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Week of October 25th, 2010
Of Linn County �������������������
The Neatest LittleLittle PaperPaper EverEver Read The Neatest Read
Vol. 5 Issue #44
Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. For Advertising Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936 Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitsof For email: tidbitsof or Call (319) 360-3936 Distributed by Rapp Publishing For Advertising Call (303) 916-6162
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A: Any old girl he can dig up.
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5,000 copies are distributed
weekly-throughout the countyby Martha Ann Cole Halloween is an eagerly anticipated holiday for -wherever people sit and wait.
families and retailers in the United States. How did this autumn holiday begin, and what were pointscustoms of distribution locally some 150 of the+ancient and traditions that have impacted our present day celebrations?
YOUR AD wonʼt get lost on
• Halloween seems to have its roots in ancient page 4-Section D.were It isa right Celtic culture. The Celts group of people that lived in what is now Ireland several alongside the trivia, making thousand years ago. They were farmers, and their it impossible to miss original Halloween festivals were YOUR a celebration of summer harvest is and a preparation the ad. Tidbits a break fromforthe difficult, cold winter ahead. news of the regular media. • The Celts believed that during this time of year, badbetween news,thejust funworld facts. the No division known and the spirit world became take very the thin, paper and departed Our readers souls might visit them. Huge bonfires were built home share withInterestingly, family and to scare awaytoany evil spirits. the word “bonfire” comes from the old word “bonefriends. The price is right to fire,” representing the bodies of sacrificial get your ad in front of the right animals that were thrown into the fire. Special people-OFTEN! places were set at mealtime in remembrance of deceased relatives and friends. Candles were lit and treats were left along the side of the road Distributed in restaurants, to assist their departed loved ones onfasttheir journeys. harvest celebration called foodThis restaurants, coffeewas shops, Samhain (pronounced “sow-ween”), which offices, banks, hair meant “summer’s end.” It was salons, truly a time of magic and superstition. auto repair shops, tire stores, turn page for more! motels, medical &thedental
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We have desi meet a archite
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Week of October 25th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
If your non-profit organization has a fundraising event you would like to have published in the Tidbits® paper, please contact us. Space is limited but we will make every effort to list special events such as fund-raisers for your organization.
Bowl for Ed, Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa Westdale Bowl Friday October 22nd 9 pm - Midnight Sunday October 24th 1 pm - 4 pm Friday October 29th 9 pm - Midnight
The Bowl-4-Education event is a fun-filled way to help raise money to support Junior Achievement’s local economic literacy programs.
Fall for the Holidays
First United Methodist Church 8th Ave. at 12th St. Marion Saturday November 6th 8:30 am - 2 pm Food, Candies, Baked Goods gifts and more!
Grace Baptist 4th Annual Holiday Bazaar
Friday November 19th 9 am - 7 pm Saturday November 20th 9 am - 2 pm SPACES AVAILABLE FOR HOMEMADE CRAFT VENDORS CONTACT: SUSAN @ (319) 270-9828
11th Annual Cedar Rapids Senior Celebration Expo
Monday November 1st 8am - 3pm Cedar Rapids Marriott 1200 Collins Road NE Cedar Rapids. Free for the public to attend. Informational booths and 20 educational workshops. Free: Blood pressure screenings, blood glucose tests, chair massages, balance screenings and more More info, contact Linda at 319-363-3811 and click on Senior Celebration Expo
Kenwood Park Neighborhood Association Location: Kenwood Methodist Church 175 34th St. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA Saturday Nov. 6th, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The menu will include homemade chili, chicken rice soup, crackers, fresh vegetables, homemade desserts and choice of drink. All are welcome! Cost is $4.50 for adults and $2.50 for children 6 to 12. Children 5 and under eat free. Anyone interested in donating a homemade dessert should bring it to the church by 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 6th. If the door is locked, ring the door bell and/or call Erica. We also need volunteers to help serve food, bus tables, cleanup, etc. Call Erica to volunteer. All proceeds from this event are used to fund KPNA events, newsletters and improvements to the neighborhood.
Lords Harvest
Alice United Methodist Church 4617 Alice Rd. Center Point, IA Nov. 6th, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Menu: Turkey Breast & Dressing, Chicken & Noodles, Potatoes & Gravy, Corn, Squash, Salad, Pie or other assorted desserts. Adults: $8.00, Children ages 5-10: $3.00 Take out available. Bazaar & Bake Sale 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Quilts, Rugs, Crafts, Garden Produce & Bake Sale. Chair Lift Available Church is located 4 1/2 miles east of Center Point on the Central City Hwy.
Of Linn County
HALLOWEEN (continued): • As time went by and Christianity spread throughout Europe, customs evolved, and people in Ireland and other European countries developed their own unique ways of celebrating the end of summer and preparing for winter. Many old traditions focused on matchmaking techniques that were believed to assist eligible bachelors and bachelorettes. • On Halloween in 18th-century Scotland, an unattached young woman was encouraged to write the names of prospective husbands on hazelnuts. She then threw the hazelnuts into a fire. The nuts that burned rather than popped or exploded identified the young woman’s husband to be. Wonder what happened if more than one nut burned? • Another matchmaking technique in old Scotland was the eating of a combination of hazelnuts, walnuts and nutmeg before going to bed on Halloween night. It was thought that the young woman who did this would dream of her future mate. Isn’t it interesting that the magical meal consisted primarily of nuts? • A somewhat dangerous practice was to walk backwards down the staircase to the basement of a house while holding a mirror. At the bottom of the stairs the face of their future husband or wife would appear in the mirror. • In old England, men and women in search of a mate would count the number of puffs it took them to blow out a candle while wearing a blindfold. This number foretold the number of years it would be before they were wed. • On Halloween, young women sometimes would peel apples and toss the apple peels over their shoulders while hoping that the fallen peels would form the initials of their husbands-to-be. • When did the custom of trick or treating begin? Trick or Treating is thought to have begun during All Souls’ Day celebrations several hundred years ago in England. All Souls’ Day was a religious holiday in Pre-Reformation England. This holiday honored the lives of those who had died. The poor would go from house to house offering to pray for the dead in exchange for money or “soul cakes,” which were a type of hot cross bun.
Volunteers please call.
We are in need of a volunteer to help organize this years Christmas Dinner and gift giveaway event. We have a large number of people who will help participate and can help with the planning. However we still need someone who is responsible and can organize the duties. We could also use help with people who have a drivers license and can drive for us.
Please call Henry at: 319-329-8841
H.D. Youth Center
Good News Baptist Church
1203 3rd Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Bringing the Good News of The Gospel to the City of Five Seasons
AWANA CLUB FOR KIDS Each Wed. evening at 6:30 join us for stories, games and prizes. Ages 3yrs to 12 grade.
Bus Transportation always available. SERVICE TIMES: Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Morning 11:00 AM Sunday Evening 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM
EAGLES CLUB 1735 11TH St. NW Cedar Rapids 319-3 6 3 - 5 5 7 1 Friday, October 29th MCMurrin and Johnson!
Hill Top Stan-up
with “Donzilla” Don Tjernagel
Saturday, October 30th Doors open at 8pm/Show at 9pm
Also available is a Steak Dinner with backed potato and salad bar for $13.00
We are “People Helping People” B I N G O
Sundays - 5:30 PM Tuesdays - 6:30 PM
Fall is here... Is your RV Ready for storage ?
St. Ludmila Bingo 215 21st. Ave. SW Cedar Rapids 319-363-9372 Halloween Costume Party October 31st Prizes and Food Specials!
Check with us about weekly PARTS and SERVICE SPECIALS 6115 Seventh Street SW • Cedar Rapids
(319) 377-7933
ALL 4 LOCATIONS 9 am - 5 pm
Iowa City (behind Taco Bell) 1027 Hwy 6 East 319-338-9909
Coralville (across from Wal-Mart) 2818 Commerce Dr. 319-545-8408
Cedar Rapids West (next to Toys R Us) 252 Blairs Ferry Rd NE 3750 Williams Blvd. SW 319-373-2380 319-396-6663 Cedar Rapids East
(across from Bowling center)
Holiday Open House
Door Prizes Saturday, Nov. 6 Shop “New Gift” Section Bring this entire paper along and Save Refreshments
25% off one item. Excluding furniture. Offer expires 11/20/10
Week of October 25th, 2010
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What would you do for an individualized Nutritional Program designed specifically for you??!! One that could help with weight loss, stress & fatigue, and even female health issues.. Well there is hope, and we can help!! Call us today to set up an appointment @319-396-6838
Kristiansen Chiropractic Office 4005 Wilson Ave SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
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Three Convenient Locations:
5458 Blairs Forest Way NE (Near Subway By Sams Club) Cedar Rapids • 319-294-2317
2040 Edgewood Rd. SW (Westwood, Near Gander Mnt.) Cedar Rapids • 319-654-8446 1460 Twixt Town Road (Near Michaels & Collins Rd. Theatres) Marion • 319-373-0038 What is a vampire's favorite sport? Casketball... What is a vampire's favorite holiday? Fangsgiving...
What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes? A cereal killer... Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends? They're so wrapped up in themselves...
HALLOWEEN (continued): • When we think of a Jack-O-Lantern today, we usually think of a carved pumpkin. However, hundreds of years ago in Scotland and Ireland, children would make them out of turnips! Turnips were a major food crop in the region. The children would hollow out the vegetables, carve faces on them and place a candle inside. Years later when many Europeans migrated to the United States, they discovered an abundance of pumpkins, and the present day Jack-OLantern was born. Just think of trying to carve a turnip! • Jack of Jack-O-Lantern fame was supposedly a very wicked man named Stingy Jack. This individual was said to be so bad that he was refused entrance to both heaven and hell. The devil didn’t want him but gave him a hollowed out turnip with a lump of glowing coal inside. Jack was doomed to roam the earth for eternity with his turnip to light his way. He was called “Jack of the Lantern.” His name was later shortened to Jack-O-Lantern. • Barnbrack is a kind of Irish fruitcake that is eaten on Halloween today. Small treats are wrapped and placed inside the cake before baking. Finding a ring inside a piece of barnbrack indicates that the person finding it will have a wedding in their future, while finding a straw means that a prosperous year is in store. • In the USA, more candy is sold around Halloween than at any other time. Americans purchase large amounts of candy for Easter, Christmas and Valentine’s Day, but candy sales at Halloween outnumber these other popular holidays.
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What does the papa ghost say to his family when driving? Fasten your sheet belts...
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Week of October 25th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
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TOMB STONES HERE LIES my wife, I bid her goodbye. She rests in peace and now so do I. HERE LIES a man named Zeke Second fastest draw in Cripple Creek. Here lies HENRY BLAKE he stepped on the gas Instead of the brake.
By Samantha Weaver
• It was British mathematician, historian, logician and philosopher Bertrand Russell who made the following sage observation: “Boredom is a vital problem for the moralist, since at least half of the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it.” • The next time you’re in South Dakota, you might want to make a side trip to the town of Rosalyn. Visitors there can take a look through the International Vinegar Museum.
HALLOWEEN (continued): •
Today in Ireland, where the Celts lived and celebrated centuries ago, bonfires are still burned, but now children dress up in costumes and trick or treat, and often attend parties with their families and friends. They play a game called “snap-apple,” which is a kind of bobbing for an apple on a string. An apple is tied to a string hanging from a doorframe and youngsters try to take a bite without using their hands. Families play a card game in which cards are placed face down on a table with candy or coins underneath. A child chooses a card and receives the prize.
• Many in the United States look forward to Halloween every year. Businesses look forward to the increased sales of candies, costumes and party decorations, and children look forward to transforming themselves into ghosts, goblins, princesses and pirates, or other spooky characters. Families get their supply of goodies ready and prepare for happy cries of “Trick or Treat” as they answer their ringing doorbells. • Halloween comes in third behind Christmas and New Year’s Eve in the numbers of parties hosted. • More funny greeting cards are sold for Halloween than for any other holiday. Twenty-five million cards are sold annually. • Present day Halloween celebrations are exciting and fun for kids and grownups alike. Have fun, be safe and “Happy Halloween” from Tidbits! We hope you have a special time this year!
Why were there screams coming from the kitchen ? The cook was beating the eggs.
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Fall portrait specials Now is the PERFECT time!
¥ Statistics on sporting events show that 17 of the 20 sporting events with the most attendees every year are NASCAR races. • Though coffee has been around for about 700 years, instant coffee was invented just more than 100 years ago, in 1906. By George Washington. Of course not that George Washington. The man who made coffee more convenient was from Belgium. • Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity suggest that the passage of time is affected not only by acceleration (a person travelling at the speed of light, for instance, will age more slowly than someone who is stationary), but also by gravity. Scientists using ultra-precise atomic clocks have proved that people who experience a stronger gravitational pull age more quickly. What does this mean for you? If you spend your life precisely at sea level and your twin lives at 1 foot above sea level, over the course of a 79-year lifespan a difference of 90 billionths of a second will develop between your ages. • The average coffee tree yields only enough beans every year to make one pound of coffee. • You might be surprised to learn that, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the car that was stolen the most in the United States in 2009 was the 1994 Honda Accord. *** Thought for the Day: “Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty.” -Stephen King (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Week of October 25th, 2010
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Answers on pg. 16
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I N EXIT 25 T E R S T A T 4 E 3 Hiawatha 8 EXIT 24 B 0 Cedar Rapids
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these business locations offer gift certificates. Buy Local!
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A motorist, driving by a Texas ranch, hit and killed a calf that was crossing the road. The driver went to the owner of the calf and explained what had happened. He then asked what the animal was worth. "Oh, about $200 today," said the rancher. "But in six years it would have been worth $900. So $900 is what I'm out." The motorist sat down and wrote out a check and handed it to the farmer.
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Most brands including Kenmore twins’ big screen debut, New York Minute? Mention Refrigerator Water Filters in Stock for Most Brands. this ad and 2. Which member of rock group KISS had areceive solo hit $5.00 off your next single called “New York Groove”? parts purchase 3. Who wrote Tom Jones’ hit single “What’s over New,$20.00. Hrs: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:30 ● Sat. 9-1 Pussycat”? 620 Center Point Rd. NE ● 366-7281 or (800) 296-7281 4. Before they changed their name to New Kids on
Witches & Vampires TRIVIA
Witches in the Senate, more scary than Halloween Zombies running wild in the street caught in between Vampires in Arizona, real, bars won’t stop an escape Measuring weirdness, once hidden behind the drape Costumes all a gaa gaa, our entertainment is also lost Make believe is now year round, at what social cost Trick or treat with its fantasies, lived but once a year The fringe goes mainstream their delusions now clear
NEWSFRONT ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Eugene Levy Ace Frehley Burt Bacharach Nynuk Hans Christian Anderson
Copyright ® 2009 Robert A. Swart
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Week of October 25th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
HOME HEALTHCARE Equipment & Supplies
FALL BRA SALE 15% off mastectomy bras October 1st - 31st We will accept Medicare, Medicaid and insurance Contact assignment on most products. We file the claims for you. Sherry
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Where do you take a ghost who's backed into a lawn mower? To a liquor store. That's where they retail spirits.
GOT MEDICARE? You May Qualify For A
Power Chair!
by Matilda Charles
Should You Consult a Nutritionist? Have you ever consulted a nutritionist about your diet? It might not be a bad idea. I recently had an appointment with a nutritionist, and boy, did I learn a lot. As we age, many of us experience changes in smell and taste, tend to eat to kill hunger rather than for health and lose interest in food in general. Many of us don’t get enough protein because we’re stuck with the belief that it requires a big portion of meat. Not so. One of the most potent protein sources is a combination of beans and rice. And then there’s the matter of food density. As we age, our appetites and capacity aren’t what they used to be. If we fill up on food that has less nutritional value, we’re robbing our bodies of what we need for health. Portion sizes can be confusing. They’re smaller than you’d think. In many cases, a half-cup constitutes a portion. If weight control is a problem, overestimating the size of a portion can add to the difficulty of controlling those pounds. Fruit is our friend, although many of us get away from it as we age. And it apparently doesn’t matter how we get the fruit -- fresh, frozen, dried, canned or pureed like applesauce -- because the nutrients are still present. Variety in foods, said the nutritionist, is one of the best ways of staying healthy. A consultation with a nutritionist might be ones of the best things you can do for your health. He or she will be able to assess your age, activity level, diet limitations and weight and come up with a food plan to keep you in top shape. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
The Tidbit paper is always dated the week of a Monday. However the distribution begins on Fridays and the KMRY question on Saturday night will be asked from a Tidbits which was just delivered the day before, on Friday.
Information in this issue of Tidbits could win you a prize on “Remember When” on KMRY 1450, Saturday night between 7pm & 10pm
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9/28/2010 10:41:02 PM
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46th Avenue
Fall Fibre and Clay Show at Amana Arts Guild Center in High Amana. Hours vary. Admission is free.
9 10
220th Trail
1 Old Creamery Theatre Company
IowaTheatre Theatre Artists Company Company Iowa 6
Amana Business Directory
9 Live Professional Theatre
220th Trail
H Street
3 4 5
220th Trail
45th Avenue
44th Avenue
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/ 42nd Av
← to Middle Amana
November 13th:
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38th Avenue
Amana Colonies
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48th Avenue
Week of October 25th, 2010
hA ven
39 38th Ave. 1-800-35-amana See page 12 The Ronneburg Restaurant See this page 4408 220th Trail 319-622-3641 11 THE Little Red Wagon See this page 4417 220th Trail 319-622-3822 Amana General Store See this page 4423 220th Trail 319-622-7650 Amana Coffee & Tea Co. See this page 4423 220th Trail 622-6598 Serving fine food family style Ox Yoke Inn 4420 220th Trail 622-3441 See this page for over 75 years! Lehm Books & Gifts See this page 319-622-6447 4536 220th Trail • 800-840-2387 Java Junction “Amana Colonies Original Kaffeehaus!” 319-622-4100 Open seven days a week, 619 46th Ave. Drinks, Sandwiches & Pastries Iowa Theatre Artists Company 7:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. See this page 4709 220th Trail 319-622-3222 Banquets • Meetings • Special Occasions 20 Minutes From Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Collectively Iowa 4709 220th Trail Lower Level 319-622-3698 Colony Inn Restaurant See this page Tidbits is available at all of these 741 47th Avenue 319-622-3030 fine Amana businesses. Custom Cutlery & Ironworks 822 48th Ave. (Behind the Amana Woolen Mill) 319-622-3482
747 47th Ave. Amana (319) 622-3030
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Week of October 25th, 2010 For Distribution E-mail: or Call (319) 360-3936
Cedar Rapids An Original Iowa Tradition Since 1927
11 AM - 2 AM EVERYDAY 1140 Blairs Ferry Road NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319-378-6447 HAWKEYE TERRITORY Enjoy all your Hawkeye sports here! ● Family Friendly Atmosphere ● 44 High Definition TVS ● NE Longest HAPPY HOUR 11am - 7 pm ● Sunday - Thursday, Kids eat free* * One kids meal per one adult meal Who was the most famous skeleton detective? Sherlock Bones.
Which building does Dracula visit in New York? The Vampire State Building.
Which songs does Dracula hate? "You Are My Sunshine" and "Sunshine on my Shoulders."
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Birthplace of Halloween • Most people are aware that Ireland is an island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Britain. But did you realize that this “emerald isle” is the home to two separate countries? The Republic of Ireland is an independent country made up of 26 counties and occupies most of the island of Ireland. Northern Ireland is a country comprised of six northern counties that remains part of the United Kingdom. The capital city of the Republic of Ireland is Dublin. Belfast is the capital of the northern region. The entire island is slightly larger than the state of West Virginia. Ireland is the third largest island in Europe and the 26th largest island in the world. • Ireland was home to the Celts several millennia ago and is the supposed birthplace of Halloween. St. Patrick spread Christianity to the island and, according to legend, beat the snakes into surrounding oceans. Today Ireland does not have snakes, but reliable sources say that it never was a home to this reptile. Leprechauns are said to inhabit the island, hiding pots of gold and playing tricks on unwary citizens. • Throughout the years, many people from Ireland have migrated to the United States. When the potato crops were decimated in the potato famine of the 1840s, More than 1.2 million Irish men, women and children left to seek their fortune in Britain or the USA. This pattern of migration continued up until the 1990s. In spite of a recent baby boom and the return of many emigrants, Ireland’s population is still not as large today as it was in 1841, at the beginning of the potato famine. • There are now more cell phones in Ireland than people. Ireland’s average of 102 phones for every 100 people is lower than the European Union average of 107 phones per 100 people. • Today over 40 million Americans claim Irish ancestry! St. Patrick’s Day is a prominent holiday in the United States, celebrated with numerous festivities, parades and merriment. Many famous poets and writers that we enjoy were Irish. William Butler Yeats, James Joyce and George Moore wrote about Irish life in works that gained international acclaim. Other distinguished Irish writers include Jonathan Swift, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett. • Ireland is currently the world’s largest exporter of software. That is largely because it’s the place where big American technology companies such as Microsoft and IBM send their software to be routed and exported to the rest of Europe and the Middle East. • One is able to learn a lot about the culture of a people by reading their literature. The following is a random collection of old Irish sayings and proverbs that give much insight into the humor, wisdom and heritage of the Irish men and women of today: There’s no fireside like your own fireside. Never bolt the door with a boiled carrot. Good luck beats early rising. Everyone praises his native land. A lie travels further than the truth. A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. A scholars ink lasts longer than a martyr’s blood. If you want an audience, start a fight. Don’t break your shin on a stool that is not in your way. If you dig a grave for others, you might fall into it yourself.
Downtown An Original Iowa Tradition Since 1927
11 AM - 2 AM Mon. - Sat. 411 1st Street SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319-362-0310 erly DC’s River Walk Pub & Eatery
Kids Eat Free Monday - Saturday One Kids free meal per adult meal. 21 Pitchers For $25.00, For Your Birthday. Any Day Of The Week During The Week Of Your Birthday. Limit 1 Special Per Birthday 2 For 1 Thursday - Saturday 10 pm - Close $6 Fish Bowl Thursday Nights!
Why don't witches like to ride their brooms when they're angry? They're afraid of flying off the handle!
La Donna Welcome’s you!
729 1st Ave. SW 319-261-0983 We Book Parties
Mike & Rob Show Friday Oct. 29th 8:00 - 11:00 Halloween! October 31st
Jake McVey 3-6 Mike Williams Show 8-11 Come in your best costume! Mrs Jones was proud of her pumpkin patch, so she was real disappointed when some of the the local kids were taking them to make Jack-o-Lanterns. One evening while Mrs Jones was soaking in the bath, the answer to the pumpkin thefts came to her. After supper she went out and put up a sign: 'Beware, one of these pumpkins is coated with a special colorless rat poison!' A day or two later when Mrs Jones checked out her pumpkin patch she was pleased to see that no more had been stolen. Then she saw a second sign next to hers which said: 'NOW THERE ARE TWO
SALES • SERVICE RENTALS • LEASE Meeting the Copying Needs of the Business Community Serving Iowa For Over 40 Years 3050 6th St. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 w w w. c rp c i n c. co m
Week of October 25th, 2010
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Wa n t t h i s p a p e r e v e r y w e e k ? C h e c k o n - l i n e f o r o t h e r g re a t d i s t r i b u t i o n l o c a t i o n s .
Pet’s Playhouse 151 Jacolyn Dr. NW Cedar Rapids 396-0635
There’s something fishy going on around here...
• Largest Selection of Fresh & Marine Fish Mt. Vernon Ace Hardware 222 1st. Ave. S. Mt. Vernon, IA Weekday 7:30-8:00 Sat. 7:30- 5:00 Sun. 10:00-5:00
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Skid Loaders ● excavators boom lifts ● scissor lifts forklifts ● air compressors trailers ● pumps ● saws generators ● hoses
Long and Short Term Rental MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
• On Oct. 25, 1861, the keel of the Union ironclad Monitor is laid at Greenpoint, N.Y. The ship had an unusually low profile, rising from the water only 18 inches, and had a draft of less than 11 feet so it could operate in the shallow harbors and rivers of the South. • On Oct. 27, 1904, the New York City subway opens. The line traveled 9.1 miles through 28 stations. The subway opened to the general public that evening, and more than 100,000 people paid a nickel each to take their first ride under Manhattan. • On Oct. 28, 1922, the first-ever cross-country broadcast of a college football game is heard. Telephone lines carried a play-by-play of the matchup -- the Chicago Maroons versus the Princeton Tigers -- from Chicago’s Stagg Field to radio receivers up and down the East Coast. • On Oct. 31, 1957, Toyota executives, hoping to saturate the American market, introduce their inexpensive Toyopet Crown sedans. The car was a flop. It could barely meet California’s standards for roadworthiness, guzzled extraordinary amounts of gas and oil, and tended to shake violently, overheat and stall with little warning. • On Oct. 29, 1971, guitarist Duane Allman, leader of the Allman Brothers Band, is killed when he loses control of his motorcycle and drives into the side of a flatbed truck in Macon, Ga. One year later, the band’s bassist died in a very similar accident just a few blocks away. • On Oct. 26, 1984, at Loma Linda University Medical Center in Loma Linda, Calif., Dr. Leonard L. Bailey performs the first baboon-tohuman heart transplant, replacing a 14-day-old infant girl’s defective heart with the healthy heart of a young baboon. The infant, “Baby Fae,” survived the operation, but died of heart failure after 20 days. • On Oct. 30, 1991, the so-called perfect storm hits the North Atlantic. The fishing boat Andrea Gail and its six-member crew were lost in the storm. The disaster spawned the best-selling book “The Perfect Storm” by Sebastian Junger and a blockbuster Hollywood movie of the same name. (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.
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THE FARMER’S FRIEND While driving on a country road, you may have noticed a funny looking object beside a backyard garden. You may have explained to any children riding with you that the strange figure with outstretched arms was a scarecrow. But did you know that scarecrows have been used by farmers for thousands of years? • Farmers have long dealt with birds invading their fields. Birds would often eat so much of their crops that the farmer’s family would not have enough food to see them through the winter. So, around 3,000 years ago, they came up with a method to solve this problem. They began to make scarecrows. • The River Nile is about 4,160 miles in length (longer than the continental USA is wide) and is the longest river in the world. Twenty-two percent of it runs through Egypt and creates a fertile green valley across this otherwise arid, (For 12 Months, Offer requires Agreement) desert region. The banks of the Nile were the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations in $500ÊBONUS! BONUS! the world, the Egyptians. • The Nile River valley was (and is) an important area for growing crops. The availability of water and rich soil along the Nile helped to produce lush crops of wheat. Wheat was a major source of food for the early Egyptians. Flocks of quail CALLÊNOW! would raid the crops of these ancient people, so CALLÊNOW!Ê$500ÊBONUS! CALLÊNOW!Ê$500ÊBONUS! clever farmers came up with a creative solution to 1-877-580-7941 the problem. They built wooden frames covered MB33.5 with netting and scattered them throughout the fields. Then farmers hid in the fields and scared the quail into the nets. The captured quail became a tasty meal for the farmers and their families. • In ancient Greece, farmers carved scarecrows out of wood. They made these scarecrows to What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? resemble Priapus, who according to Greek myth, A sand witch. was the son of their god Dionysus and his wife, Aphrodite. It was said that Priapus was very ugly. So ugly in fact, that when the boy played in the vineyards, the birds would flee, leaving the grapes on the vines and assuring a better harvest. The Greeks took it one step further and painted the statues of the unfortunate lad the color purple and carved a club in one of his hands to make him look more dangerous. They gave him a sickle in the other hand to represent the bountiful harvest that they hoped he would provide. • Around 2,500 years ago, the Japanese developed a different kind of scarecrow to protect their rice fields from avian invaders. They hung fish bones, old rags or meat on bamboo poles in the rice paddies and then set them ablaze. These burning scarecrows smelled so awful that the birds stayed away from the fields. “Kakashis,” which means “something that smells badly,” was the name they gave to them. • Nine-year-old boys were often used as live scarecrows in medieval Britain. These boys were called “bird shoo-ers” or “bird scarers” 1455 Mount Vernon Road SE and roamed the fields carrying bags of stones. Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Upon seeing flocks of crows or starlings, the young boys would wave their arms and throw the stones to scare off the birds. • After the Great Plague, which killed almost half of the PC Repair / Web Development / Logos people in Britain in 1348, Your Home & Small Business Solution there were not enough young boys left alive to do the job PC Repair ● Optimization ● Drivers of bird scaring. The farmers Virus, Spyware, Malware Removal began to make an early form Web Development ● Facebook API’s of our present day scarecrow. Graphic Design ● eCommerce ● Scripts They carved faces in turnips or gourds, or filled sacks with We Charge By The straw and arranged them on Job, Not The Hour! poles in their fields. 319-241-2911
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Week of October 25th, 2010
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How To Care For Natural Wood Floors By Doris A. Black
Totally refurbished home with covered patio. Ready to move in-to. $60,000 Pat 319-389-2235 Nice ranch with over 1700 finished Sq Ft. French doors lead from dining area to screened porch and good sized patio. Finished lower level adds tons of good living space plus bath. Updated kitchen and flooring throughout. Quick possession. $129,950
Kathy 560-4253
This beautiful home sits on 1.5 quiet wooded acres only 25 minutes from downtown CR, or Iowa City. Great room design with 4 Newer home with 3/4 BD and 3 BA. Cathebedrooms and 3 baths. Finished walkout dral ceilings, new carpet, honey oak kitchen. lower level with fireplace and bar. $277,500 Lower level family room with fireplace. $174,500 Jack 319-389-3827 Kathy 319-560-4253 Doug 319-329-4032
mp ce I
2900 Sq Feet of total living space. Charming 3 bedroom ranch with bright and 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, formal dining room, airy kitchen. Just your for the taking fireplace and much much more. $107,900 Jack 319-389-3827 $224,950 Bob 319-573-7489
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For Sale By Owner
618 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Contact Paul at 319-431-4387
Fabulous 1950's California style rambling ranch in one of Cedar Rapids' most desired neighborhoods. 2,250 sqft of bright, open spaces, with many updates and modern conveniences! Updated kitchen & bathrooms offer elegance while maintaining the charm of the 50's era! Fantastic yard with great entertaining areas and luscious gardens! Move in ready with motivated sellers! $229,500. First Ave. to Cottage Grove Ave. SE to private cul-de-sac between Country Club Pkwy & Lincolnshire.
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Week of October 25th, 2010
Hardwood floors exude warmth, beauty and a sense of richness if kept in good condition. With a little care, they can provide a lifetime of value to your home. Oak and maple are the most common hardwood floors often found in older homes, and as such, they may have taken quite a bit of abuse over the years. Whether you are purchasing a home with hardwood floors 365 Cambridge or currently have hardwood floors in your home, you should be aware that a little care goes a long way.
Golf course view, 3 bed, 2 bath, new roof, updated flooring, kitchen, baths, deck, fence. $149,900
Margie Jenkins
319-389-0723 mjenkins @
Gorgeous NE 2 sty, quality & luxury, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, granite, pillars, arches, jetted tub $279,990
Spectacular: 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 car, new carpet, hardwood, appliances, vaulted, gas fireplace, whirlpool, tile, central vac. $229,000
Bowman Woods, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, gas fireplace, screened porch, deck, fencing. $175,000 PRICE REDUCED
To prevent damage to the natural beauty of the hardwood planks, follow these guidelines from the experts.
Starter home or investor alert! $1,500 flooring allow., new siding, windows, kitchen, bath. $75,000
Huge new garage, $2K flooring allow., hardwd. floors, newer HVAC, 3 bed, 1.5 bath. $115,000 Pottery Barn Cute! 3 bed, pillars, new bamboo floor, ac, windows, paint, carpet, deck, more $103,900
● Miniscule particles of dirt-like sand and grit are a hardwood floor’s worst enemy. Like sandpaper, they can scratch and dull ENNIS the surface. Regular cleaning can prevent the dirt from getting ground into the wood. Area rugs, especially near doorways, will SUPERVISOR catch dirt and prevent it from being carried Paid for by Dennis Petersen for Supervisor Courtney St. John, Treasurer across the room. ● Water and other liquids can ruin the finish and damage the wood if left unattended. Clean up drips or spills immediately and Brod’s Firewood & Construction thoroughly. Tandem dump truck hauling ● Many people don’t realize that the sun’s Bobcat grading intense UV rays can discolor the natural Black dirt & Bulk Mulch patina of hardwood floors. Close blinds and Recycled asphalt curtains to help protect your floor or install SNOW REMOVAL sheer curtains that will allow light through without damaging the floor. ● When vacuuming, use only a model with soft brush attachments. The beater rollers can scratch and dent the floor. Better yet, use a straw broom and/or dust mop. Dust, vacuum or sweep frequently. ● When moving furniture, lift—don’t drag. You may not see scaring on the wood, but dragging furniture across a hardwood floor will damage the finish. Felt coasters under the feet of heavy pieces of furniture will allow them to glide across the floor.
Floors in need of further help to restore their beauty should be inspected first for loose nails or boards, warping and damage whether it be from termites or from abuse. To check the finish, experts recommend placing a tablespoon of water on the floor near the doorway. If the water beads up, your finish is intact, but if it soaks in immediately and leaves a dark spot, then the finish is gone and further water damage could occur. Anything in between means the finish is worn. How can you determine what kind of finish is on your floor? Most hardwood floors today have a polyurethane finish. Its high-gloss finish almost looks like a sheet of glass on top of the wood. Polyurethane provides a flat, protective coating for the wood, sealing all the cracks. In older homes where floors may not have ever been refinished, a penetrating seal of oils or waxes may have been used. To check, run your hand over the surface of the wood. If you can feel the edges of each board, a penetrating seal was used. These types of products soak into the wood and protect it from within. Experts differ when it comes to restoring a hardwood floor. If the finish is intact, it may only need a good cleaning with a wet mop. Don’t use any cleaning products with harsh chemicals though. A neutral pH wood cleaner and water is all you’ll need.
Uses Include: • • • •
Painting Changing Lights Interior Restoration Wall or Ceiling Repair
You don’t need to refinish an entire area if there is only a small area of the floor that appears worn, like the entryway. Use steel wool and sand paper to remove the finish along the entire length of the boards in the damaged area, remove dust and debris, and apply the same type of finish as in the rest of the room. If the entire room needs to be refinished, a professional can do it or you can do it yourself by renting a sander to remove the old finish and then applying several coats of the new finish. It is a labor-intensive, time-consuming process, but the rewards are worthwhile. With a minimum of care, a hardwood floor will last a lifetime and beyond.
Week of October 25th, 2010
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Read what others are saying about us at w w w. t i d b i t papers. c o m
Jaclyn Neyens
David Pitts Broker/Owner
319-981-DAVE (3283)
Beautiful Wood Floors/Hiawatha! 3BR, 2.5BA 2700sf, fencing, move-in ready $194,990
Week of October 18th, 2010
Unequalled Value / Quality! 3BR, 1 BA, 1152sf finished LL, updates. $79,990
GREAT VIEW OF LAKE MCBRIDE Split level home with 4 large bedrooms and 2 baths. Brand new roof. Double lot with many shade trees. Solon-$180,000
Awesome Updates Throughout! BR and Bath Every Floor! 4BR, 2 BA, 4 BR, 3BA, huge deck, 3 Seasons privacy f/p, deck, fence, pool fencing $129,900 $156,950. Rare 1.83 In Town Acreage! 4 BR, 2BA, 4.5 stall garage, w/o LL, w/wet bar, deck, $144,990.
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December 22– January 19 You receive the fright of your life when a long-lost friend drops by for a visit. Be wary of a tantalizing offer, Capricorn. All is not as it seems.
Small Town You Can Steal It! 4BR, 2 BA, 1956 sf, 4 Acre, huge deck, w/o LL, $89,990
June 22– July 22 Stop making changes, Cancer. Enough is enough. Stick to your original plans, or you’ll never finish. Matters of the heart require your attention now.
GREAT HOME/POPULAR AREA 1 ½ Story home with 3BR/ 2.5 BA. Built in fireplace/great room. Eat-kitchen/breakfast bar. Main floor laundry. Marion-$166,000
CHARMING HOME GREAT CONDO Brand new kitchen with new cabinets, Ranch style condo with 2BR/2BA. Eat in countertops and flooring. 3BR/1BA. Plus kitchen, all appliances stay. Patio. Close to new flooring in living room. Screened porch schools and shopping. Marion - $79,900 and fenced back-yard. CR-NW—$117,000
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Week of October 25th, 2010
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OCTOBER IS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Please stop in at these fine businesses as they are participating in raising funds through customer purchases at their location during the month of October. Each location listed here is offering to donate a set amount from certain purchased items. They will list at their location what they will donate based on what purchase(s) are made. 100% of the amount collected at each location will be donated to: Mercy Foundation “NATIONALâ€? WORDS (continued): for the new Destination Cancer Center. This is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. • French: Chefs know what it means to
This ad and promotion expense is“french� donated abyfood Hawkeye Publishing Publisher of Tidbits of Linn County item. It’s a verb LLC, that means to cut into thin strips, like, well, french fries.
that’s howinthe finger-friendly If your would(And like yes, to participate this fund-raising poevent with your tato dish took its name.) Green are business for next year, please contact Russ at beans 319-360-3936. another item commonly prepared in this You do not need to run a paid ad in this paper to participate. manner.
nd of a girl does a mummy take on a date? old girl he can dig up.
• Maltese: These tiny spaniels are easy to 1. What Halloween color has no rhyming words in A man goes into a restaurant for a special breakfast identify thanks to their long, silky coats. The the dictionary? while American in his hometown for Halloween weekend. After Kennel Club groups Austin Blues BBQ Cranky Hanks Pizza Junge Center Point 2. What holiday does Mexico observe in place of them with other “Toy looking over the menu he orders Eggs Benedict. His Service Department 4444 1st Ave. NE El Centro Burito Dogsâ€? like Pugs and Halloween? comeslower a while later and it’s served on a huge, Lindale order Mall level 1001 Ford Lane, Cancer Survivor, Yorkshire Terriers. 3. What is said to be the favorite candy treat for Cedar Rapids, Center Point, IA 52213 Owned and operated fancyFeline chromeIA plate.52402 He asks the waiter,‘What’s with aficionados 319-365-4265 (319) 849-2022 210 3rd Ave.Halloween? SE also use term the fancy plate?’the The waiter replies, What is the term for a fear of Halloween? Armstrong4.Food Gallery Maltese to describe Curves“There’s no plate like chrome for the hollandaise.â€? Pita’z Downtown 5. WhatIA nationality consumes the most candy cats that have a siCedar Rapids, 52401 1727 Boyson Road 210 3rd Ave. SE milarly silky, grayeach year? 319-378-4777 Hiawatha, IA 52233 Armstrong Food Gallery blue coat.
mpkin capital of the world? Cassill Motors Dept. the largest pumpkin onService record 5415 16th Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319-396-2698
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
• Colombian: This term means different things Curves to different people, depending319-366-7482 on how you 3720 Queen SW Pita’z getCourt your “jones.â€? Narcotics dealers mayHiawatha refer their products although the Pt. Rd Hwy 30 &toEdgewood Rd. as Colombian, 1057 N. Center actual Luckily, IA the52223 Cedar Rapids, IAsource 52404is often unknown. Hiawatha, majority of us prefer a bit of legal Colom319-363-4100 319-366-7482 bian, as in the coffee grown in the South American nation. The prevalence of coffee shops throughout America is proof enough 11 Ă’On Halloween, the parents sent their kids Distribution goesget to more that many of of this us paper just can’t alongthan in 500 the out looking like me.Ă“ businesses. Go online to find location nearest you. morning without a hot cupaof Colombian.
certainly sure to show up in bags at Halloween? Candy e! These tasty little orange and tions make you think of this iday. Candy Corn first appeared The corn-like shape was a big rming population of the early candy companies tried to compete with various e shapes including ape of a turnip!
up a fear copy ThisYou wordcan means:pick An irrational of at any of our advertisers. • Chinese: The generic term “chineseâ€? now spiders. represents types of food that are very differ-
ent from the meals that are (or ever were) served in paper China. That said, with the same arguTake this home you and ment could be made about what we consider share with your friends, family and “American� food. Hamburgers? Ice cream? Hot dogs? Pizza? Our national favorites seem to have neighbors! originated everywhere except in the United States!
Kevin Kline...10/24/1947 Pablo Picasso...10/25/1881 Hillary Clinton...10/26/1947 John Cleese...10/27/1939 Bill Gates...10/28/1955 Winona Ryder...10/29/1971 Henry Winkler...10/30/1945
Information in the TidbitsÂŽ Paper is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
Can’t Get Enough
Going green? Kids can help! There are Send $24.95 (plus $5 S&H) Money Order to: many ways that your children can help protect by Check orTidbits Media, Inc. 1430 I-85 Parkway, Suite 301 the environment. Increasing awareness and Montgomery AL 36106 LIMITED EDITION BOOK encouraging responsible practices in ourSET kids Reprints of Books I, II & III WHILE THEY LAST! can develop habits that they will carry into The TidbitsŽ Paper is a division of Tidbits Media, Inc. ¡ Montgomery, AL 36106 adulthood, and it can be fun! 03 :: Jan 11 - Jan 17 :: Pg. 8 1Q2009 :: Wk All Rights Reserved ¡ Copyright Š 2009 Tidbits Media, Inc. Make a sorting game out of recycling 9 Hansen Hearing Center junk mail, old magazines and newspapers. Encourage them to be creative! Provide scissors and glue, perhaps scraps of cloth, and use some of the sorted materials in THE WATERING HOLE art projects. Their imagination Formerly of St. Luke’s Audiologycan Department turn trash into treasure! Be • Hearing Evaluations sure to display someKoester, of their MS/CCC-A Daniel Hansen, Au.D. Cheryl ations Day • Hearing Aid Sales & Service Q: What kind of a girl does a mummy creations and praise themAudiologist for Licensed Doctor of Audiology takehas on aa •date? ta Day Everyone professional they needDiagnostic to meet. Some Testing Audiological • Quality • Integrity • Affordability their inventiveness. executives return calls. Everyone you ving Day in the Virgin Islands A: Any 3525 oldwill girl not he can dig your up. phonePoint Center Road NE,color Cedar Rapids (319) 1. What Halloween has no rhyming words in A man393-5646 goes into a restaurant for a special breakfast need to meet has a favorite watering hole. Search forthe thedictionary? 2. What holiday does Mexico observe in place of events they frequent I have four suggestions: Halloween?
mal Lover’s Day ay Night
1) Charities they patronize 2) Associations where they are members
1. What is the pumpkin capital of the world?
3. What is said to be the favorite candy treat for Halloween? 4. What is the term for a fear of Halloween? 5. What nationality consumes the most candy each year?
2. How much did the largest pumpkin on record weigh?
3) After-hours social affairs
4) Their favorite attitude adjustment pub
HOCUS-FOCUS This collapses time between the Search and the Sale.
1. orange 2. Dia de los Muertos 3. Snickers Ă’On Halloween, the parents sent their kids 4. Samhainophobia out looking like me.Ă“ 5. Dutch
What candy is certainly sure to show up in Trick or Treat bags at Halloween? Candy Corn, of course! These tasty little orange and yellow confections make you think of this
Kevin Kline...10/24/1947 Pablo Picasso...10/25/1881 Hillary Clinton...10/26/1947
(Alabama residents please add $1 sales tax.)
while in his hometown for Halloween weekend. After looking over the menu he orders Eggs Benedict. His order comes a while laterMAGIC and it’s servedMAZE on a huge, fancy chrome plate. He asks the waiter,‘What’s with the fancy plate?’ The waiter replies, “There’s no plate like chrome for the hollandaise.�
HPIOHRAOBANCA This word means: An irrational fear of spiders.
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What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray.