Construction analysis Flipbook 1

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ABPL20033 - Construction Analysis, Semester 1 - 2019 Dr Sofia Colabella, Subject coordinator Dion Keech , Tutor Tiantong Zou, 901114, 16/03/2019 Queenscliff House, Tutorial 04. ASSIGNMENT 1

FLIPBOOK SECTION AS-BUILT: assigned section and construction sequence

Melbourne School of Design, photo by Sofia Colabella

02 Service pipes layout

07 Intermediate floor struture

Water pipes underground


Flush joint is placed between adjacent floor finishes.

Services and finishing trades

04 Framing

Timber and steel for framing

06 Window system

Ceramic Tile for the ensuite floor finishes.

Living Bedroom 3 ES 3 Section cut

03 Floor system

09 Internal partitions Internal walls with plaster boards and timber studs


Ground Floor Plan

01 Site preparation and footings

08 Roof system

Minimum 6mm setback is required Strip footings and pad footings


Scale 1:50 @A3

First Floor Plan Scale 1:50 @A3

ABPL20033 - 2019,TIANTONG ZOU| 901114|Tutorial 04 | Dion Keech | p. 1

05 External walls and claddings Blackbutt timber chopping board is for the wall cladding

08 Roof system -350W*100H Box gutter 1:100 fall to outlets. -Lysaght ‘Trimdeck Hi Ten’ metal sheet roofingm finished by stainless steel. -150*45 hyspan lvl at 1200mm CTS was constructed for the roof structure here.

hydronic trench.


Services and finishing trades

The bottom of the kitchen island provides 190*45 MGP10 pine solid blocking to floor joists supporting structural posts. Timber Joinery Box is on the Kitchen Island bench Material: Blackbutt Size: 15mm thick boards biscuit jointed.

19mm yellow tongue particleboard


04 Framing

Shower screens: natural annodised aluminium glazing chanel that is recessed 3mm above finishedceiling level.

Timber framing, hJ360 * 90 hy joist at 450mm spacing.

13mm Plasterboard – Water resistant to wet areas was for ceiling.

06 Window system Bedroom 3

ES 3

05 External walls and claddings

09 Internal partitions

External walls were built with insulation, external cladding is 138mm x 19mm dressed, ship lapped, Spotted Gum.

01 Site preparation and footings 300mm DIA * 150mm MIN deep pad footings, filled 100mm minimum into natural sands

Tassie oak window frame and sill

03 Floor system 120mm thick suspended concrete slab was used for ground floor.

02 Service pipes layout

Wall type between bedroom and ensuite 3 is with 90*45 studs @60 centres. Insulation was between moisture resistant plaster boards.

Section 2C Scale 1:50 @A3

ABPL20033 - 2019,TIANTONG ZOU| 901114|Tutorial 04 | Dion Keech | p. 2

1. FOUNDATION SYSTEMS, INCLUDING EXCAVATION AND FOOTINGS 1.1 Building permit was obtained. 1.2 Site was conducted by land surveyor. 1.3 Site had been cleared and temporary services had been set up. 1.4 Temporary excavation was done in 14 crows nest place. 1.5 Trenches for footings were dugged. 1.6 Natural sand was refilled to solve the sandy soil problem in the site due to its location where is near the beach. 1.7 600*600*400mm MIN. deep mass concrete pad footings and 300mm DIA. * 150mm MIN. deep pad footings were constructed. 1.8 450mm WDE*400mm min deep strip footing and 300mm WDE*400mm min deep strip footing were constructed.



4. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM 4.1 All framing structure are in accordance with AS 2.1 Piling retaining wall was contructed with 3.1 When the inspection has been done, a minimum 1684. maximum 3200mm height. 50mm thick layer of blinding concrete filled the base. 4.2 Timber and steel(universal beam) are used for the 2.2 Vertical reinforcing was needed in piles to extend 3.2 After holes were drilled, concrete had been primary structural in Queenscliff House. 300mm into pile cap. immediately filled to where soil is susceptible to 4.3 Plywood bracing was placed on the timber studs 2.3 Where concrete piles act as retaiing wall allow a collapse. with 6mm F11 plywood studs@450 CTS. One row of minimum of 21 days prior to commencement of bulk 3.3 100mm thick R.C. was infilled into slab. nogging staggered on single line at half wall height. excavation. 3.4 The basement walls were constructed with 4.4 Strap bracing was placed on the timber studs in a 2.4 Hydroinc heating system was used for the house, 190mm reinforcement blockwork retaining wall, angle between 30 to 60 degree, with 30*0.8 tensione pipes were laied. 90*45mm@60 centres timber studs, 50mm cavity. GALV strap fixed to plates with minimum 4 flat head 3.5 13mm water resistant plasterboard was used for nails to each end. basement ceiling on rondo suspend system. 4.4 All timber and steel framing have bolted 3.6 Concrete stumps were penetrated into ground connections to steel columns, using 6mm thick plate 150mm above the footings, with bearer sitting on. cleat and 2M16 8 8/S bolts. 3.7 After ground floor framing was done, 120mm 4.5 More than 60% of bracings were done before thick suspended concrete slab was filled and installing the roof structure. smoothed by machines. 4.6 Roof structure were done by timber and parallel 3.8 Reinforced steels penetrated the slab for ground flanged chanel in equak angle. floor wall system. 4.7 All steel work, nuts and bolts were galvanised.

Construction stages 1-5, summary ABPL20033 - 2019,TIANTONG ZOU| 901114|Tutorial 04 | Dion Keech | p. 3

5. WALL SYSTEM 5.1 Ground floor walls were constructed with situ concrete with insulations. 5.2 Breathable sarkings were included in the wall system. 5.3 138mm x 19mm dressed, ship lapped, Spotted Gum was for external cladding. Fixings were silicone bronze ring shanked nails @ 600 centres. 5.4 First floor kitchen area external wall was built with 90*45&70*45 timber studs@600 centers. Flush joint and scyon cavity trim was needed. 5.5 8mm cladding-cement sheet was used for kitchen area cladding. 5.6 Plywood bracing and strap bracing were used for wall timber studs bracings.

6. WINDOW SYSTEM 6.1 All glazing is to comply with AS1288. 6.2 All glass is grade a safety laminated or toughened glass. 6.3 Window mullions and frames shall have square edges and shall be single rebated on glazed side only. 6.4 All openable windows have flywire screens and sliding flywire doors have charcoal fibreglass mesh.



7.1 Steel universal beam was craned and welded to steel wall sections by full perimeter fillet welds. 7.2 Timber joinsts were placed. 7.3 Timber and Beam spans and spacings was calculated by civil engeer to ensure its load carrying capacity. 7.4 Timber beams were connected with 150*150*10 EA*250mm long 3-M16 8.8/s bolts. 7.5 Steel beams were connected with 10mm cleat plate 6 CFW 2-M20 8.S/S bolts. 7.6 Timber studs were connected to stel beam with 10mm cleat plate, 6CFW to steel beam 2-M12 bolts. 7.7 Joists hanger and 1-M12 bolt at 450mm CTS were used for joists/rafters to UB connection.

8.1 Roof framing was tied with galvanised strap and faming bracket. 8.2 350W*100H box gutter with 1:100 falls to outlets was used to collect rainwater. 8.3 Box gutter was connected to downpipes to collecting water. 8.4 Metal deck roof with Lysaght ‘Trimdeck Hi Ten’ was used for roof sheeting, finish is stainless steel. 8.5 Sarking and insulation was included in the roof system to resist temperature for the house. 8.6 Roof framing was bolted with 2/Trip-L-Grips per rafter.

9. INTERNAL PARTITIONS AND CEILING STRUCTURE 9.1 Ground floor Plant used 13mm Plasterboard –Water resistant to wet areas for ceiling. Finish: Dulux Professional Enviro 2 Flat Acryli Colour: Taubmans Spectrum Fandeck ‘Cotton Touch’ T9-6W 9.2 Fire resistant ceiling was used for ground floor spa plant, 16mm CSR Gyprock Fyrchek Plasterboard, Finish: Dulux Professional Enviro 2 Flat Acryli 9.3 Timber veneer ceiling was used for kitchen. 9.4 Timber decking board ceiling was used for ground floor hallway, 135x19 blackbutt timber decking boards. 5mm spacing between boards. 9.5 Ensuite internal walls were with insulation.

Construction stages 6-10, summary ABPL20033 - 2019,TIANTONG ZOU| 901114|Tutorial 04 | Dion Keech | p. 4

10. SERVICES AND FINISHING TRADES 10.1 Kitchen was painted with Dulux Master Palette “Cherry Red” 00YR15/510. 10.2 Laundry was painted to match LAM-021 10.3 Ground and first floor skirting flush was with water resistant plasterboard. Size: Nominal 100 x 16mm 10.4 Bedroom 2,3,4 used Godfrey Hirst Carpets Sussex 100% wool level loop pile 40oz. carpet Colour Taupe 10.5 Ceramic Tile was used for Ensuites 2,3 & 4 Colour: GF Superwhite Matt Finish, Fully Vitrified Size: 300x300mm 10.6 Ensuite shower screens Toughened clear grade A safety glass to AS1288. Minimum 10mm toughened. 10.7 Glass-Internal Cellar 2x6mm safety glass with 10mm air gap.

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