Northern exposure v1 issue 20 online

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Community Paper

The best little news edition serving these communities: Alburnett, Center Point, Central City, Coggon, Prairieburg, Robins, Springville, Troy Mills, Walker, Whittier September 16th 2014 Vol.1 Issue #20 Local Businesses Supporting Local Communities! Hawkeye Publishing L.L.C. For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936

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Iowa Game Specials: $4 Bloody Mary Bar 50 Cent Wings $5 Maidrite Baskets FREE SHOT WITH EVERY IOWA TOUCHDOWN!!!

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support those that have served in our military.

Are we at war are not Mr. President? It appears that we are, but others in the Presidents administration say we are not. Regardless if we are, there are still thousands of men and women who are currently in harms way. But even those that are not or never have been in danger of being shot at, we need them to keep us safe here and abroad. This country was formed by individuals who risked their lives to form a free and independent country from others. Fortunately September 11th passed last week without any terrible incident. But we know all to well that even those that may be stationed on U.S. soil such as at the Pentagon, are never truly safe in our military. Therefore everyone needs to be thankful that there are those that have been willing to join a branch of our service to defend the rights to be free. Many of our veterans are members in various organizations such as the American Legion, AMVETS, VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). Please support them with their open events.

INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS It’s Simple Ad Space Available Call Russ 319-360-3936 Or Rena 319-930-0084

This ad size can be yours for only $36.00 per week.


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er nity Pap Commu er r, Whitti Issue #11 : Walke Vol.1 -3936 nities Mills, commu ille, Troy 9) 360 gv g these Call (31 a s, Sprin es! n servin om or ay! Pick uppy editio burg, Robin mmuniti itpapers.c ws sm ne Co idb irie e ile tod russ@t Local on, Pra st little new co ek ke someon orting ution E-mail: Ma The be City, Cogg pp Su we es trib ntral at every siness For Dis int, Ce on sale nter Po Local Bu All plants ett, Ce TM itpape Alburn w.tidb ww rket is .C. th 2014 ade hing L.L rmersorMa e nity Paper Days par July 15 n shinmu Publis lkeryr’sThuFa r Pickle have an ope Com WaEve rsday rain ing Hawkeye lot at Walke park h. They ins at er 0 In our July 26t n-up that beg ins r, Whitti Issue #12 4:30-6:3 Walke ies: Vol.1 -3936 entry sig The parade beg d, munit , Troy Mills, tan com . 9) 360 ers se 5:15pm . As I und g the ringville Call (31 a vin t not 0pm n ser om or bins, Sp unities! jusRo 6:0ed t, rs.c itio atws we Pick uppy ls rg, ape itp MilComm RKET iriebu Troycal could get le neyou s@tidb Lo WER MA on, Praas at the to ail: rus new co ek gg ing best litt FLO Co like ch ort E-m The muSupp ution ases would we al City, , Walker Distribiness name, LE 2014 . If you , Centr Business every adeFor salentatStreet 136 r Point Local par mote your bus SCck,HEDU 216onGra 682 800-747-6years. TM , Cente All plants pro car, tru DAr YS itpape m ett Alb and for over 34 to you Daurn w.tidb CKitLE 319-448-4 mowerth ade. 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