Alambana parīksā

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Alambanaparī ksā AT r e a t i s eo nt h eA n a l y s i so f t h e F o c a l Ob j e c t o f Mi n d ( T i b : Mi gt a k )

AcharyaDi gnaga

བ ད ོ ་ ཁ ང ་ །

Ti betHouse Cu l t u r a l Ce nt r eofHi sHol i ne s st heDa l a i La ma

ALAMBANA PARĪKSĀ A Treatise on the Analysis of the Focal Object of Mind

Prostrations to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. 1.

Though elementary particles serve as causes For the sensory consciousness, Like the sense powers they are not its objects As the subtle particles do not appear to the consciousness.


(Consciousness) does not arise from (the collection) that appears to it. (The collection) does not exist substantially, just like the dual moon. Therefore, externality in both (ways) Is not suitable to be the object of consciousness.

3, 4 a-b. Some advocate the aggregate aspect To be the cause of consciousness. 1

The aspect of elementary particles Is not the object of consciousness just like solidity and so forth. The [different] perceptions of pot, cup, and so forth would be identical otherwise. 4c-d, 5a-d. If (objects) are distinguished on the basis of differences in aspects, These do not exist in the substantial elementary particles, As the measure (of the size and shape of the elementary particles) does not have variations. Therefore distinctions exist with (things) which are existent non-substantially. If one eliminates elementary particles completely, The consciousness to which (objects) appear ceases. 6.

It is the aspect of the internal object Which appears as external. This is the object and the nature of consciousness. It is also the condition. 2Â



An aspect of the same (object), being efficacious, is the condition. Because it implants a seed, it is a sequential (condition). The seed nature of the concurrent sense potential, Is also the sense power.


This is not contradictory to consciousness.


(Consciousness) with the aspect of the object And the potential, are mutual conditions. Since primordially, (they) operate (as thus).


Composed by Acharya Dignaga (480 - 540 CE)

The English translation of this text was rendered by Geshe Dorji Damdul for the teaching of Ven. Geshe Yeshi Thabkey la at Tibet House, New Delhi, on 19-20th July, 2014.


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Bodhisattva Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara (A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life) Chapters 1 – 7 (Series I): This course focuses on the perfections of generosity, ethical discipline, patience and enthusiastic perseverance, and the topic of bodhicitta. Day and time: Fridays, 6:00 pm

Arya Nagarjuna’s Mulamadhyamikakarika (Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way): Chapters 1, 18, 22, 24, 25 and 26 of the text are being covered. Entry into this course is only for those who previously registered for it. Day and time: Sundays, 12:00 pm

Wisdom Chapter of Bodhisattva Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara (A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life): This course will focus on the wisdom aspect of the path- the concept of emptiness. Registration for this course is now open. Day and time: to be announced

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Bodhicitta Retreat (Series 3): November 4 – 18, 2014 This two week retreat will focus on learning about and meditating on Bodhicitta and the wisdom of emptiness.

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