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of Northern Johnson County Vol. 3 Issue #12
March 19th, 2014
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
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For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936 Q: How does one astronaut on the moon tell another astronaut that he is sorry? A: He Apollo-gises.
by Janet Spencer On March 16, 1966, Neil Armstrong and David Scott launched into orbit in Gemini 8. The space flight was the first instance of a catastrophic failure nearly claiming the lives of the astronauts. Come along with Tidbits as we ride along with astronauts! NEAR CATASTROPHE Neil Armstrong and David Scott were orbiting in Gemini 8. Their mission was to dock with a craft already orbiting. After completing the first space docking in history, a short circuit set off a rocket booster, sending the Gemini 8 into an uncontrollable spin, at one revolution per minute. They worked to stabilize the craft. Armstrong struggled to regain control by using the retro rockets, wasting precious re-entry fuel. Fearing an explosion, Ground Control immediately ordered an emergency splashdown. Would our astronauts survive? ABC interrupted a new TV show to give a bulletin. The interrupted TV show was a campy TV version of a popular comic book hero, who fought crime by employing intellect and detective skills combined with science and technology. A thousand angry calls flooded operators complaining of the interruption and insisting that the channel be returned to the regularly scheduled program. What was the spellbinding action and adventure show that viewers couldn’t stand to miss? Answer on next page.
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