Northern exposure v1 issue 20 online

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Community Paper

The best little news edition serving these communities: Alburnett, Center Point, Central City, Coggon, Prairieburg, Robins, Springville, Troy Mills, Walker, Whittier September 16th 2014 Vol.1 Issue #20 Local Businesses Supporting Local Communities! Hawkeye Publishing L.L.C. For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936

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Iowa Game Specials: $4 Bloody Mary Bar 50 Cent Wings $5 Maidrite Baskets FREE SHOT WITH EVERY IOWA TOUCHDOWN!!!

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support those that have served in our military.

Are we at war are not Mr. President? It appears that we are, but others in the Presidents administration say we are not. Regardless if we are, there are still thousands of men and women who are currently in harms way. But even those that are not or never have been in danger of being shot at, we need them to keep us safe here and abroad. This country was formed by individuals who risked their lives to form a free and independent country from others. Fortunately September 11th passed last week without any terrible incident. But we know all to well that even those that may be stationed on U.S. soil such as at the Pentagon, are never truly safe in our military. Therefore everyone needs to be thankful that there are those that have been willing to join a branch of our service to defend the rights to be free. Many of our veterans are members in various organizations such as the American Legion, AMVETS, VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). Please support them with their open events.

INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS It’s Simple Ad Space Available Call Russ 319-360-3936 Or Rena 319-930-0084

This ad size can be yours for only $36.00 per week.


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er nity Pap Commu er r, Whitti Issue #11 : Walke Vol.1 -3936 nities Mills, commu ille, Troy 9) 360 gv g these Call (31 a s, Sprin es! n servin om or ay! Pick uppy editio burg, Robin mmuniti itpapers.c ws sm ne Co idb irie e ile tod russ@t Local on, Pra st little new co ek ke someon orting ution E-mail: Ma The be City, Cogg pp Su we es trib ntral at every siness For Dis int, Ce on sale nter Po Local Bu All plants ett, Ce TM itpape Alburn w.tidb ww rket is .C. th 2014 ade hing L.L rmersorMa e nity Paper Days par July 15 n shinmu Publis lkeryr’sThuFa r Pickle have an ope Com WaEve rsday rain ing Hawkeye lot at Walke park h. They ins at er 0 In our July 26t n-up that beg ins r, Whitti Issue #12 4:30-6:3 Walke ies: Vol.1 -3936 entry sig The parade beg d, munit , Troy Mills, tan com . 9) 360 ers se 5:15pm . As I und g the ringville Call (31 a vin t not 0pm n ser om or bins, Sp unities! jusRo 6:0ed t, rs.c itio atws we Pick uppy ls rg, ape itp MilComm RKET iriebu Troycal could get le neyou s@tidb Lo WER MA on, Praas at the to ail: rus new co ek gg ing best litt FLO Co like ch ort E-m The muSupp ution ases would we al City, , Walker Distribiness name, LE 2014 . If you , Centr Business every adeFor salentatStreet 136 r Point Local par mote your bus SCck,HEDU 216onGra 682 800-747-6years. TM , Cente All plants pro car, tru DAr YS itpape m ett Alb and for over 34 to you Daurn w.tidb CKitLE 319-448-4 mowerth ade. 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City of Center Point 200 Franklin St.

M-F 8-5 Sat. 8-1

Sun. Closed

Center Point, IA 52213 O: 319-849-1508

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F: 319-849-1182


806 Rosedale Dr Center Point, IA 52213

Pre K—Kindergarten Soccer Camp We have carry out, too!

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Cost: $20.00 This size ad space is available $28.00

Registration forms are available at City Hall or on the City’s website, All registrations must be dropped off or mailed with checks made payable to: City of Center Point

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Are you a Center Point business owner? Call Russ for details about great marketing. 319-360-3936

All registrations are due September 29th in order to receive a camp shirt.



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This size ad space is available



Call Russ for details

Call Russ for details


This is the preliminary plan for remodeling the existing Center Point Library building. As you can see, there will be more space for seating and quiet work. Please call or stop by if you have any question or would like to see the full site plans. 720 Main Street. 319-849-1509


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OPEN HOUSE Coggon Public Library


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Wednesdays, 9 am – 5 pm Saturdays, 9 am – 12 pm

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9-10 am for 4-year-olds and 10:30-11 am for 3-year-olds.

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Book Club

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Contact the library at 319-435-2542 or stop by to find out more!

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Lunch specials Specialty coffee Drinks & More We carry Edgewood Locker Meat Products with over 20 varieties of Brats.

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

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This Ad space can be yours for $20.00

per week. Call Russ for details ******************************************************

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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Advertising E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936 DOLLARS AND SENSE BY David Uffington New Credit Cards Add Security Chip

SPRINGVILLE NEWS From the City Clerk’s office at 304 Broadway Telephone: 854-6428 Visit our web site at:




HOURS If you’ve recently received Mon- Thur 2pm-10pm a new credit card, either Friday 2pm-2am because you applied for an Saturday 11am-2am account or because your Sunday 11am- Close current one expired, your Event hall card might have an additional Daily drink specials Rental feature: the security chip. Kitchen Mon-fri 5pm-8pm Available Dozens of companies around Sat-Sun 11am-2pm the world have been using “smart chip” credit cards for 252 Broadway Street, Springville years, but the U.S. has lagged 319-854-7325 behind (hence the millions of stolen card numbers and VETERANS POST incidences of fraud). Now, by Freddy Groves one at a time, American companies are getting on Helping Rural Vets Get WANTED: all energetic kids wanting to check out the board, spending the few extra Health Care new play equipment at Cox Lake! Parks board spondollars to produce a card with sored the new play set with several years of Fun Days upgraded security. While the Starting in October, the proceeds. chip won’t deter all fraud, Department of Veterans it will make it much more Affairs will use a new Community Center Events difficult for thieves to vacuum classification system to up information as it goes WACKEY WEDNESDAY pinpoint rural areas of th through the terminal. the U.S., which will help On September 24 , there will be ‘Fresh Conversations’ from At this point there are a two 11:30-12:00 noon (a nutrition education program with food determine where more types of EMV (which stands sampling). Lunch by Horizons: 12-12:30pm (and Lemonade) veteran health services are for Europay, MasterCard and Dessert is provided by Witwer. $3.50 per person. Witwer needed. Visa) cards: chip plus PIN, Board Game Bonanza is 12:45-2pm (Scrabble, Cribbage The new program, the and Rummy Cube) Contact Janet by noon on September and chip plus signature. The Rural-Urban Commuting 22nd for lunch reservations. Sponsored by the Witwer card requiring a PIN is rare in Areas system (RUCA), will Healthy Aging Program. the U.S. By 2015, most card determine what is urban, companies will issue only the rural and highly rural by chip cards, and a signature September Events in the Library Support YOUR Library by: determining whether an area Every Thursday is story time @ will be required during the is within commuting distance 10:30-11:45 also Knitters & 1. Attending programming transaction as a security step. of a large urban center. crocheters meet @ the fireplace 2. Checking out books & materials Eventually the cards might More than one-third (36 1:00 3. Using our NEIBORS e-book require an additional step, the percent) of veterans enrolled September is Library Card Month check-out system PIN. in the VA system are Your library card @ the Springville 4. Log onto Getting your chip card doesn’t considered rural. That’s 3.2 Memorial Library is your ticket to Username: Springville necessarily mean you’ll be million veterans who need books, movies and information. If Password : libra able to use it right away. It services. In the past five you do not have a library card 5. Volunteer it’s fun. will depend on the terminals years, 1.6 million veterans come in and apply and enjoy same where you shop. The special received rural health services. day check-out. It is free! The Springville Memorial Library slot for the chip card is on Among the latest moves to has partnered up with Junior the bottom of the terminal at TUMBLEBOOKS has been renewed Library Guild in a fundraising help rural and highly rural check out. You’ll likely need to for another year so check it out! veterans: campaign in which you can bend down to see it, or raise This is an online, animated, talking donate money that we can use to • Over 60 clinics were opened. picture books which teach kids the whole unit. Slide the card buy new children’s books from • TeleHealth: Of the the joy of reading in a format in chip-end first, and leave JLG Just go to: 144,000 veterans getting they’ll love. it there. If the terminal is http://donations.juniorlibraryguil TeleHealth care, 41,000 are chip-enabled, the transaction still able to live at home Springville Memorial Library The children of the library will will be completed in instead of getting long-term appreciate the NEW books. approximately 10-15 seconds, institutional care. email and you’ll be instructed to • A transportation grant will 319-854-6444 Let’s fall into reading! remove your card. If you help 11,000 highly rural COME VISIT THE LIBRARY slide the card in and nothing veterans in seven states get happens, remove it and swipe access to medical centers. as usual. • Mobile audio vans allow veterans to get audiology services To find out which companies offer the chip card, check www. near their homes instead of driving to faraway medical and put “chip cards” in the search box. centers. Services include hearing aid evaluations, fittings and (Look on the far right for the magnifying glass and click that.) adjustments. If you want a chipped card, call your credit-card company. To determine the closest source of VA health care, go online to There shouldn’t be any charge for the new card. and put your ZIP code in the box on If you’re about to travel in Europe, request a chip card before the left. You’ll get a map and a list of facilities. you go. Most chip-card terminals in Europe won’t even take the *** swipe-type cards anymore. Be sure to set up your PIN before Meanwhile, on another topic, the VA has announced that the number of homeless veterans has dropped dramatically since 2010, by a total of you go. 33 percent or 24,837 veterans. This leaves 49,933 veterans still on the Best bet: Ask your card company for a chip card that requires streets. The VA’s goal is to end veteran homelessness by the end of 2015. both signature and PIN for transactions. David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

To help this effort, first lady Michelle Obama has announced the “Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness.” Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Advertising E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936

THE KITCHEN DIVA By Angela Shelf Medearis and Gina Harlow

City of Walker 408 Rowley St. Walker, Ia 52352 (319) 448-4359

Pick a Pepper

As fall approaches and the days grow shorter, most of the summer crops are winding down. There are a few undaunted vegetables, though, Did you know that the first business was a general store on that have flourished through the Greene Street? It was built in 1874 by James K. Hotchkin. He change in seasons. They’ve been was also appointed as the first postmaster in Walker. This was growing throughout a hot season followed by a hardware store and hotel. In 1875, another store and waiting until the very end, when temperatures begin to drop a little, was built, as well as a wagon and blacksmith shop, drug store, to flower. At the end of our seasonal hotel, agriculture implements, livery stable and a saloon. food pageant, peppers take the stage. Walker grew steadily and became an important market point, The colorful display in the garden tapping a wide territory of rich farming country. It was recognized and at the markets is enough to as the best shipping point on the Decorah division of the Burlinginspire the most unimpressed cook. There’s green, yellow, orange, red ton, Cedar Rapids, and Northern Railroad, barring only one or two and even chocolate available in of the large cities. In 1876 The Walker Creamery was opened the pepper palette. We can’t help and the plant became one of the finest creameries in Iowa. Walkourselves; we pick a few up, maybe er butter gained famed in the city markets. one of every color, for our culinary The first house built in Walker was on the corner of Greene experiments. Peppers belong to an extensive and Grant Street by G. C. Gitchell. His wife was the first woman tropical family of the capsicum resident of the town. Can you imagine being the first and only plant, which is native to Mexico, woman resident in the town of Walker? and Central and South America. -To be continued next week The discovery of this wild edible had a huge impact on culinary traditions dating back hundreds of years. From its native land, peppers found their way around the world and are now a distinct element of cuisines everywhere. When Columbus returned to Europe from his journeys, with exotic foods never before seen, it was the fascinating uses for peppers that spread the This is not an actual image of Walker IA fastest. For all their popularity, peppers are perplexing. There are the bell and the chili, there are some that start out sweet, then get a little hotter, and those that are hot, then get even hotter. There are so many varieties that botanists are still counting them. It helps when choosing peppers to understand at least some of the differences. Sweet peppers are the group that includes the bell, sweet cherry and sweet banana peppers. Most sweet peppers have thick flesh and are suitable for raw or cooked preparations, and they all have their own distinct flavor characteristics. Among the bell peppers alone, the taste will vary from the more pungent green to the very mellow yellow and gold. Hot peppers often are referred to as chili peppers and include the cayenne, jalapeno, hot banana, poblano and Anaheim. Some of these chilies also have thick flesh, and are good for raw as well as cooked preparations. Be aware of the heat scale before deciding on the right pepper for your dish. Hot and sweet peppers are high in vitamins A, C and B-6, as well as carotenoids and flavonoids, which have been shown to have antioxidant and immune-enhancing benefits. While both sweet and hot peppers are members of the same family, the hot peppers are the ones that actually contain capsicum properties within its fruit. The medicinal and health benefits of capsicum are numerous, ranging from aiding in digestive health to pain treatment. Peppers are good roasted, stuffed, fried or pickled, served with meats, cheeses or as a compliment to other vegetables. Peppers can be the condiment or the main dish, and even sweet peppers will stand out in any dish you add them to. This recipe for Sweet and Hot Pepper Jelly preserves the pepper in a flavorful way while showcasing the best of the season’s hot and sweet varieties.

Early Walker History Continued…….

SWEET AND HOT PEPPER JELLY You can serve this jelly as a glaze on meat or fish, or as an appetizer on crackers with cream cheese. 3/4 cup seeded and finely chopped hot peppers (such as jalapenos, scotch bonnets or habaneros) 1/4 cup seeded and finely chopped sweet peppers (such as bell peppers, sweet cherry or banana peppers) 6 cups cider vinegar 6 cups sugar 6 ounces liquid pectin 1. Combine chiles with vinegar in a large saucepan. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, then reduce heat to medium and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and strain, setting chiles aside and returning vinegar to pan. Add sugar and pectin. 2. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat, skim foam and add chiles. Cool in the pan until thick (like honey), about 30 minutes. 3. Stir to evenly distribute chiles, then ladle into 7 sterilized half-pint mason jars. Seal and let stand at room temperature to set, about 1 hour. (Jelly can be stored in refrigerator for 1 month.) Makes 3 1/2 pints. ***

Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is “The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook.” Her website is To see how-to videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook and go to Read Gina Harlow’s blog about food and gardening at Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis.(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis

BOOKS -Recommended Reading “Off the Leash: A Year at the Dog Park” by Matthew Gilbert (Thomas Dunne Books, $25.99) Reviewed by Larry Cox Anyone who has ever been owned by a dog will appreciate this delightful new book. When Boston Globe TV critic Matthew Gilbert began sharing his life with a Yellow Lab named Toby, certain adjustments had to be made. One of those adjustments was frequent visits to his local dog park. Gilbert -- who describes himself as basically an indoor guy, regularly connected to his TV and computer, and steeped in the visual, digital world -- had to rethink his daily life, and sharing it with a canine was not an easy transition. He soon discovered Armory Park, overlooking Boston, and quickly became acquainted with the dog-park subculture. His routine changed in ways he had never imagined. Instead of finding an iPhone in his pocket, he was more likely to discover broken dog biscuits. His daily life was swept up in the chaotic energy of dogs and their owners, both species which seemed to gather in packs. His visits to Armory Park were not always a walk in the park. For example, when dogs fight, their owners have been known to bare their teeth at each other, too. As dogs chase each other, steal each other’s toys and occasionally act up, people sometimes are even less controlled than in the more civilized parts of their lives. Gilbert claims that in a dog park, feelings surface faster ... unedited. In other words, the owners often are off their leashes, too. Gilbert was especially surprised to find that his adventures with Toby at the dog park made him more spontaneous and, yes, playful. When he let go of Toby’s leash, he also allowed himself to let go. This is a heart-warming, humorous book that connects on several levels. It is the first look at dog parks and the part they play in the lives of both humans and their four-legged companions. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

September 16th 2014 Please support these local businesses and let them know you enjoy the Northern Exposure Community Paper

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Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Advertising E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936

Vintage Neckties Q: My grandpa was a traveling salesman throughout the 1930s and ‘40s. He managed to accumulate more than 200 vintage neckties, and I inherited his collection a number of years ago. Some of the more interesting ones, at least to me, are the hand painted with Western themes. I am now in the process of downsizing and hate to just donate this collection to a charity. I hope you can recommend someone who would more fully appreciate these wonderful ties. -- Cynthia, Largo, Fla. A: Barry Hautala is a collector who has more than 10,000 neckties in his personal collection. I spoke to him about the ones you have, and even though he said he has become extremely selective, he has agreed to advise you and share his expertise. His address is 1860 Greentree Drive, Plover, WI 54467.

He suggests you check out an excellent website www. www.kollectorsnastyoldties. com(KNOT) for general information about this field of collecting. One of the better references is “Fit-To-BeTied” by Dr. Ron Spark and published by Abbeville Press. *** Q: My mom and I have collected salt and pepper shakers for more than 30 years. Can you recommend a good price guide to help us determine current values? -Peg, St. Charles, Mo. A: Although there are several guides available, I especially like the “Antique Trader Salt & Pepper Shaker Price Guide” by Mark F. Moran and published by Krause Books. More than 1,000 salt and pepper shakers are arranged into two sensible categories: shakers by form and shakers by maker. Each listing includes a color photo for positive identification, along with a description, history and pricing that I think accurately reflects the marketplace.

Q: Recently, I bought a set of four berry bowls in the Homespun pattern. They are pink in color. I paid $25 for the set of four at a church sale. Did I get a good bargain? -- Susan, Chesterfield, Mo. A: According to “Warman’s Depression Glass: A Value and Identification Guide” by Ellen T. Schroy and published by Krause Books, your pattern was made by the Jeannette Glass Company of Jeannette, Pa., between 1939 and 1949. Schroy lists your bowls for $15 each, so yes, you got a bargain.

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Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475, or send e-mail to Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

HOLLYWOOD By Tony Rizzo PHOTO: Sophia Loren HOLLYWOOD -- Even before the Valentine’s Day release of “50 Shades of Grey”, its star, Jamie Dornan, is red hot. In October, he starts shooting the psychological thriller “Ninth Life of Louis Drax,” from the Liz Jensen novel, and then in the spring, he’ll play Commandant Pat Quinlin, who led United Nations soldiers into “The Siege of Jadotville.” These two films are about as far as he can get from Christian Grey. Sophia Loren, considered one of the last living movie stars from Hollywood’s Golden Era, will be feted Nov. 12 by the American Film Institute. It also will mark the 50th anniversary of “Marriage, Italian Style,” for which she received a best actress Oscar nomination in 1964. Sophia, who won the first best actress Oscar for a foreign language film (“Two Women,” 1960), also starred in Hollywood films such as “Houseboat” with Cary Grant, “That Kind of Woman” opposite Tab Hunter, “It Started in Naples” with Clark Gable, “Arabesque” with Gregory Peck, “The Countess From Hong Kong” opposite Marlon Brando (directed by the great Charles Chaplin), “Man of La Mancha” with Peter O’Toole, “The Voyage” with Richard Burton, “Grumpier Old Men” with Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau and AnnMargret, and 2009’s “Nine” with three-time Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis and Oscar winners Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench and Nicole Kidman. Her co-stars have been a virtual Who’s Who of movies. Film makers are forever fascinated with Abraham Lincoln. In 2012, “Lincoln” won Daniel Day-Lewis his third Oscar, and despite its $65 million price tag still grabbed $275 million at the box office. Now a documentary film, “The Gettysburg Address,” written, produced and directed by Sean Conant, is coming our way. It has a great cast that includes Jason Alexander, Ed Asner, Matthew Broderick, Sam Elliott, Cary Elwes, Delmot Mulroney, George Takei, Tom Brokaw ... and David Morse as Lincoln. Not all historic films succeed. “Parkland,” released last year, was produced by Tom Hanks and Bill Paxton, and cost $10 million to make. Despite The Washington Post ranking it the sixth-best film made about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and a great cast that included Billy Bob Thornton, Tom Welling, Paul Giamatti, Zac Efron, Colin Hanks, Ron Livingston and Marcia Gay Harden, it only grossed $1.4 million. People apparently weren’t interested in the hospital or staff that treated JFK after his assassination. How the mighty have fallen! Piers Morgan, who went from London tabloid writer to a judge on “America’s Got Talent” and then Larry King’s talk-show replacement, has been named the most hated personality from the United Kingdom on Twitter. Guess he’s not well-liked by his PEERS! (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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September 16th 2014

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Old-Fashioned Fun With Butter Making


As technology advances at a rapid rate, many of the traditional ways of doing things may be unknown to kids born in the 21st century. Why not take a break from our high speed, techie lifestyle and experience with kids and grandkids some of the old-fashioned ways of playing and working? Whether it’s cranking homemade ice cream on a warm evening after putting on a puppet show, playing bean bags, walking on stilts or stacking wood for a night around the fireplace, the games and chores can be fun learning opportunities. Simple techniques from earlier days can be found at living museums, history museums, libraries and in your own homes with treasured photos, antiques in the attic and stories from your kids’ greatgrandparents. To get started, here’s a way of taking back history with your family any time of year. Make your own butter!

Here’s the stuff you’ll need: --1 empty, small clean jar with lid such as a baby food or jam jar --heavy whipping cream --muffin, biscuit or cracker --salt (optional)

Here’s the fun:

Pour the cream into the jar, leaving space at the top. Screw the lid on tightly. Show your child how to hold the jar in both hands and shake, shake, shake. It’s great exercise, and you may notice your child might run out of steam. That’s the time to pass it on to someone else to continue the shaking. Eventually, chunks of butter will form. Spoon out the chunks into a bowl and add a few sprinkles of salt, if you wish. Spread the butter on a warm muffin, biscuit or cracker, and talk about life in an earlier time when butter didn’t magically appear on the grocery store’s dairy shelf. *** Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www. and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” (c) 2014 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.

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