Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee August 2015

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We are GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for all the ANGELS that lend us a wing, on a daily basis.

National Photojournalist Cooper Chilton

Ronny Mangrum aka “Rebel Ron” SCOTT & DENISE HIGH &“Taz aka Thunder Dawg” Publishers/Owners – Thunder Roads Tennessee

LAYOUT & DESIGN Merry Hancock

Layout & Design Graphic Design Artist

Ron Baptiste aka Pastor Ron


Melissa Barrett “Miz B”

Mechele MacDaniel

Chaplain’s Corner


Bob “Bulldog” Ousley

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NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 e-mail:


ON THE COVER 1960 Harley-Davidson Duo-Glide Police Special with hand shifter (See Article Inside) Bike Owner: Curt Chamblee Photographer: Allen Manus - PE Photography Model: Ginger Leigh - Highway 12 Angel

August 2015

CALENDAR OF EVENTS LISTINGS Contact: Denise High, Events Calendar Administrator for TRM 615-389-1016 or, e-mail them to: What’s on the site goes in the mag!


(We Have State Owners/Publishers, Not Regional Sales Areas)

Just How Many Mags From The Wannabe’s Actually Stay In Tennessee When They Sell To So Many Regional Areas?


August 2015

I don’t know about y’all, but I do not like this time of the year! This hot, humid, sticky kind of weather is not for me, I love Spring and Fall! Events sometimes slow down a bit this time of the year too and I think it’s because its soooo hot, but Fall is just around the corner and the bike events will soon be in full swing again and I for one can’t wait! We would like to thank everyone that came out to the Bent Wrench and helped us celebrate our one year anniversary as the new owners of Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee!! We had a BLAST and we love and appreciate each one of you and hope you had a good time too! I guess I will stop referring to us as the “new owners” now that it’s been a year since we purchased the magazine and our premier issue was the September 2014 issue :) I had a wonderful birthday month, yes I said “birthday month”! Men get to celebrate their birthday on their birthDAY, women on the other hand get to celebrate their birthday the whole month. It’s only fitting since we do all the work… right? LOL! :) No, seriously, we went to Gatlinburg for 3 days for my birthday and one of the 3 days Scott had a GREAT time riding Scramblers for MY birthday, joking again, he did have a blast though and you can read all about it in the article in this issue. The other 2 days he made it all about me, sweet uh? Shopping, dining, peanut caramel apples (yum), relaxing by the pool and in the hot tub, we rode the sky lift after dark, that wasn’t my favorite thing, and we did some riding on some beautiful back roads, that was my favorite! I also got a few surprises, the biggest surprise was the Willie G Skull Sunglasses I have been dying to get, but would never buy for myself. I am one blessed and happy girl, I have the best husband, kids, family, and friends and I’m thankful every day for what I have, even on the not so good days. As always, please patronize our advertisers because they are what keep this magazine going and free to you every month! Check out their ads because they have some great events and specials for you. Make sure that you like Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee on Facebook so you can keep up with all the up coming events, deals, contests, and more. Keep sending us your bike photos for the Bike of the Month contest, and ladies, keep sending us your stories for our Lady Rider Column. If you can take the heat, get out and ride and hopefully we will see you all very soon! Stay cool and keep the rubber side down always! Ride Hard Live Free, Denise, Scott & Thunder Dawg



Have you ever seen such a pretty coat? Amuletta is about 6 months old and ready to experience the good life! She’s litter box trained, up to date on all of her shots and will be spayed before leaving the shelter! Come meet her!

Check out this smooshy face! Dudley is about 2 years old. He hasn’t been at the shelter long and we can’t wait to get to know him! Come meet him and see what you think. He’s been neutered and is up to date on all of his shots so he’s ready for his forever home.

HARLIQUIN: Harliquin is about 2 years old and ever so regal. She is ever so ready for an owner to love and spoil her!


Peanut is a sweet girl - a little over 2 years old. She’s fairly calm for her young age and has fairly good leash manners. We’re still working with her and she’s showing great potential. Come meet her!


Don’t live a dull, boring life! Spice it up! This gorgeous little flirt is a young girl, about a year and a half old. She breaks into zoomies whenever she meets new friends. She is happy and friendly and bubbling over with joy. Spice is a smart girl. She had the opportunity to participate in the dog training class and, once we got her focused, she caught on lightning fast! She’ll do anything for a small bit of hot dog and training was a breeze! She had “sit,” “watch me” and “come” down pat in nothing flat! She was doing quite well with loose-leash walking too! With a little more practice, she’ll be perfect! Spice’s perfect home will be with adults and children. Please!!! Children!!! She gets along well with other dogs but if you already have a dog, please bring them by the shelter for a meet & greet so we can be sure you have a love match. Spice used to ignore the cats but now she thinks cats are fun to chase, so cats are probably a “ruh roh”, depending on your cat. Spice’s adoption fee is $50. She is spayed, dewormed, heartworm negative, and has all of her shots. For information on Spice, please contact Cheatham County Animal Control at 615-792-3647 or We are located at 2797 Sam’s Creek Road in Pegram, TN, about 10 scenic minutes down I-40W from Bellevue. Please call . . . . Spice is a true heart-melter from the shelter!


August 2015


August 2015

Chaplain’s Corner Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Founder of Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic Inc. TN.COC State Chaplain Member of NCOM Christian Unity Council Pastor Ron’s messages can now be downloaded off the website Leadership Skills can now be downloaded off the website

“The Gatekeepers” Any time you have a breakthrough in your life, a time where you step up to the next level in your walk with God, you’ll always run into a “Gatekeeper,” a huge giant guards the gate to keep you out. It could be the giant of your past, the giant of alcohol, giant of drugs, anger, or something else. It’s unfortunate but there are some of God’s people that never grow up, they stay at the same level their entire lives, these are the ones who backslide every once in a while, they blame God for all their problems, they jump from church to church while interpreting their own version of God’s Word. 1 Sam.17:17-27 we read about David bringing lunch to his older brothers on the battle field with the Philistines. Little did David know when he got up that morning that by the afternoon he would be fighting a 10 foot giant! If he knew, I don’t think he would have gotten out of bed that day, so God knows when to tell you what and show you who. While David is visiting his brothers on the battlefield, this 10 foot giant appears and challenges the army of Israel, the giant’s name was Goliath. David didn’t realize that this 10 foot giant was the “Gatekeeper” to his own future as king. God had been preparing David for this; he had already faced a “lion Gatekeeper” and a “bear Gatekeeper.” We can’t jump over process, process is preparation. David was anointed to be King in 1 Sam. 16:1 & 12-13 he didn’t have to watch the sheep, he didn’t have to take the lunch to his brothers, he didn’t have to kill the lion or the bear. If David had not followed the process he would not have been prepared for Goliath who was the “Gatekeeper” to David’s future. Exodus 3:6-10 God tells Moses that He will deliver His people into the Promise Land, “a land flowing with milk and honey.” But this is where some of us have missed it, when God gives them the directions He also tells them all the tribes that now live in this Promise Land, and it is filled with their enemies, so they are forewarned. Numbers 13:25-33 God’s people have made it to the entrance of the Promise Land so they send in some spies to check out the land and they come back “with an evil report.” Their first report that everything was as God said it would be, they even bring back “the fruit of the land and it surely flows with milk & honey.” But then they said “Nevertheless the people be strong August 2015

that dwell there, the cities are walled,” all their enemies live in the north, south east, west, in the mountains and along the sea of this Promise Land. “We are not able to go up against them for they are stronger than we, all the people we saw are men of great stature, and we saw the GIANTS: we are as grasshoppers in their sight.” What some see as an impossibility, other see as an opportunity. David not only fought his giant but he ran towards him and killed him with nothing but a rag and a rock, then moved into his destiny as king over all of Israel. The Children of Israel in the Wilderness turned away from their giants and died in their wilderness never seeing what God had promised them. Their children entered in the Promise Land 40 years later. If you looking for your Promise Land, then look for the giant guarding the gate to keep you out! You must kill the giant, don’t argue with it, don’t debate with it, don’t compromise with it, don’t run from it, just kill it. However you perceive your giant to be, is how you’ll handle the giant. All you need is a rag and a rock that God will supply. Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up. To be found faithful, Pastor Ron


Photos by Cooper Chilton

There was a Luau in Clarksville TN, complete with real Hula dancers in Hawaiian dress and Island food. Appleton Harley-Davidson’s “A-Team” brought a little bit of Hawaii to Clarksville. The crowd lined up for the beer, the food and to listen to good music provided by Joel Brown. Danny and Tia have such a great staff, Shannon found the Hui Hawaii O Tenesi Hawaiian Civic Club and they brought dancers to do Hula. Hula began as a form of worship during religious ceremonies, but gradually evolved into a form of entertainment. There were several different groups of dancers, all ages, and each group performed a different dance. The Appleton Angles were there dressed in grass skirts, BACA, Bikers Against Child Abuse was set up to raise awareness and collect support for their great mission as well. The Clarksville Dragons MC did the cooking, they had hot dogs, burgers, and delicious pulled pork sandwiches. TN Death Row Dogs rescues animals that are scheduled


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for euthanasia, and educates the public about the importance of spay/ neuter to reduce the number of homeless animals. They were on hand and brought several of the dogs that were featured in the June issue of TR TN Thunder Paws, we’ve heard that a few of these great dogs found their forever homes, but they always have dogs looking for homes. Some volunteered to be foster homes, but a qualified forever home is the goal. These are great dogs that have had a bad start for whatever reason, now they are just looking for someone to love. There was even a HOG on hand, not a member, a real pig, Harley D the micro mini pig made an appearance. There was a big crowd on hand, and a good time was had by all!

August 2015



August 2015

August 2015


Smoky Mountain Scramblers by Scott High, TRTN


n the mid to late 1950’s, the biggest off road motorcycle event of the year was Michigan’s two-day, 500-mile Jack Pine Enduro. From 1923 through 1957, riders on HarleyDavidsons won 24 of 31 Jack Pines. Most of those wins came on Big Twin street bikes, which were slightly modified to handle the rough terrain and deep sand of the Michigan trails. Now days when you think about riding off road, doing it on a Harley probably isn’t your first choice, or your second or even third choice for that matter, and even if you do it, it isn’t very fun. That could change if Scott Maddux and some of the guys over at Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson have their way.

from in that size, but the fork springs, shocks, handlebars, chain conversions, seats and grips can be bought and installed mostly using hand tools. Some guys are getting way more elaborate than that but it doesn’t take much to make a sportster off road ready. These aren’t full blown motocross bikes, and they aren’t meant to be, they are bikes that can be ridden hard on asphalt, gravel, dirt, and grass, and even through a creek or 2. The first gravel road we hit, Citico Road, was fairly wide and smooth which was good, it gave me a chance to get used to riding on gravel and get faster at it because over the course of our 11-12 hour day, we went fast.

A few years ago, Scott, the owner at Smoky Mountain H-D started riding Dual-Sport bikes on the miles of maintained gravel roads that still exist if you know where to look, and having a ball doing it. Harley-Davidson didn’t have one to offer, so Scott and his crew decided to build some. They have now built several Harley-Davidson “Scramblers”, using both the XL, and the XR sportster platforms. Scott invited us up to ride them, so we made plans to go to Maryville. We couldn’t have picked a better day weather wise, both of the bikes we rode were peanut tank XL’s. I spent the first few miles getting used to the quick little bike with a much different riding position than I’m used to. These bikes handle way better than a standard XL sportster and more like an XR 1200, they are way fun, and very fast on paved twisty roads.

I haven’t been on a dirt bike in a lot of years, like 20 or so, and Scott’s been riding these things for a long time, but he was still a little sore from an ugly get-off the week before, so I could tell he wasn’t going as hard as he could, it was still plenty fast for me and things got sketchy more than once trying to keep up. Most of the roads we rode that morning were fairly flat and smooth with big curves and usually followed fast moving mountain creeks. These bikes are easy to ride, and easy to ride fast, but when it comes time to whoa it up, they suddenly become a 550 pound street bike on loose gravel again, the back brakes lock easily, so I had to learn the limits of the front brakes, luckily they work surprisingly well and through the day I got better at managing “traction events” and steering with the throttle.

These Scramblers are mostly stock bikes with bolt on parts. They do lace an 18” rim to the rear hub for ground clearance and because there are a lot more tires to choose

After a lot of miles on gravel, a few miles on pavement, and a few stops for photos, we popped out somewhere on the Cherohala Skyway and headed to Tellico Plains for lunch and


August 2015

gas. When I took my helmet off my face hurt, I figured out it was from grinning in a full face helmet. The riding changed after lunch, the wide smooth dirt and gravel roads were gone and tight narrow roads, with deep gravel, lots of hills, tight curves, and switchbacks were the norm. We found an open air church next to a cemetery, the Green Cove Tabernacle was built in 1941, and I can’t imagine anyone not arriving by horse and buggy back then. We caught and passed 2 dual sport bikes loaded for DS touring on a gravel road with several creek crossings, real dual sport bikes are basically dirt bikes with turn signals. I would have loved to have seen the look on their faces when they were passed on a gravel road by a couple of guys on Harleys. We came to the first water crossing and crossed it easily, the second looked deeper, and while we were checking it out the couple on DS bikes caught up to us. David and Heidi, a British couple from BC Canada, were on a 6 week trip across the US on the Trans America Trail. Scott asked them if they would try the water crossing first so we could judge depth because sportsters have low air intakes compared to dirt bikes. David made it across on the big KTM 690, so we followed, and then Heidi crossed on her little Kawasaki KLX 250 like a champ. We went ahead of them and tried the next couple of crossings on our own. We got to the last crossing and Scott went first. The line he chose was pretty deep, so he walked back into the creek to try and find me a better line. He found shallower water, but the bottom was rough, but we decided I should try the shallow line, I got about ¾ across and my front wheel hit a rock, it snatched the handlebars from my hands and down I went, I landed in the deeper water that Scott had ridden through, not hurt, but stuck under the bike, I got my head above water until Scott could lift the bike off my hand. I came up laughing, not a scratch on me, or the bike, but I was soaked to the bone so the ride home was chilly until I dried out. Our new friends caught us while we were pushing the Scrambler out of the creek. Realizing that this was the worst of the crossings, David rode his KTM across, then waded back to ride Heidi’s Kawi across. Before he was halfway across, the Kawi stalled out and wouldn’t restart, so into the creek again went Scott Maddux to help push him out. The ride back to the shop was fast and uneventful. Scott Maddux built these scramblers in hopes that Harley-Davidson will start building them, or at least offer parts so people can build their own. I spent the whole way back thinking how I would build mine, and if I should do it this winter. If I do, maybe it will be a monthly build article in the magazine. Let me know what you think… August 2015


Lady Rider

Cher Day

Hi! My name is Cher Day. I am 42 years old, and I have been riding for three years now. I am a motorcycle enthusiasts, I’m happily married, a proud momma of two sons and a proud Nonna of a beautiful granddaughter. I am also the Assistant Director, Product Manager, and Road Captain for the Murfreesboro TN HOG Chapter #4940. I first got into riding as a passenger back in March 2012. Within months of watching women riders, and the power they had through riding with tapping into their strengths, independence, and confidence, I wanted that. So, by May of 2012, I had taken the Basic Riders Course and had bought a 2008 Yamaha Virgo 250. It has given me sisterhood of women that have changed my life. Two weeks later, I had upgraded to my first Harley-Davidson, a 2008 Heritage Softail in June of 2012. Another life change had begun for me. I was blessed with friends that were patient with me and took me on miles of beautiful roads. By April of 2013, I had taken the Advanced Rider’s Course. Shortly after, I was asked if I would be interested in practicing and possibly competing in a rodeo course for the upcoming Chapter Challenge held at our TN Rally. And of course I’m thinking, “Are you kidding me? I can’t possibly do that!” I was practicing two weeks later. So, by May of 2013, I had entered the Chapter Challenge in Maryville. I placed 17th amongst 26 men riders. Although I had not won that day, I left there a winner. Because I had tapped into my strengths, independence and confidence. I did it. That landed me an appearance in Jerry Palladino-Ride Like A Pro show where I got the privilege to do a follow the leader with his co-star Mary Beth. At that time, I had only been riding for 11 months. Then one Friday night in August of 2013 at the Bumpus MVP Rollout, I had seen this gorgeous Desert Camo 2014 Street Glide Special roll out on the floor. I said, “That is my bike!” My husband said, “I’m gonna get another drink.” Before I knew it, Tom had put a red SOLD tag on it with my name attached. Afterthoughts, “Oh my, what have I gotten myself into now? I want her so bad, but how am I going to ride her. I am 5 ft. tall, I can’t reach the ground. And I have never ridden a Street Glide. And she is much bigger than my softail.” They were able to lower her 2 inches and had a Super Reduced Reach seat on her. By that Monday, I had upgraded once more to my current bike, a 2014 Street Glide Special. Again, another real adventure, another life change had begun for me. I was now riding in beast mode style. Nothing could take away that freedom, that feeling when I’m in control of that beautiful machine! May 2014, I had entered the Expert/Elite Rider’s Competition. I went down in the 18 ft. circle. Broke her side mirror, her clutch lever in half, and scratched her saddle bag, and I had a broken pride. But we both stood up and took a bow. Again, another life change for me. Because I realized that I have to sometimes confront personal challenges and cultural expectations, which brings me to how I became the first woman in a leadership role for the Murfreesboro TN HOG Chapter #4940. Another real adventure, another life change had begun for me, which has been a highlight and a true joy to serve my Chapter! Two of the many goals I have is that as a lady rider, I will be re-entering with ease, the Expert/Elite Rider’s Competition in the very near future. And as an Assistant Director, to take part in creating a solid Chapter, that is one big, active, happy, Harley Family. May of this year, I entered the first ever Advance/Novice Rider Skill Competition. I was able to place third place out of 10 men riders and 2 female riders, and now I am one step closer to re-entering in that Expert/Elite Rider’s Competition. I continued to practice the rodeo course on a regular basis because I had gasped the knowledge of technic of skill riding which has helped me become a safer rider out on the roads, plus I love it! Riding has been the driving force behind the many life changes that I have experienced. I know now that I can do anything I set my mind to. I once had a very wise lady rider tell me that it isn’t about the years you have ridden, it’s about the miles you have traveled. I am looking forward to many more adventures, many more miles, and many more life changes.

We would love to hear your story!

ALL ladies are welcome and encouraged to join and contribute to our monthly Lady Rider column. Please submit your story and photos to: 14

August 2015

by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley Dear Fellow Veterans and Patriots of Tennessee:

burns and radiation sickness.

On August 6, 1945, the world saw the first use of atomic bombs in combat. Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945. The U.S. and Germany were working on an atomic bomb but luckily Germany surrendered before they could make one. The allies and the United States continued fighting through the islands in the Pacific working to defeat Japan and end World War II. The war in the pacific was exceptionally brutal. The Japanese were committed to death before dishonor. Loyalty to the Emperor of Japan was the most important thing in their life. The Emperor sent them into battle to win and to come home in defeat was to return without honor. In their society death was the penalty for dishonor. To die an honorably after dishonor meant the person would need to commit suicide and thereby lessen the dishonor for his family.

The world is extremely lucky that it was the United States that perfected the atomic bomb first and not Hitler’s fanatical SS or the Japanese who were committed to winning at any cost. The United States used the atomic bomb to save lives and not to kill out of hatred or revenge. The atomic bomb has not been used in war since August of 1945 but what are the prospects for the future? Today, 70 years after the end of World War II a deal has been signed that will virtually guarantee Iran will attain an atomic bomb in the future. If they don’t already have it, they certainly will and begin manufacture in our lifetime. Will they only use it to save lives? The Iranians already spend millions of dollars to assist radicals around the world in killing as many Americans and Jews as possible.

The Allies suffered dramatic losses in the Pacific and had to fight for every inch of ground. The Japanese fought like fanatics for as long and hard as they could and refused to surrender. When faced with capture they killed themselves rather than be judged dishonorable. Out of the 72 million residents of Japan, 2 million were service members protecting the mainland and the Emperor. The death toll forecast for the eventual assault on the Japanese mainland and fighting across Japan to attain total victory was in the millions and could possibly have added another year or more to the war. The decision was made to use an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima in an attempt to bring about the surrender of Japan and save millions of lives. A plane named the Enola Gay flew the mission. 70,000 Japanese were vaporized in a flash but the Japanese refused to surrender. On August 9, the Russians declared war on Japan and an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki killing 80,000 more. The allies made it very clear that bombing would continue unless the Japanese surrendered. Finally on August 14, 1945 the Japanese surrendered and World War II came to an official end. Over the following months and years about another 100,000 died from

August 2015

Do we really think that a nuclear bomb being detonated in New York City is not possible? What would it be like if a major American city was devastated by a nuclear bomb? A simple Tornado or multiple car accident on the highway comes close to overwhelming an emergency response. Imagine an atomic event one hundred times larger. If a nuclear bomb went off in Memphis how far would you have to ride to get a barbeque sandwich? What would we do if the Grand Ole Opry or Dollywood got hit? In the 1960’s we had bomb shelters to protect us from Russian nuclear missiles and our teacher taught us how to get under our desks, put our heads on the floor and cover them with our hands. I guess today homeland security telling us we’re safe has replaced the teacher telling us our desk would protect us back in the ‘60’s. I’m seriously thinking about talking to the company that makes those little heat shields that mount on the sides of my bike seat that keep my special parts from burning up at stoplights and see if they can make a shield I can climb into in case of a nuclear detonation. If it will protect me from the heat of my Harley, a nuke doesn’t stand a chance. Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those who can’t. Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but, we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.


History of Motorcycles Part 6


orders. The Super X was making the company money, and things were good. Previously purchased by the bicycle guru known as Schwinn, it seemed Excelsior would be a household name for years to come. So imagine the surprise to everyone when Schwinn called his department heads together for a meeting on a summer day in 1931 and announced, without any prior warning, that the company would be closing its doors. It was said he stated very bluntly, “Gentleman, today we stop.” I can imagine the shock, that despite a full order book, Schwinn chose to cease motorcycle production…Excelsior closed its doors in September of 1931.

orld War I had a dramatic effect on the motorcycle industry, but just as the war had successfully thrust the industry ahead by leaps and bounds, the post war economy would prove to be detrimental to the motorcycle world and its advancement. To fully understand the effects the post war economy had on the industry, we must first fully grasp the situation the United States was in following the success of WWI. Several years into America’s post war era, the financial integrity of our country would collapse. October 24, 1929 would forever become known as Black Thursday, the day stocks plummeted and banks began calling in loans…the beginning of the Great Depression. By midNovember an estimated $30 billion in stock values had all but disappeared. By March 1930 more than 3.2 million people are unemployed. In December 1931 New York’s Bank of the United States collapses while holding over $200 million in deposits, making it the largest single bank failure in American history. Nationwide conditions continued to break down and US citizens suffered greatly until the Second World War, when things finally began to turn around for the United States. So what happened to our beloved two-wheeled lifestyle during the chaos of the Great Depression? Following the stock market crash, motorcycle sales in the United States plummeted. We will revisit a few key players from previous segments, and see where they end up by the end of this devastating era in American history. The first victim of the Great Depression was Excelsior. Excelsior was operating successfully during the war, and consistently filling 18

Triumph, though located on the other side of the pond, was also greatly affected by the post war economy. In 1929 Triumph sold its German subsidiary as a separate, independently owned company that would later merge with the Adler Company to create the Triumph-Adler Company. In 1932 Triumph sold another branch of its company (the bicycle production portion) to the Raleigh Bicycle Company; by this time Triumph is struggling financially to stay afloat. By 1936 motorcycle operations are faring better due to the acquisition of Jack Sangster. Sangster formed the Triumph Engineering Company LTD, and with the help of Edward Turner designed the Triumph Speed Twin (500 cc) in 1937. This engine became the basis for all Triumph Twins until the 1980’s, and kept Triumph from dissolving completely during the Great Depression. Though the company survived by the skin of its teeth, it did not emerge unscathed, but rather as bits and pieces of its former self…so in the famous words of Freddie Mercury…another one bites the dust.

August 2015

Indian Motorcycles on the other hand, maintained a respectable success rate following WWI. During the Great Depression, Indian did not claim rights to any extraordinary advancement in the motorcycle world, but instead turned its focus towards styling updates and cosmetic improvements with the hopes of maintaining customer interest in the face of declining sales. Who doesn’t love a pretty face?? In 1932 Indian introduced skirted fenders, a long graceful chain guard, as well as a saddle tank that hid the frame…this foretold the profile of the “modern” motorcycle. In 1934 Indian chose a streamlined, automotive styling to its model line. Lightly valanced fenders were given deeper side panels, and two-tone paint schemes became available on most models. The only American motorcycle company to continue to introduce advancements during the post war years was Harley Davidson. In 1922, the new 74 cubic inch (1212 cc) V-Twin was completed. Harley introduced the “teardrop” gas tank in 1925; 1928 brought about the addition of a front brake, but notably only on the J/ JD models. In 1929, the 45 cubic inch (737 cc) Flathead V-Twin was announced. The Flathead was designed to compete with the Indian 101 Scout and the Excelsior Super X…this was the “D” model, and remained in production until 1931. Indian riders referred to the “D” model as the “3 cylinder Harley” because the generator was upright and parallel to the front cylinder. The Great Depression was in full swing only a few short months after the release of the Flathead V-Twin, and with it came a dramatic drop in sales. Harley Davidson sales in the United States fell from 21,000 in 1929 to a meager 3,703 in 1933. In the face of such loss, Harley did not back down. The company instead raised a proud middle finger to the economy and waved it for all to see…unveiling a new line up for 1934 that included a Flathead engine and art deco styling. In order to survive the remainder of the depression, Harley supplemented their income by producing industrial power plants based on their motorcycle August 2015

engines. They also designed and built a 3 wheeled delivery vehicle called the “Servi-car”, which incidentally remained in production until 1973. The Servi-car became a mainstay of small businesses, vendors, and delivery drivers for decades to come. As if Harley hadn’t done enough in such difficult times, they also added the 80 cubic inch (1300 cc) Flathead to their line in 1935; 1936 brought more changes to the industry with Harley’s announcement of the 61E and 61EL models. These models boasted the Knucklehead OHV engines, and by the end of the first year of production these babies had been road tested and improved upon as well. By 1937 Harley had equipped all Flatheads with the same type of dry-sump oil recirculation systems introduced on the Knucklehead OHVs. The revised 74 cubic inch V and VL models were renamed U and UL; the 45 cubic inch R model became the W, while the 80 cubic inch VH and VHL were renamed UH and UHL. During the course of the Great Depression, Indian and Harley Davidson began a long-lived and well known rivalry that continued until Indian closed its doors in 1953. Despite the hardships cast upon the United States after the First World War, Indian and Harley Davidson survived…they were the only two American motorcycle companies left standing. But why did they succeed where others did not? Their survival is due in part to having strong dealer networks, continued product use by the military, police, and postal services, as well as strong exports to Canada and Europe…combined, and these factors allowed them to weather the economic disaster that followed WWI. September 1, 1939 brought about the start of WWII. The war in essence turns around the American economy and brings an end to the Great Depression…and with the Second World War comes yet another section of motorcycle history to uncover. Melanie Schwarte


Model: Ginger Leigh - Highway 12 Angel



by Jeremy Dean Photos: Allen Manus

t is a true, all-original classic, this 1960 Harley-Davidson Duo-Glide Police Special. This one is a rare breed for any collector. From 1958-1960, Police Officers were fighting with the change from hand to foot shifting while in traffic pursuits, foot shifting officers had trouble finding neutral so they shut the motors down. The kick start bikes sometimes had trouble restarting hot and the speeders could just drive away, so a challenge to Harley-Davidson ensued for another hand-shifter. Harley-Davidson responded with this now-limited edition collector.

for life, attended college in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, while working at Standard Candy Company making minimum wage at $1.15 per hour. He moved on to other jobs and experience, but for the next ten years, Phil Chamblee climbed his way into several hard-working positions and eventually landed at Mack Truck Company. For five years he worked in the diesel industry, and it was during this time that he got bit by the dream. He bought his first motorcycle three days before he learned to ride and fell three times learning to do so. The year was 1970. He hasn’t stopped riding.

The year was 1960. Unemployment was 5.5%. The cost of a firstclass postage stamp was $0.04. “The Andy Griffith Show,” “My Three Sons,” and “The Flintstones” were all making their television debut, while “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” managed to climb to the top of the music charts. Those were the days…the real good ole days. And just like this equally-nostalgic and rare HarleyDavidson, they just don’t make ‘em like that anymore.

That era began a huge thrust for custom bike builders, and while Phil Chamblee credits Bobby Appleton with the city’s first custom shop on Lebanon Road, Chamblee was a Nashville pioneer in being the first full-time custom shop in 1972. C&S Cycle was born: 1600 square foot in a 40’x40’ on Nashville’s west side at 6014 Charlotte Avenue. Phil Chamblee was off to build another dream.

It was during this time that a young kid from 1944, with a craze 20

Dreamers with dreams never stop dreaming. They dream some more. So, in 1973, “Mr. Knuckle,” a ’47 Knuckhead, was

August 2015

Photographer: Allen Manus - PE Photography

Model: Makenzie Leath & Plocka

customized by C&S Cycle as a show bike with electric start, earning the prestigious “Best of” at Daytona Beach’s infamous “Rat Hole.” This led to many equally exciting custom builds and adventures, including a step into nitro in 1983, with a ’73 Sportster custom build – and the race was on - the drag race. This ahead-of-its-time lightning rod Sportster with lay-down frame carried Phil Chamblee and crew to ten National records toward their 1985 HDRA National Championship and a host of additional accolades and awards. Bike and driver were awarded “Hot Dragster Champion,” with Phil Chamblee smoking the vast competition as “Crew Chief of the Year.” His nearly twenty-year experience and knowledge in the motorcycle industry, at this point, was catapulted into fulfilling more dreams. 1985, a local dealership, Sanders Harley-Davidson and Marine, was selling out, and Phil Chamblee jumped at the purchase of his Harley-Davidson franchise, which would lead to the building and relocation of his business as an official dealer. And in 1992, 4600 Delaware Avenue, Nashville, became the home of C&S HarleyDavidson, with facilities that garnered the 1992 Tennessee State Architecture Design Award and was used in many ads, music videos, photo shoots and events to follow. And, in 1993, Dealer News awarded C&S Harley-Davidson the number one dealer in their Top 100. Multiple awards from Harley-Davidson, as an accomplished franchised dealer, also became the standard for C&S Harley-Davidson, and would for years to come. Ironically, the thing about dreams is that they are contagious. And to a young kid from 1979 watching all this success, Phil Chamblee’s dreams were an incredible draw. His were big steps of hard work and reward, and his shoes were certain to be a tall order to fill, but his son, Curt, was none-the-less another dreamer looking on. He started his leg of the journey as a seven-year-old janitor, followed by all the necessary steps of building and understanding loyal customer service and well-managed business direction. He climbed the steps from General Merchandising to Parts Associate to Service Technician to Sales Associate to Sales Manager, where he met a dream of his own. While the economy was taking a down-turn in 2007, and a heavy portion of the buyer-base purchases transitioned from new major units to pre-owned, Curt Chamblee envisioned a broader spectrum of possibilities that could lead to better business and more stability through the more widely encompassing Motorsports industry. C&S Harley-Davidson was sold during this time and became Bost HarleyAugust 2015

Davidson. Curt Chamblee remained as General Sales Manager for the Bost brothers, until they closed in 2011, all the-while envisioning and shaping his dream for his own niche in Motorsports. That dream melted vintage with contemporary, the old and the new, a home for yesterday with a taste of tomorrow, and it was reminiscent of the idealism he saw in a picturesque purchase he made in 1989, when he traded for this 1960 Harley-Davidson Duo-Glide Police Special and made it his own. The economy was screaming for change, the future was reaching for hope, and Curt Chamblee’s new, risky goals combined motorcycle industry with automobile and all-terrain vehicles, and endless possibilities, which were broadened by stepping away from the limitations of a franchise. He wanted to be The Mega Mecca of Motorsports. He was ready to contribute to the family dream, under the carefully guided direction of Phil Chamblee, in hopes that he could build for his own future generations. October 26, 2013 is the date Curt Chamblee’s heritage business and new dream came together – the grand opening of Highway 12 Motorsports – 22,000 square feet on four and a half acres located on prime real estate along 5110 Ashland City Highway, just northwest of Nashville. Sales, Parts, Service and gear for automobiles and motorcycles of various eras, combined with all-terrain vehicles and a huge display of vintage collectibles were splashed across the premises. Hundreds of loyal biker friends, from years in the motorcycle industry, and new acquaintances of all kinds, converged to show local support and welcome the change. Curt Chamblee was off and running his own dream. And that is a dream that continues daily, with a kid from 2004 looking on. Regardless of Braeden Chamblee’s direction in life, it’s safe to say that the knowledge and experience he gleans from his family heritage and future dreams will stand the test of time – a testament to a rare and formidable reminiscence, but also forward-looking, direction. Who knows what will happen when he finds his own dream on his dad’s 1960 HarleyDavidson Duo-Glide Police Special. Whatever the case, his real good ole days are just beginning. Highway 12 Motorsports is a launching pad for a new wave of Motorsports enthusiasts, but it is also a front porch for the hundreds of loyal friends that have made it a home away from home and the Mega Mecca of Motorsports. Jeremy Dean


A passenger in a taxi heading for Tampa Airport when he leaned over to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate-glass window. For a few moments everything was silent in the cab. Then, the shaking driver said, “Are you o.k.? I’m so sorry, but you scared the living daylights out of me.” The badly shaken passenger apologized to the driver and said, “I didn’t realize that a mere tap on the shoulder would startle someone so badly.” The driver replied, “No, no, I’m the one who should apologize, it’s entirely my fault. Today is my very first day driving a cab. I’ve been driving a hearse for the past 25 years.” ______________________________________________ Mildred, the small town gossip and self-appointed monitor of church morals, was always one to stick her nose into other people’s business. Most members of the congregation did not approve of her intrusions, but she was feared due to her lethal forked tongue, so everyone maintained their silence. She took that fatal step too far one day, when she accused “Lightning”, a biker, and new member of the Church, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old Chevy pickup parked in front of the small town’s only bar all morning and late into the night. She emphatically told Lightning in front of the entire congregation that “Everyone seeing that pickup there would know what he was doing”. Fact was, Lightning had volunteered to help Gus, the bar owner, repair a leaky ceiling in the kitchen. But Gus was not a member of the congregation so nothing was brought to light. Lightning, a man of few words but plenty of action, stared at her for a solid minute, then just got up and left the church. He said nothing. Later that early morning; around 1:00 a.m., Lightning parked his pickup directly in front of Mildred’s house, walked home, and left it there all night long and late into the lunch hour. ______________________________________________ Things That Make You Go Hmmmm?? Why does your OB-GYN leave the room when you get undressed, only to sit down in front of you and see all you got to see in plain view, when they return to the room? If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane? GearHead returns home a day early from Sturgis as his bike broke down and he caught a lift just inside of town, and then 22

grabbed a cab. It’s after midnight. While on his way home, he asks the cabby if he would be a witness. The man suspects his wife is having an affair, and he wants to catch her in the act. For $100 bucks, the cabby agrees. Quietly arriving home, the husband and cabby tip toe into the bedroom. GearHead switches on the lights, yanks the blanket back and there is his wife, in bed with another man, just as he suspected! GearHead puts his gun to the naked man’s head. The wife shouts, ‘Don’t do it! I lied when I told you I inherited money from my Aunt Sarah. HE paid for the Audi I gave you on our Anniversary. HE paid for our new cabin cruiser. HE paid for your season tickets. HE paid for our house at the lake. HE paid for your African tour with your biker buddies and your new ATV. HE paid for the custom rims for your Ultra-Glide. HE paid for our Family WaterWorld membership And, HE even pays the monthly dues on the kid’s Private schooling. Shaking his head from side-to-side, GearHead lowers his gun. He looks totally confused over at the cabby and says, ‘What the hell would you do? The cabby never skips a beat and replies, ‘I’d cover his ass with that blanket before he catches a damn cold.’ ______________________________________________ “Putter” and all his golfing buddies are standing on the green while he’s got a very important shot to win the game that’s not over 15 feet to the hole; straight in. “Handicap” yells out, “come on, already, Putter, we all want to finish up and grab a drink”. Putter replies back, although in a hushed tone, “don’t bust my balls here huh? My wife’s up on the Club’s veranda watching us and I want to get it right”. Handicap yells back, “Nah, forget about it, that’s way too far off, you’ll never hit her from here”. ______________________________________________ One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a birthday gift The next year, I didn’t buy her a gift. When she asked me why, I replied, “Well, you still haven’t used the gift I bought you last year!” Hello! Some people are so dense.

August 2015

by donna kay

106 Public Square Watertown, TN 37184 Motorcycle Apparel & Accessories Christian Apparel - Fashions Costume Jewelry - Gifts - Decor Custom Design T-Shirts Donna & Greg Harrell, owners 615-423-0059



August 2015



Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs of the The Great State of Tennessee

Board of Directors State Chairman Tommy 1%er AOA State Vice Chairman Reagon 1%er AOA State Secretary Kato American Steel MC State Treasurer Doc 4 Way In MC State COC Chaplain Pastor Ron Baptiste Covenant Confirmers MC AIM/NCOM Attorney James Ramsey (Pops) Keltics MC Tennessee Member Listing 2014-2015 4-Way In MC American Steel MC ARM MC Bikers For Christ MM Black Pistons MC Bond Slaves MC Boozefighters MC Brothers of Believers MM Brothers of the Wheel MC Cohorts MC Confederate Drifters MC Confederates MC Copperheads MC Covenant Confirmers MC Currahee MC Double Knuckle MC E.B.G.B MC Fire and Iron MC Grim Reapers MC Highlanders MC His Laboring Few MM Iron Horsemen MC Iron Riders MC Keltics MC Leathernecks Confederation MC Leathernecks International MC Marines MC Misfits MC Mountain Rebels MC My Brothers Keepers MC New Attitudes MC Nightriders MC Outlaws MC Peaceful Few MC Peacemakers MC Soliders for Jesus MC Sons of God MC Sons of Pennyrile MC Southern Journeymen MC Southern Sons MC Southern Souls MC Tri-Cities MC True Sons MC U.S. Military Vets MC Unforgotten MC Vendettas MC Veterans of Vietnam MC Vietnam Vets MC/ Legacy Vets MC Wind and Fire MC Widowmakers MC Zombies MC

ORGANIZATIONS BACA Volunteer State Chapter-Lebanon, TN (865-951-4224) E Volunteer State Chapter-Vonore, TN (615-715-5039) BIKERS WHO CARE Bikers Who Care is a organization of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to supporting The Dream Factory of Clarksville, TN by sponsoring Camp Rainbow, a summer camp for seriously ill children BLUE KNIGHTS The BLUE KNIGHTS® is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men & women who enjoy riding motorcycles. www.blueknightstnv. CMT/ABATE CMT/ABATE, Inc. is not a •Biker Club”, but a nonprofit, political organization that was formed to preserve feedom and safety for all Tennesseans who enjoy motorcycling. Our major goals are to modify existing laws that are detrimental to motorcycle safety and enjoyment, and to enact new legislation in support of motorcyclists who ride in Tennessee. If you are concerned about preserving personal freedom and motorcycle safety, we urge you to join. Local charters play a major rote in making CMT/ABATE, Inc. an effective organization by contacting their area legislators to inform them of how the local membership feels about issues affecting motorcyclists. PO BOX 1991 MADISON, TN 37116 615-860-1991 Email:


MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS FOUNDATION OF TENNESSEE WWW.MAFT.US MAFT is a non-profit 501-C-3 tax-exempt organization. We believe that educating the public to have the proper respect for motorcyclists as well other highway users will reduce accidents and deaths on our highways. We hope to reduce motorcycle accidents caused by inattentive

drivers resulting in avoidable right of way collisions. Our Campaign Save A Life program is teaching new drivers in our High Schools awareness and defensive techniques to avoid these accidents. MAFT honors the survivors, the lost and the families of these accident victims at a Vigil each autumn. = Awareness, Respect and Education MAFTINFO@AOL.COM 615-799-8600 Motor Maids, Inc. A diverse group of women motorcyclists united through a passion for riding while fostering a positive image and promoting safe riding skills. PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS If you have any questions, please feel free to contact PGR State Captain Annette (Dreamcatcher)  615-974-3046 ROLLING THUNDER TENNESSEE Rolling Thunder®, Inc.’s major function is to publicize the POW-MlA issue. To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars. To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action. We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars! ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 1 TN Pres. Jay Barnes, Murfreesboro 615-364-1029, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 2 TN Pres. Gerri Tramel , Soddy-Daisy 423-843-1061 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 3 TN Pres. Clay Tumlin, Knoxville 865-457-4507 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 4 TN Pres. Alan Sipe, Johnson City 423-329-3152, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. Rolling Thunder Chapter 6 Pres. Mike Morel, Martin City 731-431-2411 SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS Action Not Words - NOW! Riders organizing to support and defend this country. A political movement of riders. All riders welcome! In addition to welcoming members of any other organization or affiliation. Welcoming non-riders and supporters as well. T.H.R.C.A. The Tennessee Honda Riders Club Kerbela Motor Corps Donnie Anderson 865-806-2097 TN VALLEY RIDERS Fayettevilte,TN Web page: Doesn’t matter what you ride or who you are everyone welcome. No dues, Fun Riding Group helping those in need. For more info   GWRRA We are the world’s largest single-marque social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wing & Valkyrie motorcycles and, some would say, the world’s largest family. Dedicated to our motto, Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge, GWRRA members enjoy the freedom of belonging to a not-for-profit, non-reigious and non-political organization. MID SOUTH RIDERS Meetings held the 2nd Sunday of the month @ Shady Rest Biker Bar,Timbte,TN MUSIC CITY AMCA Music City Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America ​ ASSOCIATIONS VFW Post 5266 Morristown, TN Riders Association Open to all active duty, reservists, guards, and retired military members who are eligible to join the VFW. We meet at 11AM the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Morristown VFW Post 5266. We are a Veteran driven Association, that supports the surrounding areas Veterans. We also support locally “The Daily Bread and Food On Foot.” Contact Michael Jacobs, President VFW Riders Association @ 423-312-6220 or on FaceBook @ VFW Riders Morristown, TN Christian Motorcyclists Association Organized in 1975 for the purpose of reaching the motorcycle world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The only requirement for becoming a member of CMA is that you be a Christian. For more info contact the TN State Coordinator, JW Allgood, 615-830-3183 or TENNESSEE CHAPTERS Athens/Trinity Warriors #994 Kingsport/Rays of the Son #199 Chattanooga/Choo-Choo Wheels Knoxville/Inspiration Riders #64 of Worship #204 McMinnville/Holy Spirit Clarksville/Prayerborne Reigns #887 Eagles #467 Memphis/Wheels of Grace #710 Cleveland/Gatekeeper #615 Morristown/Lakeway Warriors #999 Columbia/Knights for Christ #448 Murfreesboro/Cornerstone Cookeville/Blood Bought Riders #940 Bikers #614 Mt. Juliet/Steel Witness #1205 Covington/Ransomed Riders #898 Nashville/Lions of Judah #405 Crossville/Cumberland Cruisers Paris/West TN Cruisers for Christ #802 for Christ #1002 Cumberland Gap/Clinton Pulaski/Redemption Riders #1100 Forming Chapter #2508 Springfield/ Bikers of Grace Dover/Iron Horse Revelators #1210 Forming Chapter #2738 Dyersburg/Dyersburg Tullahoma/Outriders for Christ #616 Disciples #978 Union City/Reelfoot Light Jackson/Steelhorse Prophets #709 Riders #897 Jonesborough/Fellowship of the Unashamed #1208

Revelators Motorcycle Ministries Bristol TN Meeting and ride 1st Sat each month @ Burger king on west state st @ 830 am more info frank@ 423-963-5850 chaplin john @423-323-8812   Road Riders for Jesus Ministries Road Riders For Jesus is an independent, Christian faith based, motorcycle ministry that began in 1999 near St. Louis, MO. We now have over 4,000 members worldwide. To find a local chapter, call Mike at 615-828-6446 or go to the national website at Also check us out on Facebook! Confederate Sons Association Cookeville, Tennessee see our web site for more info or e-mail Mercy Hands Street Ministries P.O. Box 1515 Dickson, TN 37056 931-670-2351 Hog Heaven Ministries Harley Riders for Jesus Vic Richardson 931-729-1091 GOLD WING TOURING ASSN. CHAPTER HARPETH VALLEY RIDERS Contact Damy & Joyce Emter, Chapter Directors Phone: 615-244-1456 e: American Legion Riders (Post 95, Eastridge,TN) Open to American Legion Members and Associates. We participate in parades, ceremonies, and promote motorcycle safety. We also provide a social atmosphere for Legion members who share the same interests. Join us for Fun, friendship and interesting motorcycle rides. Black Sheep Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ is more than just a motorcycle club. It’s a motorcycle ministry of men and women that ride for Jesus: helping and serving H.O.G. members and chapters across the country. For more information contact Jeff Pierce 615.653.5065 or visit our web site: Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministries Chattanooga, TN. Meeting and ride 3rd Sat each month @ City Cafe on corner Lee Hwy and Bonny Oaks @ 11:00 AM more info Johnny @ 423 605 5026 , The Biker Church Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club Contact: Grang Chapter Secretary @ e-mail: or Past President: Free Bird @

#435 Beech River #273 Bristol #034 Chatanooga #058 Clarksville #410 Copperhill #323 Covington #285 Crossroads #320 Cumberland Gap #423 Eagle Bluff

Southern Cruisers #211 Golden Circle #250 Greenville #282 Highland Rim #000 Memphis #006 Middle #059 Montgomery Bell #077 Northeast #483 Northwest #153 Shiloh

Wheels Of Faith Ministry A nondenominational organization with the purpose and goal of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through word & work, and to provide a Christian atmosphere where we gather and ride our motorcycles. www.wheelsoffaith. com W.O.W. Women on Wheels Cool Lady Cruisers Chattanooga, TN HOG CHAPTERS The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669 Eastern TNChapter 865-457-7893 Ghost River Chapter Collierville, TN

Mule Town Chapter 931--540-0099 Nashville Music City Chapter 615-242-6067 Northwestern 731-885-1792

Golden Circle Jackson Chapter 731-627-2288

Thunder Creek Chattanooga Chapter 423-892-4888

Middle Tennessee 615-771-7775

Tri City Chapter 423-283-0422

Murfreesboro Chapter 615-849-8025 615-242-6067

Tuckessee Clarksville Chapter (931)648-1607

The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669

Twin Lakes Morristown Chapter 423-586-5343

Memphis Chapter


#246 South Central #001 Tennessee Valley #130 Upper Cumberland #193 West Tennessee

August 2015


2006 Harley-Davidson Fatboy Congratulations to Garry Lane from Brush Creek, TN on winning our monthly Bike Contest on Facebook! First of all I would like to say Thank you for all the votes in the Thunder Roads Magazine Bike of the month contest, all the bikes were works of art and someone’s dream. My hats off to all of you. Let me try and tell you the story of me and my bike. All my life my dream was to ride the roads. One day I got the opportunity to purchase a 1978 Honda 750 for $500. I rode it everywhere up and down any road I could find. I would pull up beside someone on a Harley-Davidson and say to myself, now that’s the bike for me! One day I’m gonna own a Harley and ride till I’m too tired to ride anymore. In late 2008 I got that chance! I was working construction at the time, working on a house in California. I heard a noise coming from another room, someone making sounds like they were riding a motorcycle. I walked past the room there was a young man with Down’s syndrome who also had a passion for Harley’s and motorcycles. He was 25 years old and actually owned a brand new HarleyDavidson, but because he was not able to drive a car or ride a bike it was parked in the family room. He sat on it every day and wiped it down as often as he could, keeping it as bright and shiny looking as it was on the showroom floor. When I saw the bike, I said to him, wow, now that’s a bike. I asked him if it was for sale and he said “Yep everything’s for sale.” After talking with him and his mother I worked out a deal, I paid market price for the bike, after all it only had about 14 miles on it. It was pearl white and completely stock. I trailered the bike home that night and after a few days of paperwork and registration I rode the bike almost every day for about 3 months going to different bike shows, bike nights, and poker runs. I saw a lot of awesome bikes with outrageous paint jobs and I said to myself, I want to go above and beyond with my bike. I had a buddy who lived in California named Rob who was a very well-known tattoo artist and had painted several cars and trucks that always won 1st in paint and 1st in show. One day he approached me and said, you know, I have never tattooed a bike before and you are wanting to customize your bike so maybe we can work out a deal. He told me if I let him tattoo my bike and agreed to put it in shows he would give me a deal on the paint job. I will say, when he gave me the deal price, I thought to myself, man I can paint my house several times for the deal he offered me to paint two small fenders and a tank, little did I know it took him over 3 weeks to get it just right. When it was done he called and said, OK I like It Now, you can come check it out and if you’re happy you can take it home. When I got there and walked into his garage, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I said to him, is this my bike!? I was so impressed with all the details and meaning for everything he had put in the paint, it was just insane. I have to give credit where credit is due, his name is “ROB” and owner of Under Dog Customs. He was located in Hesperia California where he still does tattoos as well as custom air brush tats. The paint is black over silver and every inch of August 2015

the paint tells a story, it’s all skulls, guns, brains and names. He named the bike “BUCK WILD” because he felt that would be the given name for the man and the bike. After taking it home and riding it for a few months and still going to bike nights and bike shows, I decided to continue customizing and aftermarket parts to build and complete my theme. I’ve only entered it in a few shows because it is not a completed project yet, but every show it’s ever been in it has always won 1st place in paint and show. One day I hope to pass on my work to one of my sons who will hopefully enjoy it as much as I have. I’ve been diagnosed with a few very harsh medical conditions that keep me from riding the open road as much as I want to. If I could, I would ride every day as that has always been my dream and passion. I want to say to all the other bikes that were in the contest, your bikes are awesome! You should be proud to own and ride each one of them. I don’t feel my bike was any better than theirs and they had a very good chance of beating mine in the contest. Anyone who owns a bike regardless of the make and model should be proud of what you ride. What might be the perfect bike for you, might not be the perfect bike for the next guy or gal. Make your bike your own, not what you think others will like it. It’s your bike and your dream. Regardless if you bought it brand new or from a junk yard, it’s yours so make it your own. Thank you all for the votes, I really appreciate you making it possible for my bike to be the Bike of the Month in Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee. Everyone ride hard and stay safe! God Bless, Garry If you have a cool custom bike you would like to have featured in our magazine, enter it in our monthly contest by submitting a pic of your bike to


s g n i r p S l o o C f o n o s d i v a D y e l r a H

g n i l F r e m m Su ®


arley-Davidson of Cool Springs picked a beautiful day to hold their annual Summer Fling. Betsy and LaVonda worked hard to put together another great party, and the entire staff made sure everyone had a good time. One of our favorite local cover bands Milkbone was pumpin out the tunes while the “Ladies of H-D Cool Springs” helped everyone get registered for the free giveaways. Pig and Pie Catering was there serving delicious food, including their great bar-b-que, and a cold beverage was available. The Monster Energy Drink truck was there giving away samples, and did we mention Milkbone playing that bluesy classic rock. Somehow Denise always ends up in a contest, this time it was the frozen tee shirt contest. Betsy passed out the frozen shirts, and Denise sat on it hoping the hot asphalt would loosen it up, when that didn’t work she put it under her shirt, meanwhile, the guy


who won was throwing his down, and beating it against the pavement until it opened up, he got his shirt on and Denise’s was still a frozen wad of cotton. After that, there was a Guard dog demonstration put on by Global K9 Protection Services, they brought a German Shepard, and a beautiful Malinois. They demonstrated many different aspects of training the dogs had received such as off leash obedience, attacking then stopping on command, and attacking on its own. They gave one of them the protect command, the dog stayed between its owner and the threat no matter where the owner went, and when the threat got too close the dog went in to action. They were very well trained dogs, and I wouldn’t want them mad at me. The Sun was out, the food was good, the beer was cold, and the music was great, Betsy and LaVonda did a great job as usual, and everyone had a great time.

August 2015

August 2015


Bullet Points PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: STRIKE-HOLD® CDLP BY MPH SYSTEMS, INC. Courtesy of Wolverine Shooting Sports, Inc. ~ Dani Sparks

Normally, I wouldn’t devote an entire Bullet Points to writing about a singular product. That being said, Strike-Hold® isn’t an ordinary product. This scarcely known CDLP (cleaner, degreaser, lubricant, protectant) has absolutely amazed me, which is not an easy task.

Still not completely sold on the product (sure, it lubricates wonderfully, but how does it clean)? I asked to be given a sample to try for myself on a firearm. Conveniently, I had a rusty rifle that needed some TLC, and was able to get the full effects of the power of this CDLP. Color me impressed. I sprayed it on, let it sit for a couple minutes, and wiped the surface rust away with a cloth, no scrubbing involved. I’ve never had a product work that well on rust. The final test was the claim that a degreaser would remove it from the metal, allowing it to be re-blued. Once the rust was off, I used a standard degreaser intended for re-bluing metal gun parts, and applied a cream bluing agent. Bingo! The bluing took wonderfully, as you can see in this picture!

Being in the Firearms Industry, I have cleaned a lot of guns, and I mean A LOT of guns. From concealed carry handguns, whose internal parts have rusted from years of being worn in a holster, to shotguns and rifles that have seen every muddy swamp and field in Michigan and have seen better days. Needless to say, I have used many different cleaning and lubricating products, and never have I been so impressed by a never before seen product being marketed to me. Most CLP’s excel in one area or another, but none have ever performed the way Strike-Hold® has for me. The unique qualities of this product enabled us to spray it into the motor of a fan that seemed to be about to give up the ghost. It rattled like the ghost of Christmas past, and the bearings sounded like they were going to explode and go flying at any moment. I did not feel safe spraying just any cleaner or lubricant into the motor because of the internal wiring, but StrikeHold® is designed to be safe for use on electrical components. In fact, it is designed to not impede electrical current. Within 30 seconds of spraying this product into the motor of the fan, the rattle went away entirely. Wow!


I have since used the product to clean a handful of firearms, using the final spray of the product to take advantage of the dry film lubrication, not applying any other lubricant afterward. This product has met all of my needs, with exemplary performance. Needless to say, Strike-Hold® has found a home, not only in our gunsmithing room, but also on our sales floor. To find out more about Strike-Hold® CDLP by MPH Systems, Inc., you can go to their website, To see it in action, come by our store. We can be found on the web at and on Facebook at

August 2015


Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

DOT REGULATORS TO CRACK DOWN ON NOVELTY HELMETS U.S. transportation regulators on Wednesday, May 20 called for stronger rules for motorcycle helmets, proposing additional safety requirements in an effort to crack down on “novelty” helmets that do not meet federal standards. Department of Transportation officials say such uncertified helmets are unsafe and do not protect riders in crashes despite being sold and marketed for use on the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposes to amend Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218 to modify the existing performance requirements of the standard by adding construction requirements. Its Proposed Rulemaking changes would further define what makes an acceptable motorcycle helmet, from its thickness to its compression ability, “in an attempt to help riders and state law enforcement officials identify inferior helmets.” Such changes aim “to reduce fatalities and injuries resulting from traffic accidents involving use of motorcycle helmets” that fail to meet federal standards, DOT regulators told Reuters news agency, adding that rider deaths are disproportionately high due in part to the high number of motorcyclists wearing substandard helmets. It is not clear why so many motorcycle riders use inferior helmets, said the regulators, but they say part of the problem seems to be that riders do not understand the risks. Novelty helmets can also be cheaper and appear “more comfortable or stylish,” they added. So-called “Novelty” helmets generally cover a smaller area of the head, have thin liners and are often sold with disclaimers stating that they are not for highway use “yet they are sold to highway users and used in great numbers by motorcyclists.” Tougher standards are expected to help authorities prosecute sellers of noncompliant helmets in states where helmets are mandatory, regulators said. The public can comment on the proposal for 60 days, up until July 20, 2015, before the department moves to issue its final regulation. “DOT LOBBY BAN” REPEAL ATTEMPT THWARTED A provision contained in a federal appropriations bill could have struck down the “DOT lobby ban” implemented by Congress in 1998 to prevent the Department of Transportation from strongarming states on helmet laws and other unwanted legislation. However, thanks to the swift actions of national and state motorcyclists rights organizations, riders across the country rose to the occasion and supported an amendment introduced by Congressional Representatives Tim Walberg (RMI), Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), and Reid Ribble (R-WI) to strip the offending provision. When the U.S. House of Representatvies addressed the 30

2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations act (H.R. 2577) on June 3-4, Section 102 was removed. WEIRD NEWS: COPS CREATE TRAFFIC JAM TO CATCH BIKERS SPLITTING LANES New York police officers were recently caught on camera intentionally causing a traffic jam on the highway to catch motorcyclists splitting lanes through the stopped vehicles. The YouTube video has gone viral on the Internet, and was picked up by, a conglomerative blogging service documenting police abuse otherwise ignored by traditional media outlets. The narrator of the YouTube clip claims that the police actually shut down the entire highway for the sole purpose of catching bikers driving in between lanes. Several unsuspecting bikers can be seen in the video being pulled over as cops demand their license and registration, while the video shows the rest of the traffic on the highway at a complete stop for some time so that the cops can generate ticket revenues; “This appears to be one of the most epic parasitic wealth-extractions in recent memory.” NEVADA AMENDS HANDLEBAR HEIGHT LAW After passing the state Assembly unanimously, AB422 was signed into law by Governor Brian Sandoval on May 21, 2015 to amend the state’s handlebar height law. Effective October 1, 2015, Section 1 of this bill prohibits a local authority from enacting an ordinance governing the operation and equipment of a motorcycle or a moped which is in conflict with any existing state laws. Under existing law, a person is prohibited from driving a motorcycle or a moped equipped with handlebars which extend above the driver’s shoulders. Section 2 of this bill provides that handlebars may extend not more than 6 inches above the driver’s shoulders. OREGON MOTORCYCLISTS GET “LIMITED EXCEPTION” TO RED LIGHTS Changing traffic laws that affect motorcyclists often sparks plenty of debate in state legislatures, but that was not the case with a measure allowing two-wheel vehicles to go through malfunctioning stoplights that passed the Oregon legislature unanimously and was signed into law by Governor Kate Brown on May 21st. Under SB 533, riders will be allowed to proceed through a red light only after it fails to go through one full cycle -- and then only if done with caution. State Representative John Davis (R-Wilsonville) calls it a “very, very limited exception” to the normal rules covering red lights. Effective January 1, 2016, Oregon will join 16 other states with similar “dead red” laws that allow riders to proceed through red lights that do not detect their presence and fail to provide a green light: Minnesota (2002), Tennessee (2003), Arkansas (2005), Idaho (2006), Wiscon-

August 2015



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Visit us us on on the the web web at at Visit for sinAIM-2622-F-Ad (2006), North Carolina 11(2007), South Carolina (2008), AIM-2622-F-Ad for Tennessee.indd Tennessee.indd Missouri (2008), Oklahoma (2010), Kansas (2011), Virginia (2011), Illinois (except Chicago – 2012), Nevada (2014), Indiana (2014), Kentucky (2015), and Washington (2015). In Texas and California, state law requires stoplights to be fitted with sensors that detect motorcycles.

MOTORCYCLE LICENSE BILL PASSES IN ALABAMA Alabamians will need to have a motorcycle classification on their license, and take a written exam or safety course, under a bill that has passed the state Legislature and awaits the governor’s signature. Alabama is the only state that doesn’t require a specific motorcycle license, and this measure “will make sure that those who are riding motorcycles are qualified and know enough about motorcycle safety,” said the bill’s sponsor State Rep. Phillip Pettus (R-Greenhill). Pettus’ House Bill 212 now goes to the governor for his signature. Currently, only motorcyclists age 14 and 15 have to take a written test and get the M classification. Those older than that may get the classification, but don’t have to. Motorcyclists who already have the M classification will be grandfathered in. Upon Governor Robert J. Bentley’s approval, the new licensure law will become effective January 1, 2016, and law enforcement will then be able to issue tickets to motorcyclists who don’t have the M classification. The bill also allows drivers to complete a safety course instead of the written test. There’s a $5 fee for the written test. TEXAS LAW LEGALIZES SLINGSHOT THREE-WHEELER A new law now legalizes the three-wheel Polaris Slingshot in Texas. Polaris’ Slingshot reverse-trike ended up in legal limbo last year after it was determined that it didn’t fit the letter of any of Texas motor vehicle laws. It didn’t have the safety equipment required to define it as a car, but since it had seats, and not a saddle, it couldn’t be considered a motorcycle, either. That changed last week when Governor Greg Abbot signed an amendment to the law that essentially removed the August 2015

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11/1/11 saddle requirement, allowing three-wheel “autocycles” to PM be 11/1/11 5:06 5:06 PM registered as motorcycles, as they are in many states. A motorcycle license is still required to drive one, but you can take the test in a three-wheeler if you only plan to drive that type of vehicle. The laws that govern vehicles like the Slingshot vary from state to state, and it’s still not street legal in a few. That includes Connecticut, Hawaii and Maryland, while Indiana recently passed its own “autocycle” law authorizing its use. In most states it follows the same helmet rules as a motorcycle, but in California can be driven without one and only requires an automobile license to operate.

MOTORCYCLIST FATALITIES DROP FOR SECOND STRAIGHT YEAR Riding a motorcycle in the U.S. is continuing to get a little safer. Based on a preliminary survey of 2014 fatality data, the Governors Highway Safety Association is predicting a second consecutive year-over-year drop in deaths for the first time on record since 1997. The GHSA is predicting 4,584 motorcyclist deaths in 2014, a 1.8-percent drop. The organization bases its forecasts on motorcycle fatality data for January through September in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. From this raw info, deaths fell in 27 states in 2014, increased in 19 and remained the same in four, plus DC. While good in the short term, the GHSA still thinks there’s a lot to do to reduce rider deaths; 28% of fatal crashes in 2013 involved riders with a blood alcohol concentration above 0.08, 34% of those killed were speeding, and 25% didn’t have a valid motorcycle license. Of course the GHSA recommends that all states adopt universal helmet laws, noting that currently only 19 states and D.C. require all riders be helmeted. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Knowledge is power [Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est].” ~ Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English Renaissance theorist



August 2015

Summertime grilling is perfect for preparing your entire meal on. Don’t be hesitant to keep a hot side for meats, and a medium-low side and grill your corn on the cob, your foil packets of veggies and my all-time favorite is grilling any kind of fruit that are hardy enough to grill, and that’s just about everything! Grilled watermelon and thick pineapple rings are my favorite, but I also grill strawberries & thick banana rings.

COCA-COLA GLAZED PORK RIBS 1 Slab of Your Fave Ribs; Spare Ribs, Baby Backs or Country Ribs (apprx. 4 lbs.)Season your slab of Ribs generously w/ salt & pepper. Place on a sprayed baking sheet and roast uncovered for 3-4 hours, until the ribs are VERY tender. Before you start your ingredients that go into your Sauce, pour your liter of Coca-Cola into a medium sauce pot and place on simmer on your stove and just let it reduce down very slowly until you have about a cup of actual semi-thick sauce. You do Balsamic Vinegar this same way and it’s phenom! COCA-COLA SAUCE: Use all dry spices for this, you don’t need fresh. You’ll get the same flavor. Just remember when you use dry spices to place in the palm of your hand and rub them to reinvigorate them and bring back the fresh flavor. In a small sauce pot, add: 2 Tbls. of Melted Quality Margarine or Butter 1 Medium Onion, (rough chopped) Salt & Pepper to Taste 1 Small Palmful of Ground Ginger from a jar 1 Small Palmful of Cumin 1 Small Palmful of Sage 1 Cup of Premium Ketchup 4 tsps. of Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Tbls. of Quality Maple Syrup 1/2 Cup of Water Remove your ribs from oven, baste them thoroughly with Coca-Cola Sauce and place on a pre-heated medium-high heat gas grill. You’re essentially grilling these for the grill marks and the caramelization on both sides. Continue to baste every few minutes to keep them moist. Pull from heat after apprx. 5 mins. on each side and let rest 5 mins. I always make up extra Sauce as it’s so dang good to drizzle it hot all over ribs when you serve up. These Ribs are simply amazing and you can make Sauce and keep in fridge for up to 3 weeks and use on many kinds of meats. Enjoy, Slurp & Chomp! (3 great words for “Foodies”)


1 Bag of Pre-Cut Coleslaw Cabbage In a medium glass jar w/ a tight sealed top, mix up: 1/2 Cup of Coconut Milk 2 Heaping Tbls. of Quality Peanut Butter (put this in a small bowl and microwave until melted down; 10 seconds 2 Tbls. of Grated Ginger (again, jarred is good) 1 Capful of Apple Cider Vinegar 1 Tbls. of Lime Juice 2 Tbls. of Sugar or Splenda Pour entire mixture over your bagged coleslaw and mix well with a wooden spoon. If it’s not wet enough for you, then make up another batch of the sauce and add to it. This is so unique and fresh’re gonna’ dig it! Again....this sauce is Great for all kinds of salads or fruits.


Fire up the grill to Medium heat. Lay out (4) larger medium size pieces of quality aluminum foil, ready to wrap. 4 Large Bananas - Remove from peel and slice down the middle lengthwise, but make sure you don’t cut all the way through. Carefully open up the banana, creating a space in the middle to fill up w/ goodies. Have ready in small little serving bowls: 1/2 Cup of Mini Marshmallows, 1/2 Cup of Mini Chocolate Chips, 1 Bottle of Caramel Sauce & 1 Bottle of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup & definitely Marshmallow Creme’. Your one fave flavor of ice-cream, or, like on a real Banana Split, a scoop each of Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry. Optional Toppings: Small bottle of Mandarin Oranges, small bottle Maraschino Cherries, Toasted Pecans, Peanuts, decide; its your Banana Split Boat. Take your sliced bananas and place it gently on a grill rack that’s made for grilling fish and other delicate items on your grill. You can fit all 4 bananas in one rack. Grill on one side until you see grill marks; not long, and flip to other side. Now place on your pieces of foil and fill that baby up with ALL your goodies you want EXCEPT for the ice-cream. Bring the sides up gently and fold over the top and place back on grill so everything melts together and gets nice and gooey. Remove and add your ice cold ice-cream on top and spoon your hot melted goodies over top of ice-cream scoops. Oh, Baby, your eyes will roll back in your head! Divine! The taste of the grilled bananas makes these audacious!

Happy Summertime Grilling!

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Magazine Each Month At These Fine Locations

DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 866-452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson/Buell 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 931-648-1607 Boswell’s of Cookeville 1421 Interstate Dr Cookeville, TN 38501 931-526-3139 Boswell’s of Downtown Nashville 180 2nd Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37201 615-242-7078 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 615-242-6067 Boswell’s of Rivergate 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 615-855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-849-8025 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd Memphis, TN 38133 901-372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr Jackson, TN 38305 731-422-5508


Bumpus Harley-Davidson Shop Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-316-1121 Bumpus Harley Davidson 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-376-1121 Colboch Harley-Davidson 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343 H-D of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd Columbia, TN 38401 931-540-0099 H-D of Cool Springs 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 866-667-8836 Highway 12 Motorsports 5110 Ashland City Highway Nashville, TN 37218 (615) 891-7850 Across From Lewis Country Store Knoxville Harley-Davidson 605 Lovell Rd Knoxville, TN 37932 865-671-2454 Knoxville Harley-Davidson 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-2454 S&G Custom Cycles 1114 Galloway St Columbia, TN 38401 931-381-7282 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150 Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669


The Shed 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669 Rustique Restaurant & Bar 7080 Dale Ridge Road Lancaster, TN 37095 (615) 548-8010 CAMPGROUNDS Cacklebery Campground “Home of the Big Rooster” 560 Tomoka Farms Rd CR 415 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386-428-5459 Hidden Creek Camp Ground 2576 W Antioch Road Springville, TN 38256 (731) 641-0034

GROCERIES Lewis Country Store 5106 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN (615) 255-7755 Gas-Up, Unique Shop, Fresh Food

MOTORCYCLE INS. C. Bo Brumit Ins. Agcy., 5608 Hwy 11 E. - Suite C3 Piney Flats, TN 37686 Toll Free: (866) 700-4218 Specializing in Biker Ins. Rates

MINISTRIES Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families. (615) 384-9010

PAINT/PINSTRIPING Paint By Lemon 3418 Old Hickory Blvd D41 Old Hickory, TN (770) 344-7279

SERVICES A & A Powder Coating Inc 1207 Louisville Hwy Goodlettsville, TN 37072 (615) 859-9479

Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Fredonia, TN 37146 931-362-4774 www.

Avon the company for women & now men too! For Easy On-Line Ordering Visit:

Double E Bar/Grill 4957 Lebanon Pike Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-885-3400

Amsoil 615-389-1149 Reference #1569065

Buckle and Hide Leather 197 Enon Spring Road West Smyrna, TN 37167 615-768-5041 Bullseye Gun, Gear & Pawn, LLC 130 Shelby Street Murfreesboro, TN (615) 900-1098 Charlie’s Leathers 108 W Main St Lebanon, TN 37087 615-449-6065 FTD Customs 156 Commerce Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 824-2811 Gatherings by Donna Kay 106 Public Square Watertown, TN 37184 615-423-0059 Stereo City 6725 Ringgold Road, Suite B Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-504-9874 Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172

TRAILERS L&S Motorcycle Trailer Rentals Ask for Larry Cell: 615-308-1288 All size trailers for your needs!

LEGAL AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424/ 1-800-on-a-bike

TRAVEL Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln, Ste 200, Brentwood Tn 37027 615-376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs.

August 2015

August 2015


GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to:

Smoky Mountain H-D 11th Birthday Bash Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN Come out and celebrate our 11th birthday with us! The outdoor store will be open all day and SMH-D will be welcoming Blackberry Smoke to the stage of The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint that night. TN. Independent Coalition of Bikers Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Covenant Confirmers Ministries 300 10th Av. East Springfield, TN Contact phone: (615) 384-9010 The “TN. Independent Coalition of Bikers” will meet at Pastor Ron’s Church 300 10th Av. East, Springfield, TN. 37172 Aug.1st at 12:00 noon. For more information call (615) 384-9010. The Shed Concert Series Presents: Blackberry Smoke: The Holding All The Roses Tour Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Blackberry Smoke: The Holding All The Roses Tour Event Time: 6:00 PM Knoxville’s tightest group, The Southern Drawl Band, will kick off the Bash! Sloans Motorcycle & ATV Pancake Breakfast/Ride Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: All you can eat Pancakes and fixings for your $5 Charitable Donation - after breakfast weather permitting, we RIDE! Party at H-D Cool Springs Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Party at HDCS – LIVE Music, FREE Food & FREE Beer – 12noon – 4pm Live Music with Milkbone Blues and Classic Rock Band 10th Annual Confederate Flag Benefit “Ronnaroo” for the Tennessee State Museum Date: 08/01/2015 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Peytonsville, Tenn Contact phone: 931-374-8368 10th Annual Confederate Flag Benefit “Ronnaroo” for the Tennessee State Museum on August 1 in Peytonsville, Tenn. Gates open at 3pm, cost is $20 per person & first 200 get free event shirt. Live music by Skinny Molly, Howlin Brothers Band, Miranda Louise Blues Band, Pheonix Rising, Big Daddy Cool & the Bomb Shell Kittens, & more. BYOB. 21 & up to enter. Food vendors on site, silent auction, camping, & you can shoot our cannon!! Call Ronny Mangrum for more info 931-374-8368 or look for us on Facebook. 36

Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs Date: 08/06/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Losers Most Wanted Bar & Grill 1000 Meridian Blvd Franklin, TN Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs! 1000 Meridian Blvd., Franklin, TN 6pm - 9pm /Live Music, Giveaways, Vendors, Food & Drink Specials. Cheatham County Cruise-In Date: 08/07/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: River Bluff Park Contact phone: 615-347-9778 Cars/Trucks/Bikes Music-Fun-Vendors Welcome Peoples Choice picked each month Find us on Facebook Contact Charles King 615-347-9778 or Sandra Gregory 615-957-8834 Blue Knights Law Enforcement Riders 5th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Ride Date: 08/08/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: MPD Northeast Precinct 6850 Appling Farms Parkway August 8th: It’s time to go PINK with Bumpus! The Blue Knights Law Enforcement Riders is having their 5th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Ride. Time is 8AM. Each $20 donation will include a t-shirt, free breakfast and lunch. Escorted parade Ride leaves MPD Northeast Precinct does the 240 loop and ends up at Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis for a cook out. Address is 6850 Appling Farms Parkway The Shed Concert Series Presents: Whiskey Myers Date: 08/08/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN Whiskey Myers make their long awaited debut at The Shed Stolen Rhodes, Philadelphia’s best rock group makes the trip down south to open up the show! Doors6pm (Dragon Hour) Stolen Rhodes- 7:30pm Whiskey Myers- 8:30pm Tickets-$15 Advance/Ride-Up $20 Day of Show Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro 18th Anniversary Party Date: 08/08/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro August 8th: Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro 18th Anniversary Party, 10am-3pm; It’s a LUAU, FREE food, drinks and fun. BARBSTOCK Date: 08/14/2015 - 08/16/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Barbs Place 1027 Rose Hill Rd. Pulaski, TN. 38478 Salute to our Veterans (Honoring our WWII Vets)To Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the ending of WWII. A 3-day festival in Honor of our WWII Veterans. All veterans will be recognized. This tribute will continue in future years as an annual tradition on the 2nd weekend on August. For 21 and above only. https://www.

August 2015

GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to: The Shed Concert Series Presents: Green River: The Ultimate CCR Tribute Show Date: 08/15/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN Get ready to go down to the bayou as the Shed welcomes Green River for the first time to perform Creedence Clearwater Revival classics! 6pm-Doors/ Dragon Hour (until 7pm) 7:30pm- Jason Stinnett Band8:30pm- Green River Tickets- $10 in advance/ride-up or $15 day of show Cancer Benefit Ride For Dewayne Groves Date: 08/15/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Location: Our Place 3838 Cross Plains Rd Springfield, TN Cancer Benefit Ride For Dewayne Groves Time:10:00 AM - 7:00PM Location: Our Place 3838 Cross Plains Rd Springfield, TN Music, food, silent auction & 50/50 drawing Approx 50 mile countryside ride

Hemp Fest Date: 08/21/2015 - 08/23/2015 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Sycamore Campground 2 Railroad Bed Rd. Iron City TN 38463 Contact phone: 931-845-4249 2nd annual festival to support legalization & promote awareness of natural healing plants that can help save the world. Speakers, Vendors, Bands, Camping, Canoeing, Raffles, Food and much more. $5 donation, $15 to camp all weekend. If you would like to sponsor, be a vendor or speaker at the event or need more information please contact Randy @931-845-4249 Sonya @ 256-529-2560 Carla @ 931-300-0055

Sloans Motorcycle & ATV Off Road Vehicle Ride Date: 08/15/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Woolys Off Road Park 2000 Mooresville Rd, Lynnville, TN Contact email: Off road fun at Wooly’s, $15 per rider. Details TBA

The Shed Concert Series Presents: KISS Army: The Coolest Band in The World Date: 08/22/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville You want the best? You got the best! The #1 KISS Tribute Phenomenon! The Coolest Band in the World is coming to The Shed! 18 years of hard work proves that these guys are the best KISS Tribute band around. This is a can’t miss show full of special effects and classic KISS tunes we all know and love. Opening the show will be JD Cable and the Empty Bottle Band! 6pm- Doors Open/Dragon Hour 7:30pmJD Cable & the Empty Bottle Band 8:30pm- KISS Army Tickets- $10 in advance or ride up/$15 day of show

H-D Cool Springs Dinner Ride to Venue TENN Date: 08/16/2015 Time: 5:30 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Dinner Ride to Venue TENN in Columbia, TN Kickstands up at 5:30pm from H-D Cool Springs A great ride for Live Music and Dinner

Party at H-D Cool Springs Date: 08/22/2015 Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Party at HDCS – LIVE Music, FREE Food & FREE Beer – 12noon – 4pm Live Music with Milkbone Blues and Classic Rock Band is BACK!! 1634 Galleria Blvd., Brentwood, TN

Sloans Motorcycle & ATV Mystery Dinner Ride Date: 08/20/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sloans Motorcycle & ATV 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: Meet at Sloan’s by 6:00 pm and join us for a scenic backroads ride to a local eatery! All makes and models are welcome, and we won’t keep you out too late!

Sloans Motorcycle & ATV Bike Night at Woodys BBQ Date: 08/25/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: Sloan’s Bike Night @ Woody’s BBQ” is the last Tuesday of each month – 6p to 9p Be the slowest rider in Rutherford County at the “Bike Night Slow Race”! Music!Prizes!Bike Show(off) opportunity!

Back to the 80’s Bike Night @ HDCS Date: 08/20/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Back to the 80’s Bike Night @ HDCS– 6p-8:30p Get your 80’s groove on with 80’s Band TOP TIER Smoky Mountain H-D Military Appreciation Night Date: 08/21/2015 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville Come out to Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson as we show our appreciation for those who have or still are serving our country. Enjoy a night of food, music and corn hole. Attendees will receive $2 off of any appetizer at The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint and 15% off of all general merchandise (excluding clearance). August 2015

Bike Night at Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro Date: 08/27/2015 Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro August 27th: Bike Night at Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro, 6:30-8:30, LIVE music, food and drinks Americas Motor Sports bike night Date: 08/27/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Americas Motor Sports 629 Myatt Drive Madison, Tn Join us from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm for live music and good times


GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to:

IRON RIDERS MC FIELD PARTY Date: 08/28/2015 - 08/30/2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: 347 Hammit Rd Bulls gap Tn. 37711 Contact phone: 423 823 0145 IRON RIDERS MC invites you to our annual field party Live music, biker games, cold beverages, hot food, and great brotherhood. Vendors allowed with gate admission, free camping all weekend. Admission is $10.00 location 347 Hammit Rd Bulls gap Tn. 37711 starts at 7 pm on friday Aug 28 and runs through Sunday Aug 30 till ????? If you have any questions about the event please feel free to contact Demon (president) 423 823 0145 Hawk 423 218 5891 The Shed Concert Series Presents: American Aquarium Date: 08/29/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville One of Rolling Stone Magazine’s “10 to Watch in Country Music” is debuting at The Shed! Also making their debut will be the new and critically acclaimed Knoxville band Handsome and the Humbles! 6pm- Doors/Dragon Hour (until 7pm) 7:30pm- Handsome and the Humbles 8:30pmAmerican Aquarium Ride with V13ION Date: 09/05/2015 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Your Favorite Dealership The event will include a memorial ride for all Tennesseans that have lost their lives to suicide, starting at 10 AM Central/11 AM Eastern at local Harley-Davidson dealerships—each one offering information and resources about mental health and suicide prevention. Riders will register online and make donations to support the dealership of their choice, with a custom-built reverse-flow smoker with trailer (courtesy of Breezin Metal Works) awarded to the dealership that raises the most donations for suicide awareness and prevention. The Shed Concert Series Presents: The Kentucky Headhunters Date: 09/05/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville Classic Rock Legends The Kentucky Headhunters return for their annual show at the Shed on Labor Day Weekend! Don’t miss the downhome, southern extravaganza that these Grammy Award winning musicians will deliver! OTIS returns to The Shed for a second time this season to round out the bill! 6pm- Doors/Dragon Hour (until 7pm) 7:30pm- OTIS 8:30pm- Kentucky Headhunters Tickets- $15: Ride Up/Advance $20: Day of Show


August 2015



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Tank Tops

T-Shirt (Long Sleeve)


S - XL: $15.00 XXL: $17.00 XXXL: $20.00 + S/H & TAX S - XL: $20.00 XXL: $22.00 XXXL: $25.00 + S/H & TAX

S - XL: $13.00 XXL: $15.00 XXXL: $17.00 + S/H & TAX S - XL: $30.00 XXL: $32.00 XXXL: $35.00 + S/H & TAX

PLEASE include $5 per shirt for tax & shipping and include shirt size.Get a FREE Wrist Band & Koozie with each shirt when you order TWO or More!! Make check NAME:___________________________________________________

or money order payable to: Thunder Roads Tennessee


Send to:


Thunder Roads Tennessee

STATE:___________________________ ZIP:____________________

3030 Quail Court, Greenbrier, TN 37073

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads Tennesse, 3030 Quail Court, Greenbrier, TN 37073 40

No refunds or exchanges August 2015

August 2015


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