festival is open to the public; admission and parking are both free. Crafters and vendors interested in obtaining booth space for the show or have additional questions can request an application or information by emailing event chair, Nikki Mutize, at Man O’ War H-D Cruising with Cody Ride Date: 06/22/2019 Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Location: Man O’War Harley-Davidson of Lexington, 2073 Bryant Road, Lexington, KY 40509


June 2019

Cody Dorman is an inspiring little boy who is stricken with a very rare syndrome, WolfHirshhorn Syndrome. Cody was granted a wish from the Make A Wish Foundation, and now wants to help another kid get a wish! June 22 will be filled with the roar of bikes as we’re having Cruising With Cody to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Bikes, food, bands, great raffle prizes, & more. Registration at 10am, kickstands up at 11am. $10 per bike and $5 passenger. We will be riding to Fort Boonesboro and returning through Paris and back to Man O’ War. We will be returning to the Bedford Band and grilling out. Silent auction winners will be announced after band stops playing. All goes to support the Make A Wish Foundation. Wildcat H-D / Cole Freeman Stunt Show Date: 06/22/2019 Time: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM Location: Wildcat Harley-Davidson, 575 E Hal Rogers Pkwy, London, KY 40741 One day only! Cole Freeman is back, flying high and burning rubber. Two stunt shows and one huge jump! 5th Annual Veterans Home Ride Date: 06/22/2019 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson, 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass, Clarksville, TN 37043 Come and join us for our 5th Annual Tennessee State Veterans Home Ride. All bikes, cars, trucks, farm tractors, Amish buggy or anything that you want to ride is welcome on the ride. Our first stop will be the Veterans Home to spend some time with our Heroes. $10 Donation. Registration will begin at 11:00am, at 12:00pm we will depart Appleton Harley-Davidson and ride as a group to the Veterans Home and visit our heroes, release run after we visit our Heroes. We will have door prizes, 5050 and a chance to win a 9mm AR Pistol, Heritage Rough Rider 22lr, Mark Reed custom knife or 1 hour massage. American Rebel Bike Week Date: 06/28/2019 – 07/07/2019 Location: American Rebel Bike Park Park, 3301 Natural Bridge Rd, Waynesboro, TN 38485 A ten-day event in the hill country of middle Tennessee with Concerts, Biker Games, Contests, Great Camping, Vendors and Lots More, Plus the riding in this area to die for! 2nd Annual Tennessee Ridge Veterans Park Poker Run Date: 06/29/2019 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Tennessee Ridge City Hall, 2300


S. Main St., Tennessee Ridge, TN 37178 Join us on Saturday, June 29th for our second Annual Poker Run to benefit the Herb Gould Tennessee Ridge Veterans Park. The Event will start at Tennessee Ridge City Hall and end at the VFW Post 4730 in Dover TN. Cost is $20 per Bike and $10 for passenger. Best Hand $100, 2nd place $25. Following the ride there will be food available for purchase, entertainment, and a judging for Best Show Bike. There will also be a few Vendors and a Chinese Auction. FMI: (931)= 348-9106. Bobarosa Saloon “The Rebuild Ride” Date: 06/30/2019 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Knoxville Harley-Davidson, 5810 Clinton Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37912 First Pack Out KSU 11pm, Second Pack Out KSU 1pm. FMI: Contact Knoxville Harley-Davidson and ask for JD (865) 6892454.

The Great American Motorcycle Revolution Date: 07/05/2019 – 07/07/2019 Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Daviess County Lions Club Fair, 6191 Ky-54, Philpot, KY 42366 We are excited to announce our inaugural event! Featuring: Skinny Molly, Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist, Jericho Woods, Boscoe France, Beyond Blu, Blackford Creek, and many other incredible bands! KOI Top Fuel Dirt Drags, Flat Track Racing, Vintage and Hooligan Races! Amateur Mini-open Classes, Open Pro Class, Vintage-Custom Bike Show in the exhibition building! Battle of the Bands, Revolution Models, Beer Gardens, Specialty Vendors Row, Great Food and Tent Camping, RV’s Welcome/No Hookups. Freedom Rumble Date: 07/06/2019 Time: 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM Location: Bluegrass Harley-Davidson, 11701 Gateworth Way, Louisville, KY 40299 Win a 2019 H-D Street Glide or $15,000 Cash, Smith and Wesson M&P 45 or a $500 gift card - buy tickets at then join us July 6th at Bluegrass H-D for a scenic 100 mile ride, food and beverage trucks, vendors, live auction, music and much more! Hotel info for out of town visitors - Staybridge Suites Louisville, East 11711 Gateworth Way, Louisville, KY 40299, (502) 244-9511. Proceeds support local Veterans! For more info contact *Raffle drawing at 4 p.m., you don’t have to be present to win!



EVENTS Wildcat H-D 10th Birthday Bash Date: 07/06/2019 Time: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM Location: Wildcat Harley-Davidson, 575 E Hal Rogers Pkwy, London, KY 40741 Celebrate 10 years with us at the best party in town featuring music, shows & fireworks! Bikers Who Care Memorial Bug & Dice Run Date: 07/13/2019 Time: 5:00 PM – 12:00 AM Location: Bikers Who Care Clubhouse, 201 Providence Boulevard, Clarksville, TN 37042 Annually we host a Memorial Bug Run & Dice Run to Honor our Brothers, Sisters and Loved Ones that have Fallen But Not Forgotten... This ride is Open to the Public. We will meet at the B.W.C. Clubhouse at 5pm, purchase your Bug Run sticker and get in the wind around 6ish. We will take the long way to the Bent Wrench Roadhouse for a 2nd chance to win with our Dice Run. The B.W.R. Crew will also have plates of food for sale so we will eat there. After everyone has ate ‘n stretched their legs we’ll head back to the Clubhouse to catch a bug. Last bike in at 9pm. Live Music with Lone Watie making their B.W.C. debut starting at 9pm. Winners will be announced shortly thereafter... Thank You All for your continued Support!! Sturgis Kentucky Bike Rally Date: 07/18/2019 – 07/21/2019 Location: Union County Fairgrounds, 125 Pryor Boulevard, Sturgis, KY 42459 Come on out and enjoy the Best Adult Bike Rally in Kentucky! Live Music, Games, Contests, Vendors, Showers, Dirt Drags, Bike Show and more! For ticket info visit www. MineShaft H-D Rumble in the Riverfill Street Bike Drags Date: 07/20/2019 Time: 5:00 PM Location: MineShaft Harley-Davidson, 114 Harley Dr., Pikeville, KY 41501 Part of our Weekend events for Hillbilly Christmas in July this year after the ride in the park for the kids day we will have the first ever Street Bike Drag Racing at the Riverfill Drag Strip in town. Open to everyone with a bike!!! Come early to the


dealership and enjoy from live music and free hotdogs at the shop. We will leave kick stands up into town from the shop at 7:00pm, Hotdogs will start around 5pm. National AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship Date: 07/26/2019 – 07/28/2019 Time: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM Location: 680 Rock Springs Rd., Buffalo Valley, TN 38548 Welcome to BVHC as we are honored to host the National Championship of Amateur Hillclimbs! Preregistration is Required and open now at Preregistration closes June 26, 2019. Spectator tickets available online or at the BVHC Gate, $20 general admission for the entire weekend of racing. Hidden Creek Resort Concert & Bike Show Date: 07/27/2019 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Hidden Creek Resort, 2576 W. Antioch Rd., Springville, TN 38256 Helping Local Area Veterans in Need! Live Music by Stronghold and Creed Fisher Band, Bike Show, Vendors, and Camping. Bike Show Reg. @ 12 Noon, Judging @ 1pm. All Proceeds from the Bike Show go to Unforgotten MC Adopt-A-Vet Program. FMI: Call (731) 641-0034. MineShaft H-D Nation of Patriots National Flag Tour Date: 08/09/2019 – 08/10/2019 Time: 1:00 PM – 10:00 AM Location: MineShaft Harley-Davidson, 114 Harley Dr., Pikeville, KY 41501 Set your date, we will be accepting the flag from Smith Brothers Harley-Davidson Friday, August the 9th. We will have a reception party upon receiving the flag from our friends at Smith Brothers Harley-Davidson. Saturday morning, August 10th we will be leaving KSU around 10am and heading to Peterstown, WV to deliver the flag to CMA Mercer!! Bikers Who Care Bubba Langford Memorial Poker Run Date: 08/17/2019 Time: 1:00 PM Location: Poor Man’s Country Club, 1776 Madison St., Clarksville, TN 37040 Every year we Celebrate the Life our

Brother Bubba Langford with a good ride & kick*ss party!!! The ride will start at Poor Man’s Country Club & end at the B.W.C. Clubhouse for the Animal House Crew Kick-Off Party. This is a Poker Run like you’ve never played before! You’ll have to come out and play with us to see how it’s played. Live Music starts around 8:30pm. Big Ticket Door Prizes will be drawn during the course of the night, Silent Auction & Much More. Tell a Brother or Sister and bring all your Friends!!! All Proceeds Benefit B.W.C. Children’s Charities. Thanks For Your Continued Support! Cherokee Blue Ridge Run Date: 09/06/2019 – 09/08/2019 Location: Cherokee Indian Fair Grounds, 545 Tsali Blvd, Cherokee, NC 28719 The 3rd Annual Motorcycle & Music Festival is back in Cherokee. Multi Class Bike Shows, Live Bands, Flat Track Racing, Vendors, Tattoo Artists, Demo Rides, Food Trucks and a Whole Lot More! FMI: Visit EVENT LISTINGS ARE FREE!!

Increase your attendance by posting your event in Thunder Roads® Magazine of Tennessee/Kentucky! All Advertised Events in our Magazine will have their event posted on the Centerfold Calendar (when admissible) and your Event will be Highlighted on the Thunder Roads® Events page of the Magazine.Thunder Roads® Magazine of TN/KY, Your TN & KY Biker Connection (Call about our Special Discounts for Charity Events). To get your event listed in Thunder Roads® Magazine and on our website, submit the information on the Event Form on our website. Event information must be submitted prior to the 10th of the month preceding the event month to be posted in the magazine. Remember to call ahead before planning to attend any event as the information/ dates may change. Thunder Roads® is NOT responsible for errors or omissions.


June 2019

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