Opposite Day JANUARY 25th
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of Northern Johnson
Local Weekly County Readers!
Vol. 3 Issue #4
January 22nd, 2014
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Reach For Your Potential
a non profit agency that provides residential, day services, & supported employment services to adults with disabilities in the Iowa City area.
We have part time and full time positions available.
Starting wage ranges from $8.50-$11.25 depending on the position. Some duties include providing supervision, physical assistance, and socialization with clients in their home and in the community. Experience working with adults with disabilities is preferred but not required. Check out our website at www.reachforyourpotential.org. Resumes can be sent to jessica.perone@reachforyorpotential.org and applications are available at the main office at 1705 S. First Ave, Suite I, Iowa City, IA, 52240. Office Phone 319-354-2983
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For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936
Q: What does a ghost drink? A: BOO’S
by Janet Spencer On January 24, 1935, the first beer in cans was placed on sale in Richmond, Virginia. In honor of that event, come along with Tidbits as we take a look at beer! A CRUCIAL INVENTION • Ermal Cleon Fraze, born in 1913, grew up to found a tool and die company in the mid 1940s called Reliable Tool and Manufacturing Company. He invented a wide variety of products for clients including General Electric, Ford, and even NASA. But his most famous invention came as a result of a picnic in 1959. • Ermal had brought plenty of beer to the picnic, but he had forgotten the can opener, which, at that time, was the only way to crack open a cold one. He was forced to resort to opening the cans using the bumper of his car. “There oughta be a better way,” he thought to himself. • Several months later, he couldn’t sleep, so he got up to spend a few hours puttering in his workshop. The result of his tinkering was the first pop-top pulltab can. He received a patent for it in 1963, selling the invention to Alcoa. The first customer to use the new pull-tab can was the Pittsburgh Brewing Company, makers of Iron City Beer. By 1975, 75% of U.S. breweries were using them.
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Briarwood Health Care Center has openings
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(Continued next page)
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