Foundations of Design : Representation, Sem 1, 2017 PORTFOLIO Tiantong Zou
901114 Studio26-Emmanuel Alexander Cohen
1. MEASURED DRAWING OF A CROISSANT..................................3-4 2. FLATNESS VS PROJECTION-NEW MARIO WORLD.....................5-6 3. PATTERN VS SURFACE-PAPER LANDSCAPE...............................7-9
4. FRAME VS FIELD-INVISIBLE CITY................................................10-12
5. REFLECTION..................................................................................13
MEASURED DRAWING OF A CROISSANT How to measure a Croissant?
瀀栀漀琀漀 漀昀 攀氀攀瘀愀琀椀漀渀
This module is a work about drawing a croissant. At first, I took photos of my croissant’s plan view and elevation view, as well as phtocopied the section view of my cutting croissant. I used photoshop to adjust levels and clear my croissant pictures. Then I used tracing paper to do section drawings and rotated my plan 45 degree to do the axonometric drawing. I have lerned the skills of using photoshop to adjust levels, clear images and compose different images in one paper. My drawing skills have been improved in this module and I succesfully showed the depth of the holes in section drawings.
瀀栀漀琀漀 漀昀 攀氀攀瘀愀琀椀漀渀
瀀栀漀琀漀挀漀瀀椀攀搀 瀀氀愀渀
瀀栀漀琀漀 漀昀 瀀氀愀渀 瘀椀攀眀
瀀栀漀琀漀挀漀瀀椀攀搀 猀攀挀琀椀漀渀猀
The making of new Mario world. My new Mario world is a 3D sea world with mountains, columns and grasses. I tried to combied two 2D Mario World to make an axonometric drawing. Some details such as Mario and turtle were added to the world. Another important stage while doing Mario world is using illustrator to trace the axonometric drawing and color it. It was hard for me to do the illustrator tracing, so I made it twice after this module.
Front Side Drawing. I rotated the 2D Mario World in 45 degree and then drew the 3D world. I decided the thickness of the mountain in 15 milimeters and the coins in 10 milimeters.
Back Side Drawing. When I finished one side, I began on the second side of Mario world, I placed it parallel to the first one at 200mm apart and then used the same method to work on it.
Drawing with both front and back sides. This is the axonometric drawing with two 2D mario world, prepared to add more details and characters.
Hand drawing of under sea Mario world combining two pictures and with extra subjects added.
Drawing equipments. T-square, rulers and pencils were used in the step of drawing Mario world on tracing paper.
The making of new landscape My Paper landscape is made by triangular 2D pattern and three different 3D patterns. At first, I created the surface in rhino and then enrolled all the patterns. During this process, I tried to create different patterns and make the surface more visually aesthetical. I printed these patterns in 160GSM paper, cut and sticked them to make the final land scape as shown in the picture.
Detail of the landscape. It consists triangular 2D patterns and pyramids 3D patterns. They have been sticked together to make a complete surface.
Fisrt surface It is the first original surface preparing for pamelling. I used bounding box to make it. All thw 2D and 3D patterns were created on this surface.
Test panelling of pentacle I tried to use pentacle tools in rhino to make custom panelling by myself. I made it to surface and then panelld it.
Surface with 3D variable custom panellings . 0-3I created three patterns of pyramids in different heights and shape. They consist of a half of the palt surface and they are loacted in a butterfly shpe.
The back side of the module
Process of enrolling patterns. Insert 20-30words to describe the process When I finished creating 2D and 3D patterns, I began to enroll it preparing for printing and hand making. I oftern grouped two or three patterns and enrolled them together. It is important to mark them in different color, which is convenient for me to check.
Perinthia Perinthia is a city governed by astronomers acoordig to the calcutations about the heaven. Citizens in this city were like mosters, inclulding cripples, dwarfs and obese men. So I created such characters in one perspective view. Then I created other real monsters in another perspective view to reflect the terrible emvironment in Perinthia city. Through this project, I tried to show the terrible current situation in Perinthia city caused by astronomers’ wrong calculation. The isomatric view shows Marco Polo’s walking steps, as well as his heavy mood while seeing these monster citizens.
Cities & the sky 3: Perinthia
Key stare
Perspective2 light mood heavy mood small people people regular step
auick step
Pespective one. There are two monsters and a chair located in the scene. The roof is decorated in star map,which shows the execcive belief to astronomy.
Pespective two. There are a group of people including cripples and obese men. They are fighting with the goveners to complaint their current situation.
Through the learning process this semester, I have completed the above four modules and gained relative digital media and drawing skills. I have gained digital skills of using photoshop, indesign, illlustrator and rhino to do these four modules. It is a good experience for me to know the process of making a specific module. In the fisrt module, I began to get touched with digital design and successfully learned the skills of using photoshop, such as adjusting levels and clearing images. The second module was not successful because I was not familiar with illustrator and I did not trace and color it successsfully. After this module, I spent a lot of time learning illustrator and I tried to improve it as shown in the picture. I hope I could improve my digital skills in the futural learning experience. In this semester, I followed the workshop at most time. Like in the module 3, I created the patterns based on the learning in the workshop. I attempted to try some other patterns, but I did not have sufficient capacity to make it. I have gained basic skills about rhino through the learning in workshops, such as ectrude and loft commands. One disadvantage I would mention is that I did not have enought critical and creative thinking about my work. To improve this problem, I am trying to be ispired by the existig fantastic design and I hope I could create my own design in the future. Next time, I hope to put my own design and thinkings into my work rather than just finish modules meeting the basic requirements. To make my module 3 look better, I tried to place the patterns in a butterfly shape, inspired by the butterfly logos in my life. In the final module, it required more creative thinking to decorate city according to the story. I realised that I need to have a deep understanding about each module and then I will have my independent critical thought on my work. As long as I have realtive skills and my own thought to a particular work, I can make it as successful as I expect.
The improval Mario world of module 2