Tidbits of Linn County IA

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Vol. 6 Issue #44

Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitpapers.com For Advertising Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or janfrapp@msn.com Call (319) 360-3936 Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C. www.tidbitsof linncounty.com For email: tidbitsof linncounty@mchsi.com or Call (319) 360-3936 Distributed by Rapp Publishing For Advertising Call (303) 916-6162

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® TIDBITS LOOKS AT THE CALENDAR’S weekly-throughout the county-

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HURRY IN for a Halloween Treat! Dairy Queen wants your children to have a safe and Happy Halloween!

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page 4-Section D. It is right • Dictionary Day is the October 16, the birthday of alongside trivia, making 6 months 0 interest w/min. monthly payments Noah Webster. Webster, a 1778 graduate of it impossible to miss YOUR Yale, began writing America’s first dictionary at Tidbitsupistheajob break from theat age ad. 43, wrapping of 70,000 entries age news 70. He was responsible for media. changing some of the regular of the old English spellings, such as “colour” to Noand bad news,to just fun facts. FOLD “color” “musick” “music.” readers take the paper • TheOur National Mole Day Foundation urges you to celebrate Mole Day family on October 23. 303 8th Ave S.E. Cedar Rapids home National to share with and Does that mean it’s time to be kind to those 319-363-5010 friends. The price is right to furry little fellows that wreak havoc on your www.billsbros.com getNotyour front the right lawn? at all!ad It’sin a day to getof excited about the people-OFTEN! mole, a basic measuring unit in chemistry, K ELLE Y itu

Put a smile on your ghosts and goblins for Halloween!

by Kathy Wolfe October is the time to celebrate Auto Battery +points ofMonth, distribution Safety150 Month, Cookbook Nationallocally Dental Hygiene Month and National Liver Awareness Month. Let’s see what else is on the calendar for YOUR this time of year. AD wonʼt get lost on




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Halloween costumes should allow full movement for your kids. Costumes that drag, constrict or drape pose a dangerous hazard, especially at night. Check to ensure that costumes don’t restrict your children’s vision, and instruct them to watch out for tripping hazards, such as cords.

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