Thunder Roads Magazine Tennessee September 2015

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We are GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for all the ANGELS that lend us a wing, on a daily basis.

National Photojournalist Cooper Chilton

Ronny Mangrum aka “Rebel Ron” SCOTT & DENISE HIGH &“Taz aka Thunder Dawg” Publishers/Owners – Thunder Roads Tennessee

LAYOUT & DESIGN Merry Hancock Graphic Design

Ron Baptiste aka Pastor Ron


Melissa Barrett “Miz B”

Mechele MacDaniel

Chaplain’s Corner


Bob “Bulldog” Ousley

Travis Hall

BECOME A THUNDER ROADS CONTRIBUTOR – Call Us With A Solid Lead, We’ll Close It Out And You Get 10% Immediately Upon Customer Payment. No Fuss, No Upkeep, We Handle It All! Big Supplemental Revenue $$$$ Potential! NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Founders Office: 615-792-0040 Fax: 615-792-7580 e-mail:


ON THE COVER Photographer: Dusty Austin Model: Penny Money Bike: Custom POW/MIA Chopper

September 2015

CALENDAR OF EVENTS LISTINGS Contact: Denise High, Events Calendar Administrator for TRM 615-389-1016 or, e-mail them to: What’s on the site goes in the mag!


(We Have State Owners/Publishers, Not Regional Sales Areas)

Just How Many Mags From The Wannabe’s Actually Stay In Tennessee When They Sell To So Many Regional Areas?


September 2015

Alright y’all, Fall is almost here… September 23rd is the first day of Fall! Can you hear how excited I am?! I’m sure you’ve heard this a dozen times and you’ll hear it again next month because I LOVE FALL, it’s my favorite time of the year to ride! Gatlinburg, here I come!! You can see from looking at the event pages, it must be the most popular time to have a bike event too, we couldn’t fit all the events in this issue because there were so many! So, keep an eye on our Facebook page, Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee, and we’ll keep you in the loop on all the upcoming events. I would like to thank Mechele MacDaniel and Melissa “Lisa” Barrett for their tremendous help as contributors and I would like to WELCOME Travis Hall to our family of contributors… thank you guys for all your hard work in helping to make this magazine successful! We are still looking for sales contributors in many areas of the state, so if you think you have what it takes to be a part of Team Thunder, give Scott a call at 615-389-1149 or email This month is Patriot and National POW/MIA Recognition Days and we would like to take a moment and remember those who were injured or died during the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001 and to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their families. With Scott being a fireman, and me the wife of a fireman, 9-11 is an especially difficult day at our house. I don’t think anybody will ever forget where they were that morning, I know we won’t. NEVER FORGET. Everyone please be safe, have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and be sure to checkout what events and specials our advertisers have for you this month! Ride Hard Live Free, Denise, Scott, & Thunder Dawg


Itty Bitty Kitties Playful…mischievous… outgoing…lovable…what more could you want in an itty bitty kitty? We’ve quite a few itty bitty kitties – boys and girls – ready to win your heart. Adoption fee: $75


Soleil is a delightful companion! She’s playful and affectionate. Enjoys being with people of all ages. Soleil is an adult white and brown tabby. She’s spayed, microchipped and vaccinated. Adoption fee: $75


Gabby is a loyal feline friend. She’s eager to win your heart and become fast friends. Gabby is an adult Tuxedo kitty, spayed, microchipped and vaccinated. Adoption fee: $75

Poo & Roo

These two are a perfect pair! They’ve spent their lives together and will need to be adopted together. They are about 2 years old, neutered/ spayed, microchipped and current on vaccines. Adoption fee: $75 (for the pair)



Missy was picked up as a stray after the flood in Macon County. Missy enjoys playing with her foster friends - 1 big lab, 2 goofy puppies, and 2 small dogs. While she does like dogs, her favorite thing is hanging out with people. She is a delightful companion Missy weighs 22 pounds. We think she’s 2-3 years old. She is spayed, microchipped and current on vaccinations. Her adoption fee is $125.



Henry is an 8-month old retriever/hound mix. He’s going to be a big boy – 60+ pounds when grown! Smart, excellent with dogs and older children– he will be an excellent companion! Henry is neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. Adoption fee: $150

Honey is a fun-loving super smart pup. She loves kids, people and dogs. Some of her favorite things in life are belly rubs, snuggles, playing in the water, going on adventures and making new friends. She’s spayed, microchipped and current on her vaccinations. Her adoption fee is $150.

September 2015


September 2015

Chaplain’s Corner Pastor Ron Baptiste Founder of Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Founder of Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic Inc. TN.COC State Chaplain Member of NCOM Christian Unity Council Pastor Ron’s messages can now be downloaded off the website Leadership Skills can now be downloaded off the website

“Addiction To Your Affliction” John 5:1-13 We see Jesus inside Jerusalem at the sheep market, located in the center of the city and surrounded by the prosperity of Jerusalem. In the middle of all this commerce we see Jesus at the “Pool of Bethesda having five porches” and at each of the five porches were different cultures of people. Vs. 3 “In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, the blind, the halt, the withered, waiting for the movement of the water.” There were not any hospitals as we know them today, the “Pool of Bethesda” was a holding place for sick people. These “Impotent folks” were stuck in a life with no hope or a future. It was rumored that an Angel would trouble the water and whosoever was first in the pool was healed. Vs. 5-6 “a certain man had an infirmity for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lie.” Jesus asked what seemed to be a stupid question; “Will thou be made whole?” At first glance one would think; of course he wants to be made whole, he’s been lame for 38 years! After I examined the scriptures more carefully, I can understand why Jesus would ask the question; “Will thou be made whole?” First of all, the lame man answered with an excuse, “I have no man to put me in the pool: but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” I believe that in 38 years of waiting, one would have plenty of time to roll oneself down to the pool and be ready when the time was right. First we must first notice a key word in Vs.6 “When Jesus saw him LIE, and knew he had been there a LONG TIME.!” Jesus knew that this lame man had settled in on this “porch of lame people.” He had been “laying there for 38 years.” He had gotten comfortable on the porch and he even made himself a “bed” there. His mouth said he wanted to be healed but his actions did not. Just like some of us today, we have developed an “Addiction to our Afflictions.” We have made ourselves comfortable in our own “infirmities.” We’ve got plenty of excuses why we can’t get up and now you’ve made a bed in this mess? It’s like living in the getto, I can spot those that have given up by the old couch on their front porch. What “porch” are you on? Sickness porch, addiction porch, financial porch, or the divorced porch? If you have made yourself a “bed” in it, and your “laying” in September 2015

it for 38 years and got plenty of excuses why you can’t get out? God will not disturb you if your comfortable where you are. Jesus said “WILL thou be made whole?” God has all power over the enemy, but He has no power over your own “WILL.” The impotent man answers Jesus with two excuses: “Sir, I have no man to put me in the pool…and while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Well I guess so, they wanted it more than you, and after all you’ve had “38 years” and 38 chances to roll yourself down to the pool at that “certain season.” Jesus then spoke to him and said; “RISE, TAKE UP THY BED, AND WALK!” Jesus didn’t preach to him, pray for him, anoint him with oil, or lay hands on him. Jesus CHALLANGED him, “GET UP!” Stop living where you’re not challenged, you must learn to push yourself. After I had spinal surgery, everyone wanted to help me, too much help is not good for you, and it’ll make you weak. Physical Therapy taught me to push strength through the pain, if I had made a bed and laid in it, I would have just gotten weaker. Your in the struggle, struggles make you stronger. Decide what “porch” you’re on, then “rise, take up thy bed, and walk, and immediately the man was made whole.” Until next time, keep your face in the wind and your kickstand up. To be found faithful, Pastor Ron


Lady Rider

Mary Beth Altenburg

My journey started out when I was 4 years old and I started riding horses. I grew up on a horse farm where I learned Hunter jumping, Dressage and Combined Training which I showed competitively in for 15 years. Family drama ensued and I had to stop riding horses. I fell into a deep depression. At nineteen I met a guy who taught me to ride on his 1990 Sportster 1200 and I was immediately hooked!!!! Life got in the way and I went into the Marine Corps and was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station New River at HML/A 167 where I was an Ordnance tech. I never stopped dreaming of getting my own Harley Davidson! I was married and after my enlistment ended I moved back to Nashville with my husband and soon after was divorced and life again got in the way. I worked as an Area Manager for a cosmetics company and also a Marketing Company on the side part time to make ends meet for 6 years. I then moved on to work as a General Merchandise Manager for Cracker Barrel where I ended up in Clarksville. After a couple of years I decided I was tired of riding on the back with boyfriends that never lasted and it was time to get my own! I took a year off, and one day stopped in to see Tia at Appleton HD and she signed me up for Riders Academy and that Monday after I passed I was riding my very own Blue Pearl Sportster that I bought at Appleton HD! I soon got a job at a Dealership where I worked as the Motorclothes Manager for 5 years and there I met the man of my Dreams. We then left that dealership and came home to where I began my journey at Appleton HD where we both work now. I am the Motorclothes Manager and my husband does Sales and Finance. I have owned a Sportster, a Dyna, a RoadGlide custom and after a bad wreck which totaled my Custom, I am on a Road Glide Ultra. I have a huge passion for riding and love to see new riders come into the store where I can start them on their journey. I am blessed to have found my passion in life and am blessed to be able to work with such amazing people!!!!!

We would love to hear your story!

ALL ladies are welcome and encouraged to join and contribute to our monthly Lady Rider column. Please submit your story and photos to: 8

September 2015

September 2015




September 2015

September 2015



September 2015

September 2015


Absolutely NO 4-wheelers, ATV’s, Gators, Dirt Bikes BIKE SHOW Karaoke Tent & RV Camping Support Vehicles: $20 with purchase of weekend pass Vendors Taking applications In advance

$150 Flat Rate /$200 at Gate Special Event Pass $40—Sunday only $20 Advance Tickets 270-781-7634 798 Beech Bend Park Rd Bowling Green, KY



September 2015

by Bob “Bulldog” Ousley Dear Fellow Veterans and Patriots of Tennessee: Imagine being at a time in America when we are under attack or one of our allies is under attack and the President and Congress decide the military needs to get involved. You are just out of high school and learning how to change the points and plugs in your slightly used but new to you Harley Davidson pan head. You have a date with Suzie set for Friday night and you want to make sure the bike doesn’t leave you stranded unless you want it too (if you know what I mean)! You’ve heard on the radio about trouble in a foreign country but haven’t really paid much attention. You are focused on getting a raise at the hardware store, a new carburetor for the bike and seeing what develops with Suzie. Your mom yells at you from the back door and says you have a letter from the government. Holy crap, what could that be? You wipe your hands and jog up to get your letter. Oh my God – it starts off: “Greetings”!!! Greetings my A__! They want you to report in two weeks for an induction physical and become a member of the military. Well that wasn’t on your radar. Your world just went from small town USA to big time world-wide and international. What will Suzie say? Will she hang in there with you? Who knows? The bottom line is you’ve been drafted and you are going to fight for your life, your country and the lives of those you fight with. After a couple of months of basic training and specialized infantry training you get your orders to “deploy” (military term) to a combat theater. You are going to war! You go with the military unit you are assigned to, arrive in country and are immediately sent to the front line. For the next two days you are shot at, receive artillery fire and are bombed. You fight back as hard as you can but the supply lines are stretched and your unit is running short of ammunition, food and water. It’s as if the enemy knows this and takes advantage of your situation to mass an attack. Many of your buddies are killed and the others are wounded. You take a bullet to the arm and some shrapnel in the leg. An enemy soldier sticks his rifle in your

September 2015

face, strikes you in the head with it and you wake up in a group of Americans being corralled for movement. A few months ago you were in your back yard playing with your motorcycle and thinking about romance. All of that is gone. You are a prisoner of war. Your life is changed forever. Will you be executed? Will you survive? Will you ever see home again? How will your family ever know what has happened to you or where you’re at? There are approximately 80,000 U.S. service members who are still missing from World War II, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, Grenada and our operations in the Middle East. About half of those missing in action were taken prisoner of war and never returned home. Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and the extreme radical groups in the Middle East are responsible for not returning all of the prisoners of war when negotiations produced a cease fire or a withdrawal of U.S. forces. Imagine if you were captured by an enemy and abandoned by your country after you were asked to defend your nation. Is there anything more despicable or horrible that could happen to you? To spend the rest of your life being tortured, brutalized and worked to death or subjected to medical experiments and left to die without treatment for diseases we routinely cure here at home. What about the thousands of family members here at home who wonder what happened to their loved one and go to their grave never knowing. There is a unique event in Americus, Georgia, from September 17 to 19 that will hold its annual event called “The Ride home.” This event has motorcycle escorts, honors, ceremonies and a banquet for former prisoners of war from all wars and the families of those still missing in action. You can find out more about this unique and very special event at You can a sponsor former prisoner of war or missing in action family member to attend. The event is open to everyone who wishes to support these special people who have given so much for our country. We must never forget! Until They All Come Home! Keep the faith. Thank a vet for the freedoms we still enjoy and support politicians who will bring back the ones we’ve lost. Fly the flag of the people and be proud you’re an American. Hug the families of those still missing because their quest for closure has not ended. Live the good life and ride for those who can’t. Bulldog * My monthly column reflects my personal point of view and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publishers of this magazine, but they, like me, acknowledge the sacrifices made for the privilege of Freedom of Speech, therefore, they gratefully let me rant. Thank you for reading my rants. Hope my opinions don’t offend anyone, but, we all should be grateful for the right to have free opinions.





MEMORIAL BIKES This bike is a Firefighter edition ultra that H-D started producing for firefighters to purchase after the attacks of September 11, 2001. As a firefighter and a fire chaplain myself, I wanted to set a theme about the bike to those areas, firefighting and the fire chaplaincy, while honoring those firefighters who died in the attacks of September 11. Going down the left side of the bike the theme covers firefighting and down the right fire chaplaincy is covered, all together, encompassing a 9-11 theme. There are several familiar pictures on the bike and others that people have a lot of questions about. The entire bike’s artwork theme was designed by myself and it was hand painted by the father and son team, Cliff and Keith Jette at Kustom Auto Graphix in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The design took me about two months to come up with and the artwork also took about two months to complete. Items to look for on the bike are the casket of the Fire Chaplain of FDNY, Firefighters raising the U.S. Flag, the blessing of the iron cross found in the wreckage, the tribute of light, Calvary, both the firefighters’ and fire chaplain’s prayers, FDNY mourning badge, on board fire extinguisher, and a lot of chrome and flames. I have taken home awards at every show and event it has been in, to include even 1st place for best paint at a car show! Everyone that has seen it says that it is awesome and a great tribute to those who died and that I have done an excellent job with my bike. I just smile and tell them, “It’s God’s bike, He just lets me ride it.” Be Safe & Be Blessed, Chappy Chaplain_dan_fireman@yahoo. com THE BIKE Owner: Chaplain Dan Davidson Paint: Cliff and Keith Jette at Kustom Auto Graphix Year: 2005 Make: Harley-Davidson Model: Ultra Classic Electra Glide (FLHTCUI) Edition: Firefighter NEVER FORGET 9-11-01


September 2015


This bike is an authentic Police bike owned by ex NYPD Policeman Kerry Troy. Officer Troy was at the Twin Towers while they were under attack 9-11-01 and saw the second tower being hit by the terrorist in an airplane and both towers falling to the ground. Because of bravery in helping save many victims, officer Troy was given many medals and patches, some of which are painted on this bike. This bike is a memorial to all those on that day and to the 23 fallen NYPD Police officers. Dwayne Smith, Outlaw Choppers THE BIKE Owner: Kerry Troy Make: Harley-Davidson Police Edition NYPD police color design painted by Derek Smith of Outlaw Choppers Airbrush artwork painted by Scott Smith of Scotty’s Custom Finishes Be Safe Out There‌The Life You Save May Be Your Own! September 2015


Tennessee State Museum Benefit By: Rebel Ron Photos courtesy of Lace Grainger, Jim Maxwell, and Snapshotsbikerrallies. On August 1, the 10th Annual Confederate Flag benefit was held near the 183 year old Mangrum house in Peytonsville, to raise much needed funds to conserve actual Confederate flags in the Tennessee State museum’s collection. We have the second largest collection of such flags in the country, and the 150 year old battle flags are deteriorating with the passage of time, the silk flags in particular. Unfortunately, the conservation on these historic banners is expensive and average about $30,000 each. Worse than that is the sad fact that political correctness prohibits most corporations and big donors from giving money to save them which has turned even worse with the ludicrous anti Confederate hysteria


that is sweeping the nation after the recent church shooting in SC. Destroying, moving, or vandalizing any historic monuments and such is just wrong no matter what. Political Correctness is a cancer on our society. But I digress, this article is about a fun show. The day of the event was perfect, no rain forecast and not near as hot as it had been the previous week. The World’s Largest St. Andrew’s Cross battle flag could be seen from I-840 covering the lawn of the historic Smithson/Mangrum home. (The flag is 55’ X 75’ and weighs 300 lbs!) Motor homes

and campers lined the field while tents and tailgaters filled the infield making sure to give the cannon plenty of space. :) The show began as always with the lady of the house, Dellie Mangrum, welcoming everyone while urging them to support our troops before giving a prayer for everyone’s safety getting home. Re-enactors took the stage with a replica of each flag we have saved so far. 5 flags and counting. Working on No. 6 right now. Master of Ceremonies Big Daddy Cool took the mic to get the show started providing jokes, magic tricks, and more along with his entertaining Voodoo Vixens to fill the time between set changes. The show was stared off by Charlie Bonnett III and the Rebel Ways band who would take the stage again later after dark when folks had their drink on. Next was the old skool country act, 2Country4Nashville followed by the always entertaining Howlin’ Brothers

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band. As the sun set the wolves came out this year in the form of the rocking country band Angel Mary and the Tennessee Werewolves. And y’all know you can’t have a Confederate flag related event and not have Southern rock. That was taken care of by the fantastic Skinny Molly band that is made up of men who have done their time with various iconic Southern rock bands. If all that music along with a little burlesque, stunt ladies hoola hooping with fire, the cannon going off ever so often to startle you, and so many people having a large time in a field we had more!!! At midnight the band we all love to party to, and with, ended the show in dramatic fashion as always. The fun and talented Phoenix Rising band with hoola hooping front lady, Amy Brown closed our show for the

September 2015

6th time. It was the best show we ever had and best weather too with about 800 of the best people. We’d like to thank our Sponsors, Grumpy Bail Bonds, S&G Custom Cycles in Columbia, Handy Hardware, and Mickey Roos, both in Franklin, Thunder Roads Magazine of Tennessee, Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Want to thank Capt. Baxter’s Tennessee Light Artillery for bringing the BOOM to the party. Thanks to the Bethesda Volunteer Fire Dept. as well. Great people doing a great job. I’d personally like to thank the volunteers who helped me put this on once more and all the people who come every year. If you’d like to help us save these old flags please look for Confederate Flag Benefit on facebook or go to


History of Motorcycles Part 7


eptember 1, 1939 marked the start of World War II. World War II is often said to be the heyday of the military motorcycle, but it was actually a time of reduced combat roles compared to World War I. Motorcycles would continue to play a role in supporting the Allied troops, just as they had in the First World War, however, the capacity at which motorcycles participate in the war are different this time. Still valuable for courier duties, scouting, and reconnaissance motorcycles would need some improvements this go-around if they were to remain useful to the military. Two key players would remain prominent in the American motorcycle industry during the war, Indian and Harley-Davidson. These two were at war themselves, but would none the less make advancements to their production lines and serve the Allied forces well. The Allied troops discovered early in the war that their motorcycles were technologically behind when compared with captured German motorcycles. So what does one do in this situation? Well, you keep the captured bikes and send them back home of course. The motorcycles were dismantled and reverse engineering was used to recreate the modern motorcycle for ourselves. In the 1930’s and 40’s the advanced engineering seen in the BMW motorcycle was unprecedented. Basically, to an American engineer at the time, the idea of a shaft drive and telescoping forks was a little like approaching the concept of teleportation today, we can envision the idea, but have a snowballs chance in Hell of actually creating it. But that’s stealing you may say, .but such is the product of war. And what the hell, we got some damn good scooters out of the deal. So, first up is Harley-Davidson. Usually leading Allied convoys in recovered territory was “The Liberator”, also known as the H-D WLA. First produced in 1940, the WLA underwent several modifications in order to better serve the Allies. Due to logistical needs the air filter was replaced 22

with an oil-bath air cleaner for ease of maintenance. Rather than have to stock replacement filters, the rider could in essence “freshen up” his filter by adding regular motor oil. The crank case was also redesigned to reduce water intake so that the motorcycle could reportedly ford sixteen inches of water without stalling out. So what exactly IS the WLA? W is indicative of the family of motorcycle, this being the newest incarnation at the time, a 45 cubic inch flathead. L indicates “high compression”; in the usual H-D scheme (the “low compression” W model was only briefly available). A is for Army. H-D would similarly produce a slightly different model with big twin parts for the Canadian military. The WLA was originally produced in small numbers for general military expansion, but would reach nearly 90,000 produced by the close of the war. The WLA sported a springer front suspension with a side-valve design engine, used for its dependability rather than power, and would remain in production until 1973 in the Servi-Car. The Harley-Davidson WLA would become THE iconic United States military motorcycle of World War II. At the same time Harley was hard at work, Indian was also mass producing two-wheeled assistance for the troops. During World War II Indian made a de-tuned Sport Scout for Allied Army called the 640. The 640 embodied a 750 cc/45 cubic inch power plant. 6 refferd to the model and 40 to the year of manufacture (i.e. a 341 is a 1941 Indian Chief). In addition to the 640, Indian made many model 741’s. The 741 was a 30.50 cubic inch/500 cc model. This model lacked greatly in the speed department, but was extremely reliable. In fact, many have survived across the pond. The 500 cc model earned its own nickname, several in fact. The military referred to them as the 741b, while civilians called them “thirty-fifties”, “Junior Scouts”, or “pony Scouts”. Indian Chiefs were sold to

September 2015

the United States Army, in addition to the Australians, Canadians, and the French military. So what ever happened with that intel we received in the form of confiscated BMWs? Well let me tell ya a little about that. Harley incorporated the engine, forks, and shaft drive design exactly from the BMW design, resulting in the XA. The XA was a two-wheeled machine far superior to any American motorcycle in production at the time. Indian also took a thing or two from the krauts and created its own advance military machine, the 841 (complete with a hand clutch and foot shift). But beyond the 841, Indian developed in their factory a secret factory prototype; prototypes that came to be known as the Experimental Fours, that were rarer and much faster than the 841. In 1941 Indian completed its Indian Four prototype. It was an awesome 800 cc OHV Four engine, and used the 841 frame, while adding one more advancement; a shaft drive. So why weren’t these modern marvels more popular? Well, unfortunately, JEEP began production of military vehicles, which were ultimately deemed more efficient by the military, and only about 1,000 each of Harley-Davidson and Indian’s futuristic bikes were ever manufactured. So what happened post war to the nearly 180,000 motorcycles produced for and/or used in the Second World War? Old bikes like these aren’t exactly the easiest to come by. Well, those troops had developed affection for two-wheeled travel and the attraction to motorcycles was spreading far and wide. Story has it that demobilized troops began buying cheap military surplus motorcycles after returning home. The only problem with the military issue bikes?? You guessed it, awkward windshields, ammunition racks, and unnecessary bags. So what did these inventive Vets do with their less than desirable surplus purchases? Well they chopped off everything they didn’t want, and revamped their motorcycles into the bikes of their dreams. And another birth has occurred in the motorcycle history family, the birth of the “chopper” and the eventual rise of “Biker” culture in the 1950’s. Looks like the perfect place to start snooping around next time. Melanie Schwarte September 2015


Boswell’s HOG Rendezvous

Boswell sponsors four HOG Chapters: Music City, Nashville, Ring of Fire, and Upper Cumberland. Although there is some interface between the groups, none is more inclusive than the annual Rendezvous, held this year on July 31- August 1, in Monteagle. Although many of the HOG’s had already headed to Sturgis, the attendance was good and the HOG’s had a great time. The weekend was filled with good food, good music, and great riding. The event was held at Jim Oliver’s Smokehouse, where the room charge included most of the food, entertainment and even evening bonfires. They were great hosts, addressing the needs of the group, which is why this was their third year, as the host hotel. Friday night, the event started, with music, by Robert Burgeis, and complimentary beer. Saturday morning, after a complimentary breakfast buffet, Bubba led a ride to the Historic Dunlap Coke Ovens Park. The park covers 88 acres and is home to 268 well preserved coke ovens and includes a museum and trails. The ovens converted mountain coal into coke,


which was used to smelt iron, and provided the fuel for the growing US industry, throughout the early 1900’s. Helen’s Restaurant, of Gainsboro, served up chicken and catfish, with all the trimmings. On the return to Monteagle, the group split up into several rides, based on the intensity level desired. Judy and I wanted to see Foster Falls on the way back, so we broke off from the group. This fall drops 60 feet into a deep pool and is the southern end of the Fiery Gizzard Trail. Returning to the Smokehouse, there was a corn hole contest, won by Cliff Cox and Steve Gunderson, followed by Rick Lee and Renee Garside, with Michelle Lynch and Scott Arnold finishing third. A BBQ dinner and dancing to a really great live band, The Saturns, concluded the evening. It was good to get all of the HOG Chapters to get to know each other and share ideas and stories. Hopefully, Boswell’s will chose to hold a similar event next year! Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Cooper

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21 st

Saturday, November 7, 2015 4th Annual

She Rides Pink Ride Leaving From Boswell’s Harley on Fesslers Lane at 10am

Promoting Breast CAncer $20 Donation per person for Susan G Komen Awareness “For The Cure” Lunch at BULL & THISTLE FREE gift for all women participants ATTENTION SONS, DADS, BROTHERS


Saturday, October 10th September 2015



On the farm lived a chicken and a horse, both of whom loved to playt ogether. One day the two were playing, when the horse fell into a bog and began to sink. Scared for his life, the horse whinnied for the chicken to go get the farmer for help! Off the chicken ran, back to the farm. Arriving at the farm, he searched and searched for the farmer, but to no avail, for he had gone to town with the only tractor. Running around, the chicken spied the farmer’s new Harley. Finding the keys in the ignition, the chicken sped off with a length of rope hoping he still had time to save his friend’s life. Back at the bog, the horse was surprised, but happy, to see the chicken arrive on the shiny Harley, and he managed to get a hold of the loop of rope the chicken tossed to him. After tying the other end to the rear bumper of the farmer’s bike, the chicken then drove slowly forward and, with the aid of the powerful bike, rescued the horse! Happy and proud, the chicken rode the Harley back to the farmhouse, and the farmer was none the wiser when he returned. The friendship between the two animals was cemented: Best Buddies, Best Pals....For Life! A few weeks later, the chicken fell into a mud pit, and soon, he too, began to sink and cried out to the horse to save his life! The horse thought a moment, walked over, and straddled the large puddle. Looking underneath, he told the chicken to grab his hangy-down thang and he would then lift him out of the pit. The chicken got a good grip, and the horse pulled him up and out, saving his life. The moral of the story? (yep, you betcha, there IS a moral!) “When You’re Hung Like A Horse, You Don’t Need A Harley To Pick Up Chicks.”

A redneck was stopped by a game warden in middle Tennessee recently with two ice chests full of fish. He was leaving a secluded lake well known for its fishing. The Game Warden asked the man, ‘Do you have a license to catch those fish?’ ‘Naw, sir’, replied the redneck. ‘I ain’t got none of them there licenses. You gotta’ understand, these here are my pet fish.’ ‘Pet fish?’ ‘Yeah. Every night, I take these here fish down to the lake and let ‘em swim ‘round for a while. Then, when I whistle, they jump right back into these here ice chests and I take ‘em on home.’ ‘That’s a bunch of b.s.! Fish can’t do that.’ The redneck looked at the warden for a moment and then said, ‘It’s the truth Mr. Government Man. I’ll show ya, it truly works.’ ‘O.K.’, said the warden. This I’ve got to see!’ The redneck poured the fish into the lake and stood and waited. After several minutes, the warden says, ‘Well?’ ‘Well, what?,’ says the redneck. The warden says, ‘When are you going to whistle them back?’ ‘Whistle who back?’ ‘The FISH,’! yelled the warden! ‘What fish?,’ replied the redneck, “I thought we were just beholdin’ the beauty of the lake.”

A biker who has been out on the road for three weeks stops into a brothel outside Vegas. He walks straight up to the Madam, drops down $500 and says, “I want your ugliest woman you got in here and a bologna sandwich!!” The Madam is astonished. “But sir, for that kind of money you could have one of the finest ladies here and a three-course meal.” Biker replies, “Listen sweetheart, I ain’t horny, I’m HOMESICK.”

A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat....she said, “Sir, I need to see your ticket, not your stub.”

I went fishing this morning but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then I saw a Cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait. Knowing the snake couldn’t bite me with the frog in his mouth I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket. Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit. So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth. His eyes rolled back, he went limp. I released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog. A little later, I felt a nudge on my foot. There was that same damn snake with two frogs in his mouth!

One day Z-Man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. “Tie me up,” she purred, “and you can do anything you want.” So, he tied her up and went for a long ride on his Harley.

September 2015

by donna kay

106 Public Square Watertown, TN 37184 Motorcycle Apparel & Accessories vests, gloves, tees, sunglasses, headwraps, patches, replacemt laces, vest extenders, leather care, & more

Christian Apparel - Fashions Costume Jewelry - Gifts - Decor Custom Design T-Shirts Donna & Greg Harrell, owners 615-423-0059

September 2015



Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs of the The Great State of Tennessee

Board of Directors State Chairman Tommy 1%er AOA State Vice Chairman Reagon 1%er AOA State Secretary Kato American Steel MC State Treasurer Doc 4 Way In MC State COC Chaplain Pastor Ron Baptiste Covenant Confirmers MC AIM/NCOM Attorney James Ramsey (Pops) Keltics MC Tennessee Member Listing 2014-2015 4-Way In MC American Steel MC ARM MC Bikers For Christ MM Black Pistons MC Bond Slaves MC Boozefighters MC Brothers of Believers MM Brothers of the Wheel MC Cohorts MC Confederate Drifters MC Confederates MC Copperheads MC Covenant Confirmers MC Currahee MC Double Knuckle MC E.B.G.B MC Fire and Iron MC Grim Reapers MC Highlanders MC His Laboring Few MM Iron Horsemen MC Iron Riders MC Keltics MC Leathernecks Confederation MC Leathernecks International MC Marines MC Misfits MC Mountain Rebels MC My Brothers Keepers MC New Attitudes MC Nightriders MC Outlaws MC Peaceful Few MC Peacemakers MC Soliders for Jesus MC Sons of God MC Sons of Pennyrile MC Southern Journeymen MC Southern Sons MC Southern Souls MC Tri-Cities MC True Sons MC U.S. Military Vets MC Unforgotten MC Vendettas MC Veterans of Vietnam MC Vietnam Vets MC/ Legacy Vets MC Wind and Fire MC Widowmakers MC Zombies MC

ORGANIZATIONS BACA Volunteer State Chapter-Lebanon, TN (865-951-4224) E Volunteer State Chapter-Vonore, TN (615-715-5039) BIKERS WHO CARE Bikers Who Care is a organization of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to supporting The Dream Factory of Clarksville, TN by sponsoring Camp Rainbow, a summer camp for seriously ill children BLUE KNIGHTS The BLUE KNIGHTS® is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men & women who enjoy riding motorcycles. www.blueknightstnv. CMT/ABATE CMT/ABATE, Inc. is not a •Biker Club”, but a nonprofit, political organization that was formed to preserve feedom and safety for all Tennesseans who enjoy motorcycling. Our major goals are to modify existing laws that are detrimental to motorcycle safety and enjoyment, and to enact new legislation in support of motorcyclists who ride in Tennessee. If you are concerned about preserving personal freedom and motorcycle safety, we urge you to join. Local charters play a major rote in making CMT/ABATE, Inc. an effective organization by contacting their area legislators to inform them of how the local membership feels about issues affecting motorcyclists. PO BOX 1991 MADISON, TN 37116 615-860-1991 Email:


MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS FOUNDATION OF TENNESSEE WWW.MAFT.US MAFT is a non-profit 501-C-3 tax-exempt organization. We believe that educating the public to have the proper respect for motorcyclists as well other highway users will reduce accidents and deaths on our highways. We hope to reduce motorcycle accidents caused by inattentive

drivers resulting in avoidable right of way collisions. Our Campaign Save A Life program is teaching new drivers in our High Schools awareness and defensive techniques to avoid these accidents. MAFT honors the survivors, the lost and the families of these accident victims at a Vigil each autumn. = Awareness, Respect and Education MAFTINFO@AOL.COM 615-799-8600 Motor Maids, Inc. A diverse group of women motorcyclists united through a passion for riding while fostering a positive image and promoting safe riding skills. PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS If you have any questions, please feel free to contact PGR State Captain Annette (Dreamcatcher)  615-974-3046 ROLLING THUNDER TENNESSEE Rolling Thunder®, Inc.’s major function is to publicize the POW-MlA issue. To educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars. To help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action. We are committed to helping American veterans from all wars! ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 1 TN Pres. Jay Barnes, Murfreesboro 615-364-1029, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 2 TN Pres. Gerri Tramel , Soddy-Daisy 423-843-1061 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 3 TN Pres. Clay Tumlin, Knoxville 865-457-4507 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC., CHAPTER 4 TN Pres. Alan Sipe, Johnson City 423-329-3152, ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. Rolling Thunder Chapter 6 Pres. Mike Morel, Martin City 731-431-2411 SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS Action Not Words - NOW! Riders organizing to support and defend this country. A political movement of riders. All riders welcome! In addition to welcoming members of any other organization or affiliation. Welcoming non-riders and supporters as well. T.H.R.C.A. The Tennessee Honda Riders Club Kerbela Motor Corps Donnie Anderson 865-806-2097 TN VALLEY RIDERS Fayettevilte,TN Web page: Doesn’t matter what you ride or who you are everyone welcome. No dues, Fun Riding Group helping those in need. For more info   GWRRA We are the world’s largest single-marque social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wing & Valkyrie motorcycles and, some would say, the world’s largest family. Dedicated to our motto, Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge, GWRRA members enjoy the freedom of belonging to a not-for-profit, non-reigious and non-political organization. MID SOUTH RIDERS Meetings held the 2nd Sunday of the month @ Shady Rest Biker Bar,Timbte,TN MUSIC CITY AMCA Music City Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America ​ ASSOCIATIONS VFW Post 5266 Morristown, TN Riders Association Open to all active duty, reservists, guards, and retired military members who are eligible to join the VFW. We meet at 11AM the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Morristown VFW Post 5266. We are a Veteran driven Association, that supports the surrounding areas Veterans. We also support locally “The Daily Bread and Food On Foot.” Contact Michael Jacobs, President VFW Riders Association @ 423-312-6220 or on FaceBook @ VFW Riders Morristown, TN Christian Motorcyclists Association Organized in 1975 for the purpose of reaching the motorcycle world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The only requirement for becoming a member of CMA is that you be a Christian. For more info contact the TN State Coordinator, JW Allgood, 615-830-3183 or TENNESSEE CHAPTERS Athens/Trinity Warriors #994 Kingsport/Rays of the Son #199 Chattanooga/Choo-Choo Wheels Knoxville/Inspiration Riders #64 of Worship #204 McMinnville/Holy Spirit Clarksville/Prayerborne Reigns #887 Eagles #467 Memphis/Wheels of Grace #710 Cleveland/Gatekeeper #615 Morristown/Lakeway Warriors #999 Columbia/Knights for Christ #448 Murfreesboro/Cornerstone Cookeville/Blood Bought Riders #940 Bikers #614 Mt. Juliet/Steel Witness #1205 Covington/Ransomed Riders #898 Nashville/Lions of Judah #405 Crossville/Cumberland Cruisers Paris/West TN Cruisers for Christ #802 for Christ #1002 Cumberland Gap/Clinton Pulaski/Redemption Riders #1100 Forming Chapter #2508 Springfield/ Bikers of Grace Dover/Iron Horse Revelators #1210 Forming Chapter #2738 Dyersburg/Dyersburg Tullahoma/Outriders for Christ #616 Disciples #978 Union City/Reelfoot Light Jackson/Steelhorse Prophets #709 Riders #897 Jonesborough/Fellowship of the Unashamed #1208

Revelators Motorcycle Ministries Bristol TN Meeting and ride 1st Sat each month @ Burger king on west state st @ 830 am more info frank@ 423-963-5850 chaplin john @423-323-8812   Road Riders for Jesus Ministries Road Riders For Jesus is an independent, Christian faith based, motorcycle ministry that began in 1999 near St. Louis, MO. We now have over 4,000 members worldwide. To find a local chapter, call Mike at 615-828-6446 or go to the national website at Also check us out on Facebook! Confederate Sons Association Cookeville, Tennessee see our web site for more info or e-mail Mercy Hands Street Ministries P.O. Box 1515 Dickson, TN 37056 931-670-2351 Hog Heaven Ministries Harley Riders for Jesus Vic Richardson 931-729-1091 GOLD WING TOURING ASSN. CHAPTER HARPETH VALLEY RIDERS Contact Damy & Joyce Emter, Chapter Directors Phone: 615-244-1456 e: American Legion Riders (Post 95, Eastridge,TN) Open to American Legion Members and Associates. We participate in parades, ceremonies, and promote motorcycle safety. We also provide a social atmosphere for Legion members who share the same interests. Join us for Fun, friendship and interesting motorcycle rides. Black Sheep Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ is more than just a motorcycle club. It’s a motorcycle ministry of men and women that ride for Jesus: helping and serving H.O.G. members and chapters across the country. For more information contact Jeff Pierce 615.653.5065 or visit our web site: Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministries Chattanooga, TN. Meeting and ride 3rd Sat each month @ City Cafe on corner Lee Hwy and Bonny Oaks @ 11:00 AM more info Johnny @ 423 605 5026 , The Biker Church Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club Contact: Grang Chapter Secretary @ e-mail: or Past President: Free Bird @

#435 Beech River #273 Bristol #034 Chatanooga #058 Clarksville #410 Copperhill #323 Covington #285 Crossroads #320 Cumberland Gap #423 Eagle Bluff

Southern Cruisers #211 Golden Circle #250 Greenville #282 Highland Rim #000 Memphis #006 Middle #059 Montgomery Bell #077 Northeast #483 Northwest #153 Shiloh

Wheels Of Faith Ministry A nondenominational organization with the purpose and goal of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through word & work, and to provide a Christian atmosphere where we gather and ride our motorcycles. www.wheelsoffaith. com W.O.W. Women on Wheels Cool Lady Cruisers Chattanooga, TN HOG CHAPTERS The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669 Eastern TNChapter 865-457-7893 Ghost River Chapter Collierville, TN

Mule Town Chapter 931--540-0099 Nashville Music City Chapter 615-242-6067 Northwestern 731-885-1792

Golden Circle Jackson Chapter 731-627-2288

Thunder Creek Chattanooga Chapter 423-892-4888

Middle Tennessee 615-771-7775

Tri City Chapter 423-283-0422

Murfreesboro Chapter 615-849-8025 615-242-6067

Tuckessee Clarksville Chapter (931)648-1607

The Dragon Chapter, Maryville 865-977-1669

Twin Lakes Morristown Chapter 423-586-5343

Memphis Chapter


#246 South Central #001 Tennessee Valley #130 Upper Cumberland #193 West Tennessee

September 2015


2015 Harley-Davidson Freewheeler Congratulations to Raymond White from Clarksville, TN on winning our monthly Bike Contest on Facebook! Hello my fellow Tennesseans and any others who may be reading this. First off, I would like to dedicate this win to my mother who picked the photos entered into the contest to pick the featured conveyance this month and who unfortunately was found dead on 16 August 2015. Secondly, I really appreciate all those who voted for my 2015 Harley Davidson Freewheeler named “Artemis” as I really wanted this win for my mother. Artemis is named for the Greek goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, and the natural environment. I first started riding motorcycles when I was 14. I purchased a “rice burner” 125CC with money that I earned working on the weekends with my father. My first motorcycle was involved in an accident in which a driver exiting a parking lot and who looked straight at me and continue to pull out into traffic and hit me broadside. Other than a sprained ankle I was able to walk away from this accident. Due to my age I was taken to the local hospital. I was able to repair this motorcycle with money saved and continue riding it for more than a year or so. It was stolen from my high school’s parking lot. My next motorcycle was likewise a “rice burner” 450CC and I rode it until just prior to my entering the US Army in 1977. I had another “lay down” with this one due to lose gravel in a curve. The main damage was to the engine guard which was easily replaced. Again I walked away from this with nothing broken. Once stationed at Fort Bragg, NC I got my first “real” motorcycle. It was not new but it was a Harley Davidson and I LOVED IT! I was assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group at the time and I had a “big boy bike.” As with the previous bikes I had yet another “lay down” while going over wet railroad tracks. ALSO as with the previous accidents I walked away with nothing broken but “Gus” was pretty well banged up. I was on orders to the Republic of Panama and had more pressing family and military matters to take care of so I let “Gus” go on to greener pastures by giving her to a mechanic friend of mine who basically used “Gus” for parts. I had full intent of purchasing another Harley Davidson upon returning stateside from my Panama tour. As far as military riding I attended a motorcycle course while at Fort Bragg as the concept of using scouting motorcycles was being tossed around. While in the military I did have the occasional (definitely not enough) chance to ride either military two or four wheelers. Unfortunately, I was not able to purchase the much desired replacement for “Gus” upon returning stateside as an increase in family members took not only priority but also funds. For 25 years I would look and want another Harley. During this period my physical abilities deteriorated. As such, I am now retired military (17 years of which were with Special Forces units at Fort Bragg, NC, the Republic of Panama, and finally at Fort Campbell, KY). Since I was a resident of Clarksville, TN prior to joining the Army and I had already indicated I would retire as September 2015

soon as I could, the Administrative Gods that Be in the military Bureaucracy assigned me to Fort Campbell, KY. I could not count the number of times I glanced at Appleton Harley Davidson as I drove past wishing finances and family would allow me to get a replacement for “Gus.” Upon retirement from the military I found myself working as a Juvenile Probation Officer, a Counselor for a secured juvenile residential facility (kiddy prison), an Extradition Agent, an Armored Truck crewman, and finally as a deputy sheriff. All of these jobs basically being road type jobs in which I would yearn for a Harley every time I saw one pass. Due to my deteriorating service connected disabilities I finally “retired” for good. I found myself with a Service Dog named Big Jake and my yearning for another Harley got pushed into the background. I lost my father the 1st of August 2013. I was driving him to a VA appointment in Nashville. It was a quick, painless death. The 13th of September 2013 Big Jake died. In November 2013 my wife’s Chinese Crested (Don Juan) died. During 2014, I had the responsibility of watching 2 of my father’s former dogs and another one of mine died. Depression sunk in. Don’t boo me, but I admit that I was a Sons of Anarchy fan and my favorite character was Piney Winston who like me had disabilities preventing him from riding a two wheeler and who drove a trike. In 2014 I started checking out trike conversion kits and sidecars (all the while listening to my spouse and late mother complain about my wanting a trike or side car). Then late in 2014 I saw my first Freewheeler on line and immediately fell in love. IT WAS WHAT I WANTED. I went to Appleton H-D December 2014 and saw a beautiful black Freewheeler and I WANTED ONE. Well, as usual family requirements prevented it. In January 2015, I heard of the death of a former 7th Group friend of mine who was younger than me. I put my foot down and basically said even though I was the family RMFSS (Retired Military Financial Support System) I was going to get a Freewheeler. On the 13th of February 2015, Artemis became a member of the White family. Within a few months everybody in my family and some of my Appleton friends noticed an improvement in my health, personality, etc. Artemis could never replace Big Jake but she is damn good therapy. I had her approximately two months when my mother asked, “Are you ever going to give me a ride?” I was shocked as she was one of the main “Don’t get it” people opposing my getting a trike. For the next few months my mom proved herself to be a faithful riding companion. She liked the group rides and she loved the long rides. Our last ride together was the Saturday before she died and was 12 hours long. Needless to say, my mother will be sorely missed, and I will probably be putting many more “therapy” miles on Artemis. Thank you again to all who voted. If you have a cool custom bike you would like to have featured in our magazine, enter it in our monthly contest by submitting a pic of your bike to


Scott High TRTN Photos by TRTN & Bill Foster A little over 11 years ago, Scott Maddux was deep into the process of becoming a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Dealer, his new dealership would be in Florence KY, just south of Cincinnati. He even had a contract for some property to build it on, but just before they closed the deal, he caught wind of a dealership opportunity in Tennessee. He was told that the new dealership in Maryville probably wouldn’t be as big as Florence, but being a Tennessee boy from Baxter, just outside of Cookeville, he decided he’d rather take a chance on Tennessee than move to another state. So late in the summer of 2004, Scott and his wife Monet opened the doors to their 47,000 square ft. Dealership and Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson was born. The rest, as they say, is history, and the SMH-D family now includes 3 full service dealerships, and 4 retail outlets. I think that Tennessee opportunity may just work out. They have an onsite restaurant and music venue called The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint, where they serve up a mean Bar-B-Que at the Smokehouse, and the Juke Joint is a great place to hear some live music. Most shows you can even ride your bike through the gate. I asked Scott once, why he decided to build The Shed, he said “if we had done it to make money, we’d be very disappointed, we built it because we love music!” Denise and I have been to several concerts at The Shed, if we find a show we want to see, we try to plan it so we can go riding in the mountains for a few days before or after, luckily, SMH-D is only about 5 minutes from hotels in Maryville and Alcoa, and less than an hour from her favorite Hotel in Gatlinburg. We went out to Smoky Mountain H-D’s 11th birthday bash, but if you didn’t have a ticket you couldn’t get in, it was the first official sell-out in Shed history. Blackberry Smoke, first brought their unique southern rock/ country blend to The Shed in 2009 as an opening act, and they became regulars, but the last time they played there was 2013. Many believed they had gotten too big and would never be back, but even with the popularity they now enjoy, they remember


September 2015

where they came from, so they included a stop at The Shed on their Holding all the Roses Tour. Their fan club members, called “Brothers and Sisters,” started buying tickets for the show, soon, there were a couple hundred members coming from all over the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia, and before they knew it, they had a full blown “International Brothers and Sisters Reunion” on their hands. With little notice, Josh Formont, Tonya Brown, and the SMH-D crew threw together a pre-show party on Friday and gave the travelling fan club members a place to hang out on Saturday before the show, sound check even became a mini concert. Saturday night rolled around, and The Southern Drawl Band, opened the show with their gritty version of Rocky Top and got the crowd rocking. They played some original music, and some great covers. They really got the crowd tuned up for BBS, and when they hit the stage the crowd almost blew the roof off the shed, so they didn’t disappoint. They played some of their old favorites mixed with some of the great songs from the new album. What a show, and what a way to celebrate your birthday, and having the first official sellout was just icing on the…birthday cake.

September 2015



September 2015



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NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM & HALL OF FAME INDUCTIONS As part of the annual Sturgis Rally festivities, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame hosts an Induction Breakfast to honor the new class of HOF inductees, and for 2015 Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) are proud to Congratulate founder Richard M. Lester on his induction into the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame. Lester, a California attorney who three decades ago founded AIM as a free nationwide legal protection program for motorcyclists & NCOM as a voice for the motorcycle community, has also started numerous subsequent motorcycle outreach groups, such as the Confederation of Clubs, Christian Unity and the National Sport Bike Association. “Each year the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame recognizes the sacrifices that individuals across the nation, and the world, have made to protect the rights of those who ride,” said museum Executive Director Christine Paige Diers. “Their names are engraved into the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame, a growing list of exemplary and tenacious men and women who serve diligently, humbly and quietly so that we may enjoy the liberties that many of us take for granted.” Emceed by longtime rider and billionaire businessman John Paul DeJoria, the breakfast ceremonies held at The Lodge in Deadwood, S.D. were attended by a huge crowd of supporters and prior inductees, there to recognize the newly inducted HOF members, which also included: champion racer Everett Brashear, Sturgis Police Chief Jim Bush - winner of the J.C. “Pappy” Hoel Outstanding Achievement Award, EagleRider rentals founder Chris McIntyre, celebrity bike builder John Shope, chopper pioneer Sugar Bear, racing sponsor and Harley dealer Don Tilley (posthumously), and famed custom bike builder Eddie Trotta. WASHINGTON CONFEDERATION OF CLUBS & ABATE PREVENT MOTORCYCLE PROFILING PATROLS The Washington State Traffic Safety Commission and Washington State Patrol were planning targeted motorcycle safety patrols from July 31 thru August 16. These patrols would be in direct violation of RCW 43.101.419, the law prohibiting motorcycle profiling. Through the unified efforts of the Confederation of Clubs, ABATE, and the U.S. Defenders, these planned patrols WILL NOT HAPPEN and an alert has been issued to participating agencies to help ensure profiling does not occur. In response to a letter outlining these grievances from COC attorney Mike Myers, the WSTC claimed the original 34

press release announcing the patrols was a mistake. They apologized, reversed their position, and even issued an alert to all participating agencies outlining the state prohibition on motorcycle profiling. The following retraction was posted on the WSTC Its a Fine Line site: “Update: A draft press release was mistakenly distributed earlier this week which raised some questions about our motorcycle safety campaign. Motorcycle safety patrols are beginning this Friday, July 31, and running through August 16 in Pierce, King, and Snohomish Counties. Motorcyclists are over-represented in crashes that result in serious injuries and death. These patrols are focused in areas where there are a high number of motorcycle rider fatalities. These patrols will be focused on all motor vehicle drivers and motorcycle riders who commit traffic safety violations. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission and participating law enforcement agencies condemn profiling. Trained and commissioned law enforcement officers will be conducting these patrols enforcing traffic violations as defined by Washington State laws. An updated press release will be distributed to the media and posted on this website on Friday, July 31, 2015.” “The Washington State Motorcycle Rights movement continues to provide an exemplary model for the fight against profiling and the advancement of our rights base,” said Double D, Chair of the Confederation of Clubs of Washington, and Lyle Coyle, State Coordinator of ABATE of Washington, in a joint statement. “Simply put, the motorcycle profiling law in Washington State has the power to reverse discriminatory policymaking conducted by state agencies and reinforce the regime of protection legally enjoyed by motorcyclists in our state.” “STOP MOTORCYCLE CHECKPOINT FUNDING ACT” ADVANCES IN CONGRESS The U.S. Senate passed a six-year Federal Highway Bill on July 30 with a bipartisan vote of 65-34, and the measure now moves to the House for further action, but Congress also passed its sixth short-term funding extension in six years to move the bill off the front burner until late October. The Senate-passed version of the highway bill contains the following bill text, on page 539 of S.1647, the DRIVE act; or Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy act: PART II—STOP MOTORCYCLE CHECKPOINT FUNDING ACT SEC. 34121. SHORT TITLE. This part may be cited as the ‘‘Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act’’. SEC. 34122. GRANT RESTRICTION. Notwithstanding section 153 of title 23, United States Code, the Secretary may not provide a grant or any funds to a State, county, town, township, Indian tribe, municipality, or other

September 2015


local government that may be used for any program -(1) to check helmet usage; or (2) to create checkpoints that specifically target motorcycle operators or motorcycle passengers. MOTORCYCLE “ROAD GUARDS” TO PATROL MINNESOTA ROADWAYS Certified motorcyclists known as “road guards” are hitting Minnesota roads as of August 4th, and they’ll be able to stop and control traffic for large motorcycle group rides throughout the state. The new state law requires road guards to: · Successfully complete a driving record review and a training course to receive a motorcycle road guard certificate. · Meet safety and equipment standards outlined in the law. · Only act as a flagger for group rides with 20 motorcycles or more. · Notify each statutory or home rule charter city through which the ride is traveling. · Receive consent from the chief of police of city of the first class through which the ride is traveling. Drivers stopped by a certified road guard must obey the flagger’s instructions and stay stopped until they are given the “all clear” signal from a flagger or police officer. Road guards are not allowed to hold traffic for longer than 10 minutes. U.S. STATES WITH THE WORST ROADS U.S.Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx is fed up with Congress’ inaction to pass a long-term transportation funding measure, and in a July 9 blog post, Secretary Foxx once again called out Congress for their lack of action, followed by statistics of American roads and bridges by state. Altogether, 65% of roads in the United States are in “less-than-good” condition, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. September 2015

These are the 10 states with the worst roads: 10. Oregon, 9. New Jersey, 8. Washington, 7. California, 6. Rhode Island, 5. Colorado, 4. Oklahoma, 3. Wisconsin, 2. Connecticut, and coming in at #1 is Illinois with 73% of their roads in poor/ mediocre condition. RINGS LIMITED IN CALIFORNIA The following was distributed via social media within ABATE of California and the Confederations of Clubs from Pastor Tom, who writes; “Family, this is the penal code being used to harass and arrest Bikers who wear rings on all of their fingers. It has been suggested that we only wear 3 rings on each hand, maximum.” 4 RINGS Apply to this, 3 is max… California Penal Code section 21810 defines metal knuckles as: “...any device or instrument made wholly or partially of metal which is worn for purposes of offense or defense in or on the hand and which either protects the wearer’s hand while striking a blow or increases the force of impact from the blow or injury to the individual receiving the blow. The metal contained in the device may help support the hand or fist, provide a shield to protect it, or consist of projections or studs which would contact the individual receiving a blow.” THAI STUDENTS PROTEST BAN ON MOTORBIKES College students in Thailand are protesting having to walk to class. According to the Bangkok Post, about 1,000 students from Naresuan University in Phitsanulok province recently gathered in front of the president’s office to protest a “green university” project that prohibits them from using motorbikes on campus. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.” ~ U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Parker, Chief Prosecutor for the U.S. at the Nurnberg Trials



September 2015

BACON WRAPPED ALA’MODE MINI MEATLOAVES 1/2 of a pound of Apple Hardwood Hickory Bacon (when cooking in big quantities, I always lay out cold on a cookin pan cooling rack and place the rack back in pan and cook at 475 degrees for apprx. 15 minutes. You’ll see your desired doneness . Remove and place pan on stove for safety, then transfer to a paper towel lined platter and let alll get good & crispy. Now, let’s go get the groceries:


2 - 14 ounce cans of your favorite brand of tomatoes or fresh; Roma, Sans Marzano, Heritage, but the best I’ve ever had is a hybrid brand called Celebrity. Our neighbor down the road thankfully grows these so whe you can get them, load up and bottle up sauces by the case load. You’ll be so glad you did come winter. 1 small sweet onion; chopped and 1 tsp. dried basil 1 -1/2 cups of cornbread stuffing mix. 1 Pkg. of Ground Beef; it’s the bigger package like maybe Topping: 1-1/2 cups shredded (real) Mozzarella cheese; over 2 lbs. Place (if you prefer Cheddar, then use Cheddar....use what tastes best in large plastic bowl and add:1 tsp. Thyme (dry ingredito you. It’s your recipe. Add 1 cup of quality mayonnaisem 1.4 ents work very well, just rub between fingers or palms as cup of cornbread styffing-mix, 1/4 tsp. of dries basil and actual, incorporating to wake up! the flavor. Go onto add 3 Tbls. real basil leaves. Worcestershire sauce and 1 Large Farm Fresh Egg (beaten) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In large bowl mix together the I also added level Tbls. of Cayenne and 1/2 Cup of Apricot filling ingredients until combined and transfer to a 9x9 sprayed Preserves. Add: 1/4 Cup of Parsley; again, dried is good glass casserole dish. In another bowl, mix together the topping choice. “IF” you have a Farmer’s Market that you support, ingredients and evenly distribute over the casserole dish. Bake YAY!, but FM’s are more pricey but then, the quality is far for 30-40 minutes or until melty gooey and golden brown on top. superior, but I’ve cooked w/ dry ingredients my whole life and Remove from oven, cover, and allow to cool long enough to slice on occasion, when I can get the fresh at a good price, damn in a nice, firm slice; apprx. 12 minutes. This is divine whether hot straight, I get it. But we work with what we have, yes? I from the oven or chilled from the fridge. You can make it early also add a can of Ro-Tel diced tomatoes for a little kick. Salt & and just cover it and let everyone eat from throughout the day. Pepper to your taste; along with either minced garlic or garlic This is simple and it is divine. salt and a good dash of Nutmeg.Now, I chop one large onion FARMER’S MARKET STRAWBERRY DIPPER’S DELIGHT into large chop pieces and satuee’ with sliced shrooms’. Get 25 X-Large Strawberries; hulls removed (this means tops and a good char on them so they have that marvelous charred taste. The best way to do this is just get in there and begin interior removed completely, although very carefuly) squishing your mix all between your fingers. You must get In another medium glass bowl melt down a full carton of Philly personal with your cooking or it will definitely show by tastWhipped Cream Cheese, 1 Tablespoon of Vanilla and ing totally de-personalized. Once everything is incorporated 3 Tablespoons of Confectioer’s Sugar. Also need 1 Cup of well; go ahead and take big size of palmfuls to make (4) mini Almonds; chopped fine in the blender. meatloaves, laid out on one foil covered cookie pan sprayed Nuke Cream Cheese for 30 seconds so totally soft. Whip in the with butter spray. Shape them so they’re narrow and tall; just a mini version of your big one. Cook at 375 degrees 65 mins. vanilla & sugar. In the center of each strawberry, using a sharp knife, make a hole in each one, as deep as you can without goRemove from over and this is your call, but I lay down my ing out the bottom. Spoon or pipe the filling into each hole. Dip favorite type of cheese as a glue essentially, let that go back cheesecake end of strawberry into chopped almonds, making in over for 5 mins., then cover every single mini meatloak sure you completely cover the cheesecake filling with the nuts. with bacon ALL over it. Back in over for 5 mins and then out and let cool for a solid 15 mins. before cutting. These are SO Lay strawberries in a pretty serving dish. Sprinkle with any leftgood! and who doesn’t love their very own mini meatloaf? over nuts around the dish. Chill for at least 45 minutes and serve. These are the perfect little accompaniment to any occasion you’re having. Make enough!

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Magazine Each Month At These Fine Locations

DEALERS & SHOPS Abernathy’s Harley-Davidson 1703 West Main Street Union City, TN 38261 866-452-2775 Appleton Harley-Davidson/Buell 2501 Hwy 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN 37043 931-648-1607 Boswell’s of Cookeville 1421 Interstate Dr Cookeville, TN 38501 931-526-3139 Boswell’s of Downtown Nashville 180 2nd Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37201 615-242-7078 Boswell’s of Nashville 401 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 615-242-6067 Boswell’s of Rivergate 2200 Gallatin Pike N Madison, TN 37115 615-855-1001 Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Murfreesboro 2250 NW Broad St Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-849-8025


Bumpus Harley-Davidson Shop Of Collierville 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-316-1121 Bumpus Harley Davidson 325 S Byhalia Rd Collierville, TN 38017 901-376-1121 Colboch Harley-Davidson 1830 N Davy Crockett Pkwy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-5343 H-D of Columbia 1616 Harley Davidson Blvd Columbia, TN 38401 931-540-0099 H-D of Cool Springs 7128 S. Springs Drive Franklin, TN 37067 866-667-8836 Highway 12 Motorsports 5110 Ashland City Highway Nashville, TN 37218 (615) 891-7850 Across From Lewis Country Store Knoxville Harley-Davidson 605 Lovell Rd Knoxville, TN 37932 865-671-2454 Knoxville Harley-Davidson 5800 Clinton Highway Knoxville, TN 37912 865-689-2454 S&G Custom Cycles 1114 Galloway St Columbia, TN 38401 931-381-7282 Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV 2233 Northwest Broad Street Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 893-0150 Smoky Mountain Harley -Davidson 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669


Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis 2160 Whitten Rd Memphis, TN 38133 901-372-1121

Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Fredonia, TN 37146 931-362-4774 www.

Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Jackson 326 Carriage House Dr Jackson, TN 38305 731-422-5508

Double E Bar/Grill 4957 Lebanon Pike Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-885-3400

The Shed 1820 Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, TN 37801 865-977-1669 CAMPGROUNDS Cacklebery Campground “Home of the Big Rooster” 560 Tomoka Farms Rd CR 415 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386-428-5459 Hidden Creek Camp Ground 2576 W Antioch Road Springville, TN 38256 (731) 641-0034

GROCERIES Lewis Country Store 5106 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN (615) 255-7755 Gas-Up, Unique Shop, Fresh Food

Amsoil 615-389-1149 Reference #1569065 Buckle and Hide Leather 197 Enon Spring Road West Smyrna, TN 37167 615-768-5041


Charlie’s Leathers 108 W Main St Lebanon, TN 37087 615-449-6065

C. Bo Brumit Ins. Agcy., 5608 Hwy 11 E. - Suite C3 Piney Flats, TN 37686 Toll Free: (866) 700-4218 Specializing in Biker Ins. Rates

FTD Customs 156 Commerce Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 824-2811


Gatherings by Donna Kay 106 Public Square Watertown, TN 37184 615-423-0059

Covenant Confirmers Ministries, Inc. Pastor Ron Baptiste A “Biker Church” for All Bikers & Their Families. (615) 384-9010

PAINT/PINSTRIPING Paint By Lemon 3418 Old Hickory Blvd D41 Old Hickory, TN (770) 344-7279

POWDER COATING Jeff’s Powder & Ceramic Coating 114-G Kraft Street Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 645-8082 A & A Powder Coating Inc 1207 Louisville Hwy Goodlettsville, TN 37072 (615) 859-9479

SERVICES Avon the company for women & now men too! For Easy On-Line Ordering Visit:

Stereo City 6725 Ringgold Road, Suite B Chattanooga, TN 37412 423-504-9874 Tennessee Biker Medical Clinic 300 10th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172

TRAILERS L&S Motorcycle Trailer Rentals Ask for Larry Cell: 615-308-1288 All size trailers for your needs!

LEGAL AIM/NCOM Richard M. Lester 800-531-2424/ 1-800-on-a-bike

TRAVEL Mechele MacDaniel AAA Travel 1701 Mallory Ln, Ste 200, Brentwood Tn 37027 615-376-1601 ext 265 Call for all your travel needs. September 2015

September 2015


GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to:

Rally in the Alley @ Losers in Cool Springs Date: 09/03/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Losers Most Wanted Bar & Grill 1000 Meridian Blvd Franklin, TN RALLY IN THE ALLEY @ LOSERS II HOSTED BY HARLEY DAVIDSON OF COOLSPRINGS - 6-9P BIKES - LIVE MUSIC FROM BRANDON HOLDER - DRINK AND DINNER SPECIALS - LOTS OF GIVEAWAYS! The Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 09/04/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Clarksville, TN 37043 Live Music David Buckner 8pm-Midnight Cheatham County Cruise-In Date: 09/04/2015 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: River Bluff Park Contact phone: 615-347-9778 Cars/Trucks/Bikes Music-Fun-Vendors Welcome Peoples Choice picked each month Find us on Facebook Contact Charles King 615-347-9778 or Sandra Gregory 615-9578834 Ride with V13ION Date: 09/05/2015 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Your Favorite Dealership The event will include a memorial ride for all Tennesseans that have lost their lives to suicide, starting at 10 AM Central/11 AM Eastern at local Harley-Davidson dealerships— each one offering information and resources about mental health and suicide prevention. Riders will register online and make donations to support the dealership of their choice, with a custom-built reverse-flow smoker with trailer (courtesy of Breezin Metal Works) awarded to the dealership that raises the most donations for suicide awareness and prevention. Purchase ticket / make a donation Additional information on V13ION Sloans Motorcycle & ATV Pancake Breakfast/Ride Date: 09/05/2015 Time: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: Monthly pancake breakfast, followed by a fun ride (weather permitting) All Motorcycle brands welcome The Shed Concert Series Presents: The Kentucky Headhunters Date: 09/05/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Shed Smokehouse & Juke Joint 1820 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville, T Contact phone: 865-977-1669 Classic Rock Legends The Kentucky Headhunters return for their annual show at the Shed on Labor Day Weekend! Don’t miss the downhome, southern extravaganza that these Grammy Award winning musicians will deliver! OTIS returns to The Shed for a second time this season to round out the bill! 6pm- Doors/Dragon Hour (until 7pm) 7:30pm- OTIS 8:30pm- Kentucky Headhunters Tickets- $15: Ride Up/Advance $20: Day of Show 40

Highway 12 Motorsports ADOPTION BENEFIT RIDE Date: 09/05/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Highway 12 Motorsports ADOPTION BENEFIT RIDE Registraion @ Highway 12 Motorsports Registration 9am Kickoff 9:30am Cool Springs H-D Labor Day Weekend Party Date: 09/05/2015 - 09/07/2015 Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs LABOR DAY WEEKEND, SATURDAY THOUGH MONDAY- LIVE MUSIC EVERYDAY FULL LIQUOR BAR - *FREE FOOD* *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST* SATURDAY: ANDREW VAN ETTEN 11A-4PM SUNDAY: JENNIFER LEIGH YOUNG 12N-3P MONDAY: JIMMY STEWART (OPENED FOR REBA) 12N-4P Bumpus H-D Memphis Ride to Delta Fair Bike Night! Date: 09/09/2015 Time: 5:30 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis Join us for a Ride to Delta Fair Bike Night! All riders will get free admission to the Delta Fair and VIP Parking. There will be a chicken wing eating contest, burn out contest and live music! KSU @ 5:30PM from Bumpus on Whitten. The Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 09/11/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Clarksville, TN 37043 Live Music • Ballistic Pintos • 8pm-Midnight Highway 12 Motorsports INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE & PARTY Date: 09/12/2015 Time: 8:30 AM Location: Highway 12 Motorsports, 5110 Ashland City Highway, Nashville, TN INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE & PARTY Sale starts at 8:30A Food & Drinks (while they last), with Music by Brit Stokes 11:00A-1:00P Highway 12 Angels Meet-N-Greet & Autographs 12:00P-1:00P Highway 12 Motorsports is a stop en-route for the Intervention Ride on this day as well. See our calendar listing for information on registering for that if you would like to participate in that as well. Registration for that ride will be at Oak Hill Assembly, 5200 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN 37220 starting at 10:00 AM. Colboch Harley-Davidson Open House Date: 09/12/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Colboch Harley-Davidson 1830 N. Davy Crockett Pkwy • Morristown, TN Cruise-In Motorcycle, Car, & Truck Show Cruise in with any model bike, car or truck and donate $10 to the Shop with a Cop Program for each vehicle registered. Registration is from 9am-2pm. Awards will be presented on stage at 3:30pm. Motorcycle, Car, & Truck Show There will be three categories: Motorcycle, Car, and Truck. Each will be judged and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place plaques will be awarded in each category. (All entries receive a participation plaque) People’s Choice Winner! For every $1 you donate to the Shop with a Cop program, you will receive a ticket which allows you to vote for your favorite vehicle, and gives you a chance to win $100 Colboch Harley-Davidson® gift certificate. The People’s Choice Winner will receive $100 Cash! (You do not have to be present to win. The winning # will be posted in the customer lounge)

September 2015

GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to: Bumpus H-D Memphis American Red Cross Blood Drive Date: 09/12/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis American Red Cross Blood Drive from 10AM-2PM. All eligible donors receive 1 MVP Bonus Points for donating.

The Bent Wrench Roadhouse Bike Night Date: 09/18/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM Location: The Bent Wrench Roadhouse 4724 Ashland City Road Clarksville, TN 37043 Live Music Addison Johnson 8pm-Midnight

Indian of Murfreesboro Indian Motorcycle Demo Rides Date: 09/15/2015 - 09/16/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: Demo Rides from 10a to 4p - details coming soon!

5th Annual Scottsboro/Jordonia Antique Tractor & Antique Car Show Date: 09/19/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: 4550 Eatons Creek Road Nashville, TN 37218 5th Annual Scottsboro/Jordonia Antique Tractor & Antique Car Show 4550 Eatons Creek Road Nashville, TN 37218 8AM-5PM FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Admission: $5 Children 12 & Under FREE Competitions - Displays - BBQ - Vendors - Demonstrations Antique Auto Show sponsored by Highway 12 Motorsports 1st Place = $500 & Trophy 2nd Place = $300 & Trophy 3rd Place = $200 & Trophy More Info: Mike Flowers 615.876.8493

Bumpus H-D Memphis Ride to Beale Street Bike Night Date: 09/16/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis Rescheduled for 3rd Wednesday Ride to Beale Street Bike Night. Join the Bumpus H-D of Memphis crew as we ride down to world famous Beale Street Bike night on the 2nd and last Wednesday of every month. MVP Members get 1 MVP point for riding down to Beale Street with Bumpus H-D. Meet & Greet @ 6PM. KSU @ 6:15PM from Bumpus H-D Memphis. Sloans Motorcycle & ATV Mystery Dinner Ride Date: 09/17/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sloans Motorcycle & ATV 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: Meet at Sloan’s by 6:00 pm and join us for a scenic backroads ride to a local eatery! All makes and models are welcome, and we won’t keep you out too late! Bumpus H-D Memphis Free Motorcycle Skills Night Every Thursday Date: 09/17/2015 Time: 6:30 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis FREE Motorcycle Skills Night Every Thursday Night from Sept 17-October 29th Starting at 6:30PM in the Bumpus H-D Riding Academy Rider Course Parking Lot.Weather Permitting. Practice & Improve your riding skills. Learn a new set of skills with our Thursday Night Riding Skills Practice. Ride your own bike and at your own risk. All Brands Welcome! Practice sections of the Motorcycle Skills Course such as the Weave, the Box & much more. Be the Master of your Steel Horse! Cool Springs H-D Bike Night Date: 09/17/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs BIKE NIGHT @ HDCS - LIVE MUSIC WITH PHOENIX RISING FULL LIQUOR BAR FOOD - CONTEST- GAMES - 100S OF $$$ IN GIVEAWAYS *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST* Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Victory Demo Rides Date: 09/18/2015 - 09/19/2015 Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: The Victory Demo truck is coming to Sloan’s! Loaded with all the new 2016 models INCLUDING the new Empulse TT Electric motorcycle! More info and registration coming soon... BWC Toy Run and Benefit Party Date: 09/18/2015 - 09/20/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Clarksville Speedway & Fairgrounds, 1600 Needmore Rd, Clarksville , TN 34th Annual Leslie W. Watson Memorial Toy Run & Benefit Party All Weekend Sept 18-20, 2015 Live Music – Motorcycle Drag Races – Bike Show – Bikini Contest – Tattoo Contest Toy Run Saturday Sept 19, 2015 Line Up Noon at the Clarksville Speedway September 2015

Kickstands-Up Against Cancer Date: 09/19/2015 Time: 9:30 AM Location: Lowes Home Improvement, Jefferson City, TN Contact phone: (865) 654-2007 Lowes Home Improvement, Jefferson City, TN Cost, $20 1st Rider, $10 2nd Rider Presented by, Celebrate Life Cancer Support Group Contact, Sharon Manning, (865) 654-2007 Registration: 9:30 am - 11:00 am. Kickstands Up at 11:00 am Live Auction, Silent Auction, Food, Cake Walk, Live Music All proceeds benefit local area cancer patients. Bumpus Harley Davidson - COLLIERVILLE Car & Bike Show Date: 09/19/2015 Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Location: Central Church, 2005 Winchester, Collierville TN 38017 Contact phone: 901-316-1121 Wild bikes and classic cars, chance to win up to $7500 in prizes. Best bike in show trophy. We want your tricked out, wild paint scheme motorcycle in this event. We will be having a live band, dunk tank, merchandise (clothing and bug slide), our Riding Academy demo, and the Memphis Police Department Motorcycle Demonstration Team will perform. A poker run will also be at the beginning of the day, leaving Bumpus of Collierville 630-730a, and ending at the Car & Bike Show @ 10am, Registration is $25.00. Contact Theresa Cable @ 901-316-1121 for more details. Bumpus H-D Memphis 2nd Annual Let’s Ride for Christ’s Sake Date: 09/20/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis 2nd Annual Let’s Ride for Christ’s Sake. Join Jerrod and ride to 191 year old Spring Creek Baptist Church in Mansfield Tn. KSU at 8am from Bumpus H-D Memphis to Church service at 11am. $10/person. Money goes to church and includes a burger with chips and drink. Americas Motor Sports bike night Date: 09/24/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Americas Motor Sports 629 Myatt Drive Madison, Tn Join us from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm for live music and good times


GOT EVENTS ? Submit your events to: Bumpus H-D Memphis Free Motorcycle Skills Night Every Thursday Date: 09/24/2015 Time: 6:30 PM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis FREE Motorcycle Skills Night Every Thursday Night from Sept 17-October 29th Starting at 6:30PM in the Bumpus H-D Riding Academy Rider Course Parking Lot.Weather Permitting. Practice & Improve your riding skills. Learn a new set of skills with our Thursday Night Riding Skills Practice. Ride your own bike and at your own risk. All Brands Welcome! Practice sections of the Motorcycle Skills Course such as the Weave, the Box & much more. Be the Master of your Steel Horse! THE SMITH/WILSON/STONES RIVER CHARTER PRESENTS “FINALS POINT FIELD EVENT” Date: 09/25/2015 - 09/27/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: 5859 Hartsville Pike, Lebanon, TN Contact phone: 615-310-3436 SEPTEMBER 25-27, 2015 LAST POINTS EVENT OF THE YEAR!!! Located between Lebanon & Hartsville 5859 Hartsville Pike, Lebanon, TN Gates open at 6 PM Friday, September 25, 2015 Camping & Points Events! Winners will receive Medallions! $10.00 per person or $15.00 per couple Kids 12 and under free, Kids 13-17 are half price at $5.00 per person Camping allowed Friday and Saturday nights!! Vendors are Welcome. $20.00 which includes 2 free admissions For more info call Kim Marlin @ 615-310-3436 REVOLUTION MC POKER RUN Date: 09/26/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: Rivergate Station, 1677 Gallatin Pike N, Madison, TN 37115 Contact phone: 615.753.6468 Proceeds benefit a chosen family selected by Wounded Warriors, Nashville. Registration: 8:00-9:00 AM First Bike Out: 10:00 AM Last Bike Out: 11:00 AM Ends at Highway 12 Motorsports $15 per bike $5 per passenger 50/50 ticket drawing DJ, food, silent auction For more information: Kim Brown 615.753.6468 Appleton Fall Open House Date: 09/26/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Appleton Harley-Davidson 2501 Highway 41A Bypass Clarksville, TN Appleton H-D Fall Open House, Fall fashion show. Up to 70% off end of season motorclothes. Live Music, vendors on site, good food, good brew, and great people Sloan’s Motorcycle Women’s Mountain Ride Getaway Date: 09/26/2015 - 09/27/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: Women’s Mountain Ride Getaway! September 26, 2015 8:00am - 4:00pm Great weekend ride for the girls! Details TBA! Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Scavenger Hunt Date: 09/26/2015 Time: 8:00 AM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: September 26, 2015 8:00am - 9:30am Details TBA! 2nd Annual Jean Morrow Poker Run presented by Bumpus Harley-Davidson Date: 09/26/2015 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Memphis 2nd Annual Jean Morrow Poker Run presented by Bumpus Harley-Davidson. We invite all Jean Morrow’s friends, family and the motorcycle community to participate in this event not only to honor Our Bumpus Family Member of 27 years but to help raise money towards Pancreatic Cancer Research. This will be a self-guided 5 stop poker run. You can register and get your T-shirt and poker tally sheet on Saturday, September 42

26th starting at 9 AM from Bumpus Harley-Davidson of Jackson, Collierville or Memphis. You decide where to begin. Last bike in to The Butcher Shop by 3:00PM for Prizes, Party and Silent Auction. There will also be a Cash Bar and The Butcher Shop’s Famous Burger available for purchase. Your $25 Donation includes Commemorative T-shirt and tally sheet for a chance to win prizes. Open House/Demo Days at Harley Davidson of Cool Springs Date: 09/26/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Harley Davidson of Cool Springs OPEN HOUSE at HDCS 10A-5P DEMOS - LIVE MUSIC - FULL LIQUOR BAR - INHOUSE POKER RUN Sloans Motorcycle & ATV Bike Night at Woodys BBQ Date: 09/27/2015 Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sloans Motorcycle 2233 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN Contact email: Tuesday 6p to 9 p at Woody’s BBQ - Sloan’s Bike Night!+ Mid Tenn Rider Education will be on-hand with giveaways! Woody’s will have food specials and you can enjoy an adult beverage in-store or in their outdoor eating area This is a 50/50 Rule Event – if there is severe weather, or a forecast of greater than 50% rain, or the high for the day is less than 50 degrees – the mission is scrubbed until next month. C.C.A.V. Inc Dice Run Fundraiser Date: 09/27/2015 Time: 1:00 PM Location: VFW Post 11160, 1068 Lafayette Rd Clarksville Contact phone: 931-216-9745 Help Bring the Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall to Veterans Park, Oak Grove KY Dice Run Beginning at VFW post 11160, first vehicle out at 1:00pm, last in at 5:00pm Dice Run, Auction, 50/50 raffle Food. Prize for Best and Worst hands All proceeds go toward the cost of the wall. Bikers Who Scare Haunted House Date: 10/09/2015 - 10/31/2015 Time: 7:00 PM - 7:00 PM Location: 607 N 1st St, Clarksville, 37040 October 9 @ 7:00 pm - October 31 @ 7:00 pm $15 Opening Night Friday Oct 9, 2015 at 7 pm then each Friday and Saturday through Halloween Oct 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31 (Halloween) NEW Location – All NEW Layout – Old C&M Supply Proceeds Benefit BWC Children’s Charities Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial Wall Date: 10/09/2015 - 10/12/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: War Memorial Walking Trail. 101 Walter Garrett Ln, Oak Grove KY Contact phone: 931-216-9745 Opening Ceremony October 9, 10:00am, Visitation will be 24 hours daily from completion of set up (approximately 5:00pm Oct.8) until 8:00am October 13. Remembrance to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Sponsored by C.C.A.V. (Citizens Caring About Veterans) Inc. CMT/ABATE Nashville charter Fall Pumpkin Fest and Swap meet Date: 10/10/2015 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Classic Custom Cycles, 3515 Shelbyville Hwy, Murfreesboro, TN Contact phone: 615-243-8429 CMT/ABATE Nashville charter Event Fall Pumpkin Fest and Swap meet at Classic Custom Cycles, 3515 Shelbyville Hwy, Murfreesboro, TN. Oct 10, 2015. Starts at 10am Only $5.00 to get in, Vendors call Jesse at 615-243-8429 OUTLAWS MC 4TH Annual Outdoor Swap Meet and Ride In Bike Show Date:10/17/2015 Time:10:00 am until 5:00 pm (Rain or Shine) Location: OUTLAWS MC Clubhouse 1022 Free Silver RD, Nashville, TN $5.00 Admission, Free Vendor Space, All Makes Welcome For more information Contact Tommy (615)226-9156

September 2015



T-Shirt (Short Sleeve)

Tank Tops

T-Shirt (Long Sleeve)


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S - XL: $13.00 XXL: $15.00 XXXL: $17.00 + S/H & TAX S - XL: $30.00 XXL: $32.00 XXXL: $35.00 + S/H & TAX

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3030 Quail Court, Greenbrier, TN 37073

Make checks payable to: Thunder Roads Tennesse, 3030 Quail Court, Greenbrier, TN 37073 44

No refunds or exchanges September 2015

September 2015


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