Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee June 2015

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Absolutely NO 4-wheelers, ATV’s, Gators, Dirt Bikes BIKE SHOW Karaoke Tent & RV Camping Support Vehicles: $20 with purchase of weekend pass Vendors Taking applications In advance

$150 Flat Rate /$200 at Gate Special Event Pass $40—Sunday only $20 Advance Tickets 270-781-7634 798 Beech Bend Park Rd Bowling Green, KY


We are GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for all the ANGELS that lend us a wing, on a daily basis.

National Photojournalist Cooper Chilton

Ronny Mangrum aka “Rebel Ron” SCOTT & DENISE HIGH &“Taz aka Thunder Dawg” Publishers/Owners – Thunder Roads Tennessee

LAYOUT & DESIGN Merry Hancock

Layout & Design Graphic Design Artist

Ron Baptiste aka Pastor Ron


Melissa Barrett “Miz B”

Mechele MacDaniel

Chaplain’s Corner


Bob “Bulldog” Ousley

BECOME A THUNDER ROADS CONTRIBUTOR – Call Us With A Solid Lead, We’ll Close It Out And You Get 10% Immediately Upon Customer Payment. No Fuss, No Upkeep, We Handle It All! Big Supplemental Revenue $$$$ Potential!

NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 e-mail:



Photographer: Allen Manus - PE Photography Model: Ann Hubbard Body Paint: Tia May - 615-482-6715 HMUA: Zoë Osimanti - The Studio by Studio Gaven Jewelry by King Baby Bike: 2011 Harley-Davidson FLSTN Softail Deluxe Bike Owner: Ann Hubbard

June 2015

CALENDAR OF EVENTS LISTINGS Contact: Denise High, Events Calendar Administrator for TRM 615-389-1016 or, e-mail them to: What’s on the site goes in the mag!


(We Have State Owners/Publishers, Not Regional Sales Areas)

Just How Many Mags From The Wannabe’s Actually Stay In Tennessee When They Sell To So Many Regional Areas?


June 2015

The beautiful days of riding season and bike nights are here and there are so many bikes on the road right now, so please everyone be safe rubber side down! Did you know that June 15th is Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day? I didn’t, but I’m glad I know now because we are always looking for a reason to ride, right!? Well, by the time you read this, we will have covered the 15th Annual Smoky Mountain Thunder Memorial Ride and right after that, the 2015 Tennessee State HOG Rally, so be sure and look for an article about both of those events in next month’s issue. Last month we got to spend some time with Adam Sandoval and his Chihuahua, Scooter “Trash”, when they made their way through Middle TN on their quest to hit every Harley-Davidson dealership in the lower 48 states to raise money for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. Look for the ScootinAmerica article in this issue and read all about it! I want to give a shout out to photographer, Allen Manus… he has done several of our covers and centerfold pics but he really out did himself on this cover and centerfold when he came up with the idea to do body paint. At first I was a little skeptical about this idea, I was worried that you would be able to tell that the model did not have on any clothes, but as you can see, you can’t tell. This was a really fun photoshoot and Allen Manus, you ROCK!! Thank you, Tia May, Ann Hubbard, and Zoë Osimanti for all your hard work on this photoshoot, you all are amazing! Check out the article, “It’s All About The Paint” in this issue for all the details. I’m sure by now you all have heard about the terrible incident in Waco Texas, and as sad as it is, I’m only going to say this about it… we are deeply saddened by the incident that occurred and our thoughts and prayers go out to the Waco community and those involved and their families. I hope that everyone understands, this was an isolated incident and is NOT indicative of the many, many big hearted, wonderful, and charitable riders that happen to belong to clubs, associations, and organizations around the country. This was a local incident that shouldn’t affect other events and we here at Thunder Roads will stand neutral on this and will not pass judgment. FACT – As a whole, the biker community donates more to the needy than any other organization in the world! I know I say this a lot, but please patronize our advertisers because they are what keep this magazine going and free to you every month! Check out their ads because they have some great events, sales, rallies, rides, poker runs, bike nights, etc., for you. And, as always, be sure to like Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee on Facebook and keep sending us your bike photos for the Bike of the Month contest, and ladies, keep sending us your stories for our Lady Rider Column. We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Memorial Day and God Bless those who paid the Ultimate Price for our Freedom! Ride Hard Live Free, Denise, Scott, & Thunder Dawg


History of Motorcycles


Part 4

t this point in our journey, the Wright Brothers are making quite a name for themselves buzzing around the skies, and Model T’s are rolling off Henry Ford’s assembly lines. But what is happening in the world of two wheels? The early 1900’s continued to bring changes to the motorcycle world. Once manufacturers had tackled the basic change over from bicycle to motorcycle, the need to start improving took over. There was an aspect of the prewar production era that was not included in last month’s installment, that simply cannot be excluded from the evolution of these beloved machines… racing. The new sport of motorcycle racing began drawing large crowds bent on celebrating our piston powered future. And with racing came an increased need for comfort, safety, and of course speed. While numerous small companies throughout Europe were involved in the racing industry, many operated only a short time before ceasing production. One highly notable advancement that came from across the pond occurred in 1908, the development of telescopic pneumatic suspension systems. The new suspension designs made their way from England to the US, and the result was well received. After all, who doesn’t appreciate a ride that doesn’t end with your body aching and the famed “iron butt”? Meanwhile, in the states, motorcycle racing popularity was increasing by the minute. Early racing was actually held on horse racing ovals or bicycle velodromes, but by 1909 construction of wooden tracks specifically designed for motorcycles began to appear. They called their tracks motordromes, and they were 4

circuits of 1.25 miles constructed out of 2 x 2 and 4 x 4 lumber. They featured severely turned banks which allowed riders to reach speeds previously unseen in the motorcycle world. Crashes were frequent and horrific. Riders who went down faced being impaled by the wooden track, and they were often fatal. Despite the dangers of racing, people flocked to watch, and riders wanted to go faster. This need for speed resulted in demands for more powerful, versatile, and comfortable machines… and there just happened to be some American companies ready to satisfy that need. While Indian and Harley Davidson continued to keep up with the times and improve their production models, there were two other companies whose focus was simple…SPEED. I’m pretty sure these guys followed the motto “if ya ain’t first, you’re last”… or maybe that was Ricky Bobby…but who the hell cares?? These people helped ensure that today you can pass everyone in the hammer lane, give ’em the old one finger salute for slowing you down, and wear a smile while doing it. The Waltham Manufacturing Company was actually founded in 1893, but it wasn’t until 1903 that they would commence production of the famous “Orient Racing Bicycles”. These bikes were first introduced to the world at the Charles River Race Track in Boston, at what would come to be known as the first recorded motorcycle speed event in the United States. The Orient set a tack time of 7 minutes over a 5 mile course. Not bad for a first run, but exhibiting the primal need to go faster, to push the limits if you will…they went on to develop an improved 4 HP, 1,000 cc V-Twin that powered the Marsh-Metz before the company’s motorcycle division went belly-up in 1908. The other, more familiar, US name in motorcycle racing was Excelsior Motor Company. Though the company

June 2015™

operated overseas as well, the US division began operations in 1905. A Chicago based division; Excelsior’s first motorcycle was a 21 cubic inch, 344 cc 4stroke, single speed machine with a leather belt drive. It had a top speed of 35-40 mph. This first attempt would not suffice. Humor me, if you will, but at this point in my writing I am forced to take a small break and giggle at the scenario unfolding in my head…Four chimps in all their ginger glory, standing around this bike. The first is smiling at his brilliant creation, awaiting praise from the others on a job well done. Chimps 2 and 3 pat him on the back and commence telling stories of the awesomeness that has just unfolded in front of them. But chimp 4 stands a bit apart…scratching his head (or whatever chimps scratch) and pondering. (Number 4 you see… he is the crazy one, the envelope pusher, the friend that always sees another option…that usually gets you all in trouble). The other 3 stop and stare at Number 4, and Number 1 of course has to ask what the problem is…Number 4 looks up, one eye making contact and the other trailing up and off to the left (as usual). He smiles as he raises his arms, lets out a loud abrupt conglomeration of excited grunts…and begins flexing his throttle hand. Squealing and grunting commences, and they all begin exercising those throttle hands. And so it begins….back to the drawing board. And so it was for Excelsior…there had to be a better way, a faster way. By 1910 they had introduced an engine configuration they would become famous for, and continue to produce until 1929….the notable “X Series”. This engine was the V-Twin measuring 61 cubic inches (1,000 cc) and would become the first ever to hit the century mark. The “Model Big X” was the mainstay of Excelsior production, sporting an inlet-overexhaust V-Twin, it was firstly belt driven, and later had 2 speed and 3 speed gearboxes. Production was limited in comparison to Indian and Harley, and many of these models were exported to Europe and Australia. This era brought about the evolution of spring frames, magneto ignitions, kick starts, spring mounted seats, improved tires, and heavier/sturdier frames to accommodate the larger engines. The motorcycle had become its own entity, no longer a bicycle with an engine, but a separate machine with its own technology. In late 1913 and early 1914, at what was then its heyday, motorcycle production suddenly began to slow to a crawl…production turned its focus almost entirely to producing motorcycles for the military. By the outbreak of WWI in 1914, the motorcycle had rapidly progressed into a dependable, speedy, and relatively inexpensive means of transportation. Next time we’ll take a look at where the First World War propelled the motorcycle.


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June 2015

Chaplain’s Corner Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Founder of Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic Inc. TN.COC State Chaplain Member of NCOM Christian Unity Council Pastor Ron’s messages can now be downloaded off the website Leadership Skills can now be downloaded off the website


1 Cor. 13:11 “When I was a child, I spoke as a child. I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” There should be a growing up point in our lives, just when do “I put away childish things?” The Jewish people say it’s at the age of 12. The Gentile people say it’s at the age of 18. But I say it’s not according to your age but your mindset. I have known some 45 years old males that still act like children. I submit to you that there is a “Kid in every King and a King in every Kid.” It’s up to the parents to nurture the King in their Kids, if not you’ll end up with a Kid in your grown King. The Kid in you can destroy everything the King in you built. The most dangerous place for any male at any age is the “In-between Place” where you are divided between your childish ways and your Kingly duties. A great example was King David in 2 Sam. 11:2-17, David had looked upon a beautiful woman taking a bath on the roof top, just like a Kid, he took what was not his. After he carried on an affair with her, she came up pregnant; the bad thing was her husband was a captain in David’s army away fighting in a war on the front lines. So David sends for him to come home, David tried to get him to go home and sleep with his wife so the dates would line up. But this captain was more loyal to the King than the King was to him, he would not go home as long as his fellow soldiers were in the battle field. David now sends a letter by this captain to his commanding officer to place this captain on the front lines “in the forefront of the hottest battle and retire from him, that he may be smitten and die.” After the captain has been killed, David marries this pregnant woman to keep her from being stoned. David now has committed lust and adultery, lied, and committed murder. The Kid in King David is about to cost him everything. 2 Sam.12:1-24 God sends His Prophet (Nathan) to confront King David with “Thou art the man!” Every King needs a Prophet that had the right to confront him. Then God reminds David of what all He has done for David and says “And if that had been too little, I would have MOREOVER given you SUCH and SUCH things.” June 2015

David’s worst sin was not lust, adultery, or murder; it was the sin of “Un-Thankfulness.” We, like children, can get so focused on what we don’t have, that we lose sight of what we do have; we don’t realize the value of something until we’ve lost it. We don’t realize how good God is until He’s not! The Prophet Nathan pronounces judgement on David. Vs.10-11 “Now the sword shall never depart from thy house; because thou has despised me, and has taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. Thus saith the Lord; Behold. I will rise up evil against thee out of thine own house…” Vs.14 “Howbeit because by this deed thou has given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.” God knows what it takes to get you under control, to get the Kid out of you before you totally destroy yourself and the plan God for your life. Vs.13 “…The Lord has put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.” God forgave David but the judgment stayed with him for the rest of his life. Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up. To be found faithful, Pastor Ron


K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads National Founders’ Office.

DADDY’S FAVORITE STEAK My hubby’s favorite cut of steak is a 2 inch Porter-house. This is essentially a T-Bone steak, but a proper Porterhouse has a large-sized attachment on the other side of the bone, and this attachment is actually of a tenderloin cut; soft and supple. Truly a fabulous cut of meat if you choose the right one. 1 Steak (Dad’s choice) remove from fridge and/or packing carton and let sit on a plate (not paper) for apprx. 20 mins. or until room temperature. Marinade: My Mom taught me this marinade when I was 5 y.o. helping her out in the kitchen; take your room temp. steak and slather plain ole’ yellow mustard on both sides of steak in a massaging kind of motion. Next, add your desired amount of salt and cracked black pepper. I also add this mixture I make up every month and store it in an air-tight container. It’s essentially thyme, rosemary, garlic powder, lemon pepper, a touch of nutmeg and a pinch of cayenne. Shake it all together. Again, massage into Dad’s steak (both sides) and let sit 15 minutes, longer if you want. Cooking: Now, by far and away I think cooking a steak over charcoal is ideal. Over a propane grill is also great. But I have a counter-top DeLonghi grill that I’ve been using for years because I just turn it on high, spray it w/ butter spray and when it’s good and hot I lay my steak on it and hear that hot, hot sizzle. Perfection! It’s big enough to hold 2 giant steaks and even an aluminum foil side pouch of sliced red potatoes, onions and shrooms. Yummy! Remember....always let your steaks cook longer on the one side and get those phenom grill marks seared into them and when you flip them (I always splash Worcestershire sauce all over the top before flipping) is when you determine how long before you pull them for medium rare or however you prefer. I always put a little pat of butter and rub all over steak then sprinkle parsley all over while it rests to absorb flavor. Remember: ALWAYS let you steak rest for a solid 5 minutes on the plate after you pull from grill so that all the liquid and moisture can be re-absorbed back into the meat. Otherwise the only juicy bite you’ll have is the first and the rest will all be dried up. *This technique is true for all meats that you cook except bigger cuts of meat need to rest longer. 8

POP’S PERFECT POTATO 1 Extra Large Baker Style Potato Here’s my secret on cooking baked potatoes so that they’re always done exactly when the steaks are ready to eat. Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Take a smaller knife and just jab slits on both sides of your potato. Nuke it in microwave for a full 8 minutes. This is for an extra-large potato. If it’s medium size, only do for 5 minutes. Remove from micro and wrap in aluminum foil by placing on one end and rolling and then twisting the ends. Place directly on oven rack and let it cook at 475 for 15 minutes tops, use your oven mitt and squeeze in the middle and make sure nice and soft and remove. Do Not slit down the middle and squish to form it like they do in restaurants until you’re ready to “dress” it with butter, sour cream, bacon bits, cheese, etc.., or you’ll lose all the heat from the potato. But after you slice the aluminum foil from twist to twisted end and pooch inward on each end it makes the potato rise up and you can then take a fork and open it up some and pull potato from the sides and it makes it all fluffy and soft and ready for all your fave toppings. You got this! JUST FOR DAD....E-Z PEACHY COBBLER 2 Cans of Pre-Halved Whole Peaches 1 Stick of Butter 1-1/2 Cups of Self-Rising Flour 1-1/2 Cups Whole Milk Ground Cinnamon Quality Brand Vanilla Ice Cream Put the stick of butter in a 3 quart baking dish and place in over at 350 to melt. Mix sugar, flour and milk slowly to prevent clumping. Pour this mixture over melted butter. DO NOT stir. Spoon fruit on top (only use enough peach halves to form one even layer) and then syrup from cans gently over top of all of it. Sprinkle cinnamon all over top. Bake for 30 to 45 mins. until puffy and golden brown. Remove and let sit 5 minutes to set up. Spoon up in big shallow bowls while it’s steaming hot and top with 2 big scoops of quality brand vanilla ice cream. Woooeee! Your tongue gonna’ be slurpin’ & a’slappin!


June 2015

June 2015



June 2015

The Fossils Benefit for Metro Police Charities


usic City HOG Chapter is privileged to have and A-List musician, as a member. Robert Kearns has been a bassist and back-up singer for Cry of Love (19891997), The Bottle Rockets (1998-2005) Lynyrd Skynyrd (2009-2012), and for such notables as Sheryl Crow, Doug Seegars, and Bobby Keys, among others. On April 16, in an effort to give back to the Chapter and Metro Police Charities, Kearns got together a group of other A-Listers , calling themselves The Fossils, to play a benefit at 3rd and Lindsley Bar and Grill. For a $15 donation, guests were treated to about 2 hours of rocking music by some of the best musicians around. In addition, a one-of-a-kind guitar, signed by the entire band, was auctioned off for $550, bring the total amount raised for The Metro Police Charities to around $3,500. The other members of The Fossils are: Greg Morrow, winner of the Academy of Country Music Hall of Fame Drummer of the Year, who has played for such artists as: Dolly Parton, Garth Brooks, Alabama, Kenny Rodgers, Hank Williams, Jr., Alan Jackson, LeAnn Rimes, Amy Grant, and many others over his 20+ year career. Michael Webb, Keyboard, producer, and session and touring musician, has worked with many artists including: The Wreakers, LeAnn Rimes, Bobby Keys, John Fogarty, Gary Allan, and Poco. Audley Freed, guitarist, played for artists such as: The Black Crowes,

June 2015

The Dixie Chicks, Peter Frampton, Joe Perry, Sheryl Crow, and Jacob Dylan. Dan Baird, former frontman for the Georgia Satellites and currently a member of The Bluefields and Homemade Sin, has released several singles, as well as co-writing, producing, and performing with the likes of Fred Haring, Will Hoge, Chris Knight, and Hayes Caril. Metro Police Charities consist of the Christmas Basket Program and the Police Youth Camp. The Christmas Basket Program delivers baskets of food to the needy on Christmas Eve morning, assisted by the HOG’s. The Youth Camp provides summer camping for groups of boys and girls, who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend a camp. The officers act as counselors and bring in the SWAP vehicles, helicopter, K-9’s, horse patrols, as well as providing swimming, ball games, and other camp activities. Boswell’s Harley and the HOG’s are major supporters of these activities and hold other fundraisers, including the annual Christmas Parade. Nashville is loaded with great talent and thanks to these great musicians for coming together for such a worthy cause. And thanks especially to Kearns for using his friendship to bring them together. Also, thanks to 3rd and Lindsley Bar and Grill for hosting the event. The food and beverages were delicious and reasonably priced. Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper



June 2015



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T-Shirt (Long Sleeve)


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Photos by James Royster, and Thunder Roads Tennessee


n November 10th, 2014, the U.S. Marine Corps 239th birthday, Adam Sandoval and his Chihuahua, Scooter “Trash” Sandoval, left their home in Ft. Meyers Florida, and stopped at a nearby Harley-Davidson Dealership to ask for donations to the American Legion Legacy Scholarship fund…and they’re still going. By the time they finish, they will have collected a lot of money, and set 3 world records. Adam and Scooter sold everything they had, including 2 newer Harleys, and set out on the journey of a lifetime on a 96 Electra glide with over 100k miles on the clock, with everything they own on the back of the bike. Adam, a successful Entrepreneur, Kick Boxer, MMA Fighter, Trainer, Promoter, and Philanthropist, always had a nagging regret, that he had never joined the military and served our country. He decided to do something for the families of Fallen Veterans, give back. The way he decided to do it was to ride with his co-pilot Scooter to all 697 full service Harley-Davidson Dealerships in the lower 48 United States, collecting money for the Legacy fund along the way. Scooter loves to ride, and when Adam mentions riding, his tail starts wagging, and he starts moving faster, and


usually heads for the bike. Adam folds down the passenger board, and 7” tall Scooter jumps from the board to the seat, and into his dog carrier, complete with electric jacket liner for those cold mornings. He sticks his head out most of the time, except when he’s on the interstate, I think he just gets bored. When the bike stops, you can hear Scooter yelping, Adam says he wants to keep going. Adam and Scooter’s first full day on the road was Veteran’s Day, 2014. By the time he crossed into Tennessee for the first time, they had ridden over 20k miles in 6 months, and visited about 220 dealerships. The American Legion Legacy Fund, helps pay for children of Fallen Veterans to go to college. The government helps some, but the money the government gives covers less than half the cost of even the least expensive schools. The cool thing about the donations Adam and Scooter collect, is that 100% go to the Legacy Fund. Their trip to collect donations is all paid for by Adam and his sponsors. Thunder Roads Magazine® is a proud sponsor of ScootinAmerica. Toni and Brian,

June 2015

Thunder Roads Founders, have embraced Adam and Scooter’s mission, and signed on to help, and while donating money to the fund is the goal, Scooter’s gotta eat, and I think we all know if it involves a biker raising money for a great cause, Toni is all over it! We met up with Adam and Scooter in Murfreesboro, where they were taking a break and staying with friends, and along with James Royster, a Patriot Guard Rider from Georgia who has ridden many miles with Adam and Scooter, we rode to Harley-Davidson of Columbia. There we learned that James also rode with Adam for 3 days in the rain in Georgia, and meets up with them whenever he can. After the visit at H-D of Columbia, we stopped for lunch at continued...

June 2015


people he was feeding, besides me and Denise, some regular customers, and our good friend Chris Barrett, were mostly members of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, some from as far away as Bowling Green Ky.

Losers Most Wanted in Franklin, then Adam and Scooter received a warm welcome at Harley-Davidson of Cool Springs and we hung out with the gang for the rest of the afternoon. The next day, we met up at the first stop, Bumpus Harley Davidson Murfreesboro. That’s where what Adam and Scooter are doing really hit home for me. Now all Tom Bumpus needs to fire up the grill, is for Kathy Potter to give him a reason, so when we arrived he was cooking hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone, and taking donations for Adam and Scooter, but the


The CVMA has formed a strong bond with Adam, Scooter, and the whole ScootinAmerica Mission. Almost everywhere they go, there are CVMA riders meeting them and riding with them. After we left Bumpus H-D Murfreesboro, we rode with them to the Alvin C York VA Campus, where we visited a Fisher House, a place where families of hospitalized Veterans can stay, free of charge. When we arrived, Scooter climbed down off of the bike, jumped headfirst into his backpack, turned around so his head was sticking out, and they gave he and Adam the grand tour, then we went on to Boswell’s H-D Fesslers Ln. Adam and Scooter had a good visit, Miss Diane fixed us a great lunch in the grill, and Bubba picked up the tab for all of us. The next day, we met at Boswell’s Ring of Fire, sure enough, several CVMA riders showed up. They were having their annual state meeting just up the road, and they wanted Adam and Scooter there. They fed us, and invited us inside for the meeting, when we got in, the State Commander insisted Adam and Scooter sit at the Head Table, and he presented them with an award. Adam told them he was in a room full of his heroes, Combat Veterans, and you could feel

June 2015

the respect he had for them, and that they had for Adam, Scooter, and the ScootinAmerica Mission. When we left the meeting, it was way later than we’d hoped, so we had to get to Boswell’s Cookeville in a…well let’s just say we didn’t see any police, and we made it before they closed. The following Monday, Adam and Scooter had one more dealership to visit on this trip through Tennessee. Appleton Harley-Davidson in Clarksville is just a couple of miles from Ft. Campbell Army base. Jason Altenburg was planning something special, so he gave Adam an address to meet them. When Adam and Scooter arrived, there were about 40 bikes waiting to escort them from West Nashville to Clarksville. The hour and 15 minute backroad ride would have taken a lot longer but somebody let the Cheatham County Sheriff’s Department know we were coming, and they held traffic for us through Ashland City. There were lots of Military clubs and groups represented, American Legion Riders, not to mention CVMA riders. Danny

June 2015

and Tia’s staff and customers raised a lot of money for the fund, did some repairs to Adams bike, fired up the grill and fed everybody, and sent them out of the state in style. Several bikes even rode up to Four Rivers H-D in Paducah with them. Adam has a lot more dealerships to visit, he has to come back through Tennessee and visit dealerships in East and West Tennessee, so watch their progress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @scootinamerica or by visiting their website and when they come back through TN, come ride with them and throw a couple of dollars in the jar, say hi to us, and the CVMA riders that will be with him.




R N A T H Y’

OF THE YEAR! June 25th - June 27 th









June 2015

by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley Dear Fellow Veterans and Patriots of Tennessee: Bikers of Tennessee and especially those who are in or have been in the military. There is a new ‘1%er MC’ moving into the area that has been causing problems with other bikers whether they’re in an MC, MA, MM, RC, RA or simply wearing generic patches or support attire. It has been reported that this MC has been explicitly targeting organized Veteran motorcycle groups across the Southeast U.S., specifically attempting to goad them into a confrontation. It is not clear what their specific intentions are but rumors are floating they are trying to get Veteran groups to ‘Patch Over’ to their MC. Not sure if this is true or not but if you are a Veteran and wear attire identifying yourself as such, or wear a support patch/ attire for an MC, keep your eyes open and have a plan. It’s my understanding that citizens who feel their life is being threatened have a right to defend themselves. Know the law and know your rights. I guess there is just something about military service and being a veteran that attracts attention. Some of that is good and some of it isn’t. Lately the news has been at a hover over threats from radical groups in the Middle East who are saying they will harm veterans and their families. Those in the military have been asked to be vigilant and raise their level of security. There isn’t much doubt that there are people and groups in this world who are bent on causing mayhem in our country. I’m not trying to get everyone hyped up but the prudent person looks around and sees which way the wind seems to be blowing and builds his house to withstand the wind. Along that line I was able to attend the National Rifle Association convention in Nashville last month. What an awesome show. Great seminars on personal protection, hunting and food preparation and some of the coolest bullet launchers I’ve ever seen. Lots of semi-automatic rifles in various calibers that accept box magazines. If you don’t have one yet, I suggest you look around and give one consideration. If you get a chance to practice I would also suggest you practice with your off hand. The number one responsibility of a motorcycle rider is control of the motorcycle. June 2015

Most do that with the hand that is on the throttle. The other hand is the one that needs firearms practice. Licensed concealed carry is allowed on motorcycles. Get licensed, pick the right gear to make your protection accessible and then find a place to practice. I start with unloaded dry fire so I don’t inadvertently put a hole in my gas tank or shoot my mirror off. It’s good to get used to drawing while controlling the motorcycle before you put live bullets in. Nothing worse than accidently running off the road with your finger on the trigger of a loaded gun. It will get people out of your way in rush hour but that’s not what we’re trying to do. Also, if you think you can use a motorcycle for protection after you get stopped I’d take a look at your motorcycle. There are a few parts that would probably stop or divert a small ball of copper coated lead but there is also air space meant to keep the motor cool. If you can’t bend yourself into a shape that will fit behind a V shaped motor or a crankshaft I’d look for more substantial cover. And, of course, you have to consider how full the gas tank was when you got stopped. Gas explosions should be reserved for the movies. Hopefully those who have mischief in their mind for veterans will decide that messing with veterans isn’t a good long term strategy. On the good side, the Third Annual Honor Ride for Veterans will take place on June 20, 2015. Registration begins at 8am at the James E. Ward Agricultural Center in Lebanon, Tennessee. Kickstands up at 10:30 for a great ride. Fly your flags. Donation is $20 per rider and $10 per passenger and includes a T-shirt. There will be entertainment and food vendors. All riders are welcome. The funds raised from this ride go to the Wilson County Veteran’s Park and Museum in Lebanon. If you haven’t seen the park you really need to. It’s one of the nicest in the state and honors Wilson Counties veterans going all the way back to the founding of the county. The park sits next to the court house. Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those can’t. Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but, we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.


Appleton H-D Open House Biker Burnout


June 2015

Ladies of H-D Cool Springs Event Model Search

June 2015


Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV is a huge supporter of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride for Kids, so they were excited to have one of the 39 rides right in their back yard. Curtis Sloan said the number of Harley riders at an event sponsored by Honda shows that giving to worthy causes knows no brand. In fact, the Ride for Kids organizers were so impressed with both the facilities in Murfreesboro, and the turnout by riders of ALL brands, they have already committed to having a ride there again next year! Nearly 270 motorcyclists gathered for the Middle Tennessee Ride for Kids and collected $121,376 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation on May 17. The seventh annual event, held in Murfreesboro, Tenn., honored local brain tumor survivors Brittani, Jessica, Krystal and Makenzie. Dr. Adam Esbenshade, assistant professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University, attended the event to support the Stars. “We’re turning the tide, new radiation with less side effects to endure. What your funding in Toronto has done has enabled us to develop more specific strategies. I look forward to the day I can give people medicine that won’t make them sick, and I believe it will come in our lifetime,” Esbenshade said to the crowd of motorcyclists. At the event, riders enjoyed a 40-mile ride through the scenic countryside, with views of farmland and tree-lined roads. As of May 18, the individuals, motorcycle club/ chapter and motorcycle business with the most raised were Makenzie Matthews ($15,194), Nasvegas Victory Riders ($7,060) and Sloan’s Motorcycle and ATV’s ($12,496). The top nonmotorcycle group was Kenzie’s Car Wash 4 A Cure ($15,334). The event is still collecting donations online. Fundraisers will receive incentive credit through June 17. David Pilgrim won the drawing for a new Honda Rebel. Barbara Jordan won a Scorpion helmet and James Apple won a Cardo Systems Scala Rider TeamSet. A Dunlop motorcycle tire went to Marie Riggan. Thank you to the dedicated volunteers who organized the event. This year’s task force included David and Diane Hutcheson, Alex and Tashina Martinez, and Jack and Anita Wheeler. 24

June 2015

June 2015


NAME:___________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________ CITY:____________________________________________________ STATE:___________________________ ZIP:____________________ Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads Tennesse, 3030 Quail Court, Greenbrier, TN 37073 26

June 2015

By: Rebel Ron Our Flashback subject for this month is a life long rider from the State of New York. He moved to our beautiful state of Tennessee in 2013 for two reasons. He digs the hell out of Southern rock music & he is done with the damn snow!!!!! Meet a new resident of White Bluff, Tenn. Mr. Herbert Little whose friends call Herb & who, ironically, is not very little. He is known as Herb “Not So” Little & “Gnome.” I particularly liked his nick name his hometown buddies called him back in his younger & rowdier days, “Herb the Action Biker.” The Gnome was born in Port Jervis, NY back in 1962 & has been riding two wheelers since he was 6 years old. His first bike was mini-bike, then he moved on to bigger bikes such as Yamahas, Hondas, & eventually Harleys too. He currently tours the tree covered back roads of Tenn. & throughout Dixie on his trusty Heritage Softail. He now works at Interstate Packaging Co. & loves live music & riding. He should be good living near Music City then as we have a variety of music here & plenty of beautiful back roads to explore too.

How did this large Northern Harley rider wind up in White Bluff you wonder? Well it seems he is a huge fan of the Southern rock band, Blackfoot. He got to be friends with one of the members then became better friends with a new member of the band, Mike Estes, who has toured & recorded with Lynryd Skynyrd & more. Mike is the front man for the fantastic Southern rock band, Skinny Molly, not to mention an avid Harley rider too. Herb rode over 700 miles to catch a Skinny Molly show near Nashville once only to have it rained out. Mike soon invited Herb to relocate to Middle Tenn. like every one else has it seems. So far Herb “Not So” Little is happy he did. It was nice getting to know you man & hope you continue to enjoy our fascinating Volunteer State & all the music we have to offer. Ride safe & turn it up!!!! If you, or know someone who, might want to be featured in this article please contact Rebel Ron at 931-374-8368, celticgranda2@, or stop by S & G Custom Cycles in Columbia, Tenn.

Herb has another thing in common with many of us Tenn. bikers, he has been divorced. Twice! But that’s cool as he got three great kids out of those deals. 24 year old Jennifer, 19 year old Matthew, & 14 year old Nicholas. And they enjoy riding on the back with their bushy bearded daddy too.

June 2015


A farmer was selling his peaches door to door. He knocked on a door and a shapely 30-something woman dressed in a very sheer negligee answered the door. He raised his basket to show her the peaches and asked, “Would you like to buy some peaches, ma’am?” She pulled the top of the negligee to one side and asked, “Are they as firm as this?” He nodded his head and said, “Yes ma’am,” and a little tear ran from his eye. Then she pulled the other side of her negligee off asking, “Are they nice and pink like this?” The farmer said, “Yes,” and another tear came from the other eye. Then she unbuttoned the bottom of her negligee and asked, “Are they as fuzzy as this?” He again said, “Yes,” and broke down crying. She asked, “Oh, dear, why on earth are you crying?” Drying his eyes he replied, “The drought got my corn, the flood got my soy beans, a tornado leveled my barn……. And now I do believe I’m gonna’ get screwed out of my peaches.” ____________________________________________________ An air traffic control tower suddenly lost communication with a small twin engine aircraft. A moment later the tower land line rang and was answered by one of the employees. An old pal of the Pilot’s, whom was a passenger, was riding shotgun since the Co-Pilot called in ill . He contacted the Tower and yelled,; “Mayday, mayday!! The Pilot of this aircraft had an instant and fatal heart attack. I grabbed his cell phone and as I hoped, he had the Tower on his speed dial memory. I am flying upside down at 18,000 feet and traveling at 180 mph. Mayday, mayday!!” The employee in the tower had put him on speaker phone immediately. “Calm down, we acknowledge you and we’ll guide you down after a few questions. The first thing is not to panic, remain calm. He began his series of questions: Tower: “How do you know you are traveling at 18,000 feet??” Aircraft: “I can see that it reads 18,000 feet on the Altimeter dial in front of me.” Tower: “Okay, that’s good, remain calm. How do you know you’re traveling at 180 mph?” Aircraft: “I can see that it reads 180 mph on the Airspeed dial in front of me.” Tower: “Okay, this is great so far, but it’s heavily overcast, so how do you know you’re flying upside down?” Aircraft: “The sh*t in my pants is running out of my shirt collar.” ____________________________________________________ The husband leans over and asks his wife, “Do you remember the first time we had sex together over sixty years ago? We went behind the village tavern where you leaned against the back fence and I made sweet, passionate love to you.” 28

Yes, she says, “I remember it fondly.” OK, he says, “How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time’s sake?” “Oh Jim, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but thrilling idea!” A police officer sitting in the next booth heard their conversation and, having a chuckle to himself, he thinks to himself, I’ve got to see these two old-timers having sex against a fence. I’ll just keep an eye on them so there’s no trouble. So he follows them. The elderly couple walks haltingly along, leaning on each other for support aided by walking sticks. Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence. The old lady lifts her skirt and the old man drops his trousers. As she leans against the fence, the old man moves in. Then suddenly they erupt into the most furious sex that the policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about ten minutes while both are making loud noises and moaning and screaming. Finally, they both collapse, panting on the ground. The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life and old age that he didn’t know existed. After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman, is still watching and thinks to himself, this is truly amazing, I’ve got to ask them what’s their secret? So, as the couple passes, he says to them, “Excuse me, but that was something else. You must’ve had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to all this to give hope to my wife and I for our future together? Shaking, the old man is barely able to reply, “Sixty years ago that wasn’t an electric fence.” ____________________________________________________ Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich. ____________________________________________________ Life is like a jar of Jalapeno peppers-what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow. ____________________________________________________ Some people are like a Slinky--not really good for anything, but you still can’t help but smile when you shove them down the stairs. ____________________________________________________ HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all you phenom Daddy’s that make the world a safer place for your children. It takes a real Man putting forth the effort & time to be a Father.

June 2015

June 2015


Lady Rider

Deb Saunders

My name is Deb Saunders, I am 46 years old, and have been riding for 31 years. I have been an MSF Certified Motorcycle Rider Coach for 4 years, earned the title and award for 2014 Rider Coach of the Year working for Mid Tenn Motorcycle last year in Clarksville, TN. I am MSF Certified to instruct Basic Rider Courses, Experienced Rider Courses, and Advanced Rider Courses. I currently work for Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV in Mufreesboro, TN and still instruct on the weekends for Mid Tenn Motorcycle. I enjoy seeing the great numbers of ladies who want to learn to ride!! I currently ride a 2001 Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200. I have owned two Honda CM400Ts for 19 years prior to my Sportster. Two of my male cousins taught me to ride a motorcycle when I was 15, using their Enduros (dual-sport bikes). I was a passenger for a few months, then it was in my blood and wanted my own. I have ridden dirt bikes (a friend brought a Yamaha YZ 125 for me to ride when he came to visit, and brought himself a dirt bike to ride), ATVs, street bikes, and three wheeled ATVs. I enjoy meeting new people, finding new roads to travel, new places to eat, and to see novice riders coming into the motorcycling community.

We would love to hear your story!

ALL ladies are welcome and encouraged to join and contribute to our monthly Lady Rider column. Please submit your story and photos to: 30

June 2015

BIKE OF THE MONTH 1978 cb750A Hondamatic Congratulations to Chad Venable on winning our monthly Bike Contest! My bike is a 1978 cb750A Hondamatic and it was given to me by a good friend Bobby Groves “papaw” shortly after I was injured at work and suffered nerve damage to my left arm keeping me from riding with a clutch. It was bone stock, but I loaded it on a trailer, brought it home, got it running and went to work on it. I started gathering parts to make it what it is today. I had a lot of help and support from many many friends in this build. I could go on and on about what’s been done to the bike but I would rather take this space to show a before and after pic and to thank all those who helped me to get on two wheels again. So, thanks to Daryl Butler owner of Hometown Auto and Cycle in Ramer TN, Dik Jones Confederate Customs Speed Shop 270, Josh Deen Confederate Customs Speed Shop 615, Kyle Keel, Sterling Paul, Jim Fuller, Scoot Malone, Freddie Kinsey, Eddy Budge, Bo Venable, my son Zachary Bailey, Russell Proctor, Kelly Gazaway, Eric Grimes, my wife Angela Venable, and Gary Gentry at A&A Powder Coating. I owe it all to them for their help and if I left anyone out I’m sorry :) If you have a cool custom bike you would like to have featured in our magazine, enter it in our monthly contest by submitting a pic of it to June 2015


Morgan Johnson

Ann Hubbard Deena Broughton and Katie Givens


hat do you get when you cross a body paint artist, a photographer, a model, and a bike? A very interesting photoshoot! If you look very closely at the cover and centerfold, you may or may not notice that the one piece bathing suit the model is wearing is body paint and not a real bathing suit. Model, Ann Hubbard waited patiently for more than four hours while the bathing suit was being painted on her body then spent a couple more hours posing for the photoshoot, now that’s dedication!

Robin Fountain

own world with nothing but broken crayons, and she just hopes to develop into an artist that leaves a permanent mark on the world. If you look at Tia’s Facebook page www.facebook. com/PaintTheBody you can see some of her unique body painting as well as other amazing art work.

Photographer, Allen Manus has captured some truly amazing photos of Tia’s work over the last couple of years and has been Tia’s main photographer for her body paint photoshoots, the ones featured here are Body painting is a form of body art. Unlike tattoo and just a few. Allen considers himself to be a semi pro Allen Manus other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, photographer, but I say, he is definitely a pro. He painted onto the skin, and lasts for only several says photography is not his “real job” but consumes a hours. The artist, Tia May whose work you see featured here great deal of his time. Allen says he has had the pleasure of specializes in body painting. She uses her skills and the human working with some amazing people in the past 10 years. He body to create some impressive and unique works of art. has been published in multiple books and magazines; both local and national. Photography is his passion and he loves Tia has been an artist her entire life, she kept her art from to create art. the public until she moved to Nashville in 2011 and decided to pursue art full time. She then started body painting as a way Allen has shot several covers and centerfolds for Thunder to gain attention to her canvas work, but when she noticed just Roads Magazine of Tennessee, he is amazingly talented and how much attention it gained, she put down the canvas and we are so thankful that we have had the opportunity to work went full blast into body paint. She said that after 4 years of with him the last few months and can’t wait to see what body paint she has decided to broaden her artistic range once he does next! Take a look at Allen’s Facebook page www. again, painting canvas and developing her photography skills. and see for yourself just how Tia says art has been her passion since she was living in her truly talented he is! 32

June 2015

June 2015


Bullet Points “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” ~ John Wayne


Model 1894 lever action

Just as the 1873 Colt single-ac-

date of over three million.

tion revolver was regarded as the (hand) gun that won the

For more information go

west, Winchester rifles have a similar label, folklore, and his-


tory when stories of the old west are told. The sheer number of rifles produced and sold by Winchester attest to their popularity and value to those who acquired these weapons.

rifle started production in 1894 with a production to

The Winchester Model 1894 rifle (also known as the Winchester 94 or Win 94) is a lever-action repeating rifle that became one of the most

With several charter name changes, many consider the

famous and popular hunting rifles. It was designed by John

Henry lever action repeating .44 caliber rimfire rifle made be-

Browning in 1894 and originally chambered to fire two metal-

tween 1860 and 1866 as the first “Winchester” even though

lic black powder cartridges, the .32-40 Winchester and .38-55

the company was still named the New Haven Arms Compa-

Winchester. It was the first rifle to chamber the smokeless

ny (Oliver Winchester was the CEO during this period.) The

powder round, the .30 WCF (Winchester Center Fire, in time

Henry rifle had no side loading gate and was loaded from

becoming known as the .30-30).

the muzzle end of the magazine. With the company name change to the Winchester Repeating Arms Company in 1866, the Winchester Model 1866 rifle was introduced, also .44 caliber, but with a side loading gate and brass loading frame. Indians gave that rifle the nickname of “Yellow Boy” because of the color of the brass loading frame.

The 1894 was produced by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company through 1980 and then by U.S. Repeating Arms under the Winchester brand until they ceased manufacturing rifles in 2006. Reproductions are being made by the Miroku Company of Japan and imported into the United States by the Browning Arms company of Morgan, Utah.

The success and reputation of Winchester was clearly established with the Winchester Model 1873 rifle manufactured for close to 50 years (1873-1919) with a production of over 700,000. Although some other models were introduced by Winchester, the Model 1892 had a similar 50 year manufacturing history with over a million produced. And the currently produced Winchester

The Model 1894 has been referred to as the “ultimate leveraction design” by firearms historians such as R. L. Wilson and Hal Herring. The Model 1894 is the rifle credited with the name “Winchester” being used to refer to all rifles of this type and was the first commercial sporting rifle to sell over 7,000,000 units.

130 Shelby Street, Murfreesboro TN 615-900-1098 Over 400 guns in stock! 34

June 2015


NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) NCOM HAILS THIRD DECADE WITH DENVER CONVENTION You could smell it in the air, as distinct as a Denver dispensary and just as intoxicating; unity, and cooperation in the face of critical challenges affecting today’s motorcyclists. “Coming Together” in one of the largest gatherings of bikers’ rights activists in America, the 30th annual NCOM Convention, May 7-10 in Denver, Colorado addressed issues of mutual concern for the betterment of biking. For three decades, over Mother’s Day weekend the National Coalition of Motorcyclists has provided a forum for diverse factions of the motorcycle community to meet in the spirit of teamwork to tackle topics such as Biker Anti-Profiling legislation; Save the Patch litigation; Freedom of the Road and Use of the Courts; as well as seminars on Public Relations and Social Media, Lobbying 101 and Working with your Legislators. Friday’s Opening Ceremonies was one of the best-attended ever, and the energetic congregation of concerned riders from across the country encompassed various segments of motorcycling from clubs to rights organizations, and from touring groups to sportbikers; all there to learn and share with mutual respect. Special Meetings were on the weekend’s agenda in support of NCOM’s many outreach programs for Women In Motorcycling; Clean and Sober Roundtable; National Sport Bike Association (NSBA); and Christian Unity Conference, in addition to the Confederation of Clubs General Patch Holders Meeting. During the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, several honorees were recognized for their contributions to “Improving The Image of Motorcycling”, including; MEDIA: Joe Teresi - Easyriders Magazine; COMMERCE: New York Myke San Diego Harley-Davidson; LEGAL: Joe Ritzo - AIM Attorney for ME, NH, MA & VT; ENTERTAINMENT: Danny “The Count” Koker - “Counting Cars” History Channel TV show; SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Larry Lindsey – Dixie ABATE, AL; and NCOM’s highest honor, the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award, was presented to Jerry Theophilopoulos - AIM Attorney for Florida. Next year’s 31st Annual NCOM Convention will be held May 5-8, 2016 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. For further information, contact NCOM at (800) ON-A-BIKE or visit RIGHT-TO-REPAIR DECISION EXPECTED FROM U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE In July, the U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) is expected to issue a decision about a vehicle owner’s right to alter any of the computer software or code that controls the vehicle’s operations. Though the decision is based on briefs filed by agricultural and automotive vehicle manufacturers, it could potentially have implications for motorcycles, ATV, UTV, personal watercraft and other vehicles that use computer software to control ignition, fuel, stability, traction, braking and other vehicle operating systems. In the briefs, the manufacturers argue that allowing owners, non-manufacturer approved service technicians or anyone but their own designated technicians to view or alter the computer software or codes is not allowed under the anti-circumvention prohibition in Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) which, if applied as manufacturers suggest, restricts 36

vehicle software inspection, repair, and modification. The original intent of the DMCA, however, was more to prevent code copying that could involve copyright infringement. Every three years, the Librarian of Congress, working with the Copyright Office, hears requests from members of the public whose speech and other rights are affected by the law and considers whether to grant exemptions. MARYLAND ENACTS BAN ON MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS The Maryland legislature has joined a growing list of states to prohibit law enforcement officers from conducting roadside checkpoints that specifically target motorcyclists. H.B. 917, introduced by Maryland Delegate Benjamin Kramer (D-Wheaton) and companion bill S.B. 716 introduced by state Senator Jamie Raskin (D-Takoma Park) state that “a police officer at a motor vehicle checkpoint may not target only motorcycles for inspection or evaluation.” The bipartisan legislation passed unanimously in the House 137-0 on March 19, and the Senate 47-0 on March 29, and was signed into law on May 12, making Maryland the eighth state to pass a law against motorcycle-only checkpoints, while another 11 states have prohibited such discriminatory roadblocks either on constitutional grounds or by judicial action. KANSAS LAW CREATES NEW “AUTOCYCLE” VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION Under a new law in Kansas, “Autocycle’’ is now defined as a three-wheel motorcycle that has a steering wheel and seating that does not require the operator to straddle or sit astride it. House Bill 2044, signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback on May 7, 2015 after passing the legislature near-unanimously by both chambers, creates the new classification of vehicles which proponents say are neither cars nor motorcycles and need their own classification to protect drivers from breaking the law. The federal government classifies any vehicle with less than four wheels as a motorcycle, which requires a motorcycle license to operate, but some say the motorcycle license test isn’t helpful for operating autocycles because they aren’t driven the same way. “It’s a requirement that makes absolutely no sense,” said Joel Sheltrown, vice president of governmental affairs for Elio Motors, a Phoenix company that plans to start making autocycles in 2016. “My customer base, a lot of them, don’t have motorcycle licenses and they’re not going to go out and rent a motorcycle, learn how to drive it, go down and take a test just so they can drive our vehicle, especially seniors.” HB 2044 allows drivers to operate an autocycle without a motorcycle endorsement, and Sheltrown said about 18 states are working on legislation for autocycles and six states already passed laws for defining autocycles. Otherwise, out-of-state drivers could run into trouble if they drive into a state where a motorcycle license is required, as drivers would automatically be breaking the law and could face tickets or possibly get their vehicle impounded until they could prove they had a motorcycle license. OREGON SENATE PASSES LANE SPLITTING BILL Oregon motorcycle riders are one step closer to splitting lanes thanks to SB 694. The bill, which would legalize lanesplitting under specific traffic conditions, passed 18-10 in the state Senate

June 2015



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with bipartisan support, and now moves on to the Oregon House for debate and a final approval vote or amendment. The measure would allow lanesplitting when traffic is stopped or slowed to 10 mph or less, with motorcycle riders allowed to split lanes not in excess of 20 mph. Lanesplitting is only permitted on roads 50 mph or higher and forbidden between lanes going in opposite directions. During the committee discussion that sent the bill to the Senate floor, lawmakers complimented advocates for the legislation. “It’s been some of the most effective citizen lobbying I’ve seen on a bill,” said Senator Sara Gelser (D). “It was persistent, helpful, useful and fact-based and I really appreciated it.” Another committee member, Senator Ginny Burdick (D), also said of the measure: “I can’t remember a time when I’ve ever been more opposed to a bill, then turned around and supported it. The advocates on this did a very nice job.” WISCONSIN ACTS TO LEGALIZE COLORED LIGHTING The Wisconsin legislature has passed a bill legalizing colored motorcycle lights. Current Wisconsin law (and in most U.S. States) prohibits operating a motor vehicle with lights other than white or amber in front and red in the rear. The bill’s Assembly sponsor, John Jagler (R-Watertown), says colored LED lights are becoming more popular on motorcycles. He says more lights will increase motorcycle visibility, making them safer. Under the bill, people could equip their motorcycles with any color lights aside blue as long as they don’t flash or rotate. The Assembly passed the bill last month. The Senate passed the bill on a voice vote on May 6, sending the measure to Governor Scott Walker. In the meantime, a similar measure HB3944 would amend the Illinois Vehicle Code to “Provide that a motorcycle may be equipped with auxiliary accent lights, including standard bulb running lights and light emitting diode pods and strips. Provides that the auxiliary accent lights shall not be red or white or oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights. Defines “auxiliary accent light”. The measure passed Senate Transportation Committee 16-0 on May 13 and has been placed on the Senate calendar.

June 2015

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THE CONFEDERATION OF CLUBS DEEPLY SADDENED BY MAY 17, 2015 WACO, TEXAS MOTORCYCLE CLUB INCIDENT AT A LOCAL CONFEDERATION OF CLUBS MEETING The National Coalition of Motorcyclists and all of its local affiliates are deeply saddened by the incident that occurred on May 17, 2015, and are praying for those involved and their families. Immediately prior to the start of a Texas affiliate’s monthly meeting, a motorcycle club that was NOT a member of the Confederation of Clubs arrived with over 50 people and attacked members of the Confederation. The National Coalition of Motorcyclists and its local affiliates are dedicated to peacefully promoting and protecting Constitutional rights, promoting fair treatment of its members by law enforcement, educating its members on current laws, open and peaceful communications between clubs, conflict mediation, and supporting various charitable endeavors. We are grieving.



Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs of the The Great State of Tennessee

Board of Directors State Chairman Tommy 1%er AOA State Vice Chairman Reagon 1%er AOA State Secretary Kato American Steel MC State Treasurer Doc 4 Way In MC State COC Chaplain Pastor Ron Baptiste Covenant Confirmers MC AIM/NCOM Attorney James Ramsey (Pops) Keltics MC Tennessee Member Listing 2014-2015 4-Way In MC American Steel MC ARM MC Bikers For Christ MM Black Pistons MC Bond Slaves MC Boozefighters MC Brothers of Believers MM Brothers of the Wheel MC Cohorts MC Confederate Drifters MC Confederates MC Copperheads MC Covenant Confirmers MC Currahee MC Double Knuckle MC E.B.G.B MC Fire and Iron MC Grim Reapers MC Highlanders MC His Laboring Few MM Iron Horsemen MC Iron Riders MC Keltics MC Leathernecks Confederation MC Leathernecks International MC Marines MC Misfits MC Mountain Rebels MC My Brothers Keepers MC New Attitudes MC Nightriders MC Outlaws MC Peaceful Few MC Peacemakers MC Soliders for Jesus MC Sons of God MC Sons of Pennyrile MC Southern Journeymen MC Southern Sons MC Southern Souls MC Tri-Cities MC True Sons MC U.S. Military Vets MC Unforgotten MC Vendettas MC Veterans of Vietnam MC Vietnam Vets MC/ Legacy Vets MC Wind and Fire MC Widowmakers MC Zombies MC

ORGANIZATIONS BACA Volunteer State Chapter-Lebanon, TN (865-951-4224) E Volunteer State Chapter-Vonore, TN (615-715-5039) BIKERS WHO CARE Bikers Who Care is a organization of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to supporting The Dream Factory of Clarksville, TN by sponsoring Camp Rainbow, a summer camp for seriously ill children BLUE KNIGHTS The BLUE KNIGHTS® is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men & women who enjoy riding motorcycles. www.blueknightstnv. CMT/ABATE CMT/ABATE, Inc. is not a •Biker Club”, but a nonprofit, political organization that was formed to preserve feedom and safety for all Tennesseans who enjoy motorcycling. Our major goals are to modify existing laws that are detrimental to motorcycle safety and enjoyment, and to enact new legislation in support of motorcyclists who ride in Tennessee. If you are concerned about preserving personal freedom and motorcycle safety, we urge you to join. Local charters play a major rote in making CMT/ABATE, Inc. an effective organization by contacting their area legislators to inform them of how the local membership feels about issues affecting motorcyclists. PO BOX 1991 MADISON, TN 37116 615-860-1991 Email:


MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS FOUNDATION OF TENNESSEE WWW.MAFT.US MAFT is a non-profit 501-C-3 tax-exempt organization. We believe that educating the public to have the proper respect for motorcyclists as well other highway users will reduce accidents and deaths on our highways. We hope to reduce motorcycle accidents caused by inattentive

drivers resulting in avoidable right of way collisions. Our Campaign Save A Life program is teaching new drivers in our High Schools awareness and defensive techniques to avoid these accidents. MAFT honors the survivors, the lost and the families of these accident victims at a Vigil each autumn. = Awareness, Respect and Education MAFTINFO@AOL.COM 615-799-8600 Motor Maids, Inc. A diverse group of women motorcyclists united through a passion for riding while fostering a positive image and promoting safe riding skills. PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS If you have any questions, please feel free to contact PGR State Captain Annette (Dreamcatcher)  615-974-3046 ROLLING THUNDER TENNESSEE Rolling Thunder®, Inc.’s major function is to publicize the POW-MlA issue. To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars. To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action. We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars! ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 1 TN Pres. Jay Barnes, Murfreesboro 615-364-1029, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 2 TN Pres. Gerri Tramel , Soddy-Daisy 423-843-1061 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 3 TN Pres. Clay Tumlin, Knoxville 865-457-4507 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 4 TN Pres. Alan Sipe, Johnson City 423-329-3152, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. Rolling Thunder Chapter 6 Pres. Mike Morel, Martin City 731-431-2411 SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS Action Not Words - NOW! Riders organizing to support and defend this country. A political movement of riders. All riders welcome! In addition to welcoming members of any other organization or affiliation. Welcoming non-riders and supporters as well. T.H.R.C.A. The Tennessee Honda Riders Club Kerbela Motor Corps Donnie Anderson 865-806-2097 TN VALLEY RIDERS Fayettevilte,TN Web page: Doesn’t matter what you ride or who you are everyone welcome. No dues, Fun Riding Group helping those in need. For more info   GWRRA We are the world’s largest single-marque social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wing & Valkyrie motorcycles and, some would say, the world’s largest family. Dedicated to our motto, Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge, GWRRA members enjoy the freedom of belonging to a not-for-profit, non-reigious and non-political organization. MID SOUTH RIDERS Meetings held the 2nd Sunday of the month @ Shady Rest Biker Bar,Timbte,TN MUSIC CITY AMCA Music City Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America ​ ASSOCIATIONS VFW Post 5266 Morristown, TN Riders Association Open to all active duty, reservists, guards, and retired military members who are eligible to join the VFW. We meet at 11AM the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Morristown VFW Post 5266. We are a Veteran driven Association, that supports the surrounding areas Veterans. We also support locally “The Daily Bread and Food On Foot.” Contact Michael Jacobs, President VFW Riders Association @ 423-312-6220 or on FaceBook @ VFW Riders Morristown, TN Christian Motorcyclists Association Organized in 1975 for the purpose of reaching the motorcycle world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The only requirement for becoming a member of CMA is that you be a Christian. For more info contact the TN State Coordinator, JW Allgood, 615-830-3183 or TENNESSEE CHAPTERS Athens/Trinity Warriors #994 Kingsport/Rays of the Son #199 Chattanooga/Choo-Choo Wheels Knoxville/Inspiration Riders #64 of Worship #204 McMinnville/Holy Spirit Clarksville/Prayerborne Reigns #887 Eagles #467 Memphis/Wheels of Grace #710 Cleveland/Gatekeeper #615 Morristown/Lakeway Warriors #999 Columbia/Knights for Christ #448 Murfreesboro/Cornerstone Cookeville/Blood Bought Riders #940 Bikers #614 Mt. Juliet/Steel Witness #1205 Covington/Ransomed Riders #898 Nashville/Lions of Judah #405 Crossville/Cumberland Cruisers Paris/West TN Cruisers for Christ #802 for Christ #1002 Cumberland Gap/Clinton Pulaski/Redemption Riders #1100 Forming Chapter #2508 Springfield/ Bikers of Grace Dover/Iron Horse Revelators #1210 Forming Chapter #2738 Dyersburg/Dyersburg Tullahoma/Outriders for Christ #616 Disciples #978 Union City/Reelfoot Light Jackson/Steelhorse Prophets #709 Riders #897 Jonesborough/Fellowship of the Unashamed #1208

Revelators Motorcycle Ministries Bristol TN Meeting and ride 1st Sat each month @ Burger king on west state st @ 830 am more info frank@ 423-963-5850 chaplin john @423-323-8812   Road Riders for Jesus Ministries Road Riders For Jesus is an independent, Christian faith based, motorcycle ministry that began in 1999 near St. Louis, MO. We now have over 4,000 members worldwide. To find a local chapter, call Mike at 615-828-6446 or go to the national website at Also check us out on Facebook! Confederate Sons Association Cookeville, Tennessee see our web site for more info or e-mail Mercy Hands Street Ministries P.O. Box 1515 Dickson, TN 37056 931-670-2351 Hog Heaven Ministries Harley Riders for Jesus Vic Richardson 931-729-1091 GOLD WING TOURING ASSN. CHAPTER HARPETH VALLEY RIDERS Contact Damy & Joyce Emter, Chapter Directors Phone: 615-244-1456 e: American Legion Riders (Post 95, Eastridge,TN) Open to American Legion Members and Associates. We participate in parades, ceremonies, and promote motorcycle safety. We also provide a social atmosphere for Legion members who share the same interests. Join us for Fun, friendship and interesting motorcycle rides. Black Sheep Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ is more than just a motorcycle club. It’s a motorcycle ministry of men and women that ride for Jesus: helping and serving H.O.G. members and chapters across the country. For more information contact Jeff Pierce 615.653.5065 or visit our web site: Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministries Chattanooga, TN. Meeting and ride 3rd Sat each month @ City Cafe on corner Lee Hwy and Bonny Oaks @ 11:00 AM more info Johnny @ 423 605 5026 , The Biker Church Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club Contact: Grang Chapter Secretary @ e-mail: or Past President: Free Bird @

#435 Beech River #273 Bristol #034 Chatanooga #058 Clarksville #410 Copperhill #323 Covington #285 Crossroads #320 Cumberland Gap #423 Eagle Bluff

Southern Cruisers #211 Golden Circle #250 Greenville #282 Highland Rim #000 Memphis #006 Middle #059 Montgomery Bell #077 Northeast #483 Northwest #153 Shiloh

Wheels Of Faith Ministry A nondenominational organization with the purpose and goal of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through word & work, and to provide a Christian atmosphere where we gather and ride our motorcycles. www.wheelsoffaith. com W.O.W. Women on Wheels Cool Lady Cruisers Chattanooga, TN HOG CHAPTERS The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669 Eastern TNChapter 865-457-7893 Ghost River Chapter Collierville, TN

Mule Town Chapter 931--540-0099 Nashville Music City Chapter 615-242-6067 Northwestern 731-885-1792

Golden Circle Jackson Chapter 731-627-2288

Thunder Creek Chattanooga Chapter 423-892-4888

Middle Tennessee 615-771-7775

Tri City Chapter 423-283-0422

Murfreesboro Chapter 615-849-8025 615-242-6067

Tuckessee Clarksville Chapter (931)648-1607

The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669

Twin Lakes Morristown Chapter 423-586-5343

Memphis Chapter


#246 South Central #001 Tennessee Valley #130 Upper Cumberland #193 West Tennessee

June 2015

If You Are A BIKER FRIENDLY BUSINESS And Would Like To See Your BUSINESS LISTED And Receive Thunder Roads Tennessee Magazines Each Month

Call 615-389-1149


Magazine Each Month At These Fine Locations

DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 866-452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson/Buell 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 931-648-1607 Boswell’s of Cookeville 1421 Interstate Dr Cookeville, TN 38501 931-526-3139 Boswell’s of Downtown Nashville 180 2nd Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37201 615-242-7078

H-D of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd Columbia, TN 38401 931-540-0099 H-D of Cool Springs 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 866-667-8836 Highway 12 Motorsports 5110 Ashland City Highway Nashville, TN 37218 (615) 891-7850 Across From Lewis Country Store Knoxville Harley-Davidson 605 Lovell Rd Knoxville, TN 37932 865-671-2454 Knoxville Harley-Davidson 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-2454 Low Key Cycles 312 E Main Street Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 784-4400 S&G Custom Cycles 1114 Galloway St Columbia, TN 38401 931-381-7282

Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 615-242-6067

Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150

Boswell’s of Rivergate 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 615-855-1001

Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669

Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-849-8025


Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd Memphis, TN 38133 901-372-1121 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr Jackson, TN 38305 731-422-5508 Bumpus Harley-Davidson Shop Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-316-1121 40

Bumpus Harley Davidson 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-376-1121

Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Fredonia, TN 37146 931-362-4774 www. Double E Bar/Grill 4957 Lebanon Pike Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-885-3400 The Shed 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669 Silverado Rivergate & Lebanon 709A Rivergate Pkwy. Goodlettsville, TN 37072 615-851-4490 Bike Nite Wednesdays

CAMPGROUNDS Cacklebery Campground “Home of the Big Rooster” 560 Tomoka Farms Rd CR 415 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386-428-5459 Hidden Creek Camp Ground 2576 W Antioch Road Springville, TN 38256 (731) 641-0034

GROCERIES Lewis Country Store 5106 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN (615) 255-7755 Gas-Up, Unique Shop, Fresh Food

Twisted Tea True Iced Tea Taste MOTORCYCLE INS. C. Bo Brumit Ins. Agcy., 5608 Hwy 11 E. - Suite C3 Piney Flats, TN 37686 Toll Free: (866) 700-4218 Specializing in Biker Ins. Rates

MINISTRIES Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families. (615) 384-9010

PAINT/PINSTRIPING 3D Head Custom Paint™ Knoxville, Tn 865-621-9836 Ask for: Kenny or Tony Our Graphics Will Blow Your Mind! Paint By Lemon 3418 Old Hickory Blvd D41 Old Hickory, TN (770) 344-7279

SERVICES A & A Powder Coating Inc 1207 Louisville Hwy Goodlettsville, TN 37072 (615) 859-9479 Avon the company for women & now men too! For Easy On-Line Ordering Visit: Amsoil 615-389-1149 Reference #1569065

Bullseye Gun, Gear & Pawn, LLC 130 Shelby Street Murfreesboro, TN (615) 900-1098 Charlie’s Leathers 108 W Main St Lebanon, TN 37087 615-449-6065 FTD Customs 156 Commerce Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 824-2811 Gatherings by Donna Kay 327 West Main St., Suite 1 Lebanon, TN 37087 615-423-0059 Stereo City 6725 Ringgold Road, Suite B Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-504-9874 Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172

TRAILERS L&S Motorcycle Trailer Rentals Ask for Larry Cell: 615-308-1288 All size trailers for your needs!

LEGAL AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424/ 1-800-on-a-bike

TRAVEL Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln, Ste 200, Brentwood Tn 37027 615-376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs.

June 2015

June 2015


GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to: Indian Motorcycle Riders Group Meeting Ride Date: 06/06/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Sloan’s Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact phone: 615-893-0150 Indian Motorcycle Riders Group Meeting Ride right after the PBR all bikes welcome. Indian Motorcycle Demo Rides Date: 06/02/2015 - 06/03/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact phone: 615-893-0150 Ride the all new models from Indian Motorcycle - ONLY at Sloan’s! Including the Darkhorse, Scout and Roadmaster! Middle Tennessee HOG Chapter Meeting Date: 06/02/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Logan’s Roadhouse in Franklin Middle Tennessee HOG Chapter Meeting @ Logan’s Roadhouse in Franklin. 6-8pm Private Room in back. Food will be ordered at 6pm Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs Date: 06/04/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Losers Most Wanted Bar & Grill 1000 Meridian Blvd Franklin, TN. ally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs! 1000 Meridian Blvd., Franklin, TN 6pm - 9pm /Live Music, Giveaways, Vendors, Food & Drink Specials. Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 06/05/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Location: Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, Tennessee Bike Night 7-11pm Live Music: Jake Clayton Cheatham County Cruise-In Date: 06/05/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: River Bluff Park Contact phone: 615-347-9778 Cars/Trucks/Bikes Music-Fun-Vendors Welcome People’s Choice picked each month. Find us on Facebook Contact Charles King 615347-9778 or Sandra Gregory 615-957-8834 14th Annual TN Biker Medical Clinic Poker Run Date: 06/06/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Covenant Confirmers Church 300 10th Ave. East Springfield, TN Contact: 615-419-3643 14th Annual Covenant Confirmers Poker Run for the Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic. Registration from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM Leaving at Noon from the Church, Last stop, Outlaws Clubhouse, Nashville. High Forest Rumble Rally and Music Festival Date: 06/06/2015 - 06/07/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Tennessee National Raceway 316 Racetrack Dr, Hohenwald TN Contact: 931-796-3436 FMI Visit Sloan’s Motorcycle PBR Pancake Breakfast Ride Date: 06/06/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: Sloan’s Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact phone: 615-893-0150 All you can eat Pancakes and fixings for your $5 Charitable Donation - after breakfast weather permitting, we RIDE!


The American Goldstar Mothers Tour of Duty IV Passport Ride Date: 06/06/2015 - 07/18/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: The American Goldstar Mothers Team up with Bumpus Harley-Davidson and The American Goldstar Mothers and participate on the Tour of Duty IV Passport Ride. Your participation will help us create a pool of funds that will serve to raise awareness of the issues our veterans face and to provide assistance to those in need. Your $20 donation will get you a passport, an event T-Shirt, a reason to ride and a chance to win a $2500 Gift Card. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the American Gold Star Mothers and will be used 100% in their mission of helping our returning service men & women in need. Stop by Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis today and get started! Friends of CMT/ABATE INC. DICKSON/HUMPHREYS/ HICKMAN CHARTER 1st Annual Celebration of Life Ride Date: 06/06/2015 Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Location: All Around Performance Feed 4831 Hwy 70 White Bluff TN Contact phone: 615-477-0171 Friends of CMT/ABATE INC. Honoring those passed on & benefiting friends & families in need. Registration & Entry 9:00 AM Poker Run 10 - 2 / $10 per card BBQ Chickens $8 / Ready at 2 PM “In Honor of” Roll Call at 4 PM Pre-sale “Sponsor a Name T-shirts” $40. Info. 931-709-3296 T Shirts for Sale at event $20 Music All Day Silent Auction Food and Drinks Info: 615/477-0171 Dave Morris Memorial ride Date: 06/06/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Save-a-lot parking lot, 112 East James Campbell Blvd, Columbia, TN Contact email: June 6th – Dave Morris Memorial ride – Columbia, TN Join us for the 3rd Annual Dave Morris Memorial ride. Registration at 9:00am; KSU 10:00am at Save-a-lot parking lot, 112 East James Campbell Blvd, Columbia, TN. Cost is $10 per bike/vehicle. There will be a 30 to 40 mile scenic ride that will end at Henry Horton State Park for lunch-Dutch Treat. All proceeds benefit a downed biker. Organized by the Knights for Christ Chapter of CMA. FMI contact Gary HIGHWAY 12 SIZZLING SUMMER & THE RIDE Date: 06/06/2015 Time: 10:30 AM Location: Highway 12 Motorsports, 5110 Ashland City Highway, Nashville, TN Contact phone: (615) 574-0626 HIGHWAY 12 SIZZLING SUMMER & THE RIDE Annual ride benefiting cancer research. Registration: 10:30 AM Highway 12 Motorsports: 5110 Ashland City Highway, Nashville, TN 37218 Kickstands up at 11:00 AM $10 donation per rider - $5 per additional rider $10 donation per car load BIKE SHOW - No entry fee SILENT AUCTION 20-MILE RUN to Skully’s FOOD, DRINKS, PARTY TO FOLLOW. Alternate Date (if necessary, due to weather conditions): June 13 More Information: Call Jerry (615) 574-0626 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Sonic Scooter Ride Date: 06/09/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sloan’s Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact phone: 615-893-0150 Join us for a fun scooter ride to a local Sonic! Meet at Sloan’s by 6 pm and join us for a leisurely ride to a local Sonic - a great chance to meet fellow scooter riders and enjoy the nice weather! (weather permitting of course!)

June 2015

GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to: Ride to Beale Street Bike Night Date: 06/10/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis Ride to Beale Street Bike Night. Join the Bumpus H-D of Memphis crew as we ride down to world famous Beale Street Bike night on the 2nd and last Wednesday of every month. MVP Members get 1 MVP point for riding down to Beale Street with Bumpus H-D. Meet & Greet @ 6PM. KSU @ 6:15PM from Bumpus H-D Memphis. Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 06/12/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Location: Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, Tennessee. Bike Night 7-11pm Live Music: Wes Loper Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro host the HarleyDavidson Demo event Date: 06/13/2015 - 06/14/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro June 13th 14th Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro host the HarleyDavidson Demo event. Test ride a new H-D, 10-3pm both days Ride for the River Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson 1820 W. Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN Join road captains Tim Rooney and Joe Ball on a journey into the mountainous source of the Little River as it flows out of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This is a benefit ride for the conservation and education work of Little River Watershed Association. For more information or to pre-register please visit: Harley’s for Harper; A benefit ride in memory of Harper Wooten Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 9:30 AM Location: Stewart County High School Contact phone: (931) 627-0698 KSU @ 11:00am This is a benefit motorcycle ride in memory of Harper Wooton and to bring awareness for HLHS. Registration for the ride will begin at 9:30am at Stewart County High School. The ride will begin at 11:00am, and participants will enjoy about an hour ride ending at Appleton Harley-Davidson in Clarksville, TN. There will be food and entertainment featuring Bobby Kee at Appleton’s from 12:00-2:00pm. All bikes are welcome for the ride at $20 per bike. Riders and non-riders alike are welcome at the destination party. All proceeds benefit Josh and Beth Wooton for Harper’s medical expenses. FMI call 931-627-0698 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Ride Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: TBA Contact phone: 615-893-0150 This ORV event is $15 per person - details TBA. Back of the Dragon Motorcycle Ride Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Tazewell County Fairgrounds, 515 Fairground Rd. Tazewell VA Contact: 276-988-5726 FMI Visit Dickson County Emergency Services 4th Annual Memorial Ride Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: Dickson County Fairgrounds Contact phone: 615-972-2296 615-71 All Proceeds to Benefit Fallen Dickson County Emergency Workers Families. $20 per bike at registration. All bikes welcome, gates open at 8am, ride leaves at 10am. Please come with a full tank of fuel, Ride is 123 miles long leaving Dickson, going through Hickman, Lewis, Maury, and Williamson Counties. Fee includes Lunch and T-Shirts while they last & 1 Prize ticket. June 2015

Bumpus H-D (Memphis & Collierville) Relay for Life Poker Run Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Collierville 325 S. Byhalia Rd. (Memphis & Collierville) Relay for Life Poker Run-Help save lives one ride at a time! Relay for Life Purple poker run starts at BH-D Collierville at 9AM. Help support the American cancer society with your $25 entry fee that includes your tally sheet, pancake Breakfast by CMA, raffle ticket, t-shirt, goody bag and lunch at BH-D Memphis. Door prizes, raffle, 50/50 and live band at the end party. All motorcycles and cages welcome! Register today by visiting purplepokerrun American Legion Riders Post 281 Flag Day Ride & Poker Run Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 9:30 AM Location: Corner of Division & North Mt. Juliet Road - Mt. Juliet American Legion Riders Post 281 Flag Day Ride & Poker Run Corner of Division & North Mt. Juliet Road - Mt. Juliet (map All proceeds benefit our veterans. June 13, 2015 Meet in Mt. Juliet at the corner of Division and North Mt. Juliet Road First Bike Out: 9:30 AM Last Bike Out: 10:30 AM $25.00 per bike $10 extra hand Includes ride, raffle and a patch 50/50 Drawing Raffle Food Patches. Winning High Hand = $200.00 Winning Low Hand = $50.00 More information: Phil 615.445.9182 or Keith 615.678.6889 Highway 12 Motorsports will be the third stop in-route. Tennessee Red White & Brewfest Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: 960 North Riverside Dr, Clarksville, TN Tennessee Red White & Brewfest June 13th - 6pm to 11pm 960 North Riverside Dr, Clarksville, TN 37040 (Two Rivers Mall near Electric Cowboy) One price for Tasting of 80 Craft Brews Live Music - Food - Cornhole Tourney - Prizes Buy Tickets All Proceeds Benefit BWC Children’s Charities Gastite Presents: 2015 POKER RUN BENEFITING WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT Date: 06/13/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Gastite 1116 Vaughn Parkway Portland, TN Gastite 1116 Vaughn Parkway Portland, TN 37148 Presents:2015 POKER RUN BENEFITING WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT Preregister online at now thru June 5th SCHEDULE: Check-in/Registration begins @ 9:00am Kickstands up @ 10:30am 1st stop - Harley Davidson - Bowling Green, KY 2nd stop - Rib Lickers - Glasgow, KY 3rd stop - Cyclemos Red Boiling Springs, TN 4th (last) stop - Timberloft, Gordonsville, TN H-D Cool Springs Dinner Ride to Nolen’s Place Date: 06/14/2015 Time: 5:30 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Dinner Ride to Nolen’s Place Leaving HDCS @ 5:30pm / A great ride for Dinner & Live Music at Nolen’s Place Bike Night @ H-D Cool Springs Date: 06/18/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Contact phone: 866-452-2775 Live Music, Free Beer Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Mystery Dinner Ride Date: 06/18/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sloan’s Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact phone: 615-893-0150 Meet at Sloan’s by 6:00 pm and join us for a scenic backroads ride to a local eatery! All makes and models are welcome, and we won’t keep you out too late!


Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 06/19/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, TN Bike Night 7-11pm Live Music: Trey Stevens Subdued Few MC Pink Poker Run Date: 06/20/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Bikers Leather and More 204 New Providence Blvd Pink clothing encouraged, blessing of the bikes at 10am by the CMA Registration at Bikers Leather and More First bike out at 12pm. 50/50, gift cards $10 per hand Veterans Motorcycle Club, Chapter 18, Clarksville, Tennessee 1st Annual Veteran’s Home Ride Date: 06/20/2015 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Little Tippers 1471 Tiny Town Rd, Clarksville, Tennessee Contact email: Veterans Motorcycle Club, Chapter 18, Clarksville, Tennessee, will host the 1st Annual Veteran’s Home Ride on 20 June 2015. The proceeds of this event will be donated to the Tennessee State Veterans Home that is currently under construction in Clarksville, Tennessee. Registration starts at 12:00 pm at Little Tippers located at 1471 Tiny Town Rd, Clarksville, Tennessee, with stops at Scooters Pub & Grill, Bent Wrench, Mike’s Bar & Grill and ends at the Veterans MC clubhouse located at 549 Ford St, Clarksville, Tennessee. We will have a raffle for a Mossberg 500 Tactical Shotgun, door prices, 5050. For information about how to make a donation or how to become a sponsor email the Veterans MC Chapter 18: or Ride for Bubba Benefit Poker Run Date: 06/20/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Keltics MC 147 Dobbins Pike Gallatin Contact phone: 615-454-7425 Ride for Bubba Benefit Poker Run, Bubba Allen Mcknight was in a bike wreck on March 20th, he was in Vandy Trauma Center for 9 days and has no medical insurance. He has a long road to recovery so lets all come together and show Bubba what it’s like to be friends with good people. This is an all ages event, $5 at the gate, $20 per hand $5 per passenger KSU 12pm for more into call Repo 615-454-7425 or Big T 615-598-0089 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Bike Night at Woodys BBQ Date: 06/23/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: 352 W Northfield Boulevard Heritage Square Suite F Murfreesboro, Bike Night at Woody’s BBQ. All bikes welcome Ride to Beale Street Bike Night Date: 06/24/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis Ride to Beale Street Bike Night. Join the Bumpus H-D of Memphis crew as we ride down to world famous Beale Street Bike night on the 2nd and last Wednesday of every month. MVP Members get 1 MVP point for riding down to Beale Street with Bumpus H-D. Meet & Greet @ 6PM. KSU @ 6:15PM from Bumpus H-D Memphis 44

Bike Night at Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro Date: 06/25/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro June 25th: Bike Night at Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro, 6:00-8pm, live music, food and beverages available Americas Motor Sports bike night Date: 06/25/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Americas Motor Sports 629 Myatt Drive Madison, Tn Join us from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm for live music and good times AMERICAN SUMMER BURN CAR AND BIKE SHOW Date: 06/25/2015 - 06/27/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Location: DISCOVERY PARK OF AMERICA Union City TN AMERICAN SUMMER BURN CAR AND BIKE SHOW HOSTED AT DISCOVERY PARK OF AMERICA SPONSORED BY ABERNATHY’S HARLEY DAVIDSON CONTACT JEFF DAVIS AT 731.446.6593 FOR MORE DETAILS. FRIDAY JUNE 26: FREE CONCERT BY DIXIE JAM STARTING AT 6PM BBQ AND BEVERAGES FOR PURCHASE SATURDAY JUNE 27: CAR AND BIKE SHOW REGISTRATION BEGINNING AT 8AM OPEN TO PUBLIC AT 10AM AWARDS AT 3:30 PM AFTERWARDS JOIN THE PARTY AT ABERNATHY’S HARLEY DAVIDSON ACROSS THE FIELD FOR FOOD, CONTEST, AND CONCERTS ALONG WITH A BIKE DRAWING! Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 06/26/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Rd Fredonia, TN Bike Night 7-11pm Live Music: Will King 2nd Annual Summer Fling @ Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Date: 06/27/2015 Time: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Contact phone: 866-452-2775 2nd Annual Summer Fling @ Harley Davidson of Cool Springs 11am - 5pm / Live Music, Motorcycle Games, Food, Drinks, Prizes and More Appleton H-D 2015 Summer Luau Date: 06/27/2015 Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Appleton H-D 2501 Hwy 41a Bypass Clarksville Hawaiian Dancers, Live Music by Joel Brown, Great Island Food, Great Brew, and Giveaways Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro Red Cross Blood Drive Date: 06/27/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro June 27th: Red Cross Blood Drive at Bumpus H-D of Murfreesboro 10am-3pm Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs Date: 07/02/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Losers Most Wanted Bar & Grill 1000 Meridian Blvd Franklin, TN Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs! 1000 Meridian Blvd., Franklin, TN 6pm - 9pm /Live Music, Giveaways, Vendors, Food & Drink Specials.

June 2015

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