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Tiasha Pickett
I go by the name Tiasha (Tie-ee-shah) Ty for short. I own Bright Virtual Solutions, TyBlocks and Fay's Heart Charities. Bright Virtual Solutions is a virtual assistance company that provides remote administrative assistance to small business owners and professionals. TyBlocks is a small self publishing company for my various writing projects. Lastly, Fay's Heart Charities in loving memory of my sister, partners with non profit organizations to help raise funds and establish goals for true change in many local communities. I will be busy establishing these entities along with finding time to be with friends and family. I'm active in various prayers groups and ministries with several churches and christian small groups locally, worldwide and virtually. My only goal in life is to spread the light of Christ through my talents, time and resources. I enjoy dancing, writing, eating, making new friends, and praying for you! I'm somewhat musically inclined, I need to develop this gift more...lo