Tidbits of Linn County, IA

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The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read


Hawkeye Publishing, L.L.C.


Are you paying too much for auto insurance?

Vol. 7 Issue #23

For Distribution E-mail: russ@tidbitpapers.com or Call (319) 360-3936

What is the longest word in the English language? SMILES: There is a mile between the first & last letters!

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UNUSUAL WORDS, Part 1 by Kathy Wolfe

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This week’s Tidbits is for all the logomaniacs out there — all those people obsessed with fancy words! • There are fancy names for things we see every day; for example, that little metal band that encircles your pencil eraser is known as a ferrule. A harp is not only a musical instrument, but also the hoop on a lamp that holds the lampshade in place. • If your boss offers encomiums about you, consider yourself honored. Expressions of high praise have been sent your way! You certainly don’t want to hear that the boss is going to obviate your position — That means it’s going to be done away with. • Do you have something interesting that you collect? Phillumenists collect matchbook covers, while labeorphilists accumulate beer bottle labels. An entredentolignumologist’s hobby is collecting unique toothpick boxes. Are you a timbromaniac? That’s just a fancy name for an enthusiastic stamp collector. • If you’re feeling stressed, lalochezia is not the answer. That’s when you use profane or abusive language to alleviate your tension. Turn the page for more! WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS?

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