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Week of October 4th, 2010
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The Neatest LittleLittle PaperPaper EverEver Read The Neatest Read
Vol. 5 Issue #41
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For E-mail: Call (319) 360-3936 Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitsof For Distribution Advertising email: tidbitsof or Call (319) 360-3936 Distributed by Rapp Publishing For Advertising Call (303) 916-6162
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Q:What do you call a flying primate? A: A hot air baboon!
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® TIDBITS FLIES HIGH -wherever people sit and wait.
by Patricia L. Cook Aileron, drag, lift, thrust–all terms pilots must 150 +points of distribution locally learn if they are to get the “wheels up” and take off, whether on a seaplane, crop duster or a jumbo YOUR ADskies! wonʼt get lost on jet. Let’s look to the • Orville and Wilbur Wright “Wright page 4-Section D.built It istheright Flyer 1,” the first gas-powered airplane in the the making earlyalongside 1900s. Orville wastrivia, at the controls for the first itflight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, impossible to miss YOURthat was airborne 12 seconds and flew 121 feet on ad. Tidbits is Wilbur a break the December 17, 1903. flewfrom the longest flight that day 59 seconds, 852 feet. news offorthe regularcovering media. • Orville Wilbur werejust awarded total of 15 Noand bad news, funafacts. honorary degrees from colleges and universities Our readers take the paper in Europe and the United States, but neither received high school diplomas. home to share with family and • Charles Lindbergh won $25,000 when friends. The price is right to he completed the first solo transatlantic flight in getBusinessmen your ad inin front of the right 1927. St. Louis, Missouri, provided the financial backing so he named his people-OFTEN! plane the Spirit of St. Louis. After the successful flight, he became quite a hero and was sponsored Distributed in restaurants, fastby the Daniel Guggenheim Fund on a nationwide He flew the Spirit of St. Louis to 92 cities restaurants, coffee shops, in 48 states, gave 147 speeches and rode 1,290 offices, banks, hairfamous salons, miles in parades. Lindbergh’s flight was 3,600 milesrepair and lasted 33 1/2 hours. auto shops, tire stores, turn the page for more! motels, medical & dental
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multi function wall stations, battery back up (DC motor and jackshaft) and garage door reminder to let you know if the door is closed among others.
of Cedar Rapids of Cedar Rapids
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Phone 319-365-7894 24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE Toll Free 866-572-9667 GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS paper because of high demand and because our advertisers very seldom want to give up their Commercial and Industrial Access Controls Residential SECTIONS & SPRINGS Door Openers and Accessories Door Liftmaster® offers the only opener that position of prominence. Note Garage that all ads onOpeners front page are in Garage FULL COLOR! REPLACED features an integrated Battery Backup system to reliably lift and close the garage ROLLING DOORS & GRILLES door even when the power goes out. LOADING DOCK EQUIPMENT WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE Front page not possible in most publications. It is also very difficult to get in this
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We have desi meet a archite
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Read this entire paper online when you do not have access to it during the week:
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Week of October 4th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
If your non-profit organization has a fundraising event you would like to have published in the Tidbits® paper, please contact us. Space is limited but we will make every effort to list special events such as fund-raisers for your organization. Fight Like a Diva Breast Cancer Awareness Ride
Chrome Divas of Cedar Rapids, Iowa Echo Hill Presbyterian Church October 2nd Registration 9:45 Leave at 11 Metro Harley Davidson 4th Annual Fight Like a Diva Breast Cancer Awareness ride with all the funds going to Mercy Womens Center "Especially for You" organization.
Scream Acres
Families Helping Families of Iowa Inc 3260 69th St. Atkins, IA October 9th, 7 pm - 11 pm Join us for our 2nd annual Scream Acers Event at Bloombury Farm. There will be great live music and some awesome live auction items! A portion of the proceeds will benefit Families Helping Families of Iowa, Inc. We help children in foster care.
Chili & Soup Dinner
Asbury United Methodist Church
Saturday October 9th 5pm - 6:30pm 350 27th Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids Chili Or Soup Dinner With Hot Tossed Rolls Free Will Donations Accepted
Greek Fall Dinner
St. John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church Sunday October 10th 11am - 7pm 616 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids We are serving up a nice variety of Greek food including Gyros Pita, Chicken Pita, Pastistio (Greek style lasagna), Grecian beans, Greek Salad, Spanakopita and a Drink all for $12.
Rummage, Craft and Bake Sale Hus Church
2808 Schaeffer Dr. SW, Cedar Rapids October 13th, 4 pm -7 pm October 14th, 8 am - 7 pm October 15th 8 am - 1 pm October 16th 8 am - 12 pm
Holiday Fair 2010
Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church Friday Oct. 15 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday Oct. 16 8:00 am-3 pm 720 Edgewood Road N.W. Cedar Rapids Holiday and All-occasion. Great Gift Items Bake Shoppe; Enjoy fresh cinnamon rolls & coffee Free Admission and Plenty of Parking
Annual Bazaar and Soup Luncheon
Buffalo United Methodist Church 4009 Blairs Ferry Road NE (behind Casey's) October 16 8:00am - 3:00pm Featuring homemade chili or chicken noodle soup, ham sandwich, cinnamon roll and beverage; Adults - $6, Children 12 and under $2.50. There will also be a bake sale, crafts and white elephant items for sale.
Vendor Open House, Bake Sale and Lunch
Hope Lutheran Church
Saturday October 16th 8am - 2pm 2736 Bowling St. SW, Cedar Rapids
Please join us to shop our many vendors, stop by our bake sale for lots of delicious treats and stay for a home made lunch.
WHEELS UP! (continued): • Airliners today can fly Lindbergh’s transatlantic route from New York to Paris in fewer than seven hours. • Chuck Yeager was the first pilot to fly faster than the speed of sound—supersonic—about 768 miles per hour at sea level. He accomplished the feat in a Bell X-1 jet on October 14, 1947. Yeager is a retired brigadier general with the U.S. Air Force and still flying at 87 years old. He lives in Penn Valley, California. • Seaplanes are used in more areas than you may think. Vancouver, British Columbia, has a number of seaplanes used by commuters from the outlying islands as well as by tourists. Used for taking off and landing on water, the most famous seaplanes, called “flying boats,” were the Pan American Clippers in the 1930s. Their four engines propelled the planes at almost 200 miles per hour. Pan Am, as it was called, was the first airline to cross the Pacific, the first to offer regular commercial service across the North Atlantic, and the first to establish extensive routes to South America. They had a fleet of 25 “flying boats.” • The largest “flying boat” ever built was the H-4 Hercules, better known as the “Spruce Goose.” Henry Kaiser, head of a large shipbuilding company, and Howard Hughes, a well-known businessman, movie producer, aeronautical engineer and aviator, joined forces to build flying transport planes capable of moving troops and supplies across the Atlantic for World War II efforts. • The “Spruce Goose” was finished in 1947, two years too late to help the Allied forces in the war. Disappointed with the timing, Hughes (Kaiser had left the project) was determined to show that his plane was flight-worthy. • Controversy over the amount of money spent on the “goose” led to a government investigation. Hughes ordered his team to prepare the plane for tests on his arrival back from the investigation. On November 2, 1947, with newsmen and others gathered, he glided the “Spruce Goose” across a three-mile stretch of the Long Beach, California, harbor. On the third taxi Hughes stunned the crowd as he lifted the seaplane off the water. On the only flight it ever made, it flew for a little over a mile (1.6 km) for about one minute at an altitude of 70 feet (21 m). He showed the skeptics that the big bird could fly.
Volunteers please call.
The old man is looking for three people to help serve breakfast on Tuesday mornings from 5:15 am to 7:30 am. Also two people are needed for Wednesdays.
We feed the homeless and those in need. Currently we are in the Jane Boyd Community House 943 14th Ave. Se, Cedar Rapids, IA We could also use help with people who have a drivers license and can drive for us. In addition to these weekly positions, we have our Thanksgiving and Christmas events coming up and are accepting volunteers for each of those events. Please call Henry at: 319-329-8841
H.D. Youth Center
Good News Baptist Church
1203 3rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Bringing the Good News of The Gospel to the City of Five Seasons
Awana (club for children) Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:30 Mission Conference October 15th - 19th
Bus Transportation always available. SERVICE TIMES: Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning 11:00 AM Sunday Evening 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM
EAGLES CLUB 1735 11TH St. NW Cedar Rapids 319-3 6 3 - 5 5 7 1 Sunday, October 3rd Aerie auxiliary breakfast buffet 9:00 am till 12:00 Noon
Party with us for Hawkeye tailgaters.
Watch Monday night football with your friends at the Eagles Club!
We are “People Helping People”
B St. Ludmila Bingo I 215 21st Ave SW, Cedar Rapids 319-363-9372 N Doors open - 3:30 PM G SUNDAYS - 5:30 PM Doors open - 5:30 PM O TUESDAYS - 6:30 PM
JEFF’S RV INC. Fall is here... Is your RV Ready for storage ?
New Bingo players are welcome. We have great food and refreshments! 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER!
Quality Consignment
Visit us online at:
Iowa City (behind Taco Bell) 1027 Hwy 6 East 319-338-9909
Coralville (across from Wal-Mart) 2818 Commerce Dr. 319-545-8408
Cedar Rapids West (next to Toys R Us) 252 Blairs Ferry Rd NE 3750 Williams Blvd. SW 319-373-2380 319-396-6663 Cedar Rapids East
(across from Bowling center)
Flying is the second greatest thrill known to man. Landing is the first!
Of Linn County
Check with us about weekly PARTS and SERVICE SPECIALS 6115 Seventh Street SW • Cedar Rapids
(319) 377-7933
Saturday, October 16, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Depart from CR East Stuff Etc, 252 Blairs Ferry Rd NE (A bus will also transport attendees from Coralville to CR) ● Chauffeured transportation ● Curb-side service ● Exclusive VIP discounts at all shops ● A gourmet lunch!
Reserve your seat by picking up a ticket at any of the 4 Stuff Etc locations or call (319) 545-8408 ext. 120 ~ Only $15/person
Week of October 4th, 2010
Tidbits® - It is OK to take this paper home with you to share with others when there are plenty available-
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Everyone knows a 'good' landing is one from which you can walk away. But a 'great landing is one after which you can use the airplane again.
Aunt Annie’s Attic EstatE salEs l tag salEs
(319) 294-4876
Free consultations. Call us today.
Downsizings Relocation sales l Estates l Households l l
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Mt. Vernon Ace Hardware 222 1st. Ave. S. Mt. Vernon, IA Weekday 7:30-8:00 Sat. 7:30- 5:00 Sun. 10:00-5:00
319-895-8183 CANT WATCH THE GAME? WHAT ABOUT THAT MOVIE? Let us help you get back into the entertainment Affordable local repair, LCD TV Repairs. 1-888-613-0334
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Pet’s Playhouse 151 Jacolyn Dr. NW Cedar Rapids 396-0635
There’s something fishy going on around here...
• Largest Selection of Fresh & Marine Fish
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Open Very Late
WHEELS UP! (continued): • Hughes stored the “goose” in flight-ready condition in a custom-built hangar for 33 years at an annual cost of approximately $1 million. Where is it now? It is the “crown jewel” of the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon. • Pan American’s order for 25 Boeing 747 airplanes on April 13, 1966, was the launch of the “jumbo jet” program that would make Boeing the aviation icon that it is today. Boeing purchased 780 acres of land in Everett, Washington, for the 747 production plant. The first 747 nose section was built at the Boeing plant in Wichita, Kansas, and delivered to the Everett plant on November 21, 1967. The Boeing 747 is longer than the distance of the first flight made by the Wright Brothers! In fact, the first flight could have been done within the coach class section of a 747-400. • The Concorde is the fastest airliner to ever fly in regular revenue service. The top record-setting flight was by British Airways from London to New York on February 7, 1996. The flight was completed in 2 hours, 52 minutes, and 59 seconds. • The first experimental flight of the Concorde was in 1969. The airliner was developed jointly by the French and British and flew in commercial service for Air France and British Airways for about 30 years. Following the airliner’s lone tragic crash in 2000 where 113 people were killed, service was resumed in 2001 and continued until 2003 when all Concordes were retired. In recognition of the Concorde’s service, British Airways timed the last three flights on July 24, 2003, to land within five minutes of each other at Heathrow Airport in London. Most of the planes are now at museums around the world. A flight Attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing: "We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."
1 Advanced Hair Technologies
1202 A Dina Ct., Hiawatha 319-364-4220
DARYL’S Proudly presents
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1/2 Gallon Spaghetti 16” Garlic Loaf 16” Gondola
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Ebony Beauty Supply
Wigs, Human Extensions, Braid Hair... and more!
NEW LOCATION 1901 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Betty McArtor Owner (319) 261-0447
Hours Tuesday - Friday 10am - 6pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Closed Sunday & Monday As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Washington National, a lone voice comes over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella. WHOA!"
What would you do for an individualized Nutritional Program designed specifically for you??!! One that could help with weight loss, stress & fatigue, and even female health issues.. Well there is hope, and we can help!! Call us today to set up an appointment @319-396-6838
Kristiansen Chiropractic Office 4005 Wilson Ave SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Flying is not dangerous; crashing is dangerous.
PC Repair / Web Development / Logos Your Home & Small Business Solution PC Repair ● Optimization ● Drivers Virus, Spyware, Malware Removal Web Development ● Facebook API’s Graphic Design ● eCommerce ● Scripts We Charge By The Job, Not The Hour! 319-241-2911
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Long and Short Term Rental
Family Feast
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Look for puzzle answers on page 16.
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Home “Living” Improvements Additions and Remodeling
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Week of October 4th, 2010
Digital Design
Computer Service Most Problems Repaired within 24 Hours
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WHEELS UP! (continued): • Do you know which U.S. city claims to be the “Aviation Capital of the World?” Wichita, Kansas. It has a history of aviation entrepreneurs including Lloyd Stearman, Walter Beech and Clyde Cessna. The Kansas Aviation Museum showcases the city’s claim with the Wichita Flight Festival held every September. • In 1929, Wichita had 11 airports, 100 aircraftrelated businesses and 12 flying schools. About 2,000 people employed in the aircraft plants could produce 120 airplanes a week. Wichita was the main supplier of airplanes needed for World War II. • According to an ABC news report on “Nightline” on May 5, 2010, U.S. passengers involved in airplane crashes in the last 30 years have had a 95.6-percent survival rate. Most recently this statistic was exemplified by the 2008 emergency landing of US Air Flight 1549 on New York’s Hudson River. The news media dubbed this event the “Miracle on the Hudson” because, remarkably, everyone survived. Statistically, flying is a very safe way to travel.
Mention this ad in the Tidbits and receive $2 off of any product (minimum $5 cost) with the purchase of a haircut. Not valid with any other offers or coupons. Expires 10-31-10.
Hours: M-F 9-9, Sat 8-6, Sun 10-5
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Adaptive Hands Massage Therapy Therapy and Relaxation Combined
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Mention this ad and receive Licensed Massage Therapist 208 Collins Rd. NE Ste. 107 $10.00 OFF Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 your first 60 Cell 319-540-3133 Minutes.
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MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
Fall portrait specials start October 1st!
● On Oct. 15, 1917, Mata Hari, the archetype of the seductive female spy, is executed for espionage by a French firing squad at Vincennes outside of Paris. She first came to Paris in 1905 and found fame as a performer of exotic Asian-inspired dances, claiming to have been born in a sacred Indian temple. In reality, Mata Hari was born in a small town in northern Holland in 1876, and her real name was Margaretha Geertruida Zelle. ● On Oct. 11, 1925, novelist Elmore Leonard is born in New Orleans. His book “Hombre” (1961) was voted one of the best 25 Westerns of all time by the Western Writers of America. His first mystery, “The Big Bounce” (1969), was rejected by 84 publishers before it was published as an original paperback. ● On Oct. 17, 1931, gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion and fined $80,000. Elliot Ness and his “Untouchables” routinely broke up Capone’s bootlegging businesses, but it was taxevasion charges that finally stuck and landed Capone in prison. ● On Oct. 12, 1945, Army Pfc. Desmond T. Doss of Lynchburg, Va., is presented the Congressional Medal of Honor for outstanding bravery as a medical corpsman, the first conscientious objector in American history to receive the nation’s highest military award. ● On Oct. 13, 1953, the world’s first art museum on wheels opens in Fredericksburg, Va. It was called the Artmobile, a $20,000, 34-foot-long air-conditioned trailer with museum-quality lighting. The trailer was pulled around the state behind an enormous blue truck. ● On Oct. 14, 1968, U.S. Defense Department officials announce that the Army and Marines will be sending about 24,000 men back to Vietnam for involuntary second tours because of the length of the war, high turnover of personnel and the tight supply of experienced soldiers. ● On Oct. 16, 1976, “Disco Duck” hits the No. 1 spot on the Billboard charts. Created by bored drive-time radio disc jockey Rick Dees, the song got airplay in every town except Memphis, where Dees had his radio show. (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
Was that a landing or were we shot down?
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A of October 4th, 2010 Week
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E CREATIONS M Y T Y M An Extraordinary Gift Shoppe
a Handcraft Consignment Shoppe 115 Main St. Shellsburg, IA 52332 across from the Library & Legion Hall
Visit our unique gift store full of hand crafted treasures including Oil Paintings, Walking Sticks, Quilts, Wooden Bowls, Purses, Crocheted Towels, Cross Stitch, Polymer Clay Jewelry, Greeting Cards, Bra Bags, Saw Blades, and .... and .... and MORE!!!
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NEW !!!!!--Surplus Craft Supply Room --some of everything --all 60%-75% below retail!!! After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in Memphis, a flight attendant on a Northwest flight announced: "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as Heck everything has shifted."
We Come to You!*
Cedar Rapids / Iowa City and Surrounding areas * Weather permitting
Answers on page 16
Want to find your Prince? Kiss a frog Want to be a Princess? Use Avon Friday Nights Departs from K-Mart West 9 PM 8:30 AM 10:45 AM 5:30 PM
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Kayla Miner Sales Rep. 319-241-3809
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Full Service Shop Oil change Engine repair Air conditioning Tune-ups Tires
Answers on pg. 16
“We Keep You Moving” Last one off the plane must clean it.
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319-364-2311 Combining the expertise of optometry with occupational therapy in a nonprofit setting.
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Any Given Saturday - Iowa Hawkeyes by Greg Bordignon signed/numbered
601 7th Ave. Marion • (319) 377-5739 Between Country Kitchen & Sunbeam
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Week of October 4th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
MAP DIRECTORY #1 Advanced Hair Technologies Page 3 1202 Dina Court Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-364-4220 #2 Pita’z Page 6 1057 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-395-7482 #3 Diamond Vogel Page 6 725 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-365-6901 #4 Dairy Queen 100 North Center Point Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 • 319-393-0944 #5 The Spring House www.springhouserestaurant .net 3980 Center Point Road NE Coupons online Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-4995 #6 The Floor Shop Page 6 3909 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-832-1937 #7 O’Donnell Ace Hardeware Page 6 3825 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-395-7770 #8 Hansen Hearing Center Page 16 3525 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-393-5646 #9 Cassill Motors Page 7 32nd & Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-363-3353 #10 Century Cab Page 16 1100 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-365-0505 #11 Balloons, Etc. 720 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-298-9999 #12 Treasures / A Quality Resale Shop 701 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-364-1988 #13 Metro Appliance Page 6 620 Center Point Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 • 319-366-7281
Businesses Located Along Center Point Road I N EXIT 25 T E R S T A T 4 E 3 Hiawatha 8 EXIT 24 B 0 Cedar Rapids
6 7
“We Gotcha Covered”
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Pita’z Hiawatha
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A Family Tradition of Coatings since 1926 5
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29th Street
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Weekday 8:00-8:00 Sat. 8:00- 5:00 Sun. 10:00-5:00
319-395-7770 Answers on pg. 16
11 12
725 North Center Point Rd. Hiawatha 52233 • 319-365-6901 www.d i a m o n d v o g e l .com
42nd Street
G Ave.
O Donnell Ace Hardware 3825 Center Pt. Rd. NE Cedar Rapids, IA
Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 9 pm 395-PITA (7482) w w w. p i t a z u s a . c o m
Heard on Southwest Airlines just after a very hard landing in Salt Lake City: The flight attendant came on the intercom and said, "That was quite a bump and I know what ya'll are thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the airline's fault, it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendants' was the asphalt!"
Blairs Ferry Rd
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Armstrong Bldg. Food Gallery
Collins Road
Several of these business locations offer gift certificates. Buy Local!
1057 North Center Point Road
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Both locations offer Dine-in • Carry-out Delivery & Parties!
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Most brands including Kenmore Refrigerator Water Filters in Stock for Most Brands.
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Hrs: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:30 ● Sat. 9-1 620 Center Point Rd. NE ● 366-7281 or (800) 296-7281
Black Pepper
Blind to the future, youth’s carelessness fractures choices Inexperience usually hears only the most unrealistic voices Inevitably its dire consequences materialize years too late Benign neglect, given free reign, can season a man’s fate Caution stifles adventure, adventure will find its own path Oblique meanings means that no one ever does the math Order will be undefined, as a future is relentlessly unclear Corrections are far off, time the thing youth will never fear Distractions reimburse the soul, but always come up short Effects simmer when love and lust were played like a sport Egos will betray the heart, when lustful sin is allowed to sit Dreams are long lost as life never waits for the pieces to fit Random events adhere to life’s fabric, soon it will tarnish all Ulcers begin their work, a past starts to grow strong and tall Unavoidable at times, everyone will learn from imperfection Reality is manageable only if you’re headed in that direction Silent thoughts still seem to fester into an uncontrollable roar Appeasing an ego with its delusions and fantasies once more Age will now quiet the chorus, before the refrain plays its note Sleep will erase hope, as pessimism always wins the vote Copyright ® 2009 Robert A. Swart
Week of October 4th, 2010
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3223 1st Ave SE HOME HEALTHCARE Home Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Equipment & Supplies319-362-1084 Healthcare
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Senior News Line by Matilda Charles
Think You’re in the Hospital?
Think Again
This is very sneaky. If you go into the hospital and then have nursing-home care, Medicare might not pay for that care if you didn’t stay in the hospital long enough. It seems that when you’re in the hospital, you might not actually be “in” the hospital as an admitted patient. You might be “observed,” which is not the same thing. Sometimes a doctor will send you to the hospital, and you’ll be observed for a day or two to see if you should really be admitted. It seems that a criteria program called InterQual makes decisions about this. Its web page says that InterQual is “the undisputed gold standard in evidencebased clinical decision support.” Isn’t that nice. Whatever happened to our doctors deciding how sick we are? And how do you know what your status is? You have to ask. Theoretically, you could stay in observation mode for weeks and never actually be admitted. Medicare considers that to be outpatient care, and it won’t pay for all you get while you’re in the hospital. Any nursing-home care you need after that won’t be paid for by Medicare unless you’ve spent three days in the hospital as an actual admitted patient. A Medicare pamphlet says: “If you’re in the hospital more than a few hours, always ask your doctor or the hospital staff if you’re an inpatient or an outpatient.” And no matter how long you’re “observed,” that time doesn’t count toward a genuine inpatient three-day stay if you need to move on to a nursing facility. To find out more about this, you can call Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800633-4227). Or go online to publications and put the publication ID number in the search box: 11435. Be sure to scroll down and read all the examples in the chart. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
Information in this issue of Tidbits could win you a prize on “Remember When” on KMRY 1450, Saturday night between 7pm & 10pm
• W e can offer you our guaranteed LOW EST PRICES • W e have many different models and brands available to fit your needs • W e have FINANCING AVAILABLE & will have DELIVERY W ITHIN 5 DAYS! • W e’re confident that you’ll find the right power chair or scooter at an affordable price for you or your loved one!
If You’ve Been Denied Through Medicare Call:
Freedom Scooters & Chairs Can Help You! DOLLARS AND SENSE BY David Uffington
Cash In on Clutter If you know you’ll need extra cash for the holidays, consider this: There is cash in clutter. By beginning now to unload the clutter, you can accomplish two things: getting rid of extras that could be stifling you, and making a little extra money. Where’s the clutter? It’s potentially everywhere. Consider consigning clothing you haven’t worn in two years, and sell toys the children don’t play with anymore. Have you done a lot of “retail therapy” either in stores or at yard sales, bringing home knick-knacks you end up dusting every week? Old watches, musical instruments, iPods and mp3 players may have some value to someone else, especially for their parts. Sell duplicates of tools and stereo speakers. If you have multiple computers, your old reject might be just the thing for someone else. The same goes for your older monitors and keyboards. If you’ve amassed a large collection of videos and DVDs (that no one ever watches anymore), sell them and clear up some space. The same goes for books and craft items or hobby supplies that looked appealing when you bought them. If you have far too many inherited items that you’ve kept out of a sense of obligation, consider whether it’s time to let them go. For items that could be valuable, get an appraisal as to their worth. The biggest clutter sign of all is if you rent a storage unit to hold the excesses of your life. If you’ve had that unit for more than six months and haven’t visited it, that’s a sure sign that you can live without the contents. Spend a few weekends going through the boxes you’ve stored to see what you can sell. Not only will you pocket the cash, but you might be able to downsize to a smaller unit if there are items you absolutely must store. Even if you hire an online auction company to take care of the actual pricing, shipping and photography of your items, you’ll come out ahead without having spent the time to micromanage online bids. If you end up giving items to Goodwill or the Salvation Army, you can still net a financial gain in the form of charitable tax deductions. Use a computer program called “It’s Deductible” to calculate the fair market value of what you donate. David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475, or send e-mail to (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
Shoes are essential to our wardrobes—at least for most people in modern society. They are made for comfort, health and fashion. But some have been ridiculed for their “need” for so many! • Imelda Marcos, wife of the late dictator Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, was a story on all of the news networks when her shoe room was discovered. She apparently had over 1,500 pairs of very fashionable shoes, while most people in her country were extremely poor and in need. Once a 19th century rice mill, the Marikina Shoe Museum in the Philippines focuses on shoes, but really highlights the excesses of the Marcos’ dictatorial reign. • The SONS Museum 46 miles east of Brussels, Belgium, is a museum that shows shoes more as art than fashion. The acronym stands for “shoes or no shoes.” There are over 4,000 pairs of shoes divided into three collections: Artist, Designer and Ethnographic. The displays show historical and cultural differences from the world over. The artist section has shoes collected from artists. Some sent the shoes they used while working. • The Brockton Shoe Museum, south of Boston, claims to be “the only authentic shoe museum in America.” Shoemaking history from the 16th century to the present is shown, from Indian moccasins to popular shoes of today. A “Celebrity Footwear” exhibit showcases shoes worn by Rocky Marciano, Primo Carnera (1930’s Italian boxer who wore size 24!), Mamie Eisenhower and even a pair of President Clinton’s jogging shoes. • The 39,000-square-foot Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto is the world’s largest and houses more than 10,000 pairs of shoes in a stunning fourstory building. It was opened in 1995 by the family that started the Bata Shoe Company. Sonja Bata, born and educated as an architect in Switzerland, married Thomas J. Bata, son of a Czechoslovakian shoe manufacturer. Thomas had immigrated to Canada at the beginning of World War II after the family business had been nationalized under Communism. • After their marriage in 1946, Sonja joined her husband in what was to become a global business, rebuilding the family company. She also collected shoes from all over the world, and in 1979, the Bata Shoe Museum Foundation was established. In keeping the museum separate from commercialism, there are no Bata shoes displayed at the museum. Only 25 percent of the museum displays are semi-permanent. The other displays are constantly changing. The museum has many events to keep things interesting for locals as well as tourists. • The Bata family’s great influence on shoes can also be seen at the Zlin Shoe Museum in the Czech Republic. Thomas Bata’s father Tomas was truly a visionary businessman who revolutionized the footwear industry in the town of Zlin in the 1890s. He used mass production techniques inspired by Henry Ford to produce quality shoes. The museum is housed in the former shoe factory, and it displays many original Bata shoes that made the town and the family what they are today. • So whether you prefer sandals, loafers, stilettos or athletic shoes, we all owe our comfortable, fashionable footwear to the pioneers in the industry.
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9/28/2010 10:41:02 PM
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ids → To Cedar Rap
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39 38th Ave. 1-800-35-amana See page 12 The Ronneburg Restaurant See this page 4408 220th Trail 319-622-3641 11 THE Little Red Wagon See this page 4417 220th Trail 319-622-3822 Amana General Store See this page 4423 220th Trail 319-622-7650 Amana Coffee & Tea Co. See this page 4423 220th Trail 622-6598 Serving fine food family style Ox Yoke Inn 4420 220th Trail 622-3441 See this page for over 75 years! Lehm Books & Gifts See this page 319-622-6447 4536 220th Trail • 800-840-2387 Java Junction “Amana Colonies Original Kaffeehaus!” 319-622-4100 Open seven days a week, 619 46th Ave. Drinks, Sandwiches & Pastries Iowa Theatre Artists Company 7:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. See this page 4709 220th Trail 319-622-3222 Banquets • Meetings • Special Occasions 20 Minutes From Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Collectively Iowa 4709 220th Trail Lower Level 319-622-3698 Colony Inn Restaurant See this page 741 47th Avenue 319-622-3030
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Born the seventh of 13 children to Italian immigrants from Palena, Italy, Perry Como operated his own barbershop while attending high school. His first career ambition was to be the best barber in his hometown of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. • Como, called “Mr. C” by many fans, was known for his rich baritone voice, easy-going casual style and, like “Mr. Rogers, cardigan sweaters. He once said, “I’ve done nothing that I can call exciting. I was a barber. Since then I’ve been a singer. That’s it.” Como’s demeanor was so relaxed that some thought he was too calm. One music critic wrote, “Nobody was so intensely relaxed.” • Although he was considered a “heartthrob” to women, he was a wonderful family man who married his high school sweetheart, Roselle Beline in 1933. They had three children. She died two weeks after their 65th wedding anniversary in 1998. Como lived until 2001, dying six days before his 89th birthday. Shortly before his passing he became a great-grandfather. • One of Como’s best known tunes was “And I Love you So.” Romantic ballads were his main focus, but he also had some fun and popular novelty hits, such as: “Pappa Loves Mambo;” “Catch a Falling Star (and put it in your pocket);” “Hubba, Hubba, Hubba;” and the great tune “Hot Diggity (dog ziggity boom).” • Como got his first big break in 1933, while visiting Cleveland, Ohio. He was hired by Freddie Carlone’s band for about $25 per week. He took the job, even though he was earning more with his barbershop at the time. From the band, he moved on to become the vocalist for the Ted Weems Orchestra. That led to radio and then television. • From 1948 until 1963 Como hosted television shows on NBC and CBS. These were “The Chesterfield Supper Club,” “The Perry Como Show” and “The Kraft Music Hall.” He won Emmy Awards for best variety show on television in 1954-56, 1958 and 1959. • He hosted television Christmas specials from 1948 until his final in Dublin, Ireland, in 1993. The Dublin special was also his final recording. • Christmas albums were a big seller for Como. Even today his Christmas music is popular. In December 2006, five years after his death, his 1946 recording of “Jingle Bells” topped Billboard Magazine’s Hot Ringtones chart. • Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, Como’s hometown, honored him with a life-size statue in 1999. At the unveiling of the statue, Mayor Daniel Caruso said, “Here’s a man who met the Pope the President and the Queen Mother and is still the same Perry Como. There is nothing flamboyant about him; he treats everyone the same.” Mr. C, as he was called locally, was unable to attend the ceremony due to illness, but four generations of his family were there. An inscription at the base says, “To this place God has brought me,” one of Como’s favorite sayings. • Over Perry Como’s 60-plus-year career he sold more than 100 million records. He has three stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for radio, television and music. • Como was the seventh son of a seventh son— considered a sign of good luck in Italian families. He sure had a good life, but his good fortunes should probably be attributed more to his decisions to live an honorable life rather than luck.
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Week of October 4th, 2010
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Wa n t t h i s p a p e r e v e r y w e e k ? C h e c k o n - l i n e f o r o t h e r g re a t d i s t r i b u t i o n l o c a t i o n s .
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At a friend's wedding, everything went smoothly until it was time for the flower girl and her young escort to come down the aisle. The boy stopped at every pew, growling at the guests. When asked afterward why he behaved so badly, he explained, "I was just trying to be a good ring bear."...
Carl Edwards, who won nine races in 2008, hasn’t won any since. Yet Edwards, who was runner-up to Jimmie Johnson in the 2008 Chase for the Sprint Cup, is back in it this year and actually accumulated more points in the final 10 races of the regular season than any other driver. Consistency has become Edwards’ key. A 10th-place finish in the Sylvania 300 at New Hampshire Motor Speedway left Edwards, 31, in ninth place in the Sprint Cup standings, 95 points behind leader Denny Hamlin. Edwards, of Columbia, Mo., felt good to put New Hampshire -- and a decent finish -- behind him. “Everyone knows that the meat of the Chase is mileand-a-half tracks like Kansas and California,” he said. “You definitely want to get a good start, but I don’t think anyone can set the tone of the Chase here (New Hampshire), just because it’s kind of a unique track.” The challenge, of course, is beating Jimmie Johnson, who has won the past four championships. “I think that we have proven ... that we can score more points than anyone in the series, and that’s what it is going to take,” said Edwards. “Jimmie (Johnson) did a good job ... of explaining that you have to have something to hang your hat on. You either have to have wins or you have to be very consistent. You have to have some sort of thing to build your team around. “We are building our hopes on the fact that we have shown, over an extended period, that we can score better average finishes than everyone else. Now we just have to go do that. That’s what I am counting on: the ability to go do that.” Edwards has spent his entire Sprint Cup career driving Roush Fenway Racing’s No. 99 Ford. In 2005, his first full season, he wound up third in the Chase behind that year’s champion, Tony Stewart, and Edwards’ teammate, Greg Biffle. Consistency is a recent addition to Edwards’ repertoire. All 16 of his Cup victories have taken place in three seasons -- 2005, 2007 and 2008 -- but he has qualified for the Chase in five of his six full seasons. Edwards won the Nationwide Series championship in 2007. ***
Monte Dutton has covered motorsports for The Gaston (N.C.) Gazette since 1993. He was named writer of the year by the National Motorsports Press Association in 2008. His blog NASCAR This Week (http:// features all of his reporting on racing, roots music and life on the road. E-mail Monte at
Carl Edwards, left, alongside Cup Series driver David Ragan, was the Sprint Cup runner-up in 2008, but is winless since that season. Nevertheless, he’s eighth in points heading into Dover. (John Clark/NASCAR This Week photo)
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A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs. A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver
● It was American author and futurist Alvin Toffler who made the following sage observation: “Profits, like sausages, are esteemed most by those who know least about what goes into them.” ● In honor of October being National Pizza month, here are a few statistics: Approximately 3 billion pizzas are sold every year in the United States. Seventeen percent of all the restaurants in the country are pizzerias. If you’re like 93 percent of Americans, you eat at least one pizza every month. Pepperoni is the most popular topping, followed by sausage, mushrooms, onions and olives. And a Gallup poll found that kids between the ages of 3 and 11 would choose pizza over any other food for lunch or dinner. ● Are you a dipsomaniac? The root of the word is from the Greek “dipso,” meaning “thirst” -- and we’re all familiar with the “mania” part. “Dipsomaniac” is just a fancy name for a drunk. ● You may be surprised to learn that 43 percent of 6to 9-year-old girls use lip gloss. Of course, if you’re a parent of a young girl, you may not be surprised at all. ● A newly married couple sued the upscale resort in Chile where they spent their honeymoon when a swim in the pool turned the bride’s waist-length blond hair green.
● The oldest known skis were found, perhaps unsurprisingly, in Scandinavia. The experts say the skis were made about 4,000 years ago.
Meeting the Copying Needs of the Business Community
● If you live in the state of Minnesota, you might want to keep in mind that it’s against the law to sleep with no clothes on. *** Thought for the Day: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” -- Oscar Wilde
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APARTMENTS AD#078 2 Bedroom SW location close to Kirkwood and I-380, newer carpet, keyed entrance, laundry and garage available. Starting at $305 Kelley Property Mgmt. 365-3156 or 533-1339 AD#053 1 & 2 bedrooms, wooded area, close to I-380, laundry, eat in kitchen, air, newer carpet and extra storage. Starting at $235 AD#069 1 & 2 bedrooms, spacious, conveniently located near Lindale Mall, newer carpet, dishwasher, garage included, laundry and central air. Starting at $395 Kelley Property Mgmt. 365-3156 or 533-1339 AD#201 1 & 2 bedroom very spacious, sw wooded area close to I-380 & Kirkwood, two bath, newer carpet, central air, large walk in closet, keyed entrance, dishwasher and garage available. Starting at $315 Kelley Property Mgmt. 365-3156 or 533-1339 HOUSES FOR RENT
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Hawkeye Publishing LLC considers it’s Plumbing Repair Service advertisers reliable and verifies as much data as possible. Consequently readers using this information doDoor so at Before their own risk.The It is suggested “At Your It Hits Floor!” that the investors contact the appropriate consumer agencycomp5/jan/9-10 before sending payment. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are ® believed to be reputable, neither Tidbits of Linn county publication, Hawkeye Publishing L.L.C., We are all walking onany theofbridge of life. I hav The Nations Online Listings nor it’s chosen to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord a employees accept any responsibility Savior. I choose to makewhatsoever him Lord of my life for theirWhat actions. For more information I know is the flesh is about going to dust and credit scams andmy advanced realize Spirit fee andloans Soulwrite: has an opportunit FTS Washington, DC 20580 go to Heaven. What have YOU chosen? Eac person has to make their own choice of Hea or Hell! (Please read St. John 3:16)
TO PLACE AD GO P.O. TO Box 18 Bro. Carl CoxAN Ministries, Shreveport, LA 71138-1948 comp5\jan\9-10
MISCELLANEOUS Do you call Good Evil, or do you recognize when you call Evil Good? Read Isaiah 5:20-21 When you sit before the judgment seat, what you have done will determine your destiny in Heavens. Are you a doer or a sitter? II Cor. 5: 1-21 Do you hear when people exalt themselves above the knowledge of God? I have heard Ministers doing it, TV Networks, Newspapers, Elected Officials, Movie Makers, Stars have mocked the Bible in their remarks. When people mock or Lie to others, they will mock or Lie to you. You have to become aware of what you hear and the source of the news. II Cor. 10: 1-7 Do you hear people judging other people? Planting seeds of Doubt? St. Matt. 7: 1 - 29 Are your actions with or against the Lord? Are you on the side of Evil or on The side of the Lord? St. Matt. 12: 30-37 Are you aware of everything you say? It might come back to burn you! James 3: 1 - 18 I recognize that Apostle Paul was for the Gentiles in the Bible. Do you read his writings? Galatians 1: 1 -24 Do you know that the Lord can deliver you from our humanly ways of temptation? II Peter 2: 1 - 22 I desire to have knowledge of the word of God. Do you? Rom 1: 1 - 32 Are you aware of the Spirit that is in you? I Cor. 14: 14-18 God has committed all judgment unto his Son. St. John 5: 22 - 30 Do you have the knowledge of Christ grounded in your heart by faith? Eph. 3: 1 - 21 Are you sitting in a Church that is taking away from the word of God or adding to it? Do you know the danger that you are in, for your own salvation? Rev. 22: 15 - 21 We can sit in a room in our lives and not realize the reality of what the most High God has set before us by giving us his Son that I myself,Serve. Yes, my Ministry can always welcome one more partner because I want to help another person. You can be a part of it if you desire. I like to depend on the King James Version of the Bible and the name of Jesus Christ
Bro. Carl Cox Ministries
P.O. Box 18948 Shreveport LA 71138-1948
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Page 14
Wa n t t h i s p a p e r e v e r y w e e k ? C h e c k o n - l i n e f o r t h e e x a c t s a m e p a p e r i s a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e .
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Advertising E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
Investor Alert! This Home Has Been A Good Rental But Owner Needs To Sell. Updated Galley Kitchen, Patio Area, Extra Parking & Garage $36,500 Kathy 560-4253
Charming Ranch Home in Great NE location. Main Floor Family Room, Finished Lower Level, Some updates. Price Improved to $115,000. Kathy 319-560-4253 Block by block home. Totally remodeled. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. First Floor utility room. Eat in Kitchen, nice front porch, walking distance to elementary school. $74,500 Pat 319389-2235
PRICE IMPROVED This beautiful home sits on 1.5 quiet wooded acres only 25 minutes from downtown CR, or Iowa City. Great room design with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. Finished walkout lower level with fireplace and bar. $277,500 Kathy 319-560-4253 Doug 319-329-4032 Wonderful 3 bedroom ranch home on double in lot in College Community Schools New windows, roof, kitchen, bath, walls, trim, flooring. Large great room. Main floor utility. $129,900 Julie 651-8433
3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Ranch In A Well Established Neighborhood. Large 2 Stall Garage Ideal For A 203K Renovation Loan. $188,000 Doug 329-4032 PRICE IMPROVED
PRICE IMPROVED Immaculate Brick Ranch with Newer Well Maintained 4 BD, 3 Bath Home With Kitchen and Hardwood Floors. 3 Bedroom, Family Room, Updated Kitchen, 2 Fireplaces. 1.5 Baths, Huge Rec Rm and large Workshop Home Set High On Hill In Great Se Location. $124,950 Marian 319-362-9111 $159,950 Marian 319-362-9111
Newer home with 3/4 BD and 3 BA. Cathedral ceilings, new carpet, honey oak kitchen. Lower level family room with fireplace. $174,500 Jack 319-389-3827
Spacious split level in a quiet SE neighborhood. Nice hard wood the bedrooms. Big family room with freestanding gas fireplace. Fabulous landscaping, a deck, patio and shed $139,950 Bob 319-573-7489
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Week of October 4th, 2010
Uses Include: • • • •
Painting Changing Lights Interior Restoration Wall or Ceiling Repair
What To Look For When Buying A Home: Getting Down To The Nitty Gritty
Pottery Barn Cute! 3 bed, pillars, new bamboo floor, ac, windows, paint, carpet, deck, more $103,900
By Doris A. Black
You’ve found a home that seems perfect. The rooms are the right size and the neighborhood ideal. But appearances can be deceiving, so before making an offer, take a closer look. Here are some suggestions on where to look:
Margie Jenkins
319-389-0723 mjenkins @ Gorgeous NE 2 sty, quality & luxury, 4 bed, Sharp ground floor unit, 2 bedroom, patio, 2.5 bath, SALE PENDING fireplace,1car granite, garage, fresh pillars, paint, pantry, arches, all appliances jetted tub $76,000 $279,990
• Lawn and landscaping. This is where most interior water problems begin, with poor water drainage. The slope of the lawn should be away from the house. Low areas near PRICE REDUCED Starter home or Darling bungalow, new siding, windows, roof, investor alert! kitchen, the foundation are an indication of a potentially wet base$1,500 flooring carpeting, ment. Do mature trees appear healthy? Do the shrubs and allow., new fresh paint, plants appear full and green or brown and lifeless? siding, windows, great yard. kitchen, bath. $120,000 • Driveways and walkways. Are they in good repair or $75,000 cracked and crumbling? Look closely at the slope. Do Huge new Bowman Woods, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, gas garage, $2K they slope toward the house or away? Poor water drainage fireplace, flooring allow., screened is the leading cause of driveway deterioration and can also hardwd. floors, porch, newer HVAC, ruin the foundation of a home. deck, 3 bed, 1.5 bath. fencing. • Home exterior. Is the brick in good repair? Are there $115,000 $175,000 loose bricks or mortar? Is the siding wood, aluminum or vinyl? For wood siding, check several locations along the siding near the ground for rotting boards. Is the paint ENNIS chipping? Although aluminium and vinyl siding won’t rot or rust, check for pitting, dents or loose pieces. Also look for caulking where any two different materials join, such SUPERVISOR as where the siding meets the foundation and around winPaid for by Dennis Petersen for Supervisor Courtney St. John, Treasurer dows and doors. Caulking should seal the gap and prevent moisture damage. $25 ad size ↑ $40 ad size ↓ Call Philip to advertise 294-0077 • Foundation. A good foundation is critical. Look for signs of cracking, decay or moisture. This area will get special 1030 5th Ave. SE Ste 1800 attention from the professional home inspector. • Porches and decks. A major selling point can be a porch (Inside Kirkwood Resource Building) or deck if it’s in good repair. Concrete porches should be Cedar Rapids free from cracks and broken concrete. Wooden porches and decks need to be checked for rotten or loose floorboards or railings. Again, check for sloping away from the w w w. t h e b r o w n b a g d e l i . c i t y m a x . c o m foundation. • Roof and chimney. The basic concern here is if quality Sandwiches, Wraps, Salads, Soups, materials were used and the age of those materials. SouthDaily Specials (Call For Details) ern and southwestern exposures get the most weather abuse, so check there first. By just looking up, you can deFree Local Delivery ($10 Min) termine if shingles are missing or rippled. Is the shingling consistent throughout? Areas with different shingles could $55 ad size ↓ Call Philip to advertise 294-0077 be an indication of patching. Is the roof sagging? • Garage. It should be sturdy and free from damage and decay. Check the doors and windows the same as you would the house. Look for a floor drain. Is lighting ad® equate? • Miscellaneous exterior concerns. Gutters and Get It Right. SM downspouts should be in good repair and adequate to carry water away from the foundation. Fences should be in good repair. Check wooden ones for rotted or missing boards. Keep in mind that wooden fences are high maintenance and may require painting every few years. Gates should open and close easily no matter what type of construction. Exterior lighting should be functional and in good repair. Are the fixtures clean as well? A clean light fixture is an indication of a well-maintained home. What about the other homes in the neighborhood? Do they look well cared for? • Interior rooms: As you walk through the house, look to see if the floors are flat and level. Are the wood floors in Click, call or come over. good condition? Are tiles cracked or broken? Is the carpet I 800-HRBLOCK worn? Look for cracks in the walls and patches on the ©2010 HRB Tax Group, Inc. ceiling. Is the molding and trim in good repair? Discoloration in the wood around windows indicates moisture. Do the windows open and close easily? Does each room have adequate lighting? Are doors and hardware in good repair—do they work properly? Is the bathroom in good general condition? Is there evidence of water leakage on the floor or around faucets? Is the kitchen of adequate size? Chances are you’ll be spending more time in the kitchen than in the bedroom, so make sure it has a layout you can live with. Is there enough counter space for food preparation? Do the appliances work? Are you satisfied with the location of the refrigerator, range, dishwasher, etc.? Will the storage space be adequate?
Phone: 319-363-2655
We are here to serve your needs year round.
Although very few homes you view will be perfect, experts highly recommend hiring a professional home inspector before closing the deal. Go ahead and make your offer. You can even agree to the purchase and sign a contract as long as you include the stipulation that the home be inspected by the licensed home inspector of your choice. The professional inspector is trained to look at the electrical and plumbing systems, heating and air conditioning, wells and septic systems, the home’s construction and insulation, roofs, chimneys and fireplaces, as well as living areas, basements and attics. They will do a thorough inspection of the interior and exterior of the home, pointing out potential problem areas and making recommendations. You will not be held to the purchase contract if the home fails the inspection. Unless you have unlimited funds, don’t buy a home with major structural defects. A certain degree of minor updating or decorating is to be expected in most older homes. But if you aren’t willing to do that, keep looking. When buying a home, choosing one that has been well maintained makes sense.
Week of October 4th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.
Read what others are saying about us at w w w. t i d b i t papers. c o m
Dennis Petersen
David Pitts Broker/Owner
319-981-DAVE (3283)
BR and Bath Every Floor! $156,950. Rare 4 BR/3BA at this price! New Spacious Listing! kitchen, 3 Seasons room, f/p, deck, fenced yard, over 2210 sq ft. Great LL.
Page 15 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 294-0077
Week of October 4th, 2010
Rare 1.83 In Town Acreage! $144,990. 4 BR/2BA, 4 ½ stall garage, sharp kitchen, wood trim “pops”, finished walk/o LL w/ wet bar, deck, New patio. Listing!
Awesome Updates Throughout! $129,900 4 Br, 2 Ba, Garage, Pool, Huge Deck, Shed Privacy Fence, 6 Panel Large Shaded Yard For $52,490 Doors, New Sharp 2 BR, 1 BA, Ranch, attached Windows, garage, quiet dead end street, Like New !!! 9k under assessed for quick sale. Must See
December 22– January 19 Go ahead, Capricorn, and raise a fuss at home. That is the only way you are going to get anything done. A small risk pays off in a big way.
June 22– July 22 Pipe down, Cancer. Something is on your mind, but before you say anything more, make sure you have your facts straight. You don’t want to make a serious error. CHARMING HOME Brand new kitchen with new cabinets, countertops and flooring. NEW LISTING! 3BR/1BA. Plus new flooring in living room. Screened porch and fenced back-yard. CR NW—$117,000
59 ACRES MORE OR LESS Wooded acreage. 2 BR/possibly 3. Machine shed/barn great for horses. Central City $399,900
ALMOST 2 ACRES Surrounded by nature on almost 2 acres. 4BR/2BA, split foyer. Finished walk-out basement. Detached 30 x 40 garage/cement flooring. Vinton $182.500
New Listing!
GREAT CONDO Ranch style condo with 2BR/2BA. Eat in kitchen, all appliances stay. Patio. Close to schools and shopping. Marion - $79,900
For Sale By Owner
618 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Contact Paul at 319-431-4387
Fabulous 1950's California style rambling ranch in one of Cedar Rapids' most desired neighborhoods. 2,250 sqft of bright, open spaces, with many updates and modern conveniences! Updated kitchen & bathrooms offer elegance while maintaining the charm of the 50's era! Fantastic yard with great entertaining areas and luscious gardens! Move in ready with motivated sellers! $229,500. First Ave. to Cottage Grove Ave. SE to private cul-de-sac between Country Club Pkwy & Lincolnshire.
The company boss was complaining in a staff meeting that he wasn’t getting any respect. Later that morning he went to a local sign shop and bought a small sign that read: "I’m the Boss!" He then taped it to his office door. Later that day when he returned from lunch, he found that someone had taped a note to the sign that said: "Your wife called, she wants her sign back!" Climate controlled and
January 20– February 18 You can salvage a project, but it will take work, Aquarius. Don’t take a stab at it unless you are willing to put in the time. A health concern resurfaces.
August 23– September 22 Old haunts call out to you to explore them. Go forth with zeal, Virgo. There are old memories to revisit and new ones to make. A gift arrives.
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February 19– March 20 Your ego takes a beating traditional self-storage units this week, but you’re tough and rebound with ease. A home Cedar Rapids 364-7400 • Resident manager Cedar Rapids 364-7400 improvement project 5315 J Street SW, • Residential and commercial 5315 J Street SW Just off I-380 &•Hwy 30 will sign for deliveries Office turns out beautifully. Just off I-380 and Hwy 30 Good job, Pisces. • Fenced facility with computermonitored entrance gate • Video monitoring • Individual unit alarms • On-site Penske truck rental and packing supplies • Month-to-month or long-term rentals
July 23– August 22 While actions typically speak louder than words, that is not the case this week, Leo. Speak up and make your opinions known. A deadline is extended.
Four New Models for Every Budget The Endless Pool ®… perfect for swimming, exercise, therapy and family fun. With less water to heat and fewer chemicals, the Endless Pool is the ‘green’ swimming pool for today’s world. Imagine swimming year-round, indoors or out on your own schedule, in your own home.
March 21– April 19 Personal conflict cannot be avoided. Be rational and realistic, Aries, and you just might learn a thing or two. Travel plans get underway. Bon voyage!
April 20– May 20 If you aren’t careful, Taurus, you could get bogged down in the details and miss out on the big picture. Your finances improve with the tiniest of changes.
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September 23– October 22 You receive the support of several influential people. Put it to good use, Libra. A letter packs a lot of punch. Learn from the example set by a loved one.
October 23– November 21 You reap the rewards of your good deeds and hard work this week. Enjoy the accolades, Scorpio. A peek into your financial standing reveals an unsightly error.
Cedar Tree Construction 319-270-1082 319-540-4197 Painting
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May 21– June 21 Stop it, Gemini. You have placed the happiness of others above your own for far too long. Focus on yourself for a change. A truce is reached at home.
November 22– December 21 Work now, Sagittarius, and relax later. A deadline is moved up, and you must scramble to meet it. An old family friend doles out some much-needed advice.
Jeff Bessert Paul Bessert Cell: (319) 981-4457 Cell: (319) 981-4456 Phone: (319) 223-7460 Fax: (319) 223-7461
Week of October 4th, 2010
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Advertising E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
OCTOBER IS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Please stop in at these fine businesses as they are participating in raising funds through customer purchases at their location during the month of October. Each location listed here is offering to donate a set amount from certain purchased items. They will list at their location what they will donate based on what purchase(s) are made. 100% of the amount collected at each location will be donated to: Mercy Foundation “NATIONAL” WORDS (continued): for the new Destination Cancer Society. This is a 501 C (3) non-profit organization. • French: Chefs know what it means to
This ad and promotion expense is“french” donated abyfood Hawkeye Publishing Publisher of Tidbits of Linn County item. It’s a verb LLC, that means to cut into thin strips, like, well, french fries. (And yes, that’s how the finger-friendly potato dish took its name.) Green beans are another item commonly prepared in this manner.
• Maltese: These tiny spaniels are easy to identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The of an groups Hiawatha Austin Blues BBQ Cranky HanksAmerican Pizza Kennel ClubPita’z them with other “Toy 4444 1st Ave. NE 1057 N. Center Pt. Rd El Centro Burito f an So I picked up my luggage and moved to Gate 17. About ten Dogs” like Pugs and minutes after getting settled, another announcement came, Mall lower level Lindale Hiawatha, IA 52223 Cancer Survivor, Yorkshire Terriers. “Flight 501 will now be boarding at Gate 35, as originally Cedar Rapids, IAFeline 52402 aficionados 319-366-7482 Owned and operated scheduled.” Coast 210 3rd Ave. SE 319-365-4265 also use the term Maid Rite West I gathered my belongings and returned to the original gate. n 3_ Armstrong Food Maltese to describe 621 1st Ave. SW After settling downGallery again, the gate agent announced, “ThankDowntown Pita’z for participating in our airport physical fitness program cats that have a siCedaryou Rapids, IA 52401 today! We’ll now board your flight so you can 210 sit for 3rd three Ave. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 flying? milarly silky, gray319-378-4777 hours!” 319-364-4415 Armstrong Food Gallery blue coat.
will, the er
Page 16
-Tidbits® The paper that readers of all ages can enjoy-
Waiting for our flight at Gate 35, I was reading when I heard an announcement, “We apologize for the inconvenience, but Flight 501 will board from Gate 17.”
Cassill Motors
Service Dept. 5415 16th Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319-396-2698
1973 u call a flying primate? /1946 75 ot963 air baboon! 1. What is the up and down movement of an 1. Pitch 6 2. Yaw airplane called? 3. The hinged parts that are on the back edge of each 0 2. What is theupside-to-side of and an wing. They are moved and downmovement for rolling 979
airplane called? banking movements. 4. The Concorde 3. What are the ailerons? 5. 2003; extremely high operating costs
4. What airplane could fly from the East Coast of the United States to Paris or London in 3_ hours or less? 5. When and why did that airplane stop flying?
er name that critics gave iency. se?” 9
majority of us prefer a bit of legal Colombian, as in the coffee grown in the South American nation. The prevalence of coffee shops throughout America enough Distribution of this paper goesis to proof more than 500 that many of us just can’t get along in the businesses. Go online to find a location nearest you. morning without a hotatcup You can pick up a copy anyofofColombian. our advertisers.
• Chinese: The generic term “chinese” now represents types of food that are very different from the meals that are (or ever were) served in paper China. That said, with the same arguTake this home you and ment could be made about what we consider share with your friends, family and “American” food. Ice cream? Waiting for our flight atHamburgers? Gate 35, I was dogs? Pizza?“WeOur favorites reading Hot when I heard an announcement, apologizenational for neighbors! the inconvenience, 501 will board from Gate 17.” seem but toFlight have originated everywhere except in the United States! So I picked up my luggage and moved to Gate 17. About ten the Tidbits® is gathered minutesInformation after gettingin settled, another Paper announcement came, from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. “Flight 501 will now be boarding at Gate 35, as originally scheduled.”
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I gathered my belongings and returned to the original gate. Send $24.95 (plus $5 S&H) After settling down again, the gate agent announced, “Thank by Check or Money Order to: Tidbits Media, Inc. you for participating in our airport physical fitness program 1430 I-85 Parkway, Suite 301 today! We’ll now board your flight so you can sit for three Montgomery AL 36106 hours!”LIMITED EDITION BOOK SET
(Alabama residents please add $1 sales tax.)
Reprints of Books I, II & III WHILE THEY LAST!
The Tidbits® Paper is a division of Tidbits Media, Inc. · Montgomery, AL 36106
1Q2009 :: Wk 03 :: Jan 11 - Jan 17 :: Pg. 8 All Rights Reserved · Copyright © 2009 Tidbits Media, Inc.
s, and 4th Quarter 2010 more Week 41 button “Aviation is proof that given the will, mliner we have the capacity to achieve the Formerly of St. Luke’s Audiology Department rently impossible.” Eddie Rickenbacker • Quality • Hearing Evaluations everal SEPTEMBER IS This word means: the distance • Integrity • Hearing Aid Sales & Service g says between the tips of an•airplane’s APPLE MONTH (US) Affordability wings. most Cheryl Koester, MS/CCC-A • Audiological Diagnostic Testing
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flies faster than to be supersonic. ound is about 768 Neve Campbell 10/3/1973 (1236 km per hour) Susan Sarandon 10/4/1946 1. There was a government mandate you hear the term Kate Winslet 10/5/1975 not to use steel & aluminum ferring to the speed Elisabeth Shue 10/6/1963 because of WWII needs. 2. “Flying Lumberyard” nything faster is Taylor Hicks 10/7/1976 u may hear of speeds Matt Damon 10/8/1970 or five times faster Brandon Routh 10/9/1979 of sound! Top speed HOCUS-FOCUS de was Mach 2.04 phworkers, or 2173 km/h). secretaries and administrators who made s are747, supersonic. ng in less than 16 months. The first flight was on
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Any married man should forget his mistakes, there's no useword in two people remembering the same This means: the distance thing. between the tips of an airplane’s
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