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JANUARY 31st Chinese New Year FEBRUARY 2nd Groundhog day & Super Bowl

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of Northern Johnson County Vol. 3 Issue #5

January 29th, 2014

Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.





All types of scrap Metal Auto, Aluminum, Aluminum Cans, Copper and Brass

For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936

What would you get if you crossed February 2nd with a puppy?

Reach For Your Potential

a non profit agency that provides residential, day services, & supported employment services to adults with disabilities in the Iowa City area.

Ground-dog Day

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by Patricia L. Cook Glaciers form when fallen snow doesn’t melt but compresses over years of buildup into large, sometimes gigantic, thick snow masses. As the snow sits in one place it transforms into ice. • Ice masses that form glaciers are able to move like very slow rivers. There are smaller ones about the size of football fields but many grow to be over 62 miles long. Glaciers are found on most continents of the world, even Africa. The majority are found in Antarctica and Greenland. • The formation of glaciers depends on climatic and geographic conditions. Most occur above the “snow line,” in mountainous areas or at the polar regions. The snow line is an altitude at which more snow accumulates in the winter than will melt in the summer. While the snow line in Antarctica is at sea level, in Africa it is above 16,732 feet, Washington State’s snow line occurs at around 5500 feet. Because of a lack of snowfall, Siberia is an extremely cold area that has no glaciers. • Canada has the most glaciers in North America, covering over 77 square miles. Glaciers cover 29 square miles in the United States, including Alaska; and only 4.25 square miles in Mexico.

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We have part time and full time positions available.

Starting wage ranges from $8.50-$11.25 depending on the position. Some duties include providing supervision, physical assistance, and socialization with clients in their home and in the community. Experience working with adults with disabilities is preferred but not required. Check out our website at www.reachforyourpotential.org. Resumes can be sent to jessica.perone@reachforyorpotential.org and applications are available at the main office at 1705 S. First Ave, Suite I, Iowa City, IA, 52240. Office Phone 319-354-2983

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