Abstract. The goal of this document is to clarify the notion of “transversality condition”. On the one hand the transervality condition is sometimes happily ignored when not directly serving the purpose of the presenter, and the other hand it can be dropped in the middle of a derivition to rule out unwanted solution. We present here the different forms of transversality condition as well as the contexts in which they must be satisfied. We’ll also provide some intuition to why they are what they are. Most of the content of those note are based the book from Stokey Lucas and the excelent notes of Nicola Pavoni. The content of this document is unfortunately not extremely rigourous since the goal is to provide intuitions. It is highly recommended to read Stokey Lucas, Other1, Other2 for a detailed coverage of teh topic. On the other hand you probably only have 30 minutes to spend on this and that’s why I made this!
1. Introduction Transversality conditions appear in a lot of different places in economics (and probably in other fields). In general it is refered to in three different cases: • when solving a classical sequence problem using Euler first order conditions • when solving a classical sequence problem using the Bellman functional equation • when solving a classical sequence problem with one-period bond and assuming no ponzy game We will look at each case and describe what is meant by "transversality condition" in each context. Finally we will compare those three cases and show why they are conceptually very different. All the notations here and theorems are consistent with Stokey-Lucas "Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics". Please refer to their chapter 4 for detailed derivations. 2. Euler - First Order Conditions let’s define the sequential equation to the problem: P∞ v ∗ = sup t=0 β t F (xt , xt+1 ) st xt+1 ∈ Γ(xt ) (2.1) (SE) x0 given This is the less restricitve representation for the problem of the agent maximization. Later section will explain how to go from this representation to a functional formulation. contact: thibaut.lamadon@gmail.com. 1