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Vol. 9 Issue #11

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NOBEL PRIZES by Kathy Wolfe

Most everyone has heard of the Nobel Prizes, but how much do you know about their origin and the winners? Tidbits brings you a history of the Prizes and a sampling of a few winners. • A Swedish inventor and businessman was the foundation for the five categories of Nobel Prizes awarded each year. Alfred Nobel, born in Stockholm in 1833, was 30 years old when he was working on developing nitroglycerine as an explosive for the mining industry. Unfortunately, Nobel’s own brother was killed in an explosion during their experiments. In 1864, Nobel was able to start massproducing nitroglycerine, meanwhile experimenting with mixing nitro with a fine sand to make a paste to shape into rods that could be inserted into drilling holes. In 1866, he received a patent for his new invention which he called “dynamite.” This was closely followed by the invention of a detonator in order to set off the dynamite by lighting a fuse. His innovation was so successful, Nobel set up 90 factories in more than 20 countries. • Nobel never married, living much of his life as a very wealthy recluse prone to depression. By the time he died at age 63, he had 355 patents. turn the page for more!


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