Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee June 2021

Page 13

Dear Fellow Veterans and Patriots: Have you heard a Joe Biden statement in front of cameras and media questioners?? Have you noticed he has a hard time with words, making sense and remembering what he is trying to say even though he has a teleprompter in front of him? Have you seen one of his performances when he just turns and starts to walk away and a questioner asks him a question and he turns and comes back to answer? Have you heard what he says when he does this??? He says he’ll probably get in trouble for doing it because he isn’t supposed to take questions after his statement!!! It’s my understanding that the President of the United States is the top position in government here. So, who is telling Joe Biden what he can and can’t do??? He is obviously having mental issues and going senile!! He doesn’t think he is in charge so who is in charge?? There seems to be a lot of evidence that someone other than President Joe Biden is making the decisions about what our country is going to do and that Joe Biden is just the fall guy who stands in front of the microphone!! Every past President I can remember has been the guy who made the final decisions a President makes. Joe Biden signed the order to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and to stop drilling on government land. The United States and the world run on petroleum. Your cars, trucks and motorcycles run on petroleum! Plastic is made with petroleum. Many homes in the Northeast section of the United States rely of heating oil in the winter. Road asphalt is made with petroleum!! Propane and natural gas are products of drilling for petroleum! The coating on electrical wire comes from petroleum. The oil in power transformers comes from petroleum! Paint and vinyl siding come from petroleum. The trucks that deliver everything you buy at the store run on petroleum. Did Joe Biden really decide to stop the pipeline or did he announce it as ordered?? Donald Trump made the United States self-sufficient and independent from foreign oil. Brain dead Joe was told to take major actions to stop that and again make the country dependent on foreign oil. He is signing all kinds of orders to make us use electric everything but electricity can’t power our transportation needs, cover a house or make a road!! If Joe isn’t really making the decisions and his controllers are pushing to stop the use of petroleum and they have control of the CIA, NSA and FBI, how do we really know the Colonial Pipeline hack and shutdown was really done by Russians?? These agencies tried to subvert President Donald Trump and have lied to the American public for many years. The justice department has been compromised. Where is John Durham and his investigation into Russiagate? Is it hard to believe that maybe the CIA and FBI hacked the Colonial Pipeline and blamed it on the Russians? How would we know. They have lied to us so much we don’t know if they are telling the truth or not!! They are becoming weapons of the Marxists!! The lies in the media are overwhelming. We’ve been told to wear masks outside and now it comes out that there is almost no risk at all

of transferring Covid when you are outdoors!! We are being paid extra money to stay unemployed by the federal government. The Marxists are printing and spending money like drunken sailors!! (No offense Navy folks, its just an old saying) You can see the effect of the stupid destructive stuff the Marxists are doing when you try to buy something. Prices are through the roof if you can even find what you’re after. Businesses can’t find workers and the Marxists are bringing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country and distributing them all across the country! Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border crisis but she can’t find the border!! Joe Biden bumbles through his comedy statements about how its not a problem. The Marxists want to federalize elections across the country and put more Marxists onto the Supreme Court. Bill Gates has a project to put chemicals in the air to reduce the amount of sunlight that gets to the ground with the intent of lowering the temperature of the earth. Who approved that? My garden needs sunlight and the month of May was a really cool month. It feels like a new attack on liberty and freedom every day!! I’m sure you see many things I haven’t listed. It’s pretty obvious their goal is the total destruction of America! It’s shocking that a majority of Americans are against what the Marxists are doing but seem willing to take it. Corporations and our nations schools are teaching critical race theory and open racism. Blatant lies but yet we still give our money to those same corporations and send our children to those Marxist indoctrination schools!! We still support professional sports that are subverting patriotism and national harmony. Listen to American Commentator Earl Pitts; “Wake UP America!!” Freedom is losing, inflation is taking hold, the dollar value is falling and a lot of Americans are still unquestionably watching the major media with their mouth open and sounding like Gomer Pyle – Golleeee!! Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those who can’t. You can comment at - Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.

JUNE 2021


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