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The Sand Casted Pavilion


The Lakeside Teahouse


The Regenation Of Shipai Village


Other Works



Blue Wine

This project was aimed at exploring the potential relationship between humans and nature.Setting up a unique architectural language and creating a harmonious atmosphere was the critical spirit of this project. In addition, tons of units offer fundamental food needs, including the growing, producing, and storage process.

My project is like a transitional stage where personal private life and nature mixed inside my project. The hazy is the primary space characteristic. The space atmosphere keeps changing with time. Light plays a vital role in shaping and defining space zone. As time go by, the different angle of the sun changes the lighting zone inside the house. Nature light, filled with affinity, had a substantial impact on people. Moving shadow on the ground shows the process of time. It would be a quiet place for visitors to calm down and release the pressure. The role of architecture is to provide a shelter for humans to rest and gives more opportunities for feeling. Therefore, my project will focus on organizing all the architecture elements together to give people a harmonious sense of designing a camera aperture. All other human feelings, like auditory touch, and smell, also have the same weight as a graphic. It should be more like a symphony instead of a Violin or Piano solo. The process of design shared the same similarities with writing music. Some nature elements would be emphasized interior. A subtle arrangement inside will evoke people’s attention to nature.








Site Information The project was located on south faced hill. It can be endless meandering among the hills. The Taughannock Falls was close to my site. My food corporation tried to combine humans and nature into one zone. It grew among trees and covered itself in the heart. The whole system gradually became a member of the natural system.


Process of Form The form of my project began with the test of supporting structure. The joint between beam and column was not on the same point to create a flexible sense. X, Y, Z columns built up the fundamental elements of my design. Later, it explored crazily and tried all kinds of combination possibilities. All the attempts set up the spring for a later project. Through long periods of development, it finally evolved into a unified grid system.

Plan 1/48’




The Sand Casted Pavilion

This project is to explore the use of material. It tests different aggregation force of sand in different water condition and the mix of sand with gypsum. The whole project models the process of modern pouring by using plaster.


Traditional casting Enframed landscape is one of the important factors in Chinese traditional garden. In the West Lake, there is no lack of frame scenery. In the project, I extracted the arched structure as the basic structural element.

Root as reference There are many peninsulas extending to the west lake and lake islands in the West Lake. The relationship between these island and water are various,providing a variety of changeable scenery. This is one of the most important factors the West Lake attractting a large number of tourists.

The axonometric drawing In this project, I analyzed the reason why the West Lake is attractive is the existence of peninsula and island, so I chose the ring as the overall form of the building which is the metaphor of island. At the same time, I hope that the building can be light and above the water. Furthermore the selection of arch not only solves the structural problems, but also creates a enframed view.


Build boxs and models The rhinoceros is modeled, then the laser cuts the plates, and the plates are assembled with wires and sticks. The tube is then secured into the container.


Pour sand Cover the pipe with sand. Alternate wet sand with dry sand. Set the wet sand and fill the gap with dry sand. (multiple holes, exhaust, cast cast)

Remove the tubes Carefully pull out the pipe, pay attention to the cracks, prevent collapse, and cracks can be watered to close.


Remove the sand

Carefully pull out the pipe, pay attention to the cracks, prevent collapse, and cracks can be watered to close.

First, dig out part of the sand to reduce the pressure of the model, and then clean the sand covering the surface in the plate removal.


















The Lakeside Teahouse


One-side arch

Two-side arch

Three-side arch

Mid-size cluster1

Two-side arch

Two-side arch

Four-side arch

Mid-size cluster2


Two-side arch

Three-side arch

Four-side arch

Two-side arch

Three-side arch

Four-side arch

Mid-size cluster3

Large-size cluster1

Large-size cluster2

Large-size cluster3

Large-size cluster4



Enframed view 1 A complete arch can create a symmetrical enframed view, reflecting the characteristics of Chinese classical garden, reflecting the sense of order

Enframed view 2 The overlapping and misplaced half arch creates a balanced but asymmetrical enframed view, reflecting the feature of modernism which does not emphasize symmetry

Enframed view 1 As the entrance of the building, the long building blocks increase the sense of hierarchy of the building. At the same time, tourists who do not drink tea can sit in the corridor and rest

Enframed view 2 The large building block can accommodate most of the people who drink tea. At the same time, the second floor as a viewing platform can provide a very good view for people to see the scenery and take photos


The Regenation Of Shipai Village 19

Shipai villige is a typical high-density dwelling area surrounded by model city. This project is to sovle the problems found in Shipai village by series research, including lack of surpporting facilities, lack of grassland and good view, incomplete protection of fire.The appoach to sovle this problem is to find three pieces of architectural work as spirits, as well as three abstrcut paintings which contributing to form finding. Therefor improve the life and entertainment of the village.

The city Shipai village has a high building density, lack of green space and supporting space, which is also the most common problem in urban villages

The buildings Most of the houses in Shipai village are six stories. The distance between the two buildings is very close. On the one hand, the neighborhood space is very scarce. On the other hand, because the houses are old, there is a risk of fire spreading

The axonometric drawing There are three solutions to this scheme: 1. By implanting a cavity firewall between the two buildings, the neighborhood space can be increased to play a role in fire prevention at the same time; 2. The air corridor can be implanting to provide entertainment supporting functions for catering and fitness; 3. The roof garden can be implanting to increase the plot green space and provide a good viewing platform





Other Works



Cooperate With Zheng Fang


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