December 25, 2024: Christmas; Hanukkah; Tsongkhapa Nirvana Day; Buddha-Women Dākinī Day
Dear Gentle Members and Friends, Today is a powerful day, Christmas for Western Christians, Hanukkah for Jews, Kwanza Eve for the Pan-African Solidarity Movement, and this year for most Tibetans, the 25th day of the 4th month in the lunar calendar. It is the day when candles are lighted and prayers offered to celebrate the leaving-the-body day/total buddhahood of a Tibetan Master Dharma-Reality Teacher, Jey Rinpochey Tsongkhapa Losang Drakpa (1357-1419 CE), as well as the monthly lunar day of the Diamond Angel Buddha, a Perfectly and Realistically Enlightened Woman Angel. It is unusual that all these days coincide in this Wood Dragon Year, a year that has really turned the world upside down but not yet inside out, so to speak. “Upside down,” in that secret agents of the oligarchic Russian empire 3.0 is winning its war against democracy on the planet by persuading the citizens of many nations to vote to exalt selfishness as the key to success in life, when it’s obvious to every intelligent woman and man that selfless empathy and kindness really achieve joyful flourishing every time. “Inside out” will be when those world citizens look within themselves, recognize their mistake and decide to embrace altruism, creativity, and joy to live well in this beautiful world.
Religious traditions arising in Northern Hemisphere Eurasia, thinking of light as positive and night as negative, use this time to honor their founders! Since Tsongkhapa is considered to have become realistically enlightend, defined as someone who consciously controls his/her duration of embodiment and choice of re-embodiments, had the good taste to change his physical state at this same time, sending a message that light dawns when all seems darkest. He thus confirmed the Buddha’s discovery of the ultimate reality of the infinite transparent energy-mass of the blissful life force as beyond the stresses of dualities such as light and dark.
Anyway, it’s a great day and a great time, and Tibet House US (THUS) thrives and persists against all odds, just as His Holiness the Dalai Lama continues to carry the torch for the freedom of His people in Tibet. At the fingertips of his imagined thousand hands with eyes in palms, the Tibet Houses around the world maintain a presence, cultural embassies that work to preserve and promote its precious culture, which is ever more endangered by the CCP’s United Front Work Department.
Now as for recent news, there are relatively few things to mention, most of them elaborated below by Ganden Thurman in THUS City Center News and Michael Burbank in THUS Menla News. This particular edition is mainly concerned with schedules of events, as our larger reports and features we are saving for a special 90th Birthday Year edition to come out in the early Spring after the Tibetan New Year.
We are looking forward to the 90th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, on July 6, 2025.
As I always say, dear friends, you all also are enacting our Love Tibet motto by donating to THUS and working with us to save its precious culture. You are THUS members (please don’t forget to renew, handsomely!) because you know that life on this earth without Tibet’s unique inner science of wisdom and compassionate art of freedom, without its beauty and joy—and its teaching of both the blissful grace of every moment blessed by infinite compassionate beings and also the inspiring evolutionary purpose of awakening life—just would not measure up to the precious opportunity of being human. Thank you all so much for your cheerful presence and contributions of every kind. We will need your help even more to expand our presence in America for the next generations, inspiring all to save its culture of essential spiritual knowledge and practical lifestyle. With all blessings for your health and happiness during this COMING year of the WOOD SNAKE!
Faithfully yours,

Padma Shri Robert A.F. Thurman, THUS President Columbia University Jey
Tsong Khapa Professor Emeritus
PS: Remember our THUS mantra, LOVE TIBET! Tibet’s mantra, !!OM MANI PADME HŪM!! evokes the enlightened vision that true love, deeply intelligent and vastly compassionate, is ever far stronger than hate,

The Great Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso
17th century, gilt bronze
Gift of Horch Family
THUS Repatriation Collection
CHHIME CHOEKYAPA, Private Office of H. H. Dalai Lama
VEN. GESHE DORJI DAMDUL, director, tibet house new delhi, india
KELSANG & KIM YESHI, directors, norbulingka institute, dharamsala, india
GANDEN THURMAN, executive director, BEATA TIKOS, managing director, KYRA BORRÉ, special events, SONAM CHOEZOM, membership, ANNA VARSHAVSKAYA, office manager, TENZIN KUNSANG, program associate, MAGGIE MOHLER, programming, JOE COSEY, digital development, TASHI TSERING, programs/events, DELGIRA SAMTONOVA, social media, THOMAS F. YARNALL, publications
NENA THURMAN, executive chair, MICHAEL G. BURBANK, executive director, LYNN SCHAUWECKER, managing director, AMBER HALLINAN, general manager, ALICIA OJEDA, executive chef, KATIA SUKHOTSKAYA , front of house,
JESSICA ROMANELLO, dewa spa, DAVID GIANGRECO, facilities, ADAM FOIZEN, events & operations, IQUWAH BEZUYEN, head gardener, JUSTIN STONE-DIAZ, new media
Join us for the 38th Annual Tibet House US Bene t Concert at Carnegie Hall on March 3, 2025, celebrating the Year of the Wood Snake! Celebrate an unforgettable evening of music, culture, and community as we ring in the Wood Snake Year and celebrate the Monlam Festival’s message of peace and harmony.
e Monlam Great Prayer Festival (Tibetan: Monlam Chenmo) is one of the most signi cant and sacred events in Tibetan Buddhist culture, traditionally celebrated during the rst lunar month of the Tibetan calendar. e festival was established in 1409 by the famous scholar/saint Je Tsongkhapa. It takes place immediately following the Tibetan New Year (Losar) and lasts for about two weeks.
Gala tickets — which include premium concert seats and entry to the Gala Dinner — are available through Tibet House US at thus.org. Concert-only tickets are on sale via carnegiehall.org, CarnegieCharge (1-212-247-7800), or stop by the Carnegie Hall Box O ce (57th Street and 7th Avenue).
For lineup updates, follow us on Instagram (tibethouse.us) and Facebook (Tibet House US), or check thus.org.

Seasons Greetings, Dear Friends and Patrons, It has been a challenging year for Tibet House US with highpoints and some difficulties. Regardless, we wish all of you, our patrons, supporters, collaborators, members, visitors and friends all the best for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year after such an unusually and notably bitter and acrimonious election-dominated year!
The People of Tibet – for whose benefit we undertake our work of showing the value of the insights, understandings, disciplines, and arts they have created and maintained in their long and distinctive history – continue to struggle under the conditions imposed upon them by their circumstances as an occupied and inconvenient people within China. In addition to the usual outrages attendant to this circumstance, they are enduring two particularly heartbreaking challenges: the first being the forced removal and assimilation of their children, possibly as many as one million of them, into a system of boarding schools designed to provide a remedial Chinese education based on purging and punishing their Tibetan identity and language. It seems to be a replay of similar failed efforts to violently indoctrinate and religiously convert the children of the indigenous peoples of America, Australia, Canada, and numerous countries around the world that also broke away from large colonial empires that acquired vast territories populated by diverse people. The second dire threat facing the Tibetans in China today is the construction by China of a system of 16 massive dams along with a record-breaking aqueduct to redirect water flowing into the rivers feeding SE Asia into northern China in an attempt to mitigate the destruction of that area’s water systems. In this case, farming families are being dispossessed of their farmland along with the destruction of whole regions full of towns, properties, businesses, and inhabitants. Attempts to complain or discuss this project or any reparation are met with the usual threats, violence, and arbitrary mass imprisonment. I mention these things for your information and consideration and because it’s good to remember the context of Tibet House US’ mission to show what the Tibetan People and their prodigious moral, intellectual, social, and spiritual cultural products have to offer us in our ongoing quest to perfect and benefit from our own. In that light, THUS has, in this last half of the year, continued its academic, aesthetic, and experiential exposition of the goods embedded into Tibetan and Buddhist teachings (offered by such teachers as Kalu Rinpoche, Geshe Ngawang Thugje, the aforementioned
monks and nuns, Ven Robina Courtin, and many others); various forms of meditation and yoga (taught by Annie Bien, Katie Zaffrann, Tony Pham, Geshe Ngawang Thugje of Sera Monastery, Robert Thurman, John Campbell, and Jamie Bonelli, among others); traditional Tibetan medicine healing perspectives (with Dr. Nida, et al.); fine arts in our displays, tours, and installation on Alchi (organized by managing director Beata Tikos and Board member Michael McCormick), religious demonstrations such as the sand mandalas (by the Jangchub Choeling Nuns and the Drepung monks); meditation and yoga teacher trainings (done in affiliation with David Nichtern, and Michelle Loew); explorations of psychology, ethics, philosophy, spirituality, etc.—all in person and online at both the THUS city center and our Menla country center. As usual, we have also featured presentations that synthesize, parallel, or are inspired by Tibetan practices such as the popular “Sound Bath” style meditations, the Poetry series curated by Junior Board member Arden Wohl, the Qi Gong classes offered by Annie Bien, as well as programs on breathing or stress reduction.
We have also enjoyed visitors from abroad, school tours of our displays and installations, visitors to the reading and lending library. Publications also continue with new foreign language editions of our “Man of Peace” biography of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, our inspiration and founding patron; as well as the continuing online episodes of The Animated History of Tibet by the Armchair Academics of writer/director Alexander Kingsbury (THUS is happily its Executive Producer). No doubt I’ve left out some notable events and initiatives, my apologies for any forgetfulness. THUS is a work of many hands and we—staff and board are deeply grateful to everyone who contributes to it in any way. We look forward to another productive year of inspiration from Tibet and its People in their ongoing time of need for the world’s attention, friendship, and advocacy for justice, peace, and prosperity.
Sincerely yours,

Ganden Thurman, Executive Director
(Page 5)
Photos by Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images. | Illustration: Robert Beer
Lunchtime Meditation
Annie Bien Katie Zaffman, Tony
Pham - Daily
Location: Tibet House
Still Life: A Sound Bath And Slow
Art Experience
Sara Auster and Alex Falk
January 8, February 12, March 5
Location: Tibet House
Here In The Floating World | Bi-Monthly Sessions Of Qigong And Lojong
Annie Bien
January 12, 26, February 23, March 2, 23 | Location: Tibet House
Kundalini: Awaken The Power
Mary Reilly Nichols
January 15, 22, 29
Location: Tibet House
Sound Meditation
Franck Raharinosy And Mary Reilly
Nichols | January 23, February 5, Location: Tibet House IN PERSON
Daily Yoga And Meditation
Instruction From The Indo-Tibetan
Traditions: Foundations Of The Vajra Yoga Path
John Campbell & Jamie Bonelli
Daily | Location: Tibet House IN PERSON
How To Live Well: Managing The Yamas And Niyamas Through Karmayoga
Bob Thurman, John Campbell, Jamie Bonelli
January 31-February 2
Location: Tibet House
Foundations Of Tibetan Yoga
Dr. James Bae | February 7-9
Location: Tibet House
The Clearlight Of Falling Asleep & Dream | Yoga Nidra & Sister Vajra
Yoga Practices To Awaken Into Naturalness
Michele Loew
February 28-March 1
Location: Tibet House
Be Your Own Neuroscientist— Managing Your Subtle Vajra Body
Bob Thurman, John Campbell, Jamie Bonelli
March 14-16
Location: Tibet House
Climbing up to Heaven: Four Immense Emotions, & Four Goddesses
Bob Thurman, John Campbell, Jamie Bonelli
April 11-13
Location: Tibet House HYBRID
Coming Down from Brahma
Heavens as a Nondual
Dharmamegha Krishna-colored Monsoon Raincloud
Bob Thurman, John Campbell, Jamie Bonelli
May 16-18
Location: Tibet House
Monthly Buddhist Teachings
Venerable Robina Courtin
January 16, February 13, March 13
Location: Tibet House
Cultivating Gratitude: A Daylong Retreat
Pilar Jennings & Joe Loizzo
January 18 | Location: Tibet House
Dharma Friends: A Monthly Community Gathering
Megan Mook & Kevin Townley
January 27, February 24, March 24, April 21 | Location: Tibet House
Intergenerational Wisdom | Transplanting The Bonsai
Ethan & David Nichtern
February 27
Location: Tibet House
Embodying Tara: The Divine Feminine To Power Your Compassion, Intuition, And Joy
Chandra Easton, Bob Thurman, Nina Rao | March 7-9, April 25-27, May 9-11 | Location: Tibet House
Embodying Tara: A Meditation & Mantra Series On The Twenty-One Taras To Awaken Your Innate Wisdom & Compassion
Chandra Easton
May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5
Location: Tibet House
The Relentless Shadow Where The Light Surrenders Poetry Series
Arden Wohl

Menla Event and Program News
Menla was as alive and thriving as ever throughout the Wood Dragon year of 2024, offering 37 of our own Tibet Housesponsored residential retreats, while also hosting another 72 residential group retreats sponsored by visiting organizations, as well as many individuals and couples retreating for personal spa getaways at our Dewa Spa. Tibet House US program highlights in 2024 included the historic inaugural visit of H.E. Ling Rinpoche, who blessed our community with clear and concise teachings, a refuge ceremony, and a special Medicine Buddha initiation; a very special Kalachakra Vajravega initiation and retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche; a cultural presentation and Tara sand mandala creation by nuns from the Janchub Choeling nunnery in India; and our first retreat with Lama Lhanang Ripoche from California, who teamed up with ambient music pioneer Laraaji to create a totally unique Sonic Tibetan Healing Journey. These special visiting Tibetan teachers beautifully supplemented offerings by our regular annual faculty—Dr. Nida, Tracee Stanley, Krishna Das, Nina Rao, David Nichtern, Andrew Holecek, Michele Loew, Dr. Joe Loizzo, Dr. James Bae, and others–in ensuring that our 2024 retreat calendar was packed throughout the year with many deeply enriching teachings and inspiring practices.
Looking ahead to 2025, Tibet House US continues to develop its signature Vajra Yoga programs as one strand in His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s third life-aim effort of bringing Tibetan and Indian Universal Vehicle Buddhist spiritual philosophy, inner science, and yogic practice into its ancient multi-millennium conversation with all the other Indian inner science traditions. In August Vajrayogini Michele Loew and THUS President Bob Thurman will lead their annual Introduction to Vajra Yoga weekend retreat as a primer for people interested in learning more about this innovative approach to understanding the historic common origins and contemporary confluence of Buddhism and hatha yoga, as well as for those who are interested in enrolling in our annual Vajra Yoga 300 Hr Teacher Trainings. The 2024-2025 300hr Vajra Yoga Teacher Training ends in early April, with the 2025-2026 training commencing in the fall and running through the spring of 2026. Our Vajra Yoga teacher training is totally unique among yoga teacher trainings, and can be taken simply for deep personal enrichment, even if you have no desire to become a teacher yourself, as they represent the longest and most systematic curriculum we currently offer. It serves as the core teachings around which
Tibet House US intends to continue building out a full Vajra Yoga University as a legacy for generations to come.
In addition to Vajra Yoga, Menla will host a wide range of other inspiring trainings and restorative retreats in 2025. In late February, one of the founders and first pioneers of the death doula movement, Henry Fersko-Weiss, will lead his third annual Death Doula training. Henry’s weeklong course at Menla provides everything you will need to embark on a career as a death doula and is equally relevant to people who simply want to learn how to help their own loved ones die with dignity.
World-renowned Tibetan doctor and beloved Dharma teacher, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, will team up once again with Bob Thurman for a special spring retreat on Tummo and Tibetan Rejuvenation. Building on our decade-long close friendship and work with Dr. Nida, Tibet House US is in early discussions with Dr. Nida and his Sowa Rigpa organization regarding the eventual construction of a dedicated Medicine Buddha temple and meeting space at Menla, which will serve as Dr. Nida’s home base when he visits the east coast.
Trained by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, ordained ngakma Lee Harrington will offer a spring Restoring our Vital Essence and Reclaiming the Soul retreat. Lee is ordained in the Yuthok Nyingthik lineage, and her program transmits teachings and practices from the energy-healing branch of the Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) tradition, including meditation, visualization, mantra recitation, pranayama, self-massage, and Nejang longevity yoga.
Mindfulness meditation teacher, David Nichtern, will return to Menla in early May for his second annual in-person Dharma Moon retreat. This time he will be joined by his son and accomplished Dharma teacher, Ethan Nichtern, along with Duncan Trussell in focusing on the bodhisattva path. Dharma Moon is a mindfulness-based education platform and global community, with mostly online courses, that is co-sponsored by Tibet House US.
The Menla community is delighted to host its second annual Vajra Yoga Mahasiddha Reunion, bringing together Krishna Das, Robert Svoboda, Bob Thurman, Nina Rao, Michele Loew & Friends for a weeklong immersion exploring the subtle body, yogic practices, sacred chanting, and liberation. For more 2025 programs, including retreats offered by other like-minded organizations and teachers, please check the up-to-date list of upcoming events in the Retreats section of our website: menla. org. We continually add new retreats, so we encourage you
to check back regularly to discover newly added programs, many offered in hybrid format. We sincerely appreciate the enthusiastic engagement of our worldwide community in attending all of our wisdom and compassion teachings and keeping awareness of Tibetan cultural and spiritual offerings alive and well in the Catskills!
Dewa Spa News
We have recently partnered with local physician, Dr. Matthias von Reusner, in forming Dewa Medical, PLLC, which allows private organizations such as Tibet House US to partner with doctors and nurses in offering medi-spa treatments. Dr. Reusner is a very well-respected doctor living in nearby Red Hook, and his friendly, knowledgeable and professional manner, combined with his long-standing affinity for Tibetan Buddhism, make him an ideal partner for our non-profit. Under the aegis of Dewa Medical PLLC, Dr. Matthias and his team of nurses are now offering cutting-edge IV “vitamin push” therapy, IV injection drip formulas of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. IV vitamin therapy has grown increasingly popular as treatment for many chronic illnesses, fatigue, viral infections, muscle aches and more.
This year Menla will once again welcome our friend and colleague, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, as he brings his groundbreaking Grow a New Body healing program back to Menla for another intensive week of incredibly effective treatments. Alberto and his team are training our in-house team of doctors and nurses how to provide the GNB program without having to rely on Alberto personally, as he lives most of the year in Chile. Soon available select weeks throughout the year, this exclusive program will become Menla’s signature wellness retreat, including antioxidant and mitochondrial repair formulas as well as brain foods and nutrients that repair your brain, regulate cellular energy production, and reverse damage done by free radicals and oxidative stress. The GNB program also features regular sessions with our new portable oxygen delivery system by Cellgym (www.cellgym.de/en/) and the vitamin push therapy.
We have launched our Tibet-inspired Dewa Spa branded line of luxury beauty products in conjunction with the famed Ila Spa in England. Consisting of an Enriching Facial Cleanser, a Radiant Face Serum, an Immortal Day Cream, a Meditative Body Balm, a Meditative Body Oil, and a Bath & Salt Scrub Ritual, these products are crafted with sustainably-sourced, wild, and organic ingredients cultivated in women’s cooperatives, tribal communities, and villages across the planet, including
several from the Himalayan region. Several of the products are powered by plant stem cells, which are thought to contain a concentration of antioxidants 1000 times greater than other forms of plant extracts and have anti-inflammatory properties to defend your skin against sun damage and aging. Find them in our gift shops at both our NYC and Menla locations and also soon at select spas around the world.
Other Menla News
We are very pleased to announce that we have recently completed the construction of ten brand new private guest rooms in the lower level of our Nalanda Conference Center, where the old fitness center and dorm used to be. Friend of THUS architect Duke Beeson designed the room layouts and included an ingenious and elaborate soundproofing system to keep sound travelling between the new guest rooms and the Main Hall above to an absolute minimum. Featuring mini-split heating and cooling, these rooms were generously furnished by accomplished designer, John Robshaw!
Menla was honored in welcoming back the Eminent Seiji Yamamoto Sensei, a Japanese master of the sacred ways of the old Shinto masters. On his first visit one year earlier, Yamamoto Sensei had conducted part one of a two-part ancient Shinto ceremony to invite and enshrine the deity, Sukunahikona, at Menla. This time he conducted the second part of the ceremony, ritually solidifying the relationship of the voyaging deity with our land in the newly inaugurated hokora (Shinto shrine). Sukunahikona is the ancient deity of healing, medicinal plants, fermentation, agriculture and hot springs, and he is revered as one of the mythic founders of the nation of Japan. His divine form is that of a blue dragon, which resonates deeply with the Dalai Lama’s recognition of a large naga (water guardian serpent-dragon) abiding on the land, guarding the purity of Menla’s extraordinary spring, considered sacred by the First American tribes. Sukunahikona now resides in the natural boulder hokora located below the Lhasa Inn overlooking the head of the pond and supports Menla’s healing activities to benefit many people in the wider community. The hokora is open year-round to visitors who would like to pay their respects and make or maintain a connection with Sukunahikona, a mighty deity with global reach who can benefit humans in a multitude of ways. There is also an interior altar for Sukunahikona by the fireplace in the Lhasa Inn dining room. We invite you to commune with our new divine friend on your next visit!
2025 Retreats at Menla Retreats marked with THUS after their titles are sponsored by Tibet House US. All other retreats are sponsored by visiting organizations or teachers.
Somatic Healing Restorative Retreat: Your Body is the MedicineFor Caregiving Professionals
Sara Kossove, Corinne Gervai | Jan 16 - 19, 2025
Rise & Thrive Women’s Health Retreat
Helen Birney | Jan 17 - 20, 2025
Stepping Into Your Divine Purpose
Irina Devi | Jan 18 - 20, 2025
The (Winter) Reset: A Yoga + Yoga Nidra Retreat
Taryn Burns | Feb 14 - 17, 2025
Deep Space Experience: A Yoga, Breathwork, and Sound Retreat (THUS)
John Minks, Billy Pinkerton | Feb 1416, 2025
Iyengar Yoga Retreat (THUS)
Carolyn Christie & Michelle La Rue | Feb 14 - 17, 2025
Death Doula Training (THUS)
Henry Fersko-Weiss | Feb 24 - 28, 2025
The Art of Loving: An Introduction to SkyDancing® Tantra
Thomas and Sara Stout | Feb 28 - Mar 2, 2025
Yoga Nidra: Enlightened Sleep Yoga Practice Retreat (THUS)
Michele Loew | Mar 6 - 9, 2025
Tummo Retreat (THUS)
James Bae | Mar 7 - 9, 2025
The Eightfold Path | DHYĀNA Retreat
Kevin Courtney, Kate Shela, Natalie Kuhn, Erin Rose Ward | Mar 9 - 16, 2025
Astrology Mythology: Stories Behind the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (THUS)
Eliot Marzano | Mar 20 - 23, 2025
Restoring Our Vital Essence & Reclaiming The Soul: Healing Ourselves with Body, Voice, and Mind with the Spiritual Healing Methods of Sowa Rigpa (THUS)
Lee M. Harrington | Mar 27 - 30, 2025
Sacred Geometry: The Healing Nature of Mandalas - a Journey of Self-Discovery
Dr. Laurane McGlynn, Geoff Fitzpatrick & Sarah Hirigoyen | Mar 30 - Apr 3, 2025
Vajra Yoga 300 Hr Teacher Training: Closing Weeklong Intensive
Michele Loew & Robert Thurman | Mar 31 - Apr 6, 2025
Rhythms of Balance: Handpan & Yoga Immersion Experience (THUS)
Marina Sobol, Nikolay Ignatyev | Apr 3 - 6, 2025
Iyengar Yoga Retreat
Jessica Becker | Apr 3 - 6, 2025
Radiant Rest Yoga Nidra Retreat (THUS)
Tracee Stanley | Apr 6 - 10, 2025
Tummo & Tibetan Rejuvenation Retreat (THUS)
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang & Robert Thurman | Apr 10 - 15, 2025
The Art of Manifestation: Planting Seeds for Your Future Featuring Past Life Regression, Sound Healing, Yoga, Meditation & Bonsai Class
Alica Fuks, Lisa Annese | Apr 11 - 13, 2025
Conscious Breath, Sacred Sound: Pathways to Peace & Vitality (THUS)
Matteo Pistono, Michelle Anise | Apr 11 - 13, 2025
Cultivating the Joy of Intimacy & Communication | A KetamineAssisted Retreat for Couples
Jayne Gumpel, LCSW, David Gumpel M.A, Rohini Kanniganti MD, MSPH, HMDC | Apr 24 - 27, 2025
What’s Love Got To Do With It? The Path of the Bodhisattva (THUS)
David Nichtern, Duncan Trussell, Ethan Nichtern | Apr 30 - May 4, 2025
Mindful Leadership for the 21st Century
Janice Marturano & Peter Thompson | May 14 - 18, 2025
Breathwork and Sound Retreat (THUS)
John Minks & Billy Pinkerton | May 16 - 18, 2025
Healers Retreat: Connect, Transform & Amplify Your Impact
Yuli Ziv, Alister Gray, Jodi Carey, Kellie AmaLiana, and others | May 16 - 18, 2025
Finding Safety in Yourself & Others
Luis Mojica | Jun 10 - 15, 2025
Vajra Yoga: The Mahasiddha Reunion (THUS)
Robert Svoboda, Krishna Das, Robert Thurman, Nina Rao & Michele Loew | May 30 - Jun 5, 2025
Friends of Fungi (THUS)
John Michelotti | Jun 13 - 15, 2025
Cultivating Joy | Finding Beauty in Loss and Grief, A Ketamineassisted Retreat
Jayne Gumpel LCSW, Rohini
Kanniganti MD, Saundra Jain, MA, PsyD, LPC, David Gumpel M.A | Jun 19 - 22, 2025
Sage Academy’s 15th Annual Sound Healing Retreat Intensive
Lea Garnier, Silvia Nakkach, Scott Williams, Katya Varlamova, Nicolas Pertrucco and others | Jun 27 - 29, 2025


TABO: Into the Light
An immersive exhibition experience with monumental images by Peter van Ham, opening APRIL 10, 2025
We are delighted to announce the opening on April 10, 2025, of TABO: INTO THE LIGHT will feature the UNESCO World Heritage site Tabo, famous for its frescos, scroll paintings, murals, and cliff-faced caves, popularly known as the “Ajanta of the Himalayas.”
Located in the Spiti Valley, Tabo is a small town on the banks of the Spiti River in Himachal Pradesh, at an altitude of 3,050 meters. It is one of the world’s oldest functioning monastic communities.
Tabo’s main temple, the “Palace of the Excellent Teachings,” is a unique work of architectural beauty built as a walk-in horizontal mandala. It features life-sized sculptures and hundreds of paintings dating back to the 10th century. The main temple complex (Tsuglakhang) is one of the world’s only fully intact arrangements of sculptures and paintings depicting a three-dimensional mandala.
The site’s architectural layout is described in detail in the Vajrasekhara Sutra, an important Buddhist text used in Vajrayana schools of Buddhism. The 32 multi-colored, graceful clay sculptures of Vairocana’s associated deities line the assembly hall walls and are cantilevered out of an attached sculpted halo background. Situated above eye-level, the figures are seated on a lotus petal and appear to lean towards the viewer. Surrounding these deities on the wall are elaborate, colorful fresco paintings—scenes of the pilgrimages of Prince Sudhana and subsequent narrated scenes from Buddha’s life on the lower frieze area.
Photographer Peter van Ham’s high-resolution images vividly capture the intricate details and rich imagery of this three-dimensional mandala on the 14 foot gallery walls creating a to-scale replica of the interior of the Tsug Lhakang’s intimate sacred space. This immersive journey intends to deepen the viewer’s perception of being in the temple.
“Entering Tsug Lhakang one is deeply awestruck by the peaceful and serene atmosphere that this temple of worship offers. One cannot hold back the impression that divinity is present. This is due to the unified and harmonious design of the big room with its multicoloured clay figures, its murals in dominating mineral colours of red and blue and its highly skilfully executed religious paintings of Buddhas and Boddhisattvas. The feeling grows that 1000 years of spiritual power conceived in peaceful meditation still
permeates the room´s atmosphere. “
- Peter van Ham
Friday, April 11, 2025 6pm
Tour and Discussion of Exhibition with Peter van Ham
Please join photographer Peter van Ham for a lecture and tour through the exhibition
Saturday, April 12, 2025 1 - 3pm
Making it to Tabo: High Altitude Photography and more with Peter van Ham and representatives from PHASE ONE

2025 Special Dedication
His Holiness Dalai Lama 90 th BIRTHDAY
His Holiness The Dalai Lama, with many spiritual elders, urges all to face and overcome our current earthly challenges, deadly wars and climate crises, wildfires, hurricanes, major floods, etc., all endangering sentient life. It is therefore timely that we awaken to the reality of our times, and work harder to educate many people of all nations to the deeper self knowledge required for compassion-driven responsible action, for which purpose His Holiness is founding a new university at Bodh Gaya, India, with a core curriculum based on ancient Indian Inner Science and an outer curriculum in natural, social, and human sciences and arts, to accelerate the achievement of inner peace and world peace.

Tibet House US will continue steadfastly through this last half of 2024 Wood Dragon into 2025 auspicious year of the Wood Serpent with four main themes for our programs:
1) Upcoming Special Concert dedicated to His Holiness upcoming 90th Birthday Celebrations, while working on possible 90th Birthday Festival upstate in a fairground!
2) Tibet House US and MENLA Spa Resort ongoing streamline events, retreats and educational programs based on H.H. Dalai Lama’s long term Principal Commitments.
• Human Happiness: cultivation of warm-heartedness and human values such as compassion for all sentient beings, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and selfdiscipline via mind and heart training.
• Interfaith Harmony: recognition that human beings observe several religions and several aspects of the truth with creative presentations to resolve current predicaments.
• Tibetan People and Culture: supplementing recognized Tibetan organizations for a free Tibet, and creating opportunities to preserve the Dharma Culture in accordance with Tibet’s ancient heritage from Nalanda; making it available to more people; supporting The Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan and Indian Ancient Wisdom (see the spread below, images courtesy of Dalailama.com website.
3)THUS–MENLA Special Winter Symposium: a commemorative event in collaboration with other Tibet Houses, with exhibits and talks – historic presentations live and online celebrating the pivotal years of the 13th Dalai Lama and the stressful times of our Great 14th Dalai Lama’s monumental efforts to create a renaissance of Tibet spiritual science, art, and culture, keeping hope alive for the future of Tibet and the world .
4)Man of Peace multilingual graphic novel ebooks launch: ongoing efforts to epublish our celebrated graphic biography in Tibetan, Spanish, and German distributed worldwide. For His Holiness’ 80th birthday, we launched the English version, so we are completing this multilanguage launch this year for His Holiness’ 90th birthday, 2025 – keep posted!
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions above basic membership:
Jonathan Anderson | Ursel Barnes | Stephanie Beaudett | Ina Becker, MD | Peter Bokor | Madeline Breckinridge | Jeffrey Brody | Michael Bruzik | Julia Calnek | Sandra Chedi | Drolma Chodron | Anthony Cholst | Kapil Chopra | Katherine Collins | Sandra Constantine | Katherine Cook | Adina Dabija | Christopher Smith & Dawn Carey | Candra Docherty | Jim Dove | Mehera Shanti Durkee | Jessie Jo Egersett | Pamela Farkas | Kimberly Ferrari | Jonathan Garfin | Patricia Gift | Stephen Gould | Gary Greenberg | Camille Grosdidier | Paul Harrison | Lyle Henderson | Heather Henson | Holly A. Hyde | Danji Jiang | Bon Johanna-Ima | Gregory Kaufman | Jim Kelly | Abbe Krieger | David L. Phillips | Allison Landry | Chris Langdon | John Loomis | Ryan Magnussen | Sandra Magnussen | Cheryl Manganella | Helen Mangano | Hesham Masoud | Moira McCaul | Mark Molle | Ned Mudd | Susanna Nicholson | Scott Noteboom | Don Parris | Elizabeth Peyton | National Philanthropic | Laura Pintchik | Maura Rampolla | John Rezk | Eric Ripert | Sybil Robson Orr | Mike Romoff | James Maher & Sara | Levenson | Brian Saul | Dara Schreiber | Milus Scruggs | Elizabeth Sobol | Cordelia Tappin | Robert Thurman | Matthias von Reusner | Laurie Ware | Virginia Warner | Paul L. Weber | Monica Winsor Jeanette Witten | Ivan Zimmerman
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions at basic membership:
Farah Abu-Nowar | Karen Achenbach | Dan Adachi | Delia Ahounadjinou | Nikita Airen | Susan Albrecht | Karolina Anastasoska | Cynthia Anderson | Volodymyr Andreiev | Mary Beth Annarella | Reshma Asaram | Joan Asch | Vimukti Aslan | Saskia Baer | Xiaohong Bai | Jason Bailey | Jane Bailey | Michael Baker | Anyana Banerjee | Arthur Banks | Annette Barbasch | Erica Barnes | Linda Sue Barnett | Thomas Bartlett | Valerie Bassett | Gail Bennett | Randi Benton | Donald Berg | Erik Berliner | Lucas Bernard | Stephen Bialkowski | Pam Blocklin | Julia Blount | Rebekah Bonk | Anna Borre Boon | Jean Bortner | Wendy Bosalavage | Paula Bosco | Daniele Boucher | Sam Bowers | Nancy Braxton | Jeanne Bressler | Tracey Brightman | Evelyn Brooks | Amanda Brotman | Anitra Brown | Elizabeth Brown | Carolyn Buono | John Burbank | Rebecca Burns | David Buxton | Bulent Buyukbozkirli | Jill Calder | Mariela J. Campusano | Courtney Capazzi | Julie Cardinal | Emanuele Cardone | Danielle Carr | Benjamin Cassar | Kathleen Cassels | Francesca Cassio | Philippe Cassous | Gys Chabot | Pierre-Yan Chabot | Yan Chabot | Dannah Chaifetz | Joe GM Chan | Anna Chaney | Gordon Chang | Khanh Minh Chau An | Parul Chaudhary | Carol Cheatham | Gina De La Chesmaye | Kara Ciampi | Timothy Citro | Lightfoot Clark | Maureen Coffey-Burns | Barry Cohen | Corey Ann Conn | Primary Contact | Beatriz Contreras | Ryan Cortez | Fernando Costa | Marjolaine Cote | Nancy Cummiskey | Timothy Cummiskey | Amanda Current | Steven Czyrny | Jennifer D’Orazio | Jonathan Danziger | Alexis Daran | Laura Davie | Barb Davis | Denise De Baun | Jill DelTosta | CJ DeMarco | Kelly DeMoya | Premanjali (Chelli) | Devadutt | Robert Dickinson | Kate Greer Dickson | Kelly Dodson | Robert Doll, Jr. | Craig Drummond | Dianne Dubler | Shailendrasigh Dungar | Paul Dunion | Brianna Duval | Bradley Ecklund | George Economou | Jane Eger | Michael Emmett | Michael Enseki-Frank | Karen Esteves | Cilon Estigarribia | Frank Gonzalez | Exposito | Randi Fain | Susie Fairchild | Susan Falk | Linda Farmer | Julie Farmer | Oleg Fedoseev | Cynthia Fedyschyn | Schonda Fields | Sarah Fink | Lucas Firemark | Heidi Fisher | Karen Flynn | Tiny Forest | Neil Forte | Elizabeth Frankl | Margaret Frest | Henry P. Frieder | Amy Fritz-Gruber | Emily Gable | Frank Gaglione | Tom Gallagher | Navneet Garodia | James Gasper | Jo-Ann Gaul | Lee Gebhardt | Michael Gelb | Barbara Gelfand | Thinley Ghale |
Bob Gibson | Kerry Gilbert | Michael Goeller | Michelle Gordon | Keith Green | Dana Grimes | Mark Grinnell | Grace Grochowski | Sharon Grotevant | John Grund | Angelica Edith Guerrero | David Haddock | Sharon Halfnight | Michelle Hamilton | Robin Hamilton | Marcia Hannon | Allison Hardenbergh | Lori Haubrich | Giana Haubrich | Roy Elton Hay | Emilie Heffner | Staci Henning | Shirley Hilzinger | Bridget Himes | Jeff Hoffman | Steve Holton | Valerie Horowitz | Eugene Huang | David Hudson | Erin Husmann | Cynthia Husted | Elaine Jackson | Marianna Jacobs | Jim Johnson | Tyler Johnson | Linda Jones | Yudit Jung | Alicja Kaczmarek | Karishima Kadian | Dorothy Kahn | Madhuri Kandadai | Anantha Kandadai | Stephen Kao | Jessica Kaskel | Amy Keh | Ingrid Kemperman | Tatiana Kennedy | James Kennedy | Siridatar Khalsa | Melissa Kho | Rochelle Killingbeck | Young Kim | Leila Kincaid | Kevin Kinser | Zoë Kirsch | Gail Klein | Donald Knox | Monica Knudson | James Kovacs | Diane Kraus | Leah Kreger | Jo Kremer | Ella Krivova | Carolina Kroon | Amrapali Kumar | Yochanan Kushnir | Shar La Porte | Andrew Labrecque | Panos Lambrianides | Jessica Lamoureux | Andrew Landers | Susan Lape | Khoi Le | Dung Le | Donna Leal | Judi Leary | MaryJo Lechowicz | Andrea Lee | Kassandra Lee | Daniel Lee | Jean Lee | Mitchell Leff | Elizabeth Leibovitz | Swati Lele | Karen Leslie | Lisa Levitt | Sacha Levy | Sondra Lieberman | Vanessa Liou | L. Bella Lloyd | Katherine Long | Scarlett Lovell | Liana Luci | Giancarlo Luiggi | Anna Lumb | Raul Luna | Jan Maltby | Katie Mangan | Olga Marder | Rosa Marino | Hesham Masoud | Mercer Mayer | Rebecca Mazin | Patricia McCabe | Zoe Mccloskey | Kristabelle McDermott | Dale McGrath | Debra McGrath | Brian Mchade | Adam Mclsaac | Susie McMahon | Gemma Mears | Diah Mehera | Missy Melinger | Mark Mellinger | Bri Merritt | Morpheus Milbourne | Adrienne Ingrid Miller | Kristen Miller | Smitha Milli | Amy Mills | Meri Mitsuyoshi | Diana Moga | Linda Moreno | Lucy Morris | Hester Moulton | Sandra Munoz | Zoeann Murphy | Hannah Muse | Ian Nagy | Inaida Nalbandian | Lakshman Chakrav | Nallan Chakravathula | Jackson Nanas | Dore Nash | Mary Natalizia | Asha Nayak | Francesca Negro | Michelle Neil | Marina Nelson | Davia Nelson | Emily Newhouse | Wendy Nielsen | Rev. Eko Noble | Elisabeth Noone | John Noren | Tom Nugent | Debbie Nutley | Anne O’Malley | Christine ODonnell | Tetsuro Ohtake | Joseph Orefice | Eva Orlowski | Michael Oruch | Mayela Ovejas | Kat Owens | Olga Ozhiganova | Lisa Papaconstantinou | Helen H. Park | Bryan Paskel | Michael Pasquini | Nicole Patten | Chuck Perry | Samuel Perry | Helen Persson | Kathleen Peterson | David Pettengell | Anthony Phillips | Jennifer Picciotto | Katharine Powell | Kerry Prichett | Robert Pritchett | Michael Pritchett | Sarah Probert | Theodore Putala | Victor Quintanilla | Sharon Raider | George Ramos | Corey Raucheisen | Susanna Gehring Reimer | Robert Reinhardt | Victor Reinoso | Susan C. dos Reis | DiVito | Steven Reiss | Lonna Richmond | Richard Riepe | Jessica Rigby | Bertha Rivera | Zainab Rizvi | Dominica Roberts | Thomas Roberts | Lee Romaniszn | Gina Romano | Clare Rosenfield | Mónica Rosenquist | Pamela Rosenthal | Joanna Rotte | Brian Rubenstein | Andy Russell | Tony & Carol Russo | Tanja Rykovska | Delia Saenz | Paula Saint Marie | Michele Sapanaro | Leslie Sawyer | David Schaller | Laura Scheffer | Margaret M. Schmitt | Matthew Schopf | Jessica Schrobilgen | Mary M. Schroeder | Mary Schroeder | Daniel Schwartz | Catherine Scrace | Vinita Sehgal | Dan Septimus | Blanche Serban | Clarisse Rosaz Shariyf | James Polk & Sharon Smith | Tracy Shea | Boni Shevelove | Marianna Shimelfarb | Erica Shockley | Elizabeth Siecke | Paula Simpkins | Amy Sirot | Eleanor Sisto | Aria Sitaram | Lois Slavin | Philip Smith | Jaye Smith | Lize-Marie Sneep | Kim Southam-Gerow | R Allen Spanjer | Cindy Spedding | Cyllvia Springer | Jolene Star | Frances Steele | Fifi Stehag | Wendy Stein | Gavin Sterley | Senja Stirn | Bill Storm | Anne Stott | Karen Subek | Amora Sun | Jennifer Swanson | Kevin Sweeney | Marsha Sweet | Kaori Takahashi | Beth Tambor | Richard Tanson | Natalia Tenaglia | Carlos Terrones | Jennifer Thayer | Taliesin Thomas | Trish Tidwell | Thomas Tiedt | Julia Tillery | Linda Torres | Teresa Townsend | Maureen Treston | Bird Trungma | Quassia Tukufu | Eunice Turner | Eric Urban | Kerri Ussher | Ed Van Dorn | Ron Vanbeek | Jacqui Venter | Felippi Vieira | Angelica Vina-Albarracin | Stephanie & Bob Walker | Dorothy Walker | Addie Walsh | Robert Walters | Claudia Wang | Sophia Wang | Jessica Wang | Patty Weisenfeld | Raymond Weitzenberg | Bryan & Carolyn Welch | Stine Wengler | Arisha Wenneson | Jason White | Valerie White | Amy Wilcox | Edwina Williams | Jennifer Williams | Carol Williamson | Zahava Wilson | Doug Winblad | Mary Wolfe | Daniel Wolfe | Christina Osterlund Wood | Kenneth Woods | Deborah Woolridge | Lori Wooton | Maria Demuth Wright | Jie Wu | Leslie Yerman | Sarah Yeung | Rahilla Zafar | Jill Zaklow | Huoyo Zhu | Yaniv Zohar | Maureen Re-Nature | Consulting LLC | Pup To Go LLC
Tibet House- New Delhi Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 1, Institutional Area, Lodhi Rd.
New Delhi 110003 INDIA
Phone: + (91) 8447218959 office@tibethouse.in
The House of Tibet-Sweden Svensk tibetanka Skol Vivstavarvsvägen 200, 122 43 Enskede SWEDEN
Phone: + (46) 8-643 49 47 info@tibet-school.org https://.tibet-school.org
Casa Del Tibet Barcelona Fundació Casa del Tíbet Carrer Rossello 181 08036 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93-207-5966 info@casadeltibetbcn.org https://.casadeltibetbcn. org
TibetHaus Deutschland
Georg-Voigt Straße 4 60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany +49 (69) 7191 3595 info@tibethaus.com https://.tibethaus.com
Tibet House Brasil Alameda Lorena, R.Guara, 108-Loja2Jardins Paulista
São Paulo- SP, 01425000 BRAZIL
Phone: +55 (11) 3889-0646
info@tibethouse.org.br https://.tibethouse.org.br
Tibet House Holland Pakhuisplein 41 1531 MZ
Phone: +(31) 0-6-43119269
Tibet House California 2620 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 672 1048 https://.thcal.us
Casa Tibet Mexico
Orizaba 93, Roma Nte. Cuauhtémoc, 06700
Ciudad de México CDMX
Phone: +52 (55) 5514 9643
Tibet House Foundation
Varosmajor u. 23 Budapest XII 1122 HUNGARY
Phone: + (36-1) 355-1808
Tibet Culture House –Italy
Via P. Pascoli 29 20093 Cologno Monzese Milano, ITALY
Phone: + (02) 2532-287
https://. tibetculturehouseitaly.org info@tibetculturehouse. org
Tibet House Moscow Rozhdestvensky Blvd, 19 107045, Moscow RUSSIA
Phone: + (7) 905
moscow@tibethouse.ru https://.tibethouse.ru
Tibet House Switzerland Foundation Via Maggio 1 6900 Lugano
Phone: + (41) 76 571 7273
Tibet Open House Cultural Center in Prague, Czechia
Ven. Yeshi Gawa Phone: +420 (222) 954-290
Email: yeshi@ tibetopenhouse. cz https://.tibetopenhouse. cz
Školská 28, 110 00 Praha 1-Nové Mesto, Czechia
Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture (CTAC) 1825 Eye St. NW St. 400 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-828-6288 info@tibetanculture.org https://.tibetanculture.org
Dokham Chushi Gangdruk
Contact: Gytatso New York, USA Phone: (917) 361-8566 Email: contact@ chushigangdruk.org
International Campaign for Tibet 1825 Jefferson Place,NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 785-1515 info@savetibet.org https://.savetibet.org
International Tibet Independence Movement 26 S. Bottom Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 Phone: (773) 398-1178 rangzen@aol.com https://.rangzen.org
Office of Tibet 1228 17th Street NW Washington, DC, 20036
Phone: (202) 948-2986 otdc@tibet.net https://.tibetoffice.org
Students for a Free Tibet 602 East 14 Street, 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10009 Phone: (212) 358-0071 info@studentsforafreetibet. org https://. studentsforafreetibet.org
The Tibet Fund 241 East 32 Street New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 213-5011 info@tibetfund.org https://.tibetfund.org
Tibet Justice Center 440 Grand Avenue, Suite 425 Oakland, CA 94610
Phone: (510) 486-0588 tjc@tibetjustice.org https://.tibetjustice.org
Tibetan Community of NY & NJ
57-12 Tibet Way, 32nd Ave
Woodside, NY 11377
Phone: (347) 612-3407
https://.tcnynj.org info@tcnynj.org
United States –Tibet Committee (USTC) 241 East 32 Street
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 481-3569 ustc@igc.org
https://.ustibetcommittee. org
Voices of Tibet
Tibetan Oral History
595 Main Street, Suite 203
New York, NY 10044
Contact: Tashi Chodron Phone: (212) 355-1527 tashi@voicesoftibet.org
Bay Area Friends of Tibet 1310 Fillmore Street, Ste. 401
San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: (415) 409-6353 bafot@friends-of-tibet.org https://.friends-of-tibet.org
Los -Angeles Friends of Tibet
https://facebook.com/ Los-Angeles-Friends-ofTibet-132968430570/ friends@latibet.org
Project Tibet Inc. 403 Canyon Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: (505) 982-3002 info@projecttibet.org
San Diego Friends of Tibet
1613 Lake Drive
Encinitas, CA 92024
Phone: (760) 315-2229
Santa Barbara Friends of Tibet
315 Meigs Road #A-104
Santa Barbara, CA 03909
Contact: Kevin Young Phone: (805) 564-3400
Email: keviny42@hotmail. com
Tibetan Bridge
Phone: (347) 935-1929
Fax: (212) 290-0214
samten@tibetanbridge.org https://.tibetanbridge.org
Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center 3655 S Snoddy Rd Bloomington, IN 47401
Phone: (812) 336-6807
https://.tmbcc.org tmbcc.kcl@gmail.com
BaRo 1376 Restaurant and Bar 75-32 Broadway Elmhurst, NY 11373
Phone: (781) 475-4434
Cafe Himalaya 78 E 1st Street
New York, NY 10009
Phone: (212) 358-0160
Dawa’s Tibetan Restaurant * 51-18 Skillman Ave, Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 899-8629
Gakyizompe 47-11 47th Avenue
Flushing, NY 11377
Phone: (917) 832-6919
Himalayan Yak Restaurant* 72-20 Roosevelt Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 779-1119
Khampa Kitchen* 75-15 Roosevelt Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (347) 507-0216
Lhasa Liang Fen 8007 Broadway
Queens, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 806-1712
Lhasa Tibetan Restaurant NYC*
177 1st Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 917-388-2230
Lhasa Tibetan Restaurant (Queens)* 76-03 37th Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: 347-952-6934
Lungta Restaurant 75-16 Broadway
Jackson Heights, NY 11373
Phone: (917) 745 1777
MOMO Ramen 78 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Phone: (718) 622-4813
Momo Ramen 160 Havemeyer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: (347) 529-5999/ (347)463-9773
Nagma Restaurant* 83-17 Broadway
Elmhurst, NY 11373
Phone: (347) 730-6117
NY Lhasa Liang Fen 74-17 Roosevelt Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 779-6777
Om Wok Restaurant* 40-13 78th Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (929) 615-2827
Om Wok Restaurant* 89017 Northern Boulevard Queens, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 639-8800
Phayul* 37-65 74 Street 2nd Floor
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 424-1869
Phayul Restaurant* 37-59 74 Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 433-9688
Spicy Tibet* 75-04 Roosevelt Ave
Queens, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 779-7500
The Palace (Tibetan Restaurant) 63-01 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, NY 11377
Phone: (917) 655-3480
Tibetan Japanese Restaurant
75-26 37th Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 440-9359
Trisara Restaurant & Bar*
72-19 Roosevelt Avenue Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (347) 808-0033
Wasabi Point*
76-18 Woodside Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373
Phone: (718) 205-1056
CC Brow Bar
78 West 47th Street Ste. 303, New York, NY 10036
Phone: (917) 472 7748/ (703) 997-4157
Danang Publications: Himalayan Plaza Email: danangpublications@ gmail.com (929) 510-7077
Danang Tsongkhang (store) Himalayan Plaza 76-11 37th Avenue, Suite 201 Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (347) 730-4983
Dharmaware Inc. 7 Maple Lane Woodstock, NY 12498
Intl: (845) 679-4900 https://.dharmaware.com
Distinctly Himalayan Imports Wholesale
300 Enterprise Drive Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: (845) 876-6331
sales@distinctlyhimalayan. com
https://. distinctlyhimalayan.com
Do Kham*
117 1st Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 966-2404 https://.dokham.com
Dolma Inc.*
417 Lafayette Street, Fl. 2
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 460-5525
dolmarugs@gmail.com https://.dolmarugs.com
dZi –Tibet Collection
Phone: 800-318-5857 info@tibetcollection.com https://.dzi.com
Eastern Knots, Inc.*
Handmade Tibetan Rugs
3263 33rd Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
Phone: (646) 894-5476
Himalayan Arts Gift Shop* 10 Main Street #408
New Paltz, NY 12561
Phone: (845) 256-1940
Himalayan Eyebrow
Threading Salon
75 West 47th St. 2 Fl.
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 840-0084
Jewels of Buddha group 28-42 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103
obelgasi@hotmail.com jphuntsok@yahoo.com Phone: (718)-880-8172
Karma Nepal Craft*
266 Bleeker Street
New York, NY 10014
Phone: (918) 926-0834
Karma Nepal CraftBrooklyn 169 Seventh Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: (918) 926-0834
Kathmandu Artifacts* 4625 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Phone: (412) 742-4461
Kunye Tibetan Healing Center:
Himalayan Plaza, 76-11 37th Avenue, Suite 201 Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 255-1622
Kyichu Tibetan Handicrafts* 45-53 47th Street Sunnyside, NY 11377 Phone: (929) 522-0207
Land of Buddha II 20%* 11 St. Mark’s Place New York, NY 10003 Phone: (646) 602-6588 sales@lobny.com https://.lobny.com
Mandala Tibet – Park Slope* 59 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 Phone: (718) 789-0071 mandalatibet@aol.com https://.mandalatibet.com
Mandala Tibet –Bedford* 132 North 5th Street Brooklyn, NY 11211 Phone: (718) 302-0005 mandalatibet@aol.com https://.mandalatibet.com Modern Tibet–Wholesale*
86-30 Chelsea Street Jamaica, NY 11432
Contact: Tsering Naktsang Karma Yangzom Phone: (917) 912-8788
Phone: (917) 470-8310
moderntibet@yahoo.com https://.moderntibet.com
PEMA Boutique 187 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211 (347) 916-1517
Pemcho Design
Designer Pema Chodon Phone: (718) 205-7820 pemcho4@hotmail.com
Potala Tibetan Store 46-07 90th Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 Phone: (917) 5795 https://.potala.com
Tea Tibet
Dr Tashi Rapten Phone: (845)-268-7717 https://.teatibet.org
Tibet Gallery* 1909 9th Street, Ste. 120 Boulder, CO 80302
Contact: Tenzin Pasang Phone: (303) 402-0140
Tibet Home 417 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 460-5688
Tibetan Art & Crafts* 7 Rock City Road
Woodstock, NY 12498
Phone: (845) 679-2097
https://.tibetanartsncrafts. com
Tibetan Market*
40-23 76th Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (929) 423-5653
https://tibetanmarketnyc. com
Vision of Tibet I
76 Main Street
New Paltz,, NY 12561
Phone: (845) 633-8541
Vision of Tibet II
416 Main Street
Rosedale, NY 12472
Phone: (845) 658-3838
Windhorse Trading Inc.
33-31 71st Street. Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Phone: (718) 606-9565
Jamling Law Firm
37-32 75th St. 2nd Floor
Jackson Heights, NY 11373
Phone: (718) 500-3141
Tibetan Care
349 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Phone (646) 599-2645
Email:pema@ tibetancarenyc.com
Tibetan Nannies
68-01 Central Avenue
Glendale, NY 11385
Phone: (646) 266-9694
Tibetan Nanny
14 Wall Street, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Phone: 866MY-NANNY
Tibetan Practitioner
Meridian Medical Group
Dr. Choeying Phuntsok
102 E. 30th Street
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 683-1221
Center for Buddhist Studies
Columbia University
80 Claremont Ave, Room
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 851-4122
Center for Dzogchen Studies
157 Northfield Rd. Litchfield, CT 06759
Phone: (203) 387-9992
https://.dzogchenstudies. com
Chuang Yen Monastery
2020 Route 301
Carmel Hamlet, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 225-1819
Dandang Library: Himalayan Plaza 76-11 37th Avenue Suite
Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (929) 510-7077
Deerpark Buddhist Center 4548 Schneider Drive Oregon, WI 53575
Phone: (608) 835-5572 https://.deerparkcenter.org
Dharma House NYC 6006 39th Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 (between 60th St. & 61st St.)
Phone: (718) 635-2849
Drala Mountain Center 151 Shambhala Way
Red Feather Lake, CO 80545
Phone: (970) 881 2184
Drikung Meditation Center
29 Mohawk Street
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: (339) 368-5740
Drikung Dharma SuryaBuddhist Temple 5300 Ox Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 273-5189
Gairesville Karma Thegsum Choling 4168 Herschel Street
Gairesville, FL 32210 (352) 335- 1975 GainesvilleKTC@gmail. com
Gompopa Center 1202 West Street Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: (410) 881- 3230
Kagyu Dzamling Kunchab 410 Columbus Avenue
New York, NY 10024
Phone: (917)-406-3602 https://.kdk-nyc.org
Karma Thegsum Choling 690 Alison Rd. Shamong, NJ 08088
Phone: (609) 268-3341
Karma Triyana
Dharmachakra Monastery 335 Meads Mountain Road Woodstock, New York
12498 (845) 679-5906 https://.kagyu.org
Kunzang Palchen Ling 4330 Rte 9G
Red Hook, NY 12571 Phone: (845) 835-8303 info@kunzang.org
Nalanda West 3902 Woodland Park Ave. N Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: (206) 529-08258 https://.nalandawest.org
Nalandabodhi Buddhism Centre 64 Fulton Street, Ste.400 New York, NY 10038 https://.nyc.nalandabodhi. org
Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies
210 Tibet Drive Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: (607) 272-2785
Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 Phone: (303) 444-0202
Natural Dharma Fellowship 253 Philbrick Hill Road Springfield, NH 03284 info@naturaldharma.org https://.naturaldharma.org
Nechung Foundation
Lama Pema Dorjee 537 Depot Hill Road Poughquag, NY 12570
Phone: (347) 771-2529 nechungfoundation.org
“…I describe the situation in Tibet as something like this: one ancient nation, with a unique cultural heritage, is now passing through something like a death sentence: a very critical, very serious situation…I want to thank those supporters who, financially or in some other way, are helping Tibet House and ask you to please continue…”
— H. H. the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
Tibet House US remains committed to preserving, presenting, and promoting the Tibetan people and the distinctive, beautiful, and uplifting culture they created. We rely on your generosity to keep our mission and programs growing and relevant.
• Reserved seating for THUS programs*
• Unlimited access to THUS online digital media archive
• 10% off Tibet House & Menla retreat program tuition, accommodations and gift store purchases
• Pre-sale of preferred seating for THUS large events
• 20% off all titles from Wisdom Publications
• 10% discount from select Tibetan businesses marked with asterisk in THUS Directory
• 15% discount on first treatment in Dewa Spa
• Member only giveaways
• Reserved seating for THUS programs*
• Unlimited access to THUS online digital media archive
• 10% off Tibet House & Menla retreat program tuition, accommodations and gift store purchases
• Pre-sale of preferred seating for THUS large events
• 20% off all titles from Wisdom Publications
• 10% discount from select Tibetan businesses marked with asterisk in THUS Directory
• 15% discount on first treatment in Dewa Spa
• Member only giveaways
• All benefits of the Basic and Student/ Senior Membership, plus:
• YAK Tote Bag
• Reserved seating for THUS programs*
• Free webcasts*
• 50% off your first spa treatment at Dewa Spa at Menla
• 15% off Tibet House & Menla retreat program tuition, accommodations and gift store purchases.
• Private Docent Tour of Tibet House US Collections and Gallery Exhibitions (by appointment)
Endowments, Securities and Bequests : Executive Director, Ganden Thurman
• ganden@thus.org or 212-807-0563 x102
For donations (cash, check, PayPal or Credit Card):
• thus.org or 22 West 15th Street New York, 10011
Online: https://thus.org/become-a-member/ Mail: Tibet House US, attn: Membership, 22 West 15th St., NY 10011
In Person: 22 West 15th St., NY 10011
Phone: Sonam Choezom, Membership Coordinator @ (212) 807-0563

What might a better world look like? I believe the answer is straightforward: A better world is one where people are happier. Why? Because all human beings want to be happy, and no one wants to suffer. Our desire for happiness is something we all have in common.
- His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Tib et House U S is ded i c ated to preser v ing Tib et ’ s uni que cul ture at a time w hen it is conf ronted w ith extincti on on it s ow n soi l By presenting Tib eta n ci v i l iz ati on a nd it s profound w isdom, b e aut y, a nd sp eci a l a r t of f reedom to the p eople of the wor ld , we hop e to inspire others to join the effor t to protect a nd s ave it.
Tib et House U S is p a r t of a wor ld w i de net wor k of Tib eta n instituti ons committed to ensur ing that the l i g ht of the Tib eta n spir it ne ver d is app e a rs f rom the f ace of this e a r th