June 2014

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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



Thunder Roads® magazine ohio www.thunderroadsohio.com www.facebook.com/thunderroadsohio

Main Office: 12467 Kinsman Rd, Burton, OH 44021 (440) 273-9000 • (440)425-0314 fax Office Hours: M-F 10am-4pm Publisher Derek Smith ThunderRoadsOhio@gmail.com, (440) 785-7331 Sales & Marketing Iron Cowboy Productions, LLC info.ironcowboy@gmail.com, (440)678-8608 Layout & Design Meredith Hancock/Hancock Graphics Subscriptions to Thunder Roads Ohio are available for $34.95. Check or Money Order, payable to Iron Cowboy Productions, can be sent to: Iron Cowboy Productions 12467 Kinsman Rd, Burton, OH 44021 Or you can email: Acct.TRO@gmail.com for subscription information and to charge.

National Founders Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive / Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Office 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580 email: thunderroadsfounders@yahoo.com

It’s 5am and I thought that I would share a few thoughts with you. June and the meat of our riding season here in Ohio is upon us – and it’s about time. This winter has been a beast, and just about every rider I know is eager to log some miles on their bike. As you head out onto the road, though, be cautious and constantly alert. Make sure that your bikes are functioning properly and you know what you’re doing on them. There are a lot of differences between riding a motorcycle and driving a car. That seems an obvious statement, but it’s one that I would encourage everyone to consider. We start a new series this month – Motorcycle 101, in which we present some of the “basics” of riding. Riding a motorcycle is a skill that we all must learn and practice to become proficient at. If you’ve never taken a formal class or really considered what you’re doing on your bike – chances are you’re just scratching the surface and don’t really have an understanding of how it works. Right now, I’m sure just about 80% of you are scoffing at this – “I’ve been riding since before…” Sure, but do you understand “countersteering”. Do you know which set of brakes provide more stopping power? Do you really know what part of the lane you should be riding in? If you’re a passenger – or you ride with passengers, do you really KNOW how the passenger should interact with the bike and rider? Should the passenger lean with the rider or should they stay aligned with the bike? I’m up this early putting the finishing touches on our magazine, which we consider a solid resource and service to the riding community. We work hard to ensure that our magazine offers a wealth of information for motorcycle enthusiasts – including tech articles, event listings, and cool motorcycle related features. All of this comes together to create a publication that you’ve made one of the largest motorcycle magazines published anywhere – and we thank you for that. In appreciation of that and as part of our continued commitment to the riding community we present our new Motorcycle 101 series. It starts on page 32, and I would encourage everyone that rides a motorcycle to read this article and consider the information contained. The biggest threat to the motorcycle community isn’t distracted drivers or too much cinder on the road – it’s inexperienced riders. We all need to become experts on our bikes and how to ride. That doesn’t come from simply logging miles down the road. Expertise comes from learning the basics and practicing the more advanced skills. It comes from understanding how the bikes work and how to get the most from them. That understanding might just save some lives this summer and wouldn’t that be a cool thing for a motorcycle magazine to accomplish? As always, I’m grateful for your continued support and hope to see you all out on the road!

Derek Smith




By the way – over 1,081,000 people viewed our facebook posts from Daytona Bike Week this year! (facebook analytics) If you’re not already a friend – stop by and join the fun! www.facebook.com/thunderroadsohio Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Road Tales..........................................................................................................8 ABATE.............................................................................................................. 16 Ohio Bike Week Bike Sho.................................................................................. 18 Flyin Ryan........................................................................................................23 Ohio Bike Nights..............................................................................................24 Discover Ohio: Ohio State Reformatory.............................................................33 Motorcycle 101: So you want to ride?................................................................34 CMA ................................................................................................................40 Hot Harley Nights.............................................................................................42 Madison Rising ................................................................................................46 Buckeye Thunder Run.......................................................................................48 Calendar..........................................................................................................56 Honda Of Marysville Open House.....................................................................60 Custom Feature: Suzuki T500...........................................................................64 Trackside w/Mike Weber..................................................................................68 From The Back of the Bike with Nancy Beach....................................................70 Motocross Ohio................................................................................................. 74 Buckeye Firearms Report..................................................................................82 4th Annual Pinned...........................................................................................84 Tabasco Report.................................................................................................86 Iron & Ink........................................................................................................88 Biker Friendly Listings......................................................................................92 Marketplace.....................................................................................................95 KISS in the Kitchen......................................................................................... 106 Joker’s Wild................................................................................................... 107 Events............................................................................................................ 108 Music Listings................................................................................................. 124 Index of Sponsors........................................................................................... 125 Bike Nights..................................................................................................... 126

On the cover... TRO Photographer Bob Mazur captured Huey Schwebs, Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing Co.’s 1943 Flathead and our feature model Melinda on this month’s cover. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



As told by

The Iron Cowboy Q&A with Imre Thunder Roads Ohio’s Aimee Ritz recently had the opportunity to talk with Imre Szauter, from the AMA (American Motorcyclist Association). Imre is the government affairs manager for onhighway activities in the AMA’s government relations department and has been on their staff since September 2001. His primary focus is state legislation, but he also tracks and reports on international, federal, and local legislation, regulations, and ordinances that affect the on-highway motorcycling community. Imre also works with government agencies, including state Departments of Transportation and Departments of Public Safety, to ensure motorcyclists’ concerns are represented not only legislatively but administratively as well. He regularly meets with representatives of the traffic safety and engineering communities and presents at meetings and conferences to educate roadway designers, planners, and construction and maintenance teams on the issues facing on-highway motorcyclists. He is a former Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) certified instructor and taught basic and experienced rider courses with the Motorcycle Ohio rider education program for ten years. He has been riding motorcycles since 1970 and currently rides a 1998 BMW R1100RT and a Trek 4300 mountain bike. Tell us a little about your role as Government Affairs Manager for the AMA Since 1924, the AMA has worked to protect the future of motorcycling and promote the motorcycle lifestyle. The government relations department advocates at the international, federal, state, and local government levels, addressing issues that affect the on- and off-highway riding communities. My role focuses on state and local issues through legislative and regulatory actions for on-highway activities. I also work with state departments of transportation and departments of public safety, the traffic safety community, and other organizations to make sure on-highway motorcyclists’ interests are represented. 8

What have been some of the issues you’ve been proudest to fight for? There are many challenges that onhighway riders face nationally, but the one I am most passionate about is rider education. As a former MSF-certified RiderCoach, I know firsthand the value of proper training. When governors and state legislatures come after the funding for rider education programs, I take it personally. In Ohio, $6 of each motorcycle registration fee goes into the Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund “solely to pay part or all of the costs of conducting the motorcycle safety and education program …”. Three times during the last eight years, the governor or the legislature has tried to either raid the fund or merge it with other funds. Each time, we got the word out to AMA members, other organizations and the riding community; and each time, the motorcycle safety and education fund was preserved. I’m very proud of the Ohio motorcycling community – they value the Motorcycle Ohio rider education program and proved it through their activism. Another high-profile issue is excessive motorcycle sound. Since coming to the AMA in 2001, I’ve worked to educate the on- and off-highway riding communities of the dangers of excessive sound from motorcycle exhaust systems. Some of this is equipment related, but much of it is behavioral. We’ve witnessed efforts at the federal, state, and local levels to quiet excessively loud motorcycles, often through legislation and ordinances that are over-reaching and draconian. Motorcycles are one of many sources of excessive sound from mobile sources, so we have to be there when legislative and regulatory bodies begin debating how best to respond to the publics’ call for action against all excessive sound. With rights comes responsibility, so we have to be there to protect our freedoms while acknowledging we have a responsibility to our neighbors and ourselves. It’s been said before, and it’s worth repeating – if we don’t work to resolve the excessive sound issue, someone else will, and we probably won’t like the results. Finally, encouraging the riding community to get involved remains a challenge. We realize that most riders bought their motorcycles to go riding, but without their ThunderRoadsOhio.com

taking an interest in the future of motorcycling, we may see the rights and freedoms we exercise today no longer available for their children and grandchildren. Make no mistake, there are people in power today who would like to see all motorcycles relegated to museums. Riders don’t need to begin a second career as a lobbyist to be effective – they need to be aware and willing to invest some time in protecting their future. That’s where joining an organization like the AMA and the MRF (Motorcycle Riders Foundation) as a voice on national issues and SMROs (State Motorcyclists’ Rights Organizations) like ABATE of Ohio are important. With many voices comes more power. What sparked your interest in motorcycling? While growing up, I learned my father rode in his younger years. In fact, I have an old photograph of him on a motorcycle – with three other people on board! I guess it’s fair to say it’s in my blood. I got seriously interested in motorcycling after riding several borrowed dirt bikes. While serving in the U.S. Navy in 1975, I got married and moved to California. To save money (a good excuse, right?) I bought my first street bike – a Honda CB360T. I rode that bike for one year and traded up to a Honda CB750F. It was a great bike, and with so many great places to ride, I was hooked. What other jobs have you held in the motorcycling world? I had never worked in the motorcycling world before coming to the AMA in 2001, except for teaching rider education courses. Before joining the AMA government relations department, I worked for 18 years in the telecommunications industry. In 1994, I got my MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) certification to teach the MRC:RSS rider education course with the Ohio Motorcyclist Adventure Program, the program that is today called Motorcycle Ohio. Two years later, I began teaching the Experienced Rider Course as well. When I learned the AMA had a position open in government relations, I thought I could put my engineering background to use with issues like motorcycle emissions, something the U.S. EPA was updating at that time. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Where is your favorite place to ride? I have several, but perhaps my two favorites are the Blue Ridge Parkway and in New England. The Blue Ridge Parkway needs no explanation. Consistently among the top 10 motorcycling destinations, it’s 469 miles of commercial-vehicle-free riding with breathtaking scenery. Many roads in New England are scenic, but the Scenic Route 100 Byway (http://www.yourplaceinvermont.com/scenic-route-100-byway) in Vermont and the Kancamagus Highway/State Route 112 (http://www.kancamagushighway.com) in New Hampshire were roads that seem to have been designed for motorcyclists, especially when the fall foliage is peaking. Just be careful – you and other vehicle operators can get hypnotized by the scenery and easily forget you’re riding/driving!

Tell us about the bikes you have in your garage or what was your favorite bike you’ve owned? My current motorcycle is still my favorite – a 1998 BMW R1100RT. No other motorcycle I’ve owned or ridden fits me like this one. It does everything I ask from a motorcycle and does it well. I know there are more technologically advanced bikes out there, but with ABS brakes and no radio, the RT makes riding a pleasure. What did you say to your kid(s) when and if they decided to start riding? My wife and I don’t have children, but I always make it a point to ask motorcyclists if they want their children and grandchildren to have the same on- and/or off-highway riding opportunities they did. If they answer “yes,” I next ask them what they are doing to ensure a motorcycling future for them. Makes many of them realize they can do more to help protect the motorcycling lifestyle. If I were a parent, I would encourage my child to make learning a lifelong habit and remember that to ride again tomorrow means to ride safely today. No impairment, no distractions, no risky behavior – actions that can lead to a significantly shorter riding career. I’d also make formal rider education mandatory for my child, if he or she expressed an interest in on- and/or off-highway motorcycling. Motorcycle Ohio (http://www.motorcycle.ohio.gov) offers training courses are geared toward on-highway motorcycling while the MSF DirtBike School (http://www.dirtbikeschool.org) introduces those interested in off-highway motorcycling. Let’s not forget those interested in four wheelers – the ATV Safety Institute’s (http://www.atvsafety.org) ATV RiderCourse is a great way to gain valuable training for our four-wheeled friends.

continued... Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



Why is it important for riders to be involved in the AMA? Involvement is key to securing the future of motorcycling. The AMA is a member-based organization, so that means our strength comes from our members. The small staff at the AMA is unable to do it alone. Sure, we research, track, post, and communicate important issues for our members, but without their voice, we’re not as effective as we could be. The biggest concern I hear from riders is they do not know what to say to their elected officials, whether at the federal, state, or local levels. Well, consider this – you’re the expert, because most elected officials and their staff don’t ride motorcycles or ATVs, so they don’t know the issues like you do. What is the best way for riders to make an impact on the law-making process? I encourage anyone speaking to his or her federal or state representatives and senators to make the conversation personal – tell them why you support or oppose a bill. Tell them how passage of the bill impacts you and your family. Tell them you are a registered voter and you live in their district. How do you know who your elected officials are? It’s easy – visit our Issues and Legislation page at http://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/rights/issueslegislation and type in your Zip code in the box labeled “Find your elected officials.” How do you know what the issues are? That’s easy, too – visit our Rights homepage at http://www.americanmotorcyclist. com/rights and browse the many sources of information. You can register to receive electronic AMA Action Alerts for your state and at the federal level by visiting http://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/rights/getinvolved/actionalertsignup and providing your email address. Lastly, you can explore the many ways to get involved by visiting our Get Involved area at http://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/Rights/GetInvolved.aspx. Can one person make a difference? You bet they can – and you may be that one person who influences your elected officials. Do you think it’s a fair statement to say that many riders underestimate the true effect their involvement can have on local and national motorcycling legislation? Absolutely! AMA members may recall in 2005 the efforts of one rider who challenged her traffic citation for riding her motorcycle in an express lane (HOV or High Occupancy Vehicle lane) in New York City. She knew that federal regulations permitted motorcycles to operate in HOV lanes. She contacted us for support. We wrote to the administrative law judge hearing her case, but she was found guilty anyway. So she decided to fight the wrongful conviction because she knew she was right and the judge was wrong. Almost three years after receiving the citation, she received her vindication when the state of New York overturned her express lane conviction. But equally important, she was able to pressure the New York Department of Transportation to explicitly permit motorcycles in express lanes when they next reissued their regulations. How? She proved she knew the regulations better than the NYC DOT and the judge.

Governors’ report: Motorcyclist fatalities fell 7 percent in 2013 May 07, 2014 - PICKERINGTON, Ohio -- For the second time in five years, motorcyclist fatalities are projected to decrease, according to a report released May 6 by the Governors Highway Safety Association, the American Motorcyclist Association reports. Dr. James Hedlund of Highway Safety North, a former senior official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, authored the “Spotlight on Safety” report, which projects that the motorcyclist fatality total for 2013 will be 4,610, compared to 4,957 reported in 2012. Compared with the first nine months of 2012, motorcyclist fatalities decreased in 35 states and the District of Columbia, increased in 13 states, and remained the same in two, the report states. All 50 states and the District of Columbia provided preliminary motorcyclist fatality counts for the first nine months of 2013, according to the governors’ association press release. The GHSA reported 4,469 motorcycle fatalities in 2009, which represented a dramatic 16 percent decline from 2008. “The decline in rider fatalities is encouraging news, particularly during Motorcycle Awareness Month when so many motorcyclists are riding,” said Wayne Allard, AMA Vice President for Government Relations. “And we hope that these reported declines signal a positive trend in rider safety on nation’s highways. “But the ‘Spotlight on Safety’ report is short on hard data regarding the factors contributing to the decline,” Allard said. “That is why the AMA is helping fund a comprehensive study of the causes of motorcycle crashes.” American Motorcyclist Association www.AmericanMotorcyclistAssociation.com

RIDE FOCUS: BRIDGES, BIKE, AND BLUES Once again, the Preble County Historical Society will present its Annual Bridges, Bikes, and Blues Preble County Covered Bridge Tour. Riders start the day with a pancake breakfast then set out to enjoy a 75-mile scenic ride. The ride ends in historic, downtown Eaton with streets full of Bikes, Blues, BBQ, and Brews! There will be live music, great raffle prizes, a beer garden, food, merchandise vendors and much more. The street party runs from 4pm until 11pm and features live music by Bad Men on a Mission, John Kogge, Blue Lou and the Mafia and…Ray Fuller and the BluesRockers! Rain or show the party goes on – hope to see you there! WHEN: Saturday, June 14th END: Historic Downtown Eaton, Ohio. Street party for 4 - 11pm REGISTER: Pre-register on-line or event day registration starts at 9 am COST: $20 per bike/vehicle includes 1 free event T-shirt + 8 raffle tickets, extra T-shirts only $10 BREAKFAST: Hearty Pancake breakfast to start the day only $4 ROLLOUTS: 11:30 am, 12 noon, 12:30 pm at the Preble County Historical Society, 7693 Swartsel Rd, Eaton, Ohio 45320

If you have questions call 937-787-4256 or visit our website at preblecountyhistoricalsociety.com

One person making a difference? You bet! – Aimee Ritz, Thunder Roads Ohio



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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



LEGISLATIVE UPDATE JUNE 2014 The mandatory helmet battle has begun. Obama has released his version of a transportation bill titled GROW AMERICA ACT. This bill allows the Secretary of Transportation to “engage in activities with states and state legislators to consider proposals related to helmet use laws”. The document is 350 pages, but if you would like to check it out the address is www.dot.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/docs/ DOT_surface_reauth-final.pdf. I’m assuming most of you don’t need to read my opinion on why this is a bad thing. You already appreciate being treated like an adult and able to make the decision on whether or not you want to wear a helmet. What I will provide is some direction. To contact your US House of Representative or your US Senator call the

US Capital Switchboard @ (202)224-3121. You can also contact the White House at www.whitehouse.gov/contact. It’s important to increase our membership to fight this battle. Talk to your friends that are not members. Educate them on what’s going on. Wear your ABATE shirts/hats. Carry membership applications with you. Put up event flyers. Invite people to meetings. Write an article and send it to outspokin@abate.com. Come to meetings. Get involved. It’s not someone else’s turn to do the work. The time has come to push or wear a lid. Regards, Scott “Woody” Wood Government Relations Director ABATE of Ohio, Inc.


Hi Friends,

The motorcycle season is officially started and we have had two warm days in a row. Motorcycle Ohio had its 2014 Kick Off to get them into full swing. One comment I heard was it has snowed, been cold and lots of rain but they are still getting riders trained. Training alone will not keep us all safe. We still need more training to be aware, stay alert and wear the right gear. The 2014 Awareness Rally and After Rally went off very well. We had a great turn considering the type of weather we started out with. Overall it was a great day. The tire winner this year was Rodger Kahrs. Thank you for supporting ABATE. The Governor’s Resolution was read on the State House steps and our members collected 187 Proclamations throughout this great State! Thanks to Imre Szauter, AMA Government Relations, for his words as he is always there for us. To Region 9, I can’t say Thank You enough. You all came together and put a great After Rally together. GREAT JOB! May 30th to June 8th 2014 is Ohio Bike Week. This is our state so let’s get out and support this rally. Even if you only come for one day this year you will have a great time. They have great bands and entertainment of all types. Look us up at The Original Margaritaville! June Jam is a must as well because this is our state fund raiser. Even if you can’t make it, buy a ticket and support ABATE of Ohio Inc. I’m ready to see some of the members that I only see there. It’s just a great time. Carla is still hunting for more vendors and will take them up to and during the event. Oh yes, I will be there with the Sound Meter. What a great way to check out how much of a Nuisance you are. Until the next time have a good riding season and be careful out there. As always if you need me call, text or e-mail. Ride within your limits. Mike Stock Safety and Education Director mikestock419@gmail.com 419-654-5446



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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO






he International Master Bike Builders Association returns to Sandusky for the 2014 Motorcycle Rally and will once again judge the Official Ohio Bike Week Bike Show, presented by Thunder Roads Ohio. Last year’s show was a success as bikes from across the Midwest took to Columbus Avenue for consideration by the IMBBA Judges – and rally promoters are expecting this year to be even more exciting. “We’ve had a lot of inquiries from builders all across the country – largely in part to the involvement of the IMBBA.” said Brad Stofcheck, CEO of Advantage Entertainment, producers of Ohio Bike Week The IMBBA was founded in 2005 by Jeff Starke, who had previously worked as chief technical advisor and lead judge for the World Famous Rat’s Hole Chopper Show - until the show’s owner, “Big Daddy Rat” Karl Smith died during Daytona Bike Week in 2002. 18

Since then Starke has established a system of points and clear criteria that has set a new standard that is used worldwide to recognize the craftsmanship and skills, knowledge, and talent employed in quality bike restoration, rebuilding, and radical from-the-ground up customization. This system is driven by the International Master Bike Builders Association - IMBBA - which has gone beyond simply judging shows to establishing a certification system for builders and skilled technicians. “When you go to just about any sort of professional, you look for certification to establish that they are indeed the experts in their field. Until now, we have really lacked that in the motorcycle industry. There are a lot of amazingly talented builders out there – but there hasn’t been any way to recognize those that adhere to established procedures or meet industry standards in terms of fit, form, function, and safety of the bikes they are producing.” Starkey explains. ThunderRoadsOhio.com

This may seem like an insignificant thing, until you consider that we are talking about the safety of vehicles out on the road. Just about anyone can hang a shingle claiming to be a bike builder – but how do you know that they can deliver a motorcycle that not only looks good, but can be ridden safely. That’s where the IMBBA comes in. For many, a bike show is an attraction and entertainment at a rally. For the builders, an IMBBA Bike Show is a chance to get their bikes judged on the technical aspects and receive concise feedback from a professional that has been trained and certified as to their knowledge of the industry and profession. All IMBBA judges strictly adhere to a straight-forward set of published guidelines used to award points, and all IMBBA judges go through a training apprenticeship, judging bikes alongside founding president and chief judge, Jeff Starke. The Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Jeff Starke, of the IMBBA, explains the system and reviews details of his scoring of Tennessee Steve’s Award Winning Bike.



BIKE SHOW judges use trade standards to award points that define the bike’s “Fit, Form, Function & Safety.” An apprentice judge does not become certified to judge IMBBA bike shows until his point scores match the other judges within one point in every category. To further reduce the margin, every bike is independently scored by three judges and the final points are a summation of their point evaluations. Using the point system published in the judge’s training manual, builders can go over their bikes with the judges to clearly see what points were awarded for physical attributes, as well as the sum of skills needed to assemble, fabricate and engineer each motorcycle. “It was a different type of show, that’s for certain.” Commented participant Loran Whittaker from Evolution Machine in Alliance. “It was interesting hearing the specific feedback from the judges, that’s something you don’t get from any other shows.” Steve “Tennessee” Higdon, another show participant, took the Judges feedback seriously. “They showed me things that I had never considered before. Some of the little details that really make the difference when it comes to technically reviewing the bike. I went ahead and basically redid my whole bike this off-season.” For those of you familiar with Tennessee Steve’s bike, that may come as a surprise. His bike, built as a symbol of Southern Pride, Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Downtown Sandusky

Saturday, June 7, 2014 Registration begins 8am, closes 11am. For more information please visit online OhioBikeWeek.com or www.imbba.com Global Points Judging System

is a celebration of craftsmanship. The IMBBA Judges recognized artistry of the bike, but were able to point out technical aspects of the build that could be improved upon. Steve welcomed the feedback and seized the opportunity to take his bike to a whole new level. The Ohio Bike Week Bike Show also features more traditional People’s Choice voting as well as the technical evaluation. Awards and plaques for both will be awarded – and all finalists will have the opportunity to have their bikes featured in Thunder Roads Ohio Magazine. For more information on the Bike Show or to register your bike, go online to www.


Look for more information on the International Master Bike Builders Association, including “Tips from the Judges” in upcoming issues of Thunder Roads Ohio. ThunderRoadsOhio.com

The IMBBA points system is unique and simplistic, and does not require the use of classifications. IMBBA judges score motorcycles individually based on “Fit, Form, Function and Safety.” It has long been felt that classifications are used more as a monetary awards process in most bike shows. It doesn’t matter who built the bike or how much money was spent building it. What matters is the sum of all the points earned in recognition of how it was built. The points are awarded according to IMBBA published guidelines based on industry and safety standards that are strictly adhered to by IMBBA certified judges. Each bike is judged by three judges, the scores are added up, and then divide by three for an average score. No one judge can influence the system, and one or more Master Judges oversees every bike show. 19



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BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO





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Flyin’ Ryan O By Aimee Ritz, TRO

hio’s own “Flyin” Ryan Kerr will be flying around the tracks this season on a new ride and for a new team. Now riding for Kyle Wyman Racing (KWR) on the #28 HarleyDavidson XR1200 in the 2014 AMA Pro Vance and Hines Harley Davidson Road Racing series, Ryan told Thunder Roads Ohio that he is in the hunt for the series and is focused on results. Kerr spent the 2013 season competing as a rookie in the AMA Pro Superbike class. A seasoned racer at the young age of 23, Kerr has competed in many racing formats from motocross to flat-track and is excited for the new challenges riding the HarleyDavidson for the KWR Team. A strong 12th place finish for his first race on the HD at Daytona International Speedway on March 14th proved that this season will be thrilling for Kerr and his fans. We’ll be keeping tabs on him, but you can also keep up with Ryan on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Thunder Roads Magazine® is proud to be an official sponsor of Ryan Kerr and his racing efforts. For more information on Ryan – visit his website www.flyinryankerr.com

Sent to us before Kerr hit the track at Daytona in March. Kerr said that he and Kyle Wyman, team owner and fellow competitor, were “ready for the race today; our bikes are dialed in and we have what it takes!!!


Racing at Daytona in March Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



ohio Bike Nights Zeppe’s Tavern

Just a few highlights.. Cincinnati Bike Nights Bike Nights abound in the Cincinnati and surrounding areas. Rides have choices for almost every night of the week. There are Bike Nights at Quaker Steak & Lube in Milford every Wednesday and Colerain every Thursday. Tri-County Harley-Davidson and Powder Keg HarleyDavidson host Friday Night Bike Nights on alternating weeks. On the eastside, Township Fields & Tavern hosts a Bike Night every Tuesday. First year Bike Nights in the area include Blue Note Yacht Club, Jim & Jack’s Tavern, and Tom & Jerry’s Bar and Grill. Variety is the spice of life and the ride! Check them all out this season! Cheryl, Thunder Roads Ohio


Newbury, Ohio www.zeppestavern.com Zeppe’s has quickly become a popular Wednesday Night destination for riders over the last two years. Known for great food and solid entertainment, Zeppe’s has been considered a “nice little bike night” by many – but owner Joe Ciresi wasn’t satisfied with that. Heading into this year, he blew out the end of his already nice patio and added a full size outdoor bar and covered stage. With expanded seating as well, Zeppe’s certainly has one of the nicest patios in the area now. The Burnt River Band kicked off riding season to a packed house for Zeppe’s first Bike Night which included a blessing ceremony for the riders and their bikes. The TRO staff is looking forward to a great summer at Zeppe’s!


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Rounders Lounge

Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati

Mentor, Ohio


The Mentor area has long had a tradition of great local bike nights at neighborhood spots where you can find all your friends and make one or two new ones as well. And at least a few of these had free food involved in some way. Well, that tradition is alive and well at Rounders Lounge! Every Friday night, Rounders serves up FREE double cheeseburgers for riders from 5 to 10pm. Every Sunday they offer FREE Roast Beef Sliders for riders from 1 until 9pm. There are some restrictions – but most of them seem to be about the fact that you have to be ON A BIKE! TRO stopped out at Rounders before the Louie Run this year and enjoyed a complimentary breakfast buffet along with a crowd of other riders. Afterwards it seemed as though the entire city came by and partied on the deck and out in the lot. Rounders is certainly one of our favorite stops – and one we hope to see you at. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

The folks over at H-D of Cinci have a reputation for throwing big parties, so when we heard that they would be hosting bike nights every Saturday this summer. We knew that they would be big. We came out for their kick-off, and we weren’t disappointed. Midnight Special gave a great show and riders came from all over the TriState region.





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BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO





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BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



Louie Run 2014

Lake County Fairgrounds

For more pictures, visit our facebook page. www.facebook.com/thunderroadsohio



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BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO




Sybil Martin, TRO

ne of Ohio’s most prominent landmarks is one that has a long and morbid history - The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield. Its imposing architecture and the infamous tales surrounding it make it a popular ride destination as well. The Ohio State Reformatory, also known as The Mansfield Reformatory, was built between 1886 and 1910 by Cleveland, Ohio, architect Levi T. Scofield; although the creation and construction was entrusted to F.F. Schmitzer, who was recorded as the first Supernatant. Scofield served in the American Civil War and designed many public buildings and several monuments during his career. He was a third generation Cleveland resident and the Scofield Building, which he designed, is named after him. His Cleveland home is also still in existence. When the architect was designing the building, he used three separate styles; Victorian Gothic, Richardsonian Romanesque, and Queen Anne. This was done to encourage and inspire the inmates back to their “rebirth” and to turn them away from their sinful lifestyle toward repentance. The facility opened its doors to the first 150 young inmates on September 15, 1896. The inmates were brought by train from Columbus. As part of the process in “reforming the soul”, inmates practiced in a daily regimen of religion, education, and the cultivation of a skill or trade. In 1913, the reformatory created and produced a catalog to promote items manufactured by inmates. The reformatory remained open and in full operation until December of 1990, housing more than 155,000 men in its lifetime. It was closed via federal court order as the direct result of a prisoners’ class action suit citing overcrowding and inhumane conditions (Boyd vs Denton). The United 32

States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio ordered the prison closed by the end of December 1986, which was known as the Boyd Consent Decree. However the closing date was pushed to December 31, 1990, due to delays in construction of the replacement facility which currently stands to the west of the facility. After 94 years of operation, the prison left behind a legacy of abuse, torture, and murder. More than 200 people died in the Reformatory, including two guards that were killed during escape attempts. Some of the gruesome stories include July 21, 1948 - a dark day in the Reformatory’s history. Two former inmates, John West and Robert Daniels, kidnapped the prison’s farm superintendent, his wife and his 20-yearold daughter from their home on the honor farm. The pair murdered the entire family in a cornfield off Fleming Falls Road. West and Daniels, known as the “mad-dogs,” went on a two week crime spree leaving six people dead. They were later found near Van Wert, where a shootout resulted in the death of West and Daniels’ capture. Daniels later died in the electric chair. In November 1950, the warden’s wife was reaching into a closet, looking for her jewelry box. When she removed the box, her hidden pistol fell to the ground. The pistol discharged and fatally wounded her. The warden died of a heart attack while in his office a few years later. In another incident, two men were once placed into solitary confinement together. Only one of those men emerged alive. The other had been killed and stuffed under the bunk. A man hanged himself in the hole and another set himself on fire. While the inmates are gone, there is still much to learn from the Reformatory. Education is a major component of


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the Preservation Society’s mission. Each visit allows for the opportunity to create a dialogue and in doing so, a door is opened for a larger conversation on the cultural significance of this facility and the history of confinement in the United States. Most of the grounds and support buildings, including the outer wall, have been demolished since the closing. In 1995 the Mansfield Reformatory Preservation Society was formed. They have since turned the prison into a museum and conduct tours to assist in the funding for the grounds rehabilitation and stabilization of the buildings. The East Cell Block, to this day, remains the largest free standing steel cell block in the world at six tiers high. The prison is said to be extremely haunted, both by the many inmates who served their time there and employees who worked there. In fact, many ghost hunters consider it to be one of the most active haunted places in the United States. The prison was even featured on the TV show World’s Scariest Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Places. The magnificent architecture of the Reformatory has been noticed by Hollywood a few times in the past. Filming for Harry and Walter Go To New York took place there in 1975 and in 1988, filming for Tango and Cash took place. The prison was still in operation in each of those movies. In 1993, the OSR’s most well-known film was shot, Shawshank Redemption. It is interesting to note that Shawshank Redemption didn’t use the cell blocks in the movie, all of those scenes were shot elsewhere. In 1996, filming for Air Force One took place. A false prison wall was built for Air Force One and many other props remained. The band “Godsmack” filmed their music video for Awake at the prison in 2000. The Mansfield Reformatory is located at 100 Reformatory Road in Mansfield, Ohio and is open for tours, special events as well as Haunted tours. Please check the website for additional information http://www.mrps.org/. ThunderRoadsOhio.com

AT THE PRISON There are several unique opportunities for you to visit the Reformatory this month: On Tuesday, June 3rd; there’s an Ohio Bike Week Prison Ride from Mad River Harley-Davidson in Sandusky. Registration starts at 8am and kickstands up at 9am. Refreshments are offered beforehand. This is always a very popular ride and draws a great crowd. Saturday, June 21st – Century HarleyDavidson in Medina will also host a ride to the Reformatory. Registration runs from 9 to 11am and the ride includes a pancake breakfast that morning and a guided tour of the prison. On June 7th & 8th, the Ohio State Reformatory will host Civil War Weekend. There will be reenactments, self-guided tours, food, vendors, and evening lantern tours throughout the reformato 33


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ride o t t n a w u So yo


imply put – motorcycles are a lot of fun, but if you don’t know what you’re doing you may not only kill yourself – you can hurt or kill others as well. Before we go any further – you need to recognize and accept this. Sure that sounds ominous, but it’s important to realize that riding a motorcycle is serious business. It’s a high risk activity that done correctly can be one of the most enjoyable activities you ever undertake. You need to understand the basics, practice riding, and treat riding with the respect and caution it deserves. While we are a motorcycle magazine and the vast majority of our readers are experienced riders, it’s important to recognize that there are many new riders out there – and it’s in our best interest to do everything we can to educate them as to proper technique and best practices. It’s important to understand that riding a motorcycle is a skill that needs to be learned. While some people may be more athletic than others, riding a motorcycle is not something you are born with. It takes time and practice to ride well – and you need to understand the basic fundamentals in order to develop your riding skills. Before we go any further we want to recommend that everyone take a quality, hands-on motorcycle training course. In no way is this article or the advice of your riding buddy a substitute for a structured class. Beginning rider classes are offered by many dealerships and the state itself. There are countless benefits to taking these classes – such as having the opportunity to learn in a controlled, off-street environment, having the chance to have properly trained instructors that you don’t have to feel awkward about asking foolish questions, and in many cases using someone else’s motorcycles to learn on. In many cases, a properly sanctioned program will also help you in terms of completing the requirements for getting your motorcycle endorsement


on your driver’s license as well. The basic RiderCourse® developed by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) is a great way to get started. You can find local training courses by calling MSF at 800-446-9227 or by visiting their website at msf-usa.org. In Ohio, the state offers a Basic Rider Course (BRC) which is designed to get you started from square one. The BRC is a 16 hour course that only requires you to bring a valid temporary motorcycle permit and the right attitude to the class. Motorcycles and helmets are provided – and successful completion of the course earns a waiver from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for the skill test requirement of your motorcycle endorsement. For anyone that’s attempted this test unprepared – especially on a large touring bike, that alone makes the course worthwhile! You must be at least 15 ½ to take the course (if you’re under 18, you’ll need a release from your parent or guardian) and there is a $50 registration fee. Yeah, that’s right - $50; and they provide the motorcycle and helmet! For more information go online www.motorcycleohio.gov It’s also worth noting that the state also offers several more advanced classes including the Experienced Rider Course (BRC-2) and the Advanced Rider Course (ARC). These classes are one day sessions using your own motorcycle and focus on hands-on, riding techniques.


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A structured class will cover aspects of riding that your buddy who’s “ridin’ his whole life” but never taken a class before may not even consider – such as effective turning techniques (how you’re really supposed to do it), effective braking techniques, and strategies for riding in traffic or even within your own lane. In all honesty, I started like most riders out there – by simply jumping onto a bike. But I didn’t really LEARN how to ride until I was forced pick up a manual to get my motorcycle endorsement. It was then that I really considered the mechanics of riding and how everything worked. I had considered myself a capable rider, but I had no idea how little I knew until the curtain was pulled back. To emphasize this point to the “experienced riders” out there and as an introduction to the new or perspective riders, we are presenting this series of articles covering the fundamental of riding. This is NOT to replace a structured, hands-on training program. Our goal is to introduce some topics, prompt some further consideration amongst the veteran riders, and to possibly encourage everyone to consider the basics of this sport that we all love.

the rotational force of the spinning wheels has a gyroscopic effect keeping the motorcycle balanced and upright. These forces also cause the two wheels to try to stay in line with each other at all times. If you push the right handgrip forward and the front wheel will turn toward the left but the motorcycle will lean right in an effort to keep the wheels in line. Eventually, it will become natural but keep in mind that it only takes a small change in handlebar position to cause the motorcycle to lean enough to turn.

So without further delay, I’d like to share some thoughts on the fundamentals of riding. Steering a Motorcycle Steering a motorcycle is fundamentally different from four wheeled vehicles. In a car or truck, the direction the front wheels point dictates where the car goes. Getting a motorcycle to turn is all about the lean. When you’re going slowly (below 10mph), you turn the motorcycle by shifting your weight – Counterweighting. Shifting your weight will allow you to change direction of the bike. If you lean a bike to the right, it will turn right. If you lean to the left, it will turn left. How to do that properly is not entirely intuitive. At higher speeds the easiest way to initiate and control a lean is by maneuvering the handlebars. To get a motorcycle to turn right, you push forward on the right handgrip. Though this causes the front fork to turn to the left, the motorcycle itself will lean right and turn in that direction. This effect is called countersteering.

When approaching a turn it is important to slow the motorcycle and downshift accordingly BEFORE entering the turn. Make sure to turn your head in the direction you want the bike to go. Looking through the turn will help keep a smooth path of travel, control the lean and keep you aware of any potential obstacles. Press forward on the handgrip in the direction you want to turn to initiate the lean. It is important not to slow down during the turn. Decelerating too much while leaning will reduce the rotational force of the wheels that keep the motorcycle upright through the turn. It is important to keep a constant speed or slightly increase speed to keep the motorcycle stable. Accelerating excessively while turning can reduce the rear wheel’s traction, which can reduce stability as well. Unless the turn is very slow and tight, the rider should lean with the motorcycle. In slow, tight turns it is possible to use a counterweight technique to better balance the bike. To counterweight a turn you should still look in the direction of the turn but will lean your upper body toward the outside of the turn. This should only be done at very low speeds when countersteering is less necessary and a rider can steer the motorcycle by turning the handlebars more in the direction of the turn.

Countersteering is the ONLY way to effectively control a motorcycle’s lean at any speed over about 10 mph. At speed, Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



Once on the road, it is critical to always communicate your intentions to the motorists around you. You can use your motorcycle’s turn signals, flash your brake light, and manage your lane position to let help other drivers anticipate your movements. Your motorcycle’s horn can even be used sparingly to get the attention of any distracted drivers around you. Also, remember to use your mirrors and check your blind spot before making any lane changes. Braking on a Motorcycle On most motorcycles there is a lever on the right handgrip that engages the front brake and a pedal near the right foot peg to engage the rear brake. Standard motorcycle brakes are hydraulically actuated to clamp down on the brakes rotors. The front brakes supply about 70% of the motorcycle’s stopping power (car brakes are similarly proportioned. One common misconception is that using too much front brake can flip the rider over the handlebars. Despite the greater braking capabilities of a motorcycle’s front brakes it is very difficult to make a flip a bike based on braking alone. To stop a motorcycle in the shortest distance possible, it is important to use both front and rear brakes in unison. Danger can arise when misuse of the brakes locks a wheel and causes the tire to skid. When skidding, control over the motorcycle is compromised. To avoid a tire skid, motorcycle brakes should be applied firmly but smoothly. Progressively applying the front brake allows the weight of the motorcycle to shift forward, giving that tire extra traction. It is important to avoid abrupt application of the rear brake because as the weight shifts forward, decreasing weight on the rear tire makes it easier to lock up. In the event of a skid, a rider only has a split second to react so knowing the proper procedure is key. A motorcycle’s front tire is mainly responsible for steering the motorcycle. If the motorcycle’s front tire locks up during braking, there will not be traction to facilitate steering. If your motorcycle’s front wheel locks up, you should immediately release the brake and then reapply less abruptly. A motorcycle’s rear tire is mainly responsible for powering the motorcycle. Despite the fact that bikes only have two wheels, they are pretty stable as long as it is under power. As long as the rear wheel is driving the motorcycle, its rotational force will keep it upright and the wheels in line with each other. If the rear wheel locks up during braking, it will naturally drift out of line with the front wheel. If you release the brake and allow the rear wheel to spin under the 36

Helmets and Eye Protection


roper gear is essential to safe riding, and helmets are one of the most effective means of protection you can use. While many may scoff at this statement, please recognize that this article is aimed at riding basics and new riders. I certainly recognize and appreciate the right of everyone to choose whether they wish to wear a helmet or not – but I think that it’s foolhardy for anyone learning to ride to skip this most basic step. After you know what you’re doing and fully understand the risks, fine – make your own decision; but until then put a helmet on. It’s also worth recognizing that a good helmet also makes riding more enjoyable because it cuts down on the wind and protects you from the elements (rain) and objects that might hit your face (bugs or debris from the road). Even in states that don’t require helmets, such as Ohio, Eye Protection is mandatory. Your eyes were not designed for facing 30, 40, or even 80 mile an hour winds – and they certainly weren’t designed to absorb the shock of having something hit them at those speeds. Proper eye protection means a face shield on your helmet, a pair of goggles, or shatterproof glasses. When you’re riding at 50mph or more, you don’t want your eyes tearing up due to the wind or you to lose your sight entirely after getting struck by something. SIDE NOTE: If you’re using tinted lenses during the day – make sure you take along a clear set as well. Even if you’re not planning on riding late, things come up and you don’t want to get caught out with nothing but a set of dark sunglasses. Riding blind is no fun and a sure way to cause an accident.


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

power of the engine again, it will try to snap it back in line with the front wheel. This can cause a motorcycle to high side and can throw the rider off. High side crashes can be one of the most dangerous situations a motorcycle rider can encounter. If your motorcycle›s rear wheel locks up, keep pressure of the brake. It is better to allow the rear wheel to skid than to risk a high side crash.

slick, adjusting your position in the lane to take advantage of them can reduce the chances of traction loss. On a side note, roads are the most slippery when rain first begins to fall. Rainfall can stir up oils on the street early in a storm. Eventually, the rain water will rinse the oils off so it can be wise to either let the storm blow over or at least get settled in before beginning to ride in the rain.

In most braking situations, the rider should downshift as speed decreases to keep the road speed synched up with the engine speed. In emergency situations, keep the clutch squeezed in and focus on braking. Before coming to a stop, however, make sure to shift all the way down to first gear. Normally, it is a good idea to keep the motorcycle in gear with the clutch in at stoplights. With the bike in first gear, the rider has more control and can get the vehicle moving quickly if necessary.

When changing lanes, it is critical to always communicate your intentions to the motorists around you. You can use your motorcycle›s turn signals, flash your brake light, and even your horn (but sparingly) to let help other drivers anticipate your movements. Also, remember to use your mirrors and check your blind spot before making any lane changes.

The best way to make sure stopping on your motorcycle is as safe as possible is to maintain a safe following distance behind the vehicle in front of you. By keeping an adequate space cushion between you and other vehicles, you can avoid the need for sudden breaking altogether. In wet or slippery conditions, increase your following distance even more since traction available for braking is reduced. Riding Within Your Lane Though a motorcycle is much smaller than a car, a rider is still entitled to use the entire width of his lane. Wisely managing lane position can help reduce the chance of trouble while riding. One critical use of lane management is to stay visible to other motorists. Motorcycles are less visible than cars or trucks and many drivers are not cognizant of them. Generally, it is not a wise idea to trust other motorists to do what they are supposed to do. Assume things will go wrong and be prepared for the unexpected. Ideally, the driver of the car next to you will take a moment to check his blind spot before changing lanes. Should you trust them to do that? I certainly would not trust my life to them. As a safe motorcycle rider, you have to take the initiative to make sure you are positioned so that you are visible to motorists around you. By adjusting your position within the lane, you can help to stay out of blind spots and ensure other motorists are aware of you. Another reason to utilize the full width of the lane while riding a motorcycle is to avoid obstacles. To four wheeled vehicles, things like potholes or debris are nuisances but they can pose serious risks to motorcycle riders. By scanning ahead, a smart motorbike rider can change lane position to avoid these threats. Most roads are crowned, meaning they are raised slightly in the center. This is intended to help streets drain properly toward the sewer grates. It also means that some parts of the road may offer a more stable ride, especially in wet conditions. This is another valid reason for managing lane position while riding a motorcycle. Another technique for riding in wet conditions is to ride in the tire tracks of a vehicle in front of you. Since these tracks should be less Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Stay Visible One of the biggest dangers to motorcycle riders is other motorists who do not see the motorcycle. Even attentive car and truck drivers can overlook the smaller vehicles simply because they are not expecting to see motorcycles amid other traffic. It is the responsibility of a save motorcycle rider to stay visible and ensure other drivers are aware of their presence. There are many tried and true techniques for staying visible while riding a motorcycle. • Turn Signals: Obviously, turn signals are very important in communicating your intentions to other motorists while on a motorcycle or any other vehicle. It is important to remember to cancel your turn signal after making the move to avoid confusing other drivers. • Headlight: Motorcycles made for sale in the US will have a headlight that is lit whenever the motorcycle is running. Many motorcycle riders will go one step further and use their high beams during the day to make themselves that much more visible. • Brake Light: If traffic and time allow, it can be a good idea to flash your brake light by tapping your brakes before decelerating. Since motorcycles weigh so much less than other vehicles they can usually stop quicker too. Warning motorists that you are preparing to decelerate in advance will give them time to slow as well. • Clothing: Bright colored motorcycle riding gear will help catch the attention of other drivers. Flashy helmet designs make more than a fashion statement and can also help a motorcycle rider stay visible. Most motorcycle riding gear comes with reflective strips but adding reflective tape to clothing, helmets and the motorcycle itself will help increase visibility.

In our next issue – Riding with a Passenger





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In the past 2 weeks, I attended 2 motorcycle events: one sponsored by Action Sports Promotions Inc which was a Loretta Lynn MX Qualifier; one sponsored by Action Sports Promotions Inc which was a Loretta Lynn MX Qualifier held at Briarcliff Motocross, and one sponsored by Chillitown MX. In both events there were preparations necessary before the event. Both were openly competitive where a rider must first be physically fit. It has been said that MX racing is the most physically demanding sport and to be on the top one needs to be fit. The bike needs to be functioning in top notch order as well. Once the rider evaluates the track design and conditions a decision needs to be made about what countershaft sprocket and hub sprocket combination will best transfer power from the engine to the dirt. Also in that equation the rider needs to figure out how aggressive the knobby tire should be and what air pressure will afford him that little extra grip Once at the starting gate it’s too late for changes. With these two events when that gate goes down, riders put their skills and nerves to the test by trying to get a better hole-shot than everyone else; picking the best line in the corners; executing and landing that double or triple jump; hit that table top just right so you are on the go when you stick it; picking the right speed through the whoop section not once but each time around the track; and still In a nutshell, God loves you right where you are at right now. being the fastest on any straight sections of the track. He (God) gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for your sins. Admit As I attended these events a question came to mind, “What to Jesus you are a sinner. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins. must I do?” A question that each racer involved in these Ask Him to come into your heart. Believe Jesus can and will events has to answer in one way or another. In fact, a form forgive you of your sins. If you have done this, welcome to the of this same question was asked in the Bible in Acts 16:30 family of God. Now, why not exercise your faith (meaning you by the Philippian jailor when he asked Paul and Silas, “Sirs, believe God did what you asked Him to do) and tell someone what must I do to be saved?” This question is much more you have asked Jesus into your heart today. important than the questions a rider asks themselves as they GR (Jerry) Niver are evaluating their bike or the track. CMA Ohio State Coordinator What must I do to be saved? The answer is quite simple. Acts 1:31, 32, “So they (Paul & Silas) said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household.’ Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.”

Come ride with us! CMA is a servant minded interdenominational motorcycle ministry with a non-denominational message of hope and love through Jesus Christ. Enjoy the family atmos-phere, make life-long friends, and join an army of people dedicated to changing the world, one heart at a time in the highways and byways. Visit us at www.cmausa.org for more information. Have a message you’d like to share? If you have a message that you’d like to share with riders across Ohio and the Midwest, let us know. TRO welcomes the opportunity to work with established motorcycle ministries. Feel free to share upcoming events with us as well, by emailing information to Events.ThunderRoads@gmail.com 40


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HOT HARLEY NIGHTS KICKS OFF! May kicked off the HOT HARLEY NIGHTS promotion with the first key giveaways at Mad River Harley-Davidson. The weather cooperated and a great crowd came out for their first chance to win keys that might just start a brand new 2014 Customized Harley-Davidson® Street Glide! As a reminder, Thunder Roads Ohio will be giving away 30 of these keys all summer long – as part of the Buckeye Thunder Run. Every check-in, at stops all across the state, is your chit in the barrel!




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Rocking the Anthem!


By Baby Bear, TRO

ecently TRO had the pleasure of doing an interview with the lead singer of the band Madison Rising, Dave Bray. You may recognize the band from their well known rock rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner”. Madison Rising has performed at USO events, NFL half-time shows, NASCAR events, Sturgis, and EasyRider amongst others as well as opened for Lynyrd Skynyrd and Toby Keith. What you may not know, is the strong patriotic background and beliefs that Madison Rising stands for and bases all their songs around. This is more than your typical rock band. We will have the opportunity coming up at Ohio Bike Week to see them perform and Thunder Roads Ohio can’t be more stoked! Dave Bray was gracious enough to give us a bit of his time to talk about the band and what’s in store at Bike Week and for Madison Rising in the future. TRO: Well obviously we are gearing up for Ohio Bike Week here so I’d definitely like to get into that and what we can expect from Madison Rising there. First off though, I noticed online that it looks like you guys will be joining us up in Ohio a little earlier than that for the Concerned Veterans for America Summer Tour. Is that right? MR: That’s correct. We stepped in with the CVA for a few dates in the summer time and we hit a few states with them 46

last year and it was a huge success. We’re definitely looking forward to working together with the CVA. They’re a really good community of people that are doing great things for Veterans and active duty as well. So they’re just creating awareness and getting out in the community and basically doing the same thing we do but with music. TRO: Sounds great! So bikers that want to see you before Bike Week can come see you June 5th in Cleveland and June 6th in Columbus before your Bike Week show on June 7th! Have you been to Ohio Bike Week or do you or any of the other guys ride? MR: This is our first time at Bike Week. But yeah I’ve been riding since I was pretty young. I started on dirt bikes and worked my way up to street bikes and riding rice rockets. When I served in the military I was a rice rocket guy and when I got out I got into cruisers. I actually sold every motorcycle I’ve had up to this date so that I could kinda keep doing music and spend more time and effort to what I can do on the road. I can’t always ride on the road. Trust me though, as soon as I get some down time I’d love to get into a bike. I try to ride whenever I can. Often times I’ll stop at a Harley dealership and rent a bike because we have friends all over the country that ride. We often times get asked to ride in different parades and different events for organizations and I try to participate in them when I can. ThunderRoadsOhio.com

TRO: Well tell me, and for those that are coming to see you for the first time at Ohio Bike Week: What’s the history behind the band and how you came to be? MR: Well we started pretty much like any other band. But we were looking for guys that really cared about the country and what was happening overseas and supporting our troops. Myself being a veteran, I wanted to find some guys that understood where I was coming from and what our mission was going to be. And that’s how we started. We started in 2010. Because of our standpoint, the line we drew in the sand and sort of the content behind Madison Rising we got a lot of attention and a lot of people were interested in a band with strictly a patriotic message. Our version of The Star Spangled Banner we released about a year and a half ago quickly catapulted us and really put us out there. I can only say thanks to those who’ve taken the time to listen to what we do and support us. We sort of span generations and different genres so it’s one of those things where we try to speak to everybody. It’s been sort of a tricky ride and we didn’t know how it would pan out but it’s turned out and we’ve been blessed. TRO: What highlights can bikers expect coming out to see you at OBW June 7th? MR: We are a pro- second amendment, pro- soldier, rock band. We grew up, or at least I grew up on Metallica, Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO


Marlboro Reds, and Budweiser beer. We like to rock and roll pretty loud and we get the crowd in to it. We do some Stones, Metallica, Doors, and Johnny Cash along with our original stuff. We’re a new band so people aren’t going to recognize all our songs but they’ll recognize our renditions. We’ve recently picked up a theme song for a television show called “Amazing America with Sarah Palin” so we’re making some strides. TRO: I saw that briefly online that you were working with Sarah Palin. How did you guys get hooked up for that? MR: My wife actually does a ton of outreach for the band. She not only works full time but she’s also a mother and essentially does a lot of booking for the band and outreach. She’s definitely a power player and silent horse that continues to drive us forward. She comes off very honest, smart and forward about our cause and has been an absolute powerhouse in that way. When she connected the band with an executive at the Sportsman Channel, she told them about what we did and why we did it and they liked it and what we stood for. TRO: Does anyone else book for you or how does that work? MR: We’ve actually been lucky to have lots of people across the country that work with us to get us into different venues. Lots of people support our cause and back us for that reason and we’ve really been blessed to develop lots of friendships and support that way with people that share a common understanding and values. Another thing that works in our favor is we really are our own label. Each guy has a piece of the success in the band. When we aren’t on stage we aren’t just sitting in a van or in a bar somewhere getting drunk, we’re working. We’re trying to make this thing work from the Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

ground up and add to the American spirit that you can come from nothing and build something special. TRO: Do you ever bring the wife and kids on the road? MR: Oh yeah, absolutely. When they are close shows… within 4 or 5 hours. We always have to do a little more pre planning when we are bringing the boys. It adds a really cool element. It keeps me focused on what needs to be done and why I’m out here doing what I’m doing when they’re not around. TRO: What’s the background behind the name? MR: We were recording on Madison St. and we were looking for a name for the band that would kind of encapsulate our patriotism and our country and what it was founded on. We really wanted something that exemplified the constitution and what it stands for. We looked at a bunch of names and since we were recording on Madison St. we looked James Madison up and found out what his past was. We learned about a lot of his accomplishments during the second revolutionary war and that he was one of the really true founding fathers. We thought about Madison’s Ghost or Bringing Back Madison or Madison’s Revenge, and Madison’s Phoenix and someone said “Madison Rising” as in rising up from the ashes or something like that. We liked it and it kind of stuck from their on out. TRO: Are you the only one in the band who has served in the military? MR: Yes, but a lot of the other guys have family members that have served and been inspiration for them. That’s kind of our support and the catalyst of what we do and our beliefs and songs. Me being the only veteran doesn’t mean I’m the only one that believes that way. We support our troops whole heartedly. ThunderRoadsOhio.com

TRO: Before I let you go, I was just wondering with the huge crowd you’re bound to see at Bike Week; Do you guys still get nervous before going on at shows? MR: No, I mean we are getting more comfortable with that. When we go through changes in the band it always brings some trepidation I think but I don’t really think any of us get real nervous. We know we’re going to go up there and rock it. Little things like technical malfunctions will make us sweat but the audience doesn’t make me nervous. Folks love us and they get it. After listening, people feel a little more patriotic and a little more love for their country I think. I think it brings people together and it’s a little more than having a good time and listening to music. It brings pride. I think that’s what separates Madison Rising. Madison Rising will be on the “Backlot Concert Stage”, Saturday June 7th during Ohio Bike Week. To learn more about their dates in Ohio and around the country and the rest of the band you can check out their website at MadisonRising.com. If you are not able to come see them at Bike Week, you should make sure you make it to their shows in Cleveland & Columbus prior to that. You can find their famous “Star Spangled Banner” video on YouTube (over 5 million views). You can also find their original biker song, Open Road, on YouTube as well. Of course, they are also on Facebook and twitter @MadisonRising. Madison Rising would like to thank all their fans and supporters for helping get the patriotic message out including their fans around this great country. 47

PRESENTED BY RIDER INSURANCE & THUNDER ROADS OHIO MAGAZINE Thunder Roads Ohio is proud to announce that this summer; we will once again be hosting the BUCKEYE THUNDER RUN - a state-wide, summer-long riding challenge hitting the coolest riding destinations and events across Ohio, presented by Rider Insurance! This is a riding challenge like no-other and features great prizes every month that you earn by simply getting out to ride!

The Way it Works

State and Stop Prizes

Each month Thunder Roads Ohio will announce a list of Thunder Run Stops each month. These stops are selected based upon the recommendations of our readers and confirmed by our editors. Riders can then hit these locations and present their Rider Cards in order to register at each stop.

Every month the TRO staff will randomly select winners from the check-ins. Some prizes will be specific to the particular stop - and usually sponsored by that stop. For instance, a leather shop may award a custom leather vest to someone visiting their store during the month of June. That would be a prize specific to that stop and only riders checking in at that location would be eligible for that prize. Other prizes will be state wide, with everyone checking in at any location eligible to win!

Once a Rider has registered at the stop - their Card number is then entered into the drawing for that stop. Thunder Roads will then select rider checks-in’s randomly each month from across the state for special prizes and incentives. Extra “check-in’s” are awarded for ride stops more then 100 miles from home. Prizes are developed by both Thunder Roads and our sponsors - allowing for some exciting options. They may include stays at exciting locations, riding gear or accessories, gift certificates, cash, rally passes, concert tickets, and even the opportunity to win factory and custom motorcycles! The beauty and simplicity of this program is that anyone can win with any check-in, but your chances of winning are increased by the amount you ride! The dedicated rider treking across the state has a greater chance of accumulating prizes - but the couple that can only get out a few days a month to ride can also win! Every check-in counts as an entry in the “drawing” - so if you hit 40 stops in a month, you have twice as many chances of winning as someone that only hits 20. The more you ride - the more opportunities you will have to win! That’s the whole idea - to encourage everyone to get out and ride! 48

The Winners If your check-in is drawn, Thunder Roads will post your card number both online and in the magazine. Riders will then have at least 45 days to “claim” their prizes. For state-wide prizes, winners will often have the opportunity to select from a number of prize options. For instance, a rider might have the option of winning a BiketoberfestÒ Rally Package that includes accommodations and extras for attending the Fall Rally. If that rider isn’t able to take advantage of that prize - they might opt for a Premium Leather Jacket instead. • Riders are able to win multiple prizes - based upon the drawing of their check-in’s. • Some prize drawings are specific to only check-in’s for the particular month - while others prizes are drawn from check-in’s season long. • ALL CHECK-IN’s remain in the system for end of the season prizes! • Riders are able to check-in once a week at a stop (MondaySunday), for a maximum of 4 check-in’s per month (not counting bonuses).


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads will also be working with charities and various non-profit events to include them in the Run schedule as well. This will be an easy means of encouraging participation and attracting riders from outside the local communities. In many cases, we will have specific prize drawings for those at these events.

BONUS Check-in’s! The 2013 Buckeye Thunder Run is supported by our sponsors, so we want to encourage everyone to support them in turn. For that reason, we will issue a BONUS CHECK-IN to riders spending $10 or more at the stop. The bonus criteria may be adjusted at some stops to accomodate riders or particulars of that stop. Specifics of each stop will be listed each month in Thunder Roads as part of the Stop Listing.

It’s really that simple! 1. Get your Ohio Ride Card. 2. Get the list of stops each month from your Thunder Roads Magazine, the website (ThunderRoadsOhio.com), or facebook.

The Ride Cards will allow participants to easily and safely check in at all stops. Some Thunder Roads Sponsors will also be offering discounts to readers that present the cards. Thunder Roads will be listing special discounts and offers in the magazine throughout the year as an added value to readers and means of encouraging our partners to offer these extra savings. PLEASE NOTE: Once you have received your OHIO RIDE CARD, you will not be asked to provide personal information or emails at any location for check-in. You simply enter your ride card number! One key aspect of the BTR is that we will be limiting the number of stops to a reasonable amount each month. We are NOT simply adding anyone willing to write a check. We will be considering stops recommended by our readers and editors, and we will only select those that offer a legitimate interest to riders – making them worth the ride to visit. We are not hosting the run as simply a means of supporting the magazine, but as a fun way to promote partners and cool destinations all across the state. This is not simply a “Chinese fire drill” or mad-dash across the state. This is a Ride program. It is meant to be a means for readers to discover new riding destinations and enjoy the ride there. In fact, we have designed the program to encourage folks to break out of their local routes and trek to the furthest corners of the state.

3. Ride out to these stops and show them your card. 4. And then you win cool prizes, including cold hard CASH! The first step will be for riders to register for their Thunder Roads Ohio Ride Cards. A number of select locations will serve as Registration Centers. Riders can easily register at these points – free of charge. They will then receive their Ride Cards.

NEW FOR 2014 – You can request a Ride Card through our website! You can now go online and register for your Thunder Run Ride Card through our website – www.ThunderRoadsOhio.com. Simply head to the TRO Online Store and order your Ride Card. There is a $5 convenience fee for this option – but ALL PROCEEDS are applied to our Warrior Fund, sponsoring charitable motorcycle events and organizations across Ohio. PLEASE NOTE - You can still use your 2012 Ohio Ride Cards. All Ride Card registrations carry over. Thunder Roads will also be registering riders for Ride Cards at specific events throughout the year as we distribute magazines. Key events, such as Ohio Bike Week or Bike Nights will have special booth for Ride Card registrations. In most cases, we will be offering special incentives both for those registering for the cards and those checking in with their previously issued cards at these stops. Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Just Get Out and RIDE!



FEATURE PRIZES for June 2014 One of the really exciting aspects of the program is that the Buckeye Thunder Run can be modified and added to throughout the summer – if not the entire year. We will be adding and dropping stops each month. Readers will be able to nominate stops, we’ll investigate them, and if we agree that it’s a suitable stop – they’ll be invited to join the run. Some stops will only run a few months – and possibly not consecutive. A cool winery in Geneva might be a stop early in the season, and then we bring them back during the harvest season! We can also modify the run if it turns out that something just isn’t working. We want to keep things exciting for you – the readers and riders on the run. We’re bikers and it’s all about the ride. We want to help create fun experiences for you and share some cool spots in our state. And we want to discover new spots as well, which is why we are encouraging everyone to nominate their favorite riding destinations. Again this is not simply a sales tool for us or meant to subsidize the magazine! We have designed this run to entertain and challenge our readers – as well as promote our partners. Of course one of the key components in this whole program, second only to the riders themselves, is the stops. The Thunder Roads team has spent a lot of time collecting nominations and researching stops for the Run; but there are undoubtedly plenty of more stops out there. If you have a venue or event that you would like to get involved in the run, please don’t hesitate to let us know about it. If it’s your place, we will get in touch shortly with more information on the run and what’s involved. If you are recommending a spot for someone else – we will reach out to them and let them know they have been nominated. If you can suggest a contact person, that can help expedite the process. You can send information to BuckeyeThunderRun@gmail.com

The RIDE kicks off this month! Pick up your card and hit some stops!

As we mentioned, this is a dynamic event – intended to be tweaked and developed over time. If you have ideas, suggestions, or concerns – please don’t hesitate to let us know. You can email us at BuckeyeThunderRun@gmail.com


BUFFALO CHIP, STURGIS Thunder Roads Ohio will once again be presenting Thunder Run Riders the chance to win weeklong passes to the LARGEST MUSICAL FESTIVAL in the motorcycle world – THE BUFFALO CHIP CAMPGROUND, STURGIS SOUTH DAKOTA! Lynyrd Skynyrd, ZZ TOP, Motley Crue, Pop Evil, Train, Collective Soul, Alice Cooper, Florida Georgia Line, Cheap Trick, and Zac Brown are all taking the stage at the Buffalo Chip - to name just “a few”. And the music is just one aspect – of this ULTIMATE RALLY EXPERIENCE! The Amsoil TORC (Off Road Racing) Championships, Stunt shows, The Top Builder Competition, The Legends Ride, The Biker Belles Celebration – all call The Buffalo Chip home during what’s billed THE WORLDS LARGEST MOTORCYCLE RALLY! Every time you check in with your Thunder Run Card at designated stops – you have a chance to win admission passes to the Buffalo Chip for August 4-10, 2014. These Rally Passes provide access to tent camping for one person in the public areas of the Buffalo Chip Campground – including access to featured entertainment, concerts, and other activities held during the rally. This Rally Pass allows you to tent camp on an unimproved (no power, water or sewer) site. If you are RV camping you will need either this pass or the Extended Rally or Early Bird passes for each person. For more information visit www.buffalochip.com These passes have a retail value of at least $275 each.


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO


Thunder Roads Ohio Subscriptions and Gear

All summer long, we will be drawing winners from Ride Card checkin’s to win Thunder Roads Ohio shirts, sweatshirts, and subscriptions to the magazine. May check-in’s will be eligible to win at least 20 subscriptions and TRO merchandise prizes.


Thunder Roads Ohio has teamed up with Mad River Harley-Davidson, The Barrel House Saloon in Sandusky, and Mickey Mart Foodstores to offer our riders a chance to win a brand new, customized 2014 HarleyDavidson Street Glide as part of Mad River’s HOT HARLEY NIGHTS promotion. On August 9th, select winners will have the chance to draw a key that might just start this amazing bike.

You could win this bike! Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO













New Albony












West Chester




































North Royalton


















West Carrolton




New Lebanon










Sheffield Lake






North Royalton




There’s only 130 keys in that barrel, so the odds are pretty good! Thunder Roads Ohio will be awarding 30 of these keys to select Ride Card holders from Check-In’s – 6 in the month of May.


If your card number is posted as a winner. Please email buckeyethunderrun@gmail.com with your full name and phone number. We will then get in touch regarding what you’ve won and how to get it!









Avon Boot Shop

Ride Stop

38450 Chester Rd Avon, Ohio 44221 440-934-3230

A great stop for all your leather needs - as well as boots, gloves, chaps, and plenty more. Knowledgable staff can help you get exactly what you need and ensure the proper fit.


Ride Stop

408 West Main St Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 297-7755

Vintage Harley Museum and one of the coolest, most knowledgable proprietors around make this a must stop for any rider.

Bonneville Bar

Ride Stop

13237 Portage Street Doylestown, Oh 44230

A fun local riding destination that features live entertainment and good folks.

Carlton HarleyDavidson

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

11771 State Route 44 Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 274-3141

A family owned Harley-Davidson ® Dealership that you can ride 10-20 minutes in any direction from without hitting a light! Enjoy riding through some of the most scenic roads in Northeast Ohio all within minutes of Carlton’s.

Century HarleyDavidson

Registration and Ride Stop

3053 Eastpointe Dr. Medina, OH 44256 (330) 721-1702

H-D Dealership right off 71 is a great stop for those riding between Columbus and Cleveland.


Ride Stop

9244 Market Square Drive, Streetsboro, OH 44241 (330) 422-0400

Chuggers is a lively stop that offers good food and a fun, friendly atmosphere. Join us for Bike Nights there every Thursday!

Competition Accessories

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

343 W. Leffel Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 323-0513

Incredible Motorcycle Superstore with great selection of bikes, parts, and accessories.

Freedom HarleyDavidson

Ride Stop

7233 Sunset Strip Ave North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 4942453

A local dealership with beautifully restored vintage bikes on display. Well worth a visit if you’re in the Canton area.

Gover HarleyDavidson

Ride Stop

1501 E. Ash Street Piqua, OH 45356 (937) 773-8733

A great family owned and operated shop conveniently located right off I75.

Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati

Registration and Ride Stop

1799 Tennessee Ave, Cincinnati OH 45229 (513) 641-1188

Great H-D Dealership that hosts events and appreciation parties all summer long.

Honda Marysville Motorsports

Registration and Ride Stop

630 Colemans Crossing Blvd Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 645-4081

One of the top Honda Powerhouse Dealers in the state covers the entire lineup, offering something for motorcycle enthusiasts of all interests.

Hudson Leather

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

14-700 St Rt 15 Pioneer, Ohio 43554 419-485-8532

Hudson Leather offers “rally prices” on quality products every day. Everything from rain gear and gloves, to luggage and of course leather jackets.

Irv’s Cycle Leather

Ride Stop

9156 St Rt 14 Streetsboro, Ohio 330-626-9600

Quality leather and riding accessories - at a reasonable price? Worth a stop to visit this free standing, year round Rally Booth!

Jackass Flats

Ride Stop

6024 Rip Rap Road Dayton, OH 45424 (937) 236-4329

Enjoy an escape to the Outback and take in one of the best bike nights in the state, worth a ride from the far corners of the Buckeye State! ONE OF THE BEST BIKE NIGHTS ANYWHERE - EVERY WEDNESDAY.

Joe’s Cycle Shop

Ride Stop

3315 N. Dixie Drive Dayton, Ohio 45414 (937) 278-8081

A great family owned dealership celebrating over 50 years of serving the riding community.


Ride Stop

2012 Cleveland Rd W Huron, OH 44839 (419) 433-6944

A real, “old school” biker bar nestled in a shopping center right off Route 2.

Lake Erie HarleyDavidson

Registration and Ride Stop

38401 Chester Road Avon, OH 44011 (440)934-5000

Harley-Davidson Dealership that hosts great events year-round, including national act concerts!

Lengends Sports Pub

Registration and Ride Stop

1840 Town Park Blvd. Uniontown, OH 44685 (330) 896-4433

This entertainment complex hosts a GREAT Bike Night on Tuesdays, a huge patio, live music, and good food. Always something going on here.

Mad River Harley Davidson

Registration & Ride Stop

5316 Milan Rd, Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 502-2244

A great dealership that always seems to have something going on - and if they don’t there, they are in the midst of Ohio’s vacation coast. Cedar Point, the islands, and countless other great destinations are minutes away. OH - and they are the host dealership for OHIO BIKE WEEK.

MAPS Air Museum

Ride Stop

2260 International Parkway, North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 896-6332

MAPS - The Military Aircraft Preservation Society - is a fascinating stop that is dedicated to educating folks as to the history of military aviation. And to that end, they have an incredible collection of aircraft spanning virtually the entire history of military aviation. The volunteers working the Museum are just as fascinating as the exhibits - so never pass up on the opportunity to get a guided tour! PRESENT YOUR RIDE CARD FOR DISCOUNTED ADMISSION.



Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO







Murphy’s Ale House

Registration & Ride Stop

7503 Granger Rd. Valley View, OH 44125 (216) 524-2077

Valley View’s largest patio now hosts it’s newest Bike Night every Wednesday Night. Live Entertainment, a huge comfortable outdoor bar and some of the friendliest staff around make this a great ride stop that we recommend.

Musketeers Bar & Grill

Ride Stop

3027 Brecksville Rd. Richfield, OH 44286 (330) 659-4111

Conveniently located at the juncture of 271 and 77, between Akron and Cleveland, Musketeers is a popular ride stop for many. Good food, friendly service, and a nice patio.

Neidengard’s Harley-Davidson

Registration and Ride Stop

284 Canton Rd Wintersville, OH 43953 (740) 266-6188

Ohio’s Oldest Family Owned Harley-Davidson Dealership

Norton Sporting Goods

Ride Stop

100 Norton Road Waldo, OH 43356 (740) 726-2616

A cool stop for riders offering something for everyone with a love of the outdoors. Great people as well!


Ride Stop

10755 Ravenna Rd. Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 998-6529

A very female friendly biker bar with a cool cutting edge look to it. Oh - and they have great food as well! BIKE NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY!

Schiets Motorsports

Registration and Ride Stop

1557 Oak Harbor Road, Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 332-9902

A family owned dealership specializing in Trikes! Offers full line of Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, and Yamaha vehicles.

Shaker’s Tavern

Ride Stop

2350 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, OH 44134 (216) 351-3070

A fun friendly atmosphere makes everyone an instant “regular”.

South East Gears & Cheers

Ride Stop

23333 Aurora Road Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 232-0029

Launches a new Bike Night this summer with a great patio in the midst of the Bedford Heights Motorcycle Mile!

South East HarleyDavidson

Registration Stop and Ride Stop

23105 Aurora Rd Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 439-5300

A great family owned Harley-Davidson ® Dealership with the world famous Harley Diner inside!

Ten Mile Inn

Ride Stop

7229 W. Broad Street, Galloway, OH 43119 (614) 984-5908

Recognized as having one of the BEST BIKE NIGHTS in the state, this is a great ride stop any day of the week!

The Basement Sports Bar

Ride Stop

480 W. Aurora Rd, Northfield, OH 44067 (330) 468-2008

More than just a Sports Bar - The Basement offers a fun comfortable atmostphere for all.

The Basement Sports Bar

Ride Stop

6976 Whipple Ave NW North Canton, OH 44720

More than just a Sports Bar - The Basement offers a fun comfortable atmostphere for all.

The Train Stop

Ride Stop

7837 Old 3C Highway, Mainville, Oh 45039 (513)683-0207

Minutes from a little secret that Southern Ohio riders know well (Oregonia) - this is a TRUE biker friendly bar that welcomes all. Relax along the river and ask the bartender why this was known as the “Monkey Bar” for years. (still is to many)

The Villa

Ride Stop

6303 Rip Rap Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 (937) 237-0091

The Villa was chosen as our very first Biker Bar of the month and it remains one of our favorites. A late night Wednesday Bike Night is always a great time. Outdoor bars and stage.

Tri-County HarleyDavidson

Registration and Ride Stop

5960 Dixie Highway, Fairfield OH 45014 (513) 874-4343

Harley-Davidson ® Dealership hosting great Bike Nights twice a month - stop by for a good time.

Triumph of Cincinnati


3251 Highland Ave Cincinnati, OH 45213 (513) 631-2000

Great Harley-Davidson ® Dealership that hosts events and appreciation parties all summer long.

Warren HarleyDavidson

Registration and Ride Stop

2102 Elm Rd Cortland, OH 44410 (330) 395-4700

Great community oriented Harley-Davidson ® Dealership with a Racing Team that just won a AHDRA National Championship

Warrior Racing

Ride Stop

38 Weller Drive, Tipp City, OH 45371

The Warrior Racing Speed Shop is home of Ohio’s high-performance NHRA team and they deliver performance to vehicles on two and four wheels. Very cool shop and you just never know what you might see there.

Youngstown Cycle Supply

Ride Stop

6915 Market St, Youngstown, OH 44512 (330) 788-9078

Youngstown Cycle has been the area’s resource for aftermarket parts and accessories, service, and expert advice since 1969. They also have a great showroom packed with all sorts of interesting items - including a cool selection of vintage bikes.


Ride Stop

11110 Kinsman Rd. Newbury, OH 44065 (440) 564-1300

Great food and a new patio, surrounded by open roads with limited lights or stops make this a solid riding destination. Wednesday Bike Nights.

Just Get Out and RIDE!

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO








Location Name



6/5 - 6/7/2014

Wednesday Saturday

All Day

Sandusky State Theatre

107 Columbus Ave, Sandusky Ohio 44870

Ohio Bike Week



06:00 PM

Ten Mile Inn

7229 W Broad St. Galloway, Ohio 43119

Bike Night with C&A Harley Davidson



06:00 PM

Quaker Steak & Lube

590 Chamber Dr. Milford, OH 45150

Bike Night



05:00 PM

Murphy’s Ale House

7503 Granger Rd. Valley View

Bike Night



01:00 PM

Zeppe’s Tavern

1110 Kinsman Rd. Newbury, OH 44065

Raw Iron Choppers Bike Unviel Bash



05:00 PM

Dave’s Hideaway

1730 Lima Ave., Findlay, OH 45840

Bike Night



05:00 PM


151 N Hamilton Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230

Bike Night with Sinister Stunts

Scan this QR Code with your phone to download an interactive map of all Run Stops!



Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO





Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

BIKE NIGHTS Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



Giveaways galore

THUNDER ROADS OHIO – Buckeye Thunder Run Event Stop

Honda Marysville Spring Open House T est riding the entire 2014 Honda lineup? Yes, please! Honda Marysville Motorsports invited everyone out recently to their Spring Open House to twist the throttles of all the new 2014 street bikes. Perfect weather, giveaways, food, and fun brought riders of all makes and models out to kick the tires. Thunder Roads Ohio’s very own Miss April, Candace, was on site signing magazines and smiling for pics. The B3 Goldwing Chapter rode over to hold a bike blessing for bikes

and riders at the open house. With all the bad weather we’ve had in Columbus, this day felt like the true beginning of riding season. You can look forward to their next fun event on June 21st when they host their 2nd Annual Ride and Find. Interested in test riding all of Honda’s MX lineup? Head over to Briarcliff Motocross in Nashport, OH, on June 29th for the Honda Marysville Motorsports Demo Days. Aimee Ritz, TRO Area Manager

Riders from Team Honda Research 60


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Literally – all makes and models…

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO




Wrightsville, PA Geof Baldwin, ReturnoftheCafeRacer.com Thunder Roads Ohio Contributor

Ring a ding ding, two strokes are where it’s at in the custom scene right now. Whether it’s an ex-farm bike converted into a street tracker or a race bred smoker given the retro treatment, smoking has all of a sudden become cool again. Between 1963 and 1977 Suzuki produced the two stroke T series of bikes that ranged from 90cc singles all the way up to a 500cc twin capable of making the ton. J & B Moto Co in Pennsylvania, USA found their T500 looking like something that mother nature had chewed up and spat out, but with some imagination and after a hell of a lot of hard work they produced this stunning result. Here’s how the bike came together according to J & B Moto Co builder Joshua Long... 64

We started this project when a customer that had some work done through us and offered this bike in return for a $80 credit. So we gladly obliged and pulled the bike out of the weeds in his backyard. When we got the bike to the shop most folks were a little skeptical of what would become of this bike as it was, for lack of a better term, a write off. The motor was seized and the frame was rusty but it was all there. Of all places the inspiration for the build came from a fallen tree in our yard. As we were chopping up the tree to remove it we looked at the wood and realized how much character it had. So we chopped a piece off and made a rough seat which ended up being perfect for our the T500.


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

First order of business was the power plant. The T500 motor was pulled from the frame and completely rebuilt from the bottom end up. The top end was addressed with a small port just to improve the flow. After all of the mechanical issues of the engine were addressed the motor went through the look phase. We try to address every part of our motorcycles, making sure that the entire bike flows and that nothing appears to be “hodge-podge”. The rust was removed and the cases were polished and barrels painted. The head got a speed treatment with some “go fast” holes drilled through the heat sinks to make it look like a racer.

The frame was sandblasted and the unnecessary tabs were all shaved off and the rear of the frame was shortened off before being sent off for paint. We decided on a ghost chrome to make it stand out while still being under stated. Once the frame was dry we mounted the engine back into it. Now all the nay-sayers were starting to eat their words. The front end was tossed aside and replaced by a modern Suzuki SV650 front end that was lowered and covers were made to give the modern front end a retro look. For the rear of the bike we chose to use a set of Gazi shocks to complete the handling package that makes this bike really impressive in the twisties. As for the rollers a high flange polished aluminum rim was chosen for the front and rear.

For the rear brake we reused the stock system but rebuilt it entirely. We wanted the retro racer look to shine thru so up front a 72 Suzuki GT550 front drum was used. Now the bike was a roller and the motor and frame were complete! We were originally told that the tank was ugly and had no character to which we rose the middle finger and said watch this. The tank was acid dipped and all the rust was removed. We then took some sheet metal and created a classic body line to add the knee cutouts. For the tail we took a rough mold off the rear of the tank to create the speed hump. It was now time for the piece of wood, that had been slowly drying in the corner of the shop, to get involved. We carved and sanded the piece till it was just right. After we got it to fit into the seat section we still thought the body work was missing something. So we inlaid copper into the rear tail section to match what we laid into the front of the tank panels.

We had originally painted the bike in blue ...... 24hrs later it went back in the booth as it simply didn’t work. So a one year only Porsche 930 color was chosen with some slight modification. The green was laid down with a green pearl over the top and inside the accent lines a white marble was applied. After all the work on the body was completed all that was left were the finishing touches. The oil injection was retained but we replaced the can with a 1920’s brass fire extinguisher. The headlamp is a antique GM fog lamp housing. The turn signals are antique Dodge Truck dash indicator lights which we mounted in the bar ends. The grips are leather wrapped and we used the same leather on the seat pad to tie things together (and to keep the splinters outta your a$$). For more information on J&B Moto Co, visit their website jbmotoco.com

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



The exhaust had to be unique and as to be expected nothing available that tickled our fancy so we decided to make our own. With a lot of head scratching and swear words we found the right equation to size our chambers so that we could run them in the under the bike. It took a full day just to make those pipes but they turned out great. We are very proud to say we did and still continue to do all our work in house. We love a challenge and this one was exactly that, but for all the headaches and all the late nights, this old girl really shows what we love about building custom motorcycles.




Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO

Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



TRACKSIDE w/mike weber Thunder Roads Ohio Contributor

BMW For Sale I am 49 years old. Although I am still incredibly cute and adorable, I am falling apart a bit physically. Too much football in high school and college, too many motorcycle crashes and too many triathlons and marathons have led to a hip joint that pretty much retired and headed south without the rest of me. As it slowly got worse it led to an inability to comfortably ride certain motorcycles, especially any bike with a sporty aggressive seat position. My right foot would just no longer go into that position without hop off the bike pain. Oddly enough my 2004 BMW R1100S was the first casualty of the bad hip. No matter how I tried I could not fit comfortably on it and it was eventually relegated to the back of the garage. As I was still able to ride my Bonneville, R1 and CRF450F the BMWs got out less and less. Ultimately last November I had my hip resurfaced. Just like anyone who has finally had surgery to correct a problem my first response was, wow, I should have done this a long time ago. History of BMW – While growing up in the 70s and reading every motorcycle magazine I could find I developed a love for the odd and unusual European bikes, especially Triumph and BMW. Any of the classic Triumph models always had some bad ass character riding it whether it was Steve McQueen, Marlon Brando or Arthur Fonzarelli. You just never saw BMWs on the west side of Cincinnati and the magazines gushed about how great they are which made these bikes even more exotic. I knew that when I got older I wanted one of each. A brief glimpse at BMW in Wikipedia (fortunately they are never wrong) shows a great tradition of reliable motorcycles. They initially were formed in 1916 to make aircraft engines but in 68

1921 branched out into motorcycles. The first boxer engine was the R32, a 486cc opposing twin released in 1923. The R32 became the foundation for all future boxer-powered BMW motorcycles. BMW oriented the boxer engine with the cylinder heads projecting out on each side for cooling. BMW continued to develop this motor and during World War II introduced the R75, a 745cc air cooled boxer that was so effective in hot temperatures the American government ordered Harley Davidson to copy the bike for US soldiers. After the war BMWs factories were in ruins from the bombings and did not restart manufacturing until 1947. In the 50s and 60s the opposing twin motors were 500 and 600cc making about 42 horsepower. In the 70s they introduced a 750cc bike, a 900cc bike making about 67 horsepower and a 1,000cc bike making 70 horsepower. They have progressed to the point where the current R1200 motor makes about 124 horsepower. Although they made continued progress in the technology of the engine the R series (opposing twin) engine remained air cooled (airheads) until 1995. After 1995 the engines were oil cooled (oil heads). BMW did not introduce an inline motor until 1983 when it offered a 987cc K100 which was an inline four. BMW is also recognized for the use of a shaft drive and did not actually offer a chain driven bike until 1994. As a kid I was also fascinated by the odd designations given to the BMW bikes. The R69S, the R60/5 and other incomprehensible terms evoked visions of grand touring in the Swiss Alps. However when you read a summary of the designations it is actually rather logical. BMW uses a three segment nomenclature for motorcycles. The first segment indicates the engine type; the second indicates the approximate engine displacement in cubic centimeters; while the third indicates the class of motorcycle (e.g., sport, sport touring, dual-sport, etc.).


Thunder RoadsÂŽ Magazine OHIO

Engine type

• R - air cooled, horizontally opposed (“boxer”) 2 cylinder • K - water cooled, inline 3, 4 or 6 cylinder • F - water cooled, vertical 1 cylinder (through 2006), vertical 2 cylinder (after 2006) • G - water cooled, vertical 1 cylinder • S - water cooled, inline 4 cylinder superbike Engine displacement in cc • Current models: 1600, 1300, 1200, 1000, 900, 800, 650 and 450. Previous models included 850, 1100, and 1150. • Older models BMWs divide the approximate engine displacement by ten for the model number. For example, K75 = approx 750 cc.

Styling suffix designations:

• C - Cruiser • CS - Classic Sport • G/S – Gelande/Strasse Off-road/Street • GS – Gelande/Sport Off-road Sport (Enduro) • GT – Gran Turismo or Grand Touring • LS - Luxury Sport • LT - Luxus Tourer (Luxury Tourer) • R – Road or Roadster - typically naked • RR - Superbike/Racing • RS - Originally stood for Rennsport, but since 1976 has stood for Reisesport[42] • RT - Reise Tourer (Travel Tourer) • S - Sport • ST - Strasse (Street) or Sport Tourer • T – Touring

As I got older and finally got some disposable income I decided it was time to get a BMW. The R1100S was not my initial choice. As I was looking through the now defunct dealership in Cincinnati I saw a photo of it in a brochure and eventually bought it sight unseen. It made about 98 horsepower and 72 ft/lbs of torque with

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

its 1100 cc motor and weighed 458 lbs. It had the Telelever/ Paralever suspension set-up. It also came with heated grips, luggage and a myriad of other goodies. At the time it was far and above the sportiest of all the BMWs available. We got on well while the hip was still working. I rode it every chance I could. We would go on evening rides through the countryside, to the store and to work. It was a comfortable, sporty and fun bike. However as time passed the BMW got out less and less. The decision was made over the winter to sell it. Free up a little space in the garage and when I can get out on the rode I ride my Bonneville anyway. Who needs two road bikes sitting in the garage? Certainly not me. My friend Bob had some free time available so he kindly completed an overhaul on the bike to get it ready for sale. We cleaned it all up and it looked really great sitting in the driveway. You know just for old time’s sake lets get it out for a spin. Hey with this new hip surface this bike is really comfortable. Well let’s get rolling. You know these BMW controls are so logical and I didn’t remember how sporty this motor was. It sure carves these corners nicely. Hey this thing is awesome, I’ll be really sad when it is sold. Hold it, sell this bike? Whose dumb idea was that, not mine. It is always a good idea to have two street bikes, never know when you might have a mechanical. I can always build more garage space. Just so we are clear THE BIKE IS NOT FOR SALE. _______________________________________________________ Credits – The guaranteed accurate information on the history of BMW was plagiarized liberally from Wikipedia. The rest is based on a true story. Mike Weber, Attorney, handles motorcycle accident, automobile accident and workers compensation cases in Ohio and Kentucky. If you have any questions he can be reached at 513 621 2260 or at MLWeber@fuse.net.



From the Back of the Bike BY NANCY BEACH


hat do you do when you know for certain that spring and warm weather has finally arrived? Do you walk a few feet, hit the garage door opener, jump on the bike and go? Do you make arrangements to pick up your bike from storage where she has been safe and warm all winter and you know that she has brand new oil and she is all shiny and ready and waiting for you? Or do you start to take her apart and redo the things that you have been thinking about doing all winter and now you rush to get it done so Finished! you can get that first ride in?

Bike Pick-up Day!

It doesn’t matter which category you fit into. The goal is the same. Get out there and enjoy that ride! And there is a feeling of security knowing that your bike is being cared for when Indoor Workshop you may not have the room for her throughout the cold winter. Or the convenience of taking a few steps and you are ready to go! But let’s address that last category. I do talk a lot about my friend that is always wrenching on his bikes and still meticulously putting that soft tail back together. And always doing something to the Shovel, out of necessity. But this past month, the goal was to do a few things to the dresser to make it his own. Of course, nothing says “I love my bike” more than having parts scattered throughout your house. And, in his defense, it was a long cold winter and sometimes it’s more convenient to work in the house than trudge down a snowy drive way to the barn, build a fire, wait till it warms up…blah blah blah! Note indoor workshop picture, or as some people would call it, the kitchen. And, yes, those are 2 labs helping him as they are good at doing.

that it does make a difference when you can make your bike really your own. So… happy summer to everyone because we certainly waited long enough for it!

I have to switch gears to talk of someone very special to me. This past month I lost my best friend of over 30 years. It was one of those sudden things, discovered that he was ill and six weeks later he was gone. He was family to me and my children. He was a brother. And he loved his bike! He had his first bike at 16. With being in the Marines, school and family, he went for years The Real Workshop without one and had just gotten back into biking several years ago. And, as we know, he loved it. I hadn’t had a chance to get a picture of him on his new bike yet. Wish I had! He had just gotten a new seat for his 2012 Blackline Soft Tail and summer plans were being made. He worked with kids for 40 years and is a person that made a real difference in many people’s lives. Retirement plans were in place with him going back to volunteer a few days a week and then spending the rest of the time with his wife on the back of his bike. Those things won’t happen now. I will miss him and I know he is riding with the angels! Rest in peace my friend….to Chris Perrrin! Love you brother! Chris, we will miss you!

The dresser got a new look! He lowered the back and put new laced rims on and I learned a lot by being the helper! I am very good at holding this, picking up that, and I know how to use a mallet if necessary. I now know that tang is not just a drink the astronauts had in space. It was normal business of wrenching for him. For me, a new experience. And, tires are heavier than they look! Just sayin! Note-picture of the bike finished. WOOHOO! It’s for those longer trips and I know 70


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO









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THE LORETTA LYNN QUALIFIER Briarcliff, Nashport Ohio



Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO


n the realm of amateur motocross, making your way into the prestigious Amateur National Championship held at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch is often a stepping stone toward a professional motocross riding career. Tracks all around the country host qualifying races to narrow down the thousands of riders hoping for their shot. You can think about the qualifying process like the NFL Playoffs – Area Qualifying races see the best riders from all over competing in the “playoffs” for a spot in the Regional Championships (like the NFC/AFC title games). The best of the best at the Regional Qualifier make it to the “Super Bowl of Motocross” at Loretta Lynn’s. Briarcliff Motocross in Nashport, OH, hosted a last-chance Area Qualifier event in May that drew in over 600 riders from over 10 states and from as far as Australia. The top 8 riders overall from each class won the opportunity to race at the Mid-East Regional Championships at Ironman Motosport in Crawfordsville, IN, in June. Then the best riders from all 7 Regional Championships move up to compete in the National Championship July 28 – August 2. continued...

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



Briarcliff MX’s owner, Jeremy Osborn, told us, “I’m extremely proud of my team. We handled the adversity of the questionable weather and a large turnout very well. Many people couldn’t believe that it was our first Area Qualifier for Loretta Lynn’s. The races clicked off like clockwork. I’m feeling more and more confident in our abilities to host big events. We are looking

forward to the Built Ford Tough ATV National coming to our facility on June 14-15th” Check out page (75) for more details on this upcoming race! Written by A. Ritz Pics by C. Ritz

For more pictures, visit our Facebook Page and become a Fan! www.facebook.com/thunderroadsohio

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10 Years Later – Fewer Restrictions, More Concealed Guns


Buckeye Firearms Association Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. For more information, visit us online at www.buckeyefirearms.org.


hough the establishment media largely failed to mark the tenth anniversary of Ohio’s concealed handgun licensure law on April 8, Gannett Company, publisher of a number of Ohio newspapers as well as USAToday, has finally published two lengthy articles to mark the event. The first article is entitled “10 years later - fewer restrictions, more concealed guns”: When Ohio passed a law allowing people to carry hidden handguns, anti-gun advocates predicted there would be blood in the streets. The bill’s sponsor and gun lobbyists foresaw more than 150,000 people signing up for concealed carry licenses in the first few years. A decade later, neither prophecy came true. Ohio is not less safe — or considerably more safe — than it was when sheriff’s offices started issuing concealed handgun licenses


April 8, 2004. Gun-related deaths have increased during the past decade, largely caused by more suicides, but crime overall has decreased, according to state health department and the FBI’s Crime in the United States records. Research conducted on concealed carry laws’ effects on crime rates nationwide has been mixed. What has changed is the number of places Ohioans can conceal a handgun legally. Gun advocates call this fixing a convoluted law signed by an antigun governor. Those who oppose concealed carry label it as encroaching on the freedoms of Ohioans not wielding clandestine firearms. “When concealed carry passed, Bob Taft was governor. He had insane rules and restrictions put into the bill,” said Jim Irvine, chairman of the Buckeye Firearms Association. Those restrictions included a ban on concealed handguns in cars, purses and bags. Renewals were required every four

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

years along with a second competency test. Concealed carry wasn’t allowed in bars or public parking lots, such as the one beneath the Ohio Statehouse. Local governments also could implement their own, more restrictive rules on concealed handgun licenses. The article notes that, during the past 10 years, those limitations have been eliminated one by one. The biggest remaining restriction on concealed handgun licenses is “no gun zones” — or, as the Buckeye Firearm Association calls them, “victim zones.” Ohio law restricts concealed handgun license holders from having guns in schools, universities, places of worship, county buildings, day care centers, and private businesses or private parking lots with signs prohibiting guns. Much of the current proposed legislation focuses on reducing those restricted areas. “A gun-free zone is a terrible thing,” Irvine said, adding that criminals will target gun-free zones because they know they won’t be stopped by a person with a gun. “Gun control is a poison, and it’s killing our citizens.” Irvine said he doesn’t support carrying concealed weapons in restricted areas, such as prisons, courtrooms and airports, but most spaces should be fair game. Other off-limits areas just don’t make sense. You can drop your child off at school while carrying a concealed handgun in your vehicle, but if he forgets his lunchbox, driving back into the school zone violates Ohio law. A bill before the General Assembly would change that. “That’s a pretty important fix there,” Irvine said. While the article’s opening sought to suggest that neither side’s predictions made when the law was passed came true, pointing to a “low” number of applications in the first two years compared to one early prediction, the writer does eventually note that applications have skyrocketed as the law has been improved. As carrying a concealed handgun becomes easier, more people are doing it. Former Rep. Jim Aslanides, R-Coshocton, who sponsored the 2004 concealed carry law, said he initially thought 150,000 Ohioans would sign up in the first couple of years. However, that figure was closer to 68,000, according to counts from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. But the number of new concealed carry permits issued to Ohioans has doubled since 2010. Last year, sheriff’s offices issued 96,972 new concealed handgun licenses — a 50 percent increase from 2012, which also was a record year. Since 2004, sheriff’s offices have issued more than 458,000 new concealed handgun licenses, according to annual

attorney general’s office reports. That number represents about 5 percent of the state’s adult population, assuming everyone renewed their licenses and none was revoked. Irvine is quoted as saying the numbers are rapidly growing thanks to highly publicized violence nationwide, anti-gun sentiments from federal officials and more lax laws in Ohio. The article concludes by noting that surge of participation is encouraging for the law’s sponsor. “The number is very, very substantial, and we’re very proud of that,” Aslanides is quoted as saying. “Criminals beware.” The second article, entitled “More Ohioans take advantage of Ohio’s gun law as it turns 10,” includes information on a class the Gannet Company reporter attended in preparation for her articles. The report then delves into potential changes that are in the works: Should records of who can carry a concealed handgun be as accessible as traffic tickets or as confidential as medical records? Currently, Ohio law allows only journalists to inspect records of concealed handgun licensees’ name, county of residence and date of birth if they submit written documentation to the local sheriff specifying their request is in the public’s best interest. Reporters cannot receive copies of the licenses or copy down the information themselves, according to the Ohio Revised Code. Other residents cannot access the information at all. Police officers have access to information about whether an individual has a concealed handgun license. Ohio law also requires a person with a license to inform law enforcement if they have a firearm on their person during an encounter with police. Access to information about concealed carry licensees was not always that strict. Gov. Bob Taft required journalists to have access to the records before signing the 2004 concealed handgun law. Shortly after, at least one newspaper printed the names of every person with a concealed handgun license in the counties it covered, which upset gun lobbyists and owners. “This posting of our names and info not only betrayed the law-abiding citizens who have gone through the proper training and background checks, but now also puts us in danger,” one man wrote in a letter to the Buckeye Firearm Association. In 2007, a law took effect to restrict journalists from copying information about concealed handgun license holders. Now, Sen. Joseph Uecker, R-Dayton, has introduced a bill to eliminate any access journalists have to the records. “You, as a journalist should, not be able to look inside what’s in my house. So why should you have a right to look at list of concealed handgun licenses anymore than you have a right to find out I’m a member at this church or support this charity?” asked Jim Irvine, chairman of the Buckeye Firearms Association. After quoting from an anti-self-defense rights extremist who believes licensee’s personal, private information should be made public to check the effectiveness of concealed carry licenses, Irvine is quoted as saying there’s no evidence Ohio sheriffs are not operating efficiently and effectively in handling concealed handgun licenses. __________________________________________________ Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Secretary, BFA PAC Vice Chairman, and an NRA-Certified firearms instructor.

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



4 Annual Pinned th

Craftsman. Builders. Artists. Many of Ohio’s finest rode out on their hand-built customs for the Pinned event on May 17th at Rice Paddy Motorcycles. A cool motorcycle boneyard in Columbus, Rice Paddy hosted the 4th annual “Motorcycle Throwdown” on its grounds. You couldn’t find a much cooler venue in Columbus. Riders from as far as Baltimore braved the occasionally rainy and unseasonably chilly weather to attend. A custom gas tank show, “Tanks for the Good Times,” showed off some amazing talent and bands kept the party going into the evening. All we can say is that we can’t wait to go back next year! Aimee Ritz, TRO Columbus



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ot soaked this year. I g d” ne in “P during d ye lit d out a tle I really enjo and then drie mpen any spirits e er th ay w ’t da on the weather didn great time talking a the show. The ng vi ha as w ne he bands though! Ever yo and meeting new ones. T hey s nt nd disappoi . T with old frie bikes did not rs with a variety e th d an ed rock oppe idson garage built ch were mostly ts ranging from Harley Dav One s. an pl or ot er m w of po ritish panese and B gas tank I painted to vintage Ja a ng vi ha as art w me es” gas tank tim highlight for od go e th per r op fo ch ks e y for th in the “Tan as a great da ar . . . w it ll, ra ve O show! ntil next ye community! U – Josh Scott


of Old School



Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

The Poker Run


ell it’s that time of year again. I am getting bombarded with invitations to Memorial Runs, Charity Runs, Poker Runs, etc. I’ve done many Poker Runs in the past, but not so many anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I think they are a great way to raise money for a cause. We just stay so busy doing Club rides that it doesn’t leave much time for public events. People often ask us to attend, but I honestly don’t enjoy them as much anymore.

When you mix alcohol with either novice riders, or riders who think they are more accomplished than they are, it puts everyone’s life in danger. Oh they always start out good enough. Many bikes meeting up, getting registered and packing up to get ready to roll. People who don’t know one another are often shy, or hang out with a few friends that are riding too. By about the third stop many have had a few and start to loosen up. By the fourth or fifth stop you start seeing who the dumb a$$ is in the bunch. People start getting braver and sloppier with their riding. People start thinking it’s ok to blast off from traffic lights, rev their motors when stopped, do burn outs and act like general idiots. Yeah, no thanks. On the off chance that I actually do a Poker Run or Memorial ride, about two times a year, the club typically will hold back and ride in our own pack. I’ve put many miles in with these guys to my right, and we know how each of us think and react before we do ourselves. I know the personality of every brother I’m riding with, and that keeps us safe from riding with idiots. Many poker runs ride ABATE style, or staggered on the lane. We of course lane share, side by side. I HATE having anyone I ride with hanging in my blind spot. Staggering is fine when riding with novice riders, so there’s less of a chance of them rolling into a curve and taking you out too. I tend to judge who I ride with in the same manner. If I don’t know you well enough to ride next to me, I probably won’t ride with you.

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Having said that, I again say I’m not against those type of runs. They have earned thousands of dollars for downed bikers, sick kids, and illness research. I’d rather see a Poker Run than a Bowl-athon.. but that’s just me. I’d ask that you keep your fellow participants in mind though. In the past I’ve attended several Poker Runs where people have gotten Life Flighted, Ambulance Transported, and even Killed. What a waste. The common denominator was alcohol in these specific cases I witnessed. That mixed with adrenaline, the roar of all the bikes, the pack.. it can all lead to piss poor decisions. You take a great event for a worthy cause, and ruin it. If we do attend on e of these events, we have no problem calling out an idiot and telling him to get his head on straight or get the hell away from us. It’s not always intentional. Just understand that many folks don’t know how to ride in a pack. Hell just last weekend I did a Club Brothers memorial Ride. There were some citizens invited. We let the family members (Including the Club Brother who puts on the event in memory of his son) ride just ahead of the club. I was behind one such citizen when something came off the club brother’s bike ahead of him. A dust cover or something, nothing worth dying for. The dude damn near locked up his brakes trying to stop to pick up it up. I had 25 bikes behind me. I cut left and cleared him, and my club brothers did the same, but not without coming about 2 inches from taking him out. Rest assured he got an earful at the next stop. There’s not a damn thing that falls off your bike (except maybe your Ole Lady) that’s worth slamming on your brakes in a pack. Let the sunglasses or cigarettes go man, they make more. So as many of you head out this year to ride with your friends, and support those in need, take care to be aware of your surroundings as well as those you are riding with. If you don’t, the next Poker Run Benefit may be for you! Thanks for Reading! Tabasco, Tabasco.TRO@Gmail.com



Thunder Roads Ohio


At The Sandusky State Theatre 107 Columbus Ave, Downtown Sandusky May 30th – June 8th Thunder Roads Ohio and The Sandusky State Theatre have teamed up to present an incredible tattoo zone within the Theatre in the midst of Ohio Bike Week. From May 30th – June 8th, professional artists from across the country will set up shop in the Theatre and offer their services in this comfortable, clean setting. Here is a sampling of the work offered by some of the artists participating in the show.


r e b Far

Billy Hughes, Cleveland Ohio 88


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Brandon Robinson Pain & Pleasure

Jarrett, Chronic Tattoo, Elyria

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Mikey Farber

Mario, Pain & Pleasure



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Sailor Mike

Ron Bradshaw

Route 42

Tattoos by Country

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Ralph Buss RalphBuss.com 1-800-ON-A-BIKE Biker Friendly Establishments for Food and Drink

Barrel House Saloon 101 E. Shoreline Drive Sandusky, OH 44870 Blazin Bills’s 12891 Main Market Run Burton, Ohio 44021 (440) 834-1111 Chuggers Bar & Grille 9274 Market Square Drive Streetsboro, Ohio 44266 330-422-0400 Courtyard Lounge 320 National Rd Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 836-9511 Gatsby’s Bar & Grille 151 N. Hamilton Road Gahanna, Ohio 43230 (614) 476-0088 Hillsboro Grill & Tavern 804 McLister Avenue Mingo Junction, Ohio 43938 740-282-5599 Jackass Flats 6024 Rip Rap Road Dayton, OH 45424 (937) 236-4329 Knucklehead Saloon 2012 Cleveland Rd W Huron, OH 44839 (419) 433-6944 Legends Sports Pub & Grille 1840 Town park Blvd. Uniontown, Ohio 44685 (330) 896-4433 Longboyz Tavern 200 Cleveland Ave. W. Warren, Ohio 44483 (330) 847-2233 Mantua Corners Bar & Grille 11697 St Rt 44 Mantua, Ohio 44255 330-274-8403 Margaritaville 212 Fremont Ave. Sandusky, Ohio 44870 (419) 627-8903 Murphy’s Ale House 7503 Granger Road Valley View, Ohio 44125 (216) 524-2077 92

Musketeer’s Bar & Grill 3027 Brecksville Road Richfield, Ohio 44286 (330) 659-4114

Sportsterz 5422 Lake Rd E. Geneva, OH 44041 (440) 466-2361

Petticoat Junction 8376 Tyler Blvd Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 255-4793

Ten Mile Inn 7229 West Broad St Galloway, Ohio 43119 (614) 984-5908

Robey’s Pub 1318 Aida Drive Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 (614) 205-2615

The Basement Sports Bar 480 W. Aurora Road Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067 (330) 468-2008

Rounder’s Lounge 9175 Mentor Ave. Mentor, Ohio 44060 (440) 255-4773

The Barn 1947 Linden Ave. Zanesville, Ohio 43701 (740) 455-2276

The Pump 4024 Hayes Ave Sandusky, OH 44870 419-621-1041 Quaker Steak & Lube

Train Stop 7837 Old 3C Highway Maineville, OH 45039 (513) 683-0207

3725 Presidential Dr. Beavercreek, OH 45324 (937) 427-0500 8500 Lyra Dr. Columbus, OH 43240 (614) 430-9464 4094 Pearl Rd. Medina Township, OH (330) 723-5823 590 Chamber Dr. Milford, OH 45150 (513) 831-5823 6073 Dressler Rd, NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 433-9464 4900 Transportation Drive Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054 (440) 934-9464 101 Chestnut Street Sharon, PA 16146 (724) 981-9464

Robey’s Pub 1318 Aida Dr. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 863-3038 Sassy’s Bar & Grill 10755 Ravenna Rd. Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 486-0978 Shakers Tavern 2350 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44134 (216) 351-3102 South East Gears & Cheers 23333 Aurora Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146segearsandcheers.com

Special Interest Stops MAPS Air Museum

2260 International Pkwy North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 896-6332 Marlboro Volunteers Maximo, Ohio 44650 (330) 206-1629


Amsoil Thunderroadsohio.com

ANAC Baggers4033 E. Main StreetWhitehall, Ohio 43213 (614) 745-1077 Arts Parts Custom Cycle & Service 35 E. Church St. Marshallville, OH 44645 (330) 855-3762 Bear’s Vintage MetalWorks 408 West Main St Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 297-7755

The Villa Tavern 6303 Rip Rap Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 (937) 237-0091 Zeppe’s Tavern & Pizzeria 11110 Kinsman Rd. Newbury, OH 44065 (440) 564-1300 25780 Miles Road Bedford Heights, Ohio 44146 (216) 378-9400 Iron Horse Campground 20446 State Highway 79 Sturgis, SD 57785 605-450-0321 Shade Valley Campground 20158 137th Place Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 347-5556 CCW Classes

Sherwin Shooting Sports 33140 Vine St Willowick, OH 44095 (440) 942-8636

Nestor Insurance Agency 8 Mound Ave. Miamisburg, Ohio 45342 (917) 866-6138


VIP Autoworks 7564-A Mentor Ave Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 527-8743 Youngstown Cycle Supply 6915 Market Street Boardman, Ohio 44512 (330) 788-9078 Patch Sewing

Vandalia Range & Armory 100 Corporate Center Drive Vandalia, Ohio 45377 (937) 387-0485 Rider Insurance (800) 595-6393 rider.com

Papa Bags P.O.Box 1673 Medina, Ohio 44258 (330) 242-1588 Robert’s Cycle 1201 N. Main St. Marion, OH 43302 (740) 223-0999



Independent Motorsports 3930 South High St. Columbus, OH 43207 (614) 917-1350

Irv’s Cycle Leather Outlet 9156 State Route 14 Streetsboro, OH 44241 (330) 626-9057 L.A. Alterations 526 Fouse Ave. Akron, OH 44310 (330) 375-1850 Retail Avon Boot Shop 38450 Chester Rd. Avon, OH 44011 (440) 934-3230

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Carlton Harley-Davidson 11771 State Route 44 Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 274-3141

Guardian Oil Protector kbents.com

Century Harley-Davidson 3053 Eastpointe Drive Medina, OH 44256 (330) 721-1702

Hudson Leather 14700 Ohio 15 Pioneer, OH 43554 (419) 485-8531 Irv’s Cycle Leather Outlet 9156 State Route 14 Streetsboro, OH 44241 (330) 626-9057 KAMES SPORTS 8516 Cleveland Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 499-4558 Norton Sporting Goods 100 Norton Rd Waldo, OH 43356 (740) 726-2616 Sales (Trailers)

Majestic Trailer & Hitch 1750 E. Waterloo Road Akron, Ohio 44306 (330) 798-1698 Sales (Motorcycle) Action Extreme Sports

241 16th St SW New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 365-9022 Action Sport Cycles Inc. 11333 Union Ave NE Alliance, Ohio 44601 (330-821-8777) Addy Polaris 2143 Brightwood Rd. New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 339-3351 Adventure Harley-Davidson 1465 State Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 (330) 364-6519 Bair’s CANTON 6956 Portage St. NW North Canton, Ohio 44720 (330) 499-4544 Buckminn’s D&D 1213 Cincinnati Ave Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 376-3344 C & A Harley-Davidson 7610 Commerce Place Plain City, Ohio 43064 (614) 764-2453

Rock N Roll City HarleyDavidson 14550 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 (216) 252-3111 Competiton Accessories 343 W. Leffel Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 323-0513 Eastgate Harley-Davidson 699 Old State Route 74 Cincinnati, OH 45245 (513) 528-1400 Gover Harley-Davidson 1501 E. Ash St. Piqua, Ohio 45356 (937) 773-8733 Hale’s Harley-Davidson 1400 Harrington Memorial Road Mansfield, Ohio 44903 (419) 522-8602 Harley Davidson of Chillicothe 818 Eastern Ave. Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 (740) 773-8826 Harley-Davidson of Cincinnati 1799 Tennessee Ave Cincinnati, OH 45229 513-641-1188 Harley-Davidson Sales & Service 862 County Rd R3 Napoleon, OH 43545 (419) 592-7123 Honda East 1230 Conant St. Maumee, OH 43537 (877) 437-1631 Honda Marysville 640 Colemans Crossing Blvd Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 645-4080 Independent Motorsports 3930 South High Street Columbus, Ohio 43207 (614) 917-1350 Indian Motorcycle of Erie 10320 Wattsburg Road Erie, PA 16509 (814) 825-2396

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

To have your Independent Service Shop featured here, email: ThunderRoadsOhio@gmail.com



Cruisermax 1022 Marks Rd. Valley City, OH 44280 330 225-1119


Indian Motorcycle of Toledo 1212 Conant Street Maumee, OH 43537 (419) 891-1230 Iron Hogz Powersports 6387 N. St. Rt. 48 Lebanon, OH 45036 (513) 836- 3824 Joe’s Cycle Shop 3315 N. Dixie Dr. Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 278-8081 Lake Erie Harley-Davidson 38401 Chester Rd Avon, OH 44011 (440) 934-5000 Mad River Harley-Davidson 5316 State Rt. 250/Milan Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 502-2244 Mathias BMW Cycle 851 Commercial Ave SE New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 308-8868 Napoleon Harley-Davidson 862 American Rd Napoloen, OH 43545 419-592-7123 Neidengards Harley-Davidson 284 Canton Road Wintersville, OH 43953 (740) 266-6188 Northern Ohio Ducati and Triumph 1955 Brittain Rd. Akron, OH 44310 (330) 630-9340 North Ridge Yamaha 5929 North Ridge West (Rt. 20) Geneva, Ohio (440) 466-2712 Off Road Express 10320 Wattsburg Rd Erie, PA 16509 (814) 825-4747 Powder Keg Harley-Davidson 2383 Kings Center Court Mason, OH (513) 204-6962


Rubber City Harley-Davidson 32 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave Akron, OH 44310 (330) 535-9900

Balcer Performance & Restoration 565 Broadway Ave Unit R Bedford, OH 44146 (440) 945-6829

Schiets Motorsports 1557 Oak Harbor Road Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 332-9902

Chrome & Speed Cycle 3490 Dayton-Xenia Rd. Beavercreek, Ohio (937) 429-5656

South East Cycles 23105 Aurora Rd Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 439-5300

Cleveland CycleWerks 1265 West 65th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44102 (216) 651-0657

South East Harley-Davidson 23105 Aurora Rd Bedford Heights, Oh 44146 (440) 439-5300

Criminal Customz Shop 1053 Broadway Lorain, Ohio (440) 245-8626

Sporty’s Trikes & Bikes 7426 North Dixie Dr Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 387-6294

Cycle Analysis 4984 West 150th St Cleveland, OH 44135 (216) 362-9060

Theil’s Wheels 350 Tarhe Trail Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 (419) 294-4951

Cycle Tech 950 W. Mansfield St. Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 562-6931

Thoroughbred Harley-Davidson 8025 Action Blvd Florence, Kentucky 41042 (859) 282-2111

Dougherty’s Motorcycle Repair 21941 Forbes Road Bedford, Ohio 44146 (440) 439-8688

Tri-County Harley-Davidson 5960 Dixie Highway Fairfield, OH 45014 (513) 874-4343

Evolution Machine Cycle 15385 Gaskill Dr. NE Alliance, Ohio 44601 (330) 823-5454 Iron Hogz Powersports 6387 N. St. Rt. 48 Lebanon, OH 45036 (513) 836- 3824

Triumph of Cincinnati 3251 Highland Ave Cincinnati, OH 45213 513-631-2000 triumphofcincinnati.com Warren Harley-Davidson 2102 Elm Rd Cortland, OH 44410 (330) 395-4700 Service (Motorcycle)

After Hours Speed Shop 5583 N. Dixie Dayton, Ohio 45414 (937) 751-9152

S&K Racing 5737 Webster St. Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 898-0041 South East Cycles 23105 Aurora Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 439-5300 Toyz Cycle Center 141 Melcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 563-9748


Tattoo Shops

Asylum Ink Tattoos 930 Kenmore Blvd. Akron, Ohio 44316 (330) 745-9529 Gem City Tattoo Club 436 East 5th St. Dayton, Ohio (937) 443-0335 Glass House Tattoo Supply www.glasshouseohio.com Monster Tattoo Supply www.monstertattoosupply.com My Museum Tattoo 209 E. Ohio Ave. Dover, OH 44622 (330) 343-8500 Pain & Pleasure Tattoo & Body Piercing Studio 6015 Milan Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 625-0069 Route 42 Tattoo 201 S. Franklin St. Ashley, OH 43003 (740) 413-4042 Technical Training

PowerSport Institute 21210 Emery Rd Cleveland, OH 44128 (216) 587-5000 Trikes

Iron Hogz Powersports 6387 N. St. Rt. 48 Lebanon, OH 45036 (513) 836- 3824 Schiets Motorsports 1557 Oak Harbor Rd. Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 332-9902 Sporty’s Trikes & Bikes 7426 North Dixie Dr Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 387-6294

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Thunder Fun

Inspiration (From Forbes- Top 100 Inspirational Quotes)

Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being. ~ Kevin Kruse

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can

achieve. ~ Napoleon Hill

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

~ Albert Einstein

I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse. ~ Florence Nightingale

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. ~ Wayne Gretzky Riddles A. What is at the end of a rainbow? B. What starts with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends in “t”? C. What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it? D. You walk into a room with a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. Which do you light first? (Answers below)

Fun Facts Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable. Money isn’t made out of paper; it’s made out of cotton. Millie the White House dog earned more than 4 times as much a President Bush in 1991.

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

Answers: A). the letter W B). a teapot C). silence D). the match



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K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee i have chosen this name for our monthly recipe page, as that was what my mother, rest her soul, always used to say when I would assist her in the kitchen. mom was an avid supporter of the kiss (keep it simple sweetie) method of cooking. i now, more than ever, truely appreciate her philosophy of always taking shortcuts where you can, as long as your ultimate outcome is that of down home, labor of love cooking.

K.I.S.S. page composed & edited by: Toni McCoy Shearon aka “MaMa Thunder” of Thunder Roads Tennessee

BACKYARD GRILL TIPS: During Spring & Summer, we use our grill for almost every supper. Here’s some time proven tips that truly make a difference. SIMPLE, MEAT MARINADE: AT LEAST 5 GENERATIONS STRONG! Always let your meat be room temperature. Cold meat does not absorb a marinade easily. But light your grill and let it get good & hot. I’ve used this marinade my entire life for steak and it’s literally been used for 5 generations back that my Mom could recall......and it’s so incredibly simple: Take room temp. steaks and squeeze mustard all on one side; rub it in good, making sure to get the sides Then, drizzle Worcestershire Sauce all over top of the mustard. This is when you add any spices you want; salt & pepper ( we add this again slightly when actually grilling too), garlic powder if you like it Now, just let it sit for only 5 minutes. That’s it. That simple. There’s something in the ingredients of the mustard (which has been around over 100 years) & the Worcestershire Sauce (which has been around over 100 years) that when combined, make up for a perfect meat tenderizer. You do not taste the mustard one single bit after grilling but the flavor you do get is truly amazing. Make sure that you “let your meat rest” when you take it off the grill or anytime you cook meat. I add a sprinkle of parsley, just for freshness. Just give it a solid 5 minutes and those juices get sucked back into the meat. Don’t ever put your meat on a cardboard paper plate as those just absorb all your juices. Use an actual plate or the coated stock paper plates. GET CREATIVE WITH GRILL BUNDLES! Anything you can cook on top of your stove, you can put in a grill bundle; Just use the high-quality heavy aluminum foil. Place on low heat on grill and let go long and slow. Gives you time for a few beers. Brown Rice, Shrimp & Snap Peas and a pat of butter Sear your Kielbasa off quick, slice in 1 inch piecesthen place in a bundle of sliced thin onions & peppers, thin sliced potatoes & a pat of butter Take Frozen X-Large Shrimp from any major grocery store and the quartered size of frozen corn on cob pieces, double up alum. foil, making a bowl shape with high siders, 106

add ingredients and sprinkle McCormick’s Caribbean Seasoning, roll up your bundle nice and tight and let it go for about 15 minutes over medium heat. Phenomenal! Grill off Pork Chops really quick on high heat, turn heat down to low. Add your fave veggie; frozen peas or frozen squash. We like to add a can of sliced apples, a couple pinches of cinnamon and a pat of butter. Wrap tight, let it go for 15 mins. over med. heat. Delish! Then we do our veggie off to the side; (be sure and spray your grill with non-stick butter or olive oil befor laying veggies down) big slices of squash; cut lengthwise, big thick slices of onion, long slices of eggplant, whole carrots cut in half and placed flat down, whole ears of corn on the cob still in the husk. Just pull down your husks gently, slather butter all over the ear of corn; salt & pepper and gently push the husks back up in place and grill over low heat. After about 10 minutes, pull down the husks again and let the corn get some good grill marks. Serve with husks back up. Crazy Good! The thing is t0 just think outside of your kitchen. If you can cook it inside, you can get creative and cook it on your grill; even pasta bundles. I am a BIG lover of grilling fruit and then drizzling a sauce, honey or ice cream over top. Grilled fruit is amazing because when it’s caramelized on the grill, it enhances all its’ pure flavors: GRILLED BANANAS: Cut bananas length-wise and on a low grill that’s been sprayed with butter, lay them down, sprinkle with a mixture of brown sugar & cinnamon, flip, remove and drizzle with either melted Hershey’s chocolate sauce or hot melted caramel sauce (both in the ice-cream aisle at any grocery). GRILLED PEACHES: I use whole, fresh peaches, cut down the middle, remove pit, leave on just enough to get grill marks, sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar mix, remove, drizzle with heated marshmallow sauce. GRILLED PINEAPPLE: Cut the pre-cut ones’ from your Deli in the tall plastic container. These are big, thick-cut pieces. Sprinkle w/ cinnamon & sugar mix; get good grill marks, remove and add a couple small scoops of quality Vanilla Bean ice-cream. JUST GET CREATIVE & HAVE FUN! LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE...& APPRECIATE FOOD.


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO


Zip It! My mother taught for 11 years at a day-care center. One winter afternoon she was trying to show a young boy how to zip up his coat. “The secret,” Mom said, “is to get this piece of the zipper to fit in the other side before you try to zip it up.” After struggling with the zipper for several minutes, the boy sighed and said, “Why does it have to be a secret?” ________________________________________________

My younger brother, I explained to a friend, had quite a temper as a boy. Our parents had tried extra love, attention and patience on him, with little success. Then, in the middle of one of his tantrums, they simply handed him a shovel, pointed to the backyard and instructed him to go out and dig and not come back until he had control of his anger. “Apparently,” I said, “the therapy worked, because he’s turned out very nicely.” “What does he do for a living?” my friend asked. Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a “He builds in-ground swimming pools.” ________________________________________________ much beloved, jovial man. But there was one subject you didn’t dare discuss in front of him — his height. Or, While I was working at a delicatessen in Sydney, should I say, his lack of it. One day, he stormed through Australia, a woman overheard my accent and asked if I the door and announced angrily, “Someone just picked was American. “Lovely!” she exclaimed when I told her my pocket!” Most of my fellow waitresses and I were that I was. “I’ve been looking for one of your lot. My son speechless, except for the one who blurted out, “How is living in the States with his American wife, and she sent me a recipe that calls for half-and-half. Could you could anyone stoop so low?” tell me, luv, half of wot and half of wot?”

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



Upcoming Motorcycle Events May 30-June 8, 2014

Ohio Bike Week The Midwest’s largest Motorcycle Rally Ridin’, Rockin’, and Racin’, along the shores of Lake Erie More info: www.ohiobikeweek.com

May 31, 2014

Compassion in Motion Charity Ride Starts at Carlton Harley-Davidson Registrations starts at 10am, Kick Stands Up at 11am. Cost: $25 / Rider, $10 each passenger. Includes lunch after ride. 50/50 Raffle, DJ & Prizes. The proceeds from this ride will support the Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary and Pawsibilities Human Society of Greater Akron. handsandpawsingratitude.org For more information or to help out, please call 330-940-2129

May 31, 2014

4th Annual Run For Courage Poker Run Hosted By The Lost Creek Chrome Divas. Starts @ The Filling Station Troy, OH Registration @ 11am For More Information See Our Facebook or Email: lostcreekchromedivas@yahoo.com

May 31, 2014

Ride For Warriors Poker Run Motorsports of Dayton 2135 S. Dayton-Lakeview Rd. New Carlisle, OH Ride- 10am $20/rider $10/passenger For More Information call : (937) 608-2625

May 31, 2014

Fallen Riders Memorial Fund Bike and Car Show Fox Cycles. 1011 Fremont Ave. Sandusky, OH Gates open @ 9am. $10 donation to enter. Stock, Custom, & People’s Choice For More Information Call: (419) 706-4729 or visit fallenmemorialfund.com

May 31-June 1, 2014

Newark Strawberry Festival Courthouse Square, Newark, OH 5 South 3rd St., Newark, OH 43055 11:00am-10:00pm (Fri/Sat) 11am-6pm (Sun)Hosted by Newark Kiwanis Club, helps to fund local camp for underprivileged children. Over 90 artisans, crafters, and vendors from Ohio. FREE PARKING

June 1, 2014

Benefit Ride for Jared “Biscuit” VonDriska Ten Mile Inn. 7229 West Broad Street Galloway, OH Registration @ 10am. FBO-Noon LBO-1pm $15/rider, $5/passenger (or Just dinner, $5) Live Music, Dinner, 50/50, drawings. For More Information Call: (614) 832- 9811

June 1, 2014

10th Annual Breast Fest Bike Run @Holy Grail Banks 161 Joe Nuxhall Way REGISTRATION 10:30am12:30pm-$15 solo/$20 couple ends at McDogs Lakeside Saloon with live music, food rafles, prized & huge party ! Info at 513-378-3264 or kathymac78@ yahoo.com.

June 1, 2014

Annual Charity Poker Run at Worden’s Custom’s Cycle, 138 S. Canal St., Canal Fulton, OH 44614 Registration 10:30-12:30 $15 Solo/$20Couple with music, food and prizes. Wordenscustomcycle.com for more info.

June 1-4, 2014

VIP Ride to Gettysburg & York PA starts at Lake Erie H-D, 38401 Chester Rd, w/ Harley-Davidson Assembly Plant Tour RSVP Tom 440-934-5000 Full day tour of the Battlefield, Lunch at Scozzaro’s & more.

August 15 • 16 • 17 Marion, Indiana Killer NatioNal & local BaNds charity ride & Field eveNts old school BiKe Night & Burlesque aFterNooN Family activities Details at

showmegrantcounty.com 108


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events June 3, 2014

Rolling Bike Night at American Legion Post 83 Free Concert & USO Care Package Stuffing, 3615 Hayes Rd. (Rt 4), fill the bags with donations for the troops & enter to win a key for a 2014 HD. 419-624-8739.

June 2-7, 2014

2014 Americade Ralley Tour Million Dollar Beach-Lake George, NY

June 3, 2014

3rd Annual Bike Week Bukkett’s Ride Starts at Fox Cycle, 1011 Fremont Ave, Rt 6.

June 6-8, 2014

BIKERFEST WEEKEND w/ Rushing Wind Biker Church, Zanesville Three days of Music, Worship, Fellowship, and Riding! Call 740-923-5002 for more information. Rushing Wind Biker Church 5715 East Pike, Zanesville OH 43701

June 6-7, 2014

MEIGS COUNTY GOLDWINGS & RIBS FEST Pomeroy, OH MOTORCYCLES, BBQ and FREE Entertainment on the Riverfront Ampitheatre. Home of Ohio’s “Best Ribs, Best Wings” and MotorcycleTour-Poker Run. FOR MORE INFO CALL: 1-877-MEIGS-CO

June 6-8, 2014

Queen City Mods & Rockers Rally Multiple Locations, Cincinnati, OH Bike Shows, Rides, PIn-Up Girl contest, Live Music, Food & Drinks $30 for All Access Pass, all 3 days Visit queencitymodsvsrockers.com for the details

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

June 6-8, 2014

REV It Up! Rally: Presented by: Bible Biker Ministries Mount Vernon Academy: 525 Wooster Rd, Mount Vernon, OH 43050 Registration begins June 6th@ 9:30 AM. 100 Mile run throughout beautiful Amish Countryside to the Bible Walk Museum. For more information contact Tom Hughes (740) 739-0740, for lodging information contact Dean Rico Woolcock (740)485-5427

June 7, 2014

Ride of Hope: Poker Run & Family Fun Charity Event Smith Park- Delaware, OH Registration Starts @ 8:30am Event 10am-6pm $20/ singles, $25 doubles Live Music, 50/50, Children’s Bike Race, Kid’s Activities, Food & More All Proceeds Benefit Nationwide Children’s Hospital NICU For More Info Contact: Ryan Bachelor @ 614 623-4567

June 7, 2014

10th Annual Brandy Winfield Memorial Poker Run Marion County Veterans Memorial Coliseum 220 E. Fairgrounds Drive, Marion, OH Registration 9AM-11AM; All bikes out at 12PM. $25 per couple or $20 single Dinner provided with Registration. Camping available $30/lot with electric and water. Contact Chris Sanders for more details: (740) 3895974 or email csanders@brandywinfieldrun.org

June 7, 2014

3rd Annual Wellington Eagle Riders Breast Cancer Run Wellington Eagles #2051 631 South Main Street, Wellington, OH Registration Starts @ 11am. FBO 12, LBO 1pm FBI 4pm, LBI 6:30pm $15/rider $25 w/ passenger. For More Info Email: wellingtoneagleriders@yahoo.com





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Upcoming Motorcycle Events June 7, 2014

Scooters and Shooters III Western Reserve Fish and Game Association: 1058 West 3rd St. Niles, OH Poker Run w/ Target Shooting & Dart Throwing. Donuts in morning, Picnic after Run. Single $10, Couple $15 Go to wrfg.us for more info

June 7-8, 2014

Carlton Harley-Davidson Demo Days 11771 St. Rt. 44, Mantua, OH 44255 Join us Saturday June 7TH from 9am to 5pm and Sunday June 8TH from 10am to 2pm for demo rides. Must have proper eye-wear, helmet, motorcycle endorsement and proper clothing. This is a free event.

June 7, 2014

Riding for Recovery Registration 9-11am, $15 Single Rider, $20 Double. Price includes meal and entertainment. Ride will begin and end at the Xenia Moose Lodge. Food / Entertainment begins at 4pm. Prizes, Raffles, Gift Baskets. Fun for riders and non-riders alike. XENIA Moose 1629, Chapter 727 947 Cincinnati Ave., Xenia Ohio

June 8, 2014

June 7, 2014

Wright Patterson AFB Fisher Poker Run American Legion Beavercreek Memorial Post 763, 3200 Dayton-Xenia Road, Beavercreek, OH Registration 10am-12pm $15/rider and $20 w/ passenger Raffles, Door Prizes, 50/50 drawing, & live music

LCpl Daniel Nathan Deyarmin Jr. Memorial Benefit Run The ride starts at 484 East Avenue in Tallmadge. The event begins at 9:00 am and the first bike goes out at 10:30 am. The ride fee is $15.00 for the rider and $10.00 for a passenger. The 100 mile ride, memory and sacrifice of LCpl Deyarmin, ends with food, music, entertainment, raffles, door prizes, trophies, 50/50 drawing and more. Car and Truck Show at event upon Motorcycles return. The event will help servicemen and their families through physical, financial, and mental hardships. For more information call (330) 608-8695,

June 8, 2014

June 7, 2014

Dunn Hardware 2nd Annual Bike Show Sponsored by South East Harley-Davidson & Dunn Hardware. 5144 Wilson Mills Rd. Richmond Heights, OH 12pm. Best In Show 1st, 2nd, 3rd Raffles, Games, Giveaway, and Cookout. Call 440 7200301 For More Information

The 17th Annual Deepwood Run Starting Location-Deepwood Center 8121 Deepwood Blvd, Mentor, OH. Ending Location- Afterparty at 306 Lounge on 306 in Mentor & The Eagles# 3605 on Lakeshore Blvd. Registration at 8:30 AM-Breakfast 8:30-10:30 Prize Drawings at 11AM- Escorted Run at 11:30AM. Food, Beverages and Entertainment will be available at the the after party. For more information call (440) 350-5209 or visit the website at www.thedeepwoodrun.org

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Upcoming Motorcycle Events June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014

10th Annual Ride for Kids -Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Independence Fieldhouse Soccer Fields: 6354 Selig Drive, Independence, OH 44131 Registration @ 8am New Honda Motorcycle will be given away at this event. For more information please visit: www.rideforkids.org Walneck’s Motorcyle Swap Meet Clark County Fairgrounds. 4401 S. Charleston Pike Springfield, OH Admission: $7.00 Vendor Price: $40.00 American, British, Japanese, Euro, Dirt Bikes, parts, used and new, Leather, Patches & Sewing,T-Shirts and all kinds of bikes and what-nots for sale; including motorcycle posters. 8am-3pm For More Info See: walneckswap.com

June 10, 2014

Bike Night @ the Galaxy Restaurant with Century Harley-Davidson Join Century Harley-Davidson for Bike Night at the Galaxy Restaurant, 201 Park Center Drive, Wadworth, OH 44281

June 12-14, 2014

Republic of Texas Biker Rally Travis County Expo Center, Austin, Texas The rally is known for its high caliber music acts, after all, Austin Texas is self proclaimed “The Music Capital of the World. The ROT Rally is proud to be a part of Austin and bring top named entertainment to the event each year. Past years headliners include names like Hank Williams Jr., Willie Nelson, Bret Michaels, Joan Jett, Paul Rogers, Steppenwolf, David Allen Coe, Charlie Daniels, Vince Neil, Twisted Sister to name a few. More info: www.rotrally.com


June 12-14, 2014

OHIO District GWRRA 2014 Ralley Greene County Fair Grounds-Xenia, OH

June 13-15, 2014

FESTIVAL OF THE FISH Vermilion, OH. FREE Festival with Nashville Recording Artists, Fireworks, Food-Friday and Saturday noon-midnight, Sunday Noon - 6pm. For more information, call the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce at (440) 967-4477 or e-mail at vermilionchamber@centurytel.net

June 14, 2014

4th Annual Bikes for the Brave Poker Run and Bike Car Show The ride starts at Rule 3, 650 Windmiller Place in Pickerington. Registration begins at 10:00 am. Motorcycles go out at 12:00 pm. The ride fee is $15.00 for the rider and $5.00 for a passenger. Bike show registratin is from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The bike show entry fee is $20.00 and trophies will be awarded. The event is in honor of 2 Ohio Heroes that were killed in action. The ride ends with music, food, and more. Proceeds will be benefitting Fisher House Foundation.

June 14, 2014

North Side Saloon Memorial Poker Run North Side Saloon 639 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave, Akron, OH First Bike out 10AM Last Bike out 12PM, Last Bike in by 6PM, Food, Entertainment, 50/50, basket raffle and more! $20 per person (includes food) All bikes/cars welcome. For more details contact Bobby Hotchkiss (330) 714-7142


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Upcoming Motorcycle Events June 14-22, 2014

Laconia Bike Week Weirs Beach Laconia NH 03247 The Laconia motorcycle rally being one of the premier rallies in the world certainly will have all of the attractions that you can imagine. One of the best things about this major rally in New Hampshire is that it attracts the best custom bike builders and their creations. Events and attractions are going on everywhere, but the place to be at night is Weirs Beach. More info: www. laconiamcweek.com or 603-366-2000

June 14, 2014

2nd Annual B.O.O.Bs and Dudes Ride Sponsored by Crazy PinZ and Phantom Fireworks. 1630 Northland Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN Bikes out @ Noon. Vendors, Live Music, Auction, Food & Bike Show to Follow For More Information Call: 419 583-6909 or go to: babesoutonbikes.net

June 14, 2014

Panhead Run Buck’s Place: 202 N. Main Street, Nevada, OH 44849 Panhead Run welcome to all 1948 to 1965 Panheads, Choppers or Bobbers. Ride starts at 11AM Call Wally for details (419) 788-3208 or visit our Facebook page: Panhead Run Ohio.

June 18, 2014

Honda Marysville Motorsports Bike Giveaway Quaker Steak and Lube - Columbus 8500 Lyra Drive Columbus, OH 43240 Drawing at 9PM for a Honda Shadow Phantom! Music by Dirty Side Down at this huge summer block party!

June 14, 2014

2nd Annual Battle for Breath Poker Run & Covered Bridge Tour Registration at C&A Harley Davidson 10AM; Last Stop & and After Party at Cheshire Choppers Event to benefit Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Hosted by Templar Knights MC High Hand Wins $250, cost is $20 per rider & $10 per passenger, Music, Raffle & 50/50 Auction.

June 19-24, 2014

Harley Rendezvous Classic Motorcycle Rally Indian Lookout Country Club 1142 Batter St Pattersonville NY 12137 The Harley Rendezvous is totally self contained on about 200 acres in Western Schenectady County in New York State...the perfect setting for an exclusive Country Club. And exclusive we are. As far as we know (and nobody has so far disputed our claim), we’re the ONLY country club exclusively for bikers. We’ve got 80 acres set aside for camping.There are plenty of flushing toilets, johns, hot showers, and water spigots around. We even have Can-Do Anything Axel, who patrols regularly with his army of cleaners and fixers. More info: 518-864-5659 or www. harleyrendezvous.com

June 14, 2014


5th Annual Terry “Oscar” Roberts Memorial Poker Run Join us for an enjoyable 100 plus ride through the hills of Southeastern Ohio. Bikes leave out from the M&M Fire Department at 77 South 4th St., McConnelsville. First bikes are out at 11am, last bikes out at 1pm. Last bikes in at 5pm at the McConnelsville Eagles. Proceeds benefit a local EMS team member and Firefighter that is battling cancer. Chicken and Rib dinner at the Eagles, with DJ and dancing to follow. For information contact 740-962-3444 or visit us online at www.mmfireems.com


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

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Upcoming Motorcycle Events June 19 - 21, 2014

June 21, 2014

June 21, 2014


All American Rally Red/White/Blue-Ohio HOG Rally Event location Mason, OH The Kings Island Resort and Conference Center is the ideal location to live the dream. Centrally located in Mason, OH, it’s easy to get to, located off Interstate 71 just north of Cincinnati. There is ample, well-lit, complimentary parking available at the hotel for both your bike and trailer. An area will be set aside on the grounds for a large Rally tent, along with enough blacktop to conduct bike games and other activities. The Resort is a perfect place to kick back, relax, while enjoying great music and exciting activities after a long day of thrilling and memorable riding. There is plenty of additional lodging nearby, all within a 15-minute walk from the host hotel and all offering a special rate to rally participants. After a full day of riding, participants will come back to enjoy a State Fair like atmosphere at the Host Hotel. All American bands will be providing a patriotic mix of country, rock and blues. Entertaining contests will include a variety of activities that will challenge participants mental and physical abilities. More info: 513-543-4266 or http: www.ohstatehogrally.com 2nd Annual Ride and Find Honda Marysville Motorsports Fun scavenger hunt! Registration at 9am, kickstands up at 10:30am. Top 3 scores for finding the most items wins a prize. Food, music, and giveaways! Visit www. hondamarysvillemotorsports.com for more details.

June 21, 2014

Sinister Stunts Live Motorcycle Stunt Show Gatsby’s 151 N Hamilton Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230 Thrilling motorcycle stunt show at Gatsby’s. 5-9 PM Check out www.facebook.com/sinisterstunts for details.

June 21, 2014

Veterans of Foreign Wars Motorcycle Group District 4 Ohio VFW Post 6069 District 4 Ohio Bike Show and Raffle RAFFLE of 2014 Harley Davidson Switchback, 15 W Silver St. Lebanon, OH 45036

June 21, 2014

SLY FOX M.C. Christmas in June Sly Fox Club House-13118 Townline Rd, Huntsburg, OH 44046 Gates open at 1PM-Pre-Sale tickets are $20 and $25 at the door: Band starts rockin t 7PM all the food and Beer you want. Be Safe and Camp out. 21 and over only.

June 21, 2014

Summer Jam Open House and Bike Night Harley Davidson of Cincinnati-1799 Tennessee Ave,. Cincinnati, OH 45229

June 21, 2014

11th Annual National Road Bike Show & Rib Fest 50/50 drawing, live auction, hot dog eating contest, big belly contest, food, beer, Bands: Ohio Based Band from the 70’s, MCGUFFEY LANE is the headliner for our bike show, Lock 17, Silver and Sycamore Jones and the Blue Rockers Wheeling Ave, 1005 Wheeling Ave, Cambridge, OH 43725

Veterans of Foreign Wars Annual Bike Show and Raffle 8326 Brownsway Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45239


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events June 21, 2014

Leathernecks Ohio JCP Chapter 5th Annual Poker Run Outback Steak House: 6000 East Main Street, Reynoldsburg, OH Last bike out at 1:00 PM- $15 Donation per Rider and $10 Donation per Passenger.

June 21, 2014

Summer Kick Off Beach Party South East Harley-Davidson. 23105 Aurora Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146 12pm-3pm

June 21, 2014

Poker Run to benefit Nasya Morgan American Legion Post 762: 35 W. Main Street, Lebanon, OH 45345 Starts and ends at American Legion Post 762. cost includes food $15 bike/$20 couple. Check in time is 11AM-12PM-Kickstands up at 12PM. Proceeds to go to family of Nasya Morgan, a 4 year little girl battling terminal brain cancer to pay for medical bills. Raffles and Door Prizes. For more information contact Steve (937) 304-5633

June 21, 2014

Country for a Cure-Presented by The Clarence Light Orchestra & The Ten Mile Inn Ten Mile Inn-7229 W. Broad Street, Galloway, OH 43119 12Pm-12AM: Live music with 6 different artist and special guest: The Dallas Moore Band-Food, raffles and 50/50 No cover, but donations are accepted. Proceeds to benefit Neuroendocrine Cancer Research Program.

June 21, 2014

3rd Annual Poker Run and Pig Roast @ Diggers Again Diggers Again 2851 Termainsville Rd., Toledo, OH Regis. 10am, Bikes out 11am and LIVE Band at 4pm Dixon Richards Band

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

June 24, 2014

Bike Night @Musketeers Bar & Grill EVERY Tues is Bike night with LIVE BAND June 24 . Located at 3027 Brecksville Rd, Richfield, OH

July 25-27, 2014

TWetzelland 2014 It’s the 28th Edition of this old school biker bash like none other. Scott Stapp, from Creed; Warrant, and Fire House are the headliners this year. Plan on riding in Friday and not leaving til Sunday. It’s one of those parties. Bike Show, Rodeo Games, Tattoo Contest, and even a 2014 H-D Road King to be given away - all with the price of admission! This is an AMA Sanctioned Event. For more information, visit us online at www.wetzelmc.com Wetzel, Ohio

June 27 - 28, 2014

Smoke Out 15 - 15th Anniversary! The Smoke Out is about choppers. It is about builders, from professional builders to those bloody-knuckled guys (and ladies) burning the midnight oil in an unheated shed to build a chopper they can call their own. Chops of all makes are featured, American, British, Metric, everything. The event is about riders, cross-town to cross-country in a rainstorm. Put on by THE HORSE. Rockingham, North Carolina http://www.smokeoutrally.com/

Jun 27-29, 2014

32ND ANNUAL VIRGINIA MOTO GUZZI RALLY Willville Motorcycle Camp, Meadows of Dan, Virginia. Willville is located 3/4 mile west of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Friday and Saturday meals and tent camping - $55 if postmarked by 5/17/2014. Friday and Saturday meals and tent camping - $65 if postmarked by 6/14/2014. Rally fee for RV, Motel / Hotel dwellers; subtract $20 from the above fee. Official Rally Registration Site: http://jfritzius.wix.com/vamotoguzzi. Only pre-registered rally attendees will be guaranteed meals. For additional information contact: Kurt or Susan Nordstrom / VMGOC, 306 Bell Grove Lane, Spotsylvania, Virginia 22551. Phone: 540-582-9414 or vaguzzirally@gmail.com. Strays always welcome.



Upcoming Motorcycle Events June 28, 2014

B.A.L.D. RUN (Bikers Aiding Local Diabetics) American Legion Post 336- 60 Chester St., Painesville, OH 44077 Ride begins and ends at American Legion $15 tickets event open to all, Breakfast at 10AM, Blessing of the bikes at 11:30 AM. First Bike out at Noon and last bike in at 5pm. Live music, food, raffles, and 50/50. FREE patch to the first 200 tickets sold. Visit www.baldrun.org for ticket information today.

June 28, 2014

25th Annual Ferrari Night South East Harley-Davidson 23105 Aurora Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146 3pm-10pm Live Entertainment by Levi Riggs, Kids Games, Stunt Shows, Bike Shows, Food Trucks, Car show, and MORE!

June 28, 2014

16th Annual Run for the Money at the Cuyahoga Falls Moose Lodge 4444 State Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH Bikers & Riders Wanted -Continental Breakfast @ 9am Registration 10am $15 per Rider or $25 Rider/passenger All vehicles types welcom! Pre register by June 8th for extra chance at Grand Prize. Steak dinner and DJ provided in the Pavillon 1st Bike out at 11 AM, last bike out at 1PM

June 28, 2014

Sons of Resistance Charity Run for the Aria Marie Foundation Starts at Jell’s in Eaton, OH-registration 10AM and 11:30 AM First bike out at 11:45AM-End at Jackass Flats in Dayton, OH. Run followed by concert performed by National and Regional Acts, 50/50 and much more.

June 28, 2014

THUNDER IN THE BORO Baddest Ride in Town Show 9244 Market Square Dr. Streetsboro, OH Registration 9:30am, First Bike out at 10:30am-$25 and $5 passenger Includes ride, raffle ticket, music, food and local vendors 216-256-5488 for more information.

June 28, 2014

TJ Chumps Rally for Ally Registration at TJ Chumps, 55 Chumps, 559 S. Main St. Englewood, OH. Kick stands up at 11:00am(Registration at 10am with prizes and drawings at 4:30pm.) Paid registration and live entertainment following the ride. Rick Sylvester playing from 6-9pm.

June 28, 2014

Evangelists for Christ and My Father’s House First Annual Bike Blessing/Bike Show 9am -12pm registration with $10registration fee for bike show participation 12pm Bike Show/Blessing @ My Father’s House(Biker Friendly Church), 1780 W. 4th St., Mansfield, OH 44906.

June 29, 2014

Carlton Harley-Davidson 6th Annual COPS Ride Cleveland Police Memorial (W. 3rd & Lakeside) Registration @ 9am, Bikes out @ 11am, $20/person For More Info Call: 440 263-8121 or go to copsride.com

Annual Bike Show and Raffle JUNE 21, 2014 (Rain or Shine) Registration (Gates open) 9:00AM-12:00PM Bike Show/Judging 1:00PM-3:00PM (All Makes & Models Welcome) Awards (Trophies) 3:00 PM 2014 HD Motorcycle giveaway 3:30PM

Gailey VFW Post 7340 8326 Brownsway Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45239 (513) 521-7340 FREE ADMISSION EVERYONE WELCOME

Vendors- set up fee $25.00 (Call- (513) 521-7340) **FOOD** BEER** MUSIC** RAFFLES** **DRINKS** VENDORS** DOOR PRIZES** **Win a 2014 Harley Davidson Switchback** 118


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events July 3-6, 2014

July 3-6, 2014

Ashland Balloon Fest High flying fun for the whole family. Enjoy the colorful Ashland skies as the hot air balloons fill the air for this memorable weekend. Balloonfest promises to be an outing with the entire family in mind. Entertainment, music, shows, and food are all part of the nonstop activities. Freer Field – 1256 Center Street, Ashland, Ohio 44805 Visit www.ashlandohioballoonfest.com for more details

July 11-13, 2014

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days & Swap Meet Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, Lexington, OH & Ashland County Fairgrounds for dirt track events. For more information visit www.americanmotorcyclist. com

July 12, 2014

Ride for Kids Honda Marysville Motorsports 630 Coleman’s Crossing Blvd., Marysville, OH 43040 This motorcycle ride event benefits the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and brings hope to the thousands of children fighting this disease. visit: www.curethekids.org for more information about this event.

July 19, 2014

HOGS for HEARTS POKER RUN The Steel Workers Union Hall: 3421 Independence Rd, Cleveland, OH 44105 Registration/Sign in at 10am, $20 per person: Includes food, 2 beverage tickets & 1 raffle ticket for baskets &Live Music First bike out at 11am, Last bike out at 12noon sharp! Last Bike in by 5pm sharp! $250 best hand, $50 worst hand Other Stops include: Dugout in Richfield Ohio, LaPort in Elyria Ohio, Scoundrels In Berea Ohio total ride is about 100 miles

Newport, KY Motorcycle Rally This celebration will include live entertainment, food, contests and prizes! Motorcycle show registration is Saturday at 11:00 a.m. and awards will be given out on Saturday afternoon to the best-looking bikes. In past years there have been more than 25,000 visitors.

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



Upcoming Motorcycle Events July 19-20, 2014

Ride through History Presented by Marlboro Volunteers 16125 Armour St., Alliance, OH 44601 Visit website for more details about this ride: www. marlborovolunteersinc.com

July 26-27, 2014

AMRA Drags at KillKare Dragway KillKare Dragway: 1166 Dayton Xenia Rd., Xenia, OH 45385 Summer Nationals visit www.amraonline.com or www. killkaredragway.com for more information.

July 26, 2014

Schiets Motorsports 3rd Annual Bike Show 1557 Oak Harbor Rd. Fremont, OH 43420 Regristration @ 10 am Show from 11 am to 1 pm. $10 entry fee goes to Community Christmas of Sandusky County.1st place trophies for Touring, Cruiser, Antique, Sport, Custom, Trike, Off Road, and Best of Show! Food Vendor, Door Prizes, and more! Info:419332-9902 or mark@schietsmotorsports.com

July 26, 2014


6th Annual Run to the Ohio Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Ride Begins at Century Harley-Davidson, Medina and ends at American Legion Post 496- 1945 Mogadore Rd, Kent, OH 44240 This is a FREE ride to the Veterans Memorial Wall. Donations are welcome. Live Music, Raffles, food and 50/50 will follow at the American Legion Post 496.

August 2, 2014

Yellow Jackets MC Annual Bike Show The Clubhouse- 4448 Indian Hill Rd, SE Ulrichsville, OH 12pm-?? Rain Date August 9th $5/bike $5/spectators Door Prizes, 50/50 Raffle, Live Music by The Double Deuce Blues Band

August 2, 2014

9th Annual Jokers Wild Poker Run Rustic Haven.. 0931 Koehn Rd. St Mary’s, OH Proceeds Benefitting Auglaize County Crippled Children & Adults Registration: 11am FBO Noon, LBI, 4pm $10/person, $15/couple For More Info Call Boaty @ 419 733-6564

August 2, 2014

Cruise In @ Wordens Custom Cycle Live Band, Food, Music starts at 2pm.

August 4-10, 2014

74th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Incredible roads like Needles Highway, Iron Mountain Road, the Wildlife Loop, Vanocker Canyon Road and Spearfish Canyon take you to amazing destinations - Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Custer State Park, Crazy Horse Memorial, Bear Butte State Park, the Badlands and Devil’s Tower National Monument.


Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events August 9, 2014

Ride for the Kids, Erie PA August 9 Ride for the Kids Poker Run and After-Party to benefit Erie Shriners Hospital for Children. Registration 10:00-11:45AM at Shriners Hospital, 1645 West 8th Street, Erie PA. Scenic ride ends with after-party at Liberty Park on Erie’s beautiful bayfront – BIKES, BANDS, FOOD, FUN! Hosted by Lake Erie Freedom Chapter, Victory Motorcycle Club and Off-Road Erie. Find us on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/ events/396663183803976

August 9, 2014

The Past & The Furious II Community Charity Car and Bike Show Wilmington Air Park Welcome Center Parking Lot, Airborne Road, Wilmington, OH 45177 Registration 9am-Noon, Awards @3pm. FREE ADMISSION. $10 Car/Bike Entry Fee

August 9, 2014

3rd Annual Knights of Columbus Bikes and Bears Teddy Bear Run The ride starts at 2045 Lake Street in Fremont. Registration is from 9:45 am to 11:45 am. Motorcycles go out at 12:00 pm. The ride fee is $10.00 per person for the escorted ride. All makes and models of motorcycles are welcome. The event includes vendors, food, raffles, 50/50 drawing, motorcycle games, and music. Proceeds go to Memorial Hospital and Bellevue Hospital. In case of rain the event will take place on August 10th. For more information call (419) 307-4268

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

August 9, 2014

March of Dimes Bikers for Babies The ride starts at Caesar Creek Flea Market, 7763 State Route 73 W. in Wilmington. The ride begins at 11:00 am and is $25.00 for the rider and $15.00 for a passenger. The ride ends in Monroe with a raffle, bike show, and more. For more information call (513) 370-5004

August 10, 2014

The 42nd Annual Centurion Poker Run presented by: The Greater Akron Motorcycle Club Starting and ending at GAMC’s Club House 1540 Smith Rd, Akron in the Valley $15 per entry, Registration 9AM-1PM with 1st bike out at 10AM, last bike out at 1PM. 100 mile Poker Run. Haven Rest of Akron Ohio will receieve a % of the door. Cash prizes, 50/50 raffle as well as a chance to win a 2014 Harley Davidson Super Glide Custom. Donate a canned food item for a special raffle ticket. Limited vender spaces available.

August 21-24, 2014

Obetz Zucchini Fest A Cruise In and Motorcycle Show on Friday and a Beer Garden with other first class entertainment, food and vendors booths highlight this summer event located in Obetz, OH. Website wwwobetzzucchinifest.com

August 16,2014

Dog Days Animal Adoption Mixer Thoroughbred Harley Davidson-8025 Action Blvd,. Florence, KY 41042



Upcoming Motorcycle Events August 16, 2014

2nd Annual Rolling Thunder, Inc. Ohio Chapter 8 Benefit Poker Run for the The Greater Cleveland Fisher House Donation of $20/Bikeor Car and $5 per additional passenger-CASH ONLY Cash payout for top five hands, Basket raffles, 50/50, venders, DJ and Live music. Event is rain or shine all vehicles are welcome.

Aug. 14-17th, 2014

Rally on the River A community driven motorcycle rally along the Ohio River. Ironton, Ohio www.RallyOnTheRiver.com

August 15-17, 2014

Maggie Valley Summer Rally-North Carolina Maggie Valley Festival Grounds: 3374 Soco Rd, Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Motorcycle Rally & Great Smoky Mountain Tour: Gates open 10AM on August 15th. Cost $10 per day. Games, Bike Shows, Live Music, Vendors, Door Prizes, LED light Show, M/C Tours, The loop tour, Summer Rally Treasure Hunt, Event Tee’s, DJ and much more. Visit website for more information: www.MaggieValleyRallys.com

Aug 28, 2014 Sep 1, 2014


Milwaukee Rally All motorcycles and riders are welcome. Poker Run, 100s of vendors, non-stop entertainment, hottest bikes, scenic road trips,and hometown hospitality More info:milwaukeerally.com

Sept 4-7 2014

Roar to the Shore Wildwood New Jersey Roar to the Shore Rally has two vendor locations Atlantic & Oak Ave. and The Wildwood Convention Center Take advantage of the scenic back road rides Cape May County has to offer. Check out our high quality vendors, located throughout the five separate lots, catch one of the stunt shows or participate in one of our numerous special events. More info: roartotheshoreonline.com

September 6,2014

9/11 Memorial Open House and Bike Night Harley Davidson of Cincinnati-1799 Tennessee Ave,. Cincinnati, OH 45229

September 6, 2014

SLY FOX M.C. 36th Annual Beef Roast Sly Fox Club House-13118 Townline Rd., Huntsburg, OH 44046 Gates open at 1PM, Band starts at 7PM-All the food and beer you want. 21 and over please. Pre-sale tickets are $20, and at the door price is $25. Three gun raffle. Be safe camp out and stay the night.

September 1920, 2014

Piqua Bike Fest, Piqua, Ohio Custom & Vintage Bike Show, Live Entertainment, Pro Stunt Show. Come out and join the historic Panaramic Photo Shoot! A community celebration of riding and fun for the entire family.


Thunder RoadsÂŽ Magazine OHIO

Upcoming Motorcycle Events Sept 20, 2014

The Annual Trail of Tears Motorcycle Ride This ride is about the remembrance of the plight of the Native Americans that were forced from their homelands. Begins in Chattanooga, TN and ends in Florence, AL, and the extended ride that ends in Oklahoma More info: www.trailoftears-remembrance.org

September 2428th, 2014

Outer Banks Bike Fest North Carolina’s Largest Fall Motorcycle Rally - Guided Tours, Poker Runs, Bike Shows, Vendors, and Live Entertainment. Over 100 miles of scenic beach roads. www.Outerbanksbikeweek.com

October 4, 2014

Annual Charity Spaghetti Dinner hosted by The Leathernecks OHIO JCP Chapter Amercian Legion Post 430: 3227 East Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH 43227 Adults $10 Donation and Children $5 Donation

Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

October 11, 2014

Car Show Presented by the F100 Club & Bike Night Harley Davidson of Cincinnati-1799 Tennessee Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229

Oct 16-19, 2014

22nd Annual Biketoberfest Join thousands of riders as they roll into the Daytona Beach area for an extended weekend of sun, beaches, entertainment and bikes, bikes and more bikes! Popular annual activities include motorcycle shows and rallies, live music, racing at Daytona International Speedway, scenic rides, and top manufacturers showcasing their latest and greatest models. More infro: biketoberfest.org

Nov 6-9, 2014

Lone Star Rally The Lone Star Rally, frequently referred to as the Galveston bike rally, is held on Galveston Island which is just south of Houston. Riding around the Galveston area is awesome too because there are fun restaurants and clubs to hang out, beaches to sunbathe on and cool people to party with and kick tires. Cruising down the Strand through tens of thousands of people is a super charge for any rider. It’s like a biker style Mardi Gras. More info: www.lonestarrally.com



The Thunder Roads LIVE MUSIC LISTING is a listing of recommended stops and entertainment presented for your enjoyment. For information on listing your local music shows here, please email events.thunderroads@gmail.com Courtyard Lounge 320 W. National Rd. Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 836-9511 Every Thursday Night Live music with 3AM June 7 TBA June 14 Likwid June 21 Fellon Dick’s Den Columbus 2417 N High St Columbus, Ohio 43202 (614) 268-9573 Bluegrass Jam every Tues Harley- Davidson of Cincinnati 1799 Tennessee Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45229 (513) 641-1188 June 7 BROKEN ARROW June 14 RED IDOL June 21 PRIZONER OPEN HOUSE June 21 HILLBILLY INC BIKE NIGHT June 28 CRUSH Legends Sports Bar 1840 Town Park Blvd Uniontown, OH 44685 (330) 869-4433 Every Thursday-Country Night Out with Ken Steel & WQMX DJ Every Friday and Saturday June 3 Evil Ways June 10 Dark Side of the Moon June 17 Ball and Chain June 24 Buck Naked Band Margaritaville 212 Freemont Ave Sandusky, OH 44870 (419) 627-8903 June 1 Sinister Midget June 4 Ruherford Country June 5 100 Proof June 6 The Rolling Hams June 7 Rock N Roll Outlaws / Down Under Thunder June 8 Blue Moonshine June 13 Tight Wadd June 14 Bouncing Betty June 15 Bellligerent Chimp June 20 100 Proof June 21 The Rolling Hams June 22 Rock N Roll Outlaws June 27 Oktane June 28 Eric Sewers Band June 29 Sinister Midget


Mantua Corners Bar & Grill 11697 St. Rt. 44 Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 274-8403 June 2 Johnny Live June 9 Smack the Frog June 16 Erie Knights June 23 Misery Jackals June 30 Johnny Live Murphy’s Ale House 7503 Granger Rd. Valley View, OH 44125 (216) 524-2077 June 4 Fast Lane June 6 T.B.A. June 7 Custard Pie June 11 Armstrong Bearcats June 13 Backseat Lovers June 14 Hello My Name Is June 18 Burt River Band June 20 Teaser June 21 Spazmatic’s- Pig Roast with Beer Paring June 25 Blues Casters June 27 Chance June 28 Rockternal Robey’s Pub 1318 Aida Dr Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 863-3038 Hyperdryve Karaoke Every Friday & Saturday Night! June 4 Freak’N Nut June 5 Buck Shot June 11 Mike Roy June 12 Mike Roy June 18 Lambert Unplugged June 19 Buck Shot June 25 Mike Roy June 26 Mike Roy Robey’s Pub & Patio 9327 Columbia Road SW Pataskala, Ohio (740) 927- 2529 Hyperdryve Karaoke every Sunday! June 5 Lambert Unplugged June 6 Hillbilly Deluxe June 7 Trixies Rage June 8 Country Jam Patio Party June 12 Mike Dudley June 13 Third Departure June 14 Silverado June 19 Freak’N Nuts June 20 Earplugs & Alcohol June 21 Bone Tonic June 26 Big Bad Stache Acoustic June 27 The Jack June 28 Th’ Flyin Saucers (Swinging Dance Party and Costume Contest) ThunderRoadsOhio.com

Robey’s Pizza, Pub & Patio 109 East Market Street Baltimore, Ohio (740) 862-4179 Hyperdryve Karaoke every Thurs June 4 Hillbilly Deluxe June 6 Freak’N Nuts June 7 WOLF June 11 Simple Harvest June 13 Jukebox Party June 14 Tom Hagley June 18 W.O. June 20 Southern Touch Acoustic June 21 Todd Barry Variety Show June 25 Freak’N Nuts June 27 W.O. June 28 Big Bad Stache Sassy’s Bar & Grille 10755 Ravenna Rd Twinsburg, Ohio (330) 998-6529 JAM Night with “Butch Armstrong & The Groove Company” every Tues & Weds June 6 Road Home June 7 Sonic Anthem June 13 East Wind June 14 Mystic Taxi South East Gears & Cheers 23333 Aurora Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (440) 232-0029 June 3 Armstrong Bearcats June 7 Rockternal June 10 Deja Voo Doo June 14 Logan Wells June 21 Jerry Colismo, Jah Messengers Ten Mile Inn 7229 West Broad St Galloway, Ohio 43119 (614) 984-5908 June 1 Jared (Biscuit) Van Driska Benefit Ride June 3 Mark Pennington June 7 Breaking Sane June 10 Charlie Tatman June 21 Country For A Cure June 27 Eric Solomon June 28 Dan & Paul Accoustic Zeppe’s 25780 Miles Rd Bedford Heights, Ohio (216)378-9400 Live music every Wednesday! Zeppe’s 1110 Kinsman Rd Newbury, Ohio 44065 440-564-1300 Live music every Wednesday and Saturday! ___________________________________ If you are with a band or host bands that enjoy a “biker friendly following” let us know about your upcoming shows! Email us at: events.thunderroads@gmail.com Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO

WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR SPONSORS FOR THEIR SUPPORT We would like to thank all of our sponsors that help make this magazine possible. It is only with their support and commitment that we can produce what we believe to be the finest regional motorcycle publication in the nation.

Dayton Motorcycle Club...................... 115

North Ridge Yamaha................................97

Dirt Country............................................77

Norton Sporting Goods.........................83

Old School Biker Brew........................ 105 Pain & Pleasure Tattoo...........................89 Papa Bags................................................96 Petticoat Junction............................... 101 Phantom Fireworks....................................1 Pinecraft.............................................. 107 Piqua Bike Fest..................................... 119 Power Sport Institute.......................... 102 Quaker Steak & Lube, Sharon................29 Quaker Steak and Lube Milford.............28 Ralph Buss................................Back Cover Renegade Gentleman..............................93, Rider Insurance.......................................55 Roar On The Shore.............................. 129 Robert’s Cycle........................................97 Robey’s....................................................27 Rounders................................................79 Route 42.................................................90 Sandusky State Theatre TATTOO SHOW.91 Sandusky State Theatre Thunder Zone....9 Sassy’s....................................................29 Schiets Motorsports..............................44 Shakers...................................................31 South East Gears & Cheers...................15 South East Harley-Davidson..................14 Sporty’s..................................................78 The Barn..................................................66 Thiel’s Wheels...................................... 116 THROTTLE FEST................................... 111 THROTTLE FEST................................... 111 Toyz Cycle Center................................ 101 Train Stop................................................78 Tranquil Escapes.................................. 104 Tri-County Harley-Davidson....................73 Triumph of Cincinnati...............................79 Twisted Tea................................................6 Vandalia Range & Armory........................82 Villa Tavern.............................................86 Warren Harley-Davidson.........................13 Warrior Racing........................................63 Why we Ride? STATE THEATRE.................13 XP3 - Deer Avoidance System..................96 Youngstown Cycle...................................95 Z Performance.........................................96

Dougherty’s Service Shop......................95

Ohio Bike Week........................................2,3

Zeppe’s Pizza...........................................20


Ohio Festival and Events..................... 123

Lake Erie Harley-Davidson..........................

Eastgate Harley-Davidson......................67

......................................Inside Front Cover

Easyriders Rodeo Chillicothe.................22

10 Mile Inn..............................................27

Evolution Machine Cycle...................... 101


FNW CHARTERS......................................99

Action Extreme Sports............................98


American Legion.................................... 118


Amherst Meadowlarks............................76

Gover Harley-Davidson...........................78

ANAC Baggers.........................................58

Guardian Oil............................................95

Arts Parts...............................................93

Hairy George Radio Show.......................99

Art’s Parts........................................... 101

Hale’s Harley-Davidson..........................39

Ashland County Fairgrounds.............. 113

Hard Rock ROCKSINO............................38

Asylum Tattoo..........................................90

Harley Davidson of Chillicothe..............59

Avon Boot Shop................................... 104

Harley-Davidson of Cincinatti.................71

Bair’s Polaris Victory.............................63

HOG Daze............................................. 108

Balcer Performance - SERVICE.......... 101

Honda Marysville.............................62, 77

BARREL HOUSE SALOON.......................59

Hudson Leater........................................98

Basement, The..........................................31

Independent Motorsports......................26


Indian of Erie.....................................11,22

Bears - Seat King.................................. 102

Indian of Toledo........................................7

Bears - Seat King.................................. 102

Iron Horse Campground...................... 119

Biker Thoughts........................................96

Irv’s Leather Outlet............................. 101

Bison Leather..........................................27

Jamie Day.................................................94

Blazin Bills.............................................31

Joe’s Cycle Shop....................................96

Bonneville Tavern................................. 109

Kames Sports....................................80,81

Brandy Winfield Memorial Poker Run.. 121


Briarcliff MX...........................................77

LA Alterations.........................................99

Bridges, Bikes, and Blues.................... 112

Legends Sports Bar & Grill...................21

C &A Harley-Davidson.............................58

Mad River................................................43

Camp Sandusky.......................................97

Majestic Trailer.......................................76

Carlton Harley-Davidson........................17

Mantua Corners......................................31

Cash 4 Motorcycles...............................95

MAPS.................................................... 123

Century Harley-Davidson........................41


Chrome & Speed......................................99

Marlboro Volunteers.............................66


Mike Weber...............................................69

Competition Accessories.........................72

Mountainfest........................................ 110

Courtyard Lounge...................................78

Murphy’s Ale House................................26

Criminal Customz...............................93,97


Cycle Analysis.........................................99

My Museum..............................................89

Cycle Tech...............................................93

Napoleon Harley-Davidson.....................12

Davis Harley-Davidson Dealerships........45

Nestor Insurance....................................95

We’d also like to thank all of our subscribers... and of course the avid readers that bring it all together. Thank you for making all of this possible, for supporting this organization, and our families. Sincerely, The Thunder Roads Ohio Team Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO





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Thunder Roads速 Magazine OHIO



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Get The Gear!

ThunderRoadsOhio.com To mail an order, include $5 per shirt for tax and handling. Four or more shirts, $3 per shirt. Include check or money order, payable to: Iron Cowboy Productions Send to: Thunder Roads Ohio 12467 Kinsman Rd Burton, Ohio 44021 For credit card sales, email your order to: ThunderRoadsOhio@gmail.com Or call 440-678-8608

visit: to order online


hio Thunder roadsO



OHIO’S MOTORCYCLE MAG! Thunder Roads® Magazine OHIO



JULY 16, 17, 18 & 19



July 16

Grand Marshal Danny ‘The Count’ Koker JOHN KAY & STEPPENWOLF


COUNT’S 77 Presented by:

July 17

July 18

July 17


July 19

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