April 20th Easter Sunday
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of Northern Johnson County Vol. 3 Issue #16
April 16th, 2014
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road? Because it was the chicken’s day off!
Reach For Your Potential
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For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936
by Kathy Wolfe Since April is National Frog Month, it only seems fitting for Tidbits to bring you the facts on these little creatures. • Frogs are amphibians, meaning they are cold-blooded and split their time between land and water. Their body temperature changes depending on their surroundings. If it’s cold, certain frogs dig underground burrows or hole up in the mud of ponds. • More than 4,700 species of frogs can be found around the world. The U.S. is home to about 90 species. Frogs can survive in an astonishing variety of climates and live on every continent except Antarctica. It’s not just warm tropical climates they thrive in – they also dwell in deserts and on mountaintops. Some wood frogs live north of the Arctic Circle, subsisting for weeks in a frozen state. The glucose in the frog’s blood acts as an antifreeze that collects in the vital organs, preserving them while the body freezes. • The front legs of a frog have four toes each, and the back legs have five toes. While aquatic frogs’ legs are longer and stronger to help them swim, land-dwelling frogs have shorter legs for walking and climbing. The tree frog’s large round toe pads act as suction cups to help it grip branches. turn the page for more
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