The Road to Independence - Systems Design

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Systems Design

The Road to Independence Exploring effective solutions for the Advocacy System @ Liberty Resources

GRID 605 Spring Design Studio II Tian Cai

Liberty Resources, Inc.

Published by

211 South Broad Street, 5th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 Copyright Š 2012

Table of Contents

Copyright © 2012 by Tian Cai Illustrations copyright © 2012 by Tian Cai Photography credits: All photography created by © 2012 Tian Cai unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced–mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying–without written permission of the publisher. Cover design by Tian Cai Book design by Tian Cai Masters of Industrial Design at The University of the Arts 212 South Broad Street, 5th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 First printing May 2012

Chapter 1 | Introduction

Chapter 2 | Research + Synthesis

Chapter 3 | Prototype + Test



8 | Introduction


Introduction | 9

Main Contacts

Liberty Resources Inc. (LRI) A non-profit, Consumer driven organization that advocates and promotes Independent Living for persons with disabilities.

Key Terms @ LRI Consumer Person with disabilities who is transitioning from the nursing facility to the community.


Norma Robertson-dabrowski

Nancy Salandra

Person with disabilities living in the community who provides services and

Director, Specialized Transitioning Services

Director of Independent Living

mental support to the Consumers during their transition process.

10 | Introduction

Introduction | 11

Previous Project Work A part of my research continued by looking at the work that past teams have done. It was very helpful having tangible designed objects to reference and look at. It respond was useful observing Liberty Resource’s branding and identity. The problems synthesis they run into are not understanding where at in they are and what they need to do next. Therefore, the past MiD’s project was to visualize and simplify this process with a book and map.


In 2011 Fall, my four colleagues and I established a new LRI team, and working with Liberty. Our team identified 5 key interactions last semester and designed five prototypes. Also, we presented our five prototypes at a meeting with their board members and staff.

Further Developed


The Road to Independence Tools for Understanding & Planning Choices

Service Details & The Steps for Reaching Your Goals

The Road to Independence Booklet

Liberty Cards

Fundraising Cards

iPad Application

Come. Listen. Respond.

Community Storybook

12 | Introduction

Introduction | 13

Point of Departure

Previous presentation with the board members and staff at Liberty Resources. 12/2011

Prototype 1: Liberty Cards

Prototype 2: iPad App

Further Developed Prototype

Conceptual Prototype

Introduction | 15

14 | Introduction

Design Process







Developing design

Collecting informa-

Sensemaking &

Developing design

Collecting the suc-

patterns that were

tion through observ-

Visualizing meaning-

patterns that were

cesses and failures

informed from synthe-

ing and learning

ful statements and

informed from synthe-

of the prototype in a

sized research.

from individuals.

identified problems.

sized research.

real situation.






Week 5

Week 6

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

2.7 - 2.13

2.14 - 2.19

2.20 - 2.26

3.5 - 3.11

3.12 - 3.18

3.19 - 3.25

3.26 - 4.1

4.2 - 4.8

4.9 - 4.15

4.16 - 4.22

4.23 - 4.29


Research + Synthesis

18 | Research + Synthesis

Target Audience Advocate

Focus • Transition Process The Transition Program at LRI assists people with disabilities to transition out of nursing facilities to community living.

• Advocacy System The current Advocacy System is composed of twelve advocates, and one coordinator, who holds monthly meetings like this to exchange information about Consumers in nursing homes. The system works on the first phase of the Consumer Transition Process, which is collecting required identifications and forms.

1st Advocate Meeting 02/17/2012

20 | Research + Synthesis

Research Tools - Observation Different levels of physical or mental limitations.

Excessively paper-based Advocacy System

From my observation, I found that all advocates in the system possess different lev-

Meanwhile, speaking of communication and coordination, the system is excessively

els of physical or mental limitations. Based on various disabilities, each individual has

paper-based, the structure is really outdated and unsystematic. For example, the

developed his or her own system of documentation for the Consumers. So there

way the director of the transition process assigns new Consumers is based solely on

is no standard system for Liberty Resources to collect the required information.

a piece of paper. This prevents the Advocates from being consistent with their own documentation tools (notebooks, cellphones, etc.).

1st Advocate Meeting 02/17/2012

22 | Research + Synthesis

Research Goal

Shadowing and Focused Interview

To understand the nature of Advocates’ work from their perspectives. • How do they document? • How does the current system work? • What is the detailed transition process? • Where does the system break down?

The research tools that I used

I learned a lot as an observer at the 1st advocate meeting, because it got to the

are shadowing and focused

heart of how the current system works. Additionally, I reached out 5 advocates as

interviews with the Advocates.

my main contacts and set up my Research Goal for the following research task.

I designed 8 questions according to the research goal and Question&Answer notes to keep myself organized and informed. Question & Answer Notes from 5 focused interviews with Advocates.

Braindump about the Advocacy System.

After 5 focused interviews and 6 shadowings at 4 nursing facilities and 1 I.D. agency, I started mapping out the observation, connection and deduction in my mind. Shadowing the Advocate, Gary Isaac @ Cheltenham Nursing Home. 03/1/2012

26 | Research + Synthesis

Braindump about the Design Opportunities, Potential Solution & Next Step.

Braindump after shadowings and focused interviews with 5 Advocates. 03/23/2012

28 | Research + Synthesis

Meaningful Statements & Key findings “The required forms include Outreach Form, MFP Form and Narrative Log. And I have to make copies of them because paper work

Separate required forms easily got missed by the Advocates and the staff at Liberty Resources.

“My old files were lost. They are useless. I save my consumer’s contact information in my cellphone. Also, I let them have my name and number (via a random piece of paper) before

easily got lost at Liberty Resources.”

I leave.”

Herman Dawning

Gary Isaac

“The most challenging part is to remember each consumer’s situation. I have 4 new consumer’s every month; that’s a lot of work. The Liberty Cards are off the hook, and I tried secret-

Don’t remember how much identification has been collected and where the Consumer is in the process.

ly keeping one so that I can use the checklist to

No unified way to give out the contact information of Advocates at Liberty Resources.

“Most consumers are not thinking actively straight. They hate nursing homes, but also hesitate and fear to move out, feeling like it’s the end. It was a big impact on the consum-

Big impact on a consumer if the Advocate can share his/her experience of transition and encourage them.

ers when I shared my 6 year’s experience in nursing homes; I was where they are at.”

track my consumers.” Virginia Simmons “I make my notes on iPhone, transferring it to the computer. Then I edit the contents and email it to my coordinator. I back up with a driver

“I usually meet my consumers at identification

Using iPhone, computer, and email is easier than using all the paper, because of the limitation in writing.

agencies if they have paratransit service, but it always takes some time to explain where the agencies are located and sometimes I need to be at a nursing home to show them

every month. It’s easier than using all the pa-

how to get on CCT if it’s their first time.”

per because I’m not good at handwriting.”

Maria Bottigile

Michelle Mclandee

It takes long time to explain to a Consumer where all the I.D. agencies are located and how to transport there.

30 | Research + Synthesis

Transition Process The Transition Process from nursing facilities to the community consists of

Based on our work from last semester, I interviewed the director of the transition

three phases: “ID Collection,” “Housing Program,” and “Last Step to

process, Norma, to make sure each detailed step was accurate. I then revised and digitized the entire process, as a transition map.


* Consumers should start 2A & 2B simultaneously.


I.D. Collection

Intake Form Outreach Form MFP Form Paratransit (Optional) Birth Certificate Non-driver License Social Security Card Medical Record


Housing Program A

1. Housing Application 2. Submit to PHA 3. Choosing a new home 4. Security deposit for new home 5. Signing new home lease (A Copy to Norma) 6. Applying for funds and getting approval 7. Requesting a check from Felicia 8. Getting key from landlord

Last Step to Community

1. Discharge Meeting - Gather a 2 weeks’ supply of medication 1) Complete a wheelchair evaluation 2) NHT Services - Liberty Resources 3) Support providers nurses refer consumer to community resources. 4) Support provider sends report to the State for approval. 2. Before you move out 1) Setting up a bank account


Housing Program B

1. Enroll with Maximus 1) Maximus and PCA provide assessment 2) Maximus arranges County Assistant Office to provide financial assessment. 3) Choose support provider through Maximus. 2. Maximus sends assessments to State, if it is approved, it will be sent to chosen support provider. 3. Norma contacts Maximus for SC Agency + staff from

Map of Transition Process. 04/17/2012


Liberty Resources + the consumer in nursing home. 4. Support provider assessment of support services needed + home mod + set discharge date based on mod dates.

2) Acquiring furniture and other household items 3) Moving to your new home 4) Move out day 5) Shop for groceries 6) Move belongings

32 | Research + Synthesis



To improve the efficiency of the Advocacy System and

Digitize the whole Advocacy System of Transition

speed up the Transition Process for Consumers

Process at LRI by building a bridge between a

became the goal of the project.

paper-based system and digital technology.

This research and synthesis process has been quite inspiring because it got to the

I realized that the original idea of the iPad App design is quite beyond

heart of how the Advocates work. It presents so many details about the challeng-

where the current system was, and I felt the need to build a bridge

es in the internal system. The problems of inefficiency and inconsistency stood

between the current paper-based system and the “high-tech� digital

out. Hence, I discovered that my role is to help the advocates streamline what


they do and change the nature of the task, that is, to improve the efficiency of the Advocacy System as well as to speed up the transition process.


Prototype + Test

36 | Prototype + Test


Advocate’s Booklet


The Road to Independence

Building a bridge between the

Exploring the digital solution

paper-based system and

for the Advocacy System.

digital technology.

Further developed prototype

Conceptual prototype

38 | Prototype + Test


Advocate’s Booklet

Building a bridge between the paper-based system and digital technology. The Advocate’s Booklet turned out to be the

The Advocate’s Booklets have two versions:

first step towards the whole new digital sysOne is “Monthly tracking form”, which is more like a

tem in the future.

master booklet with an overview of all Consumers’ information that were assigned by the coordina-

It was designed as a paper-based booklet.

Advocate’s Booklet Monthly Tracking Form

tor in a month.

Specifically, I used normal conventions of 8 and half by 11 paper and Tabloid. Because it could work better in the Advocates’ paper

The other one is “Consumer tracking form”, which is


more like “one for one document,” which means one However, it was also designed in the

Advocate, one booklet for one Consumer. It provides all required forms, Narrative Logs, identifications and “How

Advocate’s Booklet

structure that would lead the Advocates

Consumer Tracking Form

to think about the future digital portion.

To” steps that one Consumer need for the Transition Process. It also has a piece that focuses on Consumer, so the Advocate can rip it off and leave it with the Consumer.

Inspiring Stories! I used to live in four different nursing homes for five years because of my terrible health condition. I was losing all my hope until one day I started my transition process with Liberty Resources. I realized that even though I was that sick, I still had my rights and choices. And I tried my best to move out! Now I’m on my own, living in my own apartment. Sue August, 2010 My experience with nursing home made me feel so frustrated. I had stayed there for 7 years and the food I had was terrible. I always wanted to leave and I had waited for such a long time! Still I’m glad that I can make it! Now, I can shop with my friends in any grocery store. Yes, I did it, so can you! Glenda December, 2009

Liberty Support Your First Steps to Living Independently

I used to abuse my body because I thought it was turning against me. I was so unsatisfied with my life until one day I attended an activity hosted at Liberty Resources with other people with disabilities. After seeing others with even more limitations than me, living happily in the community. I realized how stupid of me before! And I decided to be grateful for the life I have. Marsha May, 2008

The editing process of the “Advocate’s Booklet.”

40 | Prototype + Test


Advocate’s Booklet

Building a bridge between the paper-based system and digital technology.

Brainstorm the structure of “Advocate’s Booklet.” 04/17/2012

The user scenario of the “Advocate’s Booklet.”

42 | Prototype + Test


Advocate’s Booklet

Building a bridge between the paper-based system and digital technology.

Testing the “Advocate’s Booklet” on Advocate Meeting. 04/20/2012

• Virginia:

The checklist is an excellent reminder, keeping her from losing the documents.

• Maria:

Thorough design & quite self-explanatory.

• Gary:

Stories and pictures will support the Consumer to have more faith in process.

• Norma:

The checklist helps Liberty Resources track Advocates’ work.

Feedback from the Advocates. 04/20/2012

44 | Prototype + Test

2 The Road to Independence

When I was in the process of creating the Advocate’s Booklets, I also had my eye on the iPad App as a digital possibility.

Exploring the digital solution for the Advocacy System @ Liberty Resources.










Consumer A

Consumer F


Consumer B

Consumer G

Social Security Card




In the Transition Process

Your Current Consumers Consumer A

Consumer H

Birth Certificate

Consumer D

Consumer Y

Non-driver License

In the Community

Liberty Resources

No longer in Transition

Consumer E

Brainstorm the digital design patterns which can meet the needs. 04/01/2012

Consumer B

Consumer C

Information Architecture of “The Road to independence“

46 | Prototype + Test

2 The Road to Independence Exploring the digital solution for the Advocacy System @ Liberty Resources.

Wireframe of “The Road to independence“

The user scenario of the “The Road to Independence.”

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